MQC Practice Exam
MQC Practice Exam
MQC Practice Exam
1. What is the dividing line between coarse 9. The practice of artificially densifying and
aggregate and fine aggregate incorporating definite density into the soil mass
a. 4.74 mm sieve rolling, tampering or other means?
b. 2.00 mm sieve a. Consolidation
c. 9.50 mm sieve b. Settlement
d. 1.18 mm sieve c. Scarifying
2. The depth of the weakened plain joint at all d. Compaction
lanes not less than? 10. The unit pressure greater than w/c progressive
a. 45 mm settlement will occur leading to failure?
b. 50 mm a. Bearing capacity
c. 55 mm b. Bearing value
d. 60 mm c. Bearing formula
3. Serves as load transfer devised and its held in d. Bearing pressure
position parallel to the surface and center line 11. Specified or selected materials of design
of the slab by a metal device? thickness placed as foundation for pavement?
a. Tie bar a. Embankment
b. Reinforcing bar b. Sub base
c. Longitudinal bar c. Base
d. Dowel d. Sub grade
4. The depth of corrugation in the surface 12. The materials in excavation (cuts) embankment
pavement after brooming? (fills) and embankment foundation immediate
a. 2.0 mm below the layer of the sub base, base or
b. 1.60 mm pavement and to such depth as many affect the
c. 1.65 mm structural design?
d. 1.5 mm a. Embankment foundation
5. The width of the weakened joint should not be b. Subgrade materials
more than? c. Filling materials
a. 6 mm d. Sub base materials
b. 15 mm 13. Specified or selected materials of design
c. 14 mm thickness placed as foundation for base
d. 17 mm a. Base
6. The flexural strength of the concrete beam b. Sub base
sample at 14 days when tested at third point c. Sub grade
method? d. Embankment
a. 4.5 mpa 14. A widely used as control test in embankment
b. 3.80 mpa construction to ensure adequate compaction?
c. 5.5 mpa a. Field density test
d. 4.8 mpa b. Laboratory compaction
7. What is the weight of class “A” riprap? c. Liquid and plastic limit
a. 20 kgs to the maximum of 30 kgs with at d. CBR
least 50% weighting 30 kgs 15. A sand use to measure the volume of test hole
b. 15kgs to the maximum of 25kgs with at in field density test?
least 50% weighting 20 kgs a. Coarse sand
c. 15 kgs to the maximum of 30 kgs with at b. Fine sand
least 50% weighting 25 kgs c. Mix sand
d. 20 kgs to the maximum of 25kgs with at d. Calibrated sand ( Ottawa sand)
least 50% weighting 30 kgs 16. What item number is Portland cement
8. The proportion mix of mortar for grouted riprap concrete pavement?
shall be? a. Item no. 403
a. 1 part of cement to 2 parts of sand b. Item no. 404
b. 1 part of cement to 2.5 parts of sand c. Item no. 405
c. 1 part of cement to 3 parts of sand d. Item no. 311
d. 1 part of cement to 3.5 parts of sand
17. What is the essential laboratory test for soil b. Transverse crack
classification? c. Temperature cracks
a. Liquid and plastic limit test d. Alligator crack
b. Grading test 26. A layer of an asphalt aggregate mixture of
c. Laboratory compaction variable thickness used to eliminate
d. A and B irregularities in the content of an existing
18. Provided along the slopes of high embankment surface prior to placement of an overlay.
as erosion control measure and to improve a. Asphalt cement
stability of the side slopes? b. Asphalt levelling course
a. Free board c. Asphalt surface treatment
b. Berm d. Asphalt filler
c. Revetment 27. An application of low viscosity cutback to an
d. Slopes stakes absorbent surface, or a mixed-in application of
19. What is the oven drying temperature for emulsified asphalt it is used only on untreated
moisture content determination? base prior to placement of an asphalt
a. 160︒c +5 pavement.
b. 110 ︒c +5 a. Seal coat
c. 100 ︒c +5 b. Tack coat
d. 120 ︒c +5 c. Prime coat
20. What is the air drying temperature? d. Asphalt filler
a. Not to exceed 110 ︒c 28. A thin asphalt surface treatment used to water
b. Not to exceed 60 ︒c proof and improve the texture of an asphalt
c. Not to exceed 120 ︒c pavement.
d. Not to exceed 120 ︒c a. Tack coat
21. The primary control mechanism for the b. Seal coat
production of asphalt plant? c. Prime coat
a. Asphalt cement d. Asphalt surface treatment
b. Job-mix formula 29. The upward movement of asphalt in an asphalt
c. Asphalt content pavement resulting in the formation of a film of
d. Temperature asphalt on the surface.
22. The most commonly used method in the design a. Bleeding or flushing asphalt
and evaluation of the bituminous concrete b. Blow up
mixes. c. Asphalt seal coat
a. Marshall stability method d. Asphalt tack coat
b. Plant mix method 30. An application of asphalt materials to any type
c. Volumetric method of road or pavement surface with or without a
d. None cover mineral aggregate that produce an
23. The most common method in det. the increase in thickness of less than 25mm or 1
consistency of concrete mix. inch.
a. Sampling method a. Asphalt overlay
b. Visual method b. DBST
c. Slump test c. Macadam asphalt
d. Vibration method d. Asphalt surface treatment
24. A dept memo circular, revised method for Field 31. The localized buckling or shattering of a rigid
Density Test pavement occurring usually at transverse crack.
a. DM 48 a. Longitudinal crack
b. DM 40 b. Blow up
c. DM 39 c. Alligator crack
d. DM 42 d. Hairline crack
25. Interconnected cracks forming a series of small 32. A very application of asphalt applied to an
blocks resembling an alligator shape or chicken existing asphalt or Portland cement surface
wire is called used to ensure a bond between the surface of
a. Hairlines crack being paved and the overlaying course.
a. Tack coat
49. The max size of Coarse agg required for item 56. A no. of measure for asphalt core specimen?
311 PCCP a. 2
a. 75 mm (3”) b. 4
b. 63 mm (2 ½”) c. 6
c. 50 mm (2”) d. 8
d. 37.5 mm (1 ½”) 57. A test cover the quantitative determination
50. A program of quality control works to be bitumen in mixed paving mixtures and
complied by the contractor is prepared by the pavement sample for specification acceptance,
DPWH. service evaluation, control and research?
a. Max testing reqt. a. Extraction test
b. Quality control program b. Spot test
c. Log book c. Hot mixed temperature test
d. Status of test d. None of the above
51. Prescribed in each proj based on estimated 58. The permitted variances in design requirements
quantities. The reqt specify the kind and of aggregate base materials for thickness of
number of test for each item of work. layer?
a. Materials log book a. +/- 10 mm
b. Status of test b. +/- 5 mm
c. Monthly materials report c. +/- 20 mm
d. Min testing reqt. d. +/- 15 mm
52. Memorandum circular number hereby directed 59. The permitted variances in design requirements
that all materials in charge in a said project of aggregate sub base materials on surface
keep a log book on materials quality control. irregularity measure by 3 meter straight edge?
a. MC 55 a. 15 mm
b. MC 79 b. 25 mm
c. MC 80 c. 10 mm
d. MC 88 d. 20 mm
53. A Dept. order, hereby directed that only test 60. The permitted variances in design requirements
reports is issued by the regional/district of aggregate base materials on crossfall or
laboratories of the department and other camber?
testing laboratories accredited by DPWH shall a. 0.3 %
be allowed to be used in the acceptance or b. -0.2%
rejection of construction materials?
c. 0.4%
a. DO No. 50
b. DO No. 135 d. 0.25%
c. DO No. 155 61. If the requirements thickness for sub base or
d. DO No. 119
base is 150 mm this may be spread or
54. A dept. order hereby directed, no acceptance
and final payment shall be made on completed compacted in
concrete and asphalt payments unless core test a. Equal layer
for thickness determination is conducted?
b. One layer
a. DO No 119
b. DO No. 55 c. None of the two
c. DO No. 100 d. A and B
d. DO No. 50 62. The in-placed density tested by AASTHO – 99,
55. A no. of measure for concrete core specimen?
a. 3 M-D of each layer should consistently
b. 4 a. At least 95 % of MDD
c. 8 b. At least 98 % of MDD
d. 9
c. At least 100 % of MDD
d. None of the above
63. The maximum sieve opening ore grading 69. How many core samples or core drilled samples
requirements of aggregate base coarse (item be taken for each day’s full operation?
201 ) a. Atleast 1 but not more than 3
a. 65 mm b. Atleast 1 but not more than 6
b. 50 mm c. Atleast 2 but not more than 3
c. 75 mm d. Atleast 2 but not more than 6
d. 37.5 mm 70. Unsuitable materials are soil with a LL
64. The bituminous prime coat materials should be a. 35
applied by the pressure distributor at specified b. 55
temp. and at an application ranging from? c. 80
a. 1 to 2 liters / m2 d. 100
b. 1 to 21.2 liters / m2 71. Unsuitable matls are soil with natural water
c. 1 to 2.5 liters / m2 content exceeding
d. 1 to 3 liters / m2 a. 55
65. The rate of application for bituminous tack coat b. 80
materials (item 302) ranging from? c. 100
a. 0.2 to 0.7 liters /m2 d. 50
b. 0.2 to 0.9 liters / m2 72. Materials containing detrimental quantities of
c. 0.1 to 0.7 liters / m2 organic materials such as grass roots and
d. 0.1 to 0.9 liters / m2 sewage, highly organic soil such as peat & muck
66. The plasticity index for mineral filler used in Bit. a. Suitable materials
Conc. Surface course hot laid b. Unsuitable materials
a. Not greater than 5 c. Embankment
b. Not greater than 6 d. None
c. Not greater than 9 73. For fraction passing #40 sieve(0.425mm) for
d. Not greater than 4 item 200 – ASC shall have a Liquid Limit
67. The gradation reqt used for hot plant mix a. Not greater than 25
pavement b. Not greater than 35
a. Grading A c. Not greater than 30
b. Grading B d. Not greater than 40
c. Grading C 74. For fraction passing #40 sieve(0.425mm) for
d. Grading D item 104 Embankment shall have a Liquid Limit
68. The placing temperature for Bit. Mixture a. Not greater than 25
measured in the truck prior to dumping b. Not greater than 10
a. Not less than 107︒C c. Not greater than 35
b. Not less than 100 ︒C d. Not greater than 30
c. Not less than 105 ︒C
d. Not less than 110 ︒C
88. Coarse aggregate is the material _____ on the 94. How many layers are concrete to be placed in
2.00 mm (#10) sieve. making Beam Sample and how many blows?
a. Retained a. 3 layers @ 1 blow/ 2
b. Passing b. 3 layers @ 1 blow/ 3
c. All c. 3 layers @ 1 blow/ 1
d. None d. 2 layers @ 1 blow/ 2
89. Fine aggregate is the material ____ on the 95. How many days minimum for curing concrete?
2.00mm (#10) sieve. a. 3 days
a. Retained b. 7 days
b. Passing c. 14 days
c. All d. 28 days
d. None 96. What test to perform to det. the consistency of
90. At least three (3) weeks prior to production, the concrete?
contractor shall submit in writing __ for each a. Workability
mixture supported by laboratory test data. b. Slump Test
a. Job-Mix Formula c. Consistency Test
b. Design of Concrete Mix 97. Forms remain in place __ after concreting.
c. Both a. Not less than 48 hrs
d. None b. Not less than 12 hrs
91. What samples are to be taken from concrete c. Not less than 96 hrs
pavement and how many? d. Not less than 24 hrs
a. Beam sample, 1 set – 3 pcs 98. To facilitate the acceptance of cement, the
b. Cylinder sample, 1 set – 3 pcs Comp. Strength of mortar sample at 3 days and
c. Core sample, 1 set – 3 pcs 7 days Can be considered provided the strength
d. A & B of the sample at 7 days is not less than what %
92. What samples are to be taken from asphalt of the Comp. Strength at 28 days.
pavement and how many? a. 75%
a. Core sample, 1 set – 3 pcs b. 80%
b. Beam sample, 1 set – 3 pcs c. 85%
c. Cylinder sample, 1 set – 3 pcs d. 90%
d. A & B 99. During curing , the exposed surface of normal
93. In making cylinder sample, how many layer a cement should be kept moist at least
concrete to be placed, and how many blows per a. 14 days c. 3 days
layer b. 28 days d. 7 days
a. 3 layers @ 25 blows / layer 100. In concrete production, aggregates
b. 3 layers @ 15 blows/layer represent about __ of the total volume of
c. 3 layers @ 50 blows/layer concrete mix.
d. 2 layers @ 20 blows/layer a. 30% c. 20 %
b. 50% d. 70%
1. B 51. D
2. B 52. C
3. D 53. B
4. D 54. A
5. A 55. D
6. B 56. B
7. B 57. A
8. C 58. A
9. D 59. D
10. A 60. B
11. C 61. B
12. B 62. B
13. B 63. B
14. A 64. A
15. D 65. A
16. D 66. D
17. D 67. D
18. B 68. A
19. B 69. A
20. B 70. C
21. B 71. C
22. A 72. B
23. C 73. B
24. A 74. D
25. D 75. A
26. B 76. A
27. C 77. A
28. B 78. B
29. A 79. B
30. D 80. C
31. B 81. C
32. A 82. A
33. B 83. B
34. D 84. D
35. A 85. D
36. A 86. A
37. B 87. B
38. B 88. A
39. D 89. B
40. A 90. A
41. C 91. A
42. A 92. A
43. B 93. A
44. A 94. D
45. B 95. B
46. C 96. B
47. C 97. D
48. B 98. C
49. A 99. C
50. B 100.D