Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corresponding Authors:- K. Lakshmi Narayana2*; M. Sasi Kiran3*; D. Lavanya4*; A. Likitha5*; J. Narasimha Gowud VNL6*
III. METHODOLOGY The three main parts of it are the Model, View, and
Template. The Model facilitates database management. The
The project contains 3 modules-Admin, doctor and entire User Interface portion is handled by the Template, a
patient. Initially, the modules are developed individually presentation layer.
and then integrated into one system. The system was
implemented using python's Django framework and to The View interacts with a model to transfer data,
design a user-friendly interface, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap renders a template, and carries out business logic. We use
are used. Visual Studio Code as a source code editor for this HMS.
Django framework helps to develop the projects in an
easier and efficient way with high level abstractions as it In Order to Set up the Development Environment for the
follows ORM (Object Relational Mapping). The Django, Framework we Require the Following Steps:
database used is SQLite which is Django’s default
database with the Django’s development server. The Python Installation:
primary operations included are management of Django is a Python web framework, so the first step is
appointments, reports, doctors, patients, feedbacks. to ensure you have Python installed on your system. If not
Moreover, the Admin module has been given the install it from python's official website.
complete control over the system through which he can
be able to do many of the primary operations such as Virtual Environment (Optional):
booking appointments, managing patients, managing It's good practice to create a virtual environment for
doctors along with their respective feedbacks. your Django project. Run this command to create a new
On the other hand, the doctor can manage the virtual Environment : python -m veny myenv.
appointments of their respective patients and their
reports. Django Installation:
Finally, the patient simply registers and uses the system Once Django is installed, use the following command
as per their need. to start a new Django project: pip install Django.
User Management
Introduction of HMS in order to overcome some of the
challenges that are being faced by the many of the hospitals
like lots of paper work, consumption of time and efforts.
Using HMS, patients will be able to book their appointments
easily without a lot of waiting times. It also reduces the
burden of patients about carrying the past reports.
Admin Module
Fig 2 Patient Login Page Usually, an admin can do many of the operations that
are done by both patients and doctors. The operations are
managing appointments, managing doctors along with the
approvals, managing patients, generating invoice for the
discharged patients, managing feedbacks sent by doctors
and patients. A basic search operation to fetch the specific
doctor record is also available. The management of all the
above operations includes add, delete and update. Finally,
the admin need not register in the HMS as his credentials are
fixed unlike doctor and patient. And admin also manages
billing like printing the bill for discharged patients.
Patient Module
A patient is free to register in this HMS, after the
registration, he can login into Hospital Management System.
In his portal, he can book appointment, view his reports. The
additional feature in booking appointment is that he can
choose his own doctor based on the disease’s department he
got caused. Furthermore, the patients can view all the
doctors working in HMS through their portal according to
their departments. Finally, a feedback form will be available
for the patients as same as doctors through which the
feedbacks can be sent to the admin.
Fig 18 Patients Previous Reports [1]. Rohit Gopal Misal, Mujahid Ramzan Sanaafrin,
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Fig 19 Patients Feedback Form Services Management in Hospital”, 2005
Proceedings of ICSSSM ’05 International
VI. CONCLUSION Conference ISBN:0-7803-8971-9.
[5]. Adebisi O.A, Oladosu D.A, Busari O.A, Oyewola:
In the end, we created a system that would improve “Design and Implementation of Hospital
patient care while lowering hospital running expenses and Management System”, 2015 International Journal of
administrative work. The goal of the web application is to Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
offer a more streamlined and dependable hospital ISSN: 2277-3754.
management system. People would benefit from the project
we developed since it would lessen the time they had to wait
for appointments and complete all of their prior reports. A
user-friendly system has been built to maintain patient and
physician records. It includes every essential everyday task
carried out in a hospital. Our hospital management system,
which was created with the Django framework, makes it
easier for staff, physicians, and patients to handle their tasks
effectively. Information can be sorted more easily with this
approach by using the search function in the reports. The
system provides solutions for a few basic hospital duties.