2024-02-15 Calvert County Times
2024-02-15 Calvert County Times
2024-02-15 Calvert County Times
County Times
Thursday, February 15, 2024 Calvert County Times 2
- LaShawn
CalvertHealthMedicine.org Prince Frederick
3 Calvert County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
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5 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
lifestyle can make life brighter for you and your family, too.
410.956.7310 443.494.6901
Here for
positively affected annually by this interna- Solomons Club president Milcarzyk.
tional effort. They have become the largest For the Solomons Optimist of the Year,
worldwide volunteer non-profit organization members were given an opportunity to
that recognizes the values of all children. select their choice and provide their reasons
They hope to develop them to their full for their selection during the days leading up
potential with the goal to make the world a to the evening celebration. Milcarzyk was
better place “one child at a time.” announced as the recipient to great applause
The celebration dinner was enjoyed by from those in attendance. A few of the rea-
100 attendees from throughout Southern sons provided by the voters included, “She
Maryland. Among the many guests were works the hardest to ensure the work gets
several Optimist International officers done. She works the hardest to bring in the
including District Governor Colleen Combs most new members and get the club back on
accompanied by member Dale Hoffert and track in accordance with the club’s by-laws.
Calvert Club President Krista Brezina. In She also volunteers in the community on
attendance were three original club char- the Solomons Volunteer Fire Department
ter members, Arnold Humphreys, Ron and Rescue Squad. She is the club’s big-
Humphreys, and Pete Siegert. Additionally,
Dee Hoofnagle, the widow of the club’s very
gest cheerleader.” This past November,
Milcarzyk was featured in a special story This is the place
first President Kenny Hoofnagle, graced the
evening with her presence.
in the Calvert County Times about veterans
who still continue to serve their community.
to create, relate
Current President Candace Milcarzyk Milcarzyk retired from the Navy following and express
Visit your
public library
to reconnect.
Thu, Feb 15 or on a guided walk with museum educa- Mon, Feb 19 Fairview Book Discussion
tors. For adults and children in third grade
Local Black History: Family Highlights or older who are interested in assisting with Universal Coprolite Day Calvert Library (Zoom)
from the Parkers Creek Heritage Project research. Children must be accompanied by 2-3:30 p.m.
an adult. Included with museum admission. Calvert Marine Museum
Calvert Library Prince Frederick 10 a.m-3 p.m Join us for a lively discussion about Crossing
850 Costley Way Valentine ‘Show Some Love’ Unguided the Line by Kareem Rosser! Register
6-7:30 p.m. Hikes Join us for the third annual celebration of in advance to receive the Zoom link via
fossilized poop, otherwise known as cop- email.. For accessibility accommodations,
A sneak peak of ACLT’s Parkers Creek American Chestnut Land Trust rolites. Stations featuring fossilized feces please contact us at least two weeks before
Heritage Trail Project, this talk will feature 8 a.m. and the stories they tell will be dispersed the event. 410-535-0291. 410-535-0291 or
the story of Calvert native and Civil War through our galleries. The event will also 301-855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
soldier, Joseph Wallace, as well as selec- Participants hunt for painted rocks with feature coprolites in the making…modern
tions from recent oral histories of Yvonne hearts on them hidden along all American feces, some with a twist and a new Scats Reading Buddies: Teen Reading
Mason Wills, the late Ruth Parker Harrod, Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT) trails. and Tracks activity. Included with museum
and Shawn Harrod, all with family connec- Participants are encouraged to upload a admission. Calvert Library Fairview Branch
tions to the Parkers Creek area. In partner- photo with caption of what they love most Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings
ship with American Chestnut Land Trust. about ACLT—can be a selfie of them with Dee of St. Mary’s Dockside Tour 6-7 p.m.
410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// their sweetheart, a favorite trail, bridge,
CalvertLibrary.info. stream, wildlife, etc. For information on trail Calvert Marine Museum At this event, elementary-aged children will
locations, visit www.acltweb.org/ 1 – 4 p.m. do fun activities and read out loud to teen
TACOS: Teen Advisory Council of volunteers. Teen volunteers can earn one
Students Step aboard the museum’s sailing skip- service learning hour for participating. It’s a
Sat, Feb 17 jack for an up-close tour of her 56 ft. deck great way to socialize and build reading con-
Calvert Library Prince Frederick with crew members during the off-season. fidence! Want to work with elementary aged
850 Costley Way Great Backyard Bird Count Learn how watermen dredge for oysters, kids and help build their confidence while
6:30-7:30 p.m. hoist the sails, and navigate the waterways they read aloud? Become a Teen Reading
Calvert Marine Museum of the Chesapeake. Included with museum Buddy! We will meet in the Children’s
Teens! Calvert Library needs you! We 10 a.m.-1 p.m. admission. area for all dates. 410-257-2101. https://
want the library to be a safe space where CalvertLibrary.info.
teens can hang out and freely access books, Participate in a Citizen Science activity
information, and form community. TACOS that provides data to the Cornell Lab of Tue, Feb 20
meets monthly to help us with our events Ornithology and the National Audubon Thu, Feb 22
and services planning. Join us every third Society. Check out a pair of binoculars and Book Discussion
Thursday! You can receive 1 Service a bird count tally sheet in the museum lobby Little Minnows
Learning hour for each meeting attended. to assist us with this program on your own Calvert Library (Online)
Sign up to join Calvert Library’s Discord or on a guided walk with museum educa- 7-8 p.m. Calvert Marine Museum
server if you would like to attend virtually. tors. For adults and children in third grade 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
410-535-0291. 410-535-0291 or 301-855- or older who are interested in assisting with Join us this month to discuss “Deacon King
1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info. research. Children must be accompanied by Kong” by James McBride. Set in the 1960’s, This month’s theme is Chesapeake 1, 2, 3.
an adult. Included with museum admission. this multi-award winning book is packed For preschoolers ages 3 – 5, with an adult.
Valentine ‘Show Some Love’ Unguided with larger than life characters and tells This program focuses on one of the muse-
Hikes Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble & the sometimes comic story of a Brooklyn um’s three themes. Join us for story time
More project. Let’s talk about neighborhoods, and craft, available while supplies last.
American Chestnut Land Trust race, religion, grudges and community. Sessions are 25 – 40 minutes. Sign up at the
8 a.m. Calvert Library Prince Frederick Discussion starts at 7pm. Register to receive Admissions Desk when you arrive. Included
850 Costley Way the link. 410-535-0291. 410-535-0291 or with museum admission.
Participants hunt for painted rocks with 12-3 p.m. 301-855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
hearts on them hidden along all American
Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT) trails. Games are a great way to keep your brain Upcoming
Participants are encouraged to upload a sharp while having fun! Join us! Please Wed, Feb 21
photo with caption of what they love most register. Interested in reading about Maritime Performance Series: THE
about ACLT—can be a selfie of them with Mahjongg? Take a look at what the library Tween Book Club BURNETT SISTERS BAND
their sweetheart, a favorite trail, bridge, has. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https://
stream, wildlife, etc. For information on trail CalvertLibrary.info. Calvert Library Southern Branch Calvert Marine Museum
locations, visit www.acltweb.org/ 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomon Friday, Feb. 23
Valentine ‘Show Some Love’ Unguided 2-3 p.m. 7 p.m.
Fri, Feb 16 No One Returns From the Enchanted Forest. The Burnett Sisters Band, based in Boone,
American Chestnut Land Trust Join other book lovers for a fun tween book North Carolina, consists of five members
Great Backyard Bird Count 8 a.m. club! We will be reading and discussing fab- who create a unique blend of energetic
ulous books. Did we mention there will be music in the old-time, folk, classic country,
Calvert Marine Museum Participants hunt for painted rocks with healthy snacks?! They say no one returns and bluegrass traditions. Performance is in
10 a.m.-1 p.m. hearts on them hidden along all American from the Enchanted Forest—but that won’t the museum’s Harms Gallery starting at 7
Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT) trails. discourage Pella. Earthquakes are destroying p.m.; doors open at 6 p.m. with beer and
Participate in a Citizen Science activity Participants are encouraged to upload a her village, and worst of all, they’ve caused wine for sale. Tickets are $20 online, up to
that provides data to the Cornell Lab of photo with caption of what they love most the Midsummer Festival to be canceled. one day prior, at bit.ly/MaritimeConcerts
Ornithology and the National Audubon about ACLT—can be a selfie of them with 410-326-5289. https://CalvertLibrary.info. and $25 the day of the concert, online and
Society. Check out a pair of binoculars and their sweetheart, a favorite trail, bridge, at the door.
a bird count tally sheet in the museum lobby stream, wildlife, etc. For information on trail
to assist us with this program on your own locations, visit www.acltweb.org/
Thursday, February 15, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 19
18 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
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Thu, Feb 15 Sat, Feb 17 Mary’s County and the African American Sun, Feb 18
troops on interpretive panels that lead to
Ask an Expert: Stroke Black History Month Open House— the statue of the soldier. Inside the build- Benefit Pitch Tournament — 7th District
U.S. Colored Troops Center ing, you can also learn about the local Medal Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital of Honor recipients who served in the U.S.
25500 Point Lookout Rd., Leonardtown U.S. Colored Troops Interpretive Center Colored Troops and fought for the Union Potomac Gardens
8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 21675 S. Coral Dr., Lexington Park during the American Civil War. 20254 Coltons Point Rd., Coltons Point
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is also an exhibit about the segre- 2:00 PM
Free and open to the community! Join gated school system in the county, includ-
emergency medicine providers and clinical Come see the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT) ing information about the Drayden African ENTRY FEE $25.00
experts at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital to Medal of Honor recipient exhibits at the American Schoolhouse, which is open by 1ST Place Winner - $100.00
learn more about stroke prevention, its signs USCT Interpretive Center in the Lexington appointment and on the first Saturday of 2nd Place Winner - $50.00
and symptoms, the process of evaluation, Manor Passive Park during a free open the month, April through October (11:00 3rd Place Winner - $25.00
and more. Participants will be invited to house for all ages in honor of Black History a.m.—1:00 p.m.). 50/50 Raffle – $1.00 each 6/$5.00
ask questions, too. Light breakfast will be Month. THIS EVENT IS FREE; donations Appetizers, snacks and desserts available
served. No cost to participate. To learn more, On the trail between the Lexington Manor accepted. Staff will be on hand to answer Contact Bobbie at 301-481-1510 for
call Health Connections at 301-475-6019. Passive Park and John G. Lancaster Park, any questions. information or to make reservations.
you can learn about the Civil War era in St.
St. Mary’s County Library ented exercises that will help you be the a.m. – 12 p.m. We will first learn about our to purchase, and pitfalls to watch out
Presidents Day Closing master of your own financial wellness. new community garden, opening at Lex- for at Leonardtown Library on Tues-
All three locations of the St. Mary’s The Lunch & Learn series is a hybrid ington Manor Passive Park on March 2! day, February 20 from 6 – 7 p.m. Regis-
County Library will be closed on Mon- event. If you are planning to attend virtu- After the garden orientation, there will be ter on www.stmalib.org.
day, February 19 in observance of ally, be sure to register for the event to re- a Gardening 101 Class taught by a Master
Presidents Day. All locations will be ceive a link to the online session. In-per- Gardener. Register on www.stmalib.org. Coal: Illuminating the
open regular business hours on Tues- son walk-ins welcome. All registrants will Postbellum Past in Southern
day, February 20. receive a Zoom link before the session. Fix-It Fair: Furniture Maryland
Register on www.stmalib.org. Community members are invited to bring Join us for this virtual presentation on
Community Chess Day in broken household items and learn how Monday, February 26 from 7 – 8 p.m.
Do you love chess? Play chess, eat Ask Me Anything About to repair them themselves at Lexington with Dr. Jim Gibb, in which he’ll dis-
snacks, bring your friends and find Publishing with Christine Trent Park Library on Saturday, February 24 cuss the archaeological implications of
new chess-loving friends at the Char- St. Mary’s County Author Christine from 2 – 4 p.m. Local experts will be here the use of coal in Southern Maryland.
lotte Hall Library on Saturday, Feb- Trent (Lady of Ashes, Heart of St. Mary’s to guide you through the repair process, According to the US Census, in 1950
ruary 17 from 2 – 4 p.m. All ages and County) answers your questions about with a different focus each month. Feb- approximately one-half of all Ameri-
all skill levels are welcome to play! No publishing. Enjoy a casual Q&A with the ruary’s focus is furniture! Is your night- can households heated with coal. Pri-
registration. local author as she talks about topics in stand wobbling? A dowel of a wooden or to 1850, hardly any household used
publishing at Charlotte Hall Library on chair falling out? Knob loose on a draw- coal. Research by the SEAL Team, and
Building a Better Budget: Wednesday, February 21 from 6 – 7 p.m. er? Chairs, drawers, and small tables... If it particularly by Elizabeth Eckel, has
Lunch & Learn Series Registration recommended but not re- fits through the door, bring in your broken explored the use of coal as a fuel in
Learn the essentials of building a bud- quired on www.stmalib.org. furniture items, and let’s see if we can’t fix Southern Maryland; specifically, who
get that works for YOU! Pack a lunch it together. Tools, materials, and light re- adopted coal as a fuel and when? This
and join Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson, Community Garden Orientation freshments will be provided. Registration presentation suggests that, although
financial wellness expert, at Lexington & Gardening 101 is encouraged on www.stmalib.org; walk- the transition from wood- to coal-burn-
Park Library on Tuesday, February 20 Come hear all about Lexington Manor ins welcome as space allows. ing required some investment, the an-
from 12 – 1 p.m. as he explains the fun- Passive Park’s new community garden swer to these questions is not wholly
damentals of the budgeting process. and learn the fundamentals of garden- Home Sales Series: Using Your economic. Register on www.stmalib.
Learn how to create and follow your ing from a Master Gardener! All are wel- VA Benefit to Buy A Home org with an email address to receive
own personal budget plan based on come! Come join us for all or just part of U.S. Air Force Veteran, Aaron Oelrich, will the Zoom link the day before the event.
your needs. This interactive workshop the morning’s activities at Lexington Park answer your questions about using VA
is packed with practical, family-ori- Library on Saturday, February 24 from 9 benefits, the associated costs, preparing
16 CALENDARS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
Unless otherwise specified, all activities are open to Senior Activity Center participants ages 50+. Please call your local Senior Activity Center or visit StMarysMD.com/aging for the most up-to-date information.
Teen Court Program Seeking Renovate, Relocate, or Reverse – 4200, ext. 1660. of Aging & Human Services’ Senior
Volunteers Options for Older Homeowners in Information & Assistance Division,
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity Retirement Living a Poetic Life Workshop with such as Senior Rides!
in the new year? Consider volunteering with The decision to downsize and move to a Author Lori Joseph • Tuesday, March 26 - Mental Health
the St. Mary’s County Teen Court Program! new neighborhood or renovate to suit your This interactive poetry workshop is based This evening will cover several fac-
Teen Court is designed to reduce the number retirement needs can be complex and emo- on Lori Joseph’s recently published book, ets of mental health, including a pre-
of youthful offenders and educate youth in tional. Adding in the cost to do either makes Seventy Five: Connectivity Through the sentation on Alzheimer’s Disease
an actual court environment. Teen Court is the decision that more vexing. Join local Ages. Ms. Joseph is joining us in-person and Dementia, Substance Abuse
a juvenile justice diversion program offering real estate professional Frank McKnew, a at the Northern Senior Activity Center on Treatment and Prevention, and Suicide
the first-time misdemeanor offenders, ages certified Senior Real Estate Specialist, and Thursday, February 22, from 9-11 a.m. to Prevention.
11-17, and first-time traffic offenders under Robbie Loker, a Home Equity Strategist provide select readings that demonstrate • Tuesday, April 2 - Supporting
the age of 18, the opportunity to accept for seniors, at the Northern Senior Activity ways to live more attentively. Participants Caregivers
accountability for their minor crimes with- Center on Wednesday, February 21, from will be introduced to sensory exploration Learn about the programs and services
out having to incur a permanent criminal 1-2:30 p.m. for this free presentation! to heighten their own writing experience. that support caregivers in our commu-
record or traffic court fines and points. Teen Explore the pros and cons to consider as Reference books and writing materials are nity in several aspects, including the
Court is a voluntary program that allows homeowners shift into retirement. Register supplied at no extra charge. This workshop Home & Community-Based Services
juvenile respondents to be judged by a jury by visiting www.stmaryscountymd.gov/ is being offered for free through the gener- Division of the Department of Aging
of their peers. aging and click “View & Sign Up for osity of the Maryland State Arts Council. & Human Services, St. Mary’s County
The Teen Court Program also provides Activities & Programs.” If assistance is Register by visiting www.stmaryscountymd. Hospice, and A Community that Shares
our county teens who are interested in our needed, leave a message at 301-475-4200, gov/aging and click “View & Sign Up for (ACTS).
judicial system an opportunity to help their ext. 3115. Activities & Programs.” If assistance is • Tuesday, April 9 - Financial Health/
fellow teens and gain first-hand knowledge needed, leave a message at 301-475-4200, Identity Protection
of the court system. Several of our teen Drums Alive®: Golden Beats ext. 3115. Speakers this week will teach com-
attorneys have proceeded to utilize the expe- Join us at Northern Senior Activity Center at munity members about scams directed
rience gained through this program in their 2 p.m. on Tuesdays from February 20-March Loffler Book Club News toward the aging population and how
future goals and careers Please contact the 26 for Drums Alive®! This unique program In February read The Lighthouse Effect: to detect, avoid, and report scams,
Teen Court Coordinator with any questions uses drumming, music, movement, and sci- How Ordinary People Can Have an along with legal information and finan-
or to join our dedicated staff of volunteers ence to make the most of health and well- Extraordinary Impact in the World by Steve cial options for older adults!
who make this program work for the bene- ness in a fun and engaging way. Golden Pemberton. (Collection of memoirs) Sign up for one presentation or all four!
fit of all the citizens of St. Mary’s County. Beats ® emphasizes & enhances the fit- Discuss at Loffler Senior Activity Center For more information, or to register, con-
For more information, visit www.stmary- ness and lives of older adults – stimulating on March 1 at 2 p.m. tact Sarah Miller, Community Programs &
scountymd.gov/TeenCourt/ or contact Teen those young at heart. Come join the fun of Enjoy a friendly discussion on the first Outreach Division Manager, at 301-475-
Court Coordinator Greg Jones at 301-475- drumming and dance! See how it releases Friday of every month- everyone’s thoughts 4200, ext. 1073, or Sarah.Miller@stmary-
4200, ext. 1852, or TeenCourt@stmary- endorphins, minimizes negative feelings, are appreciated. The Lexington Park Branch scountymd.gov.
scountymd.gov. and promotes improved mental awareness. Library has been very helpful by holding
Program Specialist and certified trainer, several copies of the books for us. Contact Community Shred & Medication
Bereavement Support Group Meeting Keilan Ruppert, will lead this program for [email protected] to Collection Day
The Loffler Senior Activity Center will host a limited group over the course of 6 weeks. learn more about joining. Do you have paper documents with per-
its monthly Bereavement Support Group Cost: $12 sonal information that you’d like to purge?
meeting on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 10 a.m. Keys to Senior Independence Or do you have unused, unwanted, or
Join us in a safe space to share your grief Health Watch Series: Make the Most of Keys to Senior Independence will be held on expired medications in your cabinets? This
experience and learn new ways to cope Your Doctors Visit Tuesdays, March 19-April 9, from 6-9 p.m., is your chance to dispose of them safely
while meeting friends for the journey. This Health Watch volunteers Elaine Green and in Building C-Room 204 at the College of at the Community Shred & Medication
group will be facilitated by the Bereavement Kathy Blanchette will discuss How to Make Southern Maryland in Leonardtown, MD. Take Back Day! This event will be held
Coordinator from Hospice of St. Marys, Dr. the Most of Your Doctors Visit at the Loffler This year’s presentation topics are: on Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.,
Patricia Watson. No need to register, drop- Senior Activity Cener on Wednesday, Feb. • Tuesday, March 19 - Here and There: in the St. Mary’s County Governmental
ins are welcome. 21, at 9:30 a.m. Advance registration is From Transportation to Medicare Center, located at 41780 Baldridge St,
required for this presentation. Go to www. Join us to learn about the St. Mary’s Leonardtown, MD 20650.
stmaryscountymd.gov/aging or leave a mes- Transportation System (STS) and pro-
sage on our reservation line at 301-475- grams offered through the Department
In Remembrance
To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to
[email protected] by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.
Margo Holton, 74 at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Kali Hughes, 21 spending time with family and friends.
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral She is survived by her parents Doug and
Margarita Quioco Home, P.A. Kali Nicole Hughes, Jenn Hughes, brother Dylan Hughes, step-
“Margo” Holton, known by some sister Kayci Palmer, half-brother Dominic
beloved wife, Roy Buñales, 87 as Dakota, 21, Hughes, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and
m o t h e r, g r a n d - of Hollywood, many cousins. Also survived by her biolog-
mother, great-grand- Roy Holasca MD passed away ical mother Jane Walzer, halfsiblings, and a
mother, 74, of Buñales, MD, of suddenly on host of other family members and friends
Leonardtown, MD California, MD, February 3, 2024 in who miss her dearly.
passed away on beloved husband Westminster, MD. Please join us as we celebrate her life
February 3, 2024, of the late Frances Kali was born on Monday, February 19, 2024 at LifePoint
surrounded by her loving family. “Connie” Finn- May 8, 2002 at Southern Maryland Hospital Church, 10395 Berry Road, Waldorf, MD
She was born on October 17, 1949, in the Bunales, passed Center in Clinton, MD. She was baptized 20603. Visitation will be from 2:00 to 2:30
Philippines (PI) to the late Bernardo Quioco away at the age of at LifePoint Church in Waldorf, MD and pm followed by memorial service at 2:30 pm.
and Basilisa Bayayay Quioco. 87 on February 3, attended Leonardtown High School, Class In lieu of flowers, donations may be
Margo was born in Bohol and raised in 2024, at home surrounded by his loving of 2020. Most recently, she worked as a made to Poiema Movement (https://poie-
Cebu, PI, where she earned a bachelor’s family (and pets). retail sales associate at Goodwill. mamovement.churchcenter.com/giving/to/
degree and began a career in phlebotomy. He was born on January 11, 1937 in Kali had a passion for art in all forms, from kali-hughes-memorial-fund) in Kali’s honor
She married the love of her life, Michael Barugo, Leyte, Philippines to the late music to drawing/painting, acting, makeup, to help restore women from brokenness.
Anthony Holton, on December 8, 1977, in Enrique P. Buñales, who served honor- and cosplay. She loved the beach, nature, and
the Philippines and again on February 21, ably in the US Army, and Maria Holasca,
1978, in St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
Church in San Francisco, CA. Together, they
a teacher.
Roy graduated Valedictorian of his high A Tribute to the Loved One Whose
have celebrated over forty-five wonderful school class in Barugo, Leyte, Philippines. Memory Lives Forever in Your Heart
years of marriage. She was an avid gar- In 1964, he graduated from the University
dener, growing her own flowers, produce, of the Philippines (UP) College of Medicine, Honor the memory of your cherished one by sharing the story of their
life with friends, neighbors and associates here in the community.
and herbs that she used in family meals. and went on to become the first Filipino
She made delicious leg of lamb, bread pud- graduate to be accepted into the general For details and to place your notice of remembrance,
ding, sticky rice, and lumpia. She took every surgery internship and residency program at call the County Times at 301-373-4125.
chance to travel the world and often went Michael Reese Hospital (now University of
back to the Philippines to visit with her fam- Chicago Medical Center). In 1969, he relo-
ily. She was amazing with needle and thread
and enjoyed repairing children’s clothing
cated and started as a Surgical Attending at
Cafritz Hospital in Washington, DC (now
IN PRINT & ONLINE County Times St. Mary’s County • Calvert County
and making quilts for her family and friends. United Medical Center). Roy’s lengthy med-
Her greatest treasure was spending time ical career included work as a highly skilled
with her children and grandchildren, who general surgeon, emergency room physician,
brought her tremendous joy and love. She and family practitioner. He was also actively
was a devout Catholic and an active volun- involved with the Phi Kappa Mu Chapter
teer at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church of UPMASA (University of the Philippines
for the past 13 years. Medical Alumni Society in America).
In addition to her beloved husband, In his free time, Roy enjoyed racing
Our Family
Life Celebration Homes &
Michael, she is also survived by her chil- his Porsche 914 and 911 at Summit Point
dren: Marie Tomas (Robert) of Kapaau, Raceway, oil painting, free sketching, pho-
Serving Yours
HI, Casandra Rodriguez of Manila, PI, tography, and spending time with his cats.
Michael C. Holton (Karen) of Verona, NY, Roy is survived by his children: Roy Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services,
LtCol Edward V. Holton, USMC (Lou) of
Quantico, VA and Rebecca E. Nash (Kelly)
Soriano Buñales (Maria), Rose Marie
Soriano Bunales, Joseph Henry Bunales
Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided
of Leonardtown, MD; her grandchildren: (Norine), Clarissa Bunales Bigelow
Gabrielle, Ethan, Caitlyn, Mark, Casandra, (Terrence), and their mother, Clarita Soriano
Josie, Vivian, Hagen, Evelyn, Harriette, Bunales; Kristin Louise Cramer (Matthew),
Ford, Mariana, Isabella; great-granddaugh- and Timothy Phillip Bunales; his grandchil-
ter, Callie; and extended family and friends. dren: Bruce, Michael (Jessica), Matthew, Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded Brandon, Jennifer, Spencer, Joseph, 22955 Hollywood Road
in death by her brother, Antonio Quioco, Sr. Jonathan, and Jason; his sister Eleanor H.
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Family will receive friends for Margo’s Buñales-Garcia (Tomás); and his great
Life Celebration on Saturday, February grandson, Tyson. Roy is preceded in death 301-475-5588
17, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. by his wife, Connie; his parents; his brother,
at Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Victoriano; and his grandson, David.
Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD A public viewing for Dr. Buñales will be
20650. Reverend Edward Hegnauer will held at 11:00 a.m. on February 9, 2024 at St.
celebrate a Mass of Christian Burial at John’s Parish in Hollywood, MD, followed
12:30 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Catholic immediately by a funeral mass at 12:00 p.m. Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
Church, 21370 Newtown Neck Road, A private graveside burial will take place at 30195 Three Notch Road
Leonardtown, MD 20650. Interment will a later date.
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
follow in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, funeral expense dona-
Serving as pallbearers will be Michael tions are greatly appreciated. Monetary 301-472-4400
Campion Holton, LtCol Edward Vincent donations can be made here via Kristin
Holton, USMC, Hagen Edward Holton, Cramer (Roy’s daughter/secretary):
Robert James Tomas, Ethan Kinohi Tomas, https://linktr.ee/k.bunales.cramer
and Joel Kelly Nash. Part of your contribution will be donated
Memorial contributions may be made to UPMASA’s charitable works. Family owned and operated for two generations
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Thursday, February 15, 2024 County Times Home Garden
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• Strong stainless steel • Filled with nontoxic UL
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Exploring Different
Backyard Structures
Designing an ideal backyard space requires comes from the Italian word “pergula,”
forethought and an eye for style. Knowing which means “projection.” Pergolas
which features to include in a yard often were once projected from exterior
boils down to what homeowners want to walls and supported on one side by
achieve in the space. Will it be a relaxing pillars or columns. Today, arbors are
oasis or a central entertaining focal point? usually freestanding units with two or
People often look to various structures four posts. Pergolas may be connected
to add height and visual interest to outdoor on one side to a home or another struc-
spaces. Homeowners will likely come across ture. Some are freestanding units sup-
structures like arbors, gazebos, pergolas, ported by four posts. Pergolas tend to
and even trellises as they wade through the be larger and offer more privacy and
variety of features they can incorporate into shade than arbors.
backyard plans. Each of these structures can • Gazebo: Gazebos are more defined
Repairs & Installation add appeal, but they also can offer shelter garden buildings, states the contrac-
Garage Doors • Broken Springs • Panel Replacement from the sun and privacy when enjoying tor referral site Network. Gazebos are
Garage Door Openers • Annual Maintenance Agreements the yard. There are significant differences freestanding units that can be built in
between each structure, so here’s an in-depth various shapes. Some are octagonal,
Service on All Makes & Models look at what sets them apart. others are square. Like a pergola, a
• Arbor: An arbor is one of the more gazebo is supported by columns and
simple garden structures. It is usually may have low railings or built-in
a frame that is arched or square-cor- benches. Gazebos also may have a
nered. Most homeowners use it as an more solid roof than arbors or pergo-
entryway to a garden or even the front las, providing sun and other weather
of the home. Those with green thumbs protection. The roof may have added
may cover the arbor with climbing and architectural appeal, like a cupola.
trailing plants. The Spruce says arbors • Trellis: A trellis is a simple structure
date back to early Egyptian and Roman that provides a surface for climbing
gardens and were used throughout plants. A trellis also may support
Europe by the late 16th century. fruit-bearing trees. Trellis work may
Commercial & Residential • Pergola: The words arbor and pergola
are often used interchangeably, but
be used in conjunction with an arbor
or pergola, or be installed on fencing.
101 Skipjack Road • Suite 2 to suggest the two structures are the Incorporating structures into backyard
Prince Frederick, MD same would not be accurate. Pergola designs can provide functionality and appeal.
Thursday, February 15, 2024 Home Garden
& County Times 7
Simple Ways to
Improve Your Pantry
A pantry is a room or closet where food, • Use clear storage. Put ingredients in
beverages and linens or dishes are stored. clear, airtight containers of similar
Pantries can be highly useful spaces that dimensions so that you can easily find
provide ancillary storage in kitchens. Many items you need. Transfer bulky items,
modern homes are equipped with pantries, like cereals and baking supplies, to
but older homes may require some modifica- storage containers for uniformity.
tion to create more useful pantries. Whether • Store bulk items elsewhere. Bulk shop-
starting from scratch or modifying an exist- ping can be cost-efficient, but bulk
ing pantry, these tips can help projects go items can quickly eat up real estate
more smoothly. in the pantry. Designate another area
• Maximize vertical storage. Utilizing for non-perishable bulk products, like
vertical areas can help increase stor- paper goods or canned items, such as
age capacity. Build in extra nooks by in a garage or utility room.
investing in undershelf storage bas- • Pull out drawers are convenient. Pull-
kets. These baskets can instantly cre- out drawers can reduce the need to
ate designated areas for different types seek and reach for items. These draw-
of ingredients. Homeowners also can ers conveniently roll out so items in
look for ways to use the inside of cabi- the back can be accessed without dis-
net doors or add extra shelves on walls turbing foods in the front. Drawers can
or in eaves. be custom built for any pantry space.
• Consider your needs. Figure out which • Make it accessible. Think about who
items you would like to store in the will be taking items from the pantry.
pantry and then shop for correspond- Put children’s snacks on the bottom
ing storage systems. For example, stor- pantry shelf where they can reach
age solutions may feature wine bottle them, and then organize other shelves
racks, baskets for potatoes and other for adults in the home.
produce, shelving for small appliances, A pantry remodel can add valuable stor-
and even pull out racks for baking pans age space and make one of the busiest rooms
or cutting boards. in the house operate more efficiently.
6 Home Garden
& County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
AGGREGATE Warm weather paves the way to more oppor- sides of the patio if it connects to the
tunities to enjoy fresh air. For homeown- home. Leave the last open to the yard,
ers who have the luxury of outdoor spaces, or consider installing screens to mimic
these gathering spots. meaning you can invest in high-qual-
A patio can be considered a transitional ity patio furniture to make this a fully
area that links the outdoors to the inside of functioning outdoor living room. Hang
a home. According to the home and life- a television that is rated for outdoor
style resource The Spruce, a patio is often use for movie-watching under the sun
CALL TODAY FOR YOUR an oasis for lounging and entertaining. And
depending on homeowners’ budgets and
or stars.
preferences, a patio can be just as com- 4. Ooh la la
fortable and stylish as interior spaces. The Vintage bistro tables and chairs can
following are five patio projects that can turn a drab patio into one that calls to
transform these valuable spaces. mind a Parisian courtyard. Whimsical
lighting and accents that you would
1. Pretty pergola normally think to see indoors, like a
A pergola is an open-air (traditionally gilded mirror, can add extra appeal.
wood) structure that adds a measure of Soften wrought iron and other metals
shade and privacy without completely on the furniture by including plenty of
blocking views of Mother Nature. flowers and greenery. Don’t forget the
Installing a pergola over the patio candles and a place to stash a bottle of
helps define the seating area. Hanging chilling wine.
plants can add to the ambiance and
string lights can make this a great spot 5. Farmhouse chic
to gather when the sun sets. Transform a patio into an entertaining
space that caters to guests A large farm-
2. Patio fire pit house style table flanked by benches
Build a fire pit right into the design and some upholstered chairs sets the
with the same materials used to create scene for a dinner amid the fresh air.
the patio. For example, if the patio is Watering cans filled with wildflowers
brick or flagstone, build up to create an and mismatched flatware establish a
eye-catching fire pit. Fire pits not only casual feel for gatherings in the space.
look good, they also expand the time For those who plan to cook and serve
GREAT MILLS TRADING POST frame that the patio can be enjoyed,
offering cozy spots to sit even when
outside with frequency, invest in out-
door appliances so you’ll never have
20171 Point Lookout Rd. the weather chills. to miss a beat with guests.
Great Mills, MD 20634 3. Frame it in The options for transforming patios into
Make the patio a true extension of the stylish gathering spots is only limited by
301-994-0300 inside by putting up walls around three the imagination.
Thursday, February 15, 2024 County Times Home Garden
& 5
GriffinsFlooringAmerica.com ZERO INTEREST
if paid in full within 18 months
4 Home Garden
& County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
$50 OFF Spring is a season of renewal. When the move on to the next room.
Microban Sanitizer
people often feel inspired to make changes Prepare all of the cleaning supplies in
around their homes. Work may begin with advance. Put together a tool kit of sorts
culling belongings and organizing essentials. with the equipment you need, including
in preparation for the springtime feast of or angry, others do so to avoid other tasks.
Passover. The house is scoured to remove Keep personality in mind when establish-
any yeast bread, or chametz, from the home. ing a cleaning schedule. For example, clean
& OPERATED Similarly, members of the Greek Orthodox
church celebrate “Clean Week,” which is
at night if you’re a night owl, or wait until
you are feeling antsy before embarking on
a week of cleaning before Lent. In Iranian a “calm down cleaning.”
Ga r d e n
County Times
St. Mary’s County • Calvert County
14 COLUMNISTS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
affect you?
Outdoor Projects
with a Bit of Spice
As you know, interest rates have risen considerably over the past couple of
years. But what does this mean to you, as a consumer and as an investor?
From a consumer’s standpoint, it’s not hard to see the effects of higher interest
rates. If you want to take out a mortgage or refinance an existing one, you’ll I am anxiously awaiting the next 70
find that it’s considerably more costly, in terms of the interest you’ll pay, than it degree day, even though I personally
was a few years ago. And the same is true of car loans and credit cards. Paying love this cooler weather. It is even
these debts at higher rates can affect your cash flow, so while rates are high, hard for me to wear jackets when it is
you may need to make some important decisions about your overall budget 40 degrees. Now when it gets 39 and
and spending plans. below, yes it is sweatshirt weather for
me. Today is the kind of day that will
As an investor, though, you may find the effects of higher interest rates to be put a chill in me with the high winds
somewhat more complex. That’s because higher rates can have a different and it will take me all day to get rid
impact on different types of investments, such as stocks and bonds. of the chilled bones feeling. The tem-
perature is 42 degrees right now, but
When considering stocks, be aware that not all market sectors will respond the real feel is 34 degrees. My joints
the same way to higher interest rates. For example, the financial sector, which feel a bit better after a month or so
includes banks, insurance companies and brokerage firms, may benefit from of flares and bronchitis because the
higher rates. On the other hand, smaller technology companies, which still humidity today is only 43%. I always
must invest heavily in their businesses, may not do as well due to rising inter- feel better on low humidity days.
est rates making it more expensive for them to borrow. And other sectors will Last week, my husband and I took a day to do some straightening out in the
respond differently to higher rates. Keep in mind, though, that there’s great yard. We cleared branches, filled the fire pit and wood pile, he fixed the fire pit
variance within sectors and among companies, so when you consider purchas- area party lights, and sawed up a mess of an old Pussy Willow stump that his
ing stocks, evaluate each choice on its merits and make sure it fits within your mother had planted many years ago. At some point an oak tree and sticker vines
risk tolerance, time horizon and need for portfolio diversification. When you started to take it over. Now it is a much smaller stump with two trunk areas
diversify your investment dollars, you can reduce the risk of market volatility that look like badgers. The stump is really just a rotted mess. We are debating
affecting just one type of asset, although diversification by itself can’t protect whether to dig the whole stump up completely or leave it be but agreed to wait
against all losses. and see what the limbs he left turn out to be. They may be oak limbs, or they
may be the original pussy willow limbs. If we don’t like what comes up, then
With fixed-income investments, such as bonds, interest rate movements can we will probably plant another red maple tree in that spot.
have significant and direct impacts. When interest rates rise, the value of Robert still yells at me if I get near dirt, so I cut down weedy mosquito plants
your current bonds will likely fall because new bonds can pay higher rates. in barrel buckets where I want pansies to grow. I am so anxious to get flowers
However, you can also buy bonds at the new, higher rates and benefit from started this year. Last year each time I went to Green Acres, I know I pestered
bigger interest payments. all of them asking if it was time to plant pansies or other flowers, and they’d
tell me, “No, it’s a little too early yet”. I think right now I (Robert) could get
Still, there’s no guarantee that interest rates will stay elevated – in fact, the some pansies in if the weather stays in these mild temperatures.
Federal Reserve has indicated that it might actually start cutting rates in 2024 The bane of my existence at present is still the million squirrels in our yard.
– which is why it may be a good idea to build what’s known as a “ladder” I do love squirrels and watching them chase each other all around and up and
consisting of short-, intermediate- and long-term bonds. Once you have your down in the trees, but they tear so many areas up. I can’t believe all the holes
ladder in place, you’ll have some protection from interest-rate movements. So, in the yard where they think they have buried nuts. I have mentioned before
if rates were to keep rising, you could reinvest the proceeds of your short-term how I have seen the squirrels lift up my plants with their tiny but deadly little
bonds in the new, higher-paying ones. But if rates level off, or even fall, you’ll paws and fling them out of the pots. I had to start putting sharp things in the
still benefit from your longer-term bonds, which typically (but not always) pay pots to dissuade them. All they do is move the steel spike plates around or fling
higher rates than short-term ones. them out on the ground. When they run up and down the trees the squirrels
also knock my birdhouses off and all the Raku pottery pieces with beautiful
Of course, if you hold your bonds until maturity, you will continue to get the sayings I have hanging on different trees. I keep asking the squirrels, “Do you
same interest payments, regardless of where market rates go. pay the mortgage on this house and land?” or, “Can you be more respectful?”
My son Ryan made me a beautiful birdhouse that he painted to look like
In any case, it’s useful to be aware of what’s happening with interest rates — brick and brought it over last year. It is wonderfully made and means so much
the more you know about the factors affecting your investments, the better that he handcrafted it, but of course he is crafty as well as a talented local
off you’ll be. photographer, and a great Dad to his boys Liam and Carson. The reason I am
hoping for the 70 degree weather is that the squirrels took an intense hatred of
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward that beautiful birdhouse and started devouring it. I don’t know if they didn’t
Jones Financial Advisor. like the red color, the smell of the varnish, or what, but they have eaten a good
Edward Jones, Member SIPC portion of it.
Contributed by David McDonough So, the next warm day, I am going to spray the birdhouse with varnish, and
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones while it is still wet I am going to sprinkle hot pepper flakes and cinnamon all
Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302 over it, then spray again and repeat. Now I know why they put hot stuff in bird
Leonardtown, MD 20650 feed. I will probably have to repaint some areas before I do that of course. But
301 997 1707 when those squirrels go to take a big bite out of my beautiful birdhouse I want
to be ready to see their little beady eyed expressions. The spice war is on!!!!
To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Please send your comments or ideas to: [email protected]
or find me on Facebook
Thursday, February 15, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 13
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currently suffering from reliability and rep- ANW2 DI system being incorporated on the
arability issues that reduce availability on CH-53E during MDE development.
the flight line and hinder readiness. Due to Finally, MDE development required the
the high cost and lengthy timeline to per- creation of a new software application to
form a technical refresh on the existing provide the legacy hover cueing displays
SMFCDs, the program office required an available in the SMFCD. The program
innovative solution. The PMA-261 Avionics office was able to leverage their existing
Integrated Project Team (IPT), in conjunc-
tion with the Tactical Mobility (TacMo)
IPT at Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons
Software Support Activity (SSA), Noetic
Inc, to code and deliver a new application to
the MAGTAB within a single design sprint.
Division (NAWCWD), fleet, and industry By virtue of hosting this capability on an
partners, developed a cyber-resilient sys- open system tablet, mission display capa-
tem of systems collectively known as the bility insertion can now occur on the order
Mission Data Extender (MDE) to replace
the aging SMFCD.
MDE used a novel mix of developmental
of months, and at a fraction of the cost of
developing new proprietary software code.
“The CH-53E now has an aircraft-pow-
and non-developmental commercial/gov- ered, WiFi-based mission display capable
ernment off-the-shelf (C/GOTS) compo- of seamless interoperability with several
nents to provide legacy SMFCD capability, carry-on data terminals, and capable of
while also enhancing operational capabil- walk-on/walk-off expeditionary mission
ity. The system was comprised of a GOTS planning,” LCDR Whitesell said. In addi-
avionics bus reader (MOB HUB) devel- tion, the integration allows for rapid capabil-
oped by the China Lake TacMo IPT, and ity insertion through Modular Open Systems
the COTS Miniature Encrypted Wireless Approach (MOSA) concepts, he added.
Link (MEWL) and Marine Air-Ground The MDE was an exemplary example of
Tablet (MAGTAB) provided by Kranze NAVAIR’s capacity for organic innovation
Technology Solutions (KTS). Additionally, and rapid fielding. Altogether, the MDE sys-
MAGTAB required a cockpit instrument tem managed to bring all legacy SMFCD
panel mount to allow for heads up FLIR capability forward, concentrate all digital
presentation in the cockpit. In close partner- interoperability data onto a single aircrew
ship with fleet users and an industry partner, interface, and place that interface on the
Integrated Consultants Incorporated (ICI), pilot instrument panel as a tablet-based pri-
the MDE team developed the first-ever per- mary mission display. MDE represented a
manent primary instrument panel mount for huge leap in capability and readiness, at less
a COTS tablet in the naval aviation enter- than one-third of the cost and schedule to
prise. The resulting Informant Mount pro- upgrade the legacy SMFCD display.
8 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
Attorney at Law
later that evening Redd drove to the vic- please visit www.justice.gov/usao-md/proj-
tim’s house in Lexington Park, Maryland, ect-safe-childhood and https://www.justice.
picked the victim up near her home and gov/usao-md/community-outreach.
Legal Notice
Fair Summary of Ordinance No. 218
Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Leonardtown have passed, and the
Mayor has approved, Ordinance No. 218 – Leonardtown Comprehensive Zoning
-Serious Personal Injury Cases- Map. A fair summary of the ordinance will follow:
Ordinance No. 218 - An ordinance for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive
Zoning Map for the Town of Leonardtown to change the zoning classification of the
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000 parcel of real property at 22675 Cedar Lane Court from Residential Single Family
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493 to Commercial Office zoning.
Ordinance No. 218 will become effective March 4, 2024. Full text of this ordinance
EMAIL: [email protected]
may be obtained at the Town Office at 22670 Washington Street, Leonardtown, MD
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or on-line on
the Town’s website at www.Leonardtown.somd.com
Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey [email protected] or service in its news coverage.
Advertising To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler [email protected] name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Staff Writers make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
County Times
Dick Myers [email protected] edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Guy Leonard [email protected] submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
Contributing Writers receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Ron Guy, Ken Lamb, Shelby Opperman, lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Dave Spigler
6 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
“It’s not easy,” Brewer said, who noted respected by the school system, Brewer said.
she was concerned about the amount of “We’re moving away from that,” Brewer
Sell it - Buy it learning done by computer, which was not
always available for parents to monitor.
said. “That’s what made me fall in love with
this country.”
at She wanted to see a return to more bal-
ance between book learning and learning [email protected]
Tri County Livestock Auction
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM
Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD County Government
Online Auction - David’s Flowers (Store Closing)
Walk-in/Reach-In Refrigerated Unit – Repurposed Furniture & Items – Presidents’ Day
Glassware – Decorations – Tables – More
41656 Fenwick Street – Leonardtown, MD
Online Auction Opens: On or about FEB 12, 2024
Auction Preview: TUES, FEB 20th from 2:30 pm to 5 pm All St. Mary’s County Government including ADA and SSTAP.
Auction Closes: THURS, FEB 22nd - beginning at 6 pm (SMCG) administrative offices will be • St. Mary’s Animal Adoption &
(Purchased Items to be removed on FRI, Feb. 23rd from 9:30 am to 5 pm) closed on Monday, February 19, 2024, in Resource Center.
observance of the Presidents’ Day holi- The following SMCG operations will be
Online Auction – Estate of Mary Lou (Ching) Mattei day. Offices will resume normal operating open with normal operations on February 19:
Quality Furniture (Living, Dining & Bedroom Furniture) – Glassware – schedules on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. • The six Convenience Centers and the
Cookware – Décor – Lawn/Garden Benches – More The February 19 closure also includes: St. Andrews Landfill.
(NOTE: Very Clean, Quality Items!) • All three St. Mary’s County Libraries • Department of Recreation & Parks
41585 Yoke Court – Leonardtown, MD (Charlotte Hall, Leonardtown, and programs and facilities.
Online Auction Opens: On or about FEB 19, 2024 Lexington Park). • St. Clements Island Museum, Piney
Auction Preview: TUES, FEB 27th from 2:30 pm to 5 pm • All three Senior Activity Centers Point Lighthouse Museum, and the
(Garvey, Loffler, and Northern), Old Jail Museum.
Auction Closes: THURS, FEB 29th - beginning at 6 pm and there will be no home-delivered • The Wicomico Shores Golf Course;
(Purchased Items to be removed on FRI, MAR 1st 9:30 am to 5 pm) meals. the Riverview Restaurant (10 a.m. –
Upcoming Auctions: • The St. Mary’s Transit System (STS), 3 p.m.).
Online Auction - Family of Bubby Knott
Variety of Items and Collectibles from the Knott Collection
(We expect this auction to be online for viewing/bidding in mid-March, 2024)
Anne Arundel Co. Young Farmers – March 23, 2024 – 8 am
Grocery Auction – Hughesville VFD – March 23, 2024, 5 pm
www.Far rellAuctionSer vice.com
are not prepared for the college experience. Brandie Edelen
“I tell them they have to write a paper
and they do not know how to write a paper,” to be prepared,” Edelen said.
Edelen said. “So not only do I have to teach Edelen said that by working to give teach- Feb. 16 & 23: Fish & Shrimp
them psychology but how to write papers ers more resources — and relieving them of Mar. 1: Shrimp & Oysters (Fried)
as well.” undue burdens — they could perform better
She said she and other teachers were in the classroom and help graduate better Mar. 8, 15, & 22: Menu Options to Be Announced
overworked in public schools and need more prepared students.
assistance from administrators, but often are “I’ve got the experience of being a $20 CASH OR CREDIT
not getting what they need. teacher in public schools,” Edelen said. Proceeds to Benefit Optimist Youth Outreach Programs
This situation led her to leave her position “Being overworked and not having all the
in Charles County public schools, she said, a support from administrators we needed. STEAMED SHRIMP ALSO AVAILABLE: 1/2LB FOR $10, 1LB FOR $18
job for which she was passionate and loved. “A 40-hour work week turned into an
Teachers are also too often cajoled by
administrators to allow for late assign-
80-hour work week.”
Solving those kinds of problems would
7th District Optimist Club
ments to be turned in by students, Edelen help retain experienced teachers the school 21804 Coltons Point Rd
said, which was setting them up for future system needed, Edelen said. Avenue, MD
“We’re giving them a lot of excuses not [email protected]
“We are immensely grateful to our incredi- injured employees from a burning vehicle. Visit our Facebook
ble community and partners for their swift “These selfless actions truly made a dif-
response and unwavering support following ference in this emergency.”
for Giveaways!
the recent motor vehicle accident involv- “Organizations far and wide have offered
ing two members of our Department of assistance and resources,” the statement
Emergency Services team,” read a county continued. “We greatly appreciate the out-
government statement about those injured in pouring of support and concern for our team
the crash — Paramedic Todd Bowman and members, and for the rest of our Emergency
Regional Medical Director Todd Finkelstein. Services Department.”
“Our team members are receiving top- The St. Mary’s County Volunteer Rescue
notch trauma care as they continue to recover Association has started a GoFundMe
from serious injuries,” the release stated
“Their access to this treatment is thanks to
account to help support these first respond-
ers and their families. Anyone wishing to
the bravery of a citizen and two Maryland
State Troopers, who rescued these critically
contribute or express their support may do
so at https://gofund.me/52262b63 23902 Colton Pt. Rd., Clements, MD
4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, February 15, 2024
Thursday, February 15, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 3
DO YOU FEEL Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy AM Clouds/PM Sun Mostly Sunny
Hi: 49° Lo: 36° Hi: 46° Lo: 33° Hi: 42° Lo: 25° Hi: 46° Lo: 31°
Hi: 48° Lo: 32° Hi: 53° Lo: 35° Hi: 54° Lo: 38° Hi: 55° Lo: 43°
Bay Passenger
Ferry Proposed
Schools Working to
Address Absences