2022-01-06 St. Mary's County Times

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Covid cases Dante Childers: Deer season

EE skyrocket First baby of 2022 reopens Jan. 7

St. Mary's
County Times


Snow Photo courtesy of Mike Kerr
2 The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022




St. Mary’s welcome’s the year’s first baby.



St. Mary’s hit with snowfall, more Deer firearm season begins.



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For staff listing and emails, see page 23
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Local News 3

COVID Cases Skyrocket > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC

Make your financial

future a priority.
David McDonough
Financial Advisor
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Leonardtown, MD 20650
By Guy Leonard Throughout the pandemic — 301-997-1707
Staff Writer once vaccines were widely avail-
After several weeks of a lack of able and administered — the ma-
data due to a statewide computer jority of new cases have been un- MKT-5894K-A-A1
system security breach, the St. vaccinated but the last two weeks
Mary’s County Health Department of data available from the health
is again publishing the latest data department shows the opposite.
on the spread of COVID-19 here. For the week starting Jan. 1, with
The numbers do not look good. 1,699 new cases in St. Mary’s,
For the week of Dec. 25, during
You may have
1,030 of the new infections were
the Christmas holiday, the reported fully vaccinated, while 669 were
new case rate per 100,000 residents not.

shot up to just over 300 for the 20- This was a percentage split of 61
to-39 year old age group, the latest to 39.
data shows. For the prior week, of the 1,141
The age group of 40 to 59 years new cases, 529 were unvaccinated,
old was much lower but still high
at about 225 new cases per 100,000
according to the health department,
while 612 were fully inoculated.
waiting for you
residents. The weekly case rate for the
The zero to 19 age group as well week ending Dec. 31, according to Some capital
as the 65 and over age group had health department data, shows that credit refunds
lower rates but they still showed both vaccinated and unvaccinated and other
sharp increases. infection rates are nearly identical
Some of the latest data also shows at 1,473 and 1,534 respectively.
checks have
what may be a certain ineffective- The cases statewide have risen not been cashed.
ness of ant-COVID-19 vaccines. sharply since the identification of the
Still, the latest data shows that new Omicron variant of COVID-19. We would like
the unvaccinated are hospitalized So far, a total of 181 county resi- to refund the
at a higher rate than the vaccinat- dents have died due to COVID-19. money to its
ed, particularly those 60 years old [email protected] rightful owners.
and older.

Health Department vaccination line at Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department
4 Local News The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Commissioners May
CHARLOTTE HALL FINAL Support Neighboring
CLOSEOUT SALE Counties’ Resolutions
SALE at Charlotte Hall Location Only
EVERYTHING MUST GO! for Chesapeake Bay
Limited to items in stock at Charlotte Hall store. No transfers.

SAVE 30% TO 50% OFF Span

All Mulch, Stone, Potting Soil, etc.

30% OFF
All Fertilizer, Grass Seed & Lawn Products
All Bird Feeders, Supplies & Seed
All Houseplants, Indoor Pottery and Bulbs

SAVE All Trees

All Fruit Trees
All Shrubs
All Annuals
All Statuary
All Pottery
50% OFF All Ground Covers All Outdoor Pottery
All Perennials By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
letter reads. “Consequently, main-
tenance needs and functional
Three counties, Anne Arun- traffic management have become

After ChristmAs sALe

del, Kent and Queen Anne’s more challenging and expensive,
have thrown their support behind as the bridge’s age is beyond the
building a new span to replace the original design intent, and future
aging Chesapeake Bay Bridge in

maintenance projects will have a
the same location and the Com-
All Christmas Decor missioners of St. Mary’s County
significant, detrimental impact
on available bridge capacity and
appear to agree. operations.”
All Artificial Wreaths The commissioners were to have The state has put forth an option

60 %
voted to send a letter this week to leave the original bridge as it
All Greens to Gov. Larry Hogan expressing is and build a third span, which
their support for a new bridge in has been widely opposed by many
All Ornaments the same location but their meet- in the three counties to whom the
ing was cancelled due to the St. Mary’s commissioners seem

OFF All Sales Final. No Returns

Christmas Sale at Charlotte Hall
The letter was set for a vote as
part of the approval of the consent
ready to throw their support.
“The Commissioners of St.
Mary’s County support the Anne
and Prince Frederick Only
agenda. Arundel County, Kent County,
“The Commissioners of St. and Queen Anne’s County Reso-
P RO F E S S I O N A L L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N & I N S TA L L Mary’s County express their sup- lutions in their finding that that
port for the Anne Arundel County, the best solution is to maintain
Treat Your Landscape Kent County, and Queen Anne’s forward progress, support the in-
To Something Special County Resolutions concerning a vestments already made along the
replacement bridge at the current US Route 50/301 corridor—spe-
This Year!
crossing of the Chesapeake Bay cifically from I-97 to MD 404—
Bridge,” the missive, which still and address the existing and fu-
needs to be voted on, reads. ture traffic capacity shortfalls by
The current bay bridge has two replacing the current two spans of
spans, one with two east-bound the Chesapeake Bay Bridge with
lanes and one with three west- a single new replacement bridge,
bound lanes. constructed at the same location,
The new bridge would be a sin- that includes a minimum of eight
gle span of eight lanes divided travel lanes,” the yet to be ap-
To Schedule an Appointment Call: 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427
evenly back and forth across the proved missive reads.
Now Scheduling Winter & Spring Installations Chesapeake Bay. In a later interview Commis-
WentworthNursery.com/landscape-consultation The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is sioner Todd Morgan said he hoped
about four miles in length, but it the push to build a new bridge for
Charlotte Hall Prince Frederick Oakville is aging badly. the Chesapeake Bay would spark a
30315 Three Notch Rd, 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, 5 minutes North of Hollywood “The existing bridge was de- renewed effort to get funding for a
Charlotte Hall, MD Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road signed for a 50-year life, but the new Gov. Thomas Johnson Bridge
301-884-5292 410-535-3664 Mechanicsville, MD
800-558-5292 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427 eastbound span is nearly 70 years between St. Mary’s and Calvert
Winter Hours: Mon.-Sat 9-5 & Sun 10-4 Winter Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5, Sat. 7:30-3, Closed Sundays old, and the westbound span is over the Patuxent River.
nearly 50 years old,” the St. Mary’s [email protected]
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Local News 5

St. Mary’s Digs Its Way St. Mary’s Welcomes

Out of Year’s First Snow First Baby of 2022

MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital welcomed its first baby of 2022 in the early hours of Jan. 1. Dante Leon
Childers, son of Samantha Garner and Anthony Childers of Bushwood, arrived at 8:47 a.m., weighing 8
pounds, 5 ounces, and measuring 22 inches long. Dante is the couple’s first child, and he now shares a
By Guy Leonard ground was warmer and we had birthday with his maternal grandfather: Stephen Garner, a past First Baby of the New Year himself! 
Staff Writer just had some rain,” Walker told
The first snowstorm of the The County Times. “So, I think
year, just days after the opening we wound up getting about 10
of 2022, hit Southern Maryland inches of snow. 8 a.m.
— and St. Mary’s — hard, shut- “There were some people re- Virtual Program
ting down the county government porting up to 12 inches.” 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
and schools for two days, making Walker said areas such as John’s Day of Service
some roads nearly impassable and Creek reported just under nine Donate non-perishable
leaving thousands without power. inches of snow, while Leonard- foods, teen-sized winter
The snow began to fall late into town and Park Hall reported about clothing, new or gently worn
the night of Jan. 2 and continued six inches of snow. shoes and eyeglasses.
on into the early afternoon of Jan. “At one time we had about
3. 13,000 people without power,”
Many neighborhoods were blan- Walker said. “It [the snow fall]
keted in up to six inches of snow; impacted us quite a bit.”
the frozen precipitation was so The drop in temperatures the
heavy it bowed trees, snapped night of Jan. 4 had authorities con-
branches and caused an initial cerned that some residents might
power outage for nearly 45,000 not have enough heat available,
Southern Maryland Electric Co- but Walker said they received no
operative (SMECO) customers emergency calls about the need to
throughout Southern Maryland. open a warming center, such as at THE URGENCY OF CREATING
By Jan. 5 SMECO still had one of the county’s libraries. THE BELOVED COMMUNITY
3,140 customers without power “We had a great deal of concern Keynote address by Dr. Mary
in Southern Maryland; St. Mary’s about that,” Walker said. Frances Berry, an activist in the
still had 537 customers without Walker warned that the county cause of civil rights, gender
power, according to the latest was set to receive more snow by equality and social justice.
numbers from the utility provider. Jan. 7, perhaps two-to-four inches
Steve Walker, emergency ser- worth.
vices director, said the storm hit “It could mean trees and power
St. Mary’s hard and it could get hit lines down again,” said Walker.
again this weekend. [email protected]
“When it started snowing the

% LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS Sponsored by St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s
SERVING ST. MARY'S COUNTY REGISTER FOR THE County Branch NAACP The 7025, St. Mary’s County
EVENT ON ZOOM AT: Human Relations Commission, St. Mary’s County Public


St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
Schools, the College of Southern Maryland, and Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, Nu Zeta Omega Chapter.
6 Local News
Local News The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Sell it - Buy it Result Reporting Launched

for At-Home COVID-19 Tests
Tri County Livestock Auction St. Mary’s County Health Depart- age technology in innovative ways to
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM ment (SMCHD) and PinPoint US, LLC protect health. This service creates a
Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD are partnering to launch a new results flexible platform for quickly uploading
(closest physical address is 9033 Glock Place – Look for auction sign at entrance) reporting service for COVID-19 at- home test results and sharing real time
This auction is managed/conducted by the Tri-County Livestock Auction committee. home tests, now available to St. Mary’s guidance.”
County residents. The test results re- “As we expand access to take-home
porting service will allow community rapid antigen test kits, we need to make
ONLINE AUCTION ADVANCE NOTICE members to more easily report results it easier for our community members
from their at-home rapid antigen test to record and report their results,” says
Can Am ATV; John Deere Riding Mower; Grills; to SMCHD. This allows SMCHD to Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s Coun-
Cookware; Chafing Servers; Various Holiday help notify contacts and provide guid- ty Health Officer. “This also gives
ance and resources to prevent further public health a better understanding
Decorations; Outdoor Lawn Furniture; Kitchenware; spread of infection. Test reporting is of local burden of infection so we can
Bedroom Furniture; Honda 3000 Generator; and More conducted using the HIPAA-compli- provide guidance to infected commu-
ant PinPoint digital platform. nity members, take data-driven action
SMCHD will be distributing free at- to protect our community, and prepare
Auction in-person, on-site preview home test kits through the drive-thru health care resources. We are grateful
Friday, January 7, 2022 from 4 pm to 6 pm. at the Hollywood Volunteer Fire De- for our partnership with the PinPoint
partment on the following dates and team in offering digital resources for
Westfield Farm Arena, times, while supplies last: our community as we work together to
26689 Laurel Grove Road, Mechanicsville, MD. Saturday, January 8, 2022 from 3:00 respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
p.m. - 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s County residents can ac-
Tests will be limited to two per per- cess the test results reporting service,
Auction to be available online son present, for individuals that live in and more information on COVID-19
(www.FarrellAuctionService.com) with pictures and St. Mary’s County only. Community testing at smchd.org/covid-19-testing.
descriptions, and open for registration and bidding on or members are asked to please not arrive For local COVID-19 updates, infor-
about January 6, 2022. prior to scheduled distribution time. mation, and data, please visit smchd.
“We are excited to provide St. org/coronavirus or call SMCHD at
Mary’s County this test results report- (301) 475-4330.
ing service,” said Mr. Chris Nickerson, Joint Press Release:
www.FarrellAuctionService.com Pinpoint Managing Director. “Our PinPoint US, LLC
partnership with the county health St. Mary’s County Health Department
301.904.3402 department has enabled us to lever-

Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
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where ideas take flight
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Local News 7

S. HUNT AERO, LLC has served as a catalyst for technology and aviation-related economic
development within the Innovation District through the construction, leasing, and managment
of aircraft storage, modification, and maintenance hangars, as well as office/ flex space and
special-use technology facilities at The St. Mary’s County Regional Airport. The airport is the
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especially aviation and UAS technology.

The AEROPARK INNOVATION DISTRICT supports specific, unique investments in our future
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for St. Mary’s County. Learn more about this unique location and how your business can be a
part of our exciting future.
If we can assist you with your facility requirements,
contact Ken Reed, Managing Partner | 301-904-9928 | [email protected]
S. Hunt Aero, LLC | 44191 Airport Rd. Suite C | California, MD 20619

Interested in becoming a part of this collaborative hub of growing aviation and technology companies? Vist our website at www.fly2W6.com
8 Local News The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

consultation Governor Hogan
Declares 30-Day State
For personal

of Emergency
Mobilizes 1,000 Members of Maryland National
Guard to Respond to COVID-19 Surge

personal injury Governor Larry Hogan on Jan. 4 de-

clared a 30-day state of emergency to take
urgent short-term actions to combat the
Hogan’s direction, 1,000 members of the
Maryland National Guard are being mo-
bilized to assist state and local health offi-

& car crashes

current COVID-19 surge and mobilized cials with the state’s emergency pandemic
1,000 members of the Maryland National response.
Guard to assist state and local health offi- Approximately 250 National Guard
cials with the ongoing pandemic response. members will be deployed to support CO-
Today, Maryland hit a record high 3,057 VID-19 testing sites across the state, in-
COVID-19 hospitalizations, which is an in- cluding at hospitals and skilled nursing fa-
crease of more than 500% in the last seven cilities, and to assist with patient transport.
weeks. The newest projections show that Additional National Guard soldiers will
COVID-19 hospitalizations could reach be immediately assigned to support opera-
more than 5,000, which is more than 250% tions at the two new state-run sites located
higher than the previous peak. at University of Maryland Upper Chesa-
“The truth is that the next four to six peake Health in Bel Air and Anne Arundel
weeks will be the most challenging of the Medical Center in Annapolis.
entire pandemic,” said Governor Hogan. Opening 20 New Hospital-Adjacent
“All of the emergency actions we are taking Testing Sites Across the State. To meet the

today are to keep our hospitals from over- rising demand for testing and divert people
flowing, to keep our kids in school, and to from visiting hospital emergency rooms to
keep Maryland open for business, and we get COVID-19 tests, the Maryland Nation-
will continue to take whatever actions are al Guard will assist with opening 20 testing

necessary in the very difficult days and sites outside of hospitals across the state. To
weeks ahead.” find a testing site, visit covidtest.maryland.

lexington park, maryland

In addition to the 30-day state of emer- gov. State health officials continue to urge

gency, below is a list of the comprehensive residents not to visit an emergency room

t o
actions Governor Hogan announced today: just to get a COVID-19 test.

g e
Authorization of Maryland Secretary of Authorization of Booster Shots for 12- to

i n i v
Health to Regulate Hospital Personnel, Bed 15-Year-Olds. Following the latest action

Lexark ulA c t
Space, and Supplies. To assist hospitals and from the FDA, the State of Maryland will
nursing homes in addressing staffing short- now provide COVID-19 booster shots for
ages, Governor Hogan signed an executive children between the ages of 12 and 15.

order that authorizes the secretary of the Marylanders are also now eligible to get a

P Ad m u Maryland Department of Health (MDH) booster five months after completing their

t Com to:
Direct and expedite the transfer of pa-
tients between facilities as necessary;
primary doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Previ-
ous guidance required eligible Maryland-
ers to wait six months.
Establish alternate care sites, and allow
the Health Services Cost Review Commis- Read the updated MDH bulletin.
sion to set rates for them; Calls For Federal Action on Monoclonal
Allow interstate reciprocity for health Antibodies, Rapid Tests, COVID-19 Anti-
l care licenses; viral Pills. Governor Hogan called on the

in Specia Allow inactive health care practitio- Biden administration to take immediate

Movedeposit &EE
ners to practice without reinstating their action to:
licenses; Increase the distribution of monoclonal
$99 onth FR Authorize graduate nurses to work at any antibodies;
1st M health care facility and to provide full nurs-
ing services;
Expedite the approval of additional rapid
tests for public use, and push to increase
Allow health care practitioners to prac- production and distribution to the states;
tice outside the scope of their licenses; and
Regulate elective medical procedures as Expedite the production and allocation
necessary; and of the new COVID-19 antiviral pills, which
Issue directives to control and monitor were recently authorized by the FDA.
COVID-19 in nursing homes and similar Calls on Maryland Employers to Incen-
congregate care facilities. tivize Vaccinations and Boosters, Encour-
age Masks or Face Coverings. Following

All Ut Read the executive order. yesterday’s announcement that the state

Expansion of EMS Workforce. The gov- is now providing two hours of paid leave
ernor enacted a second executive order that for any employee who gets a booster shot,

authorizes additional steps to further aug- Governor Hogan urged other employers
ment the state’s EMS workforce, which is across Maryland to provide leave for vac-
on the front lines and also overwhelmed cinations and boosters. With face coverings
with COVID-19 patients. now required in all state government build-
ings in Maryland, the governor also urged
21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111 Read the executive order. more employers to encourage the wearing
Mobilization of 1,000 Members of the of masks or face coverings.
Maryland National Guard. At Governor
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times 9

Introducing the New Platinum Rewards

500 750 1000
for $5 off your Next Visit for $10 off your Next Visit for $20 off your Next Visit


301-997-1828 301-884-5636 301-475-2531 240-237-8266
7AM-10PM (9AM-6PM), & SUNDAY (10AM-4PM)
10 Local News The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Sidewalk Snow and Ice
Removal Required
Clear sidewalks are a safety pri-
ority in the aftermath of a win-
ers must apply sand, abrasives,
salt or de­icing chemicals to make

ter storm. The St. Marys County the sidewalk passable. Please don’t
Sidewalk Snow Removal Ordi- shovel ice or snow from sidewalks
nance requires property owners into roadways to avoid additional
Adoption is the Loving Option whose real property is adjacent safety concerns.
Adopt a Loving Friend today! to a public sidewalk to clear snow To see the St. Mary’s County Side-
Hi, my name is Zippy. With a and ice within 72 hours after the walk Snow Removal Ordinance,
name like Zippy you would think I storm’s end. If a snowplow, vehi- please visit https://go.boarddocs.
cle or machine deposits snow, ice c om /md /s t m a r y s c o/ B o a r d . n sf /
would be racing around the house,
or other frozen precipitation onto f ile s/9X U L7 B520B1F/$f ile/O r-
jumping off the tallest cabinet! But I really don’t act this way. I just the sidewalk adjacent to the prop- d i n a n c e% 20 (Snow % 20Re mov-
like to occasionally play with my toys. My TCAS buddies say I’m erty, the sidewalk must be cleared al)%20(rev)-signed.pdf.
a mellow two-year-old, who chooses instead to snuggle up with within 72 hours after the deposit. For further information or de-
you on the couch to binge watch your favorite show. Have another If the snow, ice or other frozen tails, please call the Department
cat? That’s OK, I seem to like other cats too. If I sound perfect, precipitation cannot be removed of Public Works & Transportation
zip on over and email [email protected] to entirely, home and business own- at (301) 475-4200, ext. 3527.
schedule an appointment to meet me ASAP! BE MY MIRACLE

MedStar St. Mary’s

AND PLEASE CHOOSE ME! When you choose to adopt from
TCAS, you are literally saving a life.

To see more of my amazing friends

also available for adoption, “like”
us on Facebook @ Tri-County
Modifies Visitation Policy
Animal Shelter Southern MD or
view us on our website at https://

Due to an increase in COVID-19 port person to accompany a pa-

cases, as of Tuesday, Dec. 28, our tient with disabilities; and for
Emergency Department (ER) is end-of-life, palliative, and/or hos-
now following YELLOW visitor pice care.
restrictions, as outlined in our The YELLOW Visitor and Pa-
Visitor and Patient Support Per- tient Support Persons Policy for
sons Policy during COVID-19. all other departments/areas re-
For the protection of patients mains unchanged at this time.
and staff, no visitors are permit- For more information, please
ted in the ER. Exceptions include visit https://bit.ly/3k4yKzh
one parent or guardian to accom- MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
pany children under 18 years of Press Release
age; and/or one guardian or sup-

Clements Convenience
Center to Close for
Equipment Repair
Due to equipment failure, the replacement equipment and to re-
Clements Convenience Center open as soon as possible. We re-
located at 24547 Horseshoe Road gret any inconvenience and appre-
in Clements will close early Sun- ciate your understanding.
day, Jan. 2, 2022, and will remain For more information on alter-
closed until further notice. nate St. Mary’s County conve-
The Department of Public nience center locations, please
Works & Transportation is work- visit https://www.stmarysmd.
ing with the contractor to secure com/dpw/FacilityLocations/.
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times In Our Community 11

New Guide Explores Eligibility Expanded

Forestry’s Importance for COVID-19 Vaccine
The St. Mary’s County Health • Individuals age 12 - 17:
Department (SMCHD) has up- • Pfizer recipients, booster dose
dated the eligibility criteria for lo- at least 5 months after 2nd
cal COVID-19 vaccine clinics in dose
accordance with updated autho- • Individuals ages 12 through 17
rization from the U.S. Food and may only be registered for an
Drug Administration. All indi- SMCHD vaccine clinic offer-
viduals 12 years of age and older ing the Pfizer vaccine. Adults
are now eligible for a booster dose (over age 18) do not have to
after completion of primary vac- receive the same type/brand
cination with the Pfizer-BioNTech of COVID-19 vaccine as their
COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, initial vaccination; each of the
a third additional primary series available COVID-19 vaccines
dose will now be available for may be “mixed and matched”
immunocompromised children 5 for the additional/booster
through 11 years of age. dose after completion of the
The following populations are primary vaccination. Chil-
now eligible to schedule an addi- dren 5 through 11 years of age
tional/booster COVID-19 vaccine who are fully vaccinated and
dose through SMCHD: are not immunocompromised
• Individuals with compromised have not been approved by the
Forestry grows food, creates about $4.2 billion and supported immune systems (Pfizer or FDA for a third dose at this
hundreds of products and mate- 18,046 jobs in the Maryland econ- Moderna recipients) time. The FDA will continue
rials, supports the environment, omy. In Southern Maryland, for- • 3rd additional dose, at least 28 to review information and
and builds careers. Nearly 40 per- estry businesses contribute over days after 2nd dose (age 5+) communicate with the public
cent of Maryland is forested. As $585 million to the state economy, • 4th booster dose, 5 months if data emerges suggesting
the single largest land use in the supporting more than 3,000 jobs. (Pfizer) or 6 months (Mod- booster doses are needed for
state, forests are vital to the health “Forests provide much-needed erna) after the 3rd additional this pediatric population.
of the Chesapeake Bay and offer employment and economic sus- dose (age 12+) For more information or to
numerous environmental and eco- tainability for our rural commu- • When registering for a vac- make a COVID-19 vaccination
nomic benefits. nities,” commented Shelby Wat- cine appointment, please mark appointment, please visit smchd.
To promote and support this son-Hampton, SMADC Director. “yes” to the immune-compro- org/covid-19-vaccine or call the
important industry, the Southern “And here in Southern Maryland, mise question SMCHD COVID-19 Community
Maryland Agricultural Develop- we are very fortunate to have the • All individuals age 18 and Hotline at (301) 475-4330 or St.
ment Commission (SMADC), a Dr. James A. Forrest Career and older: Mary’s County Library at (240)
division of the Tri-County Coun- Technology Center, which offers • Johnson & Johnson recipients, 523-3340. Please review the al-
cil for Southern Maryland, and students a wide variety of career- booster dose at least 2 months lergy guidance and the FAQs for
Grow & Fortify teamed up to de- specific programs in natural re- after 1st dose SMCHD COVID-19 Vaccination
velop a new resource guide and sources, including forestry.” • Pfizer recipients, booster dose prior to registering for a vaccine
companion video ‘An Introduc- The new guide is available now at least 5 months after 2nd appointment.
tion to Southern Maryland’s For- as a digital educational resource dose For local COVID-19 updates,
estry Industry’ to highlight how for residents, entrepreneurs, and • Moderna recipients, booster information, and data visit smchd.
responsible forest management commercial interests. A brief dose at least 6 months after org/coronavirus.
benefits our state’s ecology and video announcing the launch of 2nd dose
economy. The guide also encour- the guide will be previewed for
ages consumers to identify and attendees at the 2021 Rural Mary-

Can’t Find Us On The

seek out products made from lo- land Council Summit in Annapo-
cally sourced wood and explores lis on December 2, to be followed

News Stand?
forestry career opportunities. by the premiere launch of the full
Many climate experts believe Forestry Industry Video on Fri-
that a responsibly managed forest day, December 3, 2021. To view
offers one of the best and least ex- the forestry guide, forestry indus-
pensive ways to mitigate climate
change by sequestering carbon
try video and learn more about the
important role forestry plays in
Find Us Online @
and using carbon-neutral renew-
able energy. “Forests also provide
Maryland, visit growandfortify.
com or SMADC.com. www.countytimes.net
a viable timber market, incentiv- The ‘Introduction to Southern
izing landowners to retain and Maryland’s Forestry’ Industry
care for their trees ensuring the Guide and video were made pos-
overall health of their forests and sible in part by a Rural Maryland
For Daily News Updates On
habitat for wildlife,” said Kelly Prosperity Investment Fund Grant COVID-19 In St. Mary’s And
Dudeck, Chief Strategy Officer at (RMPIF) awarded to Southern Calvert Counties Go To:
Grow & Fortify. Maryland Agricultural Develop-
In 2017, the statewide forest- ment Commission.
ry industry directly contributed Press Release from SMADC. facebook.com/CountyTimesCalvert
12 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Finally a Snow Day

Mike Kerr, Valley Lee (contributed for free)

Audry McCray, Mechanicsville Leric Scriber, Leonardtown

Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times In Our Community 13

Mary Davenport, Valley Lee Tonia Delozier, St. Mary's City

Durane Gaulke, Drayden

14 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Maryland Deer Firearms Season Reopens January 7

The Maryland Department of antler-point restriction remains in
Natural Resources announces the effect. Deer hunters may harvest
January firearm deer hunting sea- one antlered white-tailed deer
son opens Jan. 7, 2022, in Deer within the yearly bag limit that
Management Region B, which does not meet the requirement of
includes all of the state except having at least three points on one
the westernmost counties. Hunt- antler. Any additional antlered
ers with a valid hunting license deer taken within the established
may use firearms to harvest sika bag limit must meet the mini-
and white-tailed deer during this mum point restriction. Licensed
season. junior hunters and apprentice li-
The season is open Jan. 7-8 in cense holders, 16 years of age or
all of Region B. The season is younger, are exempt from this
also open through Sunday, Jan. restriction.
9 on private and designated pub- During firearms season, Mary-
lic lands in Cecil and St. Mary’s land requires deer hunters and
counties, and on private lands their companions to wear daylight
only in Calvert, Caroline, Car- f luorescent orange or daylight f lu-
roll, Charles, Dorchester, Freder- orescent pink in one of the follow-
ick, Harford, Kent, Montgomery, ing manners: a cap of solid f luo-
Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Wash- rescent daylight orange or pink, a
ington (Zone 1), and Worcester vest or jacket containing back and
counties. Shooting hours end at front panels of at least 250 square
10:30 a.m. in Kent and Montgom- inches of f luorescent daylight or-
Photo by Lori Bramble
ery counties. ange or pink, or an outer garment
“The January firearm season is of camouf lage daylight f luores- Hunting and Trapping. the hunter to be safely tethered to
a good opportunity for hunters to cent orange or pink worn above Hunters should carefully inspect the tree as soon as they leave the
put one last deer in the freezer for the waist and containing at least all tree stands and always wear a ground.
the season,” Wildlife and Heritage 50 percent daylight f luorescent full-body safety harness while in Hunters are encouraged to help
Service Director Paul Peditto said. color. the stand and while climbing in others by donating deer taken in
“The harvest during this season More information on the fire- or out. The department strongly Maryland. A state tax credit offers
favors antlerless deer, which helps arms season, along with season recommends using a sliding knot, hunters an incentive for donated
to manage Maryland’s healthy Re- bag limits and other deer hunt- commonly known as a prusik deer. Other local or state programs
gion B deer population.” ing regulations, are available in knot, attached to a line that is se- are also available so please check
Hunters are reminded that an the 2021-2022 Maryland Guide to cured above the stand that allows with your deer processor.

Not for sale but FREE!
Over 1,000 cords of firewood
leftover from logging operations.

By appointment only
Call William at 703-431-0030
Must be 18 or older • Must sign liability waivers and terms of agreement
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times 15

Looking Back
16 Feature The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Last Half of 2021 St. Mary’s C

By Guy Leonard River would draw crowds once again. “This is a pretty big deal,” Morgan the impact. In the meantime, please
Staff Writer The grassroots effort to bring back said in his social media video post shut down your Windows based com-
The summer heat brought county the Solomons Island fireworks display standing on the soon-to-be-reopened puters and servers until you hear from
residents out despite continuing CO- has been so successful at raising funds thoroughfare. “From design to finish it us.
VID-19 worries though the Delta vari- that several extras will be added this took about 11 months to this replaced.” “To confirm, neither JustTech serv-
ant and then the Omicron variant would year to make the event even more spe- The new bridge was 57-feet wide, ers nor your network were directly
continue to hang over the county. cial, a senior member of the Solomons Morgan said with SHA construction hacked or breached. The intrusion
Business Association (SBA) said this crews gathered near him, performing came through the remote monitoring
July week. finishing tasks on the project, and was and security software we utilize from
“There’s more than what we need to supported by steel pylons. an industry leading provider.”
Summer means sports and in the Ni- pull this off,” said Jennifer Stotler, vice For decades, he said, motorists had Russian-based computer hackers
colet Park area of Lexington Park that president of the SBA. “So that means been driving over the aging bridge could be to blame for the cyberattack,
means basketball. we’ve been able to add some things.” likely oblivious to its condition. the e-mail stated; cybersecurity experts
The Nicolet Basketball Association Bringing back the fireworks after “A lot of times you don’t realize what are speculating that the most recent at-
(NBA) has run for five years in Lexing- they had been cancelled earlier this you’re driving over,” Morgan said. tack could be the largest in history.
ton Park and has become more than just season came about after a local busi- “[This new bridge] should be around The ransom demanded by the hackers
a place for men 18 years old and up to ness owner, Kyle Webber, started a for a long, long time.” was reportedly $45,000 per computer;
take to the courts, it has become a part grassroots campaign to raise the funds The opening would be in time to aid McKay said 19 computers employed
of the community’s fabric and a way for to go on with the show. for the harvesting season, Morgan said, by Leonardtown were still infected but
people to connect in ways they might Webber, who recently joined the allowing farmers to get their heavy should be operative within a few days.
never have. SBA, has been giving regular updates equipment around to fields much faster; “They will wipe all our computers
The person largely responsible for its on the progress of the effort as well in the preceding months farmers had and restore all of our backups,” McKay
creation and continued success, John as heading up the coordination of the been forced to take their machinery out said.
“Duck” Duckett, said it is a labor of event working with the SBA. on Route 5 to bypass the construction
love that keeps him busy all throughout The funding has come from com- area. August
the summer. munity donations and business
Duckett, 43, is a county native and sponsorships. The Town of Leonardtown received Just before July turned to August
graduate of Great Mills High School “We couldn’t do this without the sup- a shock when it was the tangential vic- tragedy struck in Charlotte Hall as a
where he was a star athlete. port and our sponsors,” Stotler said. tim of a nationwide ransomware attack, young, soon to be married couple were
He and some friends decided to do “They [the citizens] started it and the believed to be perpetrated by Russian killed by a motorist traveling at least
something about a lack of activities for sponsors jumped on board.” hackers. 100 miles an hour through the intersec-
local men, from young to old. The Solomons 4th of July celebration It shut down key town services for tion of Golden Beach Road and Route 5
“I just wanted to start a basketball is predicted to bring substantial crowds days. while driving their own vehicle.
league,” Duckett said. “A group of guys this weekend as it is the only regional “They ensured us all our data was Shawn Bailey and Melody Russell,
said there was just nothing for men to major public fireworks display of the safe and that it was backed up off site,’ two young people who fell in love on
do here.” season after the COVID-19 pandemic. said Town Council member Mary Ma- the job while working at the Leon-
Shelly Hutchins, the NBA’s coordi- Sheriff Mike Evans said his deputies day Slade. “They said we shouldn’t ardtown McKay’s grocery store and
nator, said it was a long-lasting problem were busy preparing for the weekend’s have to pay the ransom demand.” planned to get married in November,
in Lexington Park. festivities, including large crowds. The contractor providing computer were both killed in the horrific traffic
“There are plenty of things for wom- “Everybody’s been cooped up and services for Leonardtown is JustTech, crash in Charlotte Hall July 30.
en and children to do but there isn’t that they’re ready to get out,” Evans said. Slade said. Their co-workers remembered them
much for men,” Hutchins said. “We’re prepared for the worst but hop- Ransomware attacks demand mon- for being among the friendliest and
The league operates by registering ing for the best.” etary payments to the perpetrators of hardworking young people they knew
players and assigning them to teams the attack or they retain the files in an and were deeply saddened that their
– which take the same names as the St. Mary’s would also be able to encryption lock or release those files to lives here were cut short so violently.
teams in the National Basketball Asso- make its infrastructure more whole as the dark web. But they also said the couple, who
ciation, such as the Nicolet Celtics - and the state would complete repairs on Town Administrator Laschelle McK- shared many of the same interests
they play against each other on Thurs- box culverts and roads that had been ay said the attack happened shortly af- and personality traits, were together
days and Saturdays, often for awards washed out by the Aug. 4, 2020 Tropi- ter noon on July 2. in Heaven forever, looking down with
and prizes. cal Storm Isaias. “We were typing on our computers love on those they left behind.
Those include haircuts at local bar- One of those bridges was the New when a warning flashed on our com- “I truly believe that,” said Lisa Dean,
ber shops, movie tickets at AMC The- Market Turner Road Bridge over Per- puters from the firewall and everything a store employee who knew Russell
atres, dinners at local restaurants like simmon Creek, running through Me- went away,” McKay said. for the eight years she worked in the
the Showtime Deli and even free hotel chanicsville and vast swaths of impor- An e-mail from JustTech’s CEO de- bakery department. “She was reliable,
stays. tant agricultural land. tailed the ransom ware attack. energetic and full of life; she enjoyed
Del. Matt Morgan announced over “We discovered the breach, disabled, what she did.”
Waning COVID infections meant social media June 30 that the State and shut down the affected servers Karissa Stanley, who also worked
that Southern Maryland was ready to Highway Administration project to re- within [eight] minutes…,” said Joshua with Russell, said she was a talented
celebrate the most American of holi- place the bridge, one of the oldest in the Justice. “Not all our customers were artist who loved to express her ability
days, July 4th. county before it was destroyed last Au- impacted, and we are still working with in the bakery as well as in crafts and
Fireworks to be seen on the Patuxent gust, would be finished the same day. incident response teams to determine projects she did on her own time.
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Feature 17

Continued to Find Balance

“She was very passionate about what were in the moderate range for the port permits in hand.
she did,” Stanley said, noting Russell whole county (between 10 to 49 cases “It will be a live transport,” Edwards
was also Bailey’s great passion. per 100,000),” Smith said. “The school said.
“He would’ve done anything for her,” system hasn’t been impacted that The alligator is only about six-to-six-
Stanley said. much.” and-a-half feet in length, but could still
Russell was a joy to work with, said But the swift rise in recent weeks be a threat to anyone who approaches
bakery manager Gloria Hauck, and she of infections could change all that, he it.
had a quirky sense of humor that made said. “They’re all dangerous,” Edwards
everyone laugh. “Right now, St. Mary’s County is re- said. Nicolet Basketball Association game in Lexington
Her esteem for her co-workers was so ally high,” Smith said. “The wearing of Park
high that Russell would constantly give masks would be driven by the rate of September
them gifts. community transmission, as it should
“She always gave us handmade gifts always be.” The winds of change were inevitable
every Christmas,” Hauck said. “She On July 29 Smith sent a letter to as redistricting on a federal, state and
was very good at it.” parent explaining that for the last two local level were in full gear, and there
The driver of the striking vehicle weeks of summer school masks would were high hopes that the governor’s cit-
was Aleksandr Ivanchev, who has since be required for the unvaccinated stu- izen’s redistricting commission would
been charged with two counts of 2nd dents attending class. draw senatorial and delegate maps that
degree murder. “The one thing that will happen is were fair and non-politicized.
When the collision occurred, State's everybody will come back to school,” This would eventually be true but an
Attorney Rick Fritz said, the victims’ Smith said. “That means classes five initial map for Southern Maryland put
vehicle exploded. days a week, extracurricular activities, a stench in the nostrils of many that de-
Fritz told The County Times that he and full athletics.” manded being wafted away.
is considering charging Ivanchev with The Maryland Citizens Redistricting
two counts of second-degree depraved St. Mary’s County, aside from deal- Commission has offered a new con-
Solomonsfirework celebration provided by the
heart murder, which hinges on the con- ing with an unwelcome virus, also had gressional map that keeps St. Mary’s SBA and donors
cept that the person charged may not to deal with an unexpected guest, an County whole; a previous map that
have intended to kill, but whose actions amphibious one. took a slice of the county from Me-
were so dangerous that they should Reports from alomst two years ago chanicsville down to California and
have realized there was a substantial that an alligator has been roaming in gave it over to a senatorial district serv-
risk of death. a portion of St. Mary’s County coastal ing Anne Arundel and Calvert counties
“My question is why?,” Fritz said. waters appear to be true, according to caused an uproar that led to protests to
“Why is anyone driving like that? county officials and a local wildlife the commission at their Sept. 20 on-line
“It makes the case extremely expert. meeting.
aggravated.” “We’re getting credible informa- The new map, which still confers a
Fritz said he saw the video and the tion,” said Steve Walker, director of the sizeable piece of Charles County into
ensuing explosion and fireball. Department of Emergency Services. a St. Mary’s senate district, was de-
“About a year ago we got reports that veloped from discussion at that same
Educational leaders here said stu- there was an alligator in the county and meeting, according to the redistricting
dents would return to school in the fall we dismissed it. commission.
but they would likely be doing it with “But one of the local wildlife groups “While this is not a final plan, it
their faces covered. claims they’ve seen it, that they’ve shows that your voice mattered in this Concrete being laid at the MD 6 bridge over
Persimmon Creek
At the beginning of the school year made a video recording of it.” process and that the Commission heard
they would make masks mandatory. Dave Edwards, of Gentle Hands our concerns,” said Sen. Jack Bailey in
“What we’re coordinating with the Wildlife Rescue based in Hollywood, an e-mail to constituents.
health department is the threshold re- said he found the alligator after hearing “I am proud to have worked with
sponse,” said Superintendent Dr. J. of reports of its having taken up resi- Delegate [Matt] Morgan and excited to
Scott Smith in an interview with The dence here. see that so many members of our com-
County Times. “We’re not just making “We’re worried about the animal it- munity were involved to show the re-
some decision; we have to follow the self,” Edwards told The County Times. districting commission the importance
data.” “I’m working with another [rescue] of keeping St. Mary's County united.”
The data shows that the new case service. The prior map that caused such a fu-
rate per 100,000 residents is well over “It’s [the alligator] going to a service ror would have placed key economic
100, according to the county’s health in Florida.” development aspects, including the
department. Edwards said the rescue counterpart Airport Innovation District at the St.
Past guidance from the state on what he is working with will keep the alliga- Mary’s County Airport and the Univer-
constituted high transmission rates of tor at the sanctuary and not release it sity of Maryland’s new satellite campus
COVID-19 showed that 100 or above back into the wild. dedicated to autonomous technological
cases per 100,000 residents met that Edwards said the alligator should be research, under the representation of a
threshold. captured by the end of the week; the senator hours away, with a main con-
Aleksander Ivanchev, driver of the vehicle that
“For the whole summer in St. Mary’s rescue agency already has all the trans- stituency focused on entirely different killed two people on Rt. 5 in August
18 Feature The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

interests. “There was many a fun night at the erations at CSM said the college began
Morgan, who represents Dist. 29A, Belvedere with a few individuals,” to take stock of its facilities about two
called the previous map an attempt at Morgan reminisced. years ago; the Wellness and Aquatics
gerrymandering St. Mary’s. Center was one that was underutilized.
The struggle against illegal guns “We started looking out for commu-
Lexington Park was undergoing and the people who used them in street nity partners… that we could work with
changes of its own as one of the old- violence. to enhance the facility,” Comey said.
est, and sadly most dilapidated hotels, The Youth Gun Violence Task Force They arrived at a deal with the coun-
the former Belvedere, was mostly continued efforts this summer that ty to run the facility.
demolished. originally began in July 2020. Since “Branding our swimming classes
Alligator roamed in an area of St. Mary's in Just one building and the front office June of this year, the reformed task and fitness courses as college classes
August remained. force executed 105 search warrants, was not as open and inviting,” Comey
“It’s something we’ve been work- made 65 arrests and seized 19 guns in said.
ing on for well over six months,” said its work in St. Mary’s County. The college will still be offering pro-
Commissioner Todd Morgan during The task force’s mission included graming of its own at the facility, Com-
the business meeting of the Commis- a high visibility presence in at-risk ey said, and students and faculty will
sioners of St. Mary’s County Sept. 14. neighborhoods to reduce the frequency still have access to it.
“Over the years that place has been di- of gun violence; interdiction enforce- “It’ll be a much better return on in-
lapidated pretty badly, but thanks to a ment to recover illegally possessed fire- vestment,” Comey said.
lot of work and communication, they’ll arms from persons and vehicles; using
be tearing down three of the four build- covert investigative strategies to iden- October
ings where old Belvedere used to be.” tify suspects involved in gun crimes;
The owners of the property are listed review and evaluation of both open and By October many laws passed in An-
on the county tax rolls as Inder Hospi- closed gun cases for intelligence and napolis in the General Assembly had
tality LLC, based in Rockville. engagement with community members been signed and taken effect.
State tax records show the property and organizations for information and Police reform, which was not favored
was sold in 2002 as The Belvedere Res- support. by many in law enforcement, had a
taurant incorporated to Ganesh LLC “Over the past three months, the task deadline of July 1 in 2022 to be enacted
Redistricting map proposed by the Maryland for $4.1 million. force worked tirelessly to investigate and much of the work was to be done by
Citizens Redistricting Commission Ganesh LLC in turn sold the prop- and arrest violent criminal offenders the counties.
erty in 2007 to Braddock Realty LLC who terrorized our community with The law is largely transformative in
for $5.6 million. a callous disregard for the sanctity of the way law officers do their jobs and
Braddock Realty sold the property to life,” said Lt. Shawn Moses, Youth places a much higher level of scrutiny
the current owners for a much reduced Gun Violence Task Force Coordina- on their actions vis a vis a require-
price of $1.4 million, state tax records tor. “The cumulative results produced ment to establish a Police Account-
show, in 2014. by the task force undoubtedly serves as ability Board (PAB), an Administrative
The building closest to Route 235 a testament to how the community and Charging Committee which can direct
will likely remain intact, Morgan said, law enforcement can work together to a local law enforcement agency head
but the remaining buildings will be investigate and deter violent crime,” he on how to discipline their personnel for
demolished. said. policy infractions and a trial board.
“We’re working on cleaning up Lex- St. Mary’s would also continue its Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron, who
ington Park and I want to thank the mission to add amenities for its resi- largely opposed the General Assem-
owners, particularly [County Attorney dents, even ones that had been closed bly’s take on police reform earlier this
David] Weiskopf and [Director of Land for some time. year, has said the new law will create
Use and Growth Management Bill] A new lease agreement between new levels of bureaucracy on his agen-
Demolition continues at the Pax River Hotel in Hunt for working through the process county government and the College cy and only make getting rid of bad law
Lexington Park
with me to begin to clean up one piece of Southern Maryland (CSM) puts the enforcement officers harder, not easier.
of Lexington Park.” Department of Recreation and Parks “I believe the original intent of this
Shahid Latiff, general manager at the in charge of the aquatics and wellness legislation was to get rid of bad cops as
Pax River Hotel, said that the remain- programs at the fitness center on the quickly as possible,” Cameron told The
ing building would continue to offer college’s Leonardtown campus. County Times. “We were already get-
rooms to guests; he said the owner of The lease agreement was approved ting rid of the bad cops faster than what
the property was planning to build a by the Commissioners of St. Mary’s this [the new law] allows.”
residential rental property where the County at their Aug. 31 business He contends that his office is the only
older buildings once stood. meeting. one charged with managing the agency
“We are already demolishing,” Latiff Arthur Shepherd, director of the rec- and its personnel, including how they
said. reation and parks department, said the are disciplined for policy infractions.
The Belvedere was one of many din- facility would be operated as an en- Those infractions differ from crimi-
ner and nightlife spots in what Morgan terprise fund managed by the county, nal actions, which are investigated by
called “the heyday” of Lexington Park, which means it would be expected to the agency’s Criminal Investigations
when the economy there was more turn a profit to support itself in the next Division.
vibrant. several years. Under the new law Cameron must
He said he remembered moving to But, Shepherd said, during its first abide by the ruling of the ACC in dis-
the county in 1979 and renting an ef- year the facility would operate at a pro- ciplining an officer, which he said is in
Sheriff Timothy Cameron talks to ficiency apartment at the once thriving jected loss of $50,000. direct contravention of his constitution-
commissioners about pending police reforms. establishment. Dr. Bill Comey, vice president for op- al authority as sheriff.
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Feature 19
“Under the ACC I could only do as of a large, well established Mennonite cide by police officer and exonerat-
they recommend or go higher not low- family from Loveville. “He was well ing the state trooper for shooting the
er,” Cameron said. “There have been liked by a lot of other produce growers. 16-year-old.
cases where there were mitigating fac- “He was a great family man first and The eye witnesses, Ham’s grand-
tors where I lessened the punishment. foremost.” mother Victoria Boyle, and Michelle
“I’d do it again.” Those who knew him said Stauffer Mills and her daughter Allision Mills,
The state and Cameron disagreed was likely killed while on his way to both immediate nextdoor neighbors of
over who would appoint the mem- work at the produce auction site early Ham’s, say that the boy’s killing could
bers of these boards — Cameron said in the morning of Oct. 27. and should have been avoided.
he should as he was the constitution- Azzari responded to two 911 calls
ally elected official and the county had November stating that there was a suspicious male
no executive as was outlined in the subject in the neighborhood with a gun;
legislation. Soon after Stauffer’s death, police it was later determined that Ham was
“That is not this board’s role,” Cam- were able to capture his alleged killer. one who made those two calls.
eron told commissioners last week. “I Ryan Cherrico was alleged to have When Azzari arrived he reported he Furneral procession for Henry Stauffer
am the governing body of the sheriff’s stolen the vehicle that hit and killed was confronted by the suspect, Ham,
office. Stauffer while he was in his horse and who was pointing what appeared to
“Not one time in this bill is the term buggy, all while in a drunken state. be a semi-automatic handgun at the
sheriff used; this was written for a coun- According to an application for a trooper.
ty with a county police department.” statement of charges against Cher- The gun was later found to be a rep-
Cameron continued: “Make no mis- rico, sheriff’s deputies found him at lica that shot BB-style projectiles.
take; this bill, in my opinion, encroach- the Third Base store just about one-half After opening fire on Ham with
es upon the separately elected constitu- mile away from the incident just min- about 10 shots from his duty weapon,
tional office of sheriff.” utes after it had occurred. Ham eventually went to the ground, on
“This is the beginning on the attack The crash occurred at about 7:30 a.m. his knees, dropping the replica pistol.
of the office of sheriff.” and witnesses said they saw the opera- Ham was wounded and bleeding pro-
tor of the red 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier fusely but was said to have produced a
The Amish and Mennonite commu- run away from the scene. knife and brandished it, according to
nity, known also as the plain folk, were Officers questioned Cherrico and the official report.
badly shaken by the death of one of documented their encounter with him When Ham would not comply with
their own in a violent crash in the fall. but said they did not detain him for lack the trooper’s order to drop the knife he
The County Times has learned that of evidence. opened fire, striking Ham in the chest,
the deceased is Henry Stauffer, report- But they noted that Cherrico, 31, of killing him.
edly 61 years old. Mechanicsville had a strong smell of According to the official report one Mugshot of Ryan Cherrico, the driver who
Stauffer was well known in both his alcohol on his breath and exhibited eye witness said Ham was standing allegedly hit Henry Stauffer
community and the larger county as the “slow, slurred, deliberate speech.” holding the knife, while Azzari said he
produce manager of the Loveville Pro- Surveillance video from several fired when Ham was attempting to get
duce Auction for the last 16 years. shops and stores in the area clearly back up.
County agricultural officials said showed Cherrico walking to Third In the official report’s account, Az-
Stauffer had been with the auction Base, court papers showed, but the de- zari said Ham was on his feet with the
from its inception. fendant gave police a false alibi to avoid knife when he fired again.
“He was a keystone member of that being suspected of causing the crash. “Trooper Azzari, reported that
community,” said Cindy Greb, execu- Cherrico had a suspended driver’s [Ham] then said he wanted to die and
tive director of the Southern Maryland license at the time of the crash, police stood up and approached Trooper Az-
Resource and Conservation Develop- said. ari with his knife still in his hand,” the
ment group. When law officers contacted the report stated. “The Trooper Azzari was
Greb has been working with both the owner of the truck, Robin Lynn Nel- once more in fear of his life and dis-
Amish and Mennonite communities to son, they found she had reported the charged his weapon again.”
relocated produce vendors to a newly vehicle stolen after she had learned it All three eye witnesses who spoke to
constructed farmers market on Thomp- had been involved in a fatal crash. The County Times say that account is Andrew Sukhram
son Corner Road to replace the one that Nelson was in Florida at the time, false.
has operated at the Charlotte Hall Re- court papers stated, and told law of- “He didn’t move, he was almost like a
gional Library parking lot. ficers she had left her vehicle with a statue,” Boyle said of her grandson has
David McKay, CEO with McKay’s family member, with whom Cherrico he was on his knees. “I saw the knife in
Food Stores, said he had a long working would stay from time to time. his left hand; I never saw him raise his
relationship with Stauffer, purchasing Law enforcement officers were also hands or raise the knife.
significant amounts of locally grown able to obtain text messages between “He moved his [left] hand but only
produce for their grocery stores. Cherrico and his mother which showed from his wrist down.”
“It was extremely shocking,” McKay he had been the operator of the stolen Boyle said she watched her grandson
said of learning of Stauffer’s death. truck and knew he had caused a fatal get hit with the final rounds from Az-
“I’m still in shock.” crash; law officers also found that Cher- zari’s weapon.
The produce auction was where rico’s family was attempting to send “I wanted him to drop the knife,”
McKay first got to know Stauffer, he him to Colorado to avoid apprehension. Boyle said of Ham immediately before
said, and he eventually became friends he was shot. “He didn’t drop it but he
with him. Peyton Ham’s family continued to didn’t do anything with it either.
“He was a remarkable, friendly guy,” rail against the official report on their “When I saw him, he was on his Judge David W. Densford retires
McKay said of Stuaffer, who was part son’s death, ruled essentially a sui- knees and he stayed there; he didn’t

Judge David Densford

20 Feature The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

hardly move at all.” judgements to the law and not what he Church will have a place to call their
might have personally meted out as a church home.
Tragedy would be a hallmark of No- sentence. Construction on their first perma-
vember as Leonardtown High School “I want to be the least judgmen- nent building, located on St. Andrew’s
had, the month prior, lost one of its own tal judge,” Densford told The County Church Road across from Fairgrounds
in a shocking suicide. Times. “I’m not the kind of judge to Road in Leonardtown, is nearing
The parents of Andrew Sukhram put a sign on someone that says ‘I’m a completion.
would plead with the community to thief,’ or something like that. Church leadership is confident that
help their family through their crisis in “That’s not me, that’s not how to ad- they will be able to open for in person
its immediate aftermath. dress the issue.” services for Christmas Eve.
“We are making a plea to the public Densford says many consider judg- “We’ve been portable for 16 years,”
that walk the shoreline, commercial es in St. Mary’s soft on crime, but he said Jennifer Curtis, a member of the
fishermen, recreational boaters, etc.,” disagrees. church’s executive council. “So, we’re
the Sukhram’s stated in a Facebook He said each judge, himself, Judge very excited.”
post for Leonardtown High School par- Michael Stamm and Judge Joe Stana- First the church met at the former
ents. “Please be on the lookout for his lonis all view violent crime very Southern Maryland Higher Education
body. seriously. Center before moving to Leonardtown
“He was wearing a black LHS se- “I’m not a long ball hitter (a judge High School; they’ve had some of their
Mike Cahall, Chief of lexington Park Rescue
Squad niors 2022 t-shirt, gray shorts and known for handing down maximum services recently at R/C Theatres as
white shoes.” sentences) but I’ve sentenced people well as moving to on-line formats.
The day of Andrew Sukhram’s death, who won’t ever breathe free air again Curtis said pre-pandemic that the
Oct. 28, the principal of Leonardtown and shouldn’t.” church brought in about 900 members
High School Jill Mills posted a mes- throughout an average week, now their
sage to the greater school community. December attendance is about evenly split be-
“I am so sorry to tell you all that one tween in-person and virtual.
of our students, Andrew Sukhram, was At a time when families were com- While construction continues at the
reported missing today,” Mills wrote. ing together for the holiday season site, Curtis said, services should be
“The student left LHS sometime this one was sadly sundered when Mike able to go forward despite the building
morning and was traveling to an as- Cahall, chief of the Lexington Park not being entirely completed.
signed internship in the California area. Volunteer Rescue squad, passed away “That is our goal,” she said. “We are
“His vehicle was found abandoned unexpectedly. on track to get into the building.
on the Thomas Johnson Bridge. First Many in the fire and rescue commu- “We’ll definitely not be finished but
responders are continuing on with their nity would spend some of December we will be functional.”
investigation. We will provide addi- mourning his loss. There are always needy people dur-
tional details when notified.” Cahall died Nov. 18 in Thailand ing the holidays but, fortunately, there
Mills asked for a cessation to any while on vacation, according to sources has always been Mike Schwartz of
open speculation about the victim’s close to the rescue squad. Mike’s Bike’s with his turkey dinner
motives for suicide. Cahall was deeply involved in the drive to help them.
New South Point Church on St. Andrews “We are aware that there has been Lexington Park community on many
Church Rd.
talk about this incident on social me- levels beyond his service at the rescue The annual holiday turkey dinner
dia,” Mills said, “Rumors may begin to squad to include being an ordained drive originated by Schwartz, gave
come out, but please don’t spread them. minister in his church and a member of away about 1,000 turkeys plus potatoes
“They may turn out to be untrue and the local theater troupe. and vegetables to needy local families
can be deeply hurtful and unfair to An- A memorial service is scheduled for Dec. 13 and Dec. 14, and he says he
drew and his family and friends.” him Dec. 3 at the Bay District Volun- wants to do more.
Sukhram was a cross country track teer Fire Department on Shangri-La “I’m trying to get 100 more so we can
athlete at Leonardtown High School. Drive in Lexington Park. hand out a total of 1,100,” Schwartz told
“It was extremely shocking,” said The County Times.
A local judge would reach his retire- Commissioner John O’Conner this This is the second year that Schwartz,
ment age, after serving 10 years on the week of Cahall’s death, calling him a and a small army of volunteers, part-
county’s Circuit Court. “pillar of the community.” nered with business President Tommy
Judge David W. Densford officially “It makes it 20 times worse when it’s McKay of McKay’s Food Stores to
retired from the bench at the St. Mary’s the season where families are supposed make the drive a success.
Thomas Mckay, Todd Morgan, and Mike
Schwartz of Mike's Bikes donating and County Circuit Court Nov. 10; com- to be coming together,” O’Connor con- “He’s done great,” Schwartz said.
volunteering for the Turkey giveaway pelled by law as he is approaching 70 tinued at the regular meeting of the “He delivers it, and he gives it to us at
years of age. Commissioners of St. Mary’s County cost.”
He wished he did not have to go, but Nov. 30. Before his partnership with the lo-
is looking forward to trying cases as a Cahall joined the Lexington Park cally-owned McKay’s Food Stores,
retired judge on an as-needed basis. rescue unit 15 years ago and rose Schwartz had worked with Wal-Mart
His office is nearly cleared out. quickly through the ranks to leader- to fulfill turkey orders but they stopped
“I’m not taking anything,” Densford ship positions, eventually becoming a the relationship.
said. “Just 10 years of memories.” paramedic and serving in the county’s They offered Schwartz gift cards but
Densford has been on the bench for Advanced Life Support Unit. that didn’t fit his mission.
the last decade, appointed by former David Klobnock, a former chief at Commissioner Todd Morgan also
Gov. Martin O’Malley and before that the unit, worked closely with Cahall helped raise money for the drive, much
had worked as a defense lawyer for al- over the years and helped train Cahall of it coming from individual residents
most 40 years. up in the organization. and larger donors such as Bubby Knott
He remembers working “in the “I was the training officer when he owner of Great Mills Trading Post.
trenches” as a defense attorney, looking joined us,” Klobnock said. “He ran calls He also helped dole out the food at
for relief for his clients from the judge. with me during field training; Mike did Great Mills High School this week.
“It’s been great,” Densford said of his well and he progressed. “I really enjoy doing this,” Morgan
time in judge’s robes. “I’d much rather “He had constantly been striving in said. “He [Schwartz] started out with
make the decisions. an upward path.” 11 turkeys [in 1983] and now he’s up to
“When you’re in private practice 1,000.
you’re in the trenches, you have to work The members of South Point Church “This is a great thing for the commu-
for every dime; there’s no guaranteed were looking to make a big change for nity and it brings people together.”
income.” the holidays, bringing themselves to- As for the lack of corporate help,
Densford has seen defendants come gether into their own church home. Morgan said: “Gift cards don’t fill peo-
into his court that he believed needed For the first time in almost two de- ple’s bellies.”
to be reformed but had to conform his cades, the members of South Point [email protected]
Shop With a Cop charitable Christmas event
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Cops & Courts 21


On 12/28/2021, Tpr J. Pope responded was charged with Possession of CDS: Marijuana, Possession of CDS: Para- • On 12/30/2021, Tameka Aleena
to a residence on Pleasant Manor Road, Not Marijuana, Possession of CDS: phernalia, Resist/Interfere With Ar- Turner, 42 of Lexington Park, MD
Lexington Park, MD for the report of Paraphernalia and Possession of CDS: rest, Disorderly Conduct, and Failure to was arrested by Tpr C. Riggs for FTA:
a disturbance. Upon arrival, Tpr Pope In a place of confinement. Obey a Reasonable and Lawful Order. Driving while license was suspended
made multiple requests for the suspect, On 12/31/2021, Tpr R. Kaszub- The following people were arrest- • On 12/30/2021, William Dashae
identified as Mark Allyn Richison, ski conducted a traffic stop on Three ed for Driving under the Influence: Gough, 27 of Lexington Park, MD was
60 of Lexington Park, MD to leave Notch Road at Clover Hill Road, Me- • On 12/30/2021, Charles Burton arrested by Tpr K. Poland for FTA:
the property. Richison became irate chanicsville, MD. Investigation re- Shreve, 55 of Hollywood, MD was ar- Driving without a required license
and continued to cause a disturbance. vealed that the driver, Deandre An- rested by Tpr C. Riggs • On 12/31/2021, Clements William
Richison was arrested and transported tonio Watkins, 29 of Lexington Park, • On 12/30/2021, Gabriel Enrique Copsey, 45 of Mechanicsville, MD was
to the St. Mary’s County Detention MD was driving while under the influ- Garay, 36 of Lexington Park, MD was arrested by Tpr D. Black for Second
Center where he was charged with ence of alcohol. A search incident to arrested by Tpr J. Pope Degree Rape, Fourth Degree Sex Of-
Trespass: Private Property, Disorderly arrest revealed Adderall and Marijuana • On 12/31/2021, Deandre Antonio fense - Sexual Contact x2, and Inde-
Conduct, Intoxicated Public Distur- less than 10 Grams. Watkins was ar- Watkins, 29 of Lexington Park, MD cent Exposure
bance, and Failure to Obey a Reason- rested and transported to the St. Mary’s was arrested by TFC R. Kaszubski • On 1/1/2022, Derin Roberto Perez,
able and Lawful Order. County Detention Center where he was • On 1/1/2022, Kristina Marie Bilo, 19 of Baltimore, MD was arrested by
On 12/28/2021, Tpr J. Barlow re- charged with Possession of CDS: Not 28 of Hollywood, MD was arrested by Tpr C. Baden for FTA: Driving without
sponded to Walmart, located at 45485 Marijuana, Possession of CDS: Para- TFC J. Greathouse a required license
Miramar Way, California, MD for the phernalia, Possession of CDS: Opiate • On 1/1/2022, Tashika Lynn Mob- • On 1/1/2022, Ian Christopher Emes,
report of a theft in progress. Investiga- Without Prescription, Negligent Driv- ley, 30 of Lexington Park, MD was ar- 34 of Charlotte Hall, MD was arrested
tion revealed that Jill Marie Knittel, ing, Driving a Vehicle While Impaired rested by Tpr N. Zack by Tpr C. Baden for FTA: Driving
42 of Hollywood, MD had been previ- by Alcohol, Driving a Vehicle While • On 1/2/2022, Thomas Robert Muel- while license was suspended
ously trespassed from Walmart. Knit- Under the Influence of Alcohol, Failure ler, 56 of Waldorf, MD was arrested by • On 1/1/2022, Dominique Rashad
tel was also accompanied by a female to Obey Properly Placed Traffic Con- Tpr D. Black Myles, 31 of Lexington Park, MD
juvenile relative who was found to be trol Device Instructions, and was also was arrested by Tpr D. Black for FTA:
in possession of a stolen item from issued a civil citation for Possession of The following people were arrest- Driving while license was suspended
Walmart. Knittel was issued a criminal CDS: Marijuana Less Than 10 Grams. ed for Open Warrants: • On 1/3/2022, David William Hower
citation for Trespassing: Private Prop- On 12/31/2021, Tpr C. Riggs and Tpr • On 12/29/2021, Randy Aloysius 2nd, 27 of Lusby, MD was arrested by
erty and was released from the scene. C. Willhite responded to Big Dog’s Wathen, 33 of Leonardtown, MD was Tpr D. Black for FTA: Driving while
The juvenile was charged with Theft: Paradise, located at 28765 Three Notch arrested by Tpr J. Pope for FTA: Driv- license was suspended
Less than $100.00 and was released Road, Mechanicsville, MD, for the ing without a required license
into Knittel’s custody. report of an assault. While on scene,
On 12/28/2021, Cpl T. Davis con- Joshua Alan Moore, 32 of
ducted a traffic stop on Three Notch
Road at Hollywood Road, Hollywood, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: LAW OFFICE OF

MD. A probable cause search of the January 4, 2022
vehicle was conducted by Tpr C. Will- Mechanicsville, MD became disor-
hite which revealed drug parapherna- derly. Moore was arrested and a search

lia and Cocaine. The passenger of the incident to arrest revealed Suboxone
vehicle was identified as Sara Wagner on his person. Moore was transported
Zetty, 37 of Lusby, MD. Zetty was ar- to the St. Mary’s County Detention
rested and transported to the St. Mary’s Center by Tpr Willhite where he was
County Detention Center where she charged with Possession of CDS: Not

Editor’s Note:
The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been

Legal Notices

The Leonardtown Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing

on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Office located at 22670
Washington Street, Leonardtown, MD. The purpose of the hearing is to present
for public review and comment a Special Exception request for St. Mary’s Nursing
Center Memory Care Facility to be located at 42156 Saint Andrews Church Road in
Leonardtown. Tax Map 0041, Grid 0001, Parcel(s) 0001 and 0002.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend or to submit written
comments by 4:30 p.m. on January 24, 2022 to the Board of Zoning Appeals, P.O.
Box 1, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Special accommodations will be made for persons
with disabilities upon request. 41650 COURT HOUSE DRIVE, SUITE 301 • P.O. BOX 288
By Authority:
Laschelle E. McKay, Town Administrator PHONE: 301-475-5150 • FAX: 301-475-6909
e w s
22 PAX River The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station N
Israel to Purchase CH-53k King Stallion
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has the IAF current f leet of modified and program support. competition. During this period,
signed a Letter of Acceptance with CH-53D Yasur helicopters, which As the long-range logistic sup- PMA-261 hosted multiple visits
the United States government to have been f lying for over 50 years. port backbone for the U.S. Marine by IAF leadership as they com-
purchase the CH-53K King Stal- The signed agreement states Corps, the CH-53K will support pared aircraft, including orienta-
lion heavy lift helicopter on De- first deliveries of the aircraft are Israeli special operations pro- tion f lights and f light evaluations
cember 30. planned for 2025. In addition to grams first, as well as provide the with IAF pilots and acquisitions
“We’re happy the IAF recogniz- the aircraft, the agreement in- Israeli Defense Forces with a plat- professionals.
es the unrivaled capabilities and cludes T408-GE-400 engines; form that has the speed, safety and The CH-53K King Stallion pro-
performance of the K and have facilities study, design and con- gross weight capability to support gram is in the Initial Operational
chosen to move forward with us,” struction; spare and repair parts; all of its missions, including troop Test and Evaluation stage and is
said Colonel Jack Perrin, Program support and test equipment; pub- and cargo transport, and search on track to achieve Initial Op-
Manager, heavy lift helicopter lications and technical documen- and rescue. erational Capability early next
program office (PMA-261). “Wel- tation; aircrew and maintenance The decision wraps up a multi- year, with first f leet deployment
come to the CH-53K family!” training; U.S. government and year negotiation process. In the planned for FY2024.
The CH-53K is the most pow- contractor engineering, technical end, the King Stallion offered
erful helicopter ever built by the and logistics support services; and more capabilities and the lat-
U.S. government and will replace other related elements of logistics est technology compared to the
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Education 23

18th Annual MLK Jr. FOUR WAYS TO

Prayer Celebration at RESPOND TO
Contributing Writer:
Lynda J. Striegel

Stock markets in the U.S. and 3. Get a Cash Cushion.

worldwide have been volatile late- Give yourself true peace of mind
ly—large swings in short periods of by saving one year’s worth of in-
time. China’s market has lost a lot come in a “cash cushion.” This is
of its value. Other emerging mar- your own personal safety net. Make
kets are crashing and burning: how- saving your cash cushion your num-
ever, the U.S. economy seems to ber one priority. That means some
be doing well. No one knows if the self-discipline. Instead of going on
Dr. Mary Frances Berry Federal Reserve is or is not going to that vacation, buying toys for the
raise interest rates. With all of this grandchildren, getting that new car,
Serving as chairperson of the to Resist: How Progressive Move- turmoil, it is no wonder many ordi- put your money aside in a savings
U.S. Civil Rights Commission, Dr. ments Have Succeeded in Challeng- nary investors are concerned. There account or money market mutual
Mary Frances Berry, led the charge ing Times,” examines the successful are four things you can do to give fund. Once you have set aside one
for equal rights and liberties for all tactics of movements that ended the yourself peace of mind: year’s worth of income in a money
Americans over the course of four Vietnam War, jumpstarted govern- 1. Turn Off the Financial News. market mutual fund that you can
presidential administrations. She ment response to the AIDS epidem- I personally enjoy listening to all easily access and that is not likely
became the first woman of any race ic, championed the Americans with the financial pundits talk about why to decrease in value, you will be
to head a major research university Disabilities Act and advanced civil, markets move; however, keep in able to breathe a sigh of relief and
as chancellor of the University of women’s and LGBTQ rights. Her mind that the television news cycles lessen the fear that market turmoil
Colorado at Boulder. Currently, she previous book, “Power in Words: are 24 hours a day and every news creates. With a cash cushion, any
is the Geraldine R. Segal Professor The Stories behind Barack Obama’s program needs “talking heads” to really difficult event like losing a
of American Social Thought and Speeches, from the State House to fill up their programming. And, the job has far less impact. You know,
professor of history at the University the White House,” offers insight more the “talking heads” can cre- because of your cash cushion, if you
of Pennsylvania, where she teaches and historical context of President ate a controversial story with their lose your job you can still make the
the history of American law and the Obama’s most memorable speeches. comments, the better. When the rent or mortgage payments. You
history of law and social policy. The Annual Southern Maryland markets are as volatile as they are can rely on your cushion to keep
Berry is one of the founders of Martin Luther King Jr., Prayer Cel- today, your best bet is to withdraw you going at the same lifestyle for
the monumental Free South Africa ebration is sponsored by St. Mary’s from the talk and turn off the finan- a year. That should give you plenty
Movement (FSAM). She received College of Maryland, St. Mary’s cial news. of time to find another job or create
the Nelson Mandela Award from the County Branch NAACP The 7025, 2. Allocate Your Assets. your own through setting up a small
South African government for her St. Mary’s County Human Relations Understand that as an ordinary business.
role in raising global awareness of Commission, St. Mary’s County investor, you have absolutely no 4. Get some professional help.
South African injustice that helped Public Schools, the College of South- control over any of the events that Many investors seek professional
to end over 40 years of apartheid. ern Maryland, and Alpha Kappa Al- are rattling world markets. Leading help to manage their investments.
Berry’s books cover a wide range pha Sorority, Inc.®, Nu Zeta Omega hedge funds are taking huge losses These days, some online money
of subjects, from the history of con- Chapter. on market turmoil. If the manag- managers provide you with robotic
stitutional racism in America to the For more information and registra- ers of those funds don’t know how investment services. Certainly
history of progressive activism. Her tion, visit www.smcm.edu/mlk to predict the market, what chance those services may be less expen-
latest book, “History Teaches Us does the ordinary investor have? sive. However, no robot can dis-
All you can do is what I hope you cuss family matters or your money
have been doing. If you have al- concerns with you. When seeking
located your investments across a professional advice, shop around.
broad enough spectrum, the down- Make sure the advisor treats you
turns will be much less difficult. with dignity and responds to your
The concept is “asset allocation” questions. In the event you find an
and you can learn more about this advisor who is condescending to
online at almost any financial ser- you or promises you a specific rate
vices website. At younger ages, of return on your investments, turn
your investment horizon is a long around and leave. Once you have
one, many years. Older inves- placed your investments into the
tors have a shorter horizon. The hands of a trusted professional, you
concept is to acquire “target date” should be able to rely on that pro-
investment funds. These are mu- fessional to watch out for you and
tual funds that address the date you your money. Let the advisors worry
LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS want to retire using asset allocation. about the market turmoil instead of
LOCAL ADVERTISERS No matter how long your invest- you.
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24 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

By Ronald N. Guy Jr. when or if games will be played, or
My husband just popped his
head in the office door and said,
Contributing Writer who will actually participate, the “Wow, your article looks like out-
This column’s title suggests that smart money stays in your pocket. side – white out!!!” Yeah, ha ha. I
a perch high in actual or figurative This is the COVID sports world, need a guest comedian/columnist,
bleachers offers a broader perspec- two years into pandemic madness. and I think my husband should be
tive on sports - and life. The wider To express surprise over these first.
vantage point sacrifices intricate disruptions would be naïve and a bit Sunday night, I felt as if I were
details, but it reveals a bigger pic- played out. Such things are simply a child again hoping for no school
ture and the interaction of forces in reality now. How teams are actually on Monday. Wasn’t that the most
simultaneous motion that allows for coping with the chaos is intriguing. exciting, yet worried feeling?
more predictable and better under- The guess is “as good as they can,” Worried because sometimes the
stood outcomes. which is likely synonymous with school districts didn’t decide until NOT A GOOD IDEA. I’m still try-
The theory is sound, and it has “not very well.” For players, consid- the morning of if there would be ing to pick off the hard bits, which
largely served this column well ering the effort required to prepare school or not. You would think exploded and squeezed out, with
(I hope) for its nearly 13 years of minds and bodies for games and a that by 60 years of age that the an Xacto Knife. It wouldn’t mat-
existence. But now? In this asyn- long season, being parked on the excitement would be gone. I’m ter if I could get the glue off, now
chronous, asymmetric and often sidelines due to a positive COVID glad it’s not. I couldn’t even sleep I can’t find its match. So, I guess
unrecognizable world? test must create intense frustra- through the middle of the night it will be a squishy, cold few days
If any sense is to be made of our tion. It is almost certainly worse for waiting for the snow to come, for me.
confusing recent history, it is fair to coaches, a profession dominated by and then to wait for the soft hush Hoping that everyone whose
question whether a bleacher-view micro-managing control freaks who when time seems to slow, and you power went on has it back on. Our
would be any more advantageous sweat every detail and attempt to can let out a contented sigh that whole neighborhood was out for
than any other seat in the world’s choreograph every imaginable sce- all will be still for a time. Snow the most part of the day on Mon-
metaphorical stadium. A ticket to nario. Now many don’t know who brings such a cozy, cocoon effect; day, but SMECO crews were out
the cheap seats, where the acquisi- their quarterback or point guard will the light changes, moods change, there working fast and hard to get
tion of wisdom once awaited, may be day to day. The competitive bal- and as far as you can see every- everyone restored as quickly as
now only offer a nosebleed, an ance is decided as much by a virus thing looks clean and uncluttered. possible. Thank you to SMECO.
oxygen-starved brain and burning as it is between the lines. It helps get me in the de-cluttering And big thanks to Mechanicsville
quads from the steep, vertical hike. The real world has its own equiv- mood for January, which I have Volunteer Fire Department, Me-
But here goes something for 2022 alent of that “health and safety” pro- already started. chanicsville Rescue Squad, Police,
– from the bleachers, the mezza- tocol scroll. Family gatherings, band I did have fun pulling out old all first responders, and neighbors
nine, field level seats or the parking concerts, youth sporting events, photos that I haven’t yet scanned who did so much throughout the
lot. Yes, the parking lot…that’s it. birthday parties, professional meet- into the computer. Looking back storm. We just don’t have that
The total opposite of the bleachers ings and vacations all hang in the on snow photos of the sixties with many large snowfalls in Southern
and a place where tailgating friends balance - all are susceptible to al- my brothers makes me happy, Maryland that we can get used to
share drinks, deep thoughts and out- teration or cancelation with the ar- and a little wistful for the simple the hazards. My brother in Utah
rageous nonsense while seated on rival of an ill-timed sore throat and pleasures of life. My favorite win- gets 80 to 90 inches per season
coolers and foldout chairs encircling positive test. What to do? Accept ter photo is me on a sled and my and probably has a chuckle about
a portable grill/heat source. With this reality - that deuces are wild in oldest brother behind me yelling me not wanting to drive anywhere.
that fresh perspective, just this once, 2022 - and adapt to the fluidity of… mush! All I could find Monday The number of inches expected
a few thoughts on these most con- everything. Develop contingencies. was just the one of me on the sled, for Monday sure did change quite
founding times… Be more spontaneous. Cherish any- but I was happy to see it. a few times; here in Country
Short of cryonics actually work- thing that executes as planned. Such The snow has been pretty, Lakes we had nearly 12”, can’t
ing or the development of some is life with an ever-present, evolv- though I will have better memories wait to see what this next snowfall
other sophisticated, multi-century ing pathogen that seems destined to of it if it’s gone soon. I absolutely will bring. We are going to try
life-extending technology, 2022 is linger. love the first snowstorm, especial- and hit the grocery store today for
the numerical year with the most Society will grow from this and ly since I had a big pot of chicken a few little things. I imagine, or
“2’s” any of us will see. And given emerge with an altered perspec- soup & pot roast and mashed pota- I’m hoping, that everyone stocked
the world’s bizarre stretch leading tive on sports, work and living life. toes leftovers ready for the dreary up before the storm so it will be
into this new calendar year, the Our adaptation is well underway, parts of the storm. However, one a normal crowd today. We have
answer to the Rolling Stones’ ques- economically and socially. Through snowstorm a season is enough for gone through so many eggs. Com-
tion in their song “Tumbling Dice” this process, and on the other side of me personally. I may be a bit dis- fort food begins with eggs, milk,
- “Don’t you know the deuce is still it, are better bosses and employees, gruntled because the only snow butter, and cheese (at least in my
wild?” - is an emphatic yes. teachers and students, coaches and boots I have left decided to crack book). Though another comfort I
Every day the sports scroll iden- players – in short, this great disrup- all over the rubber forefront. I do wish I still had is my old sled
tifies new players being added to tion is building a society of greater didn’t notice for a long time while and that I could jump on, and f ly
COVID-related “health and safety” strength, resilience, patience and I was clearing off things, shovel- down a hill as carefree as a child
protocols. Unproven and inexpe- compassion. Admittedly, that is hard ing a bit, and taking Mindy out- to enjoy the snow as it is meant to
rienced players are called up from to see right now with the omicron side. Then I started to squish. Duct be enjoyed…yet another item for
practice squads or developmental raging, but it is there. tape may be the answer. My other life’s bucket list.
leagues. Rusty veterans are signed The parking lot: where audacious pair of snow/rain boots that be- To each new year’s adventure,
off their couches. Rosters are in dreams and optimism thrive. longed to Robert’s mom also per- Shelby
complete flux from game to game. Send comments to Ronald- ished this year. I tried to fix where Please send your comments or
I don’t know how Vegas is setting [email protected] the heel came apart from the sole ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@ya-
betting lines, but with no clue as to on one boot with Gorilla glue. hoo.com or find me on Facebook.
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Calendar 25

St. Mary's
Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to
our Thursday publication.

Thursday, Jan. 6 James Dean

240-577-0828 SMTMD is excited to announce that it
[email protected].

Queen of Hearts LVRSA [email protected] is having its first contra dance in nearly Sun, Jan. 9
Fundraiser Place Please enter from the side of the two years this Saturday, January 8, at
Bluegrass Comeback to Southern
Action Lounge and Billiards building Christ Church Parish Hall in Chaptico.
Maryland Concert Series-2022
25470 Point Lookout Road Jordan Kammeyer will be calling, with
Calvert Elks #2620
Leonardtown Basketball music arrangements TBD. Admission is
1015 Dares Beach Rd.
Ticket Sales Start at 4pm, last sale at Margaret Brent Recreation Center $6 for members, $10 for non-members.
Prince Frederick
7:45pm, drawing at 8pm. Dates: 29675 Point Lookout Road Children under 17 are admitted free.
2p.m. to 5p.m.
EVERY THURSDAY Please join us Mechanicsville The beginners dance workshop (no
To start off the Bluegrass Comeback
to take a chance to pick a card and find 11a.m. to noon partner required) starts at 7pm, and the
series, will be the Larry Stephenson
the needed Queen to win. Each Thurs- Fridays, January 7-February 25 dance begins at 7:30 pm. There will be
Band on Sunday January 9, 2022. Al-
day there will be a chance to win the Cost: $16 an ice cream social during the intermis-
ways a favorite to Southern Maryland
jackpot, which increases each week Recreational basketball games will sion. Come out and bring your dancing
Bluegrass fans. Larry is from King
the Queen is not found. There is also a be held in the gymnasium during this shoes! Go to www.smtmd.org for direc-
George, VA, but makes his home in
nightly 50/50 raffle. Thank you for your eight-week session. Registration is open tions and more information. Watch the
Nashville, TN. He will kick off his 2022
support to the LVRSA. to both males and females ages 50 and website for weather related cancellation
touring schedule by joining us at the
above. Advance registration is required; notices.
Friday, Jan. 7 a minimum of 8 players is needed to run NOTE: SMTMD follows the man-
Calvert Elks.
The remainder of the series will be on
the session. Players may pay in advance dates of the St. Mary’s County Health
Elk’s Texas Holdem Tournament Sunday February 20, 2022, with Danny
at the Garvey Senior Activity Center Department (SMCHD) with regard to
St Mary's County Elks Lodge Paisley & the Southern Grass and Sun-
in Leonardtown; registrations and pay- COVID-19. Presently there are no man-
45779 Fire Department Lane day March 13, 2022, with Sideline Blue-
ments will not be accepted at Margaret dates for vaccination, masks or social
California grass band. Troy Jones will continue
Brent Recreation Center. To register in distancing in St. Mary’s County. More
7p.m. to 12a.m. to be our sound engineer for the event.
advance, call 301-475-4200, ext. 1075. information and guidance from the
Buy-in: $80.00 Opening each show will be show host,
SMCHD on how to prevent the spread
Starting Chips:20,000 chips
Blinds will increase every 20 minutes
Saturday, Jan. 8th of COVID-19 can be found on their
Jay Armsworthy, along with a different
special guest for each show. The Cal-
website HERE. While we would love to
Please enter through the side of the SMTMD contra dance vert Elks #2620 is located at 1015 Dares
see you, we want you to be aware of the
building Christ Church Parish Hall Beach Road in Prince Frederick, MD
dancing conditions ahead of time so that
For any question or additional details 37497 Zack Fowler Rd. For more information about the shows
you can make an informed decision. For
contact Chaptico or tickets, call 301-737-3004 or go to
more information, contact Christian at
7p.m. bluegrasscomeback.webador.com/

Stop by the
County Times
today to
2022 Scenic Southern
pick up your Maryland

Calendar County Times St. Mary’s County l Calvert County Drum Point Lighthouse • Photo submitt
ed by Brenda Graves


26 Calendar The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

St. Mary’s Department of Aging & Human Services

Programs and Activities Loffler Senior Activity Center 301-475-4200, ext. 71658
Garvey Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4200, ext. 71050
Northern Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4002, ext. 73101
Visit www.stmarysmd.com/aging for the most up-to date information

Beginner Tai Chi for Arthritis roid Health at the Loffler Senior Activ- Book Discussion Group survived the hostility of the profoundly
and Fall Prevention ity Center on Monday January 10 at 10 The Garvey Senior Activity Center male universe of government and law
Dr. Paul Lam has developed an ex- a.m. Registration is required- please will hold a book discussion group on to become a revered Justice and icon
tensive Tai Chi for Health Series includ- sign up by leaving a message on our res- Wednesday, January 12 & February 9 at for gender equality and women's rights.
ing the popular Tai Ch for Arthritis and ervation line: 301-475-4200, ext. 1660. 11 a.m. If you have a love for reading Register to see this video by leaving a
Fall Prevention. This evidence-based ADDITIONALLY- Donna will be offer- and are enthusiastic about sharing your message on our reservation line: 301-
program will be offered at the Loffler ing free personal nutritional counseling thoughts about what you’ve read, this is 475-4200, ext. 1660 beginning Dec.20
Senior Activity Center on Tuesdays & at 11 a.m. on the days she is here if you the group for you. In January the group at 8 a.m. Seating is limited to 16. (89
Thursdays January 18-February 10 (8 make an appointment with her by text will discuss Sweetness at the Bottom of min.) Free
sessions) at 11 a.m. message or calling 240-538-6539. the Pie by Allen Bradley. In February
In this class we will learn to do some the group will discuss City of Girls by New Bible Study Forming
core movements on each side in a grace- Play with Watercolors Elizabeth Gilbert. To learn more, call Loffler Senior Activity Center will
ful routine while applying basic Tai Chi with T.L. Ford 301-475-4200, ext. 1080. begin hosting a new bible study class on
principles. There is no fee for this class, Come learn the basics of watercolor Fridays at 10:30 a.m. beginning January
but a commitment to attendance and painting in a relaxing, informal set- Video About Ruth Ginsberg 14. This non-denominational, Christian-
practice is necessary for success. Pre- ting.  No experience or drawing skills Loffler Senior Activity Center will be based scripture group will be led by Phil
registration is required. Since space is are necessary and everything you need showing Ruth: Justice Ginsburg in her Benedict. Mr. Benedict is a graduate of
limited to 20 new participants, we ask is provided. The Garvey Senior Activ- Own Words on Thursday, January 13 at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and
that you sign up only if you are sure ity Center will hold classes on Tuesdays, 10 a.m. This video tells the improbable Boise State University. He has spent
that you will be able to attend regularly. January 11 & 18 at 1:30 p.m. The cost for story of how Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who most of his life teaching the Bible in
Call 301-475-4200, ext. 1660 and leave a each class is $20 per class. Secure your couldn't get a job despite graduating first churches as well as two rehabilitation
message on our reservation line to sign spot in class by calling the reservation in her law school class in a tie and mak- organizations. The first sessions will
up. line on December 20 starting at 8 a.m. ing Law Review at Harvard and Colum- focus on the gospel of John. A portion
Please call, 301-475-4200, ext. 1075 to bia Law Schools, became an Associate of each meeting will be dedicated to
Nutrition Presentation and register. Payments are due within a Justice of the Supreme Court. It also re- prayer. All are welcome. Reservations
Counseling by Donna Taggert weeks’ time of sign up. veals both the public and private sides of are not required. For more information
Donna will present Eating for Thy- a resilient, resourceful woman who has call 301-475-4200, ext. 1658.

St. Mary’s County Library Martin ful bird sanctuary. We have several
Luther King, Jr. Day Hours birds who only come to Southern
All three locations of the St. Mary’s Maryland for the winter. Learn who Gregory's story in, On the Way to the als, high-profile public figures and
County Library will be closed Mon- these visitors are and how you can Wedding. We will discuss the plot, the Civil War. Join us on Thursday,
day, January 17 in observance of be a good host to them. Register on character casting, the use of tropes January 18 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. With a
Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Li- www.stmalib.org, you will receive a and all things Bridgerton related. touch of history, some laughter and
braries will be open normal business Zoom invitation link via email the day Next month we will be reading and maybe a tear or two, find out how
hours on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. before the event. discussing the final book in the se- history was made through the con-
ries, Bridgertons: Happily Ever After. tents of some of the deepest feelings
Winter Bird Feeding Bridgerton Book Club: On the Way to Register on www.stmalib.org. written on paper. This program is
Join us virtually on Thursday, the Wedding also suitable for high school stu-
January 13 at6:30 p.m. as Barb Join us online on Thursday, Janu- The Greatest Love Letters from the dents. Find out which 17th Century
Whipkey, owner of Wild Birds Unlim- ary 13 at 7 p.m. to discuss the eighth Last 300 Years historical figure wrote letters as if
ited in Lexington Park and LaPlata, book in the Bridgerton series, On With over 5 decades of working on they were the teenage texts of today!
MD, shares winter bird feeding tips the Way to the Wedding. If you creating and examining documents, This program includes a Q & A ses-
with us. Choosing the right combina- were a fan of the Netflix hit, or if you Terry Antoniewicz is an expert on sion. Register on www.stmalib.org to
tion of foods and feeders can turn a just want to read the series, come all things handwritten. The Greatest receive the link to the Zoom meeting.
dreary winter backyard into a beauti- join us for book 8 of a Bridgerton Love Letters from the Last 300 Years
read-along! This month we will read shows correspondence from roy-
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Obituaries 27

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
[email protected] after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Daniel Ignatius Sebacher Barbara Ann Sullivan the family at www.mgf h.com. Lee.
Arrangements provided by the She was preceded in death by
Morgan Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral her grandfather James Carlyle
Home, P.A. and Crematory Ser- Brown, Sr., and great grandpar-
vices, Leonardtown, MD. ents- Edgar B. And Charlotte
(Newton) Browne, Jr, Leroy, and
Sara Ann Browne Sarah (Gibson) Brady, Theodore,
and Goldie (Tasker) Newton,
and Cecil and Elizabeth (Angle)
She is survived by her par-
ents, her siblings- James Browne,
III, Elizabeth Browne, Matthew
Browne, Rebecca Browne, Rob-
ert Browne, Amber Browne,
Christopher Browne. As well as
her grandparents-Aileen Browne
(Brady), Deborah and Jose Mejia
(Newton), and Robert and Darlene
(Kelley) Hager. And her uncle
Daniel Ignatius Sebacher, 89, Robert Hager, her aunts Stepha-
of Lexington Park, MD, passed nie (Fogle) and Duston Shewbert,
away on December 26, 2021, in Barbara Ann Sullivan Morgan, Charlotte (Browne) and Travis
Charlotte, Hall, MD. Born on 79, of Mechanicsville, MD, passed Wise, and Donna (Browne) and
January 23, 1932 in St. Charles, away on December 30, 2021 in Dennis Richardson, as well as a
MO, he was the son of the late Abell, MD. She was born on Octo- multitude of extended aunts, un-
Elizabeth Sebacher and Leo A. ber 23, 1942, in Baltimore, MD, to Sara Ann Browne, 26, of Lex- cles, and cousins.
Sebacher. Daniel was the loving the late Thelma Frances Sullivan ington Park, MD passed away on Sara was a lifelong resident of St.
husband of Shirley M. Sebacher, and Leo Joseph Sullivan. Barbara December 18th, 2021, in Cookev- Mary’s County, MD. She graduat-
whom he married on June 8, 1957 was the loving wife of James Roy ille, TN. Born in Leonardtown, ed from Great Mills High School
in St. Peter Catholic Church, St. Morgan, Jr., whom she married MD on August 24th, 1995 to Bob- in 2014, where she spent her years
Charles, MO. He is survived by on October 10, 1992. Barbara is bi and James Browne, Jr. She was playing the mellophone and bass
his children Kim Fancher (Scott) survived by her children Deborah a soon-to-be mom to her twin ba- drum in marching band, playing
of Sammamish, WA, Andrew Se- Kollar (Joe) of Abell, MD, Wendy bies- Elizabeth Maria and Andrew the French horn in band, and one
bacher (Donna) of Machi Pongo, Long (Tony) of Mechanicsville,
VA, Lynn Sebacher of Hampton, MD, Allen Modlin of Little Hock-
VA, and Kurt Sebacher (Tammie) ing, OH, 23 grandchildren, 18
of California, MD, his siblings great grandchildren, and her sister
Joseph Sebacher of St. Charles, Mary Frances Wheeler (Bryant) of
MO and Mary Catherine Sebach- Easton, MD. She was preceded in
er of Columbia, MO, as well as death by her son Kenny Modlin.
nine grandchildren. Daniel was Barbara graduated from Holy
preceded in death by his siblings Comforter. She worked the elec-
Robert Sebacher, Phyllis Kneemi- tronic division for Cooke Engi-
ller, and Joan Ebbesmeyer. neering, retiring after 15 years.
Daniel graduated from St. Peter She loved to sing, dance, and
High School in 1949. He gradu- read. Barbara also enjoyed play-
ated from St. Louis University in ing cards, bingo, and crosswords
1959 with a B.S. in Geophysical puzzles. She loved spending time
Engineering, and went on to ob- with her family and friends, and
tain an M.S. in Physics from the will be greatly missed.
University of Missouri in 1961. The family will receive friends
Daniel moved to St. Mary’s Coun- on Tuesday, January 11, 2022
ty, MD in 013 from Osage Coun- from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at
ty, MO. He served in the United Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
States Air Force for four years, Bushwood, MD, where a Mass of
from 1951 to 1955 as an Air Traf- Christian Burial will be celebrat-
fic Control Operator, and then be- ed at 11:00 AM with Father Ste-
came an Atmospheric Research phen Wyble officiating. Interment
Physicist for NASA at the Langley will follow in the church cem-
Research Center in Hampton, VA etery. Serving as pallbearers will
for 26 years, retiring in 1988. be Jason Guy, J.F. Nelson, Korbin
Interment will be held in St. Kollar, Myles Long, Michael Ryan
Charles Borromeo Church Cem- Scott, and Jeffrey Butler. Honor-
etery in St. Charles, MO at a later ary pallbearers Nikolas Butler,
date. Danny O’Day, Matthew Bernd,
Condolences may be made to Nathan Modlin, Jacob Modlin,
the family at www.mgf h.com Ricky Butler, and Daniel Modlin.
Arrangements provided by the Contributions may be made to
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box
Home, P.A. & Crematory, Leonar- 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650
dtown, MD. and ACTS (A Community That
Shares) P.O. Box 54, Bushwood,
MD 20618.
Condolences may be made to
28 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

year of indoor Color guard. after retirement, working in the Gazella Beveridge, 89, of Holly- 1928 in Washington DC, to the
After high school, she followed Amish Community. He consid- wood, MD, formerly of Rayland, late George Tabor and Rosalee
her passion for helping others by ered them his family, calling most Ohio, passed away on December Tippett. She was the beloved wife
getting an Associate of Arts de- of them his brothers of choice. He 6, 2021 with her loving family by of Spurgeon D. Terry, Jr. for 72
gree in Arts and Science and an grew up with Isreal Swarey and her side. years until he preceded her in
Associate of Arts degree in Arts they have been “brothers” for the Gazella was born on August 21, death on July 31, 2020.
and Science in Social Sciences. most part of his life, just being 1932 in Powhatan Point, Ohio to Together Jean and Spurgeon
Sara moved to Florence, Texas, there for each other in their good the late Julius Horvath and Mary raised ten children: Robert Fran-
in April of 2021 to pursue some times and bad, spending their off Kuhn Horvath.  cis (Rosie) Terry of Desert Hot
leads to further her life. After times together. On January 23, 1951 in Glen Springs, CA, James Joseph (Aurea
finding herself pregnant with her Even though he was born in Robins, Ohio, Gazella wed her be- Acosta-D) Terry of San Diego, CA,
twins, she decided to move back Washington D.C. he grew up in loved husband, the late Thomas Michael Anthony (Fran) Terry, of
home to St. Mary’s County, MD Charlotte Hall, Maryland where Kenneth Beveridge. Together they Leola, PA, John-D (Gina) Terry of
to be with her family to start and he could enjoy fishing with his celebrated 66 very happy years College Park, MD, Mary Rosalee
raise her family. friends or out in the woods hunt- of marriage. Gazella was an ac- Middledorf (Bob Middledorf-D)
Sara was a follower of Jesus and ing. Most of his friends knew him tive member of the Rayland Pres- of Laurel, MD, Faye Marie (Rich-
was a born-again Christian. as Neil. He never knew a stranger byterian Church where she taught ard) Winemiller of Lemon Grove,
The family will receive friends and would always make you feel Sunday school. She enjoyed cook- CA, Margaret Jean (David) Naber
on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022, welcomed. He would do anything ing and baking for her family of Daytona Beach, FL, Kathleen
from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM in for a laugh and always enjoyed a and faith community, crocheting, Marie (Robert) Faber of Clarks-
the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral good joke. Anyone that truly knew gardening, watching birds, and ville, MD, Joan Esther Stevens of
Home, Leonardtown, MD, where him, knew he had such a big heart. most especially, spending time Hollywood, MD, and Theresa Vir-
a funeral service will be held at He’d give you anything even if he with her family.  ginia Bond (Richard) of Ellicott
10:30 AM in the funeral home didn’t know you. He could make Gazella is survived by City, MD.
chapel with Pastor Chris McComb you laugh when you were mad, her daughter, Mary Margaret She was loved by her baby sister,
officiating. Interment will follow smile when you were sad, and Beveridge Clifton and son-in-law Joan Tippett Dalton, her broth-
at Charles Memorial Gardens, truly entertain you with stories of Wallace L. Clifton, of Hollywood, ers Michael (Jackie) Tippett and
Leonardtown, MD. Serving as bygone years. MD; her sister, Margaret Kurko of Tommy (Donna) Tippett, and her
pallbearers will be Donnie New- He loved fiercely and deeply Martins Ferry, Ohio; grandchil- sisters-in-law, Gloria Tippett and
ton, John Vallejo, Isaiah Gressen, and we take comfort in knowing dren, Holly Clifton, of Seattle, Barbara Tippett-all from Tippett
Dustin Shewbert, Patrick Browne, that Neil is now at peace and sur- WA, Theodore Clifton, of Me- Point in Hollywood, Maryland,
and Mathew Mincey. Honorary rounded by light. chanicsville, MD, Hope Colson, her 20 grandchildren, and her 17
Pallbearers will be James Browne, Neil is survived by his wife, Pa- of Hollywood, MD, and Heidi Ba- great-grandchildren.
III, Matthew Browne, Robert mela Dyson of Mechanicsville, jpai, of Ashburn, VA, and 13 great She was predeceased by her son,
Browne, and Christopher Browne. Maryland; his son Chris Dyson grandchildren. In addition to her John Edward Terry, her infant
and his wife Michelina Dyson parents and husband, Gazella was twin sister, Joan Esther Tippett,
Allen Neilson Dyson, Jr of Southern Maryland; his sis- predeceased by her son, Thom- her brothers, Joe Tippett, Francis
ter Lois Benton and her husband as Kenneth Beveridge Jr.; sis- (June) Tippett, Jimmy (Janet) Tip-
Bryan Benton and their son Steve ters, Virginia Shultz, Mary Ham- pett, John Tippett, her brother-in-
Benton and his wife Lisa and their vai, and Helen Bier; and brothers, law John Dalton, her granddaugh-
children Gabrielle and Rebecca of Alfred, Julius, Henry, Ernest, ter, Jennifer Burns, her daughter-
LaPlata, Maryland; his “brother” James, and Eugene Horvath. Ga- in-law, Aurea Acosta Terry, and
Isreal Swarey and many more zella was lovingly known as Gug- her son-in-law, Bob Middledorf.
friends. He is pre-deceased by his gie, Geezie, and Tootsie and was Jean and Spurgeon were daily
son Michael, late wife Carolyn, a adored by so many who will miss Mass and Rosary attendees at
great number of family, friends, her greatly. Contact the family St. John Francis Regis Catholic
and favorite dogs reuniting with for service information.  Church for nearly 30 years. Before
him on the other side. Condolences to the family may retiring to Southern Maryland,
Interment will be held on Janu- be made at www.brinsfieldfuner- Jean and Spurgeon were active
ary 6, 2021 at Cheltenham Vet- al.com.  members of St. Jerome’s Catholic
erans Cemetery, at 11301 Crain Arrangements by the Brinsfield Church in Hyattsville, Maryland.
Hwy, Cheltenham, MD 20623, at Funeral Home in Leonardtown, Their ten children attended school
10:30 a.m. with Military Honors. Maryland. at St. Jerome’s Catholic School.
Condolences to the family may Jean was active in the women’s
be made at www.brinsfieldfuner- Jean Elizabeth Terry sodality at St. Jerome’s and the
al.com Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights
Allen Neilson Dyson, Jr. of Me- All Arrangements have been of Columbus at St. John Francis
chanicsville, Maryland passed made by Brinsfield Funeral Home Regis. Jean volunteered at St. Je-
away on December 15, 2021 at his & Crematory, P.A. rome’s School and later worked
home. at Washington Suburban Sani-
He was born on September 20, Gazella Beveridge tary Commission (WSSC) Fed-
1943 to Allen Dyson Sr. and Marie eral Credit Union. Jean enjoyed
Dyson “Huntington” in Washing- spending time with her family,
ton D.C. He was the youngest of especially her beautiful grand-
two (2) children. After he gradu- children and great grandchildren.
ated from La Plata High School, Jean was loved by everyone who
he decided to serve his country knew her. She was kind, loving,
proud and signed up for the Unit- generous, and compassionate. She
ed States Air Force, in 1963. Af- had a very strong faith that guid-
ter he was honorably discharged ed her life and was devoted to the
in 1967, he worked many different Blessed Mother.
jobs before finding his career at as In lieu of f lowers, memorial
a supervisor with Pepco.  He truly contributions may be made to
enjoyed and excelled at this occu- St. John Francis Regis Catholic
pation and had many great stories Jean Elizabeth Terry (93) of Hol- Church, 43950 St. John’s Road,
and friends from these years. Even lywood, MD, passed away peace- Hollywood, MD 20636 or Hospice
though he was great at his job, and fully, surrounded by family, at her of St. Mary's County, Maryland,
had an admirable work ethic in the home on December 27, 2021. P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
industry, he found his true passion Jean was born on October 13, 20650.
Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Obituaries 29

Condolences to the family may 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Holy It was at this time she and Ralph Our dearest mother, Pollyanne
be made at: www.brinsfieldfuner- Angels Catholic Church, 21340 decided to build a beauty shop for Walker Pearson, 86, of California,
al.com. Colton Point Road, Avenue, her at home.  The shop was named MD, passed away peacefully on
Arrangements by the Brinsfield MD 20609. A Mass of Christian “Bowles Beauty Nook” and was November 26, 2021 in California,
Funeral Home, P.A. Burial will be celebrated at 11:00 located in their backyard.  Mary MD with her family at her side.
a.m., by Reverend Stephen Wible. Ruth went back to work in 1963 She was born on November 7,
Catherine (Dinkey) Interment will follow at Sacred and started working in the eve- 1935 in Miami, FL to the late Al-
Heart Catholic Church Cemetery, ning and on Saturdays and added exander Levette Walker, Jr. and
Herbert 23080 Maddox Road, Bushwood, hours as the business grew.  It Mary Louise Hobbs.
MD 20618. proved to be a very good opportu- At the age of 2, the family
Condolences to the family may nity for Mary Ruth; she wanted to moved back home to Birming-
be made at www.brinsfieldfuner- work but also wanted to be home ham, Alabama where Polly grew
al.com. with her family.  They welcomed up and graduated from Woodlawn
Arrangements by the Brinsfield two more girls, Lisa in 1970 and High School.  As a Navy wife, she
Funeral Home, P.A. Karen in 1973. On September 26, moved around the country set-
2005, Mary Ruth celebrated her tling, in 1972, in St. Mary’s Coun-
Mary Ruth Woodburn 50th anniversary of working as a ty where she remained the rest
beautician.  She considered all her of her life. She was employed by
Bowles clients as her extended family.  Patuxent Business Machines and
She had the gift of hospitality Colonial Office Supply as a sup-
and enjoyed hosting luncheons, ply clerk until her retirement.  She
card parties, and holiday dinners, was a delicious cook, known for
and enjoyed dancing and cook- her fried chicken and homemade
ing.  She loved camping with her soups.  She was a wonderful piano
friends in the Southern Maryland player with a beautiful voice and
Blue Crabs.  In later years, Sunday enjoyed singing in various choirs
dinners with her family became a over the years.  She was the con-
Catherine (Dinkey) Herbert was cherished weekly event. ductor of the choir at Callaway
born in Leonardtown, Maryland Mary Ruth is survived by her Baptist Church for many years. 
on July 23, 1949, and departed three daughters: Donna Voithof- She was a devoted life-long Chris-
this life December 23, 2021. The fer (Barry), Lisa Thomas (Jamie), tian, having a strong faith.  She
Lord has set her free, he said it is and Karen Rowand (Robert), and was a long-time member of Calla-
time my child for rest, come home brother Francis Woodburn (Jean).  way Baptist Church.  Family was
with me. She is also survived by her five very important to her; She spent
Catherine is survived by her beloved grandchildren: Eric and summers and holidays vacation-
husband of 49 years Joseph Her- Ryan Thomas, Leah Voithoffer, ing in Alabama visiting them she
bert; with this union they raised and Lauren and Jenna Rowand. also loved to travel with her chil-
seven children Kevin (Helvi), Mary Ruth Woodburn Bowles, In addition to her parents and dren.  All you had to do was to
Kelvin, Felicia, Leslie, Tranyna, 84, of Great Mills, MD passed husband, Mary Ruth was prede- mention a trip and she was ready
Kermit (Sonia) and Dana (Mark). away on December 23, 2021 at her ceased in death by her sisters Jan- and willing to go. 
Grandma Dink Dink has twen- home with family by her side.  ice Hayden and Erva Mae Wood- She is survived by her children,
ty-three grandchildren, 16 great Born on April 17, 1937 in Leon- burn and brother-in-law, Vincent Jamie McLane (Jeff ) of Califor-
grandchildren, sister in-law Ann ardtown, MD, she was the daugh- Hayden. nia, MD and Timothy Pearson
Butler, brother in-laws Ronnie ter of the late Mary Ruth Norris Memorial contributions can be (Shannon) of Lexington Park,
(Vivian), David (Linda), Melvin Woodburn and Richard Dellie made to Hospice of St. Mary’s, MD; her sisters, Mary Louise
(Ann) and Rob-Bernard a host Woodburn.  Mary Ruth was mar- P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD Johnson of Athens, GA and Elea-
of nieces, nephews, family and ried for 42 years to the late Ralph 20650, the Second District Vol- nor Jeane Barnes of Calera, AL;
friends. B. Bowles, whom she married on unteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 1, her grandchildren, Jenifer Downs
Catherine is preceded in death October 28, 1961 at Holy Face Valley Lee, MD 20692 or Little (Devon) and Jesica McLane (Jus-
by her parents James E. Arm- Church in Great Mills, MD. Flower School, 20408 Point Look- tin); her great grandchildren:
strong and Catherine I. Arm- A lifelong resident of St. Mary’s out Road, Great Mills, MD  20634. Dallas Downs, Jackson Downs,
strong, brothers William (Did- County, she was a devout Catho- Condolences may be made Cole Downs, Gavin Liston, Owen
dy) Scriber and James (Dingum) lic and parishioner of Holy Face at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Liston, Kai Brawner, and Theo
Armstrong, sister in-laws Sarah Church in Great Mills, MD and Arrangements by the Brinsfield Liston; and extended family and
Scriber and Agnes Yates, brother a past member of the Ladies of Funeral Home, P.A. friends.  She is predeceased by
in-law Francis Herbert and best Charity.  She graduated from her parents, her brother, William
Pollyanne Walker Deane Walker (Jerry), brother
friend Audrey Dickerson. Little Flower School in 1951 and
in laws, Bev Johnson and Jack
Catherine graduated from graduated from St. Mary’s Acad- Pearson Barnes and ex-husband James
Chopticon High School. Cath- emy in 1955.  In the fall of 1955,
erine loved playing bingo with Mary Ruth entered Warf lynn Waldrop Pearson.
her riding partner (Mary Puddin Beauty College in Washington, The family wishes to send their
Bowman), spades and pat. Cathe- D.C. and graduated one year later. sincere thanks to Dr. Mehrdad
rine had a heart of gold and could In 1956 after beauty school, Akhlaghi,MD  and the wonderful
staff at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospi-
never say the word “NO” if you Mary Ruth went to work for Mr.
tal in the ICU, 3 Central, Teleme-
asked her for a favor or two. She Bill Temple of the “Temple of
try, MedStar Health and Hospice.
was a taxicab to many. Catherine Beauty” salon in Lexington Park,
In lieu of f lowers, memorial
was a member of the Knights of MD.  She would tell stories of do-
contributions may be made to
St. Johns Ladies Auxiliary #305 ing the hair of Navy wives whose
Callaway Baptist Church Building
Bushwood for 29 years. Catherine husbands were attending the Test
Fund, 20960 Point Lookout Road,
worked at St. Mary’s Nursing Pilot School on the Patuxent River
Callaway, MD 20620.
Home for 15 years before retiring, Naval Air Station.  The salon was
Condolences to the family may
she also did home care for another sold in 1961, and she went to work
be made at www.brinsfieldfuner-
6 years before her health would for Mrs. Elsie Ford, who had a
not allow her to continue this was beauty shop in her home in Town
Arrangements by the Brinsfield
her love of caring for people, she Creek, MD. 
Funeral Home, P.A.
will be missed by all.  After Donna was born in 1962,
Family will receive friends on she stayed home with her for about
Thursday, January 6, 2022 from a year but really missed working. 
BusinessDIRECTORY The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

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The County Times
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Thursday, January 6, 2022 The County Times Fun & Games 31

CLUES ACROSS 50. Frames per second 25. Naturally occurring

1. Partner to “oohed” 53. Have surgery solid material
6. Relaxing places 57. Formal withdrawal 27. Acquired brain injury
10. Humorous from a federation behavior science (abbr.)
monologue 58. Guitarist sounds 28. Thirteen
14. Simple elegance 59. Greek war god 29. Partner to cheese
15. Bearable 60. 2,000 lbs. 30. Member of a Semitic
17. Disobedience 61. Helps escape people
19. Express delight 31. One thousandth of
20. Gov’t attorneys an inch
21. Wake up CLUES DOWN 33. Former CIA
22. A type of band 1. Currency exchange 35. Most lemony
23. Remain as is charge 36. Engage in
24. Turfs 2. River in Tuscany 37. Small Eurasian deer
26. Battle-ax 3. Breakfast dish 39. Provisions
29. Volcanic crater 4. Defunct European 42. All humans have
31. The mother of Jesus currency them
32. One’s life history 5. Upper class young 43. Swiss river
34. “Rule, Britannia” woman 44. Storage term (abbr.)
composer 6. Part of a purse 46. Famed Broadway
35. Doubles 7. Self-contained units lyricist Sammy
37. Jacob _ _, American 8. Boxing’s GOAT 47. Dutch colonist
journalist 9. Legislators 48. Full-grown pike fish
38. House pet 10. Flightless birds 49. Egyptian sun god
39. S. African river 11. U. of Miami’s mascot 50. Flute
40. Broad sashes is one 51. Flew off!
41. Establish as a 12. Floating ice 52. Scottish tax
foundation 13. Low, marshy land 53. Young women’s
43. KGB double agent 16. Seldom association
Aldrich _ _ 18. Lyric poems 54. Populous Brazilian
45. Part of a book 22. Law enforcement city
46. Taxi agency (abbr.) 55. Malaysian Isthmus
47. Pancakes made 23. Full extent of 56. Pointed end of a pen
from buckwheat flour something
49. Train group (abbr.) 24. _ _ Claus


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey [email protected] County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler [email protected]
Tim Flaherty [email protected] To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers [email protected] 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard [email protected]
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke [email protected]
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
32 The County Times Thursday, January 6, 2022

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