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Journal of Financial Economic Policy

Financial inclusion and poverty reduction in India

Takeshi Inoue,
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Financial inclusion and poverty reduction in
reduction in India India
Takeshi Inoue
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University,
Kobe, Japan
Received 21 January 2018
Revised 17 April 2018
Abstract Accepted 4 May 2018

Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the impacts of financial development through commercial banks
on poverty conditions in India.
Design/methodology/approach – Using unbalanced panel data for Indian states and union territories
from 1973 to 2004, and applying the generalized method of moments estimation, the author estimates models
in which the poverty ratio is explained by financial inclusion and financial deepening for public sector banks
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and private sector banks, respectively.

Findings – The results show that financial inclusion and deepening have statistically significant negative
relationships with the poverty ratio for public sector banks, but not for private sector banks. In addition, the
coefficients of the interaction term between financial inclusion and deepening are estimated to be negative and
statistically significant in most cases of public sector banks. Considering the positive impacts of financial
inclusion and deepening on poverty reduction, this result implies that promoting breadth and depth of public
sector banks could have a synergistic effect on poverty reduction in India.
Originality/value – First, unlike previous studies, the author applies both the numbers of bank branches
and accounts as the measure of accessibility and usage of banking services. Second, using the interaction term
between financial inclusion and deepening, the author empirically analyzes whether, and to what extent, the
breadth and depth of the banking sector interact with each other in the process of poverty reduction. Third,
the author divide the Indian commercial banks into public sector banks and private sector banks and
compares their impacts of financial inclusion and deepening on poverty conditions.
Keywords India, Financial deepening, Poverty, Financial inclusion
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Financial inclusion is a multi-dimensional concept of financial development. It is the process
of ensuring access to and usage of basic formal financial services for all individuals at an
affordable cost. Basic formal financial services include credit, savings, insurance, payments
and remittance facilities. Without these services, individuals often resort to using high-cost
informal financial sources; this financial exclusion likely exerts a disproportionately
negative impact on low-income groups. Therefore, the promotion of financial inclusion plays
an important role in alleviating poverty and reducing income inequalities within a country.
In India, we can trace the concept of financial inclusion back to the start of social control
of the banking sector in the late 1960s. Since then, India has undertaken various initiatives
to expand formal financial services to rural areas (RBI, 2008). During its initial phase,
financial inclusion in India was state-controlled, mainly limited to the nationalization of

JEL classification – C33, G21

Journal of Financial Economic
The author would like to thank Professor John Jahera and Professor James Barth, Editors of Journal Policy
of Financial Economic Policy and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. This work © Emerald Publishing Limited
was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K03687. DOI 10.1108/JFEP-01-2018-0012
JFEP large commercial banks, the implementation of a branch licensing policy, the establishment
of regional rural banks (RRBs) and the introduction of priority sector lending.
With the onset of economic reforms of the early 1990s, however, systematic financial
sector reforms were implemented that placed greater emphasis on the efficiency and
profitability of the banking system, alleged to have been neglected in earlier decades
(Chavan, 2007). As a result, the attempts to achieve financial inclusion underwent significant
modification. While state-controlled initiatives were deemphasized, financial inclusion in the
1990s was encouraged mainly by promoting microfinance in the country through the self-
help group-bank linkage program (SBLP) (RBI, 2008).
In April 2005, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India’s central bank, explicitly used the
term “financial inclusion” as a primary policy objective in its annual policy statement for
2005 (RBI, 2008). In this statement, while recognizing concerns that banking practices
tended to exclude vast sections of the population, particularly pensioners, the self-employed
and those employed in the informal sector, the RBI urged banks to review their existing
practices to provide banking services to all segments of the population on an equitable basis
(RBI, 2005; Leeladhar, 2006).
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Although new measures in the form of microfinance, such as the SBLP, have been
implemented in India because of economic liberalization since the 1990s, commercial banks
still account for more than 60 per cent of the financial sector’s assets. In addition, they play a
pivotal role in the promotion of financial inclusion in India. Accordingly, using relevant data
on commercial banks, we empirically investigate the impacts of financial inclusion, as well
as financial deepening, the traditional concept of financial development, on poverty
conditions in India.
Specifically, we estimate models wherein the poverty ratio is explained by financial
inclusion, financial deepening, their interaction term and control variables for the two
banking groups – public sector banks and private sector banks. Public sector banks are
composed of nationalized banks, the State Bank of India (SBI), and its associated banks in
which a majority stake is held by the Government of India. Private sector banks are non-
public sector banks composed of private banks, foreign banks and the RRBs in this study.
As financial inclusion is a multi-dimensional concept of financial development, it is
measured by different indicators. Following Beck et al. (2007a, 2007b) and the Alliance for
Financial Inclusion (2013), we use the numbers of bank branches and accounts to measure
the degree of financial inclusion in terms of accessibility and usage of banking services,
respectively. We also use the amount of bank credit to measure the degree of financial
deepening. The numbers of branches and accounts are indicators of banking breadth,
whereas the amount of credit is an indicator of banking depth (Demirgüç-Kunt et al., 2011).
Therefore, we examine whether, and to what extent, the breadth and depth of the banking
sector interact with each other in the process of poverty reduction.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews relevant extant literature.
Section 3 provides a brief explanation of the model, the essential definitions and the sources of
the data. Section 4 presents the empirical results, and Section 5 checks the robustness of our
results. Finally, in Section 6, the concluding remarks summarize the main findings of the study.

2. Literature review
An expansive stream of literatures addresses the relationship between financial
development and poverty conditions. Generally, relevant empirical studies define financial
development as the increased proportion of the financial sector in the real economy. They
indicate that financial development – measured by monetary aggregates, bank credit and
deposits and/or banking sector assets relative to gross domestic product (GDP) – contributes
to poverty reduction both directly and indirectly through economic growth in less developed Poverty
countries (Honohan, 2004; Jalilian and Kirkpatrick, 2005; Beck et al., 2007a, 2007b; Quartey, reduction in
2008; Jeanneney and Kpodar, 2011; Inoue and Hamori, 2012). As, unlike these studies, we
especially focus on financial inclusion, this section surveys relevant prior studies in search
of the link between financial inclusion and poverty reduction[1],[2].
First, Honohan (2008) constructed a composite indicator of financial access for 162
countries by combining information about the number of accounts in commercial banks and
microfinance institutions with household surveys for a smaller set of countries. Using cross-
country data, the author regressed the composite indicator on a set of country structural
characteristics. The author found that better institutions of governance and higher mobile
phone penetration correlate with financial access, even after controlling for per capita income.
In addition, the author compared the composite indicator with the poverty headcount ratio
and found that financial access negatively correlates with poverty conditions, but the
correlation loses significance in multiple regressions that include per capita income. On the
other hand, banking depth measured by private credit as a percentage of GDP has a
significantly negative relationship with the poverty ratio, even after controlling for average
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income. Therefore, Honohan (2008, p. 2499) concluded that “If financial development lowers
poverty, it is in its depth dimension rather than the access dimension”.
Park and Mercado (2016) examined the significance of financial inclusion in reducing
poverty and income inequality in 177 countries, including 37 countries from the developing
Asian region. Following the methodology of Sarma (2008), the authors used five measures to
construct a composite indicator of financial inclusion[3]. The measures are the numbers of
commercial bank branches, ATMs and borrowers with and depositors from commercial
banks per adults each, along with the domestic credit to GDP ratio. Using cross-sectional
data of average values from 2002 to 2012, they found that financial inclusion significantly
correlates with lower poverty ratio in both the full sample and the developing Asia sample;
however, there is no significant correlation between financial inclusion and income
inequality in either sample.
Neaime and Gaysset (2018) analyzed the impact of financial inclusion on income
inequality, poverty conditions and financial stability using panel data of eight countries in
the Middle East and North Africa for the period 2002-2015. The authors measured the
degree of financial inclusion by either the number of banks or ATMs per 100,000 adults.
Using the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation, they found that financial
inclusion proxied by the number of banks reduces income inequality, whereas it has no
significant effect on the poverty ratio. Using the generalized least squares method, they
found evidence that financial inclusion measured by the number of ATMs contributes
positively to financial stability in this region.
Some studies focused on the relationship between financial inclusion and poverty
reduction in India. For example, Burgess and Pande (2005) evaluated the importance of the
state-led branch expansion program in India by examining its impact on the poverty ratio in
rural and urban areas. They stated that, due to the introduction of the new branch licensing
policy in 1977, rural branch expansion was relatively higher in financially less-developed
states between 1977 and 1990, and that the reverse was true both before 1977 and after 1990.
Based on these observations, and using panel data for 16 states from 1961 to 2000, the
authors empirically analyzed how the increase in the number of branches in rural unbanked
locations affected the poverty headcount ratio. They reported that, when evaluated at the
sample mean, rural branch expansion could explain a 14- to 17-percentage point decline in
the rural poverty headcount ratio, but it did not affect urban poverty.
JFEP Finally, Bhandari (2009) measured progress toward financial inclusion in India in the
form of growth in deposit bank accounts and calculated the Spearman’s rank correlation
between state-wise growth in bank accounts and the percentage changes in the population
below the poverty line. Using data from 1999 and 2004 for Indian states and union
territories, Bhandari found that, while changes in the poverty ratio and growth of bank
accounts were negatively correlated in both rural and urban areas, the coefficients were
statistically insignificant. Therefore, he concluded that the provision of banking services to
the maximum number of individuals is unsuccessful as a poverty-reduction strategy.
This study differs from the cited studies in the following ways. First, Honohan (2008) and
Park and Mercado (2016) constructed composite indicators for a large sample of countries[4].
Burgess and Pande (2005), Bhandari (2009) and Neaime and Gaysset (2018) used the number
of banks, bank branches, ATMs or bank accounts to measure the degree of financial
inclusion. Unlike these analyses, we apply both the numbers of bank branches and accounts
as the measure of accessibility and usage of banking services in India. Second, using the
interaction term between financial inclusion and financial deepening, we empirically analyze
whether, and to what extent, the breadth and depth of the banking sector interact with each
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other in the process of poverty reduction. Third, we divide the Indian commercial banks into
public sector banks and private sector banks and compare their impacts of financial
inclusion and financial deepening on poverty conditions.

3. Model and data

In our empirical analysis, we consider models wherein the poverty headcount ratio is
explained by proxies for financial inclusion and financial deepening, their interaction, as
well as a set of control variables. We apply the dynamic GMM estimator to unbalanced
panel data for 25 states and union territories covering seven time periods between 1973 and
2004 (1973, 1977, 1983, 1987, 1993, 1999 and 2004)[5],[6]. Our model is as follows:

POVi;t ¼ aPOVi;t1 þ b 0 þ b 1 FIi;t þ b 2 FDi;t þ b 3 FIi;t  FDi;t þ b 4 Xi;t þ ui;t ;

where POVi,t is the poverty ratio for region i at time t, FIi,t is the indicator of financial
inclusion for region i at time t, FDi,t is the indicator of financial deepening for region i at time
t, Xi,t is a vector of control variables for region i at time t, ui,t is the error term, i( = 1, 2,   , N)
is the number of cross-sections, and t( = 1, 2,   , T) is the number of time series.
In the aforementioned model, the poverty ratio (POV) is used as the dependent variable.
This is the percentage of the population below the poverty line set by the Indian
Government. A higher poverty ratio means a more impoverished condition.
The independent variable of interest in our study is financial inclusion. We use the
numbers of bank branches (FI1) and bank accounts (FI2) to measure access to and usage of
banking services, respectively. As the primary objective of financial inclusion is to alleviate
poverty conditions by promoting the provision of financial services, the coefficients of FI1
and FI2 in the model are expected to be negative.
Financial deepening (FD) is the traditional concept of financial development. We measure
the degree of financial deepening by the amount of bank credit relative to nominal GDP.
Financial deepening is thought to contribute to poverty reduction by eliminating credit
constraints on the poor and increasing their productive assets and productivity (World
Bank, 2001; Jalilian and Kirkpatrick, 2002). Therefore, the coefficient of FD in the model is
expected to be negative.
The interaction term (FI*FD) indicates to what extent financial inclusion (FI) modulates Poverty
the effect of financial deepening (FD) on poverty conditions. The marginal impact of a reduction in
change in financial deepening on poverty is defined as @POV/@FD = b 2 þ b 3 FI. Given that
financial inclusion and financial deepening have a positive impact on poverty reduction,
when a lower value of poverty indicates improved poverty conditions, a negative interaction
term will indicate that financial inclusion can be thought of a complement of financial
deepening in the poverty-alleviation process. In this case, financial inclusion and financial
deepening support each other and have a synergistic effect on poverty reduction in India.
Conversely, if the coefficient of the interaction term has a positive sign, financial inclusion
can be considered a substitute for financial deepening in the poverty-alleviation process. In
this case, financial inclusion would have a greater poverty-alleviating effect in states and
union territories with a lower level of financial depth, and vice versa.
As control variables, we use the regressors frequently used in the literature as factors
that influence poverty, namely, real per capita GDP (GDP), the inflation rate (INF) and the
measure of trade openness (OPEN). We consider real per capita GDP to capture the level of
average income of a sample region. Based on previous studies (Ravallion and Chen, 1997;
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Ravallion, 2001; Dollar and Kraay, 2002; Besley and Burgess, 2003; Jalilian and Kirkpatrick,
2005), a higher level of income ameliorates the well-being of the poor. Therefore, the
coefficient of GDP in the model is expected to be negative.
Inflation is defined as the annual change in wholesale prices. Large and unpredictable
price changes are considered to have a disproportionately negative impact on the poor
because they are likely to have a larger share of cash in small portfolios and relatively
limited instruments for hedging against inflation (Easterly and Fischer, 2001; Holden and
Prokopenko, 2001). In line with these studies, we expect the coefficient of INF to have a
positive sign in the model.
As the measure of trade openness, we use the sum of exports and imports of goods and
services relative to nominal GDP. The impact of trade openness on poverty conditions is
ambiguous. For example, Dollar and Kraay (2004) observed that, in a large sample of
countries, economic openness measured in terms of trade integration alleviates poverty.
However, some scholars have questioned whether international openness actually
contributes to poverty reduction (Mold, 2004; Wade, 2004; Milanovic, 2005). As neither
theoretical nor empirical studies have provided conclusive evidence, we cannot a priori
predict the sign of OPEN in the model.
All variables are expressed in natural logarithm. The log transformation allows the
interpretation of the coefficients as elasticities. Table I shows the definitions of the variables
and the sources of the data, and Table II indicates the summary statistics.

4. Empirical results
As the explanatory variables include the lagged value of the explained variable, we cannot
apply ordinary regression techniques. Furthermore, we need to address the potential
endogeneity of included explanatory variables. Accordingly, we estimate the models using
the dynamic panel GMM estimators developed by Arellano and Bond (1991) to deal with the
endogeneity problem[7]. In estimating the models, we divide the Indian commercial banks
into public sector banks and private sector banks and compare the coefficient estimates
across the banking groups.
Tables III and IV show the results of the GMM estimation for public sector banks group
and private sector banks group, respectively. In each table, the estimation results are
divided into eight cases. Cases 1 to 4 report the estimation results of the dynamic panel
model when we measure financial inclusion by the number of bank branches. On the other
JFEP Variable Definition Source(s)

POV Logarithm of the percentage of the The Planning Commission (2014) and
population below the poverty line set by various issues of Handbook of Statistics
the Indian Government on Indian Economy published by the
FI1 Logarithm of the state-wise number of Various issues of Banking Statistics:
bank branches divided by the population Basic Statistical Returns and Basic
of each state Statistical Returns of Scheduled
FI2 Logarithm of the state-wise number of Commercial Banks in India published
credit accounts divided by the population by the RBI (state-wise population from
of each state (
FD Logarithm of the state-wise amount of (nominal GDP from various issues of
bank credit divided by nominal GDP Handbook of Statistics on Indian
Economy published by the RBI)
GDP Logarithm of the state-wise real net (
domestic product per capita
INF Logarithm of the percentage change in the Various issues of Handbook of
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wholesale price index Statistics on Indian Economy published

Table I. OPEN Logarithm of the sum of exports and by the RBI
Definitions and imports of goods and services divided by
sources of variables nominal GDP

Variable Mean Standard deviation Maximum Minimum

POV 3.412 0.583 4.249 1.247

FI1 (public sector banks) 10.011 0.566 8.468 11.752
FI1 (private sector banks) 11.198 1.001 9.556 15.998
FI2 (public sector banks) 3.667 1.007 1.818 7.264
FI2 (private sector banks) 5.421 2.084 2.197 12.554
FD (public sector banks) 6.420 2.194 2.752 11.408
FD (private sector banks) 8.335 2.625 3.296 16.131
GDP 9.438 0.482 11.040 8.333
Table II. INF 1.992 0.514 3.006 1.184
Summary statistics OPEN 1.886 0.389 1.188 2.420

hand, Cases 5 to 8 report the estimation results when we measure financial inclusion by the
number of bank accounts. In Cases 1 and 5, we use only financial inclusion and financial
deepening as the independent variable. In the other cases, we individually add the control
variables (i.e. real GDP per capita GDP, the inflation rate INF and trade openness OPEN).
Table III shows the empirical results when we use the data of financial inclusion and
financial deepening for public sector banks group. Our main findings are as follows. First,
the estimated coefficients of FI1, FI2 and FD are negative and statistically significant at the
conventional levels in all cases. This suggests that financial inclusion and financial
deepening through public sector banks have positive impacts on poverty alleviation in
India. This is partly consistent with the findings of Burgess and Pande (2005), who stated
that branch expansion could explain the decline in the rural poverty ratio in India.
In addition, Table III shows that the coefficients of the interaction terms (FI1*FD and
FI2*FD) are estimated to be negative and statistically significant at the conventional levels
in all cases except Case 3. Considering the positive impacts of financial inclusion and
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

POV(1) 0.496*** (0.041) 0.519*** (0.062) 0.190*** (0.064) 0.251*** (0.089) 0.536*** (0.021) 0.755*** (0.083) 0.074** (0.033) 0.364*** (0.058)
FI1 2.192*** (0.404) 0.957** (0.443) 1.272* (0.650) 2.009*** (0.414)
FI2 0.331*** (0.098) 0.597*** (0.197) 0.863*** (0.170) 0.705*** (0.096)
FD 3.564*** (0.652) 1.724** (0.729) 2.030* (1.042) 3.210*** (0.689) 0.245*** (0.049) 0.786*** (0.194) 1.087*** (0.123) 0.685*** (0.106)
FI1* FD 0.332*** (0.065) 0.138* (0.074) 0.140 (0.105) 0.282*** (0.070)
FI2* FD 0.028* (0.015) 0.091*** (0.034) 0.104*** (0.025) 0.087*** (0.016)
GDP 1.297*** (0.119) 1.518*** (0.134)
INF 0.536*** (0.048) 0.629*** (0.053)
OPEN 0.664*** (0.073) 0.755*** (0.068)
J-statistic (p-value) 0.106 0.163 0.221 0.080 0.071 0.216 0.070 0.055
AR(2) (p-value) 0.634 0.099 0.659 0.078 0.540 0.105 0.870 0.010
Observations 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Significance at the 1, 5 and 10% levels is indicated by ***, ** and *, respectively

sector banks
Table III.
reduction in

Financial inclusion

conditions, public
and poverty
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Table IV.

and poverty

sector banks
conditions, private
Financial inclusion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

POV(1) 0.154 (0.104) 0.352*** (0.052) 0.227*** (0.076) 0.236** (0.096) 0.074 (0.119) 0.326*** (0.056) 0.224** (0.077) 0.220*** (0.067)
FI1 1.115** (0.519) 0.651 (0.426) 1.074*** (0.238) 1.178*** (0.399)
FI2 0.109 (0.123) 0.050 (0.077) 0.153* (0.090) 0.139 (0.100)
FD 1.915** (0.734) 0.747 (0.619) 1.400*** (0.342) 0.124** (0.049) 0.342*** (0.083) 0.057 (0.055) 0.144** (0.056) 0.265*** (0.065)
FI1* FD 0.127** (0.063) 0.057 (0.051) 0.106*** (0.028) 0.283*** (0.080)
FI2* FD 0.001 (0.013) 0.001 (0.007) 0.002 (0.010) 0.006 (0.011)
GDP 1.130*** (0.105) 1.207*** (0.095)
INF 0.302*** (0.037) 0.330*** (0.034)
OPEN 0.283*** (0.080) 0.392*** (0.052)
J-statistic (p-value) 0.083 0.069 0.096 0.136 0.087 0.061 0.089 0.063
AR(2) (p-value) 0.184 0.734 0.073 0.384 0.544 0.554 0.078 0.574
Observations 108 108 108 108 112 112 112 112

Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Significance at the 1, 5 and 10% levels is indicated by ***, ** and *, respectively
financial deepening on poverty reduction, these results suggest that the accessibility and Poverty
usage of banking services and the increased scale of the banking sector complement each reduction in
other in the poverty-alleviation process. In other words, banking breadth and depth have a
synergistic effect on poverty reduction in India.
With regard to the control variables, the results show that the coefficients of GDP are
estimated to be negative as expected and statistically significant at the 1 per cent level.
Thus, an increase in per capita GDP could have a positive impact on poverty reduction. The
coefficients of INF are estimated to be positive as expected and statistically significant at
the 1 per cent level. Thus, an increase in the inflation rate might lead to an increase in the
poverty ratio. The coefficients of OPEN are estimated to be negative and statistically
significant at the 1 per cent level. Thus, trade openness contributes to poverty reduction in
Table IV reports the empirical results for private sector banks group. The results
are different from those reported in Table III in that the coefficients of financial
inclusion in terms of usage of banking services lose their statistical significance.
Specifically, the estimated coefficients of FI1 and FD are likely to be negative and
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statistically significant, whereas the coefficients of FI2 are likely to be negative but
statistically insignificant. In addition, the coefficients of the interaction term between
FI2 and FD are statistically insignificant in all cases. Therefore, there is
heterogeneity among banking groups in the effect of usage of financial products on
poverty conditions in India. Gopalan and Rajan (2018) examined the impact of foreign
bank presence on financial inclusion for 50 developing countries, including India,
between 2004 and 2009, and found that foreign banks have a substantial positive
effect with respect to enhancing financial access, while they tend to hinder the usage
of financial services. Therefore, the insignificant impact of financial inclusion
through private sector banks on poverty reduction is likely to be affected by the
presence of foreign banks in India, which are included in the group of private sector
banks in our study.
Finally, we examine the relative effects of financial inclusion through public sector
banks and private sector banks on poverty conditions. By comparing the magnitude of
the significant coefficients, we find that public sector banks have larger estimated
values of FI1 and FI2 than private sector banks do. These results suggest that, among
Indian commercial banks, public sector banks made a greater contribution to reducing
poverty in India.

5. Robustness check
Each table reports the J-statistic and its associated p-value for each case. The J-statistic
is used as a test of over-identifying moment conditions. As Tables III and IV clarify, in
no case can the over-identifying restriction be rejected at the 5 per cent level of
significance. Therefore, the model specification is empirically supported. In addition,
each table reports the p-value of the Arellano–Bond test for second-order
autocorrelation in the first-differenced errors. The null hypothesis is that there is no
autocorrelation. As Tables III and IV clarify, there is no significant evidence of serial
correlation in the first-differenced errors at order 2 at the 5 per cent level of significance
in all cases except Case 8 in Table III. Therefore, the moment conditions are generally
valid. Finally, in estimating the models, we individually add the control variables. The
main findings remain the same even after including the control variables. Therefore, the
results are robust in this sense.
JFEP 6. Concluding remarks
In India, the central bank formally announced that financial inclusion would be a
primary policy objective in 2005, although the concept of financial inclusion can be
traced back to the start of social control of the banking sector in the 1960s. Since the late
1960s, the Indian Government has successively implemented various initiatives to
expand formal banking services to all areas. In this study, we measured financial
inclusion in terms of access to and usage of banking services, and empirically examined
whether, and to what extent, financial inclusion interacts with financial deepening in
the process of poverty reduction.
Using unbalanced panel data for Indian states and union territories from 1973 to 2004,
we estimated models wherein the poverty headcount ratio is explained by financial
inclusion, financial deepening, their interaction term and a set of control variables for public
sector banks and private sector banks, respectively.
Our empirical results are as follows. First, financial inclusion and financial
deepening through public sector banks have a statistically significant negative
relationship with the poverty ratio, irrespective of which financial inclusion indicator is
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used. Therefore, the breadth and depth of public sector banks have contributed to
poverty reduction in India. This does not apply to private sector banks, in which case,
the coefficients of usage of banking services are likely to be negative, but statistically
insignificant. Second, the coefficients of the interaction terms are estimated to be
negative and statistically significant in most cases of public sector banks. Considering
the positive impacts of financial inclusion and financial deepening on poverty
reduction, this result implies that promoting the breadth and depth of public sector
banks have a synergistic effect on poverty reduction in India. Third, by comparing the
magnitude of the significant coefficients, we found that public sector banks tend to
have larger estimated values of financial inclusion than private sector banks do. This
implies that, among Indian commercial banks, public sector banks made a greater
contribution to reducing poverty in India. Therefore, public sector banks should
promote access to and usage of banking services especially in remote areas by
expanding the branch network and using mobile banking technology.
Public sector banks were set up to serve the welfare needs of the poor and weaker
sections of society. The Indian banking system continues to be dominated by public sector
banks, which still have more than 70 per cent market share of the banking system assets. In
addition, while private sector banks shifted their operational emphasis to urban areas,
public sector banks continued financial penetration into rural areas, playing a pivotal role in
the promotion of financial inclusion.
In recent years, the asset quality of public sector banks has worsened, and these
banks have registered an increase in non-performing assets. The main cause for this
phenomenon is their lending to the industrial sectors, but not to the financial
inclusion target segments, such as agriculture and small industries. For the banks to
operate properly, the RBI has ordered them to clean up their balance sheets. In April
2017, the RBI revised the prompt corrective action framework and has put the banks
with weak balance sheets under the framework to improve their financial health.
These banks are required to deal proactively with stressed assets. However, as we
have empirically observed, public sector banks in India have contributed to poverty
reduction through financial inclusion. Therefore, when addressing the issues of non-
performing loans, authorities and banks themselves need to consider that
restructuring will not adversely affect the social mandate of public sector banks with
respect to financial inclusion.
Notes Poverty
1. Several studies empirically analyzed the relationship between financial inclusion and variables other reduction in
than poverty conditions. For example, Ghosh (2011), Sharma (2016) and Kim et al. (2018) examined India
the impact of financial inclusion on economic growth, while Morgan and Pontines (2014) and
Ahamed and Mallick (2017) analyzed the impact of financial inclusion on financial stability.
2. Ghosh (2011) and Sharma (2016) are among the papers on financial inclusion in India. Using the
cross-sectional and system GMM estimations, Ghosh (2011) found that financial inclusion
measured by the number of bank branches per 100,000 persons has a positive effect on economic
growth in India. Also, by estimating a vector autoregressive model, Sharma (2016) found that the
number of bank accounts, the numbers of bank branches and ATMs and outstanding deposits
lead to higher economic growth in India.
3. Based on the composite indicator of financial inclusion developed by Sarma (2008), Sarma and
Pais (2011) explored the empirical association between this composite indicator and an array of
variables. Using cross-country data, they found that financial inclusion is positively and
significantly affected by per capita GDP, adult literacy, road network and telephone and internet
usage, and it has a negative relationship with the Gini coefficient, rural population, the non-
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performing asset ratio, the capital asset ratio and asset share of foreign banks.
4. Goel and Sharma (2017) constructed the composite indicator of financial inclusion for India from 2004 to
2015. The indicator showed that India could be categorized as low financial inclusion between 2005 and
2012, medium financial inclusion in 2013 and high financial inclusion in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
5. The 25 states and union territories covered in this study are as follows: Andhra Pradesh,
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir,
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa
(Odisha), Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Chandigarh, Delhi and Pondicherry (Puducherry).
6. All benchmark years are fiscal years, except for 1983, which is a calendar year.
7. In the model, the poverty ratio is used as the dynamic instrumental variable, while the indicators
of financial inclusion and financial deepening are used as standard instrumental variables.

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Further reading
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (various issues), Banking Statistics: Basic Statistical Returns, RBI, Mumbai.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (various issues), Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks
in India, RBI, Mumbai.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (various issues), Handbook on Statistics of Indian Economy, RBI, Mumbai.

Corresponding author
Takeshi Inoue can be contacted at: [email protected]

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