Chapitre 01
Chapitre 01
Chapitre 01
1 Introduction
Industrial equipment can have various adverse consequences on operational safety (reliability,
availability, security, maintenance), personal safety, the environment, as well as the economy
and politics. All these consequences have driven the improvement of its performance level
(productivity, quality) and reduced its overall cost throughout its life cycle.
Implementing quality maintenance is the main economic challenge for production optimization.
Equipment maintenance allows the industry to take measures based on production regularity,
manufacturing costs, and competitiveness in order to achieve commercial success.
This chapter presents general definitions of industrial maintenance, monitoring of rotating
machinery, as well as vibro-acoustic diagnostics.
Maintenance refers to the set of technical, administrative, and management actions during the
life cycle of an asset, aimed at maintaining or restoring it to a state in which it can perform the
required function [1] "excerpt from standard NF-EN 13306."
There are two types of corrective maintenance: palliative maintenance and curative maintenance.
• Palliative Maintenance: defined as troubleshooting in the case of partial failure, its objective is
to eliminate the effects of the failure and allow the equipment to function until preventive
• Curative Maintenance: defined as repair in the case of total failure, the goal of this maintenance
is to get the equipment back up and running [1].
I.2.2.2 Preventive Maintenance
The objective of preventive maintenance is to reduce the probability of failure or degradation of
machine performance [2]. The operations of this maintenance are carried out through planned,
prepared, and scheduled interventions based on different criteria to avoid potential failure. There
are numerous operations involved in preventive maintenance, such as cleaning, lubrication of
friction points, equipment inspection and control both during operation and while stopped, partial
or complete revision, vibration signal analysis (measurement), oil analysis, and more [3].
Step 2: Instrumentation and measurement This step involves choosing the type of sensor to
use (accelerometer, current sensor, microphone, etc.) based on the measurement conditions
(contact surface, machine type, etc.), as well as the technical characteristics of the sensor
(permissible frequency range, sensitivity, etc.). The second point is the choice of the acquisition
card, which depends on the types of faults to be monitored. This allows for the definition of the
acquisition frequency, the type of recording (continuous, periodic, etc.).
Step 3: Monitoring and detection Once the sensor is installed and the acquisition begins, the
monitoring operation consists of extracting statistical indicators from the acquired signals that
reflect the state of the machine. The indicators used are generally "simple" and are usually only
used for detection purposes, for example, to indicate when the indicator exceeds a certain
threshold, which indicates an abnormal state of the machine. These thresholds are usually
determined by empirical or statistical signal processing methods. Many signal processing
methods are better suited for "detection" [13].
Step 4: Diagnostic The diagnostic process involves determining the faulty part of a complex
system. The term "must be isolated" is often used by Anglo-Saxons. This is where signal
processing can play its biggest role. It involves extracting from the signal, with knowledge of the
system and the symptoms of the faults, the parameter(s) related to these symptoms. In addition to
signal processing methods, this step can use "decision" methods, such as pattern recognition.
Step 5: Decision This is the final step in the diagnostic procedure. In an industrial environment,
it involves determining the actions to be taken, initiating maintenance operations, stopping the
machine, etc. [12].
1.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have studied maintenance in general, with a particular focus on maintenance
through vibrational and acoustic analysis. Various tools can be used, such as oil and lubricant
analysis, infrared thermography, acoustic emission, and vibrational analysis, to ensure effective
preventive maintenance. Vibrational and acoustic analysis is well-known and widely used, as it
allows for the detection of almost all possible faults in rotating machinery. This technique offers
several advantages, including ease of measurement, early fault detection, and in-depth
diagnostics to identify the root cause of the failure. The next chapter will be dedicated to
presenting the main faults of rotating machinery, specifying the characteristic frequencies of
each fault.