Unit-1 Research Methodology
Unit-1 Research Methodology
Unit-1 Research Methodology
Definition of Research
There is various definition of Research by various researchers/ as per the fields of their
study and the availability of resources at the given time. As a basic definition of Research,
we can say Research is the process of gathering information and data to discover a new
knowledge/concept or advancement of existing theories, which is a new understanding that
was not previously known.
The main goal of research is to improve the quality and level of living in the society. The
purpose of a research study is to find out the hidden facts about a business phenomenon. The
obvious function of research is to add new knowledge to the existing store. It serves the
government and the business organizations in forming their future policies. The objectives of
a research study are listed below:
1. Understanding a business problem: The first and foremost objective of any study is to
understand, analyze and explore a business problem. Once complete familiarity with the
phenomenon is achieved, it is easier to decompose the complex problem into smaller once.
2. Identifying the cause and effect relationship: Individuals form groups, and groups
form organizations. They are interdependent. It is very important for a researcher to identify
the functional relationships among various components of an organization. A scientific
investigation is necessary in studying the cause and effect relationship of variables involved
in a business phenomenon.
4. To improve the quality: The whole exercise of any activity is done for the
improvement of quality of a product, machinery, or life of human beings. For a business
organization it is atmost important to improve the quality of its products. This can be
achieved by a systematic and critical investigation i.e. research.
Objectives of Research
Types of research
Research is a multidimensional activity. It comes in various forms and is used in all social,
behavioral, educational, economical and management sciences. According to the approach
and method involved in a research, one can classify the following types of research.
1. Descriptive v/s Analytical research: Descriptive research basically describes what is.
It mainly involves collection, recording, describing and analyzing the facts related to the
study. It tries to find the existing status, trend and state of affairs in a phenomenon.
Descriptive research involves surveys, but they are not merely data collection as they also
involve measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation. In this type of
research the variable under study are uncontrollable. One can only observe and report what is
happening in a situation. Analytical research, on the other hand deals with what will be. In
this type of research, the variables involved are carefully and scientifically controlled and
manipulated. Analytical research is also known as experimental research and is a very
sophisticated technique. This kind of research is based on four important characteristics
namely; control, manipulation, observation and replication.
5. Other types of research: Any research study is derivation of one or the other of above
four types of research. One can further classify a research on the basis of its purpose, time
taken and the discipline of knowledge it relates to. For example, Historical research is the
study of past events, historical documents, remains and relics. Clinical research is employed
to study the effects of a new drug. Market research is performed to forecast the potential
demand of a product. One- time research is carried out on a small scale in short period with a
specific purpose. Educational research is directed towards the study and development of
educational system. Social research is concerned with the social problems of the society.
Field research is done by going out in the field or market, where as Laboratory research is
carried out with in four walls of a laboratory.
Types of Research
By defining a research problem we mean a systematic way of asking and answering research
questions. Meaningful, productive and useful research depends on the development of
appropriate research questions, the identification of appropriate constructs and confidence we
can have in our findings. There are two main steps in defining a research problem:
The problem description, the research question, sub questions and the research objectives are
part of an overall definition of a research problem.
Research design
A Research Design: is a controlling plan for a research study in which the methods and
procedures for collecting and analyzing the information to be collected is specified. It is a
framework or plan for study that guides the collection and analysis of data.
The word ‘design’ means to work out the structure of form’, as by making a sketch or plan.
Thus, ‘Research Design’ is planning a strategy or drawing a blue print of conducting
research. It is a guideline for collecting and utilizing data so that desired information can be
obtained with sufficient precision and hypothesis can be tested properly. A research is
designed for the purpose of producing results that may be applied to real world situations. It
not only enables a researcher to anticipate potential problems that can occur during the actual
operation of the research, but also to limit boundaries of research study.
1. “Research design is the planned sequence of the entire process involved in conducting a
research study.” By Miller.
2. “Research design is a catalogue of the various phases and facts relating to the formulation
of a research effort. It is an arrangement of the essential conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a form that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in the
procedure”. By Selltiz and others.
3. “A research designates the logical manner in which individuals or other units are compared
and analyzed, it is the basis of making interpretations from the data”. By Anonymous.
4. “Also known as a market research briefing, this is a basic plan which guides the data
collection and analysis phased of the research project. It acts a frame work which details the
type of information to be collected, the data sources and the data collection procedure”. By
Market Intelligence Group, India
In short, research design is a plan of what data to gather, from whom, how and when to
collect the data, and how to analyze the data obtained.
A research design states structure and process of conducting a research process. Thus, it
shows a path to researcher without which he may be lost or confused as to what next step he
has to take. More so, it also takes care of budget and time frame of the research study. All this
planning can only make a research study a success story.
1. Freedom from bias: A good research design should ensure that the method of data
collection and analysis would not cause the data to vary in a systematic way. That is to say
that the data should be free from systematic errors.
2. Freedom from confounding: In a good research design the variables involved in the study
are separated from each other so that they do not influence each other.
3. Control of extraneous variables: In a well-designed research study the variables that are
not under scrutiny do not influence the experimental variables in a systematic way for
example things like temperature, time of day etc.
4. Statistical precision for testing hypothesis: A research design should ensure that the data
are recorded at a level of precision that will yield statistically meaningful results.
5. With in resources: A design should draw limits of a research study so that it could be
completed within available resources like time, money and staff.
6. Optimality: The best research design is one, which yields maximum precision in terms of
bias and variance using minimum resources in terms sample size, time and money.
7. Objectivity: If operated by more than one researcher a good research design obtains same
results. Thus, a good research design should be free from the subjectivity of its performer.
8. Flexibility: It is often observed that one has to deviate from the basic research design
during the operation of the research study due to real world problems. A good research design
is one, which not only has the potential to predict such practical problems, but also is flexible
enough to incorporate changes in it whenever needed.
5. With in resources
6. Optimality
7. Objectivity
8. Flexibility
After the formulation and definition of research problem, the next step is to choose an
appropriate research design. Every research study is unique in itself, but there are certain
things common in these studies. On the basis of these commonalities one can categorize the
research studies by research methods and procedures used to collect and analyze data.
Accordingly a research design is chosen. There are three basic types of research designs:
1. Exploratory
1. Exploratory
In exploratory type of research, the investigation may be conducted because a problem has
not been clearly defined. It helps in determining the best research design, data collection
method and selection of subjects. Usually exploratory research is qualitative in nature. Some
times exploratory research may even conclude that a perceived problem does not actually
Generally an exploratory research design helps in finding out the feasibility of the research
problem, getting familiar with various components of the study, generating new ideas, and
formulating the hypothesis. Exploratory research designs are of different forms depending on
the nature and objectives of the study. The following three forms are most popular:
(a) Literature Survey: In any research, review of literature is an essential part. The
literature survey is carried out at a preliminary stage of the research. Through the review, one
understands the work that has already been done and what more can be explored in one’s
chosen field. The theories and techniques used in the existing literature can be used in the
present analysis or these can be modified to give better results.
The literature are the documentary sources of information which are contained in the
published and unpublished documents, reports, statistics, manuscripts, letters, diaries, and so
on. It is important for scientific workers to scrutinize these sources very closely. Since not all
documents can be consulted, it is best to start a selective process early. The theory and
techniques of the literature must serve useful purpose in the present study. And, their
meaning should not have altered with changing circumstances with the passage of time.
(b) Expert Survey: Expert Survey or experience survey means consulting the experienced
researchers who are experts in the field of study. One should not be shy in taking advice and
guidance of such people. They should be given sometime with the problem before asking
them questions about the study, so that they can give their opinion after a good thought on the
(c) Example Survey: In case of a new type of studies sometimes neither much literature
nor expert advice is available. In such situations it is advisable to go through some case
studies performed in the past. This refers to ‘insight stimulating examples’. Single cases or a
group of cases, as may be relevant to the research study are selected and studied in order to
collect data for main study.
Descriptive research refers to a set of methods and procedures that describe the study
variables. Descriptive studies portray these variables by answering who, what, why and how
questions. These types of research studies may describe such things as consumer’s attitudes,
intentions, behaviors or the number of competitors and their strategies.
The process of conducting descriptive research can be linked to that of passing an idea
through an hourglass. The research starts with a consideration of the larger issues of interest,
and these are then narrowed into a specific questions (hypothesis) that can only be evaluated
with some degree of control. The components of the hypothesis are operationalized into
observable units and behaviors to ensure that the independent and dependent variables can be
observed and measured. Research is then conducted to observe the relationships of interest, in
the context of the specified research environment. Observations are made, and data are
collected to reflect behaviors, changes and other indicators of interest. The data are filtered
and analyzed in order to generate conclusions that may support or refute the hypothesis, and
then everything is considered in the context of the bigger picture, which usually includes
reference and association to the board issues that started the process.
Although data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe
what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used to create causal
relationship where one variable affects another.
Causal research designs are used in hypothesis testing research or experimental research
studies. This type of research design is conducted by controlling various factors to determine
which factors are causing the problem. It isolates causes and effects. By changing one factor,
say price you can monitor its effects on a key consequence such as sales. Although
experimental research can give a high level of understanding of the variables under study, the
designs often require experiments that are complex and expensive. Some of the popular
experimental designs are: (a) Completely randomized design (b) Randomized block design
(c) Latin square design (d) Factorial design.
1. Exploratory
Research Process
Research is a search for knowledge. It helps in taking appropriate decisions. Research
involves asking a question and then trying to find an answer to it. Research is essentially a
systematic, scientific and structured inquiry seeking facts through objective methods.
Therefore a research must have a clearly defined step-by-step process. A knowledge of the
research process is essential both for those who conduct the research and for those who wish
to be benefited by the conclusions drawn from the research. A meaningful knowledge should
have a definite purpose and direction.
In developing a research process, one would like to list the sequence of step-bystep activities.
In a research process these steps are inter- dependent and may overlap each other. They may
not follow a strict sequence and the researcher has to be vigilant of their order continuously
through out the research process. However, one can broadly enlist the main steps involved in
a research process as a procedural guideline to the researcher. These steps are:
1. Problem formulation
2. Literature survey
3. Development of hypothesis
4. Research design
6. Data collection
8. Hypothesis testing
9. Interpretation of results
The above procedure can be depicted in a diagrammatic form as shown in the flowchart in
figure 1.1. A brief description of the above steps is given below.
1. Problem formulation
Formulation of a problem is the first and foremost step in a research process. It is not
always easy to identify and define a problem in an ever-changing business
environment. A researcher not only discovers and defines a problem area but also a
specific problem within that area concerning his interest in business. The problem
should be clearly and precisely stated. The statement of the problem must be
The problems in a business may sometimes be obvious and one can pinpoint them.
Many a problems is not so apparent and needs explorations. Thus, first of all one has
to identify a problem specifically and thoroughly, and then it has to be expressed in
scientific terms so that statistical analysis can be performed on that problem.
2. Literature survey
After the formulation and identification of a problem, the next important step is the
review of literature survey. An exhaustive and critical review of professional literature
familiarizes the researcher with the current state of knowledge.
It helps in understanding of the problems and hypothesis that others have studied. It
clarifies the concepts, theories, major variables involved, operational definitions and
research methods used in the past. This contributes to the cumulative nature of
scientific knowledge.
Every year thousands of articles, books and monographs are published in any field of
study. Therefore, it is important to sort out the relevant literature connected with the
field of one’s interest. It is best to begin any search for literature with one of the
guides to published literature. These guides are increasingly computerized and include
bibliographies, indexes and abstracts. With the advent of Internet the modern life has
changed drastically. One can find an ocean of information within the four walls of
one’s study room through Internet. Some of the popular search engines like google,
yahoo and rediff are becoming more popular in searching for literature on any topic.
3. Development of hypothesis
Once a problem is defined and a review of literature is made, the next step is to define
clearly the hypothesis in a research problem. A hypothesis is a tentative assumption in
a research problem, which has to be tested empirically with the help of observed data.
When formulating a hypothesis, a researcher does not know whether it will be
rejected or accepted. A hypothesis is constructed and tested; if it is rejected, another
one is formulated; if it is accepted, it is incorporated in the scientific body of
One should arrive at a clear and specific working hypothesis for which research
methods already exist. A good hypothesis states a research problem in concise and
precise terms so that the researcher is focused on the problem at hand.
4. Research design
A research design is a well-defined plan of action. It is a planned sequence of the
entire research process. It is a blue print of research activity. In a big business
scenario designing a research study is very complex. Therefore, a research design may
change during the operation of a project. A good research design must use minimum
of resources like time, money and manpower. A research design must be able to
translate the general scientific model into a practical research operation. A
scientifically developed research design possess the characteristics like (i) objectivity
(ii) Reliability ( iii) Validity (iv) Generalization .
5. Choice of sample design
In any investigation the group of all items, objects or individuals under study is called
‘population’ or ‘universe’. For all purpose of determining population characteristics,
instead of enumerating entire population, some items of the population, called a
sample, are observed. Then the sample characteristics are utilized to approximately
determine or estimate the population. For example, on examining the sample of
particular product, we arrive at a decision of purchasing or rejecting that product.
There will be surely some error in such an approximation and is inherent and
unavoidable in any and every sampling scheme. But samples results in considerable
gains in terms of time, money, accuracy and efforts.
A method and source of data collection is chosen by an investigator taking into account the
objectives and requirements of the inquiry. The adopted method should incur minimum cost
and time should have a reasonable level of accuracy and unbiasedness.
6. Analysis and interpretation of data
After the collection of data, what we have is a huge chunk of observations and
numerical values. The data at the beginning are in raw form. For the purpose of
applying further statistical techniques, one has to put the raw data in a useful form by
classification, tabulation and categorization of data. If one has to feed the data in a
computer, the data should bear the same form as required by the software used. This
kind of processing of data involves one or more of the following activities: (i) coding
(ii) labeling (iii)editing (iv) tabulation (v) classification.
7. Hypothesis testing
After analyzing and processing of data, it is time now to test the hypothesis that were
formed in step 3 of the research process. A hypothesis is skeptically formulated
regarding the relationship between phenomena and variables involved in a study.
Then by empirical investigation the hypothesis is tested for possible acceptance or
rejection. In other words, the researcher decides on the basis of the observed facts that
he has collected, whether or not an assumption is valid. A hypothesis is tested by
making use of a predefined decision rules established in statistical methods. Some of
the popular statistical tests are, Z- test, Chi- square test, t- test and F- test.
In a situation where no hypothesis is formulated in a study, the observations are made
on the data directly and conclusions are drawn to formulate new generalizations and
assumptions for future purposes.
8. Interpretations of results
After the data collection and testing of hypothesis one has to reach to the conclusions
of the research study. These conclusions are the most vital outcomes of the study and
have to be dealt with very carefully. On the basis of findings of the research work
done we draw inferences about the phenomenon under study. This is a useful activity
as without any outcome a research study is fruitless. The results obtained from the
analysis of data are to be interpreted skillfully. A wrong interpretation my lead to
wrong decisions. Interpretation may also lead to generalizations of the phenomena
understudy. It may also help in developing new theories and can suggest new research
problems to be explored in future. 10. Report writing Last but not the least is the step
of reporting the facts and findings of the research study. A report is a summary of the
whole research process. The layout of a report must be attractive. The words used in
the text must be easily comprehensive to a reader. Even a non- technical person
understands a good report. In the beginning of the report one should give the title,
time period of work, acknowledgement and preface. In the main text an introduction
to the problem, summary of findings, results and inferences, and then the
recommendations of the researcher are given. The report should conclude with
appendices, bibliography and a subject or / and author indexes. 1.8 Significance of
Research In any scientific inquiry research has been the most powerful tool for
knowledge seeking people. Research is a kind of power with which one can foresee
the implications of a particular phenomenon. Research is all pervading and is used in
every discipline of study. Some of the applications of research are listed below. 1. In
psychology, research is done to study psychological, cultural and motivational factors
of different types of persons. 2. In sociology, research studies are performed to
analyze changing relationships among age and sex groups, emerging class patterns,
social mobility and social values etc. 3. In economics, planned development of a
country and an organization is achieved through research. It helps us in deciding the
wages, salaries of all employees, profit and risk involved in a business activity, and
the effects of government policies on the economic structure. 4. In geography,
research is used to study environmental control, climatic complexities, geographical
appraisal of a country’s foreign policy, geographical patterns of changes in
agricultural wastelands. 5. In education, research helps in the improvement of
teaching methods, interrelationship of teachers and students, expenditure share of
primary, technical and higher education. 6. In medical science, clinical trials are
performed to study the effects of medicine. No medicine or medical treatment is
accepted by medical associations without completing a thorough research process on
the medicine or treatment. 7. In the field of business management, marketing research
is the backbone of marketing a product. Before launching a new product, market
surveys are conducted to identify the needs and satisfaction level of customers. It
helps not only in solving existing problems but also in identifying new opportunities.
In every manufacturing industry there is a research and development section, which is
involved in improving the quality of products. Research is carried out in production
units to decide the amount, time and potential customers of its products. Research
methods are applied in statistical quality control and maintaining the optimum
inventory level. For a human resource manager it is important to have the knowledge
of its employee’s, salary structure, and satisfaction level, cost of living performance
appraisal. The HR department achieves the objective through research studies 8. The
government cannot function without having clear and true picture of what is
happening in its state with its subjects. Every government department has a research
officer with separate section on research. The collection of data is done round the year
in every department and the government policies, budget, development programs take
shape on the basis of these research surveys. 1.9 Problems Encountered by
Researchers Research plays a vital role in the development of a country or business
organization. The developed countries are developed because they have strong
research support system. In India the state of research was not very good before
independence. The government realized the importance of research in framing the
policies for the development of the country later on. In the modern times the business
organizations have realized the importance of research in last three to four decades
only. India being a developing country is striving hard to achieve higher levels of
research. But , Researches in India face several problems are listed below. 1. Lack of
skilled researchers: Research is a scientific and systematic investigation into a
problem. In India there is scarcity of competent researchers due to the lack of
scientific training in research methodology. 2. Lack of code of conduct The researcher
in India does not have a well-defined code of conduct. They do not have ethical or
moral guidelines for becoming good researcher. Therefore, they often face non-co-
operation in team members. There is a clean need of proper distribution of work,
assignment of responsibility and answerability and a well-defined code of conduct for
researchers in India. Significance of Research 1. In psychology 2. In sociology 3. In
economics 4. In geography 5. In education 6. In medical science 7. In business
management 8. In government functioning