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The Influence of Technology

on the

Land Surveying Profession


Brian John Coutts

A thesis
presented to the University of Otago
in fulfillment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2017

© Brian J Coutts 2017

Authors Declaration
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis,
including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners.
I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.

Land surveying has grown from a technical occupation into a profession. This study
traces the rise of professions and the criteria that defines the requirements for an
occupation to be granted such status. It then recognises the origins and importance of
accurate measurement in antiquity before following the developments in land
surveying that changed the occupation in late medieval England from that of an estate
manager or overseer to one of an expert in land measurement. The research identifies
this period as a paradigm shift, the first, making the following period the 2 nd paradigm
in land surveying. There follows a comparison between the present institutional
arrangements for surveying and the criteria established for the status of a profession. It
concludes that land surveying in its current form meets the requirements of a

Following a discussion on the nature of modern surveying, consideration is given to

the changes that have taken place in the last 60 years. The challenges faced as a result
of technological change, through first the electronic age and then the digital age, are
identified. The question of whether these challenges and their resultant developments
have fundamentally changed the profession, heralding a 3rd paradigm, is then
addressed. The views of land surveying academics, practitioners, senior government
employees and staff of professional institutions are addressed through exploring their
views, by in-person interviews, of what sits at the core of land surveying today.
Specifically they are asked to address the changes that have taken place by considering
what has been abandoned as obsolete in degree programmes and in practice, and what
has taken its place. It is concluded that land surveying remains a profession with
unique expertise in the management of all aspects of measurement data, its gathering,
its analysis, its presentation and its storage. No new paradigm is identified.

Using grounded theory methodology, the research identified related issues for the
profession. The first was the belief that land surveying, as a profession, had a poor
public image and was identified with only the field aspects of the profession. It was
apparent that the poor public image was linked to a poor self-image by surveyors
themselves. Attempts to change that image by the adoption of a new term, geomatics,
in the late 20th century had not delivered the anticipated improvements, and
dissatisfaction with the term was identified in all of the jurisdictions visited. In the
meantime it was apparent that the term “geospatial’ was gaining popular use and was
replacing, by stealth, references to geomatics.

I wish to acknowledge the contributions made by the following people who contributed
in their various ways to the initiation and success of this research thesis:

Dr Brent Hall, former Dean of the National School of Surveying at the University of
Otago, now Director of Education and Research at the Environment Systems Research
Institute (ESRI), Canada, my original principal supervisor, without whose
encouragement, facilitation and mentoring this research project would never have

Dr Don Grant, former Surveyor General of New Zealand, Associate Professor at the
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, colleague of more than 35 years,
thesis advisor from 1 May 2011 and co-principal supervisor from June 2014, whose
perceptive questioning, debating, general critical thinking and frustrating attention to
detail have assisted in directing this thesis to a productive conclusion;

Dr Mick Strack, Senior Lecturer at the National School of Surveying, University of

Otago, co-supervisor through the whole period of study, who has answered all of the
trivial question and proofread in detail every word, as well as relieving my teaching
load to make concentrated time available to me for this research;

Professor Christina Hulbe, Dean of the School of Surveying, University of Otago and
co-principal supervisor from June 2014 without whose considerable support,
comments and advice this thesis would have taken much longer and would have been
of lesser quality;

All of those willing participants without whose availability, patience and valuable time
made the collection of the data for this research possible, practical and enjoyable;

Valerie and David Spiller of Edinburgh, Scotland, Brian and the late Kate Waldy of
London, England and Malcolm and Noreen McCoy of Melbourne, Australia for their
nurturing, hospitality, grounding and encouragement.

The nature of our intelligence is such that,

it is stimulated far less by the will to know

than the will to understand

Marc Bloch

For some time now, as a result of my international professional connections, I have

been aware that the National School of Surveying at the University of Otago was
extraordinary. It is not only extraordinary for its uniqueness in New Zealand, but also
for its success in attracting students and providing desirable graduates to the local and
international markets. In other countries surveying courses were disappearing, mostly
by absorption into schools of engineering. Even in our closet neighbour,
geographically but also culturally, this phenomenon was apparent, if not rampant.

The genesis of the aspiration to carry out this research was a desire to understand why
this should be. While the thesis that follows does not directly address this question it
does touch on some of the issues that relate to the surveying profession and especially
the perceived public image, but more importantly of the self-image of surveyors. As
much as anything I believe these impact on the ability of the profession,
internationally, to attract new and young potential members. The importance of that
understanding is to ensure that, as Otago’s course evolves, it does not “kill the goose
that lays the golden egg” by any changes it makes.

Attempts to redefine the profession by changing its name have not been helpful,
probably the reverse. Nevertheless, the term “surveying” does need qualification to
distinguish it from other forms of surveying. If a qualifying word were to be adopted,
for example “geospatial” it could only be expected to be successful if it were
accompanied by a major and comprehensive promotional strategy, and on the basis of
international adoption.

I believe I now understand the nature of Otago’s success, at least to my own


Brian J Coutts
Table of Contents

Authors Declaration.....................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................xi
List of Tables................................................................................................................xv

Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................1
1.1 The Research need and purpose.............................................................................4
1.2 Research objectives................................................................................................5
1.3 Research strategy...................................................................................................6
1.4 Research approach.................................................................................................7
1.4.1 Research methodology principles...................................................................7
1.4.2 Grounded Theory............................................................................................9
1.5 Thesis structure....................................................................................................14

Chapter 2 What is a profession?...............................................................................17

2.1 Vernacular use of “Professional” and “Professionalism”....................................17
2.2 The historical origins of professions....................................................................19
2.2.1 The professions in history.............................................................................20
2.2.2 The universities.............................................................................................23
2.3 The development of “new” professions...............................................................25
2.4 Criteria for the status of a modern profession......................................................29
2.5 Professionalisation...............................................................................................35
2.6 Summary..............................................................................................................39

Chapter 3 Is Land Surveying a Profession?.............................................................41

3.1 Defining Land Surveying.....................................................................................41
3.2 Is Land Surveying a Profession?.........................................................................44
3.2.1 An intellectually complex activity................................................................44
3.2.2 A body of knowledge....................................................................................46
3.2.3 Self-governing professional bodies..............................................................49
3.2.4 Application to practical problems.................................................................56
3.3 Summary..............................................................................................................58

Chapter 4 Paradigms in Land Surveying.................................................................61

4.1 Land surveying in antiquity.................................................................................62
4.1.1 The Egyptians...............................................................................................63
4.1.2 The Greeks....................................................................................................64
4.1.3 The Romans..................................................................................................64
4.1.4 Cartography..................................................................................................66
4.2 Through the Middle Ages....................................................................................67
4.2.1 Beyond Europe.............................................................................................67
4.2.2 Cadastral surveying.......................................................................................68
4.2.3 The first paradigm.........................................................................................70
4.3 A new paradigm...................................................................................................71
4.3.1 The new concept of property........................................................................71
4.3.2 Angular measurement...................................................................................72
4.3.3 Linear measurement......................................................................................74
4.3.4 Developments in mathematics......................................................................77
4.3.5 The (European) Age of Discovery................................................................78
4.3.6 Colonisation..................................................................................................79
4.3.7 The nature of a 2nd paradigm?.......................................................................81
4.4 Summary..............................................................................................................83

Chapter 5 Pressures on the Second Paradigm.........................................................85

5.1 Land Surveying from the Air...............................................................................86
5.2 Linear Measurement............................................................................................88
5.3 Computers............................................................................................................91
5.4 Geodetic surveying..............................................................................................92
5.5 Digital Mapping...................................................................................................94
5.6 Combined technologies........................................................................................97
5.7 Summary..............................................................................................................98
Chapter 6 Changes in the Surveying Body of Knowledge....................................101
6.1 The Research Approach.....................................................................................101
6.1.1 Methodology considerations.......................................................................102
6.1.2 The nature of the interview.........................................................................103
6.1.3 Selection of universities..............................................................................105
6.1.4 Interview Metrics........................................................................................109
6.2 The development of surveying as a unique university discipline......................111
6.2.1 The United Kingdom..................................................................................111
6.2.2 Ireland.........................................................................................................114
6.2.3 Canada........................................................................................................114
6.2.4 Australia......................................................................................................117
6.2.5 Summary.....................................................................................................118
6.3 Degrees offered by the Institutions visited........................................................119
6.4 Subjects no longer taught...................................................................................123
6.4.1 Results.........................................................................................................124
6.4.2 Discussion...................................................................................................126
6.5 Subjects introduced to courses...........................................................................128
6.5.1 Results.........................................................................................................128
6.5.2 Discussion...................................................................................................130
6.6 Changes to the BoK...........................................................................................133
6.7 Summary............................................................................................................135

Chapter 7 Defining the Core Competencies of Surveying....................................137

7.1 The Core Competencies.....................................................................................138
7.1.1 Results.........................................................................................................139
7.1.2 Discussion...................................................................................................140
7.2 Summary............................................................................................................143

Chapter 8 Geoma(n)tics...........................................................................................147
8.1 Geo-everything..................................................................................................148
8.2 Geomatics in Ireland and the United Kingdom.................................................149
8.2.1 Comments by those interviewed.................................................................149
8.2.2 Discussion...................................................................................................155
8.3 Geomatics in Canada.........................................................................................156
8.3.1 Comments by those interviewed.................................................................156
8.3.2 Discussion...................................................................................................167
8.4 Geomatics in Australia.......................................................................................168
8.4.1 Comments by those interviewed.................................................................168
8.4.2 Discussion...................................................................................................175
8.5 Summary............................................................................................................175

Chapter 9 The origin and spread of ‘Geomatics’..................................................179

9.1 The myths..........................................................................................................179
9.2 The facts.............................................................................................................181
9.3 A move across the Pacific to Australia..............................................................186
9.4 A move across the Atlantic to the UK...............................................................189
9.5 Other juridictions...............................................................................................194
9.6 Summary............................................................................................................195

Chapter 10 Discussion and Conclusions.................................................................199

10.1 Is surveying a profession?................................................................................199
10.2 Paradigms in surveying....................................................................................200
10.3 The core of land surveying..............................................................................203
10.4 The name game................................................................................................205
10.5 Final words......................................................................................................209

Wikipedia citings.....................................................................................................226
Other readings..........................................................................................................227

Appendix 1..................................................................................................................235
List of Tables

Table 2:1 The process of professionalisation..........................................................................46

Table 6.1 Sector and age of interviewees..............................................................................141
Table 6.2 Relevant degrees offered by universities visited...................................................154
Table 6.3 University subjects reduced or eliminated.............................................................160
Table 6.4 Summary of subjects reduced or eliminated..........................................................161
Table 6.5 New topics in courses or professional practice.....................................................165
Table 6.6 Summary of new topics.........................................................................................166
Table 7.1 The Core competencies of surveying....................................................................177
Table 7.2 Summary of Core competencies............................................................................178
Chapter 1


Land surveying as a human activity is old. It is very old. Its fundamental principles were
known, understood and utilised by ancient civilisations. People with advanced technical
knowledge and training laid out the Egyptian pyramids. By today’s definition they would be
surveyors. Surveyors laid out Roman roads across Europe. They laid out garrison camps
every night when soldiers were on the march. They controlled the building of aqueducts.
They laid out heating and drainage systems in urban areas. Little changed in the art and
science of surveying for millennia.

The Renaissance, the Rise of Science, the Age of Discovery and the Industrial Revolution
brought new knowledge to most aspects of human life. New knowledge brought more
complicated tools and new techniques to most workplaces. As a consequence, in the 19th and
20th centuries, new professions began to emerge and join the traditional ones of the law, the
church and medicine. The practice of surveying was caught up in these developments as
were many other forms of employment.

The migration of large numbers of people to the New World, particularly from Great Britain
to its numerous colonies, and especially as part of resettlement schemes promoted by private
companies, created a need for navigators, explorers, mapping and charting experts and
surveyors. Such migrations began in the 1600s with the colonisation of what would become
the United States of America and continued into the 19th century, concluding with New
Zealand. Surveyors were needed to explore and map these regions newly discovered, at least
by Europeans. On being “opened up” for settlement, surveyors were then needed to mark out
areas of land bought by the settlement companies for on-sale to their migrant clients. In the
absence of other professions with appropriate expertise, some land surveyors developed other
skills including those used in town planning and municipal engineering.

More recently, with the advent of computerisation and digitisation, land surveying has
undergone extraordinary change and development, as has the balance of society. The rate of
change is ever-increasing in modern society and tools unimaginable 50 years ago are now in
everyday use. The tools now available, their capabilities, their portability and their immense
storage and computing power have revolutionised the surveying practice of centuries. The
change in the equipment that surveyors use on a daily basis is clearly visible. What is less
clear is whether the change in the technology has brought about a change in what the land
surveying profession contributes to contemporary society.

An evolution in the practice of land surveying was experienced by those who practiced it.
This occurred in virtually all British colonies during their development from colonies to
nations in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, but especially in Australia, Canada, New Zealand
and South Africa. This evolution and development occurred in isolation from educational
and professional bodies. To some extent, though not driven by migration, similar trends can
be identified in currently emerging countries, most notably in former British colonies in
Africa, where the British Directorate of Overseas Survey (now Ordnance Survey) played a
dominant role up until the second half of the 20th century. Some of that influence continues
through a private expatriate British presence.

There is no universally accepted definition of what a land surveyor is, or what is included in
the range of tasks that a professional land surveyor should be reasonably expected to perform.
Further, there is no absolute acceptance of the inclusiveness of the term “professional” when
describing the occupation of land surveying. To complicate this definitional imprecision, the
work of land surveyors has developed with different emphases as it evolved to meet the needs
of the communities that land surveyors have served. This trend has been exacerbated in the
post-1980 digital era.

The digitisation of an almost limitless collection and variety of land-based spatial data, and
the ubiquity of digital devices, such as mobile phones and tablets that require no specialised
education or training in their use, have also had significant current impacts and will continue

to do so. That they do not necessitate any understanding of the accuracy, precision and
implications of their output data for position finding may be a threat to some traditional land
surveying activities, as well as posing potential dangers to their users.

The impact of “cloud” computing and crowd-sourcing of information also have particular
relevance to land surveying both in terms of its practice and for the education of professional
land surveyors. The implications of these developments are profound and may be the
harbingers of fundamental changes to the identity of the occupation and the types of skills
required to become a practicing professional land surveyor. There are also implications for
those whom the discipline would seek to attract, and those who might not be otherwise
attracted to it.

The added complexity of some of the wider aspects of contemporary land surveying, which
require considerable depth of understanding, have worked to narrow the field of expertise of
some individual practitioners. This has served to compartmentalise surveying further into
sometimes fractured and disconnected sub-disciplines. In some cases the depth of required
knowledge can be achieved without having obtained the breadth of education and training or
professional attributes that would normally be required to meet the past or present definitions
of the practice of land surveying, as identified by professional institutions. While specialists
with adequate qualifications, experience and practice are usually accepted by many learned
societies, it is likely that there will be increasing pressure on the land surveying community to
recognise individuals from the broader geospatial community who have narrower but deeper
levels of disciplinary expertise. Not doing this will risk further fragmentation in the field of
land surveying, or at worst, obsolescence of the current status that land surveying has created
for itself.

All of this raises the question of whether the sum of these influences of the last 60 years have
changed the land surveying profession into something other than what it has historically been.
It also raises the question of whether or not there has been a shift of paradigmatic proportions
in the nature of the profession. It is these questions that this thesis explores.

1.1 The Research need and purpose
Over time, new professions have formed, technology has changed beyond imagination, and
the needs of modern society continue to evolve with respect to land development and its
management. Practitioners and researchers within the field of land development and
management have recently identified actual or potential skill shortages in land surveying
practice and its sub-disciplines (see for example Blanchfield, 2005; Hannah, 2006; Mahoney
et al., 2007; Hannah et al., 2009). The most commonly cited causes of the current and
projected skill shortages are the anticipated retirements of the baby boomer generation of
land surveyors, who are now approaching or have reached retirement age, combined with the
lack of subsequent generations taking up tertiary studies in land surveying (Blanchfield,
2005; Hannah, 2006; Hannah, 2009; Fairlie et al., 2010).

This phenomenon has impacted especially on the Australian market, such that already some
commentators have identified skill shortages in the workforce. As a result, graduate
surveyors from all over the world are migrating to Australia, either on fixed-term contracts or
as permanent residents, including increasing numbers of New Zealand surveying graduates.
These surveyors are needed to meet commercial (mining in particular) and other development
needs (urban expansion) that the supply of a diminishing number of Australian graduate
surveyors cannot satisfy (Interview 21Ap; McCoy, 2012). The same generally is true in
Canada, although there is no ready supply of graduates from abroad to fill the vacancies left
by retirements of the Canadian baby boomer generation of surveyors (Horwood and Hall,

The lack of young people taking up a career in land surveying is a problem that is much
greater than the trend in evidence in Australia. The difficulties being experienced may
include issues symptomatic of fundamental changes in the nature and practice of land
surveying itself. A common theme cited in the academic and professional literature suggests
that land surveying suffers currently from both a branding and an identity crisis (Hannah,
2009; Fairlie et al., 2010; Hall, 2011; Horwood and Hall, 2012). It is asserted that the general
public does not know what a land surveyor does, nor do they understand the range,
complexity or importance of the land surveyor’s contribution to the solutions to
contemporary land development pressures.

In addition, it is claimed that the public is largely uninformed on the centrally important
economic relationship between the land itself, its tenure, and capital development, and the
essential role that land surveyors broadly play in land-based transactions and developments.
Thus, if land surveying is to be a sustainable field of professional practice, and be marketed
as a viable and interesting career for young people, the vocation needs clarity and precision in
the characteristics that define it. This quest to establish a clear definition and to address the
current identity of the land surveying profession circumscribes the overall goal of this thesis.
Therefore the research question is - has technology fundamentally changed the land
surveying profession?

1.2 Research objectives

The difficulties, perceived or real, that confront the land surveying profession as it moves
further into the 21st century will impact on its practice, the form and function of its relevant
professional bodies, its educational requirements, and how and to whom it markets itself as a
vocation and as a profession that serves society. Achieving the objectives of this thesis will
provide guidance as to whether or not the field of land surveying will, within the context of
its regional identities, remain as the uniquely identifiable entity in the future that it has been
in the past. Critical to these issues is the need to affirm, or otherwise, the professional
standing of land surveying and identify the core of the body of knowledge that defines it.
The results of this investigation will be of significance to the surveying profession in general
and to international surveyor education in the immediate and medium-term future.

Flowing from the goal of achieving a sound and systematic understanding of the discipline of
land surveying from its origins and through its evolution to its contemporary state, this thesis
seeks to answer several specific research objectives, namely to:
1. establish if the occupation of land surveying meets the criteria for being classified
as a profession;
2. examine and establish the paradigm that defined the practice of land surveying and
its core body of knowledge c.1960;
3. establish the recent pressures of change on land surveying practice, and their

4. identify the changes that have been made to the land surveying core body of
knowledge in response to the changes as a result of the technological revolution that
has occurred in the preceding 60 years;
5. identify what core knowledge or skills distinguish the land surveying profession
from any other profession;
6. identify and consider the relevance of the term geomatics to the land surveying

1.3 Research strategy

Relative to objective 1, literature is reviewed relating to the criteria for an occupation to
legitimately claim the status of and be regarded as a profession. A generic and etymological
definition of land surveying is established and an overview of the land surveying discipline,
in the context of its English origins and colonial development, is undertaken to determine,
generally, whether or not professional status is appropriate for the field of land surveying.

Relative to objective 2, the literature pertaining to the development of the practice and
principles of land surveying is reviewed through history until c.1960. Significant events and
developments are identified and brought together to establish the paradigm prevailing
through the preceding three centuries. To achieve objective 3 a review is undertaken that
identifies the relevant major technological changes that have taken place since about 1960
and the area of land surveying practice on which they have had an impact.

Objective 4 is met by interviewing land surveying academics, and surveyors in a variety of

countries and sectors of the profession (private practice, government service and surveying
professional institutions). The purpose of the interviews is to identify those aspects of land
surveying that have become obsolete or irrelevant in the past 60 years and those areas that
have been introduced, are new, or are developing. In the process of these interviews a
consensus is established as to what it is that is at the core of land surveying, that contains the
essential knowledge required to be a professional surveyor and that makes it a unique activity
and therefore satisfies objective 5. Objective 6 is considered in response to the wide-spread
use of the term geomatics in a vernacular sense, the need to clarify its original meaning and
its usefulness to the land surveying profession.

1.4 Research approach
This section explains the overall research philosophy adopted in order to answer the research
question. In addition Chapter 6 contains a detailed explanation of the implementation of this
philosophical approach as it applies in this circumstance. The research approach is an open
one. That is, it does not propose a hypothesis and then gather data in a quest to either prove
or disprove that initial proposition. Given the qualitative nature of the research, the absence
of a hypothesis assists in avoiding bias in the approach of the author to the formation of the
questions asked, and the need for those interviewed to express a view on the validity of the
hypothesis. While the research question itself is a closed one, it permits an answer to develop
from the data gathered that is free from any preconceived position, or the appearance or
perception of such a position.

The research question is posed because over the nearly 50 year career of the author
something has happened to, or within, the land surveying profession. It is a cliché to observe
that the profession has been massively impacted by technological advancement. The research
question asks whether technological advancement has caused a change that is of a
fundamental nature and, by implication, if there are other relevant factors. The alternative is
that the change has been processes of gradual adoption of new science and resulting
technology and the refinement and refitting to new tools, as has happened within other
professions and the balance of society generally. Finding an answer to this question requires
observational data and the aim of the thesis is to provide that answer to that question. The
philosophical approach to the research question is based in “grounded theory”, which is
particularly suited to providing an answer to a research question or developing a theory based
on observed data rather than proving or disproving a hypothesis (Leedy & Ormond, 2010).

1.4.1 Research methodology principles

The nature of the research being undertaken in this thesis is a study based in social science
rather than of a physical, experimental or empirical nature. It requires the use of qualitative
data gathering and analysis rather than being based on experimental procedures. In this case
the research is inductive in that it aims to document and explain what has occurred rather than
being deductive or retroductive and seek to explain why these things might have happened.
The “why” is explained in the thesis title, that is, that technological changes have taken place

over time. The question examined in the thesis is then whether these changes have altered
the nature of the profession.

The nature of the research is twofold. The first section of the thesis deals with the historic
development of professions and the surveying profession in particular by way of a literature
review. The second section is also in two parts. The overall approach is inductive reasoning
as described in Leedy & Ormond (2010. p.32). The first section involves the gathering of
factual data from the research participants in which the researcher adopts an “empathetic”
position, knowledgeable but impartial, and focuses on the reality of what has changed over
time as explained in interviews. The second is that of a faithful reporter, in which it is
necessary to have some knowledge of the topic and the professional language, but to allow
the participants to speak for themselves and explore the opinions expressed (Blaikie, 2010.
p.51). Impartiality, however, on the part of the interviewer is maintained through avoiding
specific questioning of the subjects but rather by raising topics.

In this way the research paradigm becomes that of positive philosophy or Positivism as
derived from Comte (Babbi, 2013. p.59-60). It is an attempt to map the reality as observed
by the research participants that is derived from their experience, preferably over an extended
period whenever possible. The thesis looks for consistency in the responses, particularly
within geographical regions, as the nature of the profession is such that it has differing
functions, practices and attitudes from country to country.

In the introduction to their book on grounded theory, editors Antony Bryant and Kathy
Charmaz comment “Grounded Theory Method (GTM) comprises a systematic, inductive, and
comparative approach for conducting inquiry for the purpose of constructing theory.” A
definition of grounded theory is provided in the glossary to their book as follows: “Grounded
theory: a method of conducting qualitative research that focuses on creating conceptual
frameworks or theories through building inductive analysis from the data. Hence the analytic
categories are ‘grounded’ in the data.” It continues: “This method is distinguished from
others since it involves the researcher in the data analysis while collecting the data – we use
this data to inform and shape further data collection, thus the sharp distinction between data
collection and analysis phases of traditional research is intentionally blurred in grounded
theory studies” (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007. pp.1-28). For this reason grounded theory is

particularly suited as the basis of a philosophical approach to the questions embodied by this

1.4.2 Grounded Theory

Grounded theory was originally developed by two sociologists, Barney Glaser and Anselm
Strauss, and first published in 1967 (Birks & Mills, 2015). Subsequently Glaser and Strauss
went their separate ways and published individually (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). They
followed different tracks and generated divergent views on the philosophical development of
grounded theory. Rumours on their “split” are refuted by Birks & Mills (2015. pp.3-4) who
maintain that the intellectual and personal relationship endured until Glaser’s death in 1996.
It can be concluded, therefore, that their separation was a philosophical one within the bounds
of grounded theory itself, and neither profoundly epistemological nor personal. Across the
decades that followed its development, grounded theory has further evolved, characterised
and expounded through what Birks & Mills describe as “generations” (Birks & Mills, 2015).
Detailed discussions of the developments of grounded theory are not necessary here as the
principles provided by its basic constructs are adequate for the task in hand.

The first step in grounded theory is to establish a personal philosophical position Birks &
Mills (2015). This author was university educated and government trained as a professional
registered land surveyor. Following several years of professional central government
practice, retraining (or specialisation) as a protected natural area planner was offered. This
led to professional land management practice in the high country, bushlands and mountains
of the South Island of New Zealand. A short period as a private practicing land surveyor and
consulting land planner followed. Finally an academic position in the School of Surveying at
the University of Otago was offered and accepted. That position continued throughout the
preparation of this thesis.

During the period in academia, teaching the principles and practice of land use planning, a
close connection with the broad range of land surveying activity has been maintained. This
activity has not merely been as an observer, but as a highly active institutional participant.
Those institutions and activities include:

• teaching at the University of Otago National School of Surveying for 25 years, 5
years as Deputy Head of the School and chair of various committees, including the
Undergraduate Committee;
• 12 years as a member of the Council of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors
(NZIS) including 2 years as President;
• 7 years as a Ministerial appointed member and Chair of the Cadastral Surveying
Licensing Board of New Zealand (CSLB) since its inception in 2002;
• 10 years as member of the Management Board, including 4 years as President, of
the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE); and
• over 20 years involvement with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) as a
commission delegate, often Head of the New Zealand delegation, and at present being
a Commission Chair (Professional Practice and Standards), and an ex officio observer
at the FIG Council for 2 years (2015/16).

As a result, the author is well qualified to observe, comment on and evaluate the changes that
have taken place in the profession of land surveying, as the profession is understood in New
Zealand over the period of his involvement. (Note: discussion on terminological descriptions
of the profession will arise in the body of the thesis). Absence from direct activity as a
practicing surveyor, but active engagement in its administration and governance provides a
sound position as an objective researcher yet a very involved member of the profession.
While a dispassionate observer of the development of the profession, the author remains a
committed adherent of the profession of (land) surveying, locally, regionally and
internationally, as demonstrated by consistent commitment to its governance. These
experiences provide the basis of his personal philosophical approach to the research question.

The following observations are offered based on the above experience and represent the
author’s personal philosophical position. Without question, there has been a continual
change in land surveying technology over the previous six decades. There has also been a
rapidly changing environment in which the practice of land surveying is conducted. One
approach to the assessment of this question is to ask, in the sense of the use of “paradigm” as
popularised by Thomas Kuhn (Kuhn, 1962), does the land surveying profession now work
under a new paradigm?

As will be discussed and maintained in Chapter 4, a paradigm shift occurred c.1600. Has
there been another one? Is there a new theoretical foundation to the role of the land
surveying profession in modern society? Has there been a sufficiently significant change to
warrant being referred to as a paradigm shift? The approach to these questions is an open
one, and no hypothesis is offered as to what the answer to the questions may be. If there did
exist a new paradigm for the land surveying profession, the task of defining an appropriately
testable hypothesis, a priori, is beyond the scope of a single thesis. Avoiding the question of
whether identification of a new paradigm is practicable, the risk of pursuing hypotheses that
were capable of being disproved would be great, and the probability of identifying a provable
one would be slight.

The second requirement of grounded theory is to develop a methodology, a way of thinking

about how to study the topic. The methodology selected for this study was to gather
qualitative data from reliable sources. These sources are principally academic, but also
include representatives of professional institutions, private practitioners and graduates of
academic programmes. Academic institutions well known as providing qualifications in the
surveying field are often linked by accreditation process to professional institutions. First
contact was made by email with individuals either from personal networks, acquaintances,
and recommendations of associates or names obtained from websites. The aim of the study
was explained and a request to visit and conduct interviews made. Occasionally “cold
calling” was necessary.

The principal factor in selecting academic institutions in the United Kingdom and in Ireland
was their provision of surveying qualifications of high standing and international reputation.
These were chosen as a priority. In Canada, the University of New Brunswick is considered
as the home of surveying, and to have spawned the surveying (geomatics / geomatics
engineering) programme at the University of Calgary. In Ontario, the lower international
profile but relevant programmes at York and Ryerson Universities in Toronto were
recommended by the author’s initial supervisor. In hindsight, the author may have included
Laval University in Quebec in the survey, but was unaware of its influence. Its Francophone
orientation is likely to be partly responsible for this. Sufficient information was gathered
from the four universities visited, and the influence of Laval in a new issue that arose during

the research, use of the term geomatics, was very well covered by available documentary

In Australia, the original plan included all of the states with the exception of Tasmania. Cost
dictated the deletion of the University of New South Wales and circumstances beyond the
control of the author intervened to make the trips to South Australia and Queensland
unproductive in terms of the academic sector. In both cases senior government employees
and private practitioners made themselves available at short notice. Generally, it was left to
the institutions themselves, academic, institutional and professional, to decide who
specifically they provided to the author to be interviewed. Sometimes the interviewees are
already known to the author, but for the most part they were not.

Grounded theory requires that the interview data be coded in a systematic way so that it can
be organised and interpreted. Codes present themselves by repeated appearance in the
responses of the interview subjects. The interviews themselves were informal or at most
semi-structured. It was critical that through the interview, each subject was given the
maximum opportunity to expand and extend the topic in whatever direction they felt
significant to them. It was also anticipated that as the interview programme developed, new
questions may arise from the data (that is from the responses of those interviewed) as it was
being gathered. The interviewer had to be alert to any new directions that the data, or the
interviewee, headed so that they could be followed up with subsequent questions.

Having decided on a methodology, the next task is to develop methods of data gathering.
The principal method of gathering data employed in this research study is by recorded
interview. When the interview programme was complete, the interviews were transcribed for
close scrutiny and analysis. A portion of the interviews were transcribed by a transcription
expert (approximately 48%), and the balance by the author.

All interviews were anonymous and had the written consent of the subject. Ethical approval
was obtained from the appropriate University of Otago authority for the study, as described,
to proceed. Only the principal researcher had access to the raw data and the recordings and
transcriptions will be destroyed on completion of the project. An undertaking was given to

subjects that if the interviewer wished to quote them and attribute the quotation to them, their
approval would be sought before publication.

Some mental coding of the data took place as the interview process proceeded. When
necessary, memo writing also occurred to assist future detailed coding and interpretation.
Initial coding was undertaken during transcription. Those interviews that were professionally
transcribed were checked in detail for accuracy, as challenges arising from technical
terminology were compounded by the wide range of accents of the Irish, Scottish, several
English, Canadian, Chinese, Greek, South African and Australian participants. While initial
coding took place as this checking and correcting was carried out, only once transcription of
all interviews was complete did concentrated and detailed coding take place. That having
been completed, a full and thorough analysis of the coded data was undertaken.

Analysis in the first instance was by the creation of three spreadsheets tabulating the coded
responses to the topics raised by the interviewer with the subjects, and the topics raised by the
subjects themselves. The number and extent of those spreadsheets was determined by the
nature and quantity of the data acquired. The spreadsheets themselves are not presented
herein, but are converted into a tabular form for easier interpretation. Once the spreadsheets
were completed, the analysis of the interviews was written up and any conclusions drawn.

The interviews raised issues that went beyond the scope of the original objectives of the
study, and to an extent, led into an area that had been intentionally left out of the scope of this
research. However, the issue of what the discipline and the profession are called was raised
in the very first interview and it quickly became apparent that this issue would be entangled
with professional identity and the question of fundamental change. The term “geomatics”
had been introduced into the language in the 1980s and had been adopted in some countries
to be more inclusive of developing technologies and to label land surveying in a more
modern way. This new term arose in the first interview in Ireland and persisted throughout
the United Kingdom and Canada. It was especially popular within academia and often
included in the name of university surveying programmes. It was less obvious but still
present in Australia. The question of nomenclature therefore became impossible to avoid.
The issue defies codification in the same manner as those issues dealt with in Chapters 6 and
7, and it is discussed in Chapters 8 and 9.

A more detailed description of the method used is contained in Chapter 6. Using grounded
theory has provided a very clear and definitive answer to the research question. It has also
led to an area that is topical in the surveying profession, and that is the name of the profession
and the disciplines that it now encompasses. It is a matter that has been extant for nearly 30
years, has generated retrofitted explanations of its origins, gathered a mythology of its own
and, debatably, not delivered what some of its proponents expected. Thus the research, and
the use of grounded theory, has not only answered the research question asked, but lead to,
and answered, other related questions.

1.5 Thesis structure

Chapter 2 begins with an examination of the literature that discusses accepted definitions of
what distinguishes a profession from any other form of occupation such as a vocation, a
trade, a craft or a skill. From a review of these definitions the important points of difference
that distinguish one from another are extracted and the proposition made that land surveying
qualifies, against all agreed criteria, as a profession. Chapter 3 builds on the definition of a
profession by examining the nature of the activity of land surveying as it is structured and
practiced in the Australia, Canada, Ireland and United Kingdom (UK). In reviewing the
literature on professions, it recognises the emergence of a host of new professions alongside
the development of modern science. It concludes that in terms of the criteria established
through the literature on professions and professional status, land surveying is a profession.

Chapter 4 extends this discussion to explore the historical context of the occupation of land
surveying through time. It considers firstly the evidence of early civilisations and their
knowledge and use of surveying practices to assist them design, lay out and construct
significant engineering works. It also identifies the use of land surveyors in the identification
of the location, size and productive value of areas of land for taxation purposes as well as the
surveyors’ knowledge of land law. From the literature, Chapter 4 then identifies a series of
developments that were the product of the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, the Rise of
Science and the Industrial Revolution that brought about the emergence of the land surveying
profession as it was by the early 20th century. Chapter 4 concludes that the technological and
philosophical advances that occurred in the period between c.1550 and c.1650 established a
new paradigm for the land surveyor.

Chapter 5 reviews the technological changes that have impacted on those developments and
their applications that were established in Chapter 4. These have occurred mainly in the
second half of the 20th century and flow largely from the creation of the electronic computer
and the development of rocket science that enables satellites to be launched, maintained and
operated. It is then questioned whether these factors have had a fundamental impact on the
land surveying profession such that another fundamental shift has occurred.

Chapter 6 processes and analyses the responses gathered from a selection of people
intimately involved with the education of surveyors and the practice of surveying in
Australia, Canada, Ireland and the UK. The particular issues analysed are the topics that can
be identified as no longer being taught or used in the land surveying and that have been
dropped from curricula and from practice. It also considers what new areas of teaching and
practice have been adopted or developed, or it is intended to introduce into the competencies
of the professional land surveyor. Following this Chapter 7 similarly analyses the opinions of
those interviewed in order to identify what it is that are the essential competencies that
identify a member of the surveying profession as distinct from any other profession.

In the course of the interview process a further question was identified. That is that in some
places the term geomatics has been introduced, and that it bears some relationship to land
surveying. Chapter 8 explores, in the view of those who use the term, the origin,
development and meaning of geomatics, how it relates to the profession of land surveying
and the reasons that its use became widespread. This chapter also identifies how wide and
varied the use of the term is among those who use it.

As a consequence of the variations in the use and the opinions expressed in Chapter 8,
Chapter 9 explores the literature relating to geomatics, establishes its true origins and charts
its spread through the countries under study in previous chapters. It examines the reasons
given at the time for the adoption of this new term by those who advocated for its use, and
comments on the success or otherwise of the expressed objectives.

The thesis is concluded in Chapter 10 with a discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn
from the preceding chapters and expresses an answer to the broad research question that was
originally proposed and the subsequent questions that emerged from the interviews.

Chapter 2

What is a profession?

This chapter discusses the origin and development of “the professions” and examines
historical and contemporary thinking on what distinguishes a “profession” from any other
form of occupation or activity. The discussion first explores the original meaning of the
term profession. Second, it reviews the manner in which the number of occupations claiming
professional status expanded. Third, literature is examined that proposes definitions or lists
of criteria that an occupation should meet in order to qualify for professional status in the
present day context. From this discussion, the chapter identifies current criteria that apply
only to professions.

2.1 Vernacular use of “Professional” and “Professionalism”

The literature on the definition, meaning and attributes of a profession is extensive. There is
reasonable agreement on the main two criteria that define a profession, namely the
application of a complex body of knowledge to address practical problems in the service of
society, and the need for a professional practitioner to strive for impartiality in providing
professional services. However, the words “professional” and “professionalism” have crept
into common usage, and have clouded, if not diverted, discussions about which occupations
may correctly be considered professions and which may not. Often the words are used to
describe the behaviour of individuals and are not intended necessarily to convey the view that
the individual is, claims to be, is being credited with, or is in fact, a member of an occupation
that rightly can be classified as a profession.

To define “professional” and “professionalism” in the modern context is not a particular

objective of this thesis, although the definition of a “profession” is a necessary starting point.
It is, therefore, important to note that the use of these words is not confined to references to

members of a profession, and generally refer to individual behaviours rather than
membership of anything. In the most commonly used context, recognised in the early 20th
century, the term “professional” could simply mean the opposite of “amateur” (Flexner,
1915). That is, it is used to distinguish those who practice some activity as a means of
livelihood or for payment, from those who merely carry out an activity on a part-time basis,
for recreation, for philanthropic reasons, or for motives of social conscience. In this respect
at least, the distinction between amateur and professional, it is proposed, is generally widely
understood. Further, while it is not used in reference only to members of professions, it may
be used in this context as well.

However, the current meaning of “professionalism” is less clear. It does suggest that an
individual has adopted some of the attributes of members of professions extensively
described in the literature over the preceding 100 years, and more particularly in the
influential contributions of Flexner (1915), Carr-Saunders and Wilson (1933) and Wilensky
(1964). It is therefore necessary to distinguish the attributes expected of a member of a
profession from the notion of the profession itself, so that the two can be objectively
considered. At the same time, it is recognised that the words “profession”, “professional”
and “professionalism”, while having the same etymological derivation, are not synonymous
nor as directly related as may at first appear. That is, the latter two terms do not imply that a
person who has demonstrated professional behaviour, that is professionalism, is necessarily a
member of a profession by virtue of such behaviour. The status of the occupation therefore
finds expression in the individual, but the behaviour in itself does not result in an occupation
attaining the status of a profession.

It is expected that members of a learned or recognised profession will act professionally, and
that they will exhibit professionalism in all that they do. Parsons (1939) observed that in the
life of a professional person, the boundary between the practice of their chosen profession
and the balance of their lives becomes blurred. If one of the fundamental principles of
membership of a profession is observance of an ethical code, then those ethics cannot be left
at the door of a practitioner’s workplace. By their very nature, those codes of conduct must
pervade all that a person of professional status undertakes. Hence, ethical positions cannot be
taken up and put down at will. Wilensky (1964) alluded to the same interpretation.

Meanwhile, Cogan (1955) asks whether an individual can be a member of a profession
without being a member of a professional body, or is such status necessarily and, in fact, the
product of such membership? It would seem that both cases may be possible in this context.
Cruess, Johnston and Cruess (2005. p.76) note “that rights and privileges [of professional
status] are not inherent, but are granted by society in return for certain behaviours and skills”.
Hence, becoming a member of any profession is first a matter of having proven the
acquisition of the requisite body of knowledge for that profession and the ability to apply it,
followed by the adoption of the professional culture, or as identified by Bledstein (1976) and
referred to in Friedson (1988-89), as a particular “state of mind”.

The public demonstration of these attributes is typically reflected by membership of a

professional body that has defined entry criteria and espouses and enforces an explicit code of
practice. Public acceptance of a specific practitioner, who is not a member of any such
learned society as a member of a profession, would require the individual to build a
reputation for competence, trustworthiness and professional behaviour. Given an individual’s
freedom from the sanctions of a professional body, remedies for indiscretions only being
available under the law for illegal practice and not for acting unprofessionally, such status
may be only granted grudgingly or unwittingly by society. In the professions of antiquity,
namely the clergy, law and medicine, such status was and is protected by law in most

Before addressing the question of what currently provides a basis for any occupation to make
a valid claim for the status of a profession, it is important to examine where the concept of
professions originated and what factors have caused the upsurge in claims for professional
status. This takes, as a starting point, a current dictionary definition, and then explores the
historical evolution of the concept through time, outlining the separation of particular
occupations from the domination of the Church and the development of secular educational
systems that underpin modern professional status.

2.2 The historical origins of professions

As suggested above, the word “profession” is commonly used in modern parlance to describe
a multitude of activities and occupations. Hence, definitions differ depending on the nature of
the use of the word. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary defines a profession as “an
occupation in which a professed knowledge of some subject, field, or science is applied; a
vocation or career, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
In early use applied specifically to the professions of law, the Church, and medicine, and
sometimes extended also to the military profession” (Oxford English Dictionary, 2011).

However, this definition is of little help in establishing in detail whether any occupation can
be considered, or claim to be, a profession. The words “professional” and “professionalism”
have crept into common usage to the extent that they have lost some of their original
significance, and they are now used loosely in a variety of contexts beyond a strict reference
to those who are members of “professions”. In order to understand the nature of professions
in modern society and the significant features that distinguish professions from other
occupations, the following sections examine the development of the concept of a profession
from its origins to the present day. This examination provides the conceptual foundations
upon which the status of land surveying can be scrutinised.

2.2.1 The professions in history

In its original context, the word “professional” meant one who professes, that is, one who had
taken the vows of a religious order (Armstrong, 1994; Dyer, 1985; La Vopa, 1982). In some
cases, it also implied that the candidate for inclusion in a profession had not simply chosen
their occupation, but had been called by, and had a responsibility to, their God. Hence their
calling was one to devote their lives to the service of their God and their congregation in a
specialised field (O’Day, 2000).

The concept of the professions being a calling remains relevant to this day, and it is the norm
for those entering a profession to remain engaged in that vocation for their entire working
life. However, this is likely to have more to do with the time, effort and cost involved in
entry to a profession. It might be interpreted to be a spiritual call rather than a religious one.
Carr-Saunders and Wilson (1933) expanded this definition and identified the 11th century, the
period when Europe began to emerge from the Dark Ages, as the era in which associations
began to form around a variety of aspects of society, including the development of trade or
craft bodies that represented the specialisation of occupations. As noted by Lyte (1886) these
societies were exclusive to their occupation and were the beginnings of the guilds, which are
a style of organisation that still thrives in England. Guilds involved themselves in controlling
the recruitment of members to their occupation, setting requirements for the education and
training for new members and limiting the numbers of new entrants to their trade.

In England, this period also saw the founding of the earliest universities, and while they were
not ecclesiastical in their origins, they did come under the dominion of the Church in time
(Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933; Unwin, 1908). Tout (1916) observes that generally
education had been the preserve of men of the Church, and novices entered the Church as
students, prior to their advancement through the Church hierarchy. All records,
communications and accounts were kept in Latin, though not only for religious orders, as this
was the written language of the day. Those who might be thought to be members of a
profession then, notably teachers, lawyers, physicians and civil servants, were initially
members of the clergy, and who had developed particular skills that allowed them to fill
specialised roles. It is further maintained that “maintenance and preferment within the
professions was also by way of ecclesiastical preferment” (Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933.
p.290). This explains why it has become common practice to refer to the original professions
as the church, law and medicine, and how the term profession might have evolved into
common use.

The first requirement of a profession was to profess vows, followed by a clerical education
leading to a specialisation such as the law or medicine “Physic, together with theology and
civil and canon law, were studied in the superior faculties” (Carr-Saunders and Wilson. 1933.
p.66). The literature also gives implicit support for including teaching as historically being
considered a profession in itself. However, this is not discussed explicitly (see, for example,
Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933 and O’Day, 2000). The civil service is also alluded to in
this early context, but it appears to be regarded as a form of service simply using the existing
clerical education, especially reading and writing in Latin, without the requirement for
additional study, but might have required the inclusion of additional skills in administration.

With reference to the law and in addition to canon and statute law, the common law, that is,
law developed through practice, precedent and tradition, evolved over an extensive period.
This precipitated the development of privately practicing lawyers. Carr-Saunders and Wilson
(1933) suggest that the practice of law as a calling involved a separation of the vocation from
the clerics, and that this had occurred by the middle of the 13th century. Further, by the 14th

century, the Inns of Court in London had been created as an alternative route to a career as a
lawyer and were well established by the 15th century. These institutions were completely
separated from the Church and so placed the operation of common law into the hands of
those who had been trained or educated in the law by a system that sat between the guilds and
the universities. Hence, the Church at this time was beginning to lose the direct control that it
once enjoyed in matters of the law with the emergence of an independent legal profession
(Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933).

At the most senior level of the civil service, the appointment from 1529 to 1532 of Sir
Thomas More as Lord Chancellor, the most senior member of the judiciary, to the Court of
Henry VIII was the first occasion upon which that position was held by a person from outside
the Church. Since 1559 there has been only laymen appointed to that office. As a result,
Carr-Saunders and Wilson (1933. p.293) noted that “. . . in the sixteenth century the already
secularised common lawyers came to represent almost the whole body of lawyers”.
Additionally, the last ecclesiastic to hold the office of Lord High Treasurer was William
Juxton, who held the position from 1636-41 (Carr-Saunders and Wilson,1933).

The influence of the Church diminished as secular society took over influential offices of
State, and displaced the clergy from the higher callings that were to be associated with the
professions. This transition was largely completed by the middle of the 16th century (Carr-
Saunders and Wilson, 1933). Effectively, the taking of holy orders was no longer a
prerequisite for entry into the established and learned professions. Additionally, the dispute
with the Catholic Church under the reign of Henry VIII, and the dissolution of the
monasteries, encouraged and accelerated the declining place of the Church in the
administrative affairs of the State.

Carr-Saunders and Wilson (1933) do not cover the origins of medicine in the same detail as
other occupations, but they do distinguish between the practice of surgeons and physicians.
Surgeons, who were aligned with barbers and apothecaries as distinct from physicians, had
formed themselves by the 14th century into trading guilds, along with grocers, scriveners or
scribes, and notaries. The surgeons, unlike the physicians, developed outside the sphere of
control or influence of the Church, and did not emerge from the clerical orders.

In contrast to the law, the relationship between the church and medicine, that is physicians
(who were clerics) but not surgeons (who were not), had been close but differed on several
grounds (Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933). Not only were there non-clerical physicians
working in England from as early as the 7th century, but they had also been accepted by the
Church and were consulted by prominent members of the clergy (Singer, 1928).
Nevertheless, medicine is considered to be amongst the oldest professions, despite its origins
being, at least in part, outside of the professed adherents to the Church.

If a professional body was deemed to exist at this time, it would be the Church itself, the
members of the profession being the clerics, having professed their vows then used their
competencies in the service of the Church’s adherents. From these origins, additional criteria
for the status of a profession include honesty and integrity, from the profession of faith;
education, from the teachings of the specialist knowledge within the church; and service to
society, given that the purpose of the additional competencies was to serve some particular
need of society outside the realm of divinity.

As Europe emerged from the Dark Ages (c. 400-1000AD) the Christian values inherited from
the Church were broadly established and accepted. Moreover, the classical literature of the
Hebrews, Greeks and Romans was rediscovered and an instinct for organisation beyond local
associations became apparent (Pederson, 1997; Whitehead, 1933). In place of the
educational roles undertaken by the Church, new institutions of learning were starting to
emerge. Their foundation was in the rediscovery of classical studies and the liberal arts, and
they provided the basis of an education system that would, in the following centuries, take its
graduates into the realms not only of the established professions but also into those that were
to develop.

2.2.2 The universities

Pedersen (1997) observes that settled urban centres were a necessary pre-condition for what
would be considered an accepted school in today’s terms. The schools of Ptolemy, Plato,
Aristotle, Socrates, Euclid and Pythagoras attest to the existence of formal institutions of
learning well before the Common Era (BCE) and during the centuries of the dominance of
Greek culture. The origins of modern schools of higher learning can now be traced back to
pre-historical times, with the tradition of learning and teaching traceable at least in the pre-
Grecian cultures of the Middle East (Pederson, 1997). The dominance of the Catholic
Church through Europe in the period of the Dark Ages focussed the source of learning in the
monasteries. These were to dominate and confine the spread of literacy and education to the
privileged, “where the Bible was the starting point of every kind of intellectual activity”
(Pederson, 1997, p.66).

The late medieval period was one of significant social, economic and technological change
that created an increased demand for both practical and theoretical training. However, as the
monasteries strove to isolate themselves from the distractions of daily life, they were less able
to meet these needs than had been the case. Monastic reforms further isolated them from the
demands of daily life. At the same time, population growth and urbanisation, along with the
devolution of centralised government to local corporations occurred. This encouraged the
development of self-educating and business-controlling activities among the merchants and
trade guilds in order to meet the technical needs of the growth of trade. However, the guilds
limited the education of their prospective members to the specialised training required for
their particular craft, and handed down their techniques, or trade secrets, through
apprenticeship. Their form of education was not made available to the wider population, but
only to those who would, in time, replace the current guild members (Pederson, 1997).

While the influence of the church diminished, and the need for the crafts and trades to
develop their guilds’ teachings expanded, there was a general absence of centres of higher
learning. The University of Oxford, the first university in the English-speaking world, began
to form about this time, with teaching being recorded there in 1096 (University of Oxford,
n.d.). The University of Cambridge was established early in the 13th century. Historically the
town of Cambridge had been the location of a number of ecclesiastical establishments. It
developed, almost as a reaction to the University of Oxford, where there had been troubles
between the townsfolk and the students, with the students taking refuge in Cambridge
(University of Cambridge, n.d.). Cambridge’s existing ecclesiastical tradition and the arrival
of a nucleus of aspiring students provided the basis for a new institution of learning.

In the 13th and 14th centuries the university movement consolidated as a place of higher
learning, growing as described in detail by Pederson (1997). Their teaching was in Latin, and
their products were scholars and teachers. As they developed they gained independence from
the State and from the Church. They gradually emerged from teaching the liberal arts to

being institutions of higher learning in general, as they provided an alternative to a clerical

Secularisation was further enhanced with the dissolution of the monasteries and monastic
teaching during the reign of Henry VIII in the 16th century. In time, the universities embraced
the Rise of Science that followed the Reformation and the Renaissance. In particular they
responded to the overwhelming changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution of the
late 18th and early 19th centuries. These advances demanded the application of scientific
method in the explanation and discovery of new technologies as well as in the explanation of
natural phenomena, or the “Laws of Nature”.

2.3 The development of “new” professions

Following the Industrial Revolution and throughout the 19th century, the professions were
regarded as occupations only suited for “gentlemen”. The term “gentleman” is not defined
here but it is inferred from the context that it refers to male members of the nobility or their
descendants who chose to have an occupation rather than be content with membership of the
leisured class (Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933). That is, it includes those who chose to
work, but did not need to work in order to live. It was not expected, that “common people”
could rise to the ranks of members of the professions, as upward mobility was a rare
phenomenon in society at this time in history. The participation of women in such activities
was also rarely in evidence.

It took more than one specialised individual to form a profession, and required, as a
minimum, an association of individuals with a common calling. That is, in forming a
representative body, practitioners drew attention to the fact that there was some entity and
greater good than the individual, and its members shared some common attributes. If
aspiring members of a profession did not form an association, they could not truly be
considered to have formed a profession. This indicates, at least in the view of Carr-Saunders
and Wilson (1933), that one important criterion for professional status is the formation of a
body or association for the individual professional to be admitted to, and that the profession
becomes identified as the body of members who profess their competence in a vocation and
receive the recognition of others who claim the same status.

Armstrong (1994, p38) confirms that “By the 17th century, “profession” came to mean the
occupation in which one professed to be skilled, and still the term was applied specifically to
the three learned professions - divinity, law and medicine”. This denotes a change, a
diminution, or at least a modification, of the original intent for the necessity to profess in the
religious sense in order to be a member of the profession. The inclusion of the term
“learned” with reference to professions is less clear, and Flexner (1915) raised the question as
to whether there might exist “unlearned” professions. He concluded there were not and that
the word “learned” added nothing to the meaning of the concept of a profession, implying
therefore that it was merely a tautology. It does, however, suggest, by implication, that one
requirement for an occupation to be granted the status of a profession is for the occupation to
be “learned” in some way. That is, a key component of a profession is a requirement for
advanced learning or education.

As the influence of the church declined over time, the universities grew in importance, and
society demanded a greater number of specialised advisers in a greater variety of learned
activities. Concurrently, the practitioners of numerous vocations wishing to achieve
professional status grew in number, nature and importance. This growth began in the 18th
century, and burgeoned in the 19th century as professions followed the significant changes
taking place in European society. As noted earlier, these changes included the decline of the
influence and control of the Church, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Rise of Science,
and the Industrial Revolution. The latter event, in particular, led to a redistribution of wealth,
from the traditional aristocratic landed classes to the new industrialists. As a result of this
shift, and renewed population growth from better food production, there was extensive
urbanisation as factories created a demand for labour and thus new centres of industrial
production appeared.

Hence, the Industrial Revolution created new work opportunities for the rural poor, who
moved in large numbers to create new towns and cities. In England urbanisation increased
threefold between 1800 and 1890. The population of London alone grew from 950,000 in
1800 to approximately 2,000,000 by 1850 while other major industrialised cities experienced
similar population growth (Jones, 1964). However, as mechanisation, industrialisation and
urbanisation brought an environment of economic growth, it also created new demands for
services beyond those provided by manual labourers.

The Industrial Revolution was one outcome of, as well as being a contributor to, further and
extensive societal changes that began with the Reformation and the Renaissance, and which
saw the rebirth of interest in the arts, science, religion and politics. In particular, the Rise of
Science brought new inventions that could be put to practical uses for the benefit of society,
especially in the context of machinery and mechanical process. As Whitehead (1933. p.76)
observed “These were the centuries [the 18th and 19th] in which science triumphed, and
science is universal . . . Again the advance of scholarship, and of natural science,
transformed the professions. It intellectualised them far beyond their stage of advance in
earlier times”.

Whitehead (1933) also observed that while tradition or custom was the foundation of the
professions prior to this, they were becoming more based on theoretical principles. The
professions founded in this period became the setting, and provided the over-sight, of the
professional standards of their practicing members. He further suggests that “. . . foresight
based on theory, and theory based upon understanding of the nature of things, are essential to
a profession” and that “. . . the practice of a profession cannot be disjoined from its
theoretical understanding and vice versa” (Whitehead, 1933. p.72).

This point is extended and focused on by Carr-Saunders and Wilson when they attributed the
origin of this transformation in the professions to engineers in particular, who made possible
large scale industrial organisation as a result of their scientific approach. They further noted
that such organisation generated the need for a variety of other new and supporting vocations
including accountants, secretaries, banking and insurance. The landscape of England was
undergoing significant change as urban land uses spread across the countryside, requiring
other vocations to rise in importance such as surveyors, auctioneers and estate agents.
Similarly, other professions including applied chemistry in the 19th century, applied physics
in the early 19th century”, and veterinary surgeons and dentists, grew in occupational status
(Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933).

As these new vocations grew in relevance and importance, associations were formed,
beginning the trend of the transformation of vocations into professions. From the reference
above to specific disciplines of science producing a group of individuals who were
“professional” coincides with criteria being developed for professions. The use of “applied”

may indicate that there were chemists and physicists who earned their living from their
scientific discipline. It is likely, however, that they were later embraced as specialised

In the United Kingdom, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) was founded in 1818 and was
granted a royal charter in 1828. Its stated aim was “to foster and promote the art and science
of civil engineering” (ICE, n.d.). Similarly, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
was founded in 1834 for “. . . the general advancement of Civil Architecture, and for
promoting and facilitating the acquirement of the knowledge of the various arts and sciences
connected therewith . . .” (RIBA, n.d.). This organisation received a royal charter in 1837.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) was founded in 1868, although it can
trace its history back to the Surveyors Club of 1792 (RICS, n.d.). Further afield in Australia,
the Institution of Surveyors Victoria (ISV) was founded in 1874 (ISV, n.d), the Institution of
Surveyors New South Wales (ISNSW) in 1884 (ISNSW, n.d.). The Institution of Surveyors
Australia (ISA), a federation of the state-based bodies, was not formed until 1952 (ISA, n.d).

Members of these vocations, during the 19th century, voluntarily formed themselves into
associations to provide for the needs of the practitioners of their various disciplines, and so
fulfilled one of the key criteria of a profession, as identified by Flexner (1915). Specifically,
their association allowed members to describe themselves as representing a formal body, “as
public recognition can hardly be accorded to a group that has not discovered itself” (Carr-
Saunders and Wilson, 1933. p.295). These organisations exemplify the emergence of new
occupations, gathering practitioners of their craft together, and that developed over time,
other attributes such as admission criteria, codes of ethics, rules of professional practice and
methods of disciplining errant members. Even at this stage they distinguished themselves,
and possibly distanced themselves, at least in name, from the trade guilds and associations of
the past.

There have been a significant number of publications since the pioneering and innovative
work by Flexner (1915) on the nature or characteristics of professions. Many of these have
been particularly focussed on examining whether any specified occupations meet the specific
criteria being established, to be considered a profession in 20th century society. These
contributions begin with Flexner (1915) on social work, and include Pound (1944) and Bowie

(1988) on the law, Dyer (1985), Calman (1994), Torstendahl (2005) and Cruess et al. (2005)
on medicine, Wright (1959) on accountancy, Anonymous (1968) on physical education, and
Routledge (2011) on design.

These contributions generally start by identifying the broad requirements that are largely
extensions of Flexner’s approach, before examining their own cases, to bring the discussion
of the nature of the professions into the present era. They demonstrate that even the long-
established and universally accepted professions of law and medicine should re-examine or
question their status as a profession from time to time. They also indicate that new
occupations interested in acquiring the status of a profession, even if the ideals of professions
may have been tarnished and are considered by some to be anachronistic, require thorough
self-examination to determine whether they fulfil the requirements of a profession.

In the following section the literature on the criteria for defining a profession is examined,
beginning with the work of Flexner (1915). This examination leads to a set of criteria against
which to evaluate any occupation for the purpose of establishing whether or not it can attain
professional status in current society. These criteria are then applied to the practice of land
surveying in order to establish the validity of its professional status.

2.4 Criteria for the status of a modern profession

Flexner’s (1915) address to the National Conference of Charities and Corrections made an
initial, original, significant and influential contribution to the subsequent literature on
professions. As his original contribution was a speech, only published later, his points are not
succinctly stated but require paraphrasing into a manageable list. Specifically, he suggested
that the words “profession” or “professional” can be used either loosely or strictly. In its
broadest sense the word professional is simply an antonym for the word “amateur”.

More specifically, he noted that “The term profession, strictly used, as opposed to a business
or handicraft, is a title of peculiar distinction, coveted by many activities” (Flexner, 1915.
p.152). The distinction between a profession and any other form of activity is as important
today as it was at the time of his address. Simply stated, the claim for any activity to be a
profession is an appeal for recognition and status in the society within which it exists. In

conferring this status, there is an expectation of certain rights amongst the members of the
profession, as well as the expectation of significant responsibilities, by the society it serves.

In addressing the question “Is Social Work a Profession?”, Flexner (1915) established six
criteria that could be used to bestow the status of a profession on any form of activity or
occupation. He also noted, with respect to the definition of a profession, that anything agreed
upon in his time, would need to be revisited in the future in order for it to remain relevant.
This provides a further reason for investigating the nature of the professions in the present,
based on earlier perceptions and subsequent developments over time.

Flexner’s criteria, which form an important basis upon which to assess whether or not
individual or group activities can legitimately be classified as a profession, are paraphrased as
(a) the understanding of specialised and complex problems by the application of
intelligence unfettered by personal bias;
(b) the application of the specialised and complex theoretical knowledge for the
solution of practical problems;
(c) a theory and practice that are educationally communicable;
(d) the necessity to demonstrate competency in the relevant theoretical knowledge
and its applications for admission to the recognised body of practitioners. That is
by the profession, who themselves are recognised as being competent, having
ethical standards and are largely self-regulating; and that
(e) the practitioners place their client’s interest as well as the public interest ahead of
any personal advantage.

This set of the criteria can be distilled further, whereby the occupation must be intellectual,
interpretive, practical, transferable through education, self-regulating and, at least in part,
altruistic. Bowie (1988) adds to these requirements that they must include a need to add to
and improve upon the profession’s store of knowledge. While this is an admirable aspiration,
if not a requirement, of a profession, it is doubtful that it can be claimed as a criterion, as it
may be anticipated that any group of vocational practitioners, whether forming a craft, trade
or service association, would expect the same of their qualified members.

Consistent with the historical perspective discussed earlier in this chapter, Friedson (1988-89)
argues that the professions are further distinguished by the nature of their work, and more
specifically that this requires the exercise of discretionary judgement. That is, in order to be
different from a trade or a craft, the members of a profession must be expected to formulate
new solutions to problems based on the specific characteristics of the problem. This
approach contrasts with the application of already defined methodologies to the tasks or the
problems practitioners confront, be the problems traditional or novel. Again, while this is an
admirable trait and expected of members of a profession, it is embedded in the fourth criteria
listed. It is not the sole prerogative of the members of a profession, since it is the degree of
complexity that the practitioners encounter and are expected to cope with that distinguishes a
member of a profession from other types and levels of service providers.

Greenwood (1957) proposes five attributes that are fundamental to give credibility to claims
of professional status. These are characterised as (a) a systematic theory or body of
knowledge (b) authority (c) community sanction (d) an ethical code and (e) a culture. The
attributes of a defined body of knowledge and of the presence of an ethical code are
consistent with the principles identified earlier by Flexner (1915). However, the others do
more to cloud the issues clearly enunciated by Flexner than to elucidate them. Further, they
are heavily criticised in Roth (1974), who cites other authors who have attempted to create, in
his view unsuccessfully, such augmented lists of attributes, for example, Slocum (1966),
Pavelco (1971), Gross (1958), Perrucci and Gerstl (1969), as well as Evans and Levin (1966)
and Gross (1966), who develop lists of between four and eight attributes. Routledge (2011),
in the context of the design profession (which in itself is not defined by Routledge), has also
constructed a list of 10 fundamental characteristics he considers necessary for a profession.

While Roth (1974) is critical of the attributes or characteristics approach to defining the
professions, his arguments are principally based on a seemingly cynical perspective only of
attempted upward mobility by specific occupations, and he offers no alternative methodology
to replace the approaches which he criticised. Hence, despite its shortcomings, more recent
alternatives created by others, and the criticism from Roth (1974), Flexner’s (1915) approach
retains its credibility and its usefulness

Dyer (1985) suggests that the requirement that a profession requires complex knowledge and
the requirement to apply this knowledge in the practical service of society. This view places
the professions somewhere between being a branch of science and a trade. He argues that
professions have common ground with both of these needs, but are also different from each.
He further comments that technical expertise alone is not sufficient for a profession, but that
it must be extended by an ethical application of the knowledge required to solve relevant
problems (Dyer, 1985).

Embodied in the ethical dimension is the requirement that the members of a profession can
acquire the confidence or trust of their clients and that they will act in a principled manner.
While these characteristics conform to the final two requirements of Flexner’s (1915)
definition, namely self-regulation and altruism, trustworthiness might imply something
further than was intended by Flexner (1915) in the fifth of his criteria. Whether
trustworthiness is pivotal, already included but worded differently, or an additional
requirement, it is undoubtedly a significant component of professional status that
characterises activities not necessarily and inherently aligned with professions.

Wilensky (1964) provided a compelling argument that there are only two attributes that
characterise a profession. The specific criteria he proposed are: “(1) the job of the
professional is technical – based on a systematic knowledge or doctrine acquired only
through long prescribed training, and (2) The professional man adheres to a set of
professional norms” (Wilensky, 1964. p.138). While significantly reducing the criteria to be
considered, the requirements do not conflict with the ideas of Flexner (1915) and may be
interpreted as encompassing the same principles, but in a more succinct manner. However, in
achieving this level of concinnity, the views of Wilensky require further explanation. When
expanding Wilensky’s criteria by explanation, they again resemble the thoughts of Flexner
(1915) and so lose their minimalistic approach. Additionally, by use of the term
“professional norms” the definition becomes self referential and circular.

Use of the term “technical” in the first criterion, did not intend that it be equated necessarily
to scientific technicalities, but that the required knowledge is complex, and in its totality it is
beyond the comprehension of a layperson. Hence, it is exclusive to the profession and the
complexity and exclusiveness need to be accepted by society in general. Within the need to

attain such complex knowledge in order to achieve professional status, is the embodiment of
the principle of standards, both in training and education and implicitly in continuing
competence (Wilensky, 1964. Emphasis added). It can be inferred also that the period of
training in the discipline will be lengthy. Furthermore, it is essential for the full achievement
of the status of a profession, which ultimately is granted and respected by society at large,
that “the public must be convinced that its services are uniquely trustworthy” (Wilensky,
1964. p.138). Thus, in one criterion Wilensky (1964) incorporates several of those proposed
by Flexner (1915).

The second criterion defined by Wilensky (1964) refers to adherence to professional norms.
He defined these as embodying the principle of service to the client. This included not just a
service for payment, but a service that put the client’s interests before commercial gain and, if
necessary, before the interests of the practitioner him or herself, should these come into
conflict. At least part of the justification for this position is that the client is in a weaker
position with respect to the service provided than the practitioner. This weakness exists
because the client has a need that requires the assistance of the member of a profession and
because he/she does not have the complex knowledge and training required to help
themselves. Extending the principle of service antithetically, the member of the profession is
personally accountable for the accuracy and quality of the service given, with all of the legal
implications that this carries.

These professional norms also include the requirement that the service given to the client
should be impersonal, impartial and objective (Wilensky, 1964). This suggests that all
professional advice given to a client will be the same, irrespective of any personal sentiments
held by the practitioner, in much the same way that an expert witness provides impartial
assistance to the courts in matters of their established and accepted area of expertise. Hughes
(1963) describes this as detachment. This is a point also made by Parsons (1939) who used
the term “disinterestedness” or impersonal values to convey the same principle. Finally
Wilensky (1964) advocated that an additional norm denoting a profession is that of the
practitioner being aware of the limits of their own expertise, and being prepared to refer
clients on to other professions or specialities when the need requires it.

Norms, expected standards of professional competence, ethics and general behaviour for any
given profession are of the same nature as those expressed in Flexner’s (1915) fifth criterion.
While not referring to any specific requirement for a professional body to be established,
Wilensky’s (1964) attributes include: standards of achievement; continuance in the
maintenance of high levels of complex knowledge; and the creation, maintenance and
monitoring of the profession’s norms. It is suggested that these are imposed either by statute
or by the profession itself. In order for the latter to be possible requires that there exists a
body of existing practitioners who have achieved the status in the form of a professional
society or association. This requirement is common to most other proposed lists of
professional criteria.

Hence, comparing the five attributes defined by Flexner (1915) with those of Wilensky
(1964) reveals little disagreement. While the number of requirements is reduced to two by
Wilensky (1964) from the five offered by Flexner (1915), there is little fundamental
difference in the content when the detail is examined. Calman (1994) also confirmed the
soundness of Flexner’s identification of fundamental criteria.

Despite attempts in the literature to expand the list of criteria necessary for an occupation to
be considered a profession, Flexner’s (1915) contribution remains robust despite the passage
of time. Clarity in discussing any specific calling with respect to its status as a profession, or
otherwise, can be simplified by identifying only the necessary and sufficient criteria that need
to be met. While increasingly extensive lists of requirements can be useful in assessing
specific activities to determine their status as a profession, or otherwise, they tend to blur the
issues when discussing the general question, conceptually and in general, of what a true
profession actually entails.

Flexner (1915) responded to the request of social workers to inform them in a rigorous and
forthright manner as to whether collectively they had achieved the status of a profession.
Since then there have been similar examinations of various professions, including those of
antiquity, namely law and medicine, as the services required to maintain a modern society
increase in both variety and complexity. As vocations respond to deliver required services
they are compelled increasingly to formalise their knowledge and to adopt practices that
assure society of their members’ competence to perform their work in a transparently

knowledgeable, fair and ethical manner. In so doing, many vocations now approach the
criteria necessary to achieve the status of a profession.

In the final analysis, what distinguishes one profession from another is the body of specific
and complex knowledge required for entry and continued membership in an appropriate
professional society. While codes of conduct, methods of attaining the necessary skills,
means of applying specialised skills, and the nature of any professional association or
associations will differ, a specific profession will be defined by the breadth and depth of the
knowledge that is required to become a recognised member of it.

2.5 Professionalisation
Having examined the literature on what defines a profession, the question arises as to why
divergent views have arisen as to the basic requirements for recognition as a profession?
Since at least the 18th century many occupations have attempted to claim the status of a
profession. Wilensky (1964) produced an analysis, shown in Table 2.1, that summarises the
development of numerous occupations through a sequence of events that he suggests indicate
the process of professionalisation of particular fields of endeavour. His research was limited
to eighteen occupations for which there was adequate information available, and was
confined to events in the United States of America (USA). The earliest dates are in the 17 th
century (medicine and school teaching), while the latest occurs in 1948 (city planning). It is
assumed that a similar contemporary table would produce many more recent additions to
those identified up to 1964. However, the table does not claim, nor indicate, when such
status was achieved according to this process.

Based on this analysis, Wilensky (1964. p.142) asked the question “Is there an invariant
progression of events, a path along which they have all travelled to the promised professional
land?”. He suggested that there is a general trend towards seeking professional status, and he
asserted that, at his time of writing, “. . . no more than thirty or forty occupations are fully
commercialised”. In addressing his research question he identified a number of steps that
generally apply in the evolution of an occupation into a profession.

Table 2:1 The process of professionalisation

Source: Wilensky (1964, p.143)

The first step in Wilensky’s progression was for an occupation to become a full time form of
employment. Having become a “job’, the second step was that recruits to the occupation
required training in the requisite theoretical aspects of their work, leading to the need for and
establishment of a training school. Wilensky suggested that if training courses were not
started in universities, the requirements of professional standing would lead them to being
delivered by universities. This progression would lead to higher standards of education, as a
theoretical approach to the vocation replaced a practical one and developed into an academic
discipline. This would, in turn, result in longer and more detailed courses. In the third step
the higher standards would lead to the evolution of more rigorous education as the
requirements for entry to the occupation. The standardisation of required training courses
would then lead to the establishment of a professional body, if one was not already in
existence. Wilensky (1964) suggested that in the more established professions, the university
programmes would appear first followed by the formation of a professional body, whereas in
the less established professions the reverse would be true.

If not already formed, national associations would be established around the occupation, and
the requirements for entry to the profession would be gradually constrained to include only
those individuals prepared to undertake the training prescribed by the professional body. The
process could be given greater authority if, in claiming jurisdiction over a specified field,
pressure could be brought to bear on legislators to give some form of legal protection to the
use of specific titles relating to the occupation. These would then be used to distinguish
between those who are adjudged to meet the required competency standards of the
profession. The process is completed by the adoption of principles of service to the public by
those who had taken up the vocation, and these principles would be formalised into a code of
ethics (Wilensky, 1964).

Wilensky (1964) further proposed that during the process of gaining higher educational
standards and the formation of professional associations there would be a further redefinition
of the core tasks. There would be some emphasis placed on defining the essential
professional tasks of the occupation, as distinct from those that may be performed by non-
professionally qualified affiliates. Wilensky (1964) uses the example of the medical
profession in which a doctor would delegate less complex tasks to nurses, who would
delegate lesser tasks to nurse assistants, who would, in time, allocate some chores to ward
helpers. Thus, a hierarchy is established with those of professional status at the top,
descending through those who aspire to the status of a profession or para-professionals, to
minimally or unqualified assistants. Such examples can be found in contemporary society in
many recognised professions such as law, civil engineering and dentistry, as well as in land

One modern issue that can compromise the claim for professional standing by an individual is
that many members of professions are now employed in large organisations, and therefore do
not offer their specialised knowledge to the public in a direct way. As employees, their claim
to professional status is compromised by the fact that they are responsible to managers or
employers who are not necessarily members of their profession, yet are superior in the
hierarchy of the organisation. While the structure of a multi-disciplinary professional firm
will accommodate this, there will be cases where this is not so.

A useful example of how the structure described above operates, which appears to be
reasonably widespread, is that of public hospitals. Medical practitioners and specialists are
responsible to senior administrators, often qualified in business administration rather than
medicine. They may also be answerable to elected or appointed boards of management that

can include members of the general public (Wilensky, 1964; Freidson, 1988-89; Bowie,
1988). Such lines of responsibility may lead to some loss of autonomy in professional
decision making, and hence the exercise of their professional judgement. In extreme cases
this hierarchical management can lead to conflict and confrontation when the interests of the
client or patient and those of the organisation are at odds. In such situations, the presence of
a strong professional body, with an explicit code of ethics, can add strength to the
professionalism of the individual confronted with such a situation.

Another area of potential compromise happens when a member of a profession enters into
business in order to practice their profession. This can occur when, for example, a medical
practitioner takes ownership, in part or in whole, of a private hospital or clinic, or when an
engineer becomes the owner of a construction company. A prime motivation behind each of
these instances is business-driven, that is, it is profit-motivated. As a result the consultant, in
effect, becomes their own client, unless they contract those professional services of other
members of their profession and rely on their advice in matters of professional and non-
conflicted decision-making, and themselves act only as business managers. As the objective
of a business is to make a profit, the societal responsibilities of the member of the profession,
and the ability to give impartial advice, are confronted by a conflict of interest. At this point
the member of the profession is at risk of compromising the ethics of disinterestedness,
impartiality and objectiveness, which are central to the conferment and maintenance of
professional status (Flexner, 1915).

It is clear from the examination of the literature that the process of “professionalising”
occupations that began in the 17th century, accelerated through the 18th and 19th centuries,
continues. The demands of urban living in the 21st century have increased considerably in
complexity, and more occupations have evolved into professions. Flexner (1915) developed
the approach of defining criteria that should identify whether or not an occupation is a
profession, and much of the subsequent literature has used his work as a starting point to
examine the professional status of specific occupations. Those that have expanded on
Flexner’s (1915) definition have tended to focus on the nature of professional behaviour
rather than the defining aspects of what makes an occupation a profession. Hence, they have
produced lengthening lists of “criteria”, which, while relevant to “professionalism”, tend to
cloud the issue of defining what is a profession.

As noted earlier, Wilensky (1964) attempted to encapsulate Flexner’s (1915) criteria into two
“streams”, namely education and service. However, these are too narrow in themselves to
provide a basis for close evaluation of any particular occupation for the status of a profession.
While Flexner’s (1915) approach provides rigour to the evaluation of an occupation, its
construction as a speech rather than a written paper leaves it open to some divergent
interpretation. It may also be criticised for its antiquity, given that the occupational
environment has changed dramatically over the last century, and continues to evolve, as have
societal mores, views on morality, definitions of what is considered to be ethical behaviour,
and the respect and authority afforded the established professions.

As a counter to these potential weaknesses, the United Kingdom Inter-Professional Group

(UKIPG) provides an up-to-date and succinct definition that has been accepted, at least in the
United Kingdom, by a variety of established professions, and which encapsulates all of the
essential principles of a profession according to Flexner’s original criteria. The UKIPG
membership includes professional bodies of accountants, architects, bankers, chiropractors,
dentists, engineers, lawyers, medical practitioners, optometrists, osteopaths, patent attorneys,
pharmacists, psychologists, surveyors and veterinary surgeons, among others (UKIPGa, n.d.).

The UKIPG definition is entirely consistent with the sentiments expressed by Flexner (1915)
and Wilensky (1964) in positing that a profession is “an occupation in which an individual
uses an intellectual skill based on an established body of knowledge and practice to provide a
specialised service in a defined area, exercising independent judgement in accordance with a
code of ethics, and in the public interest” (UKIPGb, n.d.). This demonstrates that a broad
variety of occupations view themselves, and each other as professions, and that they accept
an encompassing definition of a profession. It also confirms that there is a significant group
of people who do consider that the concept of the occupational status of a profession, or not,
remains relevant in 21st century society.

2.6 Summary
This chapter has examined the origins of the concept of occupations as professions. The
church, law and medicine (not including surgery) are generally accepted as the original
professions. The common element is that religious vows had to have been “professed” within
the clerical establishment of the Church system before an individual progressed to the further
education or training to become a specialist in those disciplines (law and medicine). This
also explains why the professions are also referred to as a “calling” rather than a job.

The formation and rise of universities in the 12th century provided a ready home for the
secularisation of the original professions, and for those new professions based on science and
new technologies. The period known as the Reformation, when combined with the
Enlightenment, the Renaissance and the Age of Reason, led to the events of the Industrial
Revolution and the establishment of the concept of learned societies. The Industrial
Revolution brought a paradigmatic shift in the way of life as society moved from its historic
rural agrarian style to an urbanised industrial one. The specialisation of intellectual skills,
developed out of the crafts and guilds, and that arose in the 18th and 19th centuries, led to the
notion of professional bodies as collectives of members of a profession, sometimes referred
to as the learned professions.

The number of occupations aspiring to professional status continued to expand. By 1915

discussion had begun on what criteria were necessary for a vocation to claim professional
status. The work of Flexner (1915) in particular was shown to have withstood a century of
scrutiny. While other writers have provided expanded or contracted versions of Flexner’s
criteria, these contributions have confirmed and validated his work. The concept of
professions, and the general criteria by which professions are set aside from other
occupations, is verified by the existence of the United Kingdom Inter-Professional Group and
the current definition it provides for occupations adjudged to be professions as evidenced by
its membership.

Given the continued relevance of the standing of professions in contemporary society, and a
set of criteria with which to evaluate occupations against when considering their status as
professions, Chapter 3 examines the occupation and discipline of land surveying with respect
to these criteria. Following a very general definition of land surveying, each of the criteria
that have been discussed and identified above, are addressed with respect to it.

Chapter 3

Is Land Surveying a Profession?

Having established criteria to compare occupations against in deciding which may be

professions, this chapter begins by providing a broad definition for the occupation of land
surveying. This is then compared against the criteria that have been derived from the
literature in Chapter 2. On the weight of evidence presented this chapter concludes that the
vocation of land surveying meets the criteria for recognition as a profession.

3.1 Defining Land Surveying

Before considering the question of whether or not the occupation of land surveying as an
occupation meets the criteria for being a profession, it is important to consider the vocation of
land surveying itself, and how it might be defined. In order to address the question “Is Land
Surveying a Profession?”, it is necessary first to place some boundaries around the activity
under scrutiny. While there are dictionary definitions of land surveying, they are too succinct
to be useful as they define the words rather than the occupation per se. There are also
definitions of “land surveying” created by various professional bodies for the benefit of their
members and for those members of the public who may want to know the functions the
occupation encompasses.

Hence, a definition of the occupation is needed that is more than the few words of a
dictionary definition so that a comparison can be made with the established criteria for a
profession. However, a robust definition also needs to be more succinct than those provided
by professional societies while still remaining broadly encompassing. The FIG has a
definition for the “Functions of Surveyor” but not land surveying,or the land surveyor, and its
definition embraces other professions of a surveying nature beyond land surveying such as
quantity surveying. It is therefore of limited assistance for this purpose (FIG, 2017).

The possibility of forming a definition of land surveying that will satisfy all members of the
international surveying community is unlikely, given the process by which land surveying
has evolved in some countries. However, it is possible to identify the core components of the
field that make it different from any other discipline or from any other body of knowledge. It
has been suggested that the core of land surveying is measurement or measurement science
(see for example Fryer and Mitchell, 2013. p.16). Is this justifiable and can it sustain
contrary arguments? Measurement is used widely in a broad range of disciplines and for a
myriad of purposes so a robust and encompassing definition of land surveying must be about
more than measurement alone.

The beginnings of a workable definition may lie in the term “surveying” itself, before “land”
is used to qualify the practice. The Free Online Dictionary (FOD) defines surveying as “The
measurement of dimensional relationships, as of horizontal distances, elevations, directions,
and angles, on the earth’s surface especially for use in locating property boundaries,
construction layout and mapmaking” (FOD, n.d.). This appears to be specifically related to
land surveying. Similarly, Wikipedia starts its definition of surveying with the qualification:
“Surveying or land surveying is . . . ” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveying). Hence, at
least these two sources see “surveying” as simply a contraction of, or synonymous with, the
more definitive term “land surveying”.

One of the words used most frequently in the context of surveying practice is “position”.
Some prefer to use the term “location”. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary (COED,
2004. p.1119), under position, yields “a place where someone or something is located . . .”.
For location the COED (2004. p.836) provides “a particular place or position”. At first this
mutual cross referencing appears to lead to a circular and semantic end only. However, both
definitions have in common the word “place”. The COED further explains in the definition
of survey “1. look carefully and thoroughly at ”, which clearly provides the basis for a
definition much broader than that of land surveying provided above, but it is a worthwhile
start. The second definition given under survey is, “2. examine and record the area and
features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description” COED (2004.
p.1451). This second definition contains a parenthetic reference to land that is consistent
with the numerous definitions that make an implicit connection between “surveying” and
“land surveying”, as if the two are synonymous, which is supported by common usage.

If the parts of these definitions are combined, the following non-contextual definition of
surveying can be achieved, that is “to look carefully and thoroughly at . . . and examine and
record . . . features . . . so as to construct a . . . description”. Within this definition it is
possible to derive the context of “land”, by inserting the appropriate words into the spaces
utilising the common term “place” rather than either of “location” or “position”. Hence, the
definition of land surveying then becomes “to look carefully and thoroughly at a place in
order to examine and record its features so as to construct a representation or description of
it”. The words “location” or “position” could be used to replace “place” if preferred, and the
“description” could be interpreted to be a written description, a plan, a map, a computer-
generated visualisation, or in another context, a digital dataset.

This definition is deliberately broad in order to be as embracing and as timeless as possible,

while remaining applicable despite changes in technology, education, society or
developments within the professional environment. Thus, it should be equally applicable to
the past, the present or any future description of the practice of land surveying. However, it
is recognised that to address the comprehensive nature of the activity of land surveying, an
expanded and detailed definition is required when addressing, for example, curriculum
matters for education and training courses in academic and practical land surveying degree,
diploma and certificate programmes. The questions that arise from potential semantic
ambiguity can then be related to the role the fully qualified land surveyor plays in the practice
of field surveying. Further, what is the “professional” role, if indeed land surveying is a
profession, relative to the roles of others who operate in the occupation.

A definition of land surveying, such as that provided in italics above, is required to answer
the fundamental question this chapter addresses, that is, “is land surveying a profession?”
Having extracted a set of criteria for examining an occupation with respect to its status as a
profession, the above definition gives a dimension to the activity of land surveying and a
context for its comparison to the criteria established for professional status. The following
section brings together the criteria for a profession and the evidence needed to make a
judgment with respect to the professional status of land surveying.

3.2 Is Land Surveying a Profession?
As noted earlier, there is considerable consistency between Flexner’s (1915) criteria and the
definition of a profession currently displayed on the UKIPG website. In order to evaluate
whether or not the occupation of land surveying satisfies these criteria, it is necessary to distil
a set of necessary and sufficient criteria against which the status of land surveying, or indeed
any other occupation, can be assessed. Hence, the following criteria are recast from the
Flexner and UKIPG definitions discussed in Chapter 2, using their terminology as much as
possible. They are listed as follows in a hierarchy that facilitates logical and systematic
analysis with respect to land surveying.

To qualify as a profession an occupation must:

(a) be specialised and intellectually complex;
(b) have an educational base of theory and practice or body of knowledge;
(c) have a body of practitioners (the profession) who are recognised as competent,
trustworthy, largely self-regulating and have a code of ethics;
(d) require the demonstration of competency in the application of the body of knowledge
to practical problems for admission to the recognised body of practitioners (the
profession); and
(e) require the application of independent judgement, without personal bias, within the
ambit of the specialisation for the solution of complex practical problems.
These are now considered in turn for land surveying.

3.2.1 An intellectually complex activity

Land surveying, by its very nature, has always required the acquisition of data about the land.
However, the gathering of data is a technical function carried out in the past by manual
methods of measurement. In particular, land surveyors measured distances and angles in
order to define the location and the dimensions and shapes of units of the landscape. They
also took measurements of objects such as buildings or other “improvements”, for the use or
benefit of a “client”. Clients could include individuals, groups of individuals, business
corporations or government agencies. Hence, gathering data is the first activity in the
sequence of events of conducting a survey that leads to information being conveyed to the
client in a way that is intelligible and useful to that client.

While requiring a degree of dexterity in the use of measuring instruments, as well as the
knowledge of how to operate the devices, it would not qualify on that basis, in and of itself,
as an intellectual activity. However, the knowledge required to determine what data to
gather, that is measurement design, for the requisite purpose, i.e. that are “fit for purpose”,
does require the exercise of judgement, and therefore qualifies as an intellectual activity. The
ability to convert the data gathered meaningfully and with relevance to the purpose, and then
to communicate that to a client requires further intellectual activity.

The Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) hierarchy was first hinted at by T. S.
Eliot (1934) in his poem “The Rock”. According to Hey (2004) it first appeared in structured
form in an article by Cleveland (1982). This model suggests that the conversion of data into
useful information requires the application of organisation and selection. The DIKW
hierarchy has been modified since and extended from its original form, downwards to include
data and upwards with the addition of a variety of further classifications. It is beyond the
scope of this thesis to examine such potential extensions or to debate their value, but in its
basic and extended forms the DIKW hierarchy is widely used, indicating acceptance of it in
principle and in practice.

Historically, the field collection of data was carried out by the professional land surveyor, but
in recent times this aspect of the occupation is more often delegated to a junior or technician
surveyor. More recently such tasks have been carried out through automated processes
embedded in data collection devices. Since data gathering is an essential starting activity,
and does involve the application of intellect to order the data, the level of intellectual
application is not of a high level, nor is it significantly theoretical. As Wilensky (1964)
pointed out, the handing down of simpler or mechanical tasks is recognised as part of the
process of professionalisation, and the rise of the technician surveyor within the ranks of
practising land surveyors conforms to this interpretation.

While information is itself a useful product of the endeavours of land surveyors, such
information must be converted to knowledge so that it can be transmitted to and used for
decision-making. The information may be transformed, therefore, into graphical products
such as maps or models, or into textual products such as reports. Traditionally, the
conversion of information into knowledge was carried out by the land surveyor who gathered

the data in the first instance. However, as in the case of the data collection, its conversion
may also now be delegated, at least in part, to competent technicians. Such individuals may
not be the same technicians who were employed in the data gathering. Nevertheless, the
oversight of the conversion process requires intellectual input on the part of the land surveyor
to ensure that the product meets the client’s needs, that it is technically and practically sound,
is consistent with accepted standards, and conforms to relevant aspects of the law.

An experienced land surveyor will carry this process further and transform the knowledge
provided into enlightenment for the client. In this case, the term enlightenment is substituted
for the more common “wisdom” referred to in the standard DIKW model as being more
appropriate in this context. The provision of this enlightenment is likely to require some
form of translation or explanation to render it understandable in lay terms. This
transformation involves intellectual activities that require experience and an understanding of
the principles behind the creation of the information and its conversion process. These
principles in turn require knowledge of the body of theory of which the practical application
is an extension. Thus the professional surveyor adds value to the work that may be within the
capabilities of the purely technician surveyor.

Hence, land surveying at all levels beyond the physical gathering of data requires intellectual
activities of varying complexity. As such it meets the first requirement of professional status,
that of requiring intellectual input, and an understanding of theory, principles and practice in
order to deliver its final outputs. The theory, which defines the nature of the proposed
profession, is increasingly referred to in the literature on professions as the specific
profession’s associated “body of knowledge” (BoK).

3.2.2 A body of knowledge

There is a long-standing history of specialised knowledge and techniques that must be
acquired in order to carry out a survey of land at a level beyond the purely technical function
of gathering data. As in the trades of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and in the guilds before
them, this type of specialised land surveying knowledge was traditionally handed down
through apprenticeship or articled cadetship from skilled practitioners to trainees prior to and
during the early 20th century. In more recent times, and particularly since about 1950,
specialised land surveying knowledge has increasingly been transferred through the medium
of university-based academic study and more training and practically-focussed polytechnic
courses, depending on the level of theoretical knowledge required by, or expected of, the
student or trainee.

As a result of the movement of land surveying education into tertiary institutions during the
20th century, the specialised knowledge and techniques taught to student surveyors have
developed into a codified BoK. Greenfeld (2012), for example, has done considerable and
very specific work identifying the land surveying BoK in the context of the United States of
America, as have Bethel (2011), Pavia (2011), Walthrop & Lucas (2011) and Walthrop
(2011). The textbook by Clarke (1923) may also be considered as a comprehensive treatise
on the BoK of surveying measurement, which formed the basis of undergraduate teaching of
the basic principles of measurement aspects of land surveying for many decades. In Australia
the Institution of Surveyors Australia (1996) published “the Brown Book”, a comprehensive
documentation of the competency standards of professional land surveyors in that country in
order to provide a basis for educational programmes at that time. A more recent unpublished
report by Fryer and Mitchell (2013) has addressed the question of a required BoK for land
surveyors in Australia, although their focus was on cadastral surveying in particular.

In 1987 the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), with the assistance of a number of
other international surveying and mapping agencies, published a catalogue of undergraduate
surveying programmes that were in existence around the world at that time. The publication
analysed the content of sixty-one programmes in twenty four countries in Asia, Australasia,
Europe, Scandinavia, and North and South America (Krakiwsky, et al., 1987).

Similarly, in 1992 the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy

(CASLE) published a guide to courses that were available within Commonwealth countries
(Keith, 1992). This included a broader consideration than eligible land surveying courses,
given the wider ambit of CASLE, which includes the disciplines of building surveying,
quantity surveying, valuation and estate management, amongst others. Eighteen
Commonwealth countries were included and qualifications ranging from national diplomas to
doctorates were identified. Keith (1992) cited more than 50 university land surveying
courses at the undergraduate level and over thirty postgraduate diplomas, masters and

doctoral degrees on offer within the British Commonwealth countries contributing to the

The academic database of the International Federation of Surveyors currently lists over 90
academic institutions that offer surveying courses in over 50 countries around the world, and
that are academic members of the Federation (FIG, n.d.). That there are a multitude of
courses, and their wide distribution provides evidence that in these countries at least,
academic courses exist supplying a BoK to aspiring professional surveyors. Because of the
wide-ranging nature of the FIG definition of a surveyor (FIG, 2017), the list of institutions is
not confined to land surveying, but also includes those that offer courses in land
administration, quantity surveying, and construction economics, amongst others.

From these catalogues and databases it is clear that the academic discipline of land surveying
is embedded in tertiary institutions throughout the world, and has been so for some time, up
to six decades in some cases. While none of these sources indicate when their courses began,
nor what is currently taught, it is clear from the curricula and the advanced qualifications of
the academic staff of the institutions, that a BoK for the profession exists and is taught at
university undergraduate level, and beyond. It is also noticeable that academic courses have
existed for at least a generation, and in some cases in the order of 50 years. Hence, the
number and extent of tertiary education and training courses available throughout the world
for surveying in general, and for land surveying in particular, demonstrate that a recognised
and formal BoK has existed and has been communicated to students in educational
institutions for at least half a century.

Although the knowledge of the theory and practice of land surveying is widely distributed
throughout the nations of the world, there is no reason to believe that the knowledge held
within and communicated by these higher educational institutions conforms to any
universally agreed set of criteria. It is more likely that it has evolved within any given
institution to suit the needs of the particular community the profession and the institutions
serve through the production of useful and practical graduates in land surveying, and as the
occupation itself has evolved in that area.

In order to define a BoK for any given academic discipline, there must be some group of
individuals or an organisation that has the ability to identify what should be contained within
that knowledge base. Such an association must have some common interest in the occupation
and be in broad agreement as to what its relevant BoK might contain. In order to define the
nature of the BoK, such an association must of necessity contain members who themselves
are individual or collective repositories of such knowledge. It must also be sufficiently
organised and held in such regard that the institutions of those who teach the discipline will
accept, respect and trust its advice. This task falls to the members of the learned societies or
professional bodies who already have been admitted through proof of their competence in the
recognised BoK and who maintain their current competence. In conformity with the criteria
established at the beginning of Section 3.2, the professional bodies relevant to the practice of
surveying are now considered.

3.2.3 Self-governing professional bodies

The Royal Society (of London) claims to be “the oldest scientific academy in continuous
existence” (Royal Society, n.d.). It was founded in 1660 by a small group of scientists as “a
Colledge for the Promoting of Physico-Mathematicall Experimentall Learning” (Royal
Society, 2013). As such, the Royal Society is the first “learned society” created for the
purpose of advancing and promoting bodies of knowledge. The professional bodies that were
established during the period of the creation and development of the new and emerging
professions formed their own respective societies of a similar nature with respect to their
particular domains of knowledge. It is now appropriate to examine the origins and
development of professional bodies in the countries which will be the focus of study in
Chapter 4 and beyond. These are, respectively, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. The United Kingdom

Given that the rise of the professions is a phenomenon that occurred particularly following
the Industrial Revolution, the beginning of the development of professional institutions dates
from the late 18th century, but is more obvious from the mid-19th century onwards. As noted
in Section 2.3, professional bodies began with engineers in the United Kingdom in 1818 with
the founding of the Institution of Civil Engineers, which “ . . . strives to promote and progress
civil engineering . . . [and that civil engineers are involved in ] . . . delivering sustainable

development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise” (ICE, n.d.). It also claims
to be a body for recognising civil engineering qualifications, “ . . . to act as a repository and
market for specialist knowledge and to provide resources to encourage innovation and
excellence in the profession worldwide”. It is registered as a charity also in England and
Scotland (ICE, n.d.).

The Royal Institute of British Architects, formed in 1834, has as its stated purpose that it
exists “. . . for the general advancement of Civil Architecture, and for promoting and
facilitating the acquirement of the knowledge of the various arts and sciences connected
therewith . . .” (RIBA,n.d.).

While the Surveyors Club began in London in 1792, the Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (RICS) did not take its current form as a professional body until 1868. Today it
claims to be “a global property professional body which aims to regulate and promote the
profession, maintain the highest educational and professional standards, protect clients and
consumers through a strict code of ethics, provide impartial advice, analysis and guidance”
(RICS, n.d.). As a statement of objectives this comes very close to the definition of a
profession as stated by both Flexner (1915) and the UKIPG.

These examples exemplify that during the 19th century in the United Kingdom, along with the
vocations of engineering and architecture, land surveyors were seeking to form an association
of members into a professional body for their respective occupations beyond that of training
and the limiting the numbers of recruits to their vocations, as had the trade guilds of the past.
Collectively these bodies indicated in their public statements that they sought to promote
greater altruistic values amongst their members for the protection of society from unqualified
and unscrupulous practitioners. These values closely related to those that will be discussed
later in this chapter. Canada
The first professional body of surveyors in Canada was the Association of Manitoba Land
Surveyors (AMLS), which was formed in 1881. According to its website the AMLS “ . . . is
a professional, self-governing body . . . which regulates the practice of land surveying for the

protection of the public . . . sets the standards of practice, continuing education, conduct of
members and investigates complaints from the public” (AMLS, n.d.).

Each of the other provinces of Canada has its own professional body. The Ordres des
Arpenteurs-Geométrès du Quebec (OAGQ) was formed in 1882 (OAGQ, n.d.), the
Association of Ontario Land Surveyors in 1892 (AOLS, n.d.), the Association of British
Columbia Land Surveyors in 1905 (ABCLS, n.d.), the Alberta Land Surveyors Association in
1909 (ALSA, n.d.), the Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association in 1910 (SLSA, n.d.) the
Association of Prince Edward Island Land Surveyors in 1968 (APEILS, n.d.), the Association
of Newfoundland (including Labrador) in 1953 (ANFLS, n.d.), and lastly the Association of
New Brunswick Land Surveyors (ANBLS, n.d.) in 1954.

Generally they are established and have responsibilities under provincial statutes. Although
specific details of the manner in which each of the provinces administers its responsibilities
are not available, an inspection of the website home pages of each of these bodies indicates
that all require tertiary educational qualifications followed by post graduation training and
other entry criteria, has a stated code of ethics, and a clearly stated objective or policy of
protecting the public interest. Every one of these bodies would therefore meet the
requirements of a professional body. It is significant that all of these institutions make
specific reference to being exclusively for land surveyors.

Additionally there is the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS), a national

licensing body for surveyors who work in the three Canadian territories, in the Federal parks,
on Aboriginal reserves, as well as on and under the surface of Canada’s ocean
territories. They hold the exclusive title of Canada Lands Surveyors (CLS). Of all the
Canadian surveyors associations, the ACLS has the largest jurisdiction. Entry requirements
include being a member of a provincial association or holding a Certificate of Completion
from the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS). The ACLS
Strategic Plan confirms that the ACLS also meets all the requirements necessary to be
considered a professional body including education, continuing competence, ethical and
disciplinary powers, and concern for the public interest (ACLS, n.d.).

51 Australia
The first surveying institution established in Australia was the Institution of Surveyors
Victoria (ISV) founded in 1874. The ISV states that it “. . . services the professional needs
of surveyors by conducting seminars and workshops, and circulating technical and other
information . . . provides input into the educational standards for surveyors, and into the
legislation affecting the activities of surveyors . . . [and] provides government and the
community with the collective professional opinion of the surveying profession” (ISV, n.d.).
These aspirations include most of those included in the criteria established by Flexner (1915).

The Institution of Surveyors New South Wales (ISNSW), founded in 1884, includes in its
mission reference to representing land, engineering and mining surveying professionals and
providing professional education and accreditation of university surveying courses. Its stated
roles include to “. . . progress . . . the science of surveying, endorse and promulgate
professional and ethical conduct, foster . . . ongoing learn[ing] . . . promote excellence in
surveying and spatial sciences” (ISNSW, n.d.). Again, these aspirations and roles generally
cover the criteria required for a profession as defined earlier, and therefore indicate the
existence of a professional body of land surveyors. Other Australian state bodies were
established in due course.

In 1952 six state surveying Institutes formed a federation called the Institution of Surveyors,
Australia (ISA) (ISA, n.d.). Each state institution (New South Wales, Queensland, South
Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia) became a Division of the federated
body. Further divisions were established for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the
Northern Territory and one designated “Foreign”. “The primary objective of the Institution is
to empower its members to strive for excellence in the application of the science and practice
of surveying for the benefit of society” (National Library of Australia, 2014). This
Federation continued until it merged with four other Australian organisations to form the
Spatial Sciences Institute (SSI) in 2003.

The SSI added Surveying into its title in 2009 and became the Surveying and Spatial
Sciences Institute (SSSI) following years of dissent and discord from its members who were
professional surveyors. The SSSI has several levels of membership and has professional
streams within its structure. One of those streams is the Land Surveying Commission, which

meets the criteria for consideration as a professional body, including requirements for tertiary
qualifications, continuing professional development (CPD) and has a code of ethics (SSSI,
2012). While the SSSI itself may not be a professional body, that question remains open, it
appears to incorporate within its structure Commissions that could qualify as professional
bodies. However, ISNSW and ISV continue to operate independently under their original
constitutions and the ISA (South Australia) and ISA (Western Australia) continue to exercise
land surveyor licensing legislation. Summation
While an exhaustive examination has not been made of the world-wide professional bodies or
learned societies, it is clear from the above discussion, that within the discipline of land
surveying there do exist, and in particular in the countries under examination (Australia,
Canada and the United Kingdom) a range of organisations that, by their titles and mission
statements, represent a profession. In some cases they were established by statute, while in
other cases they were formed as privately organised, self-governing bodies. It is also
apparent that in some areas membership of the bodies was compulsory in order to practice as
a land surveyor, while in others it is voluntary, as in Australia. Based on the membership of
the FIG, by its constitution a federation of bodies dedicated to the surveying profession,
similar bodies also exist beyond the range of these countries. They are widely dispersed
around the world, if not in all countries.

In June 2013 the FIG included 103 member associations from 87 countries (FIG, n.d.). The
membership database does not distinguish between land surveyors and other branches of
surveying that are included under the broad definition that the Federation has adopted (FIG,
n.d.) for the wider discipline of surveying. Many of the member organisations have names in
their own language, hence it is not practical to identify which and how many of these
represent land surveyors.

Despite this, from an examination of the names of the member associations of the FIG, forty-
eight can be identified as specifically including land surveying, by the use of terms such as
cadastral surveying, engineering surveying, geodetic surveying, topographical surveying or
use of the French term “géomètre” in their names. Others simply use the term “surveyors”
which may or may not include land surveyors (although based on the author’s personal
knowledge, a significant number of these do). Only six member associations identify
themselves specifically as valuers, estate managers or quantity surveyors. Within the
international community, therefore, there is a significant number of national associations
related to land surveying that are deemed to be professional bodies.

As defined by the criteria derived from Flexner (1915), one of the significant functions of any
professional body is to ensure that its members conform to high standards with respect to
their relationships with clients and with the public at large. This normally includes the power
to exercise discipline over members who are in breach of such standards and the ability to
impose sanctions, sometimes as severe as removing membership. Standards may include
technical as well as moral or ethical considerations. These standards of professional
behaviour are customarily codified either within the constitution of the organisation, in the
form of a separate code of ethics, or may be embedded in legislation where the professional
bodies have statutory authority, functions or responsibilities.

A recurring theme in the review of professional bodies above is the issue of the protection of
the public. While this is dealt with, in part, by the assurances given by professional bodies
about the qualifications and competence of their members, it also relates to the way in which
members deal with their clients. The former tends to be one of theoretical, technical and
practical knowledge, while the latter relates to the behavioural and moral tenets to which
professional land surveyors aspire, and the nature of the performance that clients should
expect from all members of a professional society.

In all of the examples cited, the professional associations take positions in defence of the
public interest and in most cases specifically refer to codes of practice, codes of conduct or
codes of ethics. They also indicate that they have in place, and are prepared to exercise,
disciplinary powers over members who are found to be in breach of technical or ethical
standards. Such disciplinary powers are more universally effective when membership is
compulsory than when it is voluntary. However, potential members may be more encouraged
to join professional associations with clearly stated standards to use as part of marketing
themselves with a point of difference from their non-member land surveying business

There are jurisdictions, such as Quebec in Canada, in which it is compulsory to be a member
of a professional body in order to practise as a land surveyor. There will be differences also
in the applicability of codes of conduct and to whom and how they are applied, depending on
the nature of an individual’s employment. Whether a practising surveyor is privately offering
consulting services to the public, is employed by a company that offers consulting services, is
employed by a local or central government agency, or works in academia will affect the
applicability of parts of any ethical code. While the applications may be different, the spirit
or ethic behind the conduct is just as important relative to the achievement of professional

In 1998 the FIG produced a “Statement of Ethical Principles and Moral Code of Professional
Conduct” for the guidance of member associations. The Statement begins with a set of
ethical principles followed by a definition of “the public interest”. It is completed by a model
code of professional conduct. It recommends the model be adopted as the minimum standard
of behaviour expected of a professional land surveyor. It explains in the preface to the
Statement that “One consequence of globalisation and the opening up of markets to foreign
participation is the need for professional and ethical standards that apply to all . . . to ensure
fair competition, to build and retain the confidence of clients, to protect the environment
within which we all live, and to respect the interests of third parties” (FIG, 1998). Hence,
FIG believes that although cultural practices will vary from country to country, there are
fundamental principles that should apply to all practitioners. Each member body should then
be responsible for the interpretation and application of these principles within its own
jurisdiction (FIG, 1998).

Thus, with respect to land surveying, there are organisations within the countries that are the
focus of this thesis that promote to, and enforce, codes of conduct or ethical standards on
their members. There are also statements of the principles that are expected of a surveyor
who aspires to claim the status of a professional land surveyor and that are accepted and
adopted by the international community of surveyors (including, but not restricted to, land
surveyors). These principles encompass the ethical and moral standards of the behaviour of
surveyors with respect to clients, colleagues, the environment and the public at large. There
is an implicit expectation that the world-wide community of professional associations that
choose to join the FIG will have in place, or will be intending to adopt, some form of

professional ethical code. The criteria the FIG identify, yet again, reflect those of Flexner
(1915) and add further weight to the contention that not only have these criteria withstood the
test of time, they are applicable around the world and across cultures.

The final criterion for professional status is the requirement to apply professional knowledge,
skill and judgment to real-life problems. There is no need for professional services if there
are no clients with practical and complex issues for which they need the assistance of an
individual with an understanding of the theory and experience in the practice of the particular
domain of knowledge. In general, in order to be regarded as a profession, a body of
practitioners must exist and be publicly or privately available for engagement as consultants
to give appropriate advice and provide the means of supplying the necessary practical

3.2.4 Application to practical problems

Several prerequisites are required to apply the practice of land surveying to practical
problems. These include the existence of a clientele, which may include corporate or
government bodies and a range of practical applications that the clientele have a need to
access. There needs to be a set of applications sufficiently technical or intellectual that the
clients are unable to carry them out for themselves, or that the law requires the use of
particular accredited practitioners. Finally the needs of the client must be of such urgency
that they are prepared to purchase the services of a person qualified in the practice of land
surveying in order to have their problem solved.

Some of the members of the professional land surveying bodies are employed by local or
central government and a small proportion are employed in academia. However, most
practitioners are employed by or have ownership in land surveying companies. These
companies range from single service firms of sizes varying from single owner-operators
through multi-partnered companies to multi-disciplinary practices providing services such as
architecture, engineering, planning as well as surveying. The range also includes services
related to the surveying of the sub-marine landforms of the seabed.

The evidence for the provision of such applications of land surveying to serve the needs of
the general public can be deduced from the existence of the land surveying professional
bodies noted earlier, some of which specifically include sub-bodies of practitioners. In
Australia there is the Consulting Surveyors National (CSN) “. . . which represents the private
sector of the land surveying profession in Australia” (CSN, n.d.). There is also the Spatial
Industry Business Association (SIBA), an independent body that claims to be “. . . the voice
of the private sector of the spatial industries”. Their self-defined ambit extends “. . . from
surveying and mapping to geographic information systems (GIS) and location based
services” (SIBA, n.d.). These organisations specifically identify with the provision of
consulting services to the public in land surveying and the provision of advice to government.

Evidence of the application of theoretical knowledge and practical skill to real-life problems
can also be deduced from the commission structure of the FIG. This structure includes
commissions for the analysis and discussion of issues relating to standards, i.e. Commission
1, Professional Practice and Standards , but also dealing with specific technical fields such as:
Spatial Information Management (Commission 3); Hydrography (Commission 4);
Positioning and Measurement (Commission 5); Engineering Surveying (Commission 6);
Cadastre and Land Management (Commission 7); and Spatial Planning and Development
(Commission 8). All of these sub-disciplinary activities are suggestive of a body of
individuals who consult to the private and public sectors.

The indicators that suggest the application of land surveying to practical problems
experienced by those in need of specialised advice is supported further. In the last decade
there have been claims of existing or potential skill shortages in the provision of land
surveying services. Warning is given of a looming crisis that will occur unless corrective
action is taken in the short term (Blanchfield, 2005; Hannah, 2006; Mahoney, et al., 2007;
Hannah et al., 2009; Fairlie et al., 2010). Claims of an impending crisis, either real or
perceived, predict that development will be constrained through the lack of a sufficient body
of practitioners to service the market. This, in itself, is evidence of the existence of a demand
by society for land surveyors. However, the global financial crisis may have forestalled the
arrival of the skill shortage, as it is noted that with one exception these writers published their
views in advance of the financial down-turn.

3.3 Summary
It is concluded from the above examination, analysis, evaluation and discussion that land
surveying, since the development of the new professions, has established itself as a
profession in accordance with the criteria distilled by Flexner (1915). The continued
relevance of land surveying is confirmed by those criteria defined by the UKIPG and the
inclusion of surveyors in the group. In so doing land surveying has developed a wide-spread
body of practitioners trained in the discipline that has developed along with its
professionalisation, and is represented by a significant number of learned societies widely
distributed around the world.

In making a comparison between the criteria deduced from Flexner (1915), the UKIPG and
the discipline in both local and international contexts, land surveying is shown to meet all
criteria to make a legitimate claim that it is a profession within the currently accepted
definition of the word. The broad extent to which universities teach and extend defined
bodies of land surveying knowledge, the existence of a world-wide network of internationally
recognised professional bodies that examine, accredit and monitor the technical competence
of practitioners, the proliferation of qualified land surveyors providing services to
government agencies, corporate and individual clients, and the existence of published codes
of professional conduct for land surveyors all provide substantial ratification of the claim to
professional status. Predicted skill shortages add weight to its continued relevance to society.

That which distinguishes one profession from another is the body of knowledge that its
practitioners must acquire. The BoK required in any specific region will be defined by the
needs of the society that the profession serves. The profession, the professional body and the
educational providers will have evolved to meet those specific needs. However, it is
anticipated that there will be a common core of knowledge which all land surveyors share
and that distinguishes them from not only other professions, but from colleagues in the
discipline who have not met the criteria for admission to the professional body.

In further examining the profession of surveying and the degree to which it has changed in
recent years, the nature and development of the core body of land surveying knowledge for
land surveying is a critical factor. It is important to distinguish what is core or essential to
land surveying as a profession, and what is peripheral or of local or regional significance

only. Chapter 4 examines the historical development of this body of knowledge of the
profession of land surveying and the way in which it developed to define the modern practice
of land surveying.

Chapter 4

Paradigms in Land Surveying

This chapter develops the discussion of land surveying as a profession and focuses on the
development of the knowledge, skills and operations inherent in its practice as an occupation
through time. In particular, in contrast to the other attributes required to meet the criteria of a
profession generally, as discussed in Chapter 3, this chapter identifies the attributes of the
land surveying profession as distinct from any other.

An historical perspective is established that traces the purpose and functions of land
surveyors and the principal developments that contributed to its establishment as an
occupation and as a profession. It begins with recognition of an original paradigm. It then
speculates about the existence of a second paradigm appearing about the 17th century. It
proposes that this paradigm existed until the1960s, and identifies its principal components.
Identifying the extent of the traditional occupation of land surveying will provide a platform
for the examination of any changes in the content or direction that are occurring in the
profession during the second half of the 20th century and as the 21st century advances.

Land surveying is an occupation for which records go back to antiquity. Current evidence of
surveying field records and calculations of areas of allotment shapes and sizes from the times
of the Sumerians (c.2150 BCE) have been discovered Cooper (2009). As an aspect of work
and study land surveying has developed incrementally through time and has been influenced
by many and diverse factors. In its early development these were focussed on the gradual
improvement in measuring equipment, but increased in pace as science, and particularly
mathematics and physics, progressed. It also extended its ambit as the world was explored
and new explanations were offered for the extent and nature of the world of human

habitation. New skills were added to meet the demands of the exploration and the expansion
of colonial empires.

4.1 Land surveying in antiquity

The practice of land surveying and practicing land surveyors existed in early settled societies.
The control of domesticated plants and animals produced the concept of ownership of the
means of food production and became a major source of wealth and power. The control of
food supplies brought about through the Agricultural Revolution c.10,000 BCE, particularly
domestication of plants and animals and the invention of the plough, allowed mobile hunter-
gatherer tribes to evolve stationary and stable settlements. In turn, with surpluses of food,
early societies developed sophisticated means of communication, and writing, mathematics,
theology and philosophy evolved. Scribes were able to record their history in writing rather
than relying simply on oral tradition. The surpluses also permitted the evolution of a class
system that allowed labour specialisation, freeing some of the population from the necessity
of spending a major part of their time finding food (Shultis, 1991).

Ownership of resources became a matter of importance within or between neighbouring

tribes. However, with the emergence of ownership as a social concept, disputes could arise
over which area of cultivation belonged to which individual, family or community. This was
important because as civilisation developed, claims to ownership of resources could indicate
the amount of tax that a citizen might owe to their rulers. Taxes were often related to the
amount of land “owned”, grain produced or beasts farmed (Cooper, 2009). The control of
such resources was essential for survival and stability. Additionally, ownership led to wealth,
and wealth in a community could free individuals from the need to spend their time in the
daily pursuit of sustenance, and so freed them to devote themselves to intellectual pursuits
(Shultis, 1991).

The demarcation of the limits of land, in the form of boundary markers, was a matter of
central importance to land owners as well as to governments. It was important since the
calculation of land areas for estimates of production, volumes for quantities of harvested
grain and the value of land for exchange purposes were of economic significance (Cooper,
2009). In the Babylonian and Egyptian eras the land measurers were government officials
and boundary marks were highly regarded. In some cases they were protected by religious

proscription – “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people
shall say Amen” (King James Bible, 1611).

Mariners had been navigating the seas for thousands of years, and were established as traders
in the Mediterranean by c.2800 BCE (Columbia Encyclopaedia, n.d.). The earliest European
navigators, when out of sight of land, found their way by making astronomical observations
in the northern hemisphere with its advantage of a “north” or pole star, Polaris, which
remained relatively fixed. Its earliest use is attributed to the Phoenicians (Gascoigne, 2001).
The finding of direction by the use of stellar observations, both on land and sea is, therefore,
a long established tradition by those seeking their own precise location as well as those
wishing to travel to some other known place, or to explore to unknown places. Thus location
in both the local and the global context, as a result of measurement, is significant at the dawn
of human history.

4.1.1 The Egyptians

The accuracy with which the Egyptian surveyors laid out the Great Pyramid, and the
pyramids generally, attests to their competency in geometry, angular and linear measurement
as well as some understanding of astrological or astronomical alignments. They achieved
accuracies of 20 cm over a horizontal distance of 230 metres and 6mm to14 mm in vertical
difference or level. They aligned their structure within 5½ minutes of arc of true cardinal
directions, indicating that they also had some understanding of geodesy (Dilke, 1971).

As a result of the regular flooding of their alluvial plains by the River Nile they also
developed a system of replacing ownership boundaries after these had been destroyed by the
flooding of the river, an early form of cadastral surveying redefinition. The Egyptian
authorities were interested particularly in crop yields as this formed the basis of their taxation
system. They also developed systems of irrigation to utilise their available water to best
advantage in the process of food production. However there is little written confirmation or
detail of this as it is thought to be a matter of local interest only (Kemp, 2006) although such
land management techniques were necessary as Egypt had suffered severe famines as a result
of drought in the past (Hassan, 1997).

Other implications of the measurement of land for the production of topographical maps
essential to the Egyptian farmers involved establishing gradients that would allow water to
flow for irrigation, calculation of the quantities to be removed for channels or canals, and
computing the number of bricks or blocks needed for a building (Cooper, 2009). The
important status of the Egyptian surveyor is observed in their appearance in hieroglyphics
where the surveyor is depicted with his rod of office, supervising his workers as they use
their knotted rope to make measurements (Brock, 2013).

4.1.2 The Greeks

The Greek surveyors, who understood the importance of the relocation of boundaries from
the regular River Nile floods of Egypt, “as Herodotus shows, thought of themselves as having
learnt the principles of surveying from the Egyptians” (Dilke, 1971). They were also
competent in tunnelling and in the laying out of towns in accordance with the plans of those
such as the architect and planner Hippodamus. Additionally, the understanding of geodesy
allowed Dichaearchus to establish a line of latitude from the Himalayas to Gibraltar in the 4 th
century BCE. This was based on work done by those such as Pytheas of Marseilles in
circumnavigating Britain and the description of the Ganges valley by Megasthenes. In the 3 rd
century BCE Eratosthenes was able to make a remarkably accurate estimate of the Earth’s
circumference, against the prevailing flat-earth beliefs of the time (Dilke, 1971). The true
size of the planet, as well as its relationship with the sun and with the other planets, remained
a matter of interest to Greek philosophers and mathematicians until the time of Ptolemy c.150
AD (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.).

4.1.3 The Romans

In the era of Roman dominance the agrimensores or “measurers of the land” (Dilke, 1971)
were recognised as professionals who received special education and training (Cooper, 2009).
Roman land surveyors were trained and educated in cosmology, astronomy, geometry,
orientation, sighting and levelling. In addition, they were knowledgeable in land law,
centuriation, the legal status of land, the allocation of land as well as the mapping and
recording of land (Dilke, 1971). Their status was high in the Roman bureaucracy as they had
“. . . expertise in land law and . . . advise judges in disputes over land ownership . . .”. The
agrimensores were held in high esteem generally (Cooper, 2009 p.4).
During the establishment of the Roman Empire, the agrimensors fulfilled other tasks. As the
empire spread it required both a network of roads for communication purposes and for the
speedy deployment of troops to maintain order within the expanding territories. The
agrimensors were also required for the setting out of the rectangular-patterned garrison
settlements across the vast Roman Empire, which needed to be controlled by suppression of
the local inhabitants. Additionally the land surveyors were necessary for the laying out of
roads, aqueducts, bridges and drains (Cooper, 2009).

The Romans had standardised plans for settlements, or castra, depending on the size of the
garrison that was to be maintained in any specific area (Lyon, n.d.; British Museum, n.d.).
Specifically, plans were prepared for garrisons of 200, 500 and 800 troops. The site of a
temporary or permanent garrison establishment had to be selected depending on slope, aspect,
climate and strategic position. The grid street system was laid out and the defence system of
palisades and trenches put in place, often on a daily basis, as troops travelled throughout the
Empire. Thus, the agrimensors were involved in all of these aspects of planning, setting out
and building of garrison-based communities. The Roman land surveyors had important
practical functions in the expansion of the Roman Empire, beyond the demarcation of land
boundaries and the establishment of early cadastral records.

Greek and Roman surveyors developed a number of specialised instruments to assist them in
their work. These included the groma, for surveying straight lines and turning right angles,
measuring rods of various lengths, the chorobates and the dioptra for levelling, and the
hodometer (possibly the first odometer) a mechanism attached to a wheel for measuring
longer distances (Dilke, 1971).

The work of these early land surveyors was principally measurement and sometimes its
particular application to land boundaries, with logical connections to the law relating to land,
and the location, orientation and dimensions of structures. At times they also became
involved in town and rural planning as the officials who laid out on the ground the towns and
rural subdivisions planned by the architects and military commanders of the Roman Empire.

From Egyptian times the position of the land surveyors was one of authority and status, and
the educated and trained surveyors supervised other less qualified assistants to carry out their
measurements. Their abilities and competencies remain obvious with such monuments as the
Great Pyramids, the Roman roads of Europe and the aqueducts that can still be seen and
marvelled at, as well as the patterns of settlement that can be seen in European landscapes
several millennia later. The micro level of land measurement was important to transportation
and urban and rural development. However, the surveyor’s influence also involved an
interest in surveying at the macro scale when they extended their mathematics and
philosophy to attempting to measure the size of the planet and to explain the movement and
relationship of the heavenly bodies.

The collapse of the Roman Empire during the early part of the first millennium BCE brought
the Western world into what is now commonly referred to as the Dark Ages, a time of
famine, pestilence and conflicts between neighbours as well as invaders attempting to
establish territorial dominance that spread throughout Europe (Shultis, 1991). One outcome
of the pursuit of territorial acquisition was the need to fund wars through the taxation of land
owners or tenants. This in time would lead to the creation of cadastral records, as monarchs
attempted to assess the territory, and consequent wealth, they had accumulated through

4.1.4 Cartography
In addition to the application of surveying to matters of land area definition and the alignment
of significant structures, measurement was also being used by the Greeks in early recorded
history for a larger purpose, that of interpreting the known world, its dimensions and its
position in space. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276 − 194 BCE), third librarian at Alexandria,
was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth to within 100 miles (160 km), though the
known inhabited world he portrayed in a map is confined to Europe, Africa and part of Asia
(including India). He is alleged to be the first to coin the term “geography”. The word
derives from the Greek “geo” meaning “Earth” and “graphien” meaning “written” (Garfield,

Eratosthenes also was one of the first scholars to render the written word into an illustration,
thus founding the art of cartography (Garfield, 2012). There is a written account of the (then
known) world, Strabo’s 17 volume Geographica, but there is no existing map that relates to
his text (Garfield, 2012). Strabo lived between 62 BCE and 24 AD, and his Geographica
was a life’s work. The inhabited world is rendered flat, although Pythagoras had proven that
it was a sphere as early as 194 BCE. Cartographic progress appears to have “fallen into the
cartographic dark ages for about a thousand years” (Garfield, 2012 p.39). Maps such as the
Mappa Mundi, the Psalter Map, did not start appearing until around the 13th century.

Early examples of cartography, however, appear to be the pictorial representation of

descriptions of routes, locations and places, rather than accurate representations of the
relative positions of the places shown. That is, they were for illustrative purposes, and while
they might indicate how long it may take to travel from one place on the map to another, they
did not contain, nor were they based on, measurements taken by the people now known as
land surveyors. This was to come at a much later date as standards of measurement were
adopted, equipment and techniques of calculation were developed, and greater knowledge of
the size and shape of the planet Earth were understood.

4.2 Through the Middle Ages

There is no evidence of specific advances in the practice of land surveying through the
medieval period in Europe (Wolf, 2002), though this ignores the developments in
mathematics outside of Europe. While Europe had descended into what later became known
as the Dark Ages, the Islamic world pursued the development of mathematics and science
specifically in China, India and the Hellenistic world. In the view of at least one author
(Joseph, 1987) the role of the Arab scholars in this period was crucial. They pursued and
developed mathematical knowledge from Jundishapur in South-east Persia, “. . . moving
through Baghdad, Cairo and finally, to Toledo and Cordoba in Spain” (Joseph, 1987).

4.2.1 Beyond Europe

The adoption of the Hindu number system and the Arabic numerical notation, along with
developments in algebra and basic trigonometry, also occurred during this extended period
and from the same source. Europe remained largely in the state of the scientific knowledge
reached by the Greek and Roman schools. The adoption of the Hindu number system
allowed for simplified means of calculation and algebra was developed by the Arab scholar
Mohamed ibn-Musa Al-Khwarimi (c.825 AD). Al-Khwarimi’s work was taken up by other
Arab mathematicians and continued into the 13th century (Joseph, 1987). As European
scholars travelled in the pursuit of knowledge and as the Middle Ages gave way to the
Renaissance, Robert of Chester translated Al-Khwarimi’s book on algebra into Latin in the
12th century, and Euclid’s “Elements” was translated by Adelard of Bath, Herman of
Carinthia and Gerard of Cremona. Fibonacci (c.1170 – c.1250A D), the son of an Italian
merchant or diplomat, and who was educated in North Africa, marked the first European
contribution to mathematics since Eratosthenes and introduced the Hindu-Arabic numerals
(Usvat, 2013).

While the principles of trigonometry appear to have been understood by the Egyptians and
the Babylonians with respect to the mathematics of astronomy and based on chords of circles,
its origins are lost in prehistory. Greek writers, such as Hipparcus and Ptolomy, acknowledge
that they gained early knowledge about astronomy, mathematics and surveying from the
Egyptians (Joseph, 1987). It is speculated that Pythagoras may have travelled to India as his
theorem was known by Babylonians (1800 BCE) and Chinese (500 BCE) (Joseph, 1987.
footnote p.17). The melting pot of Alexandria provided a centre for the movement of
knowledge from India, China, Greece and Persia by Arabic scholars and through Baghdad to
Cairo and on to Toledo and Cordoba (Joseph, 1987). This knowledge then became available
to the rest of Europe through Robert, Adelard and Herman (Usvat, 2013).

Trigonometry emerged in Europe in the 16th century as spherical trigonometry and based on
the mathematical relationships of sides and angles in triangles, from which its modern name
is derived. The term trigonometry was first introduced by the German mathematician
Bartholomaeus Pitiscus in 1595. It consists principally of the ability to solve triangles from
one linear measurement and then measuring angles (Adamek, Penkalski & Valentine, 2005).
It is therefore integral to the practice of land surveying, along with other contemporary
developments, as it emerged in Europe during the Renaissance period.

4.2.2 Cadastral surveying

A cadastre is a comprehensive register of land holdings and of the rights that attach to the
land or its owner. It may be supported by a cadastral survey or cadastral map. A cadastre
commonly includes details of the land such as the ownership, the types and conditions of
tenure, the precise location, the external dimensions and the area, and may include the
attendant rights in property. It also may include, but not necessarily, the actual or permissible
land use, such as crops or pasture types in the case of rural areas, and the value of individual
parcels of land (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadastre. Accessed 6 November, 2013).
The earliest extant cadastral survey of England is the Domesday Book, prepared for King
William I (the Conqueror) in 1086 (King, 2007). The purpose was to establish what lands
were held by his subjects in what was then England. This register recorded the extent of land
that individuals held, the value of the land, the stock maintained on it, and the taxes that had
been paid or were due. The register did not involve the recording of the physical boundaries
of properties, but it did record the quantity and valuation of the assets held by King William’s
subjects (BBCb, n.d.). Hence, it is believed that the Domesday Book is the oldest general
cadastral record still in existence. It is held, and is on view, at the British National Archives
in Kew, London, and can be accessed on-line at www.doomsdaybook.co.uk. While not
directly attributable to land surveyors as the profession would be defined today, it marks the
beginning of an activity that was later to become of central importance to land surveyors, as
well as surveyors of different types, such as valuation surveyors and estate managers.

Little is known about what measurements might have been taken, if any, in compiling the
Domesday record. Information was gathered by “commissioners”, who were men of high
rank such as members of the nobility and high churchmen. They questioned local “juries”
made up of the sheriffs, reeves and as many as six peasants. A standard set of questions were
asked and the responses recorded by clerks (King, 2007; Anonymous, 1999-2003; BBCa,
n.d.). The accumulated information from across the country was written up by a single
scribe. While King (2007) describes the exercise as a survey, it is not a survey in terms of
what a land or cadastral survey would entail in contemporary terms. Neither would the
information gatherers be termed land surveyors in modern contexts, though surveyors they
clearly were in the broadest sense. That is, that they gathered, or oversaw the gathering of,
data for the purposes of making it into a land information record.

The true purpose of the Domesday Book is unknown though there is some agreement about
the principal reasons for its preparation (King, 2007). King William was introducing a more
rigid form of feudalism to England and wished to know who owned what in his new
kingdom. It is also known that he maintained a large standing army to defend against other

claimants of his new realm. It is speculated that in order to pay for that army he had to tax
those who held land under him. In order to do that he needed to know the nature of their
wealth and their ability to pay taxes. The areas of land were defined in terms such as virgates
and hides. A virgate was enough land to support an individual, whereas a hide was enough to
support a family. The physical area, therefore, depended to some extent on the fertility of the
soil. Hence areas did not have measured dimensions, which only appeared much later
(Linklater, 2002).

In a later era Napoleon Bonaparte established the foundation for the European cadastral
system. In 1807 he ordered maps and cadastral records to be created over some 100 million
parcels throughout his empire. The purpose was the same as that of William the Conqueror
in England, namely to raise taxes from landowners (Williamson, et al., 2010).

4.2.3 The first paradigm

The period immediately prior to the Renaissance and the Rise of Science represents the end
of the first era in the development of the land surveying profession. Land surveyors had been
held in high regard during the classical period, but nothing is known of their formal education
or training. It is evident, however, that they did have knowledge of mathematics and of
astronomy. As Vice President Rudolf Staiger of the FIG states “The Archaic phase lasted
thousands of years and ended in 1590 with the invention of the telescope” (Staiger, 2009).
While Staiger suggests that there was an Archaic period, which is not doubted, the
proposition that its ending was brought about by the invention of the telescope overestimates
its significance, though it did play an important part in the shift.

The development of the concept of land as private property changed the role of the land
surveyor. Additionally, and partly as a result of this, the standardisation of measurements,
the arrival of new forms of mathematics and advances in angular measurement based on the
invention of and modifications to the telescope were to provide such change that the shift in
practice was revolutionary. The following sections expose the significant changes that led to
the development of scientific methodologies and the use of increasingly more sophisticated
equipment to define the dimensions and location of parcels of land. These advances also led
to the land surveyor’s ability to identify the accurate location on the planet of any objects,

places or persons, aided navigation, and assisted in the opening up the world to European
colonisation following the Age of Discovery.

4.3 A new paradigm

William the Conqueror brought a more exacting form of feudalism to England and quantified
the land in his new kingdom through the construction of the Domesday Book. Measurement
at that time was defined by anatomical terms for smaller measures, such as thumbs, fingers,
palms, feet or the length of a forearm (a cubit). The need for the standardisation of
measurement affected trade in all manner of commodities, from farm produce to
manufactured goods, so that fair and consistent values could be attached to quantities for the
purpose of exchange, either by barter or coin. Larger land areas were defined mostly by how
long an area would take to plough or how many people a given allotment of land could
support. Thus, an acre of fertile land was smaller than an acre of less productive soil
(Maitland, 1897). Other weights and measures for produce and for manufactured items such
as cloth were equally based in approximated anatomical dimensions.

4.3.1 The new concept of property

According to Linklater (2002), land management practice was undergoing change in England
as well. As a result of inflation during this period, land owners attempted to maximise the
production from their lands. To facilitate this, the process of “enclosure” was underway.
Tenant farmers had managed their lands in strips or rigs and were under pressure to
consolidate areas and separate them with hedges so that crops would not be trampled. In the
publication “The Boke named the Governour” Sir Thomas Elyot, giving advice to land
owners on how to run their estates, advised that the first essential step was to “draw a map or
‘figure’” of the estate so that the governor knows of what it consists,” (Linklater, 2002. p.3).
Linklater asserts that by drawing maps of their holdings, land owners were asserting
ownership, and that this is the foundation in England of “land as private property” (Linklater,
2002. p.5).

While Linklater clearly identifies a potential change in the nature of rights in land, or the way
in which they are asserted, it signifies only a change in perception. In the English land
registration system, as in the future British colonies, the Crown (or the State) retains the right
to “resume” any title to itself, with the appropriate level of compensation, irrespective of the
bundle of rights that it may have allocated to a land title holder in a modern land title system.

Linklater (2002. p.6) further asserts that “the “greatest real-estate sale in England’s history”
occurred when Henry VIII dissolved some 400 monasteries in the 1530s and their lands
reverted to the Crown. Henry’s need of cash meant that, rather than allocating his regained
estates in the feudal manner that had predominated until then, he choose to sell the land.
Thus instead of having the feudal rights of the service of his tenants, he was able to sell the
land for cash, principally to pay for the defence of his realm. This new type of rights in land
required that those purchasing land needed to know exactly what they had acquired. It was
no longer adequate to define land areas by how many people it could support. Areas had to
be defined by measurement − by measuring the sides of regular and irregular figures and
calculating the area therefrom (Linklater, 2002). That is, by defining boundaries in the way
in the manner of land surveyors.

At about this time (the 16th century) a number of important discoveries were being made and
inventions developed. These included more accurate angular measurement, standardised
linear measurement, the adoption of standard units for distance and areas, and the
development of the telescope. In addition, computational methods were being adopted that
would ease the calculations required of the land surveyor, including the adoption of Arabic
numerals, the decimal system and logarithms.

4.3.2 Angular measurement

It is pointed out by Turner (1991) that surveying textbooks of the early 16th century dealt
mostly with methods for conducting audits and valuations and were only just beginning to
consider issues of actual land measurement. Bennett (1991. p.345) observes that in the 16th
century the surveyor’s symbol of office was a pole, but also that the surveyor’s work
involved “other kinds of measurement” and valuations, and that linear measurement was still
accomplished using poles and ropes. He further asserts that the developments in
mathematics, specifically geometry and arithmetic, had proved so successful in navigation
that the advocates of the mathematical sciences found surveying their next target.

In 1570 a work appeared by an English surveyor, Leonard Digges (or Diggs), entitled
“Pantometria”, which was added to and published posthumously by his son Thomas (Bennett,
1991). It was a book on surveying which describes an instrument called a “theodolitus” that
was used in topographical surveying and incorporated a graduated horizontal circular disc of
12−14 inches in diameter and divided into 360 degrees (Wolf, 2002). It is claimed that it is
from this instrument that the modern theodolite developed. It included a vertical semi-circle
and a magnetic needle (presumably for compass bearings) and could be used for the
determination of heights and distances (Wallis, 2005). At some point the new instrument
moved from being mounted on a pole to the more stable tripod support, possibly first referred
to by Joshua Habermel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Theodolite. Accessed 14 May 2014).
Following the invention or improvements in telescope design by Galileo and its addition to
the prototype theodolite, the utility and accuracy of the device was improved (Wolf, 2002).

The evolution of this new instrument continued with the addition of Vernier scales, following
their development by Pierre Vernier, and described in his Brussels publication in 1631, La
construction, l'usage, et les propriétés du quadrant nouveau de mathématiqu,. This allowed
for the more precise reading of the graduated circle to achieve more accurate results, though
they did not become universally used until the 18th century. A better sighting mechanism was
developed using telescopic sights, modifying the original astronomical instruments by
William Gascoigne, possibly c.1644 (Hacking, 1989). A further refinement by Jean Picard
was to add crosshairs to the telescope of the theodolite and the introduction of a “level
bubble” by Melchisedech Thevenot in 1666 (Wolf, 2002). This further improved the ability
of the theodolite to provide accurate readings.

The final major refinement to the basic design of theodolites was the mechanical division of
the 360° circle to improve further the accuracy of readings obtained from it. This was
developed by Jesse Ramsden in 1770 and provided for “. . . significantly improving their
accuracy”(Wolf, 2002. p.82 ), although Ramsden’s invention has also been dated as being in
1773 (Wallis, 2005). Having been rewarded for his efforts by the Board of Longitude,
Ramsden was required to publish details of his invention. Subsequent improvements were
made to his dividing engine by significant surveying instrument manufacturers such as
Edward Troughton in 1793 and William Sims in 1843 (Cox, 1986).

Little changed in the concept of the first theodolite from the time of Digges though
refinements continued through the 16th century, and improvements in the quality of the
various components continued through the 17th and 18th centuries. The final improvements to
this level of technology came in the 20th century when Heindrich Wild improved the internal
focusing of the telescope in 1908 (Cox, 1986) and glass graduated circles replaced metal ones
about 1920 (Staiger, 2009).

Staiger (2009) maintains that what he refers to as the “optical era” reached its peak with the
work of the Swiss theodolite designer Heindrich Wild and the arrival of the first completely
enclosed and glass-circled modern theodolites. The theodolites designed by Wild included a
range from instruments that could give readings of horizontal and vertical angles to 1 minute
of arc, as in the Wild T0, or to 0.2 of a second of arc, as in the Wild T3 (Trutman, n.d.).
These instruments were designed for land surveyors whose measurements were, per force,
required to be made on the ground. Such accuracy as the T3 could attain was particularly
applicable to increasing the accuracy of ground-based trigonometrical networks by

The developments in angular measurement brought greater accuracy to the measurement

aspects of the 16th century land surveyors and their successors through the following 300
years. In parallel there were equally important developments in the associated requirements
for more precise linear measurement. These were required to enable the surveyor accurately
and consistently to define and re-define the boundaries of specific tracts of land and calculate
their areas for the new classification of land ownership. Such accuracy was also required in
order to establish equitable valuations for both the levying of taxes by the Crown or the
government and for exchange in the land market.

4.3.3 Linear measurement

Until the 16th century linear measurements were arbitrarily defined and there were no
consistent definitions on which to base calibrations. Weights and measures had been
introduced in Europe by the Romans. These were largely defined in relation to parts of the
human body such as thumbs, palms and feet. In order to achieve fair trade, in land as well as
other commodities, standardisation was necessary. It was in this period of the rising volume
of trade, both local and international, that there was much interest in establishing agreed
standards of measurement, both linear and volumetric. Nations began to legislate for their
own standards, and to proscribe the use of one set of standards for selling and another for
buying commodities. This was a widespread practice alluded to as long ago as biblical times.
With the emergence of the new land market following the redistribution of land after the
dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII, land areas could no longer fluctuate
according to such variables as fertility. The new land owners required exactness of their
surveyors (Linklater, 2002).

As has already been described, areas were usually related to the time needed to work a plot of
land or the number of people that it might support. Linear measurement of land was
traditionally based on the rod, pole or perch, varying names for the same unit of length. It is
asserted that the origin of the pole lies with the stick used by ploughmen to control their oxen
as they worked the land. The stick needed to be long enough to reach from the back of the
plough (the position of the ploughman) to the nose of the furthest oxen (Anonymous, n.d.).
Whatever the true origins of the name and the selection of its dimension, the standardised unit
became the rod or pole, and its length was standardised at 16.5 feet (Linklater, 2002).

In this system four rods made a chain. A field of an acre, sufficient to support one family,
was deemed to be a furlong deep (40 poles or 220 yards) by 22 yards wide. The standard
measurement of 22 yards is also the length of a “chain”, a measure used as the basis of plane
land surveying in many countries, and that persisted well into the 20th century in many places.
This unit of linear measurement is still in use in parts of the United States of America. The
standardisation in the time of Henry VIII, and which was legislated by his daughter Queen
Elizabeth I in 1588, was an integrated system that defined relationships between lengths
(inches, feet, yards, poles, chains, furlongs, and miles) and areas (acres, roods, perches and
square miles). In 1601, in order to standardise the measurements for the country, a brass
yardstick of 36 inches (one yard) was constructed (Linklater, 2002). These measures formed
the basis of the Imperial System for several hundred years. It was only superseded by the
extensive adoption of the metric system in the 20th century, though remains in use in a few
places in the modern world.

It was against this background that Edmund Gunter, born in Wales in 1581 and educated at
Oxford University, had his influence. He was later to become Professor of Astronomy at
Gresham’s College, London in 1619. Gunter was educated for the church but had a passion

for mathematics, and in particular ratios and proportion. This had enabled him to design and
construct a variety of instruments, including an early slide rule. He was also familiar with
decimals, logarithms and trigonometry (Linklater, 2002). His development of a measuring
device that was of a useful construction, a practical length, and a chain in physical reality,
was to cement his name in the annals of surveying history. The Gunter’s chain was used for
centuries following its invention and was only replaced in the late 1800s by the continuous
steel band. However the measurement principles embodied in its invention remained the
Gunter’s chain was made up of 100 physical links each of 7.92 inches and made of quite
heavy steel wire. The links had loops at each end enabling them to be joined together. It also
had brass markers at every tenth link for “reading” or counting purposes, and was easy and
flexible to use. In the view of Linklater, this was “. . . a brilliant synthesis of two otherwise
incompatible systems; the traditional English land measurements, which were based on the
number four, and the then newly introduced system of decimals, based on the number ten”
(Linklater, 2002. p.12). That is, four rods equalled one chain, which in turn equalled 100
links. Thus it was that the formerly variable units of rods, acres and miles became fixed in
the 16th century.

In this way, Linklater attributes to Gunter the means of making privately owned land a
market commodity. By enabling the precise measurement of boundaries and areas that did
not alter with the nature of the soils, the land could become a commodity and a true and fair
market could be established (Linklater, 2002). As a result comparable land values could be
established by factoring in the given area and the productive quality of the land. While
property had been a private good previously, what the standardised measurement did fulfil
was the ability to define, and accurately redefine, the boundaries of any particular allotment.

Although the development of surveying measuring equipment was a critical development at a

fortuitous time of change, the arrival of new concepts in mathematics also contributed to the
rising importance of the surveying of land. In particular the calculation of areas and the
ability to calculate distances from angular measurement using a single measured linear
baseline became standard land surveying practice – facilitated by the adoption and use of
geometry and triangulation.

4.3.4 Developments in mathematics
The computation of areas using the newly standardised system was achieved by relatively
simple arithmetic using the dual systems based on the traditional base of four and the new
decimal system based on ten. These early surveying devices relied heavily on the physical
measurement of distances in order to define the land and to enable the drawing of scale maps
or plans of the areas they had surveyed. “Angle measurement and trigonometry presented
much greater challenges. It was here that a struggle was developing for the proper practice of
surveying and the legitimate image of the professional surveyor” (Bennett, 1991. p.346).

In this respect, surveying was closely affected by the developments in astronomy and
navigation, both utilising similar instruments of observation and the same principles of
geometry. The inducement for surveyors to take up geometrical principles was that of
trigonometry. Being able to solve unknown dimensions of triangles, that is the unmeasured
sides and angles, and to calculate areas. This could be achieved by measuring one baseline
and then merely observing distant points from either end of it. There was no longer any need
to physically measure all distances, especially longer ones. They could, instead, be
calculated using trigonometric formulae. This technique became known as triangulation, and
was explained in 1533 in the Gemma Frisius edition of “Cosmographia” by Apianus
(Bennett, 1991).

In this way, the invention and development of the theodolite changed the principal practice of
surveying from one based on linear measurement, but which retained considerable
importance, to the combination of angular and linear measurement enabled by the use of
trigonometry for triangulation. The introduction of the use of Arabic numerals (Turner,
1991), the decimal notation in a paper by Steven Stevin in 1585, and logarithms by John
Napier (who also worked to improve Stiven’s decimals) in the early 1600s were of great
computational value to the land surveyors of the time (Linklater, 2002). They were in a
period of transition from the simple arithmetic required of them previously, to the
mathematics needed to calculate distances using geometry and trigonometry (Bennett, 1991).

The uses of these new developments in mathematics, and the instruments developed for
measurement purposes, were not confined to land surveying. The renewed interest in
astronomy as a result of the development of the telescope and the dependence of navigation

on stellar and solar observation also were closely related to the advances for land surveying.
The need for greater accuracy in navigation in the period when Europe was discovering the
rest of the world and developing maritime trade and commerce meant that all of these
advances were of keen interest to a much larger audience.

4.3.5 The (European) Age of Discovery

The great European navigators during the era of world exploration during the Age of
Discovery (c.15th to 17th centuries) were able to navigate around the globe. They also were
able to prepare maps of the lands they discovered. Additionally they produced charts of the
waters surrounding their discoveries and maps of the waters through which they travelled.

The invention of a precise mechanism that could carry accurate time on a pitching and rolling
ship became a prized ambition. Early attempts at such devices can be observed in the Royal
Observatory at Greenwich, London, England (Rosenberg, n.d.). Navigation was significantly
improved when it became possible to carry on board ship a chronometer that could be relied
upon to keep accurate time while a vessel was constantly changing direction in all three
dimensions. This improvement in navigation, until then based on observations of the sun and
the stars, was due to the invention of a stable maritime clock by John Harrison in 1764.
Harrison’s chronometer allowed much improved accuracy in the calculation of latitude
(Orchiston, 1998; Taylor & Wolfendale, 2007). This was especially so in the Southern
Hemisphere where the pole star or any equivalent, so critical in navigation in the Northern
Hemisphere, was unavailable.

The improvement in navigation allowed much greater accuracy in charting and mapping of
newly discovered lands and their surrounding seas than the previously relied upon
astronomical observation. As instruments and mathematics developed it became possible to
fix accurate positions using observations on the sun and the stars while knowing the precise
time. James Cook, explorer, navigator and cartographer, was amongst the earliest to use this
new technology in his voyages to the South Seas in the 1770s. It is noteworthy that
Beaglehole refers to Cook as a surveyor and notes that “It is the surveyor as well as the
seaman in [Cook] that denounces the publishers of faulty charts. It is something beyond the
surveyor, but still the surveyor, who exalts ‘the improvements Navigation has received from
the Astronomers of this Age’ and the credit ‘that is due to the Mathematical instrument

makers for the improvement and accuracy with which they make their Instruments’” (Cook,
Journal II, 78-79, as quoted in Beaglehole, 1992. p.702).

The 17th century saw renewed interest in establishing the precise size and shape of the globe,
a standard for the measurement of length and a need to establish a common basis for the
measurement of time for global navigational purposes. To assist this, meridians were
measured in a number of places with a view to extrapolating these into an estimate of the
Earth’s dimensions. Despite their relatively primitive equipment, these meridional
measurements provided a good degree of accuracy for the consequent calculations. The
adoption of the Greenwich Meridian as an origin of longitude may be considered as the
beginnings of internationally agreed astronomical position fixing and modern geodesy and
geodetic surveying.

Exploration was carried out from natural curiosity, to map and explore trade routes to parts of
the world generally unknown to western society, but more importantly, to expand trade
through the import of raw materials and exotic products, and the export of finished goods.
Competition between the maritime nations and the desire to create and dominate empires led
to the colonisation of newly discovered lands. Overcrowding in the unpleasant environments
of Britain’s urban areas and the need to maximise food production for a burgeoning
population encouraged migration not just from the urban areas, but from the nation as a
whole. This led to an increasing need to establish new areas for food production and
settlement, and to provide a new life for the urban and rural poor and the dispossessed.

4.3.6 Colonisation
The European “Age of Discovery” was the prelude to colonial expansion by the major
European powers of the time, namely; Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, France, Great
Britain, and to a lesser extent Belgium and Germany, that spread across the entire globe. The
colonial period lasted for four hundred years, from the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 until the
independence of India in 1947. Britain became the supreme colonial power following
Spain’s alliance with France and their defeat in the Seven Years (or Franco-Indian) War,
confirmed by the Treaty of Paris in 1763 (Stuchtey, 2011). While this was a North American
conflict it had broader implications for the nature of European colonialism and was a
precursor to increased British expansionism and domination.
Accurate measurement and its related mathematics had become an important element in
navigating the world. Equally, with standardisation and Gunter’s chain, accurate
measurement had become of critical importance to the new land-owning class of England.
This importance, along with the modern development of land as a commodity, became highly
relevant as migrants from Europe, and especially England and the other parts of Great
Britain, spread through the newly developing colonies. This occurred first in North America,
where royal patents entitled the Governors of colonies to assume exclusive ownership and to
enclose areas of land, as had happened earlier in England. This newly acquired attitude to
land as property (Linklater, 2002) placed further significance on the knowledge and practice
of land surveyors.

“Since the native Americans had nothing to show that they owned the land, the new
Americans could take it freely, and New England, like the old, would belong to those who
could measure and enclose it” (Linklater, 2002. p.23). Such an attitude to indigenous peoples
and their rights to land would characterise the following spread of the British colonies across
the globe. In America the frontier pushed west from the original French, British and Spanish
colonies (Linklater, 2002); in South Africa the Dutch were progressively replaced by the
British (Stuchtey, 2011); and in Australia and New Zealand only minor opposition was
encountered from other colonial powers as the British colonised the east coast of Australia
and signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the Maori tribes of New Zealand.

The 18th and 19th centuries saw planned emigration and settlement by the British government
of what are now its former colonies. This included Canada beginning in the early 1600s
(University of Ottawa, n.d.), Australia from 1788 (Australian Government, n.d.), South
Africa in the early 1800s following the Dutch who had settled in the mid 1600s (Middleton,
2002). Finally New Zealand was added after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840,
though there were prior occupations at whaling and sealing bases, and by missionaries.
Surveyors often accompanied or preceded the settlers and were required for the laying out of
allotment boundaries as the settlers took up ownership of the “new” land. The surveyors, as
experts in measurement and mathematics were also needed for the laying out of canals, roads,
railroads and other infrastructure projects as colonies developed and settlements grew. In
many cases this necessitated the application of known surveying methodologies for the

measurement of land to other needs, for the construction of such utilities as irrigation and
hydro electric dams, railways, roads and tunnels.

4.3.7 The nature of a 2nd paradigm?

As discussed above, land surveying underwent a revolution during the late16th century and
early 17th century. The revolution was spurred by the development of a market as land
became an item of private property. The economic forces of the time demanded
maximisation of the economic returns from agricultural land in particular. The developing
market required that boundaries be clearly delineated and areas calculated for purchase,
production and taxation purposes. The nature of measuring land up to this time had changed
little since the times of classical antiquity.

The revolution that took place in land surveying was brought about by three principal factors.
The first and underlying factor was the arrival of geometry and trigonometry, acquired from
Arabian scholarship and originating in China and India. Reaching the universities in Spain
through the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors, they were brought to the
northern European countries by travelling scholars. The introduction of the decimal system
and the invention of logarithms further enhanced the ease of calculation for the new type of
land surveyor.

The second influence was the standardisation of measurements. Moving away from the
measurement of areas that were defined by fertility and distances that were defined by parts
of the human anatomy, standards were set for linear measurement. Additionally, Edmund
Gunter produced the chain that bears his name to this day, and enabled those carrying out
measurements to produce consistent results and records, which could be repeated, to an
accuracy that satisfied the needs of the time. This chain was used for the following four
centuries, and was only replaced in very recent times by the spring steel band. This
measuring tool, however was merely a development of the original Gunter’s chain into a
more accurate, manageable and flexible form.

The third factor was the burst of developments that took place with respect to optics and
angular measurement, though driven largely by the advances made principally for
astronomical and navigational purposes. The telescope, the compass, Vernier scales,
instruments on levelled tripods, and mechanical engraving of circular protractors evolved into
plane tables and theodolites that provided the basis of surveying instrumentation that was to
last well into the 20th century.
The adaption of optical instruments for land surveying purposes provided a major advance to
measurement. When combined with the new branches of mathematics and the
standardisation of linear measurement, these defined new methodologies for land surveyors
as their profession developed to meet the local demands, and those of exploration and
colonisation. While each of these areas evolved, the principles established as a result of their
adoption or creation in the 16th century, having once adopted them the nature of land
surveying changed little over four centuries. There were only minor variations in the
mathematics and steel measuring bands and optical theodolites were still being used to teach
the students of land surveying in New Zealand in the 1980s (Neaves, 2014.; Hemi, 2014.).

This second paradigm of land surveying persisted through centuries and was only impinged
upon in the latter part of the 20th century. The developments that were to impact on the
traditional practice of land surveying are those that have come to affect every aspect of
modern society. The arrival of electronics and miniaturisation technology has brought into
being instruments that have had an impact on the very nature of the practice of land

The invention and exponential expansion of the power of computers, along with the
diminution of their physical size, have changed work practices. They have also enabled a
new dimension in the visualisation of the outputs of the land surveyor’s work. Further, the
change from finding position by the stars and astronomically derived observations, broken
down into terrestrially observed networks, to the use of satellite systems and their ubiquitous
applications, not only by land surveyors but by the public at large, places considerable strain
on the accepted definition of the role of the land surveyor in modern society. It challenges
the 2nd paradigm in the evolution of the land surveying profession.

The arrival, development and influence of each of these developments is examined and
discussed in detail in Chapter 5. The capabilities of the land surveyor and the land surveying
profession to analyse, adopt, adapt and apply these technologies to the services they provide
are critical factors in the future definition of the land surveying profession. It affects how it is

perceived by its clients and the public and also may be indicative of new educational
requirements of the land surveyor of the future.

4.4 Summary
This chapter began with a description of the origins and functions of the land surveyor in
classical antiquity. During this period surveyors were educated, respected and important
functionaries in the Egyptian, Greek and Roman societies in which they lived. This may be
considered the 1st paradigm of land surveying. Little development occurred in most of
Europe in what is commonly referred to as the Dark or Middle Ages. During the Renaissance
and particularly during the period of 50 years either side of 1600, a number of advances
occurred that changed the means by which land surveyors undertook their work and the
nature of it.

Arabic numerals were introduced, as was the decimal system, logarithms were invented, and
geometry and trigonometry arrived through the incursion of the Moors into Spain, from the
east. Lenses were developed, telescopes invented and angular measurement became
increasingly more accurate. Additionally, standards were developed for linear measurement
(amongst many others), which translated into mathematically definable areas for the
identification of parcels of land and records developed to record their owners and a land
market was established. Gunter’s chain played a significant role in this regard. As European
colonisation expanded to cover the globe so the idea of land ownership and land markets
spread to those colonies. The methods developed in the early 17th century spread with the
colonists. Those same methods were being taught to land surveyors in the 1980s, with the
addition of photogrammetry. These elements define the 2nd paradigm of land surveying.

Chapter 5 extends the discussion of what defines the modern profession of land surveying
and examines the elements of development in science and technology that have had an impact
on the manner in which land surveyors carry out their work. It discusses the changes that
have taken place from the middle of the 20th century, specifically the disparate developments
since approximately 1950, on the nature of the work of the land surveyor. These include
electronic distance measurement, computerised angular measurement, the use of satellite
survey control in place of the traditional triangulation networks, the miniaturisation and
exponential increase in the power of computers for calculations, and the development of
geographic information systems. While these impact directly on the work of the land
surveyor, they have also contributed to an unparalleled shift in society at large.

Chapter 5

Pressures on the Second Paradigm

This chapter considers the pressures on the 2nd paradigm of land surveying, as identified in
Chapter 4, in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The advent of high speed
electronic computing and digitisation has accelerated the changes in technology available to
land surveyors. This chapter provides a review of the significant and relevant threads that,
when woven together, influence the fields of interest that now characterise the modern
discipline and practice of land surveying. Identifying the extent of the traditional occupation
of land surveying in Chapter 4 has provided a platform for the identification of changes in the
content or direction that have occurred, or are occurring, in the profession of land surveying
as a result of these developments as the 21st century advances.

Since approximately 1950 technological change has been exponential. While it has had an
impact on all facets of life, the equipment used by land surveyors has undergone
revolutionary change over a short period, and change continues. Additionally, educational
systems have evolved from on-the-job training supplemented by formal examinations, to
university based education followed by post graduation technical and professional

As discussed previously in this thesis, for several thousand years of human development
there had been a relatively stable idea of what a land surveyor was and what he or she might
be reliably capable of doing. Change was incremental and reflected advances in the
equipment used and the needs of the clients requiring land surveying services. While there
were, and are still, variations from country to country, there was a common core of activity
that could be used to define the nature of the profession. It was largely focussed around land,
the measurement of land areas and features, the location of terrestrial features in relation to
other terrestrial features, and the representation of those features in two dimensional maps or

plans. These could be interpreted by the surveyor, the surveyor’s clients and in some cases,
the public at large. Client expectations might be extended to include those features on the
bed of the sea. Then it became possible for people to leave the ground and observe and
measure the planet, or parts of it, from above the surface of the earth.

5.1 Land Surveying from the Air

Land surveying from the air ranks as the first challenge to the traditional ground-based land
surveyor (Staiger, 2009). The introduction of human flight in balloons and later powered
flight in aeroplanes changed the world of information gathering about the land. When
combined with the development of photography, it brought the ability, through the ingenuity
of individuals, to interpret photographs of the land taken firstly from the relatively static
platforms of balloons and then from moving aircraft. This activity could be considered a
survey, and the result could be perceived as a form of map. In 1858 the first photographs
were taken from a captive balloon and in Moscow in 1900 cameras were attached to kites.
As is often the case, the taking of photographs from the air, and the making of maps from
them, was given impetus by the growing awareness of their use for military purposes
(Kilford, 1970).

Photography was invented in 1839 following the work of Niépce, Daguerre and others
(Ghosh, 1979). Photogrammetry, the science of making measurements from photographs and
converting them into maps, is attributed to Colonel A. Laussedat between 1851 and 1859
when he produced the first suitable cameras and operating procedures for this purpose.
Ground photography for land surveying applications was in limited use before 1914. In
1901, the development of the stereocomparator, a means of looking at two aerial photographs
taken from different places along a flight path, brought accurate photogrammetric mapping a
step closer (Kilford, 1970).

Surveying for mapping purposes from aerial photographs became more practical with the
increased use of aircraft for military purposes between 1914 and 1918. While not achieving
accuracies required for non-military purposes, these aerial surveys were sufficiently accurate
for the immediate wartime needs of the time (Hart, 1940). Following the First World War
(1914-1918) aerial cameras were perfected and stereoscopes were connected to planimeters
or semi-automated contour drawing machines. From this it became practical to produce maps
from stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs quickly and accurately. From 1930 onwards
photogrammetry was accepted as a discipline and a number of universities took up the
training of photogrammetrists. Scientific journals devoted to the discipline were established
as well (Kilford, 1970). The application of calculus and trigonometry to photogrammetry
grew in importance in order to make the necessary adjustments and corrections, for the
matters such as the tilt, swing and yaw of the aircraft while taking the photographs, and to
facilitate accurate modelling, as is demonstrated in Kilford’s textbook published in 1970.

Since then photogrammetry has continued to develop the use of stereo images and has used
such techniques as colour film and infra-red emulsions to increase the applications to which
its technology can be applied. Optical double projection principles were introduced by
Theodor Scheimpflug and developed by Max Gasser (Schwidefsky, 1959). These
developments led to the multiple optical projection (Multiplex) plotters, using the anaglyph
technique, whereby strips of multiple aerial photographic transparencies could be projected
onto a flat white table. Following appropriate adjustments and corrections, and using red-
green glasses, a three dimensional model of the land and objects on it, such as buildings,
could then be viewed. However photogrammetry remained reliant on land survey ground
control throughout this period of development (Kilford, 1970). This type of modelling of the
landscape was the forerunner of the computer-generated three dimensional (3D) digital
terrain models that were to appear much later.

Aerial photograph interpretation and photogrammetry remain in wide use and are still taught
in geography and land surveying courses, although they have uses in many other disciplines
such as facial reconstruction surgery in medicine. Photogrammetry has also made many
recent advances with global positioning systems (GPS) running in aircraft and recording the
position of the aircraft while the aerial photography is in progress. The requirement for
ground control on which to base photogrammetric measurements has not been reduced but
has changed.

On this basis, photogrammetry is the first new “discipline” or specialisation to be added to

the profession of land surveying in over 300 years. In this way it represents the first
symptom of a change in the nature of the work carried out by land surveyors. It takes the
land surveyor’s feet off the ground, where they have been firmly planted for several
millennia. Thus it introduces a whole new area of methodology, application, and
specialisation. It also requires a greater and different application of calculus and analytical
triangulation which, while not of the nature of a fundamental threat by itself, it began to
change some of the demands on the education and training of land surveyors through the first
half of the 20th century.

While photogrammetry appeared as a new area of land measurement, little else changed in
the broader profession of surveying in the early part of the 20th century. However, as the
many technological advances made during the Second World War emerged into the private
domain in the 1950s, other significant changes were about to impact on the science and art of
land surveying. The first of these involved the technology related to linear measurement.

5.2 Linear Measurement

Linear measurement by terrestrial methods using an updated version of Gunter’s chain, the
steel band, was used by land surveyors well into the second half of the 20th century. The
conversion from chains and links to metres occurred on 1 January 1973 in New Zealand and
the steel bands were updated to metric lengths. However, the steel band was still generally
referred to as “the chain”. The techniques necessary for accurate use of “the chain” were still
being taught to students at the National School of Surveying in New Zealand, and used in
professional practice, in the late 1980s (Hemi, 2014). In particular, they were using the Bolt
and Sutherland steel band in conjunction with optical theodolites. The continuous steel bands
came in standard lengths of 5 chains (100 metres) and 10 chains (200 metres) with the first
chain, or “reader”, calibrated in links with annotated markers every 10 links. Metric bands
had readers of 10 metres with 20cm calibration marks (Neaves, 2014). Intermediate lengths
could be obtained from manufacturers and an engineer’s version also, which was calibrated in
feet. Metric bands were still being used in the Pacific Islands in the early 21st century
(Neaves, 2014).

Developments that led to the departure from manual techniques of distance measurement
began as early as the 1930s. The Swedish scientist Dr Erik Bergstrand used his knowledge of
the speed of light to devise an instrument that could emit light pulses, that when the pulse was
returned and received by the emitting device and knowing the speed of light, could provide
data from which the distance travelled could be calculated. In 1947 Bergstrand produced
high accuracy measurements (accuracy in the order of 1 in 100,000) over a 7 kilometre line
and by 1953 had produced the first Geodetic Distance Meter, later to be the well known
brand – the Geodimeter. These were manufactured by Svenska Aktiebolaget
Gasaccumulator, more commonly known world-wide by the brand name AGA, a Swedish
chemicals manufacturer (Cheves, 1999; Reuger, 1978).

During the same period Radio Detection and Ranging (radar) was developed and High
Intensity Radar Aids to Navigation (hiran) and Short Range Navigation (shoran) emerged.
However, while practical for navigation, these were not sufficiently accurate for land
surveying purposes. More recently multibeam sonar technology has enhanced the work of
the hydrographers and hydrographic surveyors in the specialist area of bathymetry. In 1955
the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Johannesburg commissioned
Trevor Wadley to investigate a measurement system that was portable, worked by line of
sight and gave high resolution measurements. Wadley is known to have made measurements
using radio waves by June 1955 (Sturman and Wright, 2008). His invention was marketed as
the Tellurometer by 1957, and had a longer range than the Geodimeter of the same vintage
(Reuger, 1978). These early instruments were specifically designed for the measurement of
longer range geodetic distances (Finn, 1983).

The internationally known companies such as AGA, Tellurometer, Zeiss, Wild Heerbrugg
and Hewlett Packard, amongst others that became household names in the land surveying
profession, have continued to develop measurement instruments using electromagnetic
waves, radio waves, micro waves, visible light and infra-red radiation since those early times
(Burnside, 1971). The development and application of such instruments continues and has
led, almost, to the abandonment of the traditional manual form of measurement by land
surveyors in the developed world.

While the earliest development work on electronic measurement occurred in the 1930s, it was
not until the 1970s that electronic distance measurement (EDM) became generally available.
Instruments such as the Wild DI-10 in 1968 (Reuger, 1978) and the HP9800B in 1969 using
infra-red light (NOAA, 2007), were designed for short range measurement of up to 3
kilometres (University of New South Wales, n.d.). In 1973 the author was using one of the
two HP3800B purchased by the New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey, and which
were circulated around the land district offices on demand, and the Wild DI-10 of the New

Zealand Forest Service. These were amongst the first regularly used EDM devices in New
Zealand. At the same time the author was involved in the testing of a Geodimeter Model 8
for geodetic measurement purposes in New Zealand.

Early EDM devices were still relatively large and cumbersome compared with later
developments. Although they were initially a small tripod-mounted box, or in the case of the
Wild DI-10 a set of optics mounted over a theodolite, they quickly reduced in size until they
were able to fit inside the angle measurement equipment (the theodolite). This combined
instrument became known as the “total station”. Trimble, the present owner of the
Geodimeter brand, claims the first total station was available in 1971 (Trimble, 2013).
According to Cheves (1999), AGA introduced automated electronic angle measurement in
1981 with the Geodimeter 140. However, Cheves appears to retract this later (Cheves, 2003)
and agrees that both AGA (Geodimeter 700) and Zeiss (Reg Elta) introduced total stations at
the same exhibition in 1971.

Combining the optical theodolite with small EDM devices allowed electronic measurement to
replace the more traditional means. About the same time, glass angular measuring scales in
theodolites were replaced by bar code readers. This allowed angular measurement to be made
by the instrument itself, and was displayed in a liquid crystal diode format, or other medium,
as a read-out. This replaced the requirement of the operator to “read” the glass circles
through the optics of the theodolite. Furthermore Trimble introduced the first electronically
levelled rotating laser in 1975, the first electronic level in 1981 and in 1985 added robotic
instruments to its range (Trimble, 2013).

The integration of calculation into the electronics of the total station enabled the direct read-
out of angles and “reduced” measurements (those to which such reductions as atmospheric or
slope corrections had been applied already) giving horizontal and vertical (height difference)
distances. This led quite naturally to the electronic data recorder, replacing the requirement
for the land surveyor to record observations of angles and distances manually in field books
which had then formed part of the survey records. These steps in development changed the
routine nature of survey or positional measurement, but did not alter the requirements or its
outputs in any profound way. However, they did change the nature of the work involved.

The latest developments in technology have brought the laser scanner into regular and
growing wide-spread use, with significant applications to surveying and to land surveyors.
The laser scanner is capable of collecting large quantities of measurement data that can be
converted into 3–dimensional models using complex computer software. In this way, laser
scanning is an extension of the discipline of measurement in combination with computerised
modelling. Laser scanning can be used both indoors and outdoors. As such, while not a
traditional role for surveyors, it can be compared in some respects to photogrammetric
modelling as it combines many of the skills that land surveyors have acquired with the advent
of digital technology. It does, however, place them in an innovative environment.
Notwithstanding, the design of a data collection project, and the understanding of the
measurements gathered, requires the traditional understanding of accuracies and error
analysis that is largely the preserve of the professional land surveyor.

The development of EDM devices has changed profoundly the way in which land surveyors
undertake linear measurements. It has also simplified the way in which angular
measurements are made, although the changes are less significant as these measurements
have always been made by some form of technology, however simple. These changes would
not have been conceivable without the parallel development of electronic computers.

5.3 Computers
In the period of classical antiquity land surveyors used geometric algebra and recorded their
results on cuniform tablets (Cooper, 2009). In the second period of the development of the
profession Arabic numerals, decimals, logarithms and natural trigonometrical functions were
developed. Mechanical devices were invented in the 19th century. One of the most notable
was the development of the Original Odhner, a pinwheel arithmometer, by Willgodt Theophil
Odhner (1845-1905), a Swedish mechanic working in Russia at Ludwig Noble’s mechanical

It is estimated that this machine, the first of its sort, was available in 1890, having taken since
1874 to develop (Leipala, 2003). Later models of this calculation aid, but with only minor
modifications, were in use when the author sat computing examinations in the Department of
Surveying at the University of Otago in 1972. They were used for office-based calculations
as well as in the field for on-site and immediate computations. Other manufacturers such as
Monroe, Marchant and Facit had produced similar machines by this time, including one that
was small enough to be held in the palm of a hand. Later still these calculators could be
electrified to remove the hand-mechanical aspects of carrying out calculations, at least in the
office setting.

Miniaturisation, exemplified first to the public by the transistor radio, also brought electronic
calculators that would quickly replace natural and logarithmic tables. Extended battery life
allowed them quickly to replace mechanical calculators and printed books of natural
trigonometric functions and logarithmic tables, especially useful for calculations carried out
during field work. The author was using Hewlett Packard-developed hand held calculators
for in-field computations in 1973. Shortly after this larger punch-card- fed computers were
replacing the need for much of the time spent doing lengthy office-bound computations by
mechanical methods.

Punch cards were then replaced through the late 1970s and early 1980s by magnetic strips
carrying “programmed” instructions, further simplifying the process. Continued advances in
miniaturisation made sizeable desk-top computers obsolete quite quickly, as hand-held
calculators increased in power and capacity, as well as reducing in price. As software
developed and the power of hand-held calculators increased, complex mathematical problems
that once took days of painstaking work with the use of natural trigonometric functions and
logarithmic tables could be completed with accuracy and confidence in minutes. The ability
to carry out complex calculations in small computers has continued to expand.

5.4 Geodetic surveying

Geodesy, or geodetic surveying, as defined by F. R. Helmert, is the “science of the
measurement and mapping of the earth’s surface” (Torge, 1991. p.1). “It is that branch of the
art of surveying which deals with such great areas that it becomes necessary to make
systematic adjustment for the earth’s curvature” (Hosmer, 1919). However geodesy goes
beyond land measurement and includes the surface of the sea floor as well as variations in the
Earth’s gravity field. As such it has been of interest to humanity at least since the time of
Erathosthenes, who may be regarded as its founder. Although interest lapsed in the European
Middle Ages fresh impetus is found at the start of the modern age. This was especially so

following the developments in astronomy, particularly the telescope with the addition of
cross hairs, as used by Abbé Picard in 1669/70 (Torge, 1991).

Advances had also occurred in the field of global positioning, for more practical rather than
philosophical reasons, following the development of a reliable ships’ chronometer for
navigational purposes. In particular, this was driven firstly by the needs of the
circumnavigators of the Earth, and then by the desire by European countries to map and then
to colonise the “new” lands that were discovered as a consequence.

Since the 1600s, with the invention of the telescope, angular measurement technology and the
principles of triangulation, considerable interest was rekindled in defining the shape of the
Earth and defining or identifying positions on its surface. This was further aided by the work
of the Frenchmen Delambre and Méchain in the 1790s with their efforts to measure a
meridian of the Earth. They were also attempting to derive an international standard unit of
linear measurement (the metre) to which all other measurements could be compared (Alder,
2002. p.3). Arc measurement and the art of triangulation played a significant role in the
pursuit of earth measurement. With respect to the role of the land surveyor in geodesy,
triangulation using the most accurate angular (precise theodolites) and linear (high accuracy
long distance EDM) measurement remained the principal methodology until the advent of
global navigational satellite systems (GNSS).

The Space Age began in 1957 with the launch of Sputnik 1. The “TRANSIT” submarine-
positioning two dimensional project of the USA Defence Department, commissioned in 1958
and declared operational in 1964, was released for public use in 1967. In 1973 the Navstar
Global Positioning System (GPS) project was formed. In 1983 the GPS constellation was
made available for civilian use for the first time by the United States government. This,
however, was only capable of allowing relative positioning, being deliberately degraded by
Selective Availability (SA). That is, it gave the user a position only in relation to an already
known position. It was not until 1996 that SA was discontinued and the military and civilian
uses of GPS were separated. Since the first development of global navigational systems other
countries or regions have developed or are developing their own satellite navigational
systems. These include GLONASS (Russia), Galileo (the European Union), CNSS (China),
QZSS (Japan) and GAGAN (India) (Bonnor, 2012).

While GPS technology was originally developed for the positioning of military transport and
weapon aiming purposes, it has spread widely in civilian use. Among those uses is the
measurement or positioning purposes of land surveyors (Bonnor, 2012). The land surveying
community has been supplied with devices by its equipment suppliers and has widely
adopted the ever-developing technology for the solution of measurement problems.
However, it represents a fundamental change in the nature of data gathering regarding
locating any place, object or feature on the Earth’s surface. It must therefore have had some
impact on the practice of land surveying. This impact goes well beyond the narrow range of
interests of the geodetic surveyor, but has impacted on other specialised aspects of the land
surveyor’s work, including cadastral, engineering and hydrographic surveying. Within
geodesy, and for the geodetic surveyor or geodesist, satellite systems have very specific
advantages over former methodologies. For example they may provide platforms for satellite
assistance in the determination of the exact shape of the Earth; satellite altimetry may be used
in the determination of sea level and more particularly sea level changes.

Along with the advances made in the gathering of data for land surveying, there has been a
parallel advance in the storage, recording and presentation of the information extracted from
the data. The traditional form for this has been physical plans and maps often, but not
always, compiled and drawn by specialised draughting personnel or by the land surveyor.
Since the development of high capacity computers from the 1970s until the present, the
nature of the storage of data and information has revolutionised the preparation, distribution
and use of maps. This has had implications for not only the land surveying profession but the
public at large.

5.5 Digital Mapping

The conceptual origins of Geographical Information System (GIS) date back to an earlier
period when Charles Picquet used spatial analysis and maps to chart the location of individual
cases during an outbreak of cholera in Paris in 1832 (Land System Research (Australia),
2012; Morias, 2014). The medical practitioner John Snow is also well known for his
identification, in 1854, of a London water pump as the source of an outbreak of cholera in
Soho. Using crude draughting, mapping and statistical data Snow, with the help of the
Reverend Henry Whitehead, was able to identify the offending utility by mapping the
location of individual cases cholera (Aguirre, n.d.).
The credit for the creation of the first computerised GIS, and the first system to be termed as
such, is attributed to Roger Tomlinson, a Canadian based English geographer (1933-2014)
and resulted from a conversation he had in 1962 with Lee Platt a government official and
head of the Canada Land Inventory. The resulting development is “responsible for the
staggering shift in the way we conceptualise spatial information . . . GIS is everywhere”
(Aguirre, 2014).

The landscape architect and urban designer Ian McHarg (1920-1981) has also been credited
by some as the “father of GIS” (University of Minnesota (Rochester), n.d.), although it may
be more appropriate to designate him the “father of overlays”. McHarg’s overlays were a
form of mapping development for the site selection and design of projects. They
foreshadowed the use of computers and digital mapping for this purpose. McHarg pioneered
the use of transparent overlays superimposed on base maps, for the purpose of mapping the
physical areas of a variety of environmental parameters that might constrain the location of a
particular project. McHarg used one overlay for each parameter, which might be used, for
example, to identify the need for the protection of environmental values, or for the avoidance
of natural hazards or unsuitable areas. This was explained in his book Design With Nature
where he says “. . . let us map physiographic features . . . Let us make them transparent.
When superimposed . . .” (McHarg, 1971. p.34). These were of particular and practical use
in the development of environmental impact assessment and reporting (Foster,1993).

Since 1962 there have been immense changes in GIS but “the history of the development is
little more than anecdotal” (Coppock and Rhind, 1991. p.21). The development of GIS from
the 1960s is haphazard, and was a series of “. . . failures, set-backs, diversions and success”.
Less is known about the failures but the notable successes relate to the work of Fisher at the
Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics, Roger Tomlinson in the Canada Geographic
Information System (CGIS), Jack Dangermond in the Environmental Systems Research
Institute (ESRI) and Brickmore at the Experimental Cartographic Unit (ECU) in the United
Kingdom (Coppock and Rhind, 1991, p.3).

In an attempt to discuss the history of GIS, Coppock and Rhind (1991) identify four
overlapping phases of development. They refer to the first as the “research frontier”,
dominated by the United States and the United Kingdom. The second phase is one of formal

research and government funding, lasting from about 1973 to the early 1980s. The
“commercial phase” replaced this from about 1982 and has since rapidly become the “user
phase”. In the latter two phases GIS has moved from the individual and isolated operator to
inter-connected and integrated networks. It has also involved the integration of non-spatial
databases (Coppock and Rhind, 1991).

Miniaturisation and the exponential expansion in the capacity of computers has characterised
the information technology (IT) industry since Cooper and Rhind’s comments were made in
1991. This has enabled mobile telephones and other devices, through the design of
applications (apps), to use GIS such that they have become ubiquitous. Unknowingly the
population at large is constantly using GIS when they connect to Google Earth, Google Maps
or similar proprietary products. Their movements may also be tracked in relation to maps
using the GPS capabilities of their mobile phones.

GIS are constructed by computer engineers and computer systems architects who are
specialists in their field. With front-end applications everyone is capable of using the
products that are produced. Given that land surveyors have traditionally, since the origins of
their profession, produced maps and plans for their clients, what place do they now have in
the business of geographic information collection and management?

Particularly, land surveyors should be capable of interpreting the needs of their clients and
converting these into specifications for the practical outcomes desired by their client. This
requires that the land surveyors have sufficient familiarity with the capability of GIS, and the
abilities of their IT builders, in order that appropriate design specifications can be prepared to
meet the particular needs or desires of their clients. However, they may also have access to,
and an understanding of, proprietary software or applications that can be purchased to meet
any specific business need. If so, the practicing land surveyor will also require to have, or to
employ, the necessary operating expertise to utilise these products.

In the public sector, some jurisdictions’ governments are utilising custom-designed GIS to
maintain their land title and land surveying records. These systems have been developing
since the late 1990s. They allow access to the national database by suitably qualified
practitioners (for example, by way of a “license”) who constantly add to the system. While

these systems have been built in the first instance as a cadastral record, they are now being
developed to be multi-purpose, survey accurate, object oriented, 3D/4D, real time, global and
organic (Grant, 2014). Land surveyors have been at the forefront of this strategic approach to
the development of a very specific GIS that has become one of wide use, as well as enabling
for its community.

According to Enemark (2007) only 25-30 countries currently have cadastres that satisfy his
definition of a good property system. His definition includes such factors as the ability of the
general public to participate easily in the property market, widespread ownership, open
access, the ability to make registerable transactions, and the provision of an infrastructure that
allows for simple, fast, cheap, reliable and corruption-free transactions. It must also provide
safety for housing and business, leading to investment and the formation and accumulation of

5.6 Combined technologies

In some instances new technologies have combined to produce completely new ways of
working, new applications or new disciplines. These are not necessarily areas of application
that are owned exclusively by the land surveying profession. These include laser scanning,
building information modeling (BIM) and remote sensing.

The applications of laser scanning has opened up a capability to gather large quantities of
data (point clouds) and in so doing made it possible to “map” both indoor and outdoor areas
with high accuracy because of the redundant measurements included in the scanning process.
An example of this is the ability to produce highly accurate representations of building
façades especially useful in building preservation and restoration. It is also applicable in
monitoring the movement of building structures. When combined with or turned into a GIS,
3-dimensional computer models can be generated. This is particularly useful in the
construction industry as BIMs can be produced as a structure is built and later used to locate
services through the buildings life and to accurately map interiors of floors for rejuvenation
or office subdivision purposes.

Remote sensing is the ability to gather measurement data without being physically present. It
is a combination of aerial photography, photographs taken from space (satellite imagery),
photogrammetry, and the use of newly developed sensors. It has led to a resurgence in the
interest in photogrammetry and has also spawned the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs
or drones) now known as remotely piloted aerial systems (RPAS). Interest in drones has not
been confined to the land surveying profession, but is popular amongst hobbyists also.

5.7 Summary
Technology has had an impact at an accelerating pace over the last 100 years on every aspect
of modern living. The first significant change to the skills of the land surveyor for over 300
years occurred with the application of photography to land measurement and analysis, and
particularly with the development of stereoscope plotters for the interpretation of those
photographs taken from moving platforms embedded within aircraft.

While the development of measurement, first linear and later angular, had a slow beginning
in the middle of the 20th century, advances progressed rapidly once the fundamental
technology was developed. This in itself has been embraced by the surveying profession, but
did not bring about fundamental change to the land surveyor’s work or underlying
methodologies. It has increased dramatically the rate at which measurement data could be
gathered and recorded, and removing much of the manual labour required for these tasks
previously. Electronic calculators and computers added to the speed with which land
surveying data could be processed and converted into the products required by clients.

The development of global navigational satellite systems from the combination of space
science, remote sensing by specialised cameras and electronic measurement has led to
fundamental change in the way in which position is established on the surface of the planet,
particularly on land, though just as profoundly on the sea bed or its surface. No longer is it
necessary to establish and maintain ground-based positional control systems of a high order,
with origins in astronomical observations, in order to create and maintain high accuracy
position identification. Satellite systems have rendered such systems obsolete and changed
the methods by which accurate positioning is achieved.

Finally, the impact of Information Technology on the storage, management and manipulation
of location data in GIS has made possible a range of new products, unimaginable half a
century ago. However, many of these, and the ability to manipulate and manage the data, are
not the sole prerogative of the land surveyor. Information technologists, geographers,
architects and engineers, amongst many others, are capable of using the information provided
by GIS. How long will the spatial data gathering expertise of the land surveyor be a
necessary component in the creation of maps and other spatial data representations?

With respect to the land surveying profession specifically, does the combination of these
advances that have occurred in the last 100 years threaten the 2nd paradigm as defined in
Chapter 4? Is it such that a fundamental shift is about to occur, is in the process of occurring,
or has already occurred? Chapter 6 examines the influences that the developments since the
1950s have had on the profession through discussion with educators and researchers in
academic institutions with internationally significant academic surveying programmes. In
addition, professional surveyor organisations and private practicing surveyors are interviewed
to ascertain their perceptions. Specifically, the purpose is to identify if what they perceive to
have taken place in the profession reflects a paradigmatic shift. This addresses the relevant
aspects of their professional lives as they have responded to the new tools, new demands and
new environment in which they work and provide their professional services.

Chapter 6

Changes in the Surveying Body of Knowledge

This chapter identifies the changes that have taken place in the surveying profession as a
result of the changes in technology and the associated forces of modernisation described in
Chapter 5. This is achieved by discussion with stakeholders in Great Britain and Ireland,
Canada and Australia. These stakeholders include particularly academics, but also
representatives of professional associations, government agencies (specifically Surveyors
General) and individual private practitioners. Their views and opinions were gathered on the
nature of changes to the profession of land surveying as demonstrated by subjects taught in
recognised courses and by activities undertaken by those surveyors currently or recently

The specific regions chosen for information gathering were selected so that an assessment
could be undertaken across an international community of similar practice, culture and
language. The issues that are identified through interviews with those representatives are
collated to establish a basis for considering their magnitude and impact on the profession.
These are considered against the pressures on the profession already identified, with respect
to their cumulative effect. This provides a basis for an evaluation, in Chapter 7, of whether or
not collectively they indicate a sufficiently significant impact on the second paradigm
identified in Chapter 4 to warrant the consideration of them as indicating a further shift of
paradigmatic proportions for the surveying profession.

6.1 The Research Approach

In order to establish what changes had occurred in the activities that the modern land
surveyor was trained to undertake, a methodology consistent with and based in grounded
theory has been applied. This allows a hypothesis to emerge from the data that were

collected. In this case the approach involves interviewing mainly long-standing staff of
academic institutions that traditionally have high standing in the surveying community. The
objective is to establish changes in their academic curricula over the period of interest.
Confirmation of change in the practice of land surveying also is sought by interviewing
mature practicing land surveyors, as they could be located and were available, who had
witnessed the changes in the education, training and the practice of the profession from their
personal and professional experience and over an extended period of time.

6.1.1 Methodology considerations

It is important for this research that the information gathered for this section is free of
personal biases of the researcher, either intentional or unintentional. Since the author has had
a long and deep association with the surveying profession, both nationally and
internationally, a research methodology was required that, as much as possible, removed that
potential for bias, and also had sources and relevance beyond New Zealand. The first
decision regarding methodology, from the classification of social research provided by
Blaikie (2010), was to opt for a comparative national case study over time. That is, to
compare what had occurred by way of change in the countries selected for the case study.
Furthermore, in order to minimise bias or the influence of preconceptions developed over a
long career, sources independent of the researcher were essential.

Second, and for the above reason, it was considered appropriate not to develop an hypothesis
or research approach that posed a question. Having a specific question could indicate an
underlying view held by the researcher and this was considered to be at risk of encouraging
data sources (interview subjects) to seek to agree with or react to the hypothesis, or to be less
than frank in expressing their own opinions for fear of offending or entering into conflict with
the researcher.

Third, universities that run surveying courses were considered to be the primary source. This
was because of their need to be responsive to changes in the profession in a timely way if
they were to meet societal needs for professional surveyors who are conversant and
competent with modern developments. It was also useful that there are a limited number of
universities that have such courses. This gave the further advantage that it could be possible

to achieve a high percentage response rate, but without amassing an unmanageable quantity
of data.

The first source of data considered was that of using online sources. This was quickly
dismissed. The principal disadvantage of using websites is that they record only the current
state or curriculum of a programme and not past versions. As a consequence they do not
indicate changes that have taken place over time, which is the focus of the research. The
second source considered was a journal content approach. However there are few high level
professional journals in the surveying profession, and those that do exist focus specifically on
highly technical issues of practical surveying rather than curriculum, body of professional
knowledge or graduate attribute issues. Nor do they deal greatly with professional issues,
which may have been useful.

Given the relatively small numbers of sources, the limitations on budget and time, it was
practical to visit the universities with leading surveying programmes in each of the countries.
This would allow personal contact and interviews that could allow the researcher to explore
past and present curriculum issues generally with members of the university community who
had been in place for medium to long term tenures. They should therefore be able to respond
knowledgably to questions of changing circumstances in the education of potential
professional level surveyors. Similar opinions could be sought from local practitioners, as
and when practicable to confirm, or otherwise, the views of academics.

An advantage of this approach was that the researcher already knew of the important
institutions by reputation, and in many cases had an initial acquaintance with a faculty
member who could assist in identifying the most appropriate academics and practitioners in
their area to interview. As such grounded theory became the best fit as a methodological
approach to the research topic. In this way no hypothesis or indicative question was required
to be developed and no preconceptions of the researcher would be conveyed to the interview

6.1.2 The nature of the interview

The general approach was to interview each subject with a set of open questions or topics
compiled in a only semi-structured way, so that responses were spontaneous and original, as
much as could be managed. It was important for the integrity of the process that interviewees
were not led by any preconceptions conveyed through “leading” questions or pre-formed
opinions or ideas of the interviewer. It would also allow the discussions to follow the
interviewee as much as possible, rather than being led by the interviewer, other than in the
most light-handed way necessary to keep within the subject area. In addition, it would
encourage them to share their experience with spontaneous reactions, rather than risk
directing their responses to narrow areas or giving responses of a “closed” nature.

The interview was informal and did not have a set structure. A questionnaire was not used.
The interview was more akin to a discussion between colleagues, but with the “interviewer”
having an agenda or areas of necessary discussion. There were a set number of topics to be
covered, some of only a very general nature in order to begin and conclude the interview. In
some cases the subject did not need to be asked about the agenda items as they arose
naturally in the discussion. The agenda was as follows:
1. The discussion was opened with an explanation of the nature and purpose of the
study and an explanation of the background of the interviewer. Very general
questions related to the origins, age, history, number of students, mergers that the
surveying establishment had gone through, what degrees were offered. The purpose
of these was to establish a comfortable relationship with the subject, who in most
cases was not previously known.
2. Following the general opening two major topics were indicated. Specifically these
were: what topics have been deleted from the course over time and for what reason,
and what topics had been introduced into the course in their place. The purpose of
these questions was to attempt to establish what extant changes had been made over
time and why they had occurred.
3. This was followed by asking if there were any topics or areas of interest that the
interviewee could foresee or would like to introduce into their programme.
4. The fourth major topic was what the subject considered to be the core of surveying.
What was it that had to be included as a core competency for an individual to be
considered, or to consider themselves, a (land) surveyor?
5. In order to evaluate the nature of surveying in the locality, a question was asked
about the research that was being carried out by the subject and what motivated it, the

profession, the department or school, industry or some other factor. The purpose of
this question was to attempt to confirm the response to the previous topics.
6. The interviewee was asked about their institutions programme’s relationship with
professional associations. That is, were they accredited by anyone and did they
consider accreditation an important issue.
7. Finally the subject was asked if there were any other comments that he or she
would like to make regarding any questions that had been asked or if they thought
anything had been overlooked.
8. While those were the original topics, as indicated elsewhere, reference had been
made by respondents to the questions in terms of “geomatics” when the it had been
introduced in terms of surveying. As a result, before the final question was put,
subjects were asked about their views on the relationship between the terms geomatics
and land surveying.

These interviews were recorded for later transcription into hard copy for full and detailed
analysis. Each interviewee was provided with an information sheet to read prior to the
interview and a consent form to fill in and to sign if they agreed to participate. No requests
for participation were declined although one interviewee declined to be recorded. The
discussion framework itself was approved by the principal thesis supervisor, Professor Hulbe.
The methodology was given Category B approval by the University of Otago Human Ethics

6.1.3 Selection of universities

The next decision in the process of selecting who to interview was constrained by the time
available and the cost of travelling to the destinations dictated by the selection. As the home
of the surveying system known to the author, the United Kingdom (UK) was a logical place
to start. Additionally there were some pre-existing contacts within the university system,
academic staff and the institutions of the UK that could prove useful. One of those contacts,
the Director of the Land Group of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS),
recommended that the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) was a significant player in the
education field in the region and that many of their graduates were active around the world.
He suggested that they should be added to the itinerary, and his suggestion was adopted.

The other countries selected were Canada and Australia. South Africa was desirable but
proved impractical mainly for financial reasons but also due to a lack of initial contacts.
Canada was chosen because of the historical significance and reputation of two of its
surveying departments, specifically the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New
Brunswick and the University of Calgary in the province of Alberta. In hindsight it may have
been useful to visit Laval University, Quebec, whose significance to the research only
became clear much later in the process when a further issue emerged, that of terminology for
the name of the profession. However, the influence of Laval University was later identified
and evaluated through a literature search and the publications of several of its staff.

Australia was selected because of its proximity to New Zealand and the number of existing
connections the author had with members of the academic community, with private
practicing surveyors and government employees in all of the states and territories of that
country. Additionally, both of these countries had been settled by British colonists, were
developed countries and had well developed surveying educational facilities and surveying

The second task was to identify which establishments to target for visits and whom among
the academic staff to identify as the principal people to interview, or at least in the first
instance, to contact. In most cases, the advice and assistance of the selected academics was
sought in finding local contacts in other agencies or private practice with whom to conduct
interviews. In particular, the higher profile and longer standing universities known for their
surveying programmes would be the focus of the investigation.

The following establishments were selected because of their pre-eminence in offering

surveying programmes. They are listed here by country, along with the principal contacts.
The initial contact persons were asked to recommend appropriate interviewees in their
university as well as within their region, based on a description of the thesis research, an
explanation of which they were given. In all, 52 potential interviewees were identified. The
establishments, along with the contacts, are as follows:
United Kingdom:
University College London (UCL), Senior Lecturer Dr John Illiffe;
University of East London (UEL), Principal Lecturer Dr Brian Whiting;

University of Glasgow, Senior Lecturer Dr Jane Drummond;
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Senior Lecturer Dr Stuart Edwards;
University of Nottingham; Professor Gethin Roberts;
and on the recommendation of the RICS Director of the Land Group, James Kavanagh, in
Ireland, added to the list was:−
Dublin Institute of Technology, Senior Lecturer Dr Paddy Prendergast.

In Canada the following universities, with contacts, were selected:

University of New Brunswick (UNB), Professor David Coleman; and
University of Calgary, Professor Michael Barry.
On the recommendation of Professor Brent Hall (principal supervisor at the time) visits were
also arranged at:−
Ryerson University (Toronto), Professor Songian Li;
York University (Toronto); Professor Costas Armenakis.
York University was in the process of further developing a land surveying programme with
the assistance of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors, while Ryerson University was in
the process of abandoning its land surveying programme, or at least merging remnants of it
with its civil engineering programme.

In Australia the following universities, with contacts, were selected:

Curtin University, Western Australia, Senior Lecturer Mr Tony Snow;
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT), Professor Nick
University of Melbourne, specific academic contact unknown in the first instance;
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Professor Chris Rizos;
University of South Australia, Associate Professor Dr David Bruce;
University of South Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba, Dr Albert Chong.
These contacts are not necessarily, and in many cases were not, the people who were actually

As a result of budgetary and time constraints, as well as the existence of a thorough history of
its School of Surveying by Robert Loeffel (2007), the University of New South Wales was
removed from the programme. The visit to the University of South Australia did not occur

due to tight constraints on the time of Dr Bruce and ill health on the part of the author while
in Adelaide. However, a senior and a junior surveyor in private practice were interviewed, as
was the Surveyor General of South Australia. Professor Chrisman of RMIT had resigned
from his position in the university by the time detailed arrangements came to be made and the
visit to that institution was facilitated by Associate Professor Don Grant (by then a thesis co-
supervisor). At the last minute, that is, during the week before the planned visit, the proposed
interviewees at USQ in Toowoomba all proved to be unavailable, despite prior arrangements
having been made many weeks before. Alternative arrangements had to be made in Brisbane
at short notice through other contacts in the private and government sectors, but academic
interviewees proved to be unreachable, probably due to the approach of the summer vacation.

The original intention was to travel to Australia first, in June 2014, to carry out the interviews
and return to Dunedin. This was to be in the nature of a pilot programme, in part because
many of the people involved were generally known to the author, and in part because the
location was closest. It would allow for any refinements to be made to the process if these
were found necessary or appropriate, and in the worst case, it would be economical to return
if this was found to be necessary. The plan was then to proceed through Canada from west to
east and then on to the United Kingdom to complete the interviews.

It became clear, as a result of thesis and other academic commitments, and as the year
progressed, that it would not be possible to arrange a departure from New Zealand before
August. Therefore, if the above itinerary were followed the travel programme would run
extensively into the northern hemisphere winter. This could put at risk the ability to travel
and therefore keep to the proposed itinerary, and in turn to maintain the pre-arranged
meetings programme with the interviewees. The decision was therefore taken to run the
original programme in reverse. That is, to start with the United Kingdom, cross the Atlantic
to Canada and generally head from east to west, concluding in Calgary. Later, Edmonton
was added to the itinerary as the offices of the Surveyor General of Canada and the Alberta
Association of Land Surveyors were located there.

One week was allowed at each centre, with the exception of London and Toronto where there
were two universities. Two weeks, therefore, were allowed in each of those. Travel between
centres was undertaken during weekends. The first journey began with the departure from

Dunedin in August 2014 and returning to New Zealand in October 2014, having completed
the interviews in Great Britain, Ireland and Canada. Allowing a short time for recovery and
consolidation, the field work was then completed with the tour of Australia, beginning in
Perth in mid November 2014 and concluding in Brisbane in early December 2014. Of all the
contacts that the author sought, and all those that were recommended to be contacted with a
request to conduct an interview, not one declined, although one declined to be recorded. All
of the participants were cooperative and willingly signed the Participants Consent Form
provided, (the original of which can be found at Appendix 1) having first read the
information sheet.

6.1.4 Interview Metrics

The interview programme accumulated 45 recorded interviews and 7 conversations or
discussions that were not recorded. The unrecorded conversations occurred for a variety of
unrelated reasons. They were either in inappropriate places, for example in a noisy bar or
cafeteria, over lunch in a public place, in the presence of a self-invited “participant”, or the
person simply did not want to be recorded. On one occasion, early in the study tour, the
author underestimated the potential significance of an interview, which had begun only as a
discussion with a colleague, and as a result neglected to record it. However, notes of these
unrecorded conversations were written up at the earliest opportunity, but often that was some
time later and after other interviews or events. Their value for subsequent analysis was
therefore, and unfortunately, considerably diminished, depending largely on the recall of the

Apart from those with whom prior arrangements had been made through email appointments,
other long-standing university faculty available during the week of the visit to a particular
city were interviewed if they were agreeable and a mutually suitable time could be made
available. Recommendations were sought from all of these individuals for other surveyors
outside the workplace who might be available and willing to participate. This was more
successful in some places than others. It being the summer holiday period in the United
Kingdom made it particularly difficult to find other contacts. It was also notable that (a)
university staff members generally were not well connected to their graduates and (b) most
graduates from all over the United Kingdom seem to have headed into the hydrographic area
and were working off-shore.
In all 55 subjects were interviewed including (a) 45 recorded interviews with 48 individuals,
3 interviews being with 2 interviewees at the same time. Seven interviews were not recorded.
Of the 45 recorded, 17 were from the United Kingdom, 15 from Canada and 13 from
Australia. Of the 48 recorded interviewees, 26 were academics, 12 were from private
practice and 10 were from government agencies or professional institutions. Of those not
recorded, 3 were academics, 2 private practitioners, 1 professional institution officer, and 1 a
government official. With respect to gender, 11 of the interviewees were females, being 7
from academia, 3 from the private practicing sector and 1 from a professional institution.
Women were represented in all of the age groups. Table 6.1 shows the distribution of sectors
in which the interviewees worked and by age.

20-30 yrs 30-40 yrs 40-50 yrs 50-60 yrs 60+ Total

Academic — 5 4 11 9 29
Practice 3 4 2 — 6 15
Government — — 1 3 1 5
Administrativ — — 1 4 1 6
Total 3 9 8 17 18 55

Table 6.2 Sector and age of interviewees

In total the 45 recorded interviews provided 23 hours and 27 minutes of discussion hence the
average length of an interview was approximately 53 minutes, the longest being 1 hour and
58 minutes and the shortest 16 minutes. All of the recorded interviews have been transcribed
into hard copy for detailed analysis. Transcription of the interviews provided 625 pages of
text containing 316,550 words. These transcriptions, and the audio files, will be destroyed on
completion of the project.

The transcriptions were subsequently coded to protect the identity of the interviewees when
reference is made to their comments in later chapters of this thesis. The principle behind the
code was to first put the transcriptions into an alphabetical order based on one of the
parameters (e.g. a forename) and then number them consecutively. They were then allocated
an uppercase letter to indicate their country of origin: G for Great Britain and Ireland; C for
Canada; and A for Australia. Finally they were allocated a lowercase letter signifying which

segment of the profession they belonged to: “a” for academic; “p” for private practice; “g”
for the government sector; and “i” for professional institutions. For example, the code 35Ca
would signify that a quotation had come from a Canadian academic, while the code 27Gi
would indicate a quotation from the interview of someone from Great Britain or Ireland who
worked for a professional institution. Unless there is a compelling need to identify the author
of any quote from an interview, the reported quotes are anonymous and only identified using
this code.

6.2 The development of surveying as a unique university discipline

While the art and science of land surveying is ancient in its origins, as discussed in Chapter 4,
its establishment as a university discipline is relatively recent and usually development has
been incremental. For this reason, at least in part, there is little written history about the
development of the university discipline. The history is therefore largely anecdotal although
three written histories of university surveying programmes were found, namely the UEL
(formerly well known as the North East London Polytechnic), the University of Melbourne
and UNSW, and consulted during the research.

6.2.1 The United Kingdom

From the interviews conducted at the various universities it is apparent that surveying has
been taught in the United Kingdom for over 100 years (Interview 33Ga). However, in these
early years it was taught in the first instance as a service to other programmes within the
universities, in particular geography and civil engineering, but also to mathematicians,
archaeologists, and physicists (Interviews 16Ga, 29Ga, 33Ga, 36Ga). There is general
agreement that the move towards an independent university discipline followed the Second
World War and as early as 1949 (Rogers, c.1999), but more widely during the 1950s and the
1960s (Interviews 16Ga, 29Ga, 33Ga, 36Ga). It is also suggested strongly (Interviews 16Ga,
29Ga; Rogers, c.1999) that the military, specifically in the person of the Director of Colonial
Surveys of the Ordnance Survey (a civilian organisation since 1974) played a leading role in
its establishment.

South West Essex Technical College, after several name iterations to become the present
UEL, through its Department of Architecture and Building, began offering courses and
examinations in land surveying in 1949. The specific objective of these courses was to
prepare candidates for entry into the Land Surveying Section of the RICS as Professional
Associates. The original course tutor was “a geodesist of high repute”, Mr Michalski,
formerly a major in the Polish Army (Rogers, c.1999). This is construed, at this formative
stage, to be a service to the profession rather than the establishment of surveying as an
independent university discipline. The first reference to a degree is to a Bachelor of Science
in Land Surveying Sciences being approved in 1968 (Rogers c.1999. p7).

Under the leadership of Gordon Petrie, the University of Glasgow had begun to offer a degree
in Topographical Science, believed to be in 1962 or the mid-1960s (Interviews 16Ga, 29Ga).
Given the source of the information, the 1962 date is likely to be more reliable. It can be
noted from a connection through the University of Glasgow website that Professor Petrie
gained a Post-graduate Diploma in Surveying from UCL in 1952-53 following a Masters
degree in Geography from the University of Aberdeen from 1948-52 (University of Glasgow,
n.d.). Rogers (c.1999. p.2/3) noted that UCL had established a Chair in Surveying and
Photogrammetry in 1946, but commented that UCL “taught only undergraduates in related
subjects” (author’s emphasis), implying there was no department but only an appointment to
cover these nominated topics in support of its engineering programmes. This is presumed to
be a reference to earlier comments made regarding civil engineering and geography students
in particular (Interviews 33Ga, 36Ga). Again, this is identified as providing some surveying
knowledge to graduates in other fields, rather than the establishment of an independent
university discipline in surveying.

However, interviewee 33Ga refers to a diploma established in 1950-51 at UCL that later
became an MSc in Surveying. This may be a reference to the same post-graduate diploma
taken by Petrie. However, Glasgow’s reference to Petrie’s qualification does confirm that
there existed at UCL as early as the early 1950s, a postgraduate qualification specifically in
surveying. It is also suggested by interviewee 33Ga that much of the drive came from the
British Government Directorate of Overseas Surveys, and that the objective was to “improve
the mapping infrastructure of British overseas colonies”.

The chronology therefore appears to be that surveying was taught first at UEL at an
undergraduate level from 1949 but did not reach degree status until 1968. However, it was

being taught at a post-graduate level to graduates in cognate subjects at UCL as early as
1950. The University of Nottingham taught surveying within its civil engineering
department, beginning in the 1960s and referred to its discipline as Engineering Surveying
(Interview 36Ga). The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne first offered joint honours
degrees 50/50 of surveying with geography, mathematics or physics from the time it
separated from the University of Durham in 1963. It had offered service courses prior to that,
but its separation from Durham and its employment of a former senior Ordnance Survey
Officer (Lieutenant General Pat Carmody), a University of Cambridge graduate, were
significant. Carmody, given a free hand, grew the programme into a surveying degree as a
stream of the new University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s civil engineering department
(Interview 16Ga).

It is therefore claimed, legitimately judging by the consensus, that Newcastle had the first
undergraduate surveying degree programme in the United Kingdom (Interview 16Ga). UEL
was teaching surveying at a tertiary level (but not for degree purposes) for RICS professional
membership earlier, and UCL was teaching surveying at a post-graduate level before them.
Glasgow was teaching topographical science in these early days as well, but as ancillary to
other programmes.

Whatever the technicalities of the claims, it is clear that following the Second World War
there was a strong drive within the United Kingdom to formalise land surveying professional
qualifications first through tertiary teaching, and then by establishing degree programmes
throughout the area. These degree programmes were driven largely by the government, and
more specifically by the British government’s Ordnance Survey and its Directorate of
Overseas Survey in particular.

Thus, there appears to have been a dual origin in the nature of the courses. The first was for
mapping purposes, or to use the Glaswegian term topographical science, and therefore related
to geography. The second was for infrastructure development, resulting in the attachment to,
alongside of, or development within, existing departments of civil engineering. The two were
not always completely separated and in some cases aspects have moved between the various
departments within the one institution (Interview 33Ga).

Quite incidentally, and in a quite separate context during Interview 27Gi, the interviewee
talked of the history of land surveying in the UK coming from the rural context of mapping
for land management, large scale mapping, and boundaries and for land taxation purposes.
He intimated that the engineering context of the land surveyor only emerged in the 1950s,
1960s and 1970s consequent on major infrastructural development in the UK such as
motorways, power stations and high-rise buildings. This goes some way to explain the
connection, with the exception of Scotland, of surveying departments with civil engineering
faculties. The exception of Scotland may be further explained by the lesser importance of
infrastructure development in Scotland during those years (Interview 27Gi). This suggests
that engineering faculties, or the engineering profession, was becoming more aware of the
expertise of the surveyor, and for the need for surveying expertise in large scale construction

6.2.2 Ireland
The Dublin Institute of Technology began its tertiary education programme with a 4 year
diploma course in 1967, producing its first diplomates in 1971. After about 10 years this was
reduced to a 3 year course due to lack of numbers. As this programme was not degree
awarding, many of those who gained the diploma were going off-shore to complete a degree
so that they could gain professional recognition or progress to a master’s degree. To counter
this, a BSc (Hons) in Geomatics was established in 1999. The use of the term geomatics is
discussed in detail in Chapters 8 and 9. This indicates that while Ireland was conscious of the
need for tertiary education in land surveying at approximately the same time as the
developments in the UK, it did lag behind in developing a full undergraduate programme.

6.2.3 Canada
The situation with the development of land surveying as a university discipline in Canada is
considerably simpler and clearer than in the UK. As with other British Commonwealth
countries it took place at a slightly later time, but not significantly so. The birthplace of
surveying at a university level in Canada was the University of New Brunswick in
Fredericton, New Brunswick. A series of events culminated in the establishment of a
surveying course within the Department of Civil Engineering, a constituent of the Faculty of
Engineering. These events involved the council of the Canadian Institute of Surveyors (CIS),
the New Brunswick Branch of the CIS, the UNB Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of
Engineering staff members and given the burgeoning urban development in Canada in the
late 1950s. The core disciplines were geodesy, photogrammetry, cartography, land
surveying, engineering surveying with hydrography being added later (Wells, 2010).

Classes started in the autumn of 1960 with four students. The first staff member was Dr
Gottfried Konecny, a photogrammetrist. As it developed the UNB provided the first English-
language land information systems programme and was a leader in developing courses in
remote sensing and geographic information systems. In 1965 the Department of Surveying
Engineering was established in its own right within the Engineering Faculty (Wells, 2010).
In discussing the present place of the discipline within the Faculty of Engineering at the
UNB, it was made clear that Surveying Engineering was regarded within the Faculty as an
equal with the other engineering departments (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical).

While it is no longer a sub discipline of civil engineering (Interview 42Ca), “At the Canadian
universities, surveying education so far [2010] has been part of the Civil Engineering
curriculum . . .” (Secord, 2010). “I wouldn’t call it a sub [discipline], I would call it one of
the disciplines of engineering” (Interview 42Ca). So surveying, or more commonly
geomatics or geomatics engineering, is quite clearly regarded as a component of engineering
rather than a unique discipline. The department within which the land surveying programme
is taught now is the Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, a department within
the Engineering Faculty.

While the programme at the UNB was started in the early 1960s, it is apparent that it was the
only degree programme that was servicing Canada’s 35,000,000 English-speaking population
(Interview 38Ca). Edward Krakiwsky was a Doctor of Philosophy graduate from Ohio State
University who had joined the UNB in 1968 (Wells, 2010. p28). In1979 he resigned from the
UNB to start a Geomatics Engineering Department at the University of Calgary (Wells, 2010.
p60). That he was the first head of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary was
confirmed in Interview 38Ca.

The objective of creating a geomatics teaching department at Calgary was that the university
would provide for the western provinces of Canada what the UNB was providing for the

maritime provinces (and elsewhere). It is a telling commentary to note that when questioned
on the location of most graduates from the UNB programme in Interview 42Ca, it was stated
that “the vast majority go out west. By out west I mean Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba,
driven by the oil industry” (Interview 42Ca). So while the purpose of setting up the Calgary
programme had at least one specific objective, that institution was not, apparently, satisfying
the demand of that segment of the national market for surveyors. One suggestion for the
interest of graduates in going into that aspect of surveying, or geomatics engineering, was the
level of student debt and the comparative level of salaries they could earn in that market.

In the 1960s in Ontario, Ryerson University in Toronto was a polytechnic. In 1966,

encouraged by the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (AOLS), it offered a 3 year
diploma and a 4 year Bachelor of Technology degree in Surveying Engineering (Ryerson
University, n.d.). Given the nature of the AOLS it is likely that the course had a very heavy
emphasis on cadastral surveying. Current staff at Ryerson University, being from overseas
and relatively recently arrived, know comparatively little about the history of their
programme and were unable to supply much detail about the history of surveying at that
institution. However, surveying (surveying engineering or geomatics) has now been removed
as a specialist option from their curriculum (as of 2014) although all civil engineering
students are required to take 6 geomatics courses within their degree (Interview 49Ca).

Meanwhile, York University, also in Toronto, has put in place a geomatics engineering
programme in its Faculty of Earth Science. The York BEng Geomatics Engineering website
states that “York is the only university in Ontario and only one of four in Canada offering this
program!” (York University, n.d.). The page cites the UNB (twice) and Calgary, but does not
cite the fourth, but it may be a reference to the Ryerson programme mentioned above, or
possibly Laval University in Quebec. Again, the staff that were available at York were
relatively recent appointments (within the last 10 years) and from overseas. The best
estimate of the start of the programme at York was 2001 (Interview 22Ca).

However at the time of the interview at York (in late 2014) they had been working closely
with the AOLS. This was so that the curriculum allowed graduates of the programme, among
other things, to seek certification as Ontario Land Surveyors (OLS), a status that would allow
them to undertake land title registration surveys (cadastral surveys). They might also become

an Ontario Land Information Professional (OLIP). While the AOLS does not accredit
courses (Interview 8Ci) it is clear that York sees an association with AOLS as a strategic
marketing point of difference. The AOLS has concerns about the age profile of its
membership, 72% being over the age of 50 years, and made up mostly of those licensed to
carry out land title surveys (Interview 8Ci). It is likely that the origins of this course, at least
in part, lie in pressure from the provincial association to enlarge its pool of potential

University education for surveyors began in Canada only slightly later than in the United
Kingdom. It appears from the staff names referred to in Wells (2010) that surveying
education in Canada was heavily influenced in its origins by the continental European
approach to surveying as a branch of engineering rather than as a separate and unique
discipline. However, as in the United Kingdom, it was responding to the societal
development needs of the immediate post war era for surveyors.

6.2.4 Australia
As part of its civil engineering staff, the University of Sydney had a full time surveying
lecturer as early as 1890. The Institution of Surveyors New South Wales (ISNSW) was
agitating for a full time university course in New South Wales as early as 1925. Surveying
degrees were being offered by the University of Queensland in 1937 and in the University of
Melbourne in 1949. The University of New South Wales (then the New South Wales
University of Technology), established in 1949, enrolled its first students in a full time
surveying degree course in 1957 (Loeffel, 2007).

The University of Western Australia taught surveying through the 1930s, 40s and 50s, but
discontinued doing so in 1963 as it was no longer considered viable. It is not known when it
started, but surveying was also taught at Perth College. Perth College became West Australia
Institute of Technology (WAIT) in 1967, which in turn became Curtin University in 1987.
WAIT was able to issue degrees and in particular a Bachelor of Science of Surveying
(Interview 52Aa).

The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT) has a similar history to that
of Curtin. It is uncertain when the teaching of surveying began, but it is speculated that it is
over 100 years ago, and that it was as night school study to assist surveying “cadets” in their
professional training. The date of surveying as a discipline in itself is somewhat uncertain
also. There is correspondence signed by a “Head of Department” in the early 1960s, but it is
thought that the first degree course started in 1968. While at this time officially a polytechnic
institute, RMIT could not issue degrees in its own name, but was able to do so as a member
of the Victorian Institute of Colleges (Interview 12Aa). RMIT achieved university and
degree awarding status in 1992 (RMIT, n.d.).

While surveying appears to have been taught from an early date in tertiary institutions in
Australia, it is likely that this was in support of the examination process common through
Australia and New Zealand in the early days of colonisation. Surveyors were “articled”
(similar to an apprenticeship) to “master” surveyors, that is, those already fully qualified.
They learned their profession in practice under the tutelage of their master practitioner.
Gradually Surveyors’ Boards were set up in each of the Australian jurisdictions. That is,
each state or territory established its own system independently. The function of the Boards
was to license or register surveyors for the purpose of land boundary definition and
registration. The Boards collaborated by an agreement reached in 1892 in Melbourne, which
included New Zealand, and took turns at setting examinations to test the theoretical
knowledge of candidates for licensing. Each Board then carried out viva voce and practical
examinations of their own jurisdiction’s candidates to complete the process.

As university degrees became universally available throughout the region, Boards

discontinued their theoretical examinations in favour of recognising university diplomas and
degrees. The practical law examination and the oral examination of projects portions of this
historic system continues, and is conducted at an appropriate period after graduation for those
who wish to carry out land title surveys (Coutts, 2010; Coutts, 2011). By 1964 almost every
Australian state, was offering a surveying university degree (Loeffel, 2007).

6.2.5 Summary
Land surveyors traditionally learned their profession at the feet of their masters, in the
metaphorical sense but also almost in the real sense. When surveying professional bodies
were set up in the 19th century, most established examination processes by which they tested
whether candidates met the criteria that merited admission as professional members. These
included tests such as written examinations, field work tests, project work and individual oral
examination. In many places most of these still exist.

It is clear that the surveying profession, in the countries examined in this research, recognised
the need for university educated civil engineers to have some education in surveying as early
as the late 1800s. However, surveying as a unique and self supporting academic discipline
did not emerge until after World War II. In most cases, Scotland being the exceptions, these
surveying degrees grew out of or were attached to existing engineering programmes.
Nevertheless, whatever the origins, the 1950s and 1960s saw surveying programmes start up
in all of these countries within a quite short space of time, and apparently quite
independently, as surveying sought to establish or maintain its status alongside other modern
professions. The other significant influence, quite independently, was the acceleration in
technology. Measurement technology in particularly, as computerisation and miniaturisation
took hold, required much greater understanding of the less than obvious internal operations of
the new devices.

Over the little more than half a century since the introduction of specialised and independent
surveying degrees, the variety, nomenclature and length of study to attain them has altered
considerably. Additionally the content has changed, developing and adapting over time.
Universities, being autonomous institutions, while often consulting professional institutions
in the process, have named their degrees, and decided on their content. This has happened in
accordance with the nature of the faculties in which they are housed and influenced by local
custom and sometimes current fashion. The following section identifies the surveying and
related degrees offered by the universities visited in the course of this study.

6.3 Degrees offered by the Institutions visited

The 14 institutions visited in the course of this research were those that have supplied
graduates to the profession of surveying in their local area and to the wider global profession,
given that a proportion of their graduates chose to enter practice elsewhere. Some would
pursue further study for higher degrees, specialisations or take up academic positions. This
study is particularly concerned with those undergraduates being prepared for professional
practice and what they are taught. Hence; it focuses on “first” degrees.

Institution Degree(s) Duration Accreditation
DIT BSc (Hons) Geomatics (Surveying and Mapping) 4 years SCSI/RICS/ICES/ISI
MSc Geospatial Engineering SCSI/RICS/ICES/ISI
BSc (Hons) GIS
MSc Spatial Information Management
MSc Geographic Information Sciences

Glasgow MSc Geoinformation Technology & Cartography 12mths RICS/ICES

MSc Geospatial & Mapping Sciences 12mths ICES

Newcastle BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping Science 3 yrs RICS/ICES

BSc (Hons) GIS 3 yrs RICS/ICES
MSc Civil Engineering Surveying

Nottingham BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Full survey option) RICS/ ICES/ICE
MEng (Hons) Civil and Enviro Eng (undergraduate) 4 yrs RICS/ICES/ICE

UEL BSc Surveying and Mapping Science RICS/ICES

BSc Civil Engineering and Surveying RICS/ICES

UCL MSc Surveying 12mths RICS

MSc Geomatics for BIM 12mth RICS (pending 2014)
MSc Hydrography 12mths IHO

Calgary Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering 4yrs CBEPS

Ryerson Bachelor of Civil Engineering CEAB

UNB Bachelor of Geomatics 3yrs ACLS

Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering 4yrs APE/CBEPS

York BEng (Geomatics Engineering) CBEPS

Curtin Bachelor of Surveying 4yrs WASB (by inference)

BSc (Engineering and Mining Science) 3yrs

RMIT Bachelor of Applied Science (Surveying) (Hons) 4yrs SRBV/RICS

Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Science)(Hons) 4yrs RICS

Uni Melb Bachelor of Environments + Master of Geomatics Eng 5yrs SRBV/RICS

Master of Engineering (Spatial Systems)
Master of Information Technology

Uni Sth Aus Bachelor’s degree + Master of Surveying 4.5 years SBSA

Table 6.3 Relevant degrees offered by universities visited.

Key to abbreviations not already defined:

SCSI: Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland; ICES: Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors;
ISI: Irish Surveyors Institute; ICE: Institute of Civil Engineers;
IHO: International Hydrographic Institute; CBEPS: Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors;
CEAB: Canadian Engineers Accreditation Board APE: Association of Professional Engineers;
SBWA Surveyors Board of Western Australia; SBSA: Surveyors Board of South Australia;
SBV: Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria;

Table 6.2 shows the names of the universities, the names of the surveying-related degrees
offered by them, and includes whether the programme is accredited, and if so, by whom. The
table includes, in addition to the regular undergraduate programmes offered, those that are

available in other closely related disciplines within the same department and in particular,
degrees in geographic information systems (GIS). These are shown in italics. The
relationship between land surveying and GIS will be discussed in a later chapter.

In addition to the programme itself, a question was asked as to whether the course had any
accreditation. Accreditations are available from professional bodies, and in some countries,
especially those with Torrens type cadastral systems, from licensing bodies. The degree of
importance placed on accreditations varies from country to country. The level of influence
that the accrediting body has on the curriculum of the institutions also varies quite
significantly between countries.

Most of these courses began their existence following the Second World War first as global
recovery and then global prosperity, at least in the western hemisphere, took hold. It appears
purely coincidental that just as the first of these university programmes was beginning to
appear, so were developments beginning that would reshape the way in which land surveying
was carried out. In particular, the technology that had brought new developments and
inventions for that conflict found new markets during the taut peace of the Cold War. These
accelerated slowly at first, but with increasing rapidity as the decades passed. Their influence
on society in general was broad, from transistor radios to satellite defence systems. However,
they had a profound impact on the land surveying profession. The advances in electronics
were of particular relevance to the art, but more particularly the science of measurement.

Some of the advances simply meant that time consuming tasks could be conducted more
quickly. For example, a hand-held calculator could save the time of looking up six-figure
natural trigonometrical tables in order to carry out both simple and more complicated
surveying computations. This could speed up both field and office work. However, as time
passed, new instruments appeared that required new techniques and skills, and rendered
others obsolete. New topics had to be introduced into curricula.

It may also be noted for future discussion how many times the term “surveying” does not
appear in the title of these qualifications compared with “geomatics” and “engineering”. It
does occur in the name of almost all of the accrediting bodies. Many universities place
considerable emphasis on having accreditation from professional bodies. In some cases this

is used prominently in their advertising. However, in other cases, particularly in Canada, the
surveying curriculum is heavily influenced by an external professional examining and
standard setting body such as the Canadian Board of Examiners of Professional Surveyors

Table 6.2 demonstrates the variability of the names, duration and locations of the most
prestigious and well known programmes in land surveying in the countries that are the
subject of this research. Starting from small beginnings following the Second World War,
surveying as a university discipline has spread through the mainstream universities of these
countries. The undergraduate programmes range from 3 to 5 years in duration with a
tendency towards a 4 year degree programme. Only two universities in the whole of England
now offer undergraduate land surveying courses (Newcastle and UEL).

Two universities in the UK teach only at the post graduate level, offering only masters
degrees (UCL and Glasgow). Entry to these courses is by way of a first degree in a cognate
subject. In Glasgow these are often attended by day-release part-time students and the
scheduling of classes is organised to facilitate this (Interview codes withheld for anonymity).
Canadian land surveying courses are all designated “Geomatics Engineering”. These are
within engineering schools, and geomatics is an option selected from a variety of engineering
disciplines. At the UNB geomatics is in the Faculty of Engineering and students select which
branch of engineering they wish to study from the 4-year programmes. In choosing
geomatics engineering they graduate as engineers. If they choose a particular set of courses
they may also seek a licence as an Ontario Land Surveyor. Additionally, should they wish
only to progress to being a land surveyor they can choose to complete the 3 year Bachelor of

At Calgary students are required to select which branch of engineering they wish to enter,
expressing their choice as a list of preferences, when they enrol for the first time.
Predominantly geomatics is the third choice of students after chemical (due to the oil
industry) and civil engineering (Interview code withheld for anonymity). The university then
allocates students to programmes based on their first year academic performance and their
expressed priority.

The University of Melbourne is unique in that it requires a specific undergraduate degree
(Bachelor of Environments) and the surveying course competes for students to elect
surveying as their major for a Masters degree (Master of Geomatics Engineering).
Competition for students comes principally from other professional disciplines such as
architecture, engineering and planning. If candidates then wish to proceed to a cadastral
licence they are required, by the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria, to pass specified
subjects (Interview 11Ap). This extends the university education of land surveyors in
Victoria to 5 years. The University of South Australia also has a 5 year programme
(Interview 39Ag).

Professional institutions will use the accredited academic qualification as the basic
educational standard for membership of their organisation and as a prerequisite for further
examination of professional standards. This occurs after an appropriate period of post-
graduation practical experience of candidates (generally referred to as “articles”). In almost
all cases, the accrediting body undertakes routine audits of the courses it accredits, commonly
at 5 yearly intervals. Accreditation was occasionally referred to as a “protection” measure
within the institution against loss of staff and amalgamation with other departments within a
faculty, notably civil engineering. As surveying courses in universities attempted to cope
with these new instruments and new techniques in their already full programmes, it became
clear that something had to be reduced in order to make room for the new material. The
following section explores this aspect of university curricula by asking what areas of teaching
had been dropped out of degree programmes in order to make room for new material.

6.4 Subjects no longer taught

Having warmed the interviewees to the discussion, they were then informed that the core of
the research had been reached. In order to indicate whether there had been a fundamental
shift in the profession, an assessment of what changes had been made to university curricula
was sought. This was a question approached in two parts. First, what had been dropped from
their curriculum over time to make way for new material; and second, what new material had
been introduced into the programme?

In order to assist with getting started if interviewees were hesitant, the example of astronomy
was given. While in most cases it was confirmed that astronomy had been dropped, there
were two examples in which the interviewees disagreed with the suggestion. This proved
useful as confirmation that while providing an example to work from, the prompting did not
function as a leading question that would predetermine responses. However, in some cases,
staff had insufficient background in their establishment to be able to make comment on what
had been but was no longer taught in the degrees for which they were now responsible. In
the case of one university the programme itself was too new to provide a relevant response.

6.4.1 Results
In general, interviewees were hard pressed to identify topics that had been completely
eliminated. In some cases the staff available were unable to answer the question with full
certainty as the totality of their programme was outside their area of expertise. Much more
commonly they would admit to compressing aspects so that they were dealt with in much less
detail. Occasionally, however, subjects had been dropped because a staff member with
particular area of expertise had left, usually retired, and had not been replaced. Many of the
institutions visited were also suffering from diminishing staff resources, with consequential
impacts on what they were able to offer students by way of course content.

The results of the question about items dropped from curricula are presented in Table 6.3.
This table shows the topics identified by the interviewees; the interview in which they arose,
whether the topic was eliminated, or reduced. Of particular interest is the explanation or
comment interviewees made in relation to the topics they identify. In this table the results
have been presented by topic in alphabetical order in a detailed format showing which
interviewees identified specific subjects supported by any comment that was made regarding
that topic.

These results are then summarised for easier interpretation in Table 6.4. Table 6.4 shows
quite clearly the predominance of the first three topics, as well as the random nature of others
that were commented upon. This reflects, to some extent, the variable nature of curricula, as
well as the predominance of technology-based subjects.

Topic Interview Status Comments
Astronomy 4Aa gone
9Ga not taught maybe should be able to do sun shots at sea?
12Aa gone completely. Last to go was sun obs 6/7 years ago
13Ca never taught
19Ga not taught no one has time
32Ag replaced by satellite technology
33Ga gone
36Ga gone went a long time ago
37Ag reduced everyone assumes GPS is going to be there.
38Ca gone (but students do a sun shot)
40Ga not sure will only be a little since retirement of expertise
41Ga gone
42Ca small amount in space geodesy as intro to GNSS. Relevant to
coordinate systems.
Cadastre 46Ga reduced not so relevant in the UK
Cartography 28Ca much reduced and combined with projections
40Ga much reduced now “geospatial awareness”
Chains/tapes 36Ga not used
Descriptive Geometry 28Ca gone replaced by CAD
Engineering survey 4Aa gone an application of 1st principles
33Ga gone
Formulae derivation 4Aa not taught
33Ga not taught
38Ca not expected
39Ag not enough 1st principles taught
52Aa not taught less time on the mathematics behind transformatns
Geodesy 12Aa reduced dropped some material
42Ca reduced from 3 papers to 2 papers
GIS 36Ga not taught GIS is part of Geography Not surv/eng.
46Ga gone gone to a separate course
Horizontal & vertical tachy-34Ga gone
metry 46Ga gone
Hydrography 51Ca dropped to a large degree. Retirement of staff.
Land info mgmt 46Ga reduced
Land Administration 51Ca gone staff retirement
Longhand computations 33Ga gone
Mathematical geodesy 4Aa reduced an application of 1st principles
Map projections 12Aa reduced
Optical Theodolites 34Ga gone don’t have them now
36Ga gone seen but not used
41Ga gone
Planning 46Ga reduced
Plane tabling 9Ga gone would like to. Not enough time.
19Ga not taught no time
40Ga gone went a long time ago
Photogrammetry 19Ga not taught nobody is going to earn money from it.
28Ca morphed into remote sensing
29Ga reduced traditional photogrammetry
33Ga not taught but surveyors were never into that stuff anyway
36Ga gone still do close range.
41Ga only 2 lectures all done on computers now
42Ca gone
46Ga gone all analogue photogrammetry
51Ca changed to digital
Spherical Trigonometry 4Aa gone an application of 1st principles
12Aa reduced
33Ga gone because it is all automated
Remote Sensing 36Ga not taught because it is part of Geography. Not surv/eng
Road design 4Aa gone an application of 1st principles

Table 6.4 University subjects reduced or eliminated

Topic UK Canada Australia Total
Astronomy 6 3 4 13
Photogrammetry 6 3 9
Formula derivation 1 1 3 5
Optical theodolites 3 3
Plane tabling 3 3
Spherical trigonometry 1 2 3
Eng surveying 1 1 2
Geodesy 1 1 2
GIS 2 2
Tachymetry 2 2
Chain/tapes 1 1
Descriptive Geometry 1 1
Hydrography 1 1
Land Info mgmt 1 1
Land Administration 1 1
Longhand comps 1 1
Mathematical geodesy 1 1
Map projections 1 1
Planning 1 1
Remote sensing 1 1
Road design 1 1

Table 6.5 Summary of subjects reduced or eliminated

6.4.2 Discussion
There are three areas that stand out clearly from the rest. The first is astronomy. To many it
seemed that no explanation was necessary for its abandonment. The reason given, when an
explanation seemed applicable, was that GPS, or Global Navigational Satellite Systems
(GNSS), had rendered the need for surveyors to have any knowledge or understanding of
astronomy obsolete. There were, however, some who questioned that. Two interviewees
mentioned the ability to carry out sun observations as a useful skill for a surveyor (Interviews
9Ga, 38Ca). One indicated that he thought it still had some relevance in space geodesy
(Interview 42Ca). A final, and quite telling comment, was a suggestion that being taught
astronomy had assisted him in “the understanding of orbits, reference frames, and celestial
versus terrestrial”. He mused further that maybe not all surveyors need astronomy but only
one out of every class (Interview 37Ag). However, it is quite clear that university

programmes have seen fit to replace the teaching of astronomy with techniques in GPS, and
most admit that they now no longer have staff capable of teaching the subject.

The other topic that is clearly identified is photogrammetry. However, it is in quite a

different category from astronomy. The old analogue form of photogrammetry, the use of
large stereoplotting machines, has declined and disappeared. More recently it has been
resurrected in the form of digital photogrammetry and commonly has merged with remote
sensing. This is not always the case as in one example (Interview 33Ga) photogrammetry
was not considered to be a part of surveying anyway. That particular department, which had
explicitly included photogrammetry in the past but in a separate and distinct degree, had lost
the ability to teach the subject through the retirement of its expert in the field. In a further
example (Interview 29Ga) the interviewee considered that on their retirement it was unlikely
that the university would consider a replacement by someone with an interest in, or a skill set
that included photogrammetry. That is, if they were replaced at all. A resurgence of
photogrammetry is related to the arrival of new technology such as drones or Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), now more correctly referred to as Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Systems (RPAS), and laser scanning. RPAS was not a term that was used by any of the
interviewees in 2014.

The third subject that arose significantly was that which has been generally defined as
formula derivation. If longhand computations, mathematical geodesy and spherical
trigonometry is added to this, it becomes clear that the use of computers, be they hand held,
desktop or programmable, has allowed so many of the more tedious exercises required in the
teaching of surveying to be transferred to these electronic means. The teaching of
mathematic principles generally has been simplified and much of the tedium removed
through the use of computers.

Most of the other topics raised simply reflect changes in technology. The abandonment of
analogue photogrammetric plotters, cartography, descriptive geometry, optical theodolites,
plane tables, steel chains and cloth tapes, and tachymetry have all been replaced by more
modern instruments that carry out the same or similar functions. In some cases, in particular
optical theodolites and steel tapes, old technology is still used to teach students measurement
practices from first principles in some institutions. This is justified by the rationale that

students should understand what the “black box” instruments are doing within their circuitry,
and not be capable just of pressing the buttons in the correct order. However, the deletions
otherwise appear random and are dependent on previous course content.

6.5 Subjects introduced to courses

New technology requires new techniques and methodologies, and sometimes renders old
course content obsolete. New subjects introduced to curricula are shown in Table 6.5 and
Table 6.6. Also they require some training in the use of the latest instruments for gathering
the information required to provide the answers to the surveying problems they are
addressing. In order to make space for new material, old material either has to be condensed
or eliminated. The author’s experience is that this is an iterative process and that it starts with
material becoming compacted and greater reliance placed on reference to texts for additional
reading. Then only reference is made to the texts for wider reading, and finally, unless
historically important, the old material is dropped in favour of the new.

The corollary of asking what had been dropped from the university programmes was to
enquire what new developments had been necessary to include that made these exclusions
necessary. Interviewees were also asked if there were any topics that they would like to add
but had not been able to because of time constraints, and if there were any new technologies
that they were anticipating it would become necessary to accommodate. Table 6.5 shows, in
alphabetical order, the list of subjects or topics that interviewees identified as having been
introduced into the curricula of their degree programmes, and the interview in which the topic
is identified, particularly to show the country in which this has occurred. Again, it is of
significant interest what comments are attached to the topic.

6.5.1 Results
In Table 6.5 it is noteworthy that as the interview programme developed, interviewees
sometimes needed to prompted, more than in the question of what had been dropped, with
topics that had been indicated by others or that the interviewer was aware of with respect to
recent developments in technology. Building Information Modelling and UAVs were cases
in point. As can been seen in the comments column of Table 6.5, the adoption of some of
these latest developments was either of no interest to the designers of the programmes, or had
been tried and had not been taken up in curricula developments.
Topic Interview Interviewee Comments

Big data 51Ca

Building Info Modelling 4Aa yes, just the way you use database information
9Ga in there, but it is just a 3D GIS
13Ca not yet, maybe soon. Opportunity for surveyors
16Ga been developing, now spatial modelling in BIM
21Ap,22Ca, 27Gi, 31Ap,
33Ga new. New specialist degree in it
38Ca no, don’t need to teach explicitly. Can learn if needed
41Ga should be used right through the life of the project. Uses
traditional surveying skills
48Ca no. Don’t even talk about
49Ca no. Don’t seem to be interested
Data mgmt/analytics 16Ga, 21Ap, 22Ca, 39Ag, 44Ap, 45Ga
Digital photogrammetry 28Ca, 36Ga, 44Ap, 52Aa
GIS and mapping 4Aa, 5Ga, 9Ga, 13Ca
16Ga not specifically mentioned, referred to with BIM
21Ap, 27Gi, 28Ca, 31Ap, 32Ag, 33Ga, 38Ca
GPS / GNSS 4Aa, 5Ga, 10Ci, 12Aa,13Ca, 32Ag, 34Ga, 36Ga, 38Ca, 42Ca,46Ga, 52Aa,
Ground penetrating radar 9Ga, 45Gp, 48Ca
Indoor mapping 22Ca
Land management 24Ga new. Response to EU. Mapping for environmental mgmt
Laser alignment 48Ca
Laser scanning/3D model 6Ap
21Ap been doing for 10 years
25Ga a fight between the professions everyone wants a slice
36Ga, 45Gp
Laser scanning /Mobile 9Ga not yet. Working on bringing forward. Demonstrate.
13Ca, 36Ga
Laser Scanning/ 5Ga, 6Ap, 9Ga, 22Ca, 25Ga,
Terrestrial 32Ag, 36Ga
38Ca not yet. Will come in
42Ca but do not do BIM. Might do?
44Ap, 52Aa
LiDAR 10Ci, 16Ga, 28Ca, 45Gp
Programming 13Ca
Project management 24Ga new
Remote Sensing 16Ga, 27Gi, 28Ca, 42Ca, 44Ap
Risk management 24Ga new
Statutory planning 32Ag (an aberration)
UAVs 3Cp surveyors can add value that no one else can
5Ga have one but it has never flown. Broke on the first day.
9Ga not yet, but coming. Proximity to an airport a problem
10Ci, 16Ga, 23Cp, 27Gi
19Ga only seminars. Privacy and legal issues.
21Ap impacts on the trad aerial survey market. We have UAV
31Ap no, not at this stage. To many regulations
36Ga damaged vehicles (3). Problems with regulations.
48Ca not yet, but a growing area. Need to keep up.

Table 6.6 New topics in courses or professional practice

It is further noted that most of the topics shown in Table 6.5 are relatively recent. Many
academic interviewees, when considering their course, did not appear to reach as far back in
their recollections of new introductions as for those items that had been dropped. For

example, while the passing of optical theodolites and steel and fabric tapes was commonly
mentioned, many did not mention the introduction of GPS or GNSS. It is doubtful that there
was a single institution that was not teaching its students the intricacies of satellite
positioning. It is suggested that this was because GNSS has now been embedded for so long
that it is taken for granted by most, and is no longer considered new.
Table 6.5 has been simplified and re-presented as Table 6.6. This table assists in interpreting
the frequency of each of the new topics identified.

Topic UK Canada Australia Total

BIM 6 5 4 15
UAVs 6 4 4 14
GIS and mapping 5 3 4 12
GPS / GNSS 4 4 4 12
Terrestrial laser scanning 4 3 5 12
Data management 2 1 3 6
Digital photogram 2 1 2 5
Remote sensing 2 2 1 5
LiDAR 2 2 4
Ground penetrating radar 2 1 3
Mobile Laser scanning 2 1 3
Big Data 1 1
Indoor mapping 1 1
Land Management 1 1
Laser alignment 1 1
Programming 1 1
Project management 1 1
Risk management 1 1
Stat planning 1 1

Table 6.7 Summary of new topics

6.5.2 Discussion
The more common items, the top seven in the list, are evenly spread through the countries
involved. This indicates that for these major new technologies, the land surveying profession
has been relatively uniformly impacted. Other topics, while all related to land surveying as
defined in a particular region, for example land management, may indicate the differing
nature of the profession in some places. In some cases, for example ground penetrating radar,
it may indicate the earliest introduction of a new topic that will spread to other places in the
What did show up quite clearly, in some instances, was that there were differing perceptions
of what land surveying may or may not include. For instance, in one case it was stated
explicitly that surveyors did not do photogrammetry (Interview 33Ga). Elsewhere both GIS
and remote sensing were considered to be aspects of geography, and as such were not taught
to surveying students, nor were they taught within the department in which surveying courses
were located (Interviews 29Ga, 36Ga).

The issue of Building Information Modelling (BIM) supplied the most varied set of
responses. University College London indicated that it was introducing an MSc degree in
2014/15 (UCL, n.d.) in Geoinformatics specifically focussing on BIM. This was conveyed in
the interview as a future event (but only one month ahead). Reference is not given here to
protect the interviewee’s anonymity, but the existence of the course is confirmed by the web
reference above, details of which are found in the Reference section of this thesis. In another
UK university the topic of Geoinformatics was also identified as a separate department in the
same greater faculty (Interview 9Ga).

Elsewhere it was indicated that there was no interest in having BIM in their surveying
programme (Interview 48Ca, 49Ca), yet others saw it as an opportunity for the surveying
profession, but who considered that the surveying profession had not yet recognised its
potential. In yet other places, it was felt that BIM was simply the application of the already
existing skill set of the modern land surveyor (Interviews 13Ca, 38Ca, 41Ga). On that basis
it did not need to be addressed specifically in academic programmes. Outside academia,
especially in Australia, it was apparent that BIM was seen as a particular application of laser
scanning and had been embraced in practice some years earlier and was therefore not new
(Interview 21Ap, 31Ap, 44Ap).

The other item that arose consistently, and often controversially, was that of UAVs or drones.
Several academic departments had had bad experiences with their attempts to venture into the
use of UAVs. One university was still negotiating with the supplier for repairs to be carried
out after damage subsequent to crash landing on its first flight (Interview 29Ga). Another
had three damaged UAVs in its workshop and was not progressing its interest in that line of
work (Interview 36Ga). One private practitioner in Australia (Interview 31Ap) considered
the complications of the civil aviation regulations as being a limiting factor, while another

that historically had been in the business of aerial mapping was very active in the commercial
use of UAVs (Interview 21Ap). While the general goal of this thesis is questioning whether
there has been a paradigm shift in the profession, Interviewee 31Ap was the first to suggest
that in the context of civil aviation regulations there was, in fact, “paradigm drag”! The issue
of paradigm drag was raised again later, quite independently and by another interviewee in a
quite different context.

The various aspects of laser scanning were widely recognised as a new and productive aspect
of land surveying. Again, though not raised by all, having been in place and adopted in some
cases more than a decade ago, it did not always spring to mind immediately as a recent
introduction. It had introduced surveyors to 3D modelling, could be combined with GIS, and
was being used in the stationary terrestrial format as well as for mobile mapping. While
stationary scanning was common, mobile mapping applications were rare. It is interpreted
that the cost of “tooling up” for this application was a limiting factor in its development in
academia. One of the universities with this capability had gained it for research purposes
rather than teaching (Interview 36Ga). As an application, it was also mentioned by a
practitioner as something that did not need to be taught but that the skills could be acquired
by using existing surveying techniques, and indeed had been. (Interview 26Gp)

It was surprising how little mention was made of GIS. However, as with remote sensing and
photogrammetry, in many institutions only basic GIS is taught. This was explained by some
as being because GIS was seen to be a separate discipline and is therefore either in a
department or a section of a department on its own. In many cases it is not regarded as a part
of land surveying so it was maintained that land surveyors need only a basic understanding of
GIS for their professional needs.

Ground penetrating radar for the location of underground services came up three times.
Locating these services in the past has been facilitated, at least in part, by the use of metal
detectors. However, the increasing use of non-ferrous conduits has rendered this method at
least limited, and it was becoming obsolete. Both in the United Kingdom and in Canada, this
appeared to be an issue of potential growth for the land surveying practitioner, especially
where they were involved in urban development. Yet again, it is possible that some see this
as an application of traditional skills using a different form of technology rather than

requiring anything new to be added to course prescriptions. Consequently they did not see a
need to teach it specifically, or saw it is an application of methodologies already taught, the
only variation being the tool used, and hence not worth a mention.

6.6 Changes to the BoK

Grounded theory requires that the data sets speak for themselves and that any hypothesis be
developed from what the data have provided. In this case, 45 years experience in the
profession of land surveying had led the author to suspect that something had happened to the
surveying profession in the intervening period between his entering the profession and his
imminent departure from practicing within it. This change was not something that was minor
or trivial, but something significant. The question, therefore, was the degree of magnitude of
the change and whether it could be construed as being sufficient to warrant being defined as a
fundamental or paradigm shift. In the course of the literature search a paradigm shift had
been detected c.1600. Had there been another one?

Examining Table 6.3 closely, it is clear that what has dropped out of land surveying courses
is the old technologies. Such old technologies are largely the updated versions of what came
into being for the 2nd paradigm that appeared between 1550 AD and 1650 AD. In particular,
those are the theodolite, updated to the optical model, the steel tape adaptation of the
Gunter’s chain, the natural trigonometrical and logarithmic tables, and the more recent
mechanical calculating machine.

The need for the dexterity that only came through years of practice in handling some of this
equipment is also no longer a requirement. Extended field camps are therefore also a thing of
the past in land surveying education, though aspects of field work remain an integral part of
most programmes. The more recent development of GNSS has obviated the need for
dependence on the application of ground control to the same extent and the need for
triangulation both plane and spherical.

The advent of the computer has taken the tedium out of much of the mathematics and so the
need to understand the derivation of complex formulae and the ability to work painstakingly
and patiently through lengthy computations has been eliminated. This has meant that the
time taken to teach the fundamental principles of geodesy, in most cases, has been reduced.
With respect to photogrammetry, the large stereo-plotting machines or multiplex platens that
filled a room have disappeared. While photogrammetry also has been a disappearing art
form, computerised plotters, aided by new technologies, have seen its resurgence but in a
different form.

In a few isolated cases it appears that some subjects, while being dropped from land
surveying courses have not vanished, but have developed into specialities in their own right.
In some areas photogrammetry falls into this category, as does remote sensing. The most
notable example, however, is that of GIS. In some locations there are professional territorial
jealousies between these areas of specialism and the more general profession of land

In a very few cases material has fallen out of courses because of staff retirements and
reducing budgets. Staff members have left and not been replaced because of budget cuts, and
they have taken their expertise with them. How this affects the local profession, and how
they have reacted to the closing off of this area of expertise is not an issue explored in this
thesis, but remains an issue for the profession in that location.

But what of the new? From a day-to-day perspective, the combination instrument, the total
station that measures both angles and distances, has replaced all of the old “technologies” and
procedures. It can carry out reductions and corrections, download these to a data recorder or
upload them to the cloud, simplifying filed and office tasks. It is also easily mastered as it
requires fewer of the manual skills and dexterity required of the old instruments and
equipment. For longer range work, GNSS use makes geodetic measurement a relatively
simple task also. Carrying out measurements, or collecting data, has never been simpler or
quicker or provided data in such quantity. Whereas in the past it could require a 3˗person
field party, now in many cases it can be, and very often is, carried out by one person.
Extended to laser scanning, data can be gathered at such speed and in such quantity that
surplus measurements exceed those that are required for the specifications of the job by
orders of magnitude.

UAVs remain a controversial topic. All can see the potential but there are pitfalls. The
machines take manual skills to manoeuvre. The quality of the data returned depends on the

knowledge and skill of the operator and the quality of the camera employed. The quality of
the camera is dictated by the cost. There are a variety of issues that arise from public safety
concerns from potential harm from a drone crashing, through interference with commercial
aviation, to invasion of privacy issues for individual property owners. While they are clearly
a useful tool for land surveyors, as for others, their full utilisation appears a matter for the

6.7 Summary
The data discussed above are possibly open to closer scrutiny to reveal greater detail about
the minor variations between countries and between institutions. However, the detail of the
picture is not what is sought. The objective of the study is to consider the question of the
magnitude and significance of change that has occurred in the land surveying profession.
Had the data been more variable, then closer scrutiny, examination and consideration could
have been required. The data are consistent through the countries and conform to the New
Zealand-based experience of the author. Further study of the data would not lead to a greater
understanding of the “big picture” required of a shift of fundamental or paradigmatic
proportions. Rather the closer study of questions that were prompted by the responses of the
interviewees will reveal answers to more important questions facing the profession of land

In examining Table 6.5, the focus of the new material in programmes clearly remains with
measurement. Table 6.3 indicates that it is old and obsolete material that has dropped out of
programmes and which was generally replaced with new ways of carrying out old tasks.
There are new tasks that can be achieved with the equipment that was developed from and
replaced the old instruments. In many of the interviews conducted, this was explicitly stated
by the interviewees. Measurement data are gathered rapidly and in large quantities. Hence,
the challenge for land surveyors is how much data to gather, at what level of accuracy, and
how then to process the accumulated data set to meet the needs of the client. This remains
the specific and specialised role of the land surveyor, and alludes to the discussion that
follows in Chapter 7.

Hence, answering the question “has technology fundamentally changed the profession?” the
answer must be an unequivocal no! However, something has happened in the last 60 years.
If it had not, then the question would not have arisen. During the interview programme, that
the answer may be a negative one was quickly sensed. The subsequent question that
followed the enquiries as to programme content sought an opinion from interviewees as to
what they thought was now at the core of surveying? What made a surveyor a surveyor as
opposed a member of some other profession, or what made a surveyor a professional
surveyor rather than just a surveyor? Chapter 7 examines and discusses the answers to these
important questions.

Chapter 7

Defining the Core Competencies of Surveying

This chapter aims to clarify what is at the core of the surveying profession in the opinion of
those who teach its skills and those who practice them. Chapter 6 indicates that although
technology has impacted heavily on the profession in the period since the Second World War,
as it has on the rest of the world, it also clarifies that the essence of surveying has not
changed. Some interviewees went as far as to say, in casual conversation, that if there had
been a fundamental shift within the land surveying profession, then it was to the technology
used by land surveyors, rather than to the profession itself.

Chapter 6 demonstrates that contemporary practice, and the teaching thereof, has followed
the development of technologies. The old has been replaced with the new as the new has
arrived on the scene. It has also been suggested, off the record, that land surveyors are, in
fact, technology “hungry”, and that they adapt to new technology quickly. It is likely at the
moment that the developers and manufacturers of the latest technologies are leading the
profession rather than the reverse. New science finds new applications, and new applications
create new opportunities. With land surveyors the uptake of the new technology is rapid.

However, as indicated throughout the interview process, the new applications generally do
not require fundamentally new skills or disciplines. What appears to have happened is that
the new instruments and new applications have required the deepening of the understanding
of the old knowledge in order to be able to apply the new instruments to new opportunities.
In order to gauge a better understanding of this, interviewees were asked to identify what they
considered to be the core skill or skills required to be able to call oneself a professional
surveyor in the current environment.

7.1 The Core Competencies
When asked what the central feature of land surveying was, the stock answer was, and has
always been, “measurement”, usually with little further elaboration. For the purposes of this
study, such a closed response was not adequate. It was necessary to explore this somewhat
clichéd answer by pressing the interviewees further. However, in this case no leading
examples were offered as had been with the question of what topics might have been dropped
from degree programmes in order to get the conversation started.

Component of Measurement Interviewee

Measurement science 3Cp, 4Aa, 7Aa, 8Ci, 11Ap, 12Aa, 17Ap, 21Ap, 22Ca, 24Ga, 27Gi,
28Ca, 32Ag, 34Ga, 36Ga, 37Ag, 38Ca, 39Ag, 42Ca, 52Aa.

Accuracy 3Cp, 4Aa, 7Aa, 11Ap, 14Cp, 17Ap, 22Ca, 25Ga, 27Gi, 28Ca,
29Ga, 31Ap, 32Ag, 34Ga, 39Ag, 42Ca, 45Gp, 46Ga, 48Ca, 49Ca,
Precision 3Cp, 7Aa, 13Ca, 16Ga, 22Ca, 28Ca, 29Ga, 38Ca, 42Ca, 46Ga.
Errors (propagation/uncertainty) 5Ga, 7Aa, 8Ci, 9Ga, 12Aa, 13Ca, 16Ga, 21Ap, 22Ca, 27Gi, 28Ca,
31Ap, 32Ag, 33Ga, 34Ga, 36Ga, 37Ag, 38Ca, 39Ag, 41Ga, 49Ca
42Ca, 44Ap, 45Gp, 49Ca, 52Aa.
Least squares 4Aa, 9Ga, 12Aa, 13Ca, 14Cp, 22Ca, 25Ga, 29Ga, 33Ga, 34Ga,
36Ga, 38Ca.
Statistics/probability/correlation 13Ca, 22Ca, 28Ca, 29Ga, 33Ga, 36Ga, 38Ca, 44Ap, 45Gp, 52Aa.
Confidence limits 14Cp, 37Ag, 44Ap, 45Gp, 52Aa.

Adjustments 4Aa, 5Ga, 9Ga, 13Ca, 14Cp, 21Ap, 22Ca, 29Ga, 33Ga, 52Aa.
Calibration 9Ga, 19Ga, 52Aa.
Tolerances 16Ga, 36Ga, 46Ga.
Risk 3Cp, 24Ga, 37Ag, 45Gp.
Limitations of equipment 16Ga.

Geodesy 4Aa, 8Ci, 11Ap, 19Ga, 22Ca, 27Gi, 28Ca, 31Ap, 32Ag, 34Ga,
35Ca, 37Ag, 38Ca, 42Ca, 44Ap, 49Ca, 52Aa.
Coordinate systems including 3D 4Aa, 9Ga, 12Aa, 13Ca, 16Ga, 22Ca, 23Cp, 25Ga, 28Ca, 33Ga,
34Ga, 42Ca, 45Gp, 46Ga, 49Ca, 52Aa.
Coordinate transformations 4Aa, 9Ga, 14Cp, 33Ga, 43Ga, 46Ga, 48Ca, 52Aa.
Projections 3Cp, 4Aa, 8Ci, 12Aa, 14Cp, 19Ga, 22Ca, 27Gi, 29Ga, 33Ga,
Datums 3Cp, 4Aa, 12Aa, 29Ga, 32Ag, 33Ga.

Data analysis 9Ga, 24Ga, 32Ag, 36Ga, 38Ca, 46Ga.

Managing data sets 21Ap, 31Ap, 33Ga, 39Ag, 44Ap, 45Gp, 46Ga, 51Ca, 52Aa.
Relative quality/integrate different data 4Aa, 8Ci, 21Ap, 27Gi, 33Ga, 38Ca, 52Aa.
Quality of data gathered 3Cp, 4Aa, 17Ap, 19Ga, 34Ga, 37Aa, 46Ga, 49Ca.

Three dimensions 8Ci, 9Ga, 27Ga, 31Ap, 41Ga, 46Ga.

Presentation 24Ga, 46Ga.
Visualisation 8Ci, 24Ga, 38Ca.

Fit for purpose 7Aa, 9Ga, 10Ga, 46Ga, 49Ca.

Table 7.8 The Core competencies of surveying

7.1.1 Results
Table 7.1 summarises the responses to the question about the core competencies of the
present profession of land surveying. The table was, at first, arranged alphabetically. On
closer examination of the words used by respondents, it was apparent that some of the
terminology referred to the same, similar or related matters.
UK Canada Australia Total
Measurement Science 4 6 10 20
Geodesy 3 7 7 17
Management of data sets 3 1 5 9
Data analysis 4 1 1 6
Errors 9 8 9 26
Accuracy 6 7 8 21
Least Squares 6 4 2 12
Precision 3 6 1 10
Adjustments 4 3 3 10
Calibration 2 1 3
Tolerances 3 3
Coordinate systems 7 6 3 16
Projections 5 4 2 11
Co-ord transformations 4 2 2 8
Datums 2 1 3 6
3-dimensions 4 1 1 6
Statistics 4 4 2 10
Confidence limits 1 1 3 5
Risk 2 1 1 4
Quality of data 3 2 3 8
Relative quality 2 2 3 7
Equipment limits 1 1
Visualisation 1 2 3
Presentation 2 2
Fit for purpose 3 1 1 5

Table 7.9 Summary of Core competencies

Additionally, the topics have been rearranged in Table 7.2 in an order that better reflects the
connections so that interpretation of the “big picture” is more obvious and their impact more

easily grasped. It should be noted that all of the topics are closely related, and have at their
core an understanding of various branches of mathematics.

7.1.2 Discussion
In Table 7.2 measurement science is placed at the top of the list. It is not the most numerous
of responses, but is such a common response that it is likely that some, if not many of the
interviewees considered that it would be stating the obvious. Geodesy rates similarly. There
were instances where the impression was given to the interviewer that it was assumed that the
discussion was actually about geodesy, and the responses were in that context, even though
the word itself was not used. In passing conversation the term space geodesy was
occasionally used. Being pressed to expand on and explain what it was about measurement,
particularly the science of measurement, that would demonstrate their expertise, further
common details emerged from the discussions.

By far the largest response was devoted to the understanding of errors, often referred to as the
Theory of Errors. However, the same concept was also expressed in a number of slightly
different ways such as level of accuracy, degree of precision and levels of confidence. Table
7.2 has grouped together these closely related topics. Some interviewees suggested that
discussing “errors” outside the professional context was ill-advised as it may lead to a
misunderstanding by clients. That is, that the client may be led to believe that the land
surveyor was discussing making mistakes, rather than dealing with inaccuracies within the
context of systemic “errors” generated by instruments. These can be eliminated through
making redundant measurements and discarding those that are aberrant. For this, the
professional land surveyor is also required to understand the limitations of the instruments
that are available for use on any specified job, and to be able to choose the most appropriate
instrument to give the most fit-for-purpose result required by the client.

Along with the references to the Theory of Errors was reference to adjustments, and the
increasing need for a sound understanding of the principles and practice of least squares
adjustments in particular. That is, the maximisation of accuracy by minimising the squares of
the residual differences of the individual readings from a determination of the best-mean-fit
of all measurements. Such an understanding of least squares adjustments, by default, also
required a close familiarity with correlation, probability theory, and levels of confidence. In

brief, a sound knowledge of mathematics and statistics is required as a core of the body of
knowledge of the professional land surveyor.

As noted earlier, to some degree, it was surprising how few times reference was made
specifically to geodesy, and it has been placed in the same box as measurement science in
Table 7.2. In the words of one academic Head of Department “geodesy is the science that
permeates everything” (Interview 35Ca). While not referred to explicitly as often as
expected, this might have been because respondents attempted to answer the question with
specifics rather than with such eneralities, which in turn would have required further
responses for clarification.

Nevertheless, general and essential aspects of geodesy arose quite frequently without using
the word itself. In the previous chapter it was apparent that much of the tedium had been
taken out of the practice (and therefore much of the teaching) of geodesy. In some cases the
time spent on geodesy had been reduced for the detailed teaching of formulae derivation and
hand calculations, and a number of specific geodetic topics arose (Interviews 4Aa, 29Ga,
42Ca). As demonstrated in Table 7.2, considerable emphasis was placed on the
understanding of coordinates. Even those courses that started at postgraduate level where
entry was gained through recognition of degrees in cognate subjects, considerable emphasis
was placed on coordinate geometry (Interview 33Ga). Additionally, coordinate
transformations and 3-dimensional coordinate systems were considered to be of high

A sound understanding of datums and map projections also appeared regularly enough to be
significant. Related to this, and in a more generalised form, some mention was made by
interviewees of the necessity of being able, not only to manage, but to integrate data of
differing accuracy or from different datums or projections. This particular ability was
recognised by many as not only being essential to the land surveying profession, but as a
unique characteristic of the profession. Some went as far as to suggest that it was the
essential point of difference from all other professions or disciplines using geospatial data.
There were suggestions that some of those disciplines that used data of mixed origins had got
themselves into trouble on projects and on more than one occasion had to be rescued by
surveyors (Interviews 21Ap, 31Ap, 44Ap). It was considered by some to be the most

undersold aspect of the competencies of the modern professional land surveyor (Interviews
31Ap, 44Ap, 47Gp).

Beyond understanding the varying quality of data and the ability to integrate data from
multiple sources, was the requirement to understand the capabilities of instruments. Modern
land surveyors have available a wide variety of technologies with which to gather
measurement data. In addition to being able to adjust the data output of their instruments, it
was pointed out that there was a need to be able to understand the field information needed to
be gathered for the instruments themselves. Table 7.2 suggests that, for example, it is
essential to understand corrections for atmospheric conditions or altitude, to be able to ensure
that instruments are correctly calibrated for their location, and to understand the tolerances
within which their instruments are accurate. In this way, the professional land surveyor is
able to select the correct instrument for the conditions, or any set of conditions, applicable to
a particular measurement situation.

There were several references to “fit-for-purpose”. Fit-for-purpose was a theme for Teo Chee
Hai during his tenure as President of the FIG from 2011 to 2015. It referred particularly to
the development of cadastral systems in developing countries where highly technical, high
cost western societal type cadastral systems could not be afforded. What was needed was to
provide systems that met the need of the population for a purpose, and no more. In the
context of this study it can be construed as referring to the art of land surveying. That is,
designing measurement systems that provide the level of accuracy necessary to meet the
client’s needs, and not necessarily to the highest accuracy that the practitioner’s instruments
could attain without regard for need.

For example, it would not be necessary to use a laser scanner, gathering in excess of a million
points per second into a point cloud, in order to define the footprint of a building on an
allotment, simply because the surveyor happened to own a laser scanner. While this was
mentioned only a few times, it does raise an interesting ethical question regarding potentiality
rather than practicability in public practice. A professional practitioner in any field should
be, at all times, cognisant of the needs of the client before their own ability to produce a result
that is greater than the client requires or needs to pay for. It also highlights the fact that only

technical responses were given in the interviews and that no reference was made to matters of

Finally, Table 7.2 shows there were also brief mentions of visualisation and presentation.
These arose surprisingly infrequently. Essentially, they refer to the ability to produce a visual
representation of the outcome of the land surveyor’s work for their client. Often the technical
requirement is a dataset or a 3-dimensional model only visible by use of complex computer
software. In the past, in some parts of the profession, the result would be a plan or a map.
Some academics believed that professional surveyors should be able to present to their
clients, wherever possible, some tangible form of their work beyond the bill for their services.
A dataset or a computer model only visible within an expensive software product did not
meet this requirement, and is therefore not a tangible result for the surveyor’s client.

7.2 Summary
Those interviewed had a remarkably common, but also a remarkably narrow view of what
defined the core of the professional land surveyor’s body of knowledge. It is critical that this
is seen in context. In this part of the interview, the interviewees were not asked to define the
broad roles a professional land surveying practice might fulfil. Neither were they asked to
define what they thought was the extent of the body of knowledge that a professional land
surveyor should attain in order to meet the requirements to be considered a member of that
profession. Furthermore, they were not asked to consider where the professional land
surveyor might extend the core skills obtained in establishing and maintaining a practice from
which to make a reasonable living, let alone run a profitable business. The question was very
specifically to define what was at the core of the land surveying profession. That the
respondents were so disciplined as to remain on target is gratifying.

The professional land surveyor is a measurer – at and to the core. If no longer physically
taking the measurements personally, the surveyor has to understand the art and science of
measurement. In order to succeed in business, the professional land surveyor needs to apply
those measurement skills in a variety of innovative ways as new tools develop. However,
historically, this surveyor may have had to add some other related disciplines to the
professional toolkit in order to run and stay in business.

In some instances, such as during the early development of Australia, the surveyors could
also apply their measuring skills to defining land boundaries. In doing so they could extend
that skill to include an understanding of the law related to the boundaries and land within
them, and the rights and responsibilities that went with ownership. Additionally, they
included municipal engineering (suburban roading, stormwater drainage and foul sewerage
systems, water supply) as well as town planning. This was easy to do, and necessary, as both
of these professions were either in short supply or did not exist at the time.

However, in adding these areas of expertise to their professional knowledge, this acquisition
did not make these forms of supplementary expertise part of the core competencies of the
land surveying profession. Neither did it make them engineers nor planners. It simply made
these areas of expertise part of the range of skills that the local land surveyors could provide
to clients, and from which they could develop a sustainable business. The core of that
business remained their ability to measure, to understand the qualities of their measurements,
and to apply them for the benefit of their clients and for the benefit of society at large.

Having extracted from the interviews what the interviewees considered to be the core of the
profession of land surveying, a further topic arose that was not one of the original
considerations for this research or the interviews. This topic was known of prior to the
survey being undertaken, and a conscious decision had been taken not to include it as it
appeared to raise a question that likely would have no consistent or satisfactory answer. Nor
was it perceived to have a relationship with the original research objectives. However, from
the second interview onwards, the first with an academic, the term “geomatics” began to
appear without prompting in the discussions. Having then looked ahead specifically at the
programmes offered by the universities, it became clear from the earliest interviews that
addressing the question of the introduction of the term geomatics would become unavoidable.
Having experienced it in the second interview it quickly became a direct question in its own

The interviews were intended to establish the changes in the profession of land surveying
relative to prevailing paradigms in pedagogy and practice. In this context it was clear that
few of the universities surveyed were offering programmes specifically in “land surveying”.
Out of the profusion of names that institutions had chosen for their programmes (see Table

6.2) only a small number used the word “surveying”, and only in one case out of fourteen did
it stand alone at the undergraduate level. During the interviews, the term “surveying” seldom
arose in the vocabulary of the interviewees, though the context of the interview was the
profession of surveying and was used by the interviewer in the discussion. Despite this,
many of those interviewed admitted regarding themselves as surveyors. Some even proudly
carried the designation Chartered Land Surveyor, Registered Surveyor or Licensed Surveyor
(depending on the country of origin) among their professional qualifications.

The most common reference to describe aspects of programmes during the interviews was to
“geomatics”. However, through the course of the survey, this term was supplemented by
references to geomatics engineering, geospatial engineering and geoinformatics. In response
to this, interviewees were asked directly what they thought geomatics was or what it meant to
them. The variety of responses were such that the interviewer was left to wonder if there was
a real meaning to the term, and if there was, what impact was it having on the standing and
on the image of the land surveying profession. Chapters 8 and 9 discuss the responses given
by interviewees to the question on the meaning of geomatics, examine the origins of the term
and dispel some of the myths and retro-fitted explanations that surround this controversial

Chapter 8


This Chapter discusses the terminology used to describe the surveying profession that, up
until this point, has been referred to - quite specifically and with intention in this study - as
land surveying. In the course of the survey of professional and academic surveyors, while
questions were always in terms of land surveying, or just surveying, responses were couched
around the term geomatics. There had not appeared to be a connection between the
development of this terminology in the 1990s and the influence of technology on the land
surveying profession prior to beginning the interviews. However, specific questioning
evolved in the interviews as to what interviewees thought the word “geomatics” meant to

The responses of interviewees are presented in the order they were gathered and are presented
by country. This is important, as was pointed out in Chapter 3, the land surveying profession
takes subtly different forms in different societies. The origins of the profession as it now is
coincided with the colonial expansion of European nations. Given their isolation in those
early days, the land surveyors adapted their skills to the needs of their emerging society.
While there is much in common, there are also different cultures within the profession in
different countries.

As the topic was novel to the research, and developed as the interview programme
progressed, the words of the interviewees are used to precisely demonstrate their views as
expressed by them. It also illustrates the way in which it became necessary to explore the
terminology, its origins, and its influence on the land surveying profession. The responses
were as enlightening as they were varied, as precise as they were vague and as meaningful as
they were meaningless. This chapter exposes and discusses the views of those interviewed
on the origins and use of the term geomatics, and explores their interpretations of the term.
8.1 Geo-everything
The term ‘geo’ has become used as a prefix to a significant number of words in common use,
and its application is continually to increasing. In a less than one-page article alone, by a
professor of cartography, the terms geocommunity, geodata, geovisualisation, geodisplay and
georelief all appear (Buchroithner, 2016). GeoBusiness is used as the name of an event in
London, in the UK (Groom, 2014). The British Ordnance Survey has a GeoVation Hub,
Fugro has GeoServices (Anon, 2016) and GeoSystems is a company in New Zealand. Geo-
referencing and geospatial can be easily added to the list as they have been in the common
vernacular for some time.

In recent years the development of information technology (IT), when combined with the
introduction of satellite navigation and remote sensing, has encouraged society to be more
aware of the importance of location. It has enabled an unprecedented ease with which
absolute position on the planet, or geolocation, can be established for virtually all phenomina.
In particular, the widespread use of smart mobile phones can not only track the geolocation of
the owner but also be used to locate other phenomina. The precision and accuracy of
geolocation continues to improve, and new applications that use geopositioning continue to
appear. Hence, geolocation is likely to continue to grow in importance. Also, it has been at
the core of land surveying practices since long before modern technology made it ubiquitous.

Geomatics has been in the lexicon of the surveying profession for at least 30 years. The
views that have been expressed on the origins of the term are varied and have almost reached
mythical status such is the level of mis-information. However, its origins and meaning are
well documented. Despite this, the reasons for its adoption beyond the country of its origin
are relatively consistent, which will be discussed in Chapter 9. The success or otherwise of
its adoption in relation to the stated reason for it, are of particular interest. Despite the fact
that it has been in use for decades in and around the surveying profession, the surveying
profession remains the surveying profession, not the geomatics profession, as demonstrated
by the names of almost all relevant professional societies discussed in Chapter 3.

The term Geomatics was controversial when introduced and remains controversial in some
quarters. The true origins and development of the term, and its controversial nature, are

discussed in Chapter 9, but at this point it is important to demonstrate the wide and varied use
of the term as indicated by the interviewees in this study.

8.2 Geomatics in Ireland and the United Kingdom

In one of the early interviews a comment was made about geomatics and GIS being two
different things (Interview 40Ga). This was one of the first references to geomatics and in
the first instance did not appear to warrant special attention. Further, in another of the early
interviews the comment was made: –
Although I don’t like the term Geomatics Surveyor, I don’t think Land Surveyor
possibly encapsulates what we do anymore (Interview 24Ga).

This comment was made without any prompting regarding the use of the term geomatics. It
was not followed up with any further questioning as it had not been included in the topics to
be explored. However it did attract the attention of the interviewer on reflection subsequent
to the interview, and drew attention to the fact that geomatics had been used regularly
throughout the discussion. However, it was not clear at this early stage how it related to the
influence of technology on the profession.

8.2.1 Comments by those interviewed

In the particular establishment in which this comment was made the staff were particularly
targeting and attracting students interested in geography to join the surveying programme. In
fact, they were “selling” their programme as being one of applied geography in order to
recruit more students than they had been. In this case it was also stated that “GIS was firmly
embedded in Geomatics” (Interview 24Ga). This was the first clear signal, very early in the
interview process, that the use and interpretation of the term “geomatics” was going to be an

Another university offered degrees in Geospatial and Mapping Sciences and in Geospatial
Technology and Cartography (at postgraduate level) through its Department of Geographical
& Earth Sciences. The programme’s origins are in geography and at one time the
Department was named “Geography and Geomatics” before joining with geology and

adopting its present name (Interview 29Ga). With respect to land surveying, the programme
originated in 1958 under the name of “Topographic Science”: −
we never really used the word surveying in our title.” “Never ever. . . . so geomatics
has never been a problem for us (Interview 29Ga).

It is significant that neither the word “surveying” nor “geomatics” appear in either of the
formal degree titles. The course prescriptions are described in detail in their handbook
“Postgraduate Programmes in Geomatics”. Both degrees have accreditation from the RICS
Geomatics Professional Group Board (GPGB). The degree in geospatial and mapping
sciences includes modules in both the “Principles and Practice of Land Surveying” and in the
“Fundamentals of Geomatics”. This is a clear signal that the terms are not interchangeable,
that is that one is not a replacement for or modernisation of the other. Land surveying and
geomatics are different in this university.

Earlier in an interview at the same institution, when asked about the range of subjects taught,
the picture is made even less clear in the interviewee’s response: −
I would say the conventional spread of geomatics subjects in that we teach GIS and
topographic mapping. We teach land surveying, engineering surveying, hydrographic
surveying and we teach what we call the fundamentals of geomatics which is co-
ordinate systems, map projections adjustment. . . . and photogrammetry, remote
sensing, I don’t know if I mentioned that, and topographic . . . (Interview 29Ga).

The interviewee describes, in this response, topics that were identified by other interviewees
in Chapter 6 as core to surveying, that is, co-ordinate systems and map projections
adjustment, as the “fundamentals of geomatics”. Also included are topics clearly identified
as part of land surveying in some other jurisdictions, such as photogrammetry and
engineering surveying, at least, if not hydrographic surveying as well. It seems clear that
here there is no clearly articulated distinction between “geomatics” and “surveying”, other
than that there is a distinction. It is noted that geomatics here is taken to include GIS, though
to specialise in GIS the student undertakes the second of the above named master’s

At a different university, during Interview 16Ga, the point was made that land surveying was
not well understood in the UK. This general theme recurs, and in Interview 25Ga, at the

same establishment, it was extended to say that this university cannot attract students to its
programme because neither geomatics nor surveying was well known. These are telling
points when it comes to a distinguishing between surveying and geomatics, if such a
distinction exists.

This university claims to offer the only undergraduate geomatics degree left in the UK. For
this claim, to be upheld there must be a distinction between surveying and geomatics since, as
may be noted in Table 6.2, UEL offers a degree an undergraduate degree in Surveying and
Mapping Science. This appears to draw a distinction between surveying and mapping (UEL)
and geomatics at this institution. Additionally, it is considered that those who study GIS are
geographers and not surveyors (or geomaticians?) although it is possible to graduate from this
university in Geography without any GIS component (Interview 16Ga). This confuses the
situation when considered against the first example cited above.

At the same time, in Interview 16Ga, it is acknowledged that the MSc in GIS at the
University of Edinburgh (not visited as part of this study) has RICS accreditation. However,
it is also noted that they do not teach any surveying in the Edinburgh course, but that it has
geomatics accreditation from the RICS GPGB. What is the implication of that? It has
already been noted above that the GIS masters at the previous university also has such
accreditation. Hence, it is clear that at least in these cases within academia, and within a
reasonably confined physical region, questions appear with respect to the consistent use and
interpretation of these terms.

What, if any, are the differences between surveying and geomatics? Is GIS a part of either or
neither? Is GIS geography? Or is it something else again? However, this university offers
BSc (Hons) degrees in Surveying and Mapping Science and in Geographic Information
Science through its Department of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, though
Interviewee16Ga has already indicated GIS is geography. These questions are those which
led to the extension of the interviews to ensure the inclusion of geomatics as a topic following
this visit.

A further potential issue that arises from these three discussions is the academic connection
between surveying and geography and between surveying and engineering, particularly civil
engineering. This evokes the question of whether surveying is a branch or discipline within
engineering or is it applied geography? Interesting as this question may be, it was not
considered to fall within the scope of this thesis.

According to Interviewee 36Ga, having moved to another institution whose particular

university course in surveying was firmly based in the School of Civil Engineering, GIS and
remote sensing were not taught within the School but, again, are dealt with in their
Geography Department. This university dealt specifically with engineering surveying and
with geodesy and did not refer to terms such as land surveying or to geomatics. However it
had introduced the term “geospatial” into a research facility, (the Geospatial Institute
Research Group), referring to geospatial science or geospatial engineering and has used that
term to bridge the gap between engineering and geography (Interview 26Ga). In this way,
and in this case, the university has avoided the geomatics controversy. It might be noted that
the university has retained the use of the word “surveying” in some of its course descriptions.
However its graduates are engineers (BEng or MEng) with engineering accreditations, and
are not surveyors in any traditional sense.

In the next interview the respondent did not once use the word geomatics. However, as noted
earlier, it had occurred so often in responses that it had been added as a specific topic. It was
later discovered that in the debate that occurred when the word arrived in the UK, this
particular establishment was the home of one of the most outspoken opponents of the term.
This was only discovered in later research, and is expanded upon in Chapter 9. The
programmes here each have surveying in their name. Geomatics, however, is used in some of
their promotional material, especially on-line. It was explained that the reason for this was to
capture potential students using search engines and who had managed to become familiar
with the term, possibly from other websites. It is a term that is also used in the UK’s
University Central Admissions System (UCAS), a national database used by prospective
students, under which this university has a listing.

The comment was made: −

But I don’t think it is a term that certainly school leavers, and people at that level,
will ever understand. I know other people have said “but it gives you the opportunity
to explain it”, but you’ve got to actually have that opportunity. If they’ve just
dismissed it completely out of hand, then you don’t even get that opportunity, so it
goes there. So I suppose we haven’t been brave enough (Interview 9Ga).

In this institution GIS was not included in the department teaching surveying. GIS does,
however, exist as a stand-alone unit in the greater collection of departments comprising the
School in which surveying is taught. It uses the term Geoinformatics in its name and exists
purely and specifically as a research unit.

In a further interview in the same establishment the comment was made: −

In an (open) conversation I would say that I am a land surveyor. And then when you
get a blank expression you don’t have to try to explain what a land surveyor is. But I
would never describe myself as a geomatician or a geospatial engineer. Even though
there may be a place for those words and for those descriptions, I am a land surveyor.
. . . You could take almost any other profession, you could say you are a civil
engineer, you could say you are an electrical engineer, you could say you are a
doctor, you’re a lawyer, an accountant, and all of those immediately mean something
to people. In this country saying you are a land surveyor means absolutely nothing to
somebody. And I think that is a problem that we have. It is a problem that has not
been solved by new terms.

I think that one of the interesting areas is how have other professions changed and
adopted their change or gone with their change. Yes, really how have other
professions taken on to those changes. . . . They have all taken on technological and
fundamental changes in the way they go about their work but not many of them have
struggled necessarily for an identity, and I think it is that identity struggle that we are
looking at (Interview 46Ga).

These final comments introduce the idea that the land surveying profession, or land
surveyors, have an identity problem in the UK. They further suggest that other professions
have adapted to new technology without the need to redefine their occupational identity with
a new name. Furthermore, they reinforce the point that individuals will still call themselves
surveyors, and are not comfortable using a derivative of geomatics, e.g. geomatician, to
describe themselves or their profession to others.

In the final university interview of the series in the UK, in an institution that uses the term
geomatics in the title of postgraduate degree offerings, when asked what geomatics meant to
him responded: −
I suppose I could apply what somebody said, something like Alice in Wonderland and
say it means whatever I want it to mean. . . . The danger with “surveying” is that it
means whatever the listener has understood it to mean. Therefore if you say I am in
the Department of Surveying, you sell houses or something, particularly in this
country with a very broad definition of surveying and so on. So as an extreme you are
looking at quantity surveying or price of houses or these sorts of things (Interview

This interviewee deflects the question, first by asserting geomatics can have any meaning he
wants to apply to it, then by digressing to indicate a lack of clarity of the meaning of surveyor
in the public mind. That geomatics is ill-defined among academics in the UK is becoming
apparent. The latter comment is a recurring issue within the UK. That is, that the term
surveyor generally connotes a valuer or property surveyor, and that a land surveyor is
generally perceived to be a person associated with civil engineering, as first mentioned in
Interview 24Ga. In Interview 30Gp, an expatriate New Zealander who works in human
resource recruiting in the surveying field, it was suggested that a land surveyor was perceived
in the UK as someone who carried out topographical surveys and monitoring surveys.
Whatever the truth of the matter, it is becoming clear that the image of the land surveyor in
the United Kingdom is confused with other types of surveyors.

The following comments and views were expressed from within the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS). To include them without naming the Institution is impractical,
but at this stage the identity of the interviewee, as much as can be, is protected. The history
of some of its development is relevant at this point. As noted in Chapter 3, the RICS was
founded in 1868 by land surveyors and maintained a Division of that name. It later was
expanded to include hydrography, becoming the Land and Hydrographic Surveying Division
(LHS). However, it is reflected by an interviewee: −
. . . but then there was also the engineering surveying. And geodesy didn’t quite sit
within that traditional mapping, Ordnance Survey, national mapping industry types of
stuff. So I think it was seen in the 90s with geomatics, with the advent of GIS and the
other new technologies like remote sensing becoming more available, would enable
us to use an umbrella term to cover all these technologies (Interview 27Gi).

Given that there was some controversy when the term geomatics was introduced to the UK,
the interviewee added: −
The great Peter Dale of course always said he saw geomatics as being a subset of
land surveying, which a lot of people in the audience I think gave him a standing
ovation when he said that. It was actually quite a difficult process for us to accept
that term. It [geomatics] doesn’t make much sense in English (Interview 27Gi).

By way of explanation, Professor Peter Dale, at the time of the debate in the 1990s, was Head
of the School of Surveying at the University of East London (or North East London
Polytechnic (NELP) as it was at the time), was President of the RICS LHS Division, and later
became the 21st President of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) in the period
1996-99. His standing in the profession at the time was, therefore, considerable.

Furthermore, the RICS interviewee added: –

I think that is the problem . . . I think geomatics has now taken on the mantle of being
predominantly instrument and measurement orientated. So the other softer skill sets
are not called in, like legal knowledge, like cadastral knowledge, like land
management knowledge, like valuation knowledge are all left to the side (Interview

In conclusion on this topic in the UK, the same interviewee added: –

I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think the RICS, corporately, likes the term geomatics
in the first place. Don’t forget that a lot of our members from the old Land Survey
Division resigned when we changed the name to geomatics in outrage, because why
throw away 2000 years of history (Interview 27Gi).

8.2.2 Discussion
The term geomatics was controversial even in its introduction to the UK. While it has been
adopted among the universities at varying levels, there does not appear to be any commonly
shared definition amongst them of what the term means or what the discipline, if discipline it
be, encompasses. Geomatics and surveying are said to be different, and one may or may not
be a subset of the other. Further, it may or may not include GIS. For some it includes only
the “hard” skills of measurement technology, thereby associating itself more recently with the
civil engineering profession. Elsewhere it is part of geography. For others again, it would
seem, it is believed that geomatics can have whatever meaning an individual wishes to attach
to it for their own purposes.
Many are critical of its adoption and continued use. Many of those interviewed, if not most,
continue to identify themselves, when asked, as surveyors. They accept the need to explain
just what kind of surveyor they are within the UK system and what they do, because there are
many varieties of surveyor. Furthermore, the term geomatics has not been generally adopted

into the names of practices nor is it, according to a number of interviewees, known or
understood by the general public. Some conclude that it never will be.

At this point the study programme moved to Canada, the reputed origin of the word
geomatics. By this time, reference to the meaning and use of the word was embedded in the
standard interview approach, and was raised with all of the individuals interviewed. It
likewise produced an interesting variety of views and opinions.

8.3 Geomatics in Canada

Canada is of special importance in this discussion as it is reputed to be the home of the
originators of the term geomatics. A range of academic staff members from universities are
interviewed as well as some who practice in the private sector along with administrators.
Federal Canada is divided into provinces and the opportunity was taken to interview several
administrators of provincial association. Two public officials were also included in the

8.3.1 Comments by those interviewed

The first interview in Canada was with an academic of foreign origin, who explicitly claimed
not to be a surveyor, but a GIS specialist. Nevertheless, the interviewee is the Director of the
university’s undergraduate programme that includes teaching those who wish to become land
surveyors (as that term is used in Canada – that is, cadastral surveyors). The programme of
which the interviewee is the Director is in the Faculty of Earth Science. The comments
regarding the use of the word geomatics are placed here without editing and were stated as
follows: −
The photogrammetry and the remote sensing, like the geodesy, is part of the
surveying. But this is not enough for explaining what we are doing here. We are
considering people who see geomatics as a discipline of land surveying. So it is part
of it . . .

So yes, land surveying is very clear, but geomatics is very confusing – even to me!
As the newcomers to geomatics, the faculty members, the questions that you have are
my questions. So I am very happy if you can publicise what you collected

The notable aspect of this quotation is what the interviewee includes as part of surveying,
namely geodesy (as generally expected) but also photogrammetry and remote sensing. This
is not a unanimously held view, and at times the very existence of these subjects is used to
justify the need for a new term that includes them. This new term, of course, is “geomatics”.

At the same university the comment from another member of the faculty, again of foreign
origin but having been in the faculty for some time, is telling. The comment is as follows: –
To me Geomatics encompasses all the known areas of what we used to call surveying
and mapping. However some people even now, many people do not know what
exactly Geomatics means, and also there is many people that when we talk about
geomatics they think it is only GIS, remote sensing and cartography.

So that means surveying, geodesy, photogrammetry is not part of the Geomatics. So if

you’re saying I’m doing geomatics, ah, you’re doing GIS work. The way that the term
we use here is in the form of Geomatics is where it encompasses all the disciplines
and this starts from the basics – data position, data storage, data processing,
managing, modelling, analyses and of course your presentation of data. That
includes as well your positioning, navigation etc etc.

But the main issue is some people really do not know exactly what Geomatics is.
There is some change in the last few years because the course has been introduced in
the high schools, it’s called Geomatics. So at least students they have heard about this
term. However most of the times when I say I’m a Geomatics Engineer people say -
what? What do you do? So we have to explain to them . . .” (Interview 13Ca).

The indication here is that, even within the same department of the same university, there is
not a clearly understood agreement on what geomatics encompasses. It also introduces the
popular designation in Canada, namely that of geomatics engineer. This is something else
again, but is only a peripheral issue compared to that of the distinction between land
surveying and geomatics. However it is not entirely unrelated as it impacts on the land
surveying profession in Canada.

At a different university, but again interviewing a faculty member who is of foreign origin
but did postgraduate study (PhD) in England, a different perspective again was evident on the
use of geomatics as an alternative to land surveying. The comments are verbatim. When
asked for a personal view of the use of geomatics, the response was as follows: −

Personally, I like this new term for the profession because it reflects the revolution in
the field, right? Because we used to be getting this traditional surveying under that
surveying engineering term without taking into consideration the information
technology side. So personally I think geomatics is better than even geoinformatics,
because geoinformatics makes people think more about information technology and
forget about other traditional surveying. So my personal opinion is that geomatics is
a better term to reflect this quickly changed field.

But the problem with geomatics is, we have been talking about this identity issue for
so many years already, it has caused a problem. I am not sure how much it actually
impact on the enrolment of the geomatics programme. We have been talking to the
people around, and many agree that this is probably an issue and many people do not
really know what is geomatics. Even if you go onto the streets, grab any people and
ask “have you heard about geomatics?”. “What is it?” So that is not common
(Interview 49Ca).

For the same interviewee, in response to the question What would be the term the public
would understand in Canada? The response was: −
I guess for this field they are still familiar with surveying. Geoinformatics is not
really popular here. I think geoinformatics is more popular in Europe.

Might be that you cross with people who confuse the words. But I guess, relatively
speaking, surveying is much more clearer than geomatics for the ordinary people.
Geomatics is a new term and many many would not really have any clue (Interview

In this interview there is an allusion to problems of recruitment. The interpretation, however,

is that there is a problem with the perception of the traditional role of the land surveyor, and
that geomatics might bring about an improvement. It is also opined that while geomatics is a
better term, it is not understood. It is suggested that the term is “new”, although it was first
used in Canada over 25 years ago. When does a new term stop being new? If it is not
understood after a generation of use, how valuable is it as an addition to the language of
surveying, or to having an impact on the perception of the profession?

Moving to another university, the following series of comments emanate from a variety of
faculty within the same department, and as usual, are identified only by the codes generated
for the purposes of anonymity. The following comments were made: –
I would say that land surveying is part of geomatics. Geomatics includes surveying, it
includes remote sensing, it includes laser scanning, it includes cadastral systems, it
includes ocean mapping and geodesy. All of those, in our definition, are all part of
geomatics. So surveying, we define as part of geomatics. Some people might say it is
not (Interview 42Ca).

In response to a question as to whether land surveying and geomatics meant the same thing,
or if there were subtle differences the following response from another faculty member was
forthcoming: –
I would see there are subtle differences. My take on the name change was the fact
that initially surveying was a part of civil engineering, and there was a recognition by
a number of people - not necessarily within the university, a number of people within
the Province and also nationally - that there was enough to do with surveying that it
should be a separate engineering discipline as it is in Europe. So in 1960 there was a
separate surveying engineering programme, and it eventually became a separate
department a couple of years later.

So I think from that point of view I can understand how the word surveying maybe
doesn’t convey the enormity of the activity as geomatics would. But unfortunately it
also opens up the opportunity for people to use geomatics and call it geomatics. So
somebody who uses the data and does geography is also geomatics.

But then using land surveying and cadastral surveying, there are some people who
recognise a definite difference between the two and others who say there is not really
any difference at all. But I can see the logic now if we try to say why it is geomatics
and not surveying? I think there is a definite recognition that there is a difference
between the two . . . (Interview 28Ca).

The significant issues in these statements include an unequivocal claim that surveying was
initially a part of civil engineering. It is also stated that land surveying and geomatics are
“subtly different”. There is no suggestion that one lies within the other, but an implication
that they are two separate and distinct disciplines but that geomatics is the larger.

Still working within the same university but another faculty member, on being asked to
differentiate between land surveying and geomatics made the following comment: −
To me land surveying is part of geomatics where the land surveying is concerned with
the property rights and boundaries related to natural resources, both in the oceans
and on land. (Interviewer: And geomatics includes . . . ?) The information technology.
Geospatial information technology (Interview 51Ca).

When it was suggested that other academics had difficulty promoting their courses because
the public did not understand the term geomatics the following response was offered: −
But they know what surveying was, because surveying and surveying engineering
meant that you could get a job with the Department of Transportation and on the side
of the road with your yellow hat on all summer. And that was what the term
geomatics was trying to overcome. It was a recruitment tool. (Interviewer: Did it
succeed? ) Yes, it has worked (Interview 51Ca).

This is the first unequivocal acknowledgement by an academic that the change in

terminology from land surveying to geomatics was for the purpose of recruiting students.
This is the first (and only) suggestion that the change was, or has been, successful. Given
that several statements have been made that the public do not understand what geomatics is,
this appears as a contrasting opinion to others already interviewed. Furthermore the initial
reference to the nature of land surveying is one which defines it in the Canadian context.
Internationally such a definition would not hold universally.

Finally in this university, in discussing the specific name of the department, the following
comment was made regarding geomatics: −
Now we used to have our degree in engineering, it was called surveying engineering
then it moved to geomatics engineering, which is a name that doesn’t exist.
Geomatics, it is created by the French after some wine I think. And what happens is
that to indicate something different, wider, than just survey engineer because people
think of the guy who just measures along the road.

To decide to change from surveying into geomatics, that was a big struggle in itself
because first of all geomatics was a new term (again a term that means nothing)
because I remember the discussion. We had lots of Greek students here and they say
“geomatics is not Greek, geo is Greek, matics is not”. So it is a term that means
absolutely nothing.

And in Europe, most of our faculty members at that time were Europeans, and they
say that in Europe people are looking into geoinformatics. So there was a fight for
the name, because there was also another group who said if we just go to the catchy
new word we may be missing the foundation (Interview 35Ca).
Again there is reference to using the new name in an attempt to create a new image for the
purpose of attracting students, and a suggestion that geomatics is something greater than just
surveying. This is echoed by a comment from the final interviewee in this university stating
that: –

And I think that the surveying community itself, in Canada, is often perceived by other
people in geomatics and so on, I talked about the traditional surveying community, as
being fairly rigid and stuck in its ways, and I think the sort of cultural shifts that they
have to happen there as well as the technology change - we are talking about keeping
abreast of (Interview 48Ca).

Here is a further reference to the idea that the image of land surveying, or land surveyors, is
lacking, and does not encourage potential students to take an interest in surveying. This was
also alluded to in interviews in the UK. It is implied that the introduction of this new term
was deemed necessary to show that this discipline (now geomatics) is not only a modern one,
but one that is larger and more technical than its predecessor, land surveying.

The final academic interview in Canada, at a different university, was with a faculty member
who, again, was not of Canadian origin and education. He had lived and taught at the
university long enough to have gained a commission as a Canada Lands Surveyor, and is the
only surveyor on the staff. His comments with respect to geomatics are as follows: –
I think geomatics is a term that has been accepted in Canada. Quite a few surveying
firms have changed their names to geomatics from land surveying.

The name geomatics . . . the name land surveying doesn’t sit very comfortably with a
lot of people who are not really land surveyors. So geomatics for them is starting to
take shape as an identity, but it is still a very difficult identity to communicate
(Interview 38Ca).

When asked if the word geomatics was getting traction, did that mean that the public had an
understanding of what geomatics might be, his response was an emphatic “No!”. In response
to a question about the relationship with GIS, he indicated that his university did run a
master’s programme in GIS, but that was in the Geography Department and had a “quite
different emphasis”. This is the first indication in any country so far, that companies
providing surveying services have adopted geomatics within their names (Interview 38Ca).

Outside academia, interviews were conducted with staff of three provincial associations of
land surveyors. The first was with two members of a provincial association, one of whom
was its Registrar, and made the following comment: –
. . . so I have seen a huge, huge change not just in the technology of responding to the
question of where is my lot corner or where is my boundary line, or how big is my
piece of ground, but to all of those other areas of expertise that require an
understanding of the science of measurement but had migrated into that magic world
called geomatics (Interview 23Ci).

However, along with his colleague, he would not be drawn further on the topic. They were
both land surveyors in the Canadian sense, that is, cadastral surveyors, and the comment
made suggests the interviewee had some scepticism about geomatics.

In another province, and again a joint interview with two senior staff of the provincial
association, both of whom were land surveyors also, in discussing the terminology the
conversation went as follows: –
Interviewee 1: We have an identity crisis?
Interviewee 2: Nobody knows what geomatics is.
Interviewee 1: We have had a lot of discussions around that. It is a word, I remember
when it was coined, I didn’t like it. . . . I can recall the beginning of its use for
surveyors. But it has become part of my vocabulary. When I used it, it was without
thought. It just came out.
Interviewer: I wonder if this is part of the issue? It is certainly confused in the UK
because the term surveyor means something else on the street there. But here, if you
talk about a surveyor, people will understand roughly . . .
Interviewee 1: They have an idea. They don’t have an idea about geomatics. In fact
we were at a conference in Ottawa, maybe 4 months ago, and there was a video
played asking people on the street if they knew what geomatics – have you seen that
on YouTube? It is the funniest thing. People were really scratching their heads as to
what the heck it meant. There is confusion. It is not an easy sell.
Interviewer: And you have no intentions of it becoming the Association of [province]
Interviewee 1: I think I would have trouble making that one fly! No, no intention
whatsoever (Interview 8Ci).

There are two particular recurring themes that appear in these comments. The first is that
these land surveyors dislike the term geomatics. The second is that they believe the public,
while having limited knowledge of (land) surveying, they do not have any knowledge or
understanding of geomatics at all. There is also reference at the start of this passage that land
surveying has an identity crisis. This final point will also be discussed further in Chapter 9.

In interviewing the director of a third provincial association, in response to a question, not

just about geomatics, but about other terms including geoinformatics, geospatial engineering

and geomatics engineering being unhelpful in promoting land surveying, the following
comment was offered: –
In Canada, we generally have settled on geomatics, but even then that is a difficult
term for the average person to understand. They don’t know what geomatics is. They
do understand what land surveying is. I think there are really two schools of thought
on that. There are some people who say yes, I want to use geomatics or a term like
that to represent, or brand ourselves, that we are a modern organisation and it
sounds more high-tec and therefore you must be a high-tech organisation. I know
what a land surveyor is. He is that person behind the instrument that is not very high-
tech at all. It creates that bit of an image.

At the same time, the other school of thought would be our technical school here in
[the city name is deleted to protect the identity of the interviewee] had used the term
geomatics for a number of years and they have gone to using “surveying and
geomatics” now because students who maybe wanted to go into a surveying
programme couldn’t find it anywhere, and they could not relate that geomatics was
somehow related to surveying. So for them, they have gone back and are using both
terms. They want to make sure that the term surveying is in there so that people know
that its I’m looking for surveying, I want to become a surveying technologist, well
now you can find that (Interview 10Ci).

For the professional associations the theme is clear. Land surveying suggests something old-
fashioned but the public has some understanding of it, or maybe at least of its importance.
Geomatics suggests something more sophisticated, modern and high-tec, but the public do
not know what it is. The importance of the term geomatics lies in the ability to attract young
people into the profession, whatever it may be called, and there has been a resumption of the
use of surveying to ensure that prospective students, and therefore prospective professional
practitioners, can find what they are looking for. Again, there are strong indications of a
dislike for, or a reluctance to use the term geomatics.

In addition to the universities and the professional institutions, two surveyors in private
practice were interviewed. The first is the owner of a large private company with a multi-
million dollar annual turnover. Without prompting on the issue he said: −
. . . and also, I’m going to jump ahead to this thing that they are calling geomatics in
Canada and we’ve been struggling with it since the late 80s when the term was coined
to define what it is. But Peter Sullivan, who is the current Surveyor General [for
Canada] and I were brain storming one day about what it all meant and I think that he
best defined it by saying that Surveying is the aspect of Geomatics that requires you to
be in the field (Interview 3Cp).

When asked, as a follow-on to this statement, if remotely sensed information was surveying
he had this to add: –
Its geomatics, that’s the challenge we’re having – what is geomatics – geomatics is
the art and science of collecting and managing geographic information and
measuring it. So the third component of that, there’s really three components to it –
there’s surveying where I have to be on the ground, there is the remote sensing where
I collect, and surveying can be either picking up information or laying out
The third component of it, which is where all the growth is taking place, is in the
actual storing and organising that information into an information system that people
can make decisions from, and that’s GIS (Interview 3Cp).

Here we have a new concept, not raised or implied up to this point. Surveying is what the
surveyor does in the field, either collecting data or laying it out. This is at variance with what
has been defined in Chapter 7 as the core of land surveying. That is, land surveying is the art
and science of measurement, at no time alluding to who physically collects that measurement
data, and goes beyond the field aspect of the work. The core of surveying is defined in
Chapter 7 as being about the understanding and manipulation of measurement data, not the
collection of it, although that may be included.

Neither is this view supported by the wide-ranging FIG definition of the functions of a
surveyor (FIG, 2017). However, it is reminiscent of comments made by Professor Dale in the
UK (in Booth, 1996, p17) about geomatics when it was being introduced into the UK, as well
as Interviewee 29Ga. Many academics and professional surveyors would not agree that they
had no part to play other than the gathering of data by personally being present during the
field operations, and that they had no data processing function (2Gp, 45Gp). Remotely
sensed data, in this comment, is not the result of surveying and neither is GIS. GIS, remote
sensing and photogrammetry are, however, subsets of geomatics.

Nevertheless, in further comments he added: –

In Canada here they’ve got this term geomatics that they’re trying to get traction on
and among the public it’s got no traction, you’re a surveyor, you’re an aerial
photographer . . .

- when you spend 25 years trying to build a brand and you’ve got no work - give it
I see absolutely nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, a surveyor is a
surveyor, an aerial photographer is an aerial photographer, a geographer is a
geographer and these are terms that have survived for centuries, and just because we
are using a bunch of new instruments and we’ve got new ways of seeing, it doesn’t
mean we need to change our name. A doctor’s been a doctor and a physician for
several thousand years and they’re not changing their name into healthmatician.

- surveying didn’t exactly cover photogrammetry, hydrography and cadastral sort of

stuff. So I just think the term geomatics was a bad choice of name and I can’t really
give you a better term (Interview 3Cp).

In this case there is not only an attempt to define geomatics but also surveying. It is likely
that some would debate whether the last statement is universally true. The profession of
surveying in some countries would consider it included some or all of photogrammetry,
hydrography and cadastral surveying (16Ga, 46Ga). The RICS Land and Hydrographic
Surveying Division (as it was once known) would be a case in point. However, this is
Canada and it is becoming clear that the perception of what a land surveyor is, or does,
differs from the interviewees from other countries in that land surveying and cadastral
surveying are synonymous.

The second private sector interviewee is a freelance contractor and comes from a surveying
family. That is, his father had a practice as a professional surveyor. He calls himself a
surveyor because he is a member of his provincial association of land surveyors. However he
is a GIS specialist. His first comment was that: −
. . . surveyors, in my opinion, are reaching an existential . . . They’re not sure what
they are, what their role is in society and what they should be doing. They know what
they have done for a lot of years (Interview 14Cp).

Without prompting on the question of geomatics the interviewee followed with the following
sequence of comments: –
there is a lot of talk about this term geomatics and I hate the term. I’ve asked pretty
much everybody that I know, university professors, does it mean anything to you – no.

. . . we use that to kind of expand upon what a geographic information surveyor would
be. But they call all of the programmes geomatics and then geomatics also blends
into engineering, because engineering also claims the geomatics terms as well.

. . . it’s something like a GI surveyor, we were trying to come up with terms for this,
because surveying to me means something, to me it means you go out and with a
critical eye, examine the real world, to me that’s what surveying means. Surveying
means something, Geomatics doesn’t actually mean anything. I can’t determine the
root of it. I know it is a concocted word, doesn’t really mean anything. GEO means
earth – MATICS may mean – I think they’re trying to think like Mathematics –
geomatics right, but the root of mathematics is matheba not matic. Matic isn’t the
suffix. So geomatics is not geomathematics so geomatics is really earth acting like
automatic and that doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t have the compelling – its
nebulous as a term.

Interviewer: Someone has suggested that the -matics means measurement . . .

Yeah I know, but they can say that, but the closest root would be automatic – which is
self acting, right. So by consequence it would be earth acting if you wanted to go to
the Latin which – the other thing that they say it comes from but it’s one of these
words that everybody claims to have invented, but I can’t really get down to it.
There’s one company in Manitoba that claims to have invented the term.

Interviewer: I thought it came from Calgary?

It didn’t, no (Interview 14Cp).
And further: –
Geomatics has not resonated with the public, it hasn’t resonated with students, it
hasn’t resonated in the industry, so I’d give it up . . .

You Google engineering and you get a billion hits, you Google surveying you get a
couple of hundred million, you Google geomatics across the internet and you maybe
get one or two million. All of them are the schools trying to promote this term that
nobody is buying and in the end it doesn’t inform as to what the job of a surveyor is
and it doesn’t help them (Interview 14Cp).

The final interview is one with a member of another provincial association of land surveyors.
In this case he is not a surveyor. He works in an arm of government dealing with the land
record, but has surveying field experience. He made the following comment: –
You say you work in health care, people probably get that you are a doctor, a nurse,
you are a pharmacist or something, you know, people can kind of understand that.
But I think if you work in geomatics or you work in the land information sector, they
really don’t have a clue what that is.

. . . if you want to define geomatics, surveyors are certainly in there.

. . . everybody I know that works in surveying or GIS, is working in geomatics in some
ways, so I think of it as the broadest terminology of all the things that take place.

There is a lot of debate whether we should get rid of it.

I think it is partly because of the communication of the identity is so important for the
future, and so you need the terminology, and you need those reading or listening, to
know what those words mean (Interview 1Cp).

Again, there is a suggestion that geomatics is a term that includes land surveying and it also
includes GIS. There is a further comment regarding other professions and that their adoption
of new technology has not required them to create a new name for the profession they belong
to. This was a comment also specifically made in the UK. However, this is yet another
suggestion that in Canada the use of the term geomatics should be abandoned.

8.3.2 Discussion
Anecdotally, the term geomatics did originate in Canada, and some had identified the
University of Calgary as the source. In an unrecorded and informal meeting with the Head of
the Geomatics Faculty at Calgary the assertion that Calgary was the origin of geomatics was
denied (Litchi, 2014), though it is noted that he was not working at Calgary when the term
first appeared or when it began its spread through the Canadian community.

For the Canadian surveying profession the position appears to be no clearer than in the UK.
Most academics confirm that the term has not “caught on” with the public and that marketing
geomatics courses is difficult, compounding an issue of shortage of students in surveying
programmes. Many of the academics themselves admit to not understanding the term
geomatics and some go as far as expressing their dislike. Others have their own
interpretation of what geomatics includes and how it relates to land surveying.

There is also a lack of knowledge as to the origins of the term. It may have originated in
Calgary but this is by no means certain. Calgary staff denied any responsibility for creating
the term geomatics while not being able to explain where it did come from. Given that it first
gained popularity in the 1980s, the present staff may not know the true origins or the part that
the University of Calgary played, if any, in its dissemination in the English language.

Many academics in Canada have a clear idea of its meaning and application within their
institution. Others have no knowledge of what is meant by the term geomatics, but appear to
be aware that it does have a specific meaning. As in the UK, although not as marked, it is
apparent that over time the original need for and meaning of geomatics has been lost and
sometimes it has been adapted to suit individual needs. A specific detail that is confused is
whether or not GIS falls within the geomatics ambit. For some it does include GIS yet for
most it does not.

8.4 Geomatics in Australia

To conclude the survey the study moved to Australia, another jurisdiction, or set of
jurisdictions, where the term geomatics has been adopted and has been in common use,
particularly in academia. It is however one of several new terms used in Australia. In
examining the Australian perceptions of geomatics, academic opinions are examined first.
These are followed by surveyors employed in state government officials and finally surveyors
in private practice.

8.4.1 Comments by those interviewed

When asked about the profusion of terminology around surveying, such as geomatics,
geospatial engineering and geoinformatics the first response given was as follows: –
No, look I’d like to think that Spatial Sciences encompasses everything regarding
information, in terms of the surface of the earth or whatever. So in other words the
GIS people are an important part of Spatial Sciences, but the photogrammetry side,
the hydrographers, land surveyors, engineering surveyors, mine surveyors, so that
whole group sits under, and I’m quite comfortable with Spatial Sciences. However
when I identify myself from a professional point of view I am a Surveyor first and I’ve
always have been a Surveyor.

I mean the trouble is geomatics doesn’t mean anything. I mean, I know what the
definition is but to most people a surveyor is a surveyor and they have a very
rudimentary idea of what a surveyor does and they comfortable with it. Whereas
geomatics is like - you know - no idea at all! I’m obviously a traditionalist so I like to
stick to things I know and I’m comfortable with. A surveyor is a nice name. It
describes exactly what I do and it fits nicely (Interview 52Aa).

As has proved common in the other countries visited, the observation made here again
reflects that geomatics is said to be a term that is meaningless to the public. In this case,
however, the interviewee is aware that there is a definition of geomatics and what it is. It
would have been useful here if that known definition was explained, but the interview moved
on quickly.

The interviewee was personally comfortable describing himself as a surveyor. Furthermore,

the umbrella term that was preferred is “spatial science”, which presumably is intended in
this context to perform a similar function as some believe geomatics does. That is, to
embrace a number of disciplines or sub-disciplines, including land surveying under a more
modern and all-embracing title. In this case the staff member is part of a Department of
Spatial Sciences. This introduces into the mix yet another term.

At another Australian university, the question of how the university distinguished between
surveying, geomatics and geospatial engineering was asked. The first response was that they
use the term “geospatial science”. In this case, the School included geospatial science in its
name. In responding to the larger question, the following comment was offered: –
We, with the surveying programme, we certainly spend much more time on very
descriptive learning activities that we think a surveyor should know, and there’s
obviously this common foundation. But the geomatics or the geospatial science
people tend to cover a broader range of more related areas. So more computer
science, more application domains, like remote sensing, and less of what I would call
them the more metric sciences. It’s not a hard and fast definition and I don’t think
there is one. Generally the geomatics or the geospatial sciences people have more
freedom in sort of choosing where they’ll specialise. The surveyors are essentially
told that if they are doing the surveying programme - they are specialising in
surveying (Interview 12Aa).

This response indicates that at this university geomatics is not generally used and the
interviewee replaces the reference to geomatics with the term geospatial science. This
appears as a variation on the previous example where spatial science is the terminology of
choice, and yet another new expression. In this case it is identified that surveying and
geospatial science are separate programmes, and that geospatial science is the broader
discipline. Unfortunately it was not clear from the interview whether or not surveying forms
part of geospatial science.

At a third university, the first interviewee was a retired government surveyor, but who was
currently working in the university as a research fellow. He had also been on the
department’s Advisory Board at the time that it changed its name from surveying to
geomatics. In response to being questioned on his “take” on the change from surveying to
geomatics in this university the response was as follows: –
It started here and it was all to do with marketing the course. Trying to find, as they
continue to do, they struggle to attract students into the course to do surveying.
Surveying said it didn’t have its marketing. They couldn’t market us, as surveying
didn’t make the New Age type of thing, I would call it. So it was decided that it was
really the marketing might try and make it this more, give it an appearance of a broad
thing – that people had this perception of surveying as very narrow. And I think
geomatics was too. Geomatics covers surveying; it covers mapping, it covers this
whole . . . that was how it was marketed. I think it is fair to say that it didn’t really
change the numbers. The numbers didn’t spike up or anything like that.

So when they changed to geomatics I don’t think it had a significant effect apart from
probably upsetting a lot of people in the profession. The surveying profession.

. . . but I think the major effect it had was to, in some ways, to alienate the university
from the profession in some ways. Because a lot of the profession wouldn’t buy this
name of geomatics. I think that has continued right on (Interview 11Ap).

This interview raised again the public image of the land surveying profession that has been
referred to in each of the countries in the survey. It also is indicative of the difficulty many
programmes were having in attracting sufficient students to remain viable. There is no
reference here, however, to the meaning of geomatics, only its use as a tool to change the
public face of the profession and thereby to attract new entrants in sustainable numbers. It
also makes clear that those practicing surveying in this region at the time rejected the term
geomatics and, so it seems, still do.

The final academic interview was with a much younger faculty member of the same
university as the previous interviewee. In this case the question of the use of geomatics did
not need to be raised. In response to a question of what she called herself the reply was given
that she was a surveyor. In expanding the explanation for this, the response was as follows: –
Mainly because, and I’ve argued this with myself, it’s a profession that I identify with,
even though I know I am very loosely connected to it in lots of ways. It’s the only
profession that I connect with in any way. There are many other things I think I could
call myself but they don’t seem to be real professions. I can say I’m a spatial scientist

or a geomatics engineer or maybe a geodesist, but that to me is just a surveyor
anyway, they’re not things that I know what they mean. If you asked me what a
spatial scientist did I’m not sure - I could give you examples of things I might do, but I
couldn’t define it as a profession (Interview 4Aa).

When asked directly about her views on the various terminologies and whether they had any
influence on external perceptions of surveyors, she had this to say: –
We can’t describe ourselves. How can we expect other people to! Of course it does, I
think it is one of the biggest problems that we have today, that if you go around any
one of these Schools, and you probably did that in the UK and Canada, if you ask
anybody what their Department name means, they’re probably going to give you a
different answer.

We cannot get a consensus on what it is that we do! I mean I’m sitting here going “ I
don’t know”, I guess I call myself a surveyor, but I’m not really a surveyor am I? But
I’m not a spatial scientist, because I don’t know what they do either. You don’t know
either? It’s a big problem, I see this as one of the biggest problems we face, is that
we can’t collectively agree on an umbrella term for what we do (Interview 4Aa).

The above is a very frank and honest representation of the interviewee’s opinions. They
crystallise much of what has been said already both in Australia and in the other countries
visited, especially in the academic context.

To widen the scope of the opinions, several senior government surveyors were interviewed.
One of them, when asked whether he thought there was a difference between geomatics,
geoinformatics, geospatial engineering and land surveying or if they were all different names
for the same thing, he responded: −
Yes, I think they are. If you talk about paradigm shifts, what do we actually do? We
still do surveying and mapping. The mapping might be in digits, but it is still
surveying and mapping. And I think we have confused the bugger out of the people in
between with the profusion of names. But just like if I go out to people and say that I
manage a number of spatial data sets as part of my role, they have got no idea what I
am talking about. If I say, look I am involved in mapping they understand it.
I think in wanting to give ourselves titles we have forgotten about the community and
the community need to understand it. It is critical that the community understand
what we are about. I know they really don’t know what a surveyor does, but
fundamentally if you say you are a surveyor they immediately think of one of the guys
out there with a yellow tripod and a machine on it, and if you talk about mapping,
they all know Google Maps or topographical maps (Interview 39Ag)
When then asked if this had something to do with getting students to take up the land
surveying profession, he responded: –
I think there is no doubt the sexiness of an industry is in the back of the mind of a
seventeen year old. And surveying and mapping doesn’t fit that category.

The smallness of our industry is a great penalty to us. I think the other penalty that
has come in over the last decade is the general winding-down of the sciences and
maths through the school education and in the general community. You know, the
level of mathematics in the community is quite appalling, I think (Interview 39Ag).

Finally several surveyors from the private sector across Australia were interviewed. One was
retired, one the owner of a substantial surveying company, three were managers in a
significantly large company in different cities, and one a junior surveyor in a significant
company. One survey manager, when asked about the relationship with GIS and whether it
was a surveying discipline of responded: –
I think GIS is a discipline of surveying, because there are a lot of GIS operators out
there that can analyse the data. I guess that’s where you have to look at where is the
GIS profession today, so the true professionals understand where all their data comes
from or the accuracies associated with the different data sets and they set up the
cataloguing correct so they know what they are interpreting at the right time . . .

I think the biggest problem you have is that a lot of the surveying professionals have
forgotten that there are a lot of GIS professionals that were surveyors or have studied
specific postgraduate degrees in GIS. And yes we do cross more paths with people
that sit down the other end of the spectrum, that don’t understand where the data
came from, don’t understand datums and grids (Interview 21Ap).

While these comments do not relate so transparently to geomatics, they do bear on the same
issue with respect to what is, or is not, land surveying and what may or may not be included
in geomatics. The more common term in Australia is spatial science rather than geomatics,
further compounding the definitions. There are tensions across Australia between the
surveying practitioners and those who operate in the GIS field. However, this particular
company clearly operates across the spectrum.

The retired surveyor responded to the question about the new terminology that includes
geomatics, geoinformatics and geospatial engineering with the following comment: –
I am a lot more comfortable with those words than the spatial sciences, which - I
don’t know where it came from. Boy, but did they latch on to it.
Geo itself has a spatial feel about it (Interview 44Ap).

Unfortunately the interview veered away from pursuing the issue of geomatics, but the first
comment has a particular relevance to the terminological issues in Australia.

Asking the same of a young graduate surveyor, though including spatial science and land
surveying in the terms asked about, he responded: –
There are plenty of different words, and I think it can become confusing, really, for
the young people who want to get into it.
Lack of identity in my mind is one of the biggest problems we face. Surveying is a
respected profession and has been since Colonel Light – everyone, pretty well
everyone knows who he is. What did he do? He founded Adelaide didn’t he?

Interviewer: He laid it out?

Yea that is right, and they may know he was the Surveyor General. Well they
might. But they know who he is and he is a famous surveyor. Ask people what a
surveyor is – they don’t know.
I think engineers, doctors, lawyers, everyone knows what they do. I believe we are
a profession that needs to work on raising our identity which would help, this
doesn’t go into so much of what you are talking about, but if we can raise our
profile and we can raise our interest, to get more people in (Interview 6Ap).

In this case the use of multiple terms, he believes, has led to a lack of clear identity for the
surveying profession in the public mind. There is a clear reference that this is an impediment
to recruiting young people into the surveying profession. He also points to the image of the
profession being an impediment. With the identical question put to the owner of this
significant company, the response was: −
If we could get some consistency it would be good. We have got them [the terms].
They are always going to be there. We have gone for flavours of the month
everywhere, this year or that year. But fundamentally the general public don’t even
know what a surveyor is. When you go and put 20 other terms there and they get a bit
of an inkling, (Interview 31Ap).

Again, there is concern for the public perception of the surveying profession which appears,
to the public, to refer to itself in a variety of different and confusing ways.

The final interview is with the manager of a branch office of a very large surveying company,
but not in Melbourne although he had studied surveying there. The issue of terminology was
initiated very early in session but by the interviewee before any question could be directed at
this topic. His comments were as follows: –
. . . I know they [University of Melbourne] changed their name, to attract more people
to get away from the idea that surveying is not just someone standing on the road, but
I think that has exacerbated the problem. I think something like GIS, I’m in the
industry, I don’t even know what it means. It’s far too wide. It’s a nebulous term.
Anyone with coloured crayons in the corner to hard core geodesy, can be called
Geographic Information. So it gets back to my premise before, that making up a new
term like GIS or Geomatics it doesn’t define what we do and I don’t know what they
do nowadays so I’m sure the young seventeen year old at school wouldn’t know what
we do.

I would call it all surveying if it was me, I would call it all surveying. And GIS, Land
Information, something like geodesy is a subset of surveying, but to me the overall
arching one thing is that I would get rid of GIS, I would get rid of Land Information,
which has obviously gone by the way side anyway, certainly geomatics. We had one
surveyor in Australia who called himself a geomatician, so he changed his card to be
a geomatician. . . . In my mind, talking semantics, I think I would go back to basics,
it’s all surveying and there’s subsets, like you know photogrammetry is just a form of
surveying. Geodesy is a form of surveying
. . . I remember having discussion when Melbourne University first changed its name
and went to Land Information . . . I remember at the time he changed the name then,
because Land Information was the buzz word it was pulling the research dollars and I
thought then it was an odd thing to do . . . I think it is a good example because that
was Land Information Systems you know they renamed the LIS Lab. I remember they
crossed out photogrammetry and it became the LIS Lab, same room of course. That
was geared towards, because that was the buzz term and I’m sure there was research
money there and prestige and perhaps a few grants . . . But I suspect that was a
short-term gain for a profession that is floundering for identity, because of that
obviously it is a part of a bigger picture (Interview 17Ap).

This interviewee had clear and strongly held views on the issue of terminology, though does
not particularly pick on geomatics. However, he does see surveying as the umbrella term for
the profession, as it has been historically. This includes the area of GIS, which has been in
question from the very beginning of the interview programme. He considers the issue of
fiddling with the terminology that defines the surveying profession as merely the following of
fashions or trends. He also makes reference to the complementary issue of attempts to attract
young people into the “industry” and the confusion that a profusion of names might create for
those exploring educational options and potential careers.

8.4.2 Discussion
According to those interviewed the issue of the use of the term geomatics in Australia shows
every indication of having dissipated. It is said to have been controversial when it was
introduced and it is suggested that the main purpose of its introduction was to boost flagging
numbers in universities running land surveying programmes. Behind the concern for
diminishing student numbers is the claimed poor public image of the surveying profession. It
may be noted that it is academics who say that the image of the profession is one that is
reflecting on the profession as a whole and therefore discouraging student uptake. This may
not have been helpful in convincing their colleagues in practice that a name change was

However, in Australia there was little current interest shown in geomatics, its use or its
definition. The term generally had given way to “spatial science” for which there was no
specific definition. Even that term was being superseded by reference to “geospatial
science”, or the “geospatial sciences”. These give the appearance of being general terms
rather than specific, and there was no reference given to any definition.

8.5 Summary
Despite being in the language for several decades, there is no agreement on the current
meaning or definition of geomatics. Amongst those interviewed there is a high level of
dislike for the term, and few of those interviewed argue in favour of it. In the country that
reputedly spawned the term, many of those interviewed would go as far as abandoning it

Many of the respondents indicated that the introduction of the term was an attempt to
enhance the recruitment of students into surveying or related programmes. The rationale for
this was that the profession of land surveying had a poor image. That image was one of
individuals standing beside tripods on roads, would therefore generally be in outdoor
clothing, and consequently not be of professional status. The new term was intended to
convey a message that suggested a higher level of sophistication and allusion is made to the
adoption of modern technology.

This perception is compromised somewhat by the additional view held by many that those
parts of the discipline that were using sophisticated, modern and computerised technology in
fact were not part of land surveying. This view further complicates the original intention, if
intention it was, to improve the image of the land surveyor. It takes the process one step
further and suggests that maybe geomatics is, in fact, a new profession alongside that of
surveying. In some cases land surveying is perceived as a part of this new profession.
This attempt to improve the image of the land surveyor then appears to be driven by
academia and a desire to recruit students. Practitioners, and even many academics, though
embracing the term geomatics continue to call themselves surveyors, or land surveyors, when
they discuss what they do with the public. In Canada and the UK, and where the academic
component of geomatics is attached to an engineering school, universities have compounded
the terminology by introducing the term geomatics engineer. In some of these cases the
graduates then style themselves as engineers rather than surveyors, and are able to become
members of the engineering profession.

In Australia, while geomatics was adopted at the time it became popular elsewhere in the
English speaking world, they have mostly superseded geomatics with the use of the term
spatial science or the spatial sciences. Those interviewed, however, do not know what spatial
science is and what it might include. It is assumed that it covers land surveying, in the same
way as most assume geomatics does. However, there are indications that the term
“geospatial” is gathering greater acceptance and is becoming more widely used in the UK and
in Australia. Canadians, however, despite the strongly stated disquiet amongst those
interviewed, gave no serious indication that geomatics would be abandoned, two maintaining
that it was gaining in public acceptance.

Most commonly and of great interest, is that those that practice in this area, and including a
number in academia, when asked to describe themselves, maintain they are surveyors.
Others, especially those in schools of engineering, define themselves as geomatic engineers.
In some cases, in Canada, a geomatics engineer can also be a licensed land surveyor.

The picture of geomatics is thus one of confusion. It is confused among sectors of the
profession within countries, and there is no consistency between the countries in this study.
Given the confusion over the definition and use of the term geomatics, the following chapter

will trace the origins of the term to its starting point, and examine how and why it migrated
from its point of origin to other parts of the English speaking world.

Chapter 9

The origin and spread of ‘Geomatics’

The term geomatics, used in some way to relate to land surveying, has spread through the
English-speaking international surveying community. There are a variety of origins and
meanings attached to the term as clearly demonstrated in Chapter 8. A mythology has grown
up around its origins, with numerous anecdotes about where the term came from and who
first coined it. A posteriori constructions have also been attempted to explain the origin and
meaning of geomatics. A profusion of meanings have been attached to the word by
individuals for their own convenience. Some of the people interviewed for this thesis are of
the opinion that they can attach whatever meaning they choose to define the term geomatics,
while others have adopted what they understand to be a common definition. This chapter
explores the origins and definition of geomatics, and tracks the adoption and use of the term
through Canada, the UK and Australia.

9.1 The myths

It is possible that the term geomatics was first coined in the 1960s and there is anecdotal
support for this view (Foster, pers. comm. 2016). This period is also referred to by Young
(2013). However, Young bases his comment on Potůcková (2006), who in turn references
Wikipedia as the origin of this statement. Current reference in Wikipedia is to the
introduction of the term by Michel Paradis in 1981 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomatics
n.d.), a French-Canadian surveyor. Potůcková (2006) also suggests that: –
The terms ‘geomatics’ and ‘geoinformatics’ are used interchangeably in some
university programmes (Potůcková, 2006. p.35).

While this may be so, no examples are given and this statement does not clarify geomatics as
a discipline. Moreover, in some universities both geomatics and geoinformatics are in use

(e.g. University of East London, University of Glasgow) where they are used to identify
separate and distinct areas of work.

According to Ballantyne (1996) geomatics is a contraction of geographie and informatique.

He further states that: –
. . . translation of geomatique to geomatics has been accepted by the International
Standards Association (ISO), by the Banque de Terminologie de Quebec, and by
various university departments, government agencies and surveyors (Ballantyne,
1996. p.4).

The ISO definition is given in Bervoets, Ogleby and Smith (1999) as: –
A field of activity which, using a systematic approach, integrates all means used to
acquire and manage spatial data required as part of scientific, administrative, legal
and technical operations involved in the process of production and management of
spatial information. These activities include, but are not limited to: cartography,
control surveying, digital mapping, geodesy, geographic information systems, land
surveying, mining surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing (Bervoets, Ogleby
and Smith, 1999. p.33).

Young (2013) refers to a paradigm shift in surveying that is being recognised by practitioners
and educators, and suggests that the widening scope of the profession is indicative of the
shift. He identifies the widening scope as a ‘geomatics paradigm’, and uses the term in later
parts of his thesis. However, he provides no analysis of the profession to substantiate the
claim of paradigmatic shift, and appears to use the term ‘paradigm’ in a vernacular sense
rather than in the context of a Kuhnian definition (Kuhn, 1962). It is likely that no technical
profession has been immune from the spectacular advances in technology, and while there
may have been a paradigm shift in technology, there is no evidence presented that, as a result,
the surveying profession itself has undergone a paradigm shift. That is, the practice of land
surveying, at its essence is still basically the same as it has been from the start of its history as
we know it.

Who first coined the term geomatics would appear to have been lost in the mists of time.
However there is sound evidence that the term had received official recognition, at least in
the French language, by 1975. Clearly, such is the limited nature of the understanding of the
origins and meaning of geomatics, as identified in Chapter 8, that greater exploration is

9.2 The facts
In 1975 Bernard Dubuisson, a French photogrammetrist and geodesist, refers to “a new
discipline which is called GEOMATIQUE. And thus a geomatic standing committee has
been formed within the framework of the Central Committee of French Geographical
Activities”. Geomatique is translated as geomatics. He further states that: –
. . . two essential disciplines that are intermingled today: photogrammetry and one
that an official neologism has recently referred to as geomatics.

Other than the reference to the new word, Dubuisson does not give an indication of its
meaning, except for mentioning geographical location and computerisation. He also refers to
the possibility of another neologism, photogeomatics (Dubuisson, 1975). Furthermore the
entry in Wikipedia for geomatics, at the date of writing, refers to hydrogeomatics
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomatics). Neither photogeomatics nor hydrogeomatics
seem to have caught the imagination of those who may identify with these fields.
Gagnon and Coleman (1990) also source the introduction of the term geomatics in France at
the end of the 1960s but they do not cite the source of their information. They confirm that
Dubuisson: –
“ . . . was the first to use the term in a scientific work [Dubuisson 1975]” and that “It
was recognised by the Comité international de la langue française by 1977” (Gagnon
and Coleman, 1990. p.378).

They add that the Grande dictionnaire encyclopédique Larousse supplied a definition of
geomatics in its 1983 edition (Gagnon and Coleman, 1990). Bédard (2007) states that: –
. . . the word “geomatics” first appeared in the early 1970s at the Department of
Equipment and Housing. At that time, Geomatics only referred to computer assisted
mapping activities similar to the word photogeomatique . . . Since the new words
had a narrow meaning . . . they did not catch on (Bédard, 2007. p.269).

He continues that “the term géomatique was re-invented” in Quebec City, Canada, and that
its re-inventor had not heard of its earlier use in France. That re-inventor was Michel
Paradis: −
. . . a Quebec land surveyor working for the Quebec Department of Natural Resources
created the term “géomatique” as an umbrella term encompassing every method and
tool from data acquisition to distribution. This time . . . it spread worldwide . . .
(Bédard, 2007. p.269).

Given that Bédard (2007) references a personal interview with Michel Paradis, this account
has substance and veracity.

Michel Paradis takes the etymology of the word a stage further than prior users, according to
Ballantyne (1996). Ballantyne identifies three components used in constructing géomatique.
These are terr (land), information and automatique (automatic) (Ballantyne, 1996. p.4).
While the reference to terr (as in terra) and information are clearly and simply understood, it
must be assumed that the inclusion of “automatic” is a reference to the computerisation of the
management of data. In the abstract for his article, however, Paradis (1981) does not use the
word geomatics. He refers to the new approach as being “Geodata”, and defines it as the
integration of data capture, manipulation, storage and diffusion. He further observes that the
land surveyor is “naturally predisposed to geodata” (Paradis, 1981).

Following its appearance in Quebec other organisations in Canada were taking up the use of
geomatics in formal titles. The Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping became the
Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) in 1992 (CIG. n.d.). Furthermore, the Department of
Geodetic Sciences at Laval University in Quebec, in a revision of the curriculum, offered a
Bachelor of Geomatics in 1986, the first in the world to do so
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomatics). A name change of the department itself then
included geomatics as part of its title (Bédard, 2007). Furthermore: −
. . . the ‘Association canadienne des sciences géodésiques et cartographiques’
changed first in French to the Association canadienne des sciences géomatiques.
Such a name demonstrated that “geomatics” was used as an umbrella, and that it did
not replace the existing disciplines of surveying, mapping, geodesy and
photogrammetry. By using the plural form explicitly, it indicated that these sciences
continued to exist on their own while sharing a common vision, and that they shared
common issues resulting from the new digital era (Bédard, 2007. p.270).

Bédard goes on to clarify an issue that arose, particularly in the UK, about the relationship of
geomatics with GIS. He states: –
Although it is still common to see non-specialists confusing GIS and geomatics, it is
not, and never has been, intended in this way. GIS is only one component that may
contribute to a geospatial data workflow. Geomatics is the “science of selecting and
chaining different Geospatial Information Technologies in the most efficient
manner . . . ” (Bédard, 2007. p.271).

Finally, in the words of Bédard (2007): −
. . . it is widely recognised that the modern geomatics paradigm originated from
Canada, and more specifically from Quebec; and that Michel Paradis is the father of
the term, while its mother is Laval University (the Department of Geomatics
Sciences). The Canadian Institute of Geomatics played a key role in disseminating
this new paradigm (Bédard, 2007. p.271).

The use of the term “geomatics paradigm” is not germane to this study and so will not be
pursued. Nevertheless, the origin of the term geomatics is quite clear and undisputed. Laval
University took up geomatics, and it was adopted by a Canada-wide professional body for
surveying and mapping. It is no surprise, therefore, that its use spread eastward to the UNB
and then westward to the University of Calgary, whose geomatics programme was initiated
by former UNB staff. Other Canadian university programmes (York, Ryerson) have
conformed to the use of this terminology and the University of Waterloo introduced a
specialist stream in Geomatiques in 2008 that integrated its strengths in GIS and remote
sensing (Hall, 2017).

In contrast to the universities, the Canadian provincial land surveying associations have not
subscribed to the use of the geomatics in their titles, and have strong feelings about its use
with respect to surveying, as discussed in Chapter 8. It is further observed that the use of an
umbrella term to cover the variety of disciplines specified by Canadian authors may have
been a peculiarly Canadian issue. Ballantyne (1996) notes the unique position of Canada as a
bilingual country, and suggests this also was an influence on the uptake of new terminology.
Gagnon and Coleman (1990) describe surveying in Canada as historically concerned with
land title or cadastral surveying. According to the associations visited, and the staff
interviewed for this research (Interviews 3Cp, 8Ci, 10Ci), this remains predominantly true.

The Canadian experience is not universal. The profession of land surveying in other
countries, for example New Zealand, embraces most of the disciplines cited above. New
methods and technologies have been absorbed by the surveying profession as they developed
and incorporated into the land surveying educational curriculum over time without the
requirement of adopting a new term to embrace them. That these broader disciplines were
simply not considered a part of surveying in Canada may be an anomaly. As Ballantyne
(1996) comments “the mere fact that geomatics is promoted in Canada is no reason to adopt it
in place of surveying”.
Ballantyne, however, may be oversimplifying. As has been pointed out repeatedly in the
literature of the history of geomatics, the intention was not to replace surveying with
geomatics, but to include surveying under the umbrella of geomatics, along with other
disciplines. Those other topics referred to by the originators of geomatics, such as geodesy
and photogrammetry, are not professions in themselves with respect to the criteria discussed
in Chapter 3, but sciences or disciplines. At least a part of the problem in absorbing these
new disciplines may have been the conservative nature and narrow focus of the surveying
profession in Canada.

Gagnon and Coleman (1990) give three reasons for the need to adopt the new name,
geomatics. They are: technical change, the development of specialisations, and social
changes that have created a greater requirement for both quantitative and qualitative data.
They suggest that Paradis (1981) “casts light on the enlarged horizons for surveying and
mapping” (Gagnon and Coleman, 1990. P.379) and quote Paradis as saying: –
“It is evident that geomatics has widened the field of application of surveying. Why
should the surveyor be limited to the drawing up of a cadastre . . .”
(Paradis, 1981. p.379. Translation quoted in Gagnon and Coleman, 1990).

Clearly, the limited view of the range of the surveyor’s work applies particularly to Canada.
But the assertion above confuses rather than clarifies how the relationship between surveying
and geomatics should be understood as it is clearly stating that geomatics widens surveying,
implying that geomatics is simply an enlargement of the competencies of the surveying
profession. This does nothing to help the understanding of what the inventor of the term
intended to be the relationship of surveying and geomatics. It is uncommon, if not unique,
for the technological advances in a profession to require that the profession change its name
(Interviews 3Cp,14Cp, 46Ga).

The paper of Gagnon and Coleman (1990) was written as an explanation, to the membership
of the Canadian Institute of Survey and Mapping, of a motion to be put to its next Annual
General Meeting to change the French name of that body to the Association canadienne des
sciences geomatiques. By way of explanation they express the desire of some members –
“to (1) have an Association which now extends beyond the traditional fields of
surveying and mapping; and (2) provide the organisation with a title which much
better identifies the roles and activities of its members”
(Gagnon and Coleman, 1990. p.378).
It would seem that the motion to change the name only referred to the French language
version, and does not refer to the English equivalent. The Association did, as noted, become
the Canadian Institute of Geomatics during 1992 and its professional publication, the
Canadian Journal of Surveying and Mapping, became Geomatica from Volume 47, in the
spring of 1993.

What is more, in this same paper the authors provide a definition of geomatics, though this
differs from, and is more succinct than, the definition adopted by the International Standards
Organisation (ISO). This definition is: –
Geomatics is a field of scientific and technical activities which, using a systematic
approach, integrates all the means used to acquire and manage spatially referenced
data as part of the process of producing and managing spatially based information”
(Gagnon and Coleman, 1990. p.378).

Despite claims to the contrary made by individuals, as recorded in Chapter 8, geomatics has a
clear meaning at its point of introduction to the Canadian surveying and mapping profession.
The meaning is not open to speculation or modification to suit an individual’s preferences.
The authors go on to say: –
Geomatics is not a new field. Rather, it represents the evolution of our existing range
of activities within a system-based approach or vision. Geomatics emphasises the
interrelationships between traditional surveying and mapping disciplines – geodesy,
photogrammetry, remote sensing, topometry, hydrography and cartography – which
deal with the production of spatial information. (Their italics replaced by underlining.
Gagnon and Coleman, 1990. p.378.)

Geomatics then, at its source, was an attempt to bring together disciplines that were already
seen as “belonging to” surveying and mapping. It is therefore merely a collective noun for a
set of disciplines already in existence. The inclusion of the listed disciplines as part of
surveying and mapping implies that the collective term merely replaces “surveying and
mapping” but is required to emphasise their interconnectedness. This explanation labels
“surveying and mapping” as a group of sub-disciplines, suggesting that the collective noun is
needed more for academic coherence than for the practice of the profession of surveying.

The issue of the term geomatics arises directly from the structure of the surveying profession
in Canada and the narrow view of the profession, as identified in the interviews conducted for
Chapter 6. The ambit of land surveying arises in other countries, for example in the UK,
where it is somewhat confused but broad, and in Australia where it is more consistent but

Reviewing the proceedings of the XIVth North American Surveying and Mapping Teachers
Conference of 1993, Smith (1995) reports on that organisation’s plea for an umbrella term for
the profession. He refers to a paper by James Crossfield of California State University citing
the public perception of the profession as the greatest hurdle in attracting students. In a paper
from the same conference Donald Bender comments on an “identity crisis” and calls for a
less masculine term . . . to provide the missing sex appeal, and incorporating the word
engineering or geography or mathematics but not surveying (Smith, 1995. p.37). This is the
first and only reference to a gender issue in attracting students to surveying programmes.
However, it demonstrates that the profession in the United States of America (USA) was
experiencing similar problems with the definition of the profession of land surveying, as well
as difficulty in attracting students to surveying programmes.

While there are sound reasons for adopting the terminology and definition of geomatics in
Canada, it is less clear why it should have then have been adopted in other countries.
Specifically, why did geomatics join the lexicon in countries that were not bilingual, where
the definition of land surveying had greater breadth and where the surveying profession had
already absorbed the new technologies, as they developed, into their existing traditional
profession in an evolutionary manner? Australian universities were relatively quick to pick
up the new word, making their reasoning of particular interest.

9.3 A move across the Pacific to Australia

The use of geomatics in Australia was advocated by John Trinder and Clive Fraser in 1994.
They were respectively staff of the School of Surveying, University of New South Wales and
the Department of Surveying and Land Information, University of Melbourne. They give as
the primary reason for the need for a name change that “surveying” portrays a limited range
of activities and assert that this is true both locally and internationally. However, no
supporting evidence is supplied to justify this claim. It is therefore presumed to be anecdotal,
or merely the personal opinions of two senior Australian academics.

In the same paragraph, conversely, Trinder and Fraser claim that the graduates of their
programmes become involved in: –
a much broader range of activities than those associated with surveying and mapping
alone, with many engaged in pursuits such as resource and environmental
management, remote sensing and GIS” (Trinder and Fraser, 1994, p.88).

This comment appears to contradict their former statement about the narrow perception of
surveying, that while these representatives of their institutions view the profession as narrow,
their graduates secure employment involving a broad range of professional activities with
surveying qualifications, well beyond these narrow confines and, apparently, in spite of it.

Nevertheless the authors use this argument to call for an “umbrella” term to cover the “new”
activities. Supporting their argument is a claim that “the surveying profession is apparently
not held in high esteem in the general community” (Trinder and Fraser, 1994. p.88). Again,
no evidence is offered to substantiate this claim. Going even further afield from the content
of the profession, Trinder and Fraser assert that the students entering their programmes are of
“low quality” compared to those taking up engineering and science. They claim it is not only
an Australia-wide issue, but that it also exists elsewhere. They seek the support of the
surveying profession by suggesting that addressing this issue is important for the future
standing and leadership of the profession. Their proposed solution to all of these problems is
the use of the term geomatics, which they argue is a step towards changing the image of

In examining the other seven surveying programmes in Australian universities in 1995, with
the exception of the University of Tasmania, Fraser and Trinder found little interest and much
caution among the practicing land surveyors in adopting geomatics into the names of their
surveying programmes (Fraser and Trinder, 1995). A year later Fraser was identified as the
Head, Department of Geomatics at the University of Melbourne and Trinder as the Head,
School of Geomatic Engineering of The University of New South Wales in the UK
publication Surveying World (Fraser and Trinder, 1995). Between June 1994 (the publication
date of their first paper) and September 1995 both of their universities had gone ahead with a
name change, dropping the reference to surveying and including geomatics or geomatic
engineering in their titles.

While using the argument of adopting an umbrella term that included a broader range of
activities, Trinder and Fraser (1994) acknowledge that surveying graduates were already
finding post graduation positions in a variety of related occupations to which their surveying
skills could be adapted. The principal motivation in seeking a name change from surveying
to geomatics, however, appears to be to attract higher quality students into surveying
programmes through marketing, which they explicitly refer to in their paper. This view was
supported in Interviews 11Ap and 17Ap.

There were immediate effects on the number and quality of enrolments in the University of
Melbourne programme, but improvement was short-lived. The change in the downward
trend matched the intensity of marketing, but the intense promotion could not be sustained
(Interview 11Ap). Additionally, the new term was not popular with practicing surveyors and
in some instances caused acrimony between its academic proponents and the profession at
large (Fraser and Trinder, 1995). In some cases it caused there to be alienation between the
two arms of the profession (Interview 11Ap). The conversion to geomatics was so
unsuccessful at the University of New South Wales that Baker (1999), only 4 years after the
name change, described the situation at its School of Geomatic Engineering as a crisis: –
It [the School] has an enviable international undergraduate and research reputation,
but it is fighting for its life in its present form (Baker, 1999, p.13).

While acknowledging the considerable breadth of the FIG definition of surveying, Trinder
and Fraser (1994) and Fraser and Trinder (1995) make a direct comparison of geomatics with
cadastral surveying in their publications. They attribute the poor image of the professional
surveyor in Australia to this particular and constrained aspect of land surveying. This is an
inadequate comparison because land surveying firms in Australia, in general, provide
services well beyond those which maintain the integrity of the land title system with accurate,
highly regulated, land boundary surveys. The author’s experience suggests that any
inadequacy in the image of professional surveyors, or surveying, is a lack of self-image and
under-valuation of their skills and contribution. It is not helped by such criticisms by
academics, especially when not supported by any empirical evidence.

In more recent times, and with the assistance of the newly formed professional body, the
Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), the terminology debate has mostly moved
on. The use of the designation “spatial science(s)” has taken over from geomatics as the term
in more common use in Australia. This is despite the fact that it has not been taken up
amongst the international community and remains a term with no specific definition either in
the singular or in the plural form. The term geomatics in Australia has been unpopular within
the surveying profession, was in declining use over a lengthy period in favour of spatial
science, and more recently, as noted in Chapter 8, geospatial science has been growing in
common use.

In 1999 the University of New South Wales School of Geomatic Engineering adopted the
new name of the School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems (Leoffel, 2007). In
2012 it changed its name again, on this occasion to the School of Surveying and Geospatial
Engineering (SAGE). In 2013 SAGE was disestablished and merged with the School of Civil
and Environmental Engineering (UNSW, 2017). Several changes of name have not aided

At the University of Melbourne the Department of Geomatics has been absorbed into the
Department of Infrastructure Engineering in the School of Engineering (Interview 4Aa). For
a period it sent its students wishing to become licensed cadastral surveyors to the RMIT
University, also in Melbourne, for a part of their programme (Interview 11Ap). More recent
information indicates that this is no longer the case (Grant, 2017). The University of
Melbourne has moved away from the incorporation of land surveying amongst its offerings
towards the field of information science (Interview 4Aa) but retains its accreditation with the
Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria (SRBV) (SRBV, n.d.).

The UK has also followed the Canadian and Australian examples of adopting the new term
geomatics for many of its former surveying programmes. As in Australia, there was much
debate about its adoption, and its implementation was controversial and contentious.

9.4 A move across the Atlantic to the UK

The debate over the geomatics name took place in the UK during the period 1996 to 1997,
after the Australian initiative, and is recorded in the RICS publication Surveying World. The
publication became Geomatics World in 2001 (Kavanagh, 2016a). While the first suggestion
of adopting geomatics is not recorded, it was “well argued” at a meeting of the Divisional
Council of the LHS Division of the RICS on 10 October 1996. This suggests that at the very
least there was some level of awareness of geomatics among the members of the RICS prior
to this, and that it had been debated at some earlier date. The result of the October 1996
debate was that the president of the LHS was authorised to approach the members of the
division about changing its name to the Geomatics Division (Coulson, 1996a).

In an Editorial advocating for the change of name, Coulson states that: – “we can make it
mean what we want it to mean” (Coulson, 1996a, p.1). He appears to be unaware that a
definition already existed and was approved by the ISO, and had been for more than a
decade. He advocated for its use as an “umbrella term” (not the first time this phrase has
been used) to include and tie together the various branches of measurement surveying (civil
engineering, land, hydrographic) and also extended it to include GIS practitioners who at this
time were looking for a professional home. He considered the name change a matter of
urgency or “. . . we will be washed aside by the momentum of the geospatial revolution”.
Curiously, he also stated that: –
“. . . the external market will continue to see us as surveyors. But the other
professions and our internal market for members will quite quickly accept a new
name . . .”.

He relied on the Canadian experience in making this claim (Coulson, 1996a. p.1).

At the LHS Divisional Conference during 6-8 September 1996, Coulson reported that the
well-attended discussion concluded that a new name was required to reflect the greater
breadth of the Division and −
Although geomatics was not universally liked, there seemed to be no viable
alternative . . . and that . . . A new name could be brought into common usage at once,
but incorporation on the statute books would probably take at least three years . . .
(Coulson 1996b. p.15).

Booth (1996) noted that the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne had been the first in the UK
to incorporate geomatics when the Department of Surveying was renamed the Department of
Geomatics. He commented that the university believed that the name change would remove
the confusion between different types of surveyors.

In the same issue of Surveying World, Draper (1996) sounded a warning. He asked in his
regular column “Undercurrents”, if the new word had been market tested and if the

introduction would be supported by a multi-million pound advertising campaign. He
suggested that: –
. . . the move does not seem to have been thought through properly. If we were being
seriously commercial about it . . . we would take advice from marketing experts, carry
out tests on market awareness and do the 101 other things business does before
risking the launch of a new brand (Draper, 1996. p.6).

He also surmised that it: -

. . . is a word dreamt up by academics . . . so as to encourage more students to sign up
for courses in something that sounds a tad more exciting than surveying (Draper,
1996. p.6).

Professor Peter Dale also voiced a warning about introducing the new term. Dale is reported
in Booth (1996) as saying: –
Geomatics is a dead end, since it will ultimately be automated, Robots will monitor
the earth. If you want to be a robot, be a geomatician (in Booth, 1996. p.17).

The original circumstance of this comment is not given. While Dale’s was a particularly
pessimistic view of geomatics, it was also a reflection on the future of surveying, given the
historic emphasis on data gathering, by the surveying profession.

Dale’s own view of the profession emphasises professional services for clients over
technological aspects of surveying. In an interview in 1996 with the professional magazine
GIM, he said: –
It is about providing a service to society . . . we shall win [status] through meeting the
needs of the community rather than through the sophistication of computers and the
technology that we play with (Dale, 1996. p.66).

This view is echoed in the comments of van Gysen (1996) of the University of Natal referred
to in Section 9.5. Dale further comments that: –
Geomatics relates to surveying and mapping but these are only a subset of the
activities of the surveyor as defined by FIG. Land management, spatial planning,
land and property valuation and construction economics or quantity surveying are
not regarded by many people as geomatics but they are part of the work of FIG (Dale,
1996. p.66).

Dale appears in this discussion as a lone voice advocating that surveying is not a subset of
geomatics, which is the common view, but the reverse and that it cannot be a substitute name

for surveying.

In Surveying World later in 1997, UCL was recognised as the second university in the UK to
adopt geomatics, at the expense of surveying, as part of its name. Adding further to the
ambiguity regarding names, Professor Paul Cross discussed “geomatic engineering”, a term
used frequently in Canada. This usage raises a related question, which is whether surveying
is an engineering discipline (as claimed explicitly in Leoffel, 1997), or whether it might be
more correctly defined as applied geography, as noted earlier. Cross went on to explain a
rationale for the connection to engineering, not the least of which is the fact that his
department (the Department of Geomatic Engineering) is housed within the Faculty of
Engineering at UCL (Cross, 1997).

Cross (1997) also cites personal experience, commenting that in calling himself a surveyor he
always had to give a full explanation of what a surveyor does. The implication is that if he
used the term geomatics or described himself as a geomatician this problem would not exist.
He further made the prophetic statement that: –
A profession that cannot even agree a name is unlikely to be taken seriously
(Cross, 1997, p.15).

Lack of clarity regarding the meaning of surveyor is a particular feature of the UK, but
replacing it with geomatics has not met with universal agreement there (or in Australia or
Canada). Cross did make the point that he saw geomatics as “meaning much more than
traditional surveying” which could not previously have included managing GIS, quality
controlling industrial processes and carrying out environmental impact analysis (Cross,
1997). While this may have been a reasonable position in the UK at that time, many people
interviewed for this thesis would disagree.

In his advocacy of geomatics Cross makes the further point that describing himself as a
geomatic engineer gives him the opportunity to explain the term, presumably because people
will not know what that means. However, when he calls himself a surveyor, −
“nobody asked because they thought they knew the answer (although they were
probably wrong!)” (Cross, 1997, p.15).
The real issue emerging is that the meaning of the term surveyor is more ambiguous in the
UK than elsewhere (already referred to in Chapter 8.2.1) because of the host of related
disciplines that claim the term “surveyor”. These include quantity surveyors, valuers and
estate managers, who have very different training and competencies, yet who can become,
and are, Chartered members of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. Such
professionals can use titles such as Chartered Valuation Surveyor.

Jon Maynard, as president of the LHS Division of the RICS, advocated to his members that
they vote in a referendum as to whether they wanted to change the name to the Geomatics
Division. He argued for the expanded definition that would include land and hydrographic
surveyors and claims inclusion of geographic information specialists. He added that the term
had the support of academia, that it was a “modern looking word” and that there would be an
opportunity to “establish a meaning for it” Maynard (1997). Again there appears to be either
an assumption that the term can be redefined to suit local circumstances or ignorance that
geomatics already has an official meaning.

Maynard later reports that the result of the referendum was that it passed by 113 votes to 93,
but that the voting turnout had only been 13% of the membership. He considers this a
statistically reliable result. Nevertheless, his Divisional Council still had a lengthy debate
over the matter and had not decided to take it forward for the RICS General Council approval
at that point (Maynard, 1998a).

The Divisional Council later voted by postal ballot to change the name to the Geomatics
Division by 19 for and 6 against and 6 abstentions. Maynard reported that the new name
would then be put to the Institution’s General Council (Maynard, 1998b). In the July/August
issue of Surveying World, Steve Shipman was by-lined as the President of the Geomatics
Division of the RICS. The RICS Interview conducted for this research reveals that a large
number of members resigned from the RICS as a result of this change of name (Interview
27Gi). The voting numbers, and the balance of the voting, do not give confidence that the
members of the LHS Division had significant enthusiasm for the change.

9.5 Other juridictions

Booth (1996) records that early in 1996 the University of Natal, South Africa, used geomatics
to define its first year surveying course. The University of Natal was absorbed into the
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZ) in 2004 and today maintains a School of Land
Surveying and Property Management. The School’s website states that “Land Surveying
deals with the field of Geomatics” and goes on to define correctly the origin of the word as
“geo” (earth) and “matics” as a derivative of informatics. It explains the need for the term as
a consequence of the “digital revolution”. It then defines Geomatics by stating: −
Geomatics therefore is a discipline with focus on acquisition, processing,
management, presentation and dissemination of information about the earth and
features with a fixed location on the earth surface (UKZ, 2106).

This definition is consistent with original meaning given to geomatics. It is noteworthy,

however, that the School within UKZ has retained land surveying in its title, and has not
changed to geomatics. Like UEL, UKZ recognises the newer term, but uses it only in subtext
rather than in a title. This may reflect the desire for geomatics to be recognised by search
engines in the same manner and for the same reasoning as UEL in the UK. Van Gysen, Head
of the School at the then University of Natal, explained and expanded on the meaning and use
of geomatics (van Gysen, 1996).

Booth (1996) also refers to a change of name in the American Society of Civil Engineers of
its Surveying Engineering Division to that of the Geomatics Division, but notes that the
American Congress of Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) “. . . is not quite ready for such a
leap of faith”. ACSM more recently merged into the National Society of Professional
Surveyors, and has still not made the leap of faith referred to by Booth. Booth further reports
that the University of the West Indies had adopted geomatics into its name for what had
previously been surveying (Booth, 1997. p5).

Booth (1996) makes mention of the adoption of geomatics in Australia, and that it was yet to
make an impact in New Zealand (Booth, 1996. p.17). While adopted in some parts of
Australia but superseded, as discussed above, geomatics still has not been accepted either by
practitioners or academics in New Zealand and continues not to be a topic of discussion.

9.6 Summary
The term geomatics spread in the Anglophone surveying community after its creation and
spread in bilingual Canada. It was adopted by some bodies in the USA, Australia, South
Africa and the UK. While its absorption into academia appears to have occurred without

much debate, its adoption by the premier land surveying professional body in the UK, the
RICS, was not without controversy or cost in membership.

The reasons for the adoption of the term are threefold. First is a desire to embrace “other”
disciplines under the umbrella of geomatics that were not traditionally included as aspects of
surveying in these jurisdictions, particularly photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS. This
is especially a UK and Canadian issue, and while it occurs elsewhere, it is not universal.
There are other countries where most of those disciplines were already considered to be part
of land surveying.

The second reason is related to the image of the profession of land surveying and of land
surveyors. The image, as portrayed by academics in particular, is old fashioned, field-based,
and generally of low status among other professions. This is important as it relates to the
recruitment of students into academic programmes, and in the longer term, into the
profession. However in each of the counties considered in this research, these are comments
made by academics about the public image of land surveying practitioners. As yet no
evidence has been discovered to support this assertion.

The third reason is regeneration and originality. The word is “invented” and therefore is
perceived by some to have no definition. It can therefore be defined in any way those who
choose to use it, and as a result, used to create a more attractive image. The catch in the last
rationale is that in order to change the image, the new term would have to be widely and
consistently used as part of a coordinated and agreed promotional campaign. It has not been
so used or promoted.

Contrary to popular belief outside Canada, the word geomatics, from the time it was
introduced into the English language at Laval University, had an internationally approved
definition. The new term was believed to be required in Canada because the land surveyor
was generally considered to be narrowly constrained to cadastral surveying. This was at a
time when the digital revolution was just beginning to have an impact on the land surveying
profession. The introduction and use of geomatics was intended, and defined, to include
diverse means of gathering and managing measurement data about the spatial relationship of
the physical and built environment. Its introduction in Canada, therefore, was a legitimate

attempt to provide an umbrella term that would include cadastral or land surveying among the
emerging other disciplines of GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing. The bilingual nature
of Canada was also an important influence in the need for and creation of the term.

Canadian academics and surveyors hoped that the new term would improve the general
image of the land surveyor by associating the profession with other sophisticated
technological advances that were taking place in society. It was not intended as a new name
for the surveying profession, but instead to recognise that some graduates with geomatic
skills would become professional land surveyors. This situation continues, and is particularly
noticeable at the University of New Brunswick. The reasoning, however, is dependent on the
equating of Canadian land surveying to cadastral surveying. More than thirty years on, the
term geomatics remains controversial and disliked by some of the profession surveyors in
Canada and is not clearly understood by contemporary academics. Notwithstanding,
professional land surveyors continue to call themselves surveyors.

Geomatics in Australia has a similar provenance to Canada. Again, the first issue referred to
was the need for a broad term that embraced more than traditional land surveying. The new
term, explicitly, was not intended to rename the profession but to incorporate the impacts of
the digital revolution into its activities. However, that reasoning was less important than the
decline in student numbers in university surveying programmes. The adoption and marketing
of a new name was seen to be the solution to that problem as outlined by Trinder and Fraser
(1994) and Fraser and Trinder (1995). Subsequent to the initial drive to change the
nomenclature to geomatics, Australia has moved to the term spatial sciences, and more
recently geospatial sciences, is taking hold. Both are attempts to add breadth.

The relationship between the terminology of universities and that of professional surveyors is
not clear, as demonstrated by Australia’s premier professional body in this field, the
Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute. At face value this title implies that surveying is not
included amongst the undefined spatial sciences, but lies outside although alongside them.
This is further supported by the fact that the Spatial Sciences Institute, formed in 2003, chose
to add Surveying to its name in 2009.

The reasoning in the UK is much the same. It is primarily maintained that geomatics
suggests a larger, wider and more contemporary discipline. Nevertheless, the decline in
student numbers, the perceived poor image of land surveyors and the surveying profession
generally, appear to be of greater importance. However, the term is not universally liked or
accepted. Some university programmes retain surveying in their title but accept that
geomatics is useful to have in search engines. If connected to an engineering school,
geomatics engineering is preferred, as in Canada, although the University of Nottingham uses
neither geomatics nor surveying. It does, however, provide graduates with a degree in
engineering. Ireland uses geomatics but Scotland uses neither surveying nor geomatics in the
name of its qualifications, but teaches both in its courses. There is, therefore, no consistency
of approach in the UK and Ireland.

Gordon Johnston, present Chair of the Geomatics Professional Group Board (GPGB) of the
RICS, the rebranded LHS Division, has reported that the GPGB has called on its members to
offer an opinion and comment on the Division’s name. He referred to geomatics as being
ascribed by some as a “fashion or trend rather than a long term title”. While the GPGB had
not received sufficient returns to enable a name change as yet, the term geomatics, at least as
a controversial issue within the RICS, is alive and well (Johnston, 2016).

The one country that resisted adoption of the term geomatics, although it was seriously
discussed by the professional institution and the academic body, was New Zealand. The
breadth of the educational progamme at the University of Otago, which is home to New
Zealand’s only professional surveying programme, is considerable. It has absorbed GNSS,
GIS and remote sensing into its programme as they developed and has always included
photogrammetry. The continued over-subscription of students wanting to study surveying,
and the standing of the profession in New Zealand, provided compelling arguments against
change. The strong cooperative and combined marketing by the New Zealand Institute of
Surveyors and the National School of Surveying at University of Otago contributed to the
view that there was no need for change (Hannah, Ballantyne and Khan, 2000).

Hence, wherever geomatics has been adopted it has been controversial. It has been used
indiscriminately by the academic community. It has also been redefined at will. It has
alienated some members of professional bodies and it is disliked by others. It was intended

to provide an umbrella term for a number of disciplines that included surveying where those
were not already included. While recruitment to the profession has been a significant reason
for its adoption, evidence suggests that it has failed to do this. After over 25 years it remains
contentious wherever it is used and there are both murmurings and actions afoot to replace it.

Chapter 10

Discussion and Conclusions

This study began as an investigation into the nature and magnitude of changes that had taken
place in the land surveying profession since the advent of the electronic and digital
environments, approximately 60 years ago. The primary issue was to determine if the
technological changes were of such a magnitude that the fundamental role of the surveyor
had changed. This was accomplished by first clarifying the meaning of “fundamental” and
then considering whether such a change could be described as a paradigm shift.

Studying the past 60 years of change required a baseline understanding of the past and
present nature of the land surveying profession. This, in turn, required addressing the
question of whether land surveying could be regarded as a profession. A review of the
extensive literature on professions was therefore undertaken. The nature of change to the
body of knowledge, passed on through the education system, was considered and the
fundamental core of land surveying identified. Using grounded theory methodology as a
guide, the nature of change was examined using interviews. This led to a further question
regarding the name of the profession, and the developments that have taken place with
respect to terminology within the study period. Answers to these questions are discussed in
the following sections of this concluding chapter.

10.1 Is surveying a profession?

While the concept of professions has existed for centuries, only in the last 200 years has the
definition extended beyond the original three, namely the law, medicine, and the church. As
discussed in Chapter 2, entry into a profession was first by taking religious vows, that is
“professing” faith, followed by clerical education and finally by education in the chosen

specialist field (Armstrong, 1994; Dyer, 1985; La Vopa, 1982). In recent times however, the
number of occupations claiming the status of a profession has grown considerably.

The rise of the universities in the Middle Ages brought education without the necessity of a
religious commitment as a prerequisite. However it was not until the 18th and19th centuries
that new professions began to emerge, principally as a result of the rise of institutional
science and the Industrial Revolution. Surveying, as represented by a professional body in
the UK, had its origins with the Surveyors Club, but really emerged as a fully-fledged
professional body with the founding of the RICS in 1868 (RICS, n.d).

Within the voluminous literature about the professions there is a general consensus on the
basic requirements, as demonstrated in Chapter 3. Specifically, an occupation must be
intellectual; the body of knowledge of the profession must be capable of being educationally
transferred; the profession should be self-regulating; it must offer an altruistic service to
society; and its members must act ethically. The requirement for ethical behaviour
necessitates that there is a body that defines ethical behaviour and that it has mechanisms to
enforce that behaviour, and sanctions in place to deal with those who transgress. It has been
demonstrated that surveying, at least in the countries examined, meets all of these criteria and
therefore can be deemed to be a profession.

10.2 Paradigms in surveying

Land measurement has been practiced for at least 4000 years (Cooper, 2009). The pyramids
are evidence of an understanding of measurement in early Egyptian culture and the ability to
carry it out to a high degree of accuracy (Dilke, 1971). Egyptian surveyors were also
important for the re-establishment of boundaries following the regular flooding of the River
Nile (Kemp, 2006). There is evidence that, at least in Roman times, surveyors were also
highly regarded in the field of the law relating to land. Their knowledge was also important
for the laying out of garrison encampments for Roman troops, and the design and monitoring
of major engineering works such as aqueducts (Cooper, 2009). This period of antiquity has
been identified as the first paradigm of land surveying practice.

The predecessors of modern land surveyors in England were overseers or, to use the modern
equivalent, estate managers for land owners. The dissolution of the monasteries and the
resumption of their lands by King Henry VIII, along with the sale of rights in land rather than
imposition of feudal demands, changed the nature of the land market. The enclosure of land
by new owners, the development of better tools for land measurement and imported
developments in mathematics changed the function of land surveyors in the period from
approximately 1550 through to about 1650, as detailed in Chapter 4. From being overseers of
land management they became the measurers of land areas, the definers of boundaries of land
entitlements, and therefore the identifiers of the physical limits of the rights in land.

This change signifies a move of paradigmatic proportions as the land surveyors of the time
took up new technologies and adapted their occupation accordingly. Chapter 4 distinguishes
between the 1st and the 2nd paradigms in the land surveying profession. While the new
technologies evolved, albeit slowly, little changed in the methodologies or the practices of the
land surveyor until the 20th century. It has been suggested that if a paradigm shift has
occurred in the recent past it is in the technology that surveyors use as a result of firstly
electronics and then digitisation.

In Chapter 5 it is demonstrated that there has also been a major shift from reliance on ground-
based technology to aerial and orbital measurement platforms. In particular, for the likes of
the cadastral surveyor, the move from triangulation-based survey control to GNSS has
required the development of new practices and methods of thinking and working. It has also
required a new way of thinking about how to apply the technology.

In the course of interviews conducted for this research, two interviewees mentioned the idea
of paradigm drag. In both instances the reference was made with respect to the law. In the
first case, it was a reference to the delay in legislation to keep up with the use of drones or
UAVs. It was considered that both the regulations relating to the piloting of these “aircraft”
and the health and safety requirements had not kept up with the advancing technology and its
uses (Interview 31Ap). The second case was with reference to GNSS in relation to its use for
control for cadastral surveys. It was opined that much greater use could be made of satellite
technology in this respect, but that the legislators had not kept up with the capabilities of the
technology (Interview 37Ag). Both of these suggestions came from Australian surveyors.

The move from surveyors drawing plans of their surveys, especially in the cadastral
speciality, to producing “datasets” to be sent to the land registry directly from the surveyor’s
desk, could be considered paradigmatic. In the more advanced jurisdictions this also
included land title information and therefore also involved the legal profession. This change
had occurred in some jurisdictions and was being developed in others (Interview 32Ag).
Again this is an observation from an Australian surveyor.

Moving from a paper-based system to a digital one was significant for many and traumatic
for some practitioners. It required a considerable shift in work methods and in its earliest
stages of transition was resisted, sometimes vehemently. However, its narrow range of
impact, that is, only on the cadastral work of the surveyor in these jurisdictions, and only on
one aspect of that work, argues against viewing this as a paradigm shift for the land surveying
profession at large. As paradigm drag was identified by interviewees as only of particular
applicability to legal issues, while an interesting concept, it is beyond the scope of this study.

The information generated through the interview process and presented in Chapter 6 does not
support the claim that there has been a shift to a third paradigm for the land surveying
profession. Technological advances have changed the tools and methods that land surveyors
use to gather data. In some cases the new methods have changed how surveyors think about
and plan their work, and how they interpret their data. Technology has also driven profound
changes to the presentation of data for clients. Many systems do not easily lead to a printed
plan or map as was once the case. Nevertheless, while technology has revolutionised
traditional land surveying practices in many ways, it has not changed the activities at the
core of the profession or the benefits that land surveyors provide to society.

New technologies have not only provided new modes of geospatial data acquisition. They
have opened up the potential for professional land surveying practices to apply the acquired
data to new areas of enterprise from agriculture to movie sets. Data can be accumulated from
equipment such as terrestrial laser scanners, drone-mounted high resolution cameras and
satellite imagery. Data can be supplied at higher accuracies and greater reliability than ever
before, can be applied in a greater variety of ways, and can open up a wider variety of
potential projects for land surveyors. However, the understanding of the mathematics behind
the technology, the ability to plan data gathering operations, and the ability to interpret and

understand the nature of the data being captured remain largely the same. The need to
understand the principles behind this more complex technology is greater in depth but not
significantly altered in breadth. It is this that defines the exclusive expertise of the
professional land surveyor. Nevertheless, no new paradigm has been identified by this study.

10.3 The core of land surveying

The interviews undertaken in this research survey were unanimous in defining the core of
land surveying as being “measurement”. Chapter 7 establishes that changes to the body of
knowledge held by the profession have arisen in response to the advancement of technology
and have taken place as new equipment has been developed. While the clichéd response that
land surveying is about measurement was the norm, it is not adequate as a complete answer.
Measurement is both a science and an art. The gathering of measurement data, more
commonly referred to as spatial or geospatial data, has become largely automated.

One of the greatest challenges to assessing the core of land surveying is regional variation in
the definition of “land surveying”. Topics such as photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS
that are seen as part of surveying in some places (e.g. New Zealand) are seen as separate
disciplines or specialities in others. Despite these differences, there is remarkable agreement
on the fundamental knowledge being related to measurement, being its accuracy and its

Changes in technology are reflected in changes that have taken place within surveying
education curricula. As identified in Chapter 6, topics that have been eliminated from
surveying programmes were no longer needed because they had become obsolete or
redundant alongside the new developments. It is apparent that programmes are under
constant review and that new methodologies and equipment are readily absorbed into
teaching programmes. The programmes, therefore, evolve as the technology does. However,
while teachers are responsive to new equipment they also find difficulty eliminating material
from the courses within their programmes.

Land surveyors no longer need to go into the field personally in order to accumulate
sufficient, accurate and reliable data. Professional land surveyors formerly spent a significant
proportion of their time personally gathering measurements and particular physical skills and
techniques were required to gather reliable data. The tools now in common use are easily
operated by technical staff with purely technician training and the manual dexterity of former
times has been minimised.

The professional task of the surveyor has two main components. First, the quantity and nature
of the data needed to meet a client’s needs must be identified, the appropriate accuracies
defined, and the field survey planned and designed. The second function is to confirm the
reliability and accuracy of the data gathered with respect to the requirements of the output
required. It may also be necessary to integrate the data by dealing with variable accuracies if
it has been accumulated by more than one device. The data must then be managed or
manipulated in such a way that it can be presented in a form that is appropriate for the client’s
needs, intelligible to the client, and suitably stored.

Altogether, understanding the accuracy and precision of measurements and their

implications for various applications, and the ability to translate that knowledge into
appropriate programmes of work and appropriate products for clients, are the core functions
of the professional land surveyor today. This requires competence in problem definition and
the mathematics related to the theory of errors, probability theory and least squares

The practice of land surveying in a professional capacity requires managing the collection,
organisation, analysis, storage, and the dissemination of the data in a form that will be finally
useful to the client. It differs little from the original definition of geomatics. This
requirement is regardless of the size of a project and should result in fit-for-purpose surveys.
No higher level of accuracy than that needed to meet the client’s needs, but sufficiently
accurate to meet the project requirements with a high level of confidence and minimal risk, is
the desired outcome. It is not necessary to maximise the capability of available equipment.

Land surveyors have always done these activities, but the quantity, quality, medium and
nature of the data formats has changed. That does not demonstrate or suggest a fundamental
shift in land surveying. It acknowledges a change in the technology of the collection and
storage methods. It does require a variety of new knowledge and skills. At its essence it is a
rebalancing of the relationship between field operations and office activities. This clearly
requires new education, knowledge and skills in the management of data, the nature of which
continues to change, but does not make land surveying something different to what it has
been since the 17th century.

10.4 The name game

Having established that the land surveying profession has not undergone a fundamental shift,
but has evolved alongside the technology that supports it, a new question is raised. Why
should there be concern over, or a need, to rename the profession? As Cross (1997) noted: −
A profession that cannot even agree a name is unlikely to be taken seriously (Cross,
1997. p.15).
The literature and the interview outcomes supply lines of reasoning. These reasons are
consistent in the areas studied and where the term geomatics has been introduced, that is in
Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. Chapter 8 demonstrates the present degree and
extent of lack of understanding of the original meaning of geomatics and its original purpose,
especially outside Canada. Hence, it is used to mean different things by a variety of people.

Chapter 9 exposes that geomatics was originally coined as a translation from the French
geomatique in bilingual Canada. The expressed need for it was that land surveying did not
embrace within its definition the new technologies of photogrammetry, remote sensing and
GIS. There was, it was felt, a need for a new term that did include these new and developing
technologies. This remains true for Canada where the term land surveyor is restricted to
meaning a cadastral surveyor.

Given the close association of geomatics education with engineering in that country, to the
extent that it is mostly referred to as geomatics engineering, it is difficult to see how this can
now be changed. Land surveying is viewed as a sub-set of geomatics engineering, and
graduates of these programmes, should they select the appropriate courses, may become land
surveyors as well as geomatics engineers. However, it was clearly stated at the time of its
introduction that geomatics was not intended to be a new name for surveying. Geomatics
was intended to embrace a collection of new technological disciplines, and it included land
surveying within it.

The second and third reasons given for the need to adopt a new name by the creation of a new
term are closely related. The second reason is expressed as the difficulty in recruiting
sufficient numbers of students to land surveying programmes. This is important for the
viability of the programmes in the competitive academic environment and to supply the
surveying profession with adequate numbers to replace loss through the imminent retirement
of the baby boomers.

The third reason is the alleged poor image of the land surveyor, to which the second is at least
partially attributed, as claimed by academics. Geomatics, created in 1981, became popular in
academia principally for the second reason above, and was a deliberate marketing strategy
when adopted beyond Canada. The expectation was that a more exciting, more modern
sounding word would be more attractive to prospective students than references to land
surveying. Or so it was thought – and overtly stated.

In Canada, there was clear justification for the change and an awareness of the original
intention. Elsewhere it is not so clear that it was anything other than rebranding and a
marketing exercise to recruit greater numbers of “good” students (Trinder and Fraser, 1994;
Fraser & Trinder, 1995) as discussed fully in Chapter 9. With respect to the University of
Melbourne, one of the first to introduce the term in Australia, this interpretation is explicitly
supported by a member of its Advisory Board at the time the new name was introduced
(Interview 11Ap) and a former student (Interview 17Ap). The case in Australia for a new
name because of the changing nature of the profession, that is to include the new
technologies, is much less convincing. It is much more a rebranding of the land surveying
professional programmes that were suffering from a lack of applicants, and quality applicants
in particular. In Australia the members of the land surveying profession itself were less
enthusiastic about any change.

In the UK the reasoning is only a little different than in Australia. While there is some
recognition of the wish to expand the range of new technologies embraced by the wider
profession, it is clearly claimed, incorrectly, that the word geomatics has no meaning
(Interview 33Ga; Coulson, 1996b; Maynard, 1997). The proponents of geomatics claimed
that it could therefore be taken up and used in a way that was defined by the user, in this case
presumably, the land surveying profession.
Twenty years later there is still evidence that this is an extant belief, that geomatics is a
meaningless word to which any meaning can be attached (Interviews 33Ga, 35Ca, 52Aa).

While academia adopted the term widely, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the
establishment, the practicing surveyors, as in Australia and the UK, were and are much less
enthusiastic. Many members of the RICS left their professional body when it changed the
name of their particular part of it (Kavanagh, 2016a). The use of the word geomatics remains
a matter of concern such that it has been recently questioned. A survey of members of the
Geomatics Division of the RICS has recently been conducted to invite suggestions for a new
name. To date insufficient responses have been received to progress the issue (Johnstone,

Finally there is the issue of the image of the land surveying profession itself, and that of land
surveyors. The time honoured image of the land surveyor is of someone standing by a tripod
on which is mounted a technical device. The surveyor him or herself (though traditionally
reference to or depiction of female surveyors is not common, but is changing) wearing boots
and outdoor and safety clothing, is presumed to be not that of a person of professional status
(Interviews 1Cp, 3Cp, 23Cp, 27Gi, 46Ga, 51Ca). The implication is that they are carrying
out menial and manual tasks. Does not the dentist have to carry out manual tasks, the
surgeon, the engineer? The picture of the land surveyor as only a technical operator seems to
be one created and perpetuated within the profession itself, often supported by the literature
used by universities to attract potential students. Insufficient exposure is given to the nature
of the office work undertaken by the professional land surveyor, and the traditional image is
one now more commonly of the surveying technician.

An extensive literature review uncovered no studies that have been undertaken to establish
the true public perception of the land surveying profession or land surveyors. Instead, it may
be surveyors themselves, and more particularly their academic colleagues, who create and
perpetuate the notion that the image and status of the profession is less than it could or should
be. The public image of the land surveyor is a matter that deserves more rigorous study than
has been given to it in the past so that it may be better understood, and if found necessary,

At least one observer (Interview 46Ga) commented that surveyors generally did not value
their own work and often gave it away. The poor professional image of the land surveyor, it
is suggested, may be one of poor self-image, rather than poor public image, though one may

follow the other. It is also suggested that surveyors have long under-valued the contribution
their skills make to underpinning the confidence of other professions, especially those
working in the built environment.

The term geomatics has proved to be controversial and of questionable benefit. Those who
adopted it as a part of a marketing strategy have found that in the long term it has failed to
provide the inflow of students that it was designed to encourage. In the UK all of the
universities visited struggle to attract sufficient numbers to ensure their sustainability
(Kavanagh, 2016b). The same can be said for Australia where the lack of student numbers is
having a similar effect (Blanchfield, 2005). Schools of surveying of the past are being
merged into larger departments or faculties and do not have a common basis to their
surveying courses (Interview39Ag). The land surveying profession itself is not, and has
never been, an enthusiastic supporter of the term geomatics. Geomatics has almost
disappeared in Australia, it is being questioned in the UK, and is no longer fully supported in

At least a part of the problem for the land surveying profession is that the term “land
surveying” does not have a common meaning in the countries visited. The Canadian land
surveyor is a term restricted to cadastral or land title surveyors. In the UK, it is not clear
exactly what a land surveyor does. Without the cadastral base of the former colonial
countries, the suggestion is that they only do topographical surveys and monitoring surveys
(Interview 30Gp). In Australia there is a common understanding of what a land surveyor was
qualified to do and that it ranges far beyond land title surveys.

This would suggest that the term land surveyor is no longer useful in the international
community. It conveys different messages in different countries. A term such as geomatics,
while not universally understood either, as shown graphically in Chapter 8, could be adopted
by everyone, and hence would be an advantage. The term geomatics might have proved
beneficial. Unfortunately now, in part due to it not being properly understood when first
introduced outside Canada, is too contaminated with misinterpretations and
misrepresentations to be that term. Could it be that a better term might supersede geomatics
by stealth or simply by common usage rather than by revolution?

Already in Australia many institutions have shifted away from surveying through a sequence
beginning with geomatics, moving to spatial science and have now moved on to geospatial
science. The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) in the UK has as
its journal the Civil Engineering Surveyor with an annual supplement called the Geospatial
Engineer. The RICS has most recently introduced a pathway to a new Associate level of
membership and refers to it as “geospatial surveying”. If the land surveying profession needs
rebranding, it is apparent that rebranding is taking place by itself and is likely to overtake the
wishes of those involved. By such common use, rather than by statute or by declaration of
professional bodies or academic institutions, the concept of the geospatial surveyor is
asserting itself.

10.5 Final words.

The profession of surveying has an extensive provenance. According to Cooper (2009) land
measurements of agricultural fields of have been found on Armenian tablets from 4000 years
ago. Egyptians left the evidence of their measurement expertise that remains today and the
Romans had their agrimensores. Archaeological evidence suggests that the measurers were
citizens of high standing (Brock, 2013).

The word surveyor in English is derived from the French words sur (over) and veior (to see)
(Linklater, 2002; Ballantyne, 1996). Hence, the surveyor was an overseer. However, survey
was first used as a verb in 1550 to mean “to determine the form, extent, and situation of the
parts of a tract of ground, or any portion of the earth’s surface, by linear and angular
measurements (Ballantyne, 1996). Those who practiced the art and science of surveying
were held in high regard. The designation of surveying as a profession in that period is not
appropriate as the term was defined by very narrow criteria and was confined to the church,
medicine and the law.

As professions grew in number and diversity surveying grew as a distinct occupation that was
more than a trade or skilled vocation. As its educational requirements developed from
training by those who were already accomplished or learned in its pursuit through a form of
indentureship and formal examination to one of university education and training, true
professional standing was achieved. This is a common sequence of development for the

activities acquiring the status of a profession. Surveying has acquired all of the criteria
necessary to be regarded as a modern profession by comparison to established benchmarks.

Technological developments in measurement science have revolutionised the way in which

surveyors carry out their functions and the tools they use to accomplish them. However, the
fundamental knowledge the surveyor requires has not lessened as a result. The automation of
measurement has not diminished the need for an understanding of the mathematics of
measurement. The growing need for reliance on an understanding of the accuracy and
precision of location or spatial data by a greater array of other professions is as important as it
has always been, if not more so. Information about accuracy is a critical activity, and
information about accuracy reduces risk.

The reduction of risk is a fundamental aspect of all surveying. In the built environment
surveying minimises the possibility of construction on the wrong area of land; in tunnelling
surveying minimises the risk of not arriving at the target location; in hydrographic surveying
it minimises the risk of shipping running aground or not reaching its designated destination;
in cadastral surveying it minimises the risk of boundary disputes; in geodetic surveying it
minimises the risk of erroneous maps or other representations of the planet on which we live;
it minimises risks for air traffic navigation as well as providing a basis for all other types of
surveying. Surveyors therefore play a critical role in the safe operation of modern society.

Any impediment to the recognition of the importance and potential status of the land
surveying profession among other professions, and society in general is not what it is called.
Rather, the greatest limitation of the profession is how its members it. Land surveyors should
identify themselves as members of a separate, distinct and important profession. Land
surveying is not a branch of the engineering profession. Land surveying has everything to do
with the certainty of location and place. Having absorbed and adopted every relevant new
technology since the beginning of the electronic and digital ages, and as it continues to do so,
it has every reason to perceive itself as a modern highly technological and intellectually
demanding profession.

The grounded theory approach used in this thesis allowed the issue of self-perception in the
surveying profession to emerge during the research but this theme was not investigated

separately, becoming apparent only on refection on the comments made in response to the
question of its name. Little is known about the public perception of the land surveying
profession. Some of those interviewed for this thesis and a number of articles in the
professional literature, especially at the time of the introduction of the term geomatics,
referred to the poor image of the profession, or more especially to the poor image of the
surveyor. The image portrayed by those expressing concern focuses on the technical or
technician aspects of the work of the surveyor. This image is grounded in the field practices
of surveying, in as much as members of the surveying profession must first be proficient in
the use and understanding of its relevant technology. However, as indicated in the
interviews, this image is not representative of the land surveying profession as a whole.

Views expressed with respect to the public image of land surveying by interviewees in this
research were those of academics in particular during the debates to introduce geomatics to
Australia and the UK. They were perceptions rather than comments made based on any
research that is referred to, and are not commented upon by practitioners at the time.
However, it is clearly apparent that self-image as well as public image are issues for the
profession. These matters are too important to be reliant on limited internal perceptions and
demand more rigorous examination.

The controversy over terminology is compounded together with the issue of self-perception.
The motivation for a new name to embrace the new technology within the discipline, but not
the profession, was not universally required but had some attraction where it originated.
While “geomatics” spread through the English speaking surveying community it was not
widely accepted. The term has been superseded to a greater or lesser extent in some of those
communities. Spatial science, for example was adopted in Australia but this too is waning in
its use.

Land surveyors, by and large, have remained surveyors rather than become geomaticians. In
all of the countries visited, professional land surveyors still refer to themselves as surveyors
with few exceptions, and no attempt has been made to define geomatics as a profession.
However, “surveying” by itself is inadequate to identify the contemporary profession of land
surveying. Occupations other than land surveying, including professions, legitimately use the

term surveying in their definition of themselves. Any claim to be a surveyor needs a qualifier
to identify the nature of the surveying being referred to.

“Geo” has become a prefix for a growing number of words. “Spatial”, with its connotations
of location and place, is a useful identifier and is relevant to the land surveying profession.
Already geospatial is in wide use to identify activities, institutions, publications and
conferences and has wide acceptance and understanding as a term. Given the real and
perceived connotations of “land surveying”, as evidenced in this research in Canada
especially, but also in England, the combination “geospatial surveyor” meets the
requirements of a rebranding. It is already happening by common and growing usage rather
than by imposition.

Land surveying has not changed in any fundamental way in the last 60 years. It has evolved
with changes in technology. The art of measurement in surveying remains but imposes new
requirements, but the science of measurement has expanded and deepened. The demands of
the applications to which surveying can be applied require even greater understanding of the
mathematics behind the science of measurement than ever before. Understanding the
capabilities of modern surveying instrumentation and their appropriate applications to risk
management and mitigation is more important than ever. For this reason the descriptor land
no longer serves to describe adequately the breadth and depth of the surveying profession.


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Appendix 1

Appendix 1

The Changing Role of the Land Surveyor



I have read the Information Sheet concerning this project and understand what it is about. All my
questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that I am free to request further
information at any stage.
I know that:-
1. My participation in the project is entirely voluntary;

2. I am free to withdraw from the project at any time without any disadvantage;

3. Personal identifying information [e.g. audio-tapes etc] will be destroyed at the

conclusion of the project but any raw data on which the results of the project depend will
be retained in secure storage for at least five years;

4. This project involves an open-questioning technique. The general line of questioning

includes the future direction of the land surveying profession. The precise nature of the
questions which will be asked have not been determined in advance, but will depend on
the way in which the interview develops and that in the event that the line of questioning
develops in such a way that I feel hesitant or uncomfortable I may decline to answer any
particular question(s) and/or may withdraw from the project without any disadvantage of
any kind.

5. I give my consent to be identified in any report as a result of this project.

6. The results of the project may be published and will be available in the University of
Otago Library (Dunedin, New Zealand) but every attempt will be made to preserve my

I agree to take part in this project.

............................................................................. ...............................
(Signature of participant) (Date)

(Printed Name)

[The advertisement which will be used to recruit participants should be attached to the application for
ethical approval. This template can be used to develop the advertisement. Please ensure the standard
of the written material is of the highest quality, with correct spelling and grammar. You may wish to
include an image to increase your advertisement’s appeal.

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