PNP MC No. 2019 062 DTD Nov 13 2019

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Repuuto Lf tne enlippines
Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City

ro.:2019 -062 13NOVlli3

a. Memorandum from TDO dated Oclober 10, 2018, with subject:
Coordinating Conference re Recommendations of the PNP Board of
lnquiry (BOD re: PNP ISO Operational Audit of 805h MFC, RMFB 8;
b. Memorandum from TDIPO Visayas dated October 10, 2018' with
subject: lmplementation of the Recommendations of the Board of
c. Approved memorandum by the CPNP dated July 23' 2018 with subject:
PNP ISO Operational Audit;
d. PNPMC No. 2017-ffi3, Amending NHQ-PNP Memorandum Circular
No. 2009-020A dated July 5, 2010 entitled 'Guidelines and Procedures
on the Rationalization of the PNP Mobile Groups'dated October 16'
e. PNPMC No. 2018448, Revised Policies and Guidelines Goveming the
2d Level PCOs and PNCOS Regular Promotion Program; and
f. PNPMC No. 2014-013, Prescribing the Policies and Procedure
Governing the Placement of Second (2*) Level Uniformed Personnel.


This PNP Memorandum Circular (PNPMC) provides implementing

directives on the placement, promotion, and career path of PNP personnel assigned
with the PNP Mobile Forces (PMFs) of the Police Regional Offces (PROs).


The result of the Operational Review and Performance Audit conducted by

the PNP Board of lnquiry (Bol) from the aftermath of the samar misencounter
revealed the inadequacy of our mobile forces in terms of equipage and significantly,
small unit leadership. The actual staffing pattem of units is far from the ideal staffing
pattem for the PMFs.

The regular downloading of PMF personnel who finished their tenure in

position required-in the PMFs also denies their units of their leadership potentials.
bnty a tew personnel opt to remain with the PMFs and majority prefers to .be
downloaded io the police stations and seldom return to the PMFs as senior Police
Non-Commissioned'offcers (PNCOS), Comes promotion time, the PMF personnel
has to compete with the local police for the promotion quota which most often, will be

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the last priority for being low-ranking and the most junior in the service.
Consequently, the absence of senior/experienced PNCOs to lead the
junior/unexperienced PNCOs adversely affects the unit's administrative and
operational effectiveness.


Attuned with improving the professional and organizational development,

motivating the morale, and retaining the personnel assigned in the PMFs, this MC
prescribes the implementing directives on the placement, promotion, and career path
of PNCOs assigned with the PMFs of the PROs.


For purposes of this MC, the following terms are hereby defined:

a. Assignment - refers to the movement of newly appointed/reinstated

PNP uniformed personnel to their respective officey'unit.

b. Career Path/Ladder - refers to the progress of advancement of the

career of uniformed PNP personnel through a system of assignment in
command and staff function, field duties, and administrative duties in
the line, technical or lntemal Affairs Service.

c. Mandatory Career Course Training - refers to training/course

conducted by the PNP or the Philippine Public Safe$ College (PPSC)
which is part of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and NAPOLCOM
qualification stiandards for promotion to different PNP ranks such as
Public Safety Officers Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC)' Public
Safety Officers Advance Course (PSOAC), Public Safe$ Officers !1s1c
Course (PSOBC), Public Safety Officers Orientation Course (PSOOC)
for lateral entrants, Public Safety Offtcers Candidate Course (PSOCC),
Public Safety Senior Leadership Course (PSSLC), Public Safety Junior
Leadership Course (PSJLC), and Public Safety Basic Recruit Course

d. - refers to the courses offered by the

Occupational Eligibility Training
PNP as a pre-requisite eligibility, such as Human Resource
Management Course, Finance Course, Logistics Management C!yE",
lntelligence Basic Course for Police Commissioned Officers (PCOS)
and PNCOs, lnvestigation Officers Basic Course, Crime lnvestigation
and Detection Course, Criminal lnvestigation Course, Explosive
Ordnance Disposal Course, and other specialized courses before a
personnel can be designated to a position of responsibility.

e. PNP Mobile Forces (PMFs) - is a general collective term for mobile

reaction units established in all PROs, Police District Offices, Police
Provincial Offices (PPOs), and Ci$ Police ffices (CPOS) for internal
security operations and to reinforce/support tenitorial police units in

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public safety operations, law enforcement operations, and special
police operations. This includes the Special Action Forces (SAFs).

f. PNP Mobile Force (PMF) Personnel - refers to the personnel of PMFs

in all PROs, Police District Offices, PPOs, and CPOs with a rank from
Patrolman/Patrolwoman (Pat) to Police Executive Master Sergeant

g. Placement - refers to the selection and designation of qualified police

offcers to a certain position of responsibility subiect to existing policies
and regulations.

h. Placement Secretariat - refers to the group of designated PNP

personnel to provide secretariat support to the different PMF
Placement Boards/Committees which shall be headed by the Chief,
Placement Section of the PROs.

Promotion - refers to the advancement in career ftom one position to

another with increase in duties, responsibilities, and salary.

Promotion Secretariat refers to the group of designated PNP
personnel to provide secretariat support to the different PItiF Promotion
boards/Committees which shall be headed by the Chief, Promotion
Section of the PROs.

k Qualification Standards - refer to the prescribed minimum and

mandatory qualifications for promotion in the PNP. lt shall include sets
of standaids approved by the PNP and confirmed by NAPOLCOM and
the CSC as foliows: Time-ingrade, Education, Training, and Eligibility;

Reassignment - refers to the movement of PNP personnel ftom one

office/unit to another within the PNP.

m. Selection - refers to the process by which second level uniformed

personnel are screened, assessed, evaluated, and qualified to oc'cupy
a position based on the set of predetermined criteria.

n. Second (2d) Level Police Personnel -

refers to the active PNP
uniformed personnel with the rank of Patrolman/Patrolwoman to Police
Lieutenant Colonel.

o. Seniority Lineal List - refers to the hierarchical listing by rank of all

uniform6d police personnel based on dates of promotion, appointrnent,
and other established parameters.

p. Tenure of Duty - refers to the total number of years whether continuous

or cumulative that second level PNP personnel may render duty and
hold responsibility in the PMFs.

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q. Time-in-Grade (TlG) - refers to the minimum period required before a
PMF personnel becomes eligible to be promoted to the next higher


a. Mandatory Training Requirements

Any of the following are the mandatory training that PMF personnel
must undergo and which will carry weight during promotion time:

'l) SAF Commando Course;

2) Force Reconnaissance Course;
3) Scout Ranger Course:
4) Special Forces Course;
5) Basic lntemal Security Operations Course (BISOC); or
6) Special Counter lnsurgency Operations Unit Training (SCOUT).
b. Career Path/Ladder

The authorized organizational and stafrng pattem, and number of

position per rank of the PMF pemonnel from Pat to PEMS as provided by
PNP MC No. 2017-063r are as follows:

1) National Capital Region Police ffice Mobile Forces Battalion


Rank Offics of the Force Commander Staff Total

PEMS - 1 Force ESPO - 1 Sr Admin PNCO 2
- I lntel PNCO
- 1Ct PNCO
- I Opn PNCO
PCTIS - 1 Radio Optr 7
- I Log PNCO
- 1 Fin PNCO
- 1 lnvest PNCO
1 lntel PNCO
PSmS 1 Opn PNCO 3
- 1 Admin PNCO - 3 Admin PNCO
- 3 Admin PNGO
- 1l el PNCO
- 1Cr PNCO
- I Opn PNCO 16
PSSg - 'l Driver - 1 Radio Opr
- 2 Mechanic PNCo
- 5 Transporu Driver PNCO
- 1 lnvest PNCO
- 1 Security - 5 Transporu Driver PNCO 7
- 1 Driver

t pttpuc xo. zotzo63, Amending NHQ-PNP M€morandum ci.cular Nq. 2o@o2oA &ted Jut s, 2010 entithd 'Guk'€lines
and P,ocedurei on the Ratlonalization of the PNP Mobile Groups' dated October 16, 2017

PaBe 4 of 23

2) National Capital Reg ion Police Office Mobile Forces Battalion

(NCRPOMFB) 1st - 6b coy
Office of tho Unit
Rank Support Staff Total
Com 1 Platoon Platoon Platoon
-l Plt Sr - 't Ptt sr - 'r Plr sr 3
- 1 Opn
- 1 Admin PNCO
PNCO - 1 lntel 6
- 1 Log PNCO PNCO;
- 1 Fin PNCO - I lnvest
-4xlTeam -4xlTeam -4x l Team
PilSg Leader Leader Leader
- 1 Action
-4xlTeam -4xlTeam - 4xlTeam
Leader Leader Leader

-1 Security - 3 Asst Admin - 4x3Team - 4x3Team - 4x3Team 41

PC pl /Driver Member Member Member
-1 Messenqer
-1 Security
- 'l Adion
- 4x3Team - 4x3Team - 4x3Team
Pat PNCO 38
/Driver Member Member Member
TOTAL '114

3) National Capital Region Police ffice Mobile Forces Battalion

(NCRPOMFB) 7h Coy Crechnical Support Coy)
Units Total
Ofnco of tho 'l'Platoon Platoon
Rank z- Ptatoon (xg)
Coy Cmdr. (EOD) Team
PEfS 0

- 'l Asst Pltn

PStrS Leadef
- 1 Pltn ESPO/Team Leadef *
PtISS - 1 Log PNCO - 2 Bomb Tech/Team Leader'- 5
- 1 Team Leader' " 6
PSSo - 2 Action PNCO -4x1AsstTL."'
- 2 Recorder/ PhotgraPher' " /Team Member* "
- 2 Evidence Custodian' */Team Member* "
- 2 lnvestigator' "/Bomb Tecfinician* "/Team Member'* 't2
- 3 Ac'tion PNCO'*/Team Member* -
-3 Team Membe-/Kg handler"
Pat - 12 Team Membef*/Kg handler' lo 12

'-- -i
- D"r"ibd forn the PNP Eplcives Ordnance Dispcal and Canine (EOO/K9) Group
* - 3d Pl;toon shall be of t# Emergency Response/Hostage Negotiation Teams

PaBe 5 of 23
4) National Capital Region Police Office Mobile Forces Battalion
(NCRPOMFB) 8h and th Coy (Rapid Deployment Coy)
Rank Office of tho Coy C 1 Platoon Platoon Total
PE''S 0

PCits - 't Coy ESPO - 1 Pttn Sr PNCO - 1 Pltn Sr PNCO

PSS - 1 Aclion PNCO -4xlAsstTL 5
- 1 Action PNCO -4xlSniper - 4x l AsstTL
PMSg - 4 x 1 Front Security 17
- 2 Log PNCO -4xl Driver -4xlSniper
-4xl lntelSpecialist 22
PSSg -4xl Tactical Medic
- 1x1
- 2 Commo PNCO -4xl Breacher -4xiLeadScout
- 4x l Navigator 2.
PCpl - 4xl ContactMan
- 4xlTail Scout
Pat -4xl Rear - 4x l Radioman I

5) National Capital Region (NCR) District Mobile Force Battalion


Offico of the Support Staff Public Safoty Coy Rapid ment Coy Total
Coy Cmdr. (ld to 3d)
- I Force - 3x l CoyESPO - 1 A8st TUBomb Tech' 5
- 1 Admin - 3x 3 Pltn Senior -I Coy ESPO
-1 lntel PNCO
- 1 Log PNCO
- 1 Fin PNCO
- 1 lnvest PNCO
- 3x l Admin - 1 Action PNCO
PNCO - 3 x '1 Asst Team Leader
- 3xI Log PNCO
- 3xl Fin PNCO 22
PSMS - 3x l Opn PNCO
- 3xl lntel PNCO
- 3xl lnvest
- l Security - 4x3x3Team - 1 Aclion PNCO
Leader -3xlSniper
-3xlBreadler 48
PSg - 3 x 'l Front Seqlrity
- 1 Evidence
CustodiadBomb Tech'
- 'l Driver -1 Asst Admin - 3xlAction - 2 Log PNCO
PNCO PNCO (Driver) -3xlSniper 67
PSSg - 5 Action - 4x3x3Assistant -3xlBreacher
PNCO/Driver Team Leader -3xlDriver

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- l Asst lnvest -3xl lntel Specialist
PNCO - 3x l Tactical Medics
- 1 Recorder/
- 1 lnvesuBomb Tech'
- 'l Oriver/Bomb Tech'
- 1 Driver/ - 1 Asst Admin - 3x'l Security/ - 2 Commo PNCO
Secunty PNCO Driver -3xlBreacher
-2 Asst lntel - 3xl Messenger
PNCO - 3xlA$tAdmin
PCpl - 1 Asst Opn PNCO 136
PNCO - 3 x 'l Asst Admin
- 5 Action - 3x4x3x3Team
PNCO/ Driver Member
- 1 Security - 3xl - 3xl Front Security
- I Messongor Seanrity/Driver
- 3xlAction 119
Pat PNCO(Driveo
- 3x,lx3x3Team
' - Detailed from tle PNP EJolciries Ordnanco Dispcal aid CanirE (EOtylG) Group

6) Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB)

Operating Units
Ofice o, the Coy Support Stafi Technical Support 1" to 5' Total
Cmdr. Coy (TSC) aneuver Coy
PEMS -1 Force ESPO -5xlCoyESPO b
- 1 Admin PNCO - 1 Coy ESPO - 1 Plh Senior
- 1 lntel PNCO PNCO
- 'lopn PNCo 22
- 1 Log PNCo
- I Fin PNCO
- 1 lnvest PNCO
- 1 Asst Plfi -5xiAdmin
Leader" PNCO
-5X 1 Fin PNCO
-5X l lntel
-5X I lnve3t
-1 Driver/ Security - 1 Log PNCO -4X'lTeam
- 1 Pttn ESPO' Leader
PMSg - 2 Bomb Tecfi' 66
- I Driver/ Security - 1 Asst Admin - 2 Action PNCO' -5XlAc'tion
- I Ac,tion PNCO -4xlAsstTeam PNCO (Driver)
PNCO/Messenger - 2 Asst Intel Leadef -4X'lAsstTL
PSSg PNCO -4xlTeam 82
- 1 Asst Opn Leadef
- 4 Aciion

PaSe 7 of 23
- 'l Asst lnvest
-1 Driver/ Security - 1 Asst Admin - 2 Recorder/ -5XlSecurity/
PNCO Photographef Oriver
- 'l Asst Opn - 2 Evidence -5Xl
PNCO Custodian' Messenger
- 4 Aclion PNCO/ - 2 lnvesu -5X2Asst 224
Driver BombTech' Admin PNCO
- 3 A.nion PNCO' -5X2AsstOpn
- 12 x I K9 Handler* PNCO
-4x3Team -4X3Team
Member" Member
- 2 Drivef -5XfSecurity/
- 12 x 1 K9 Handler' Driver
-4x3Team -5X l Aclion
Pat Membef' PNCO (Drir€o
Total 633
' - Oetaibd fom the PNP E)Alosives Ordnance Disp6al and Canine (EOIyK9)
* - 3r! Pltn of th6 TSC shall be compced of the sli\rAT ard HostagE Neg.{iation

7) Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC)

OfEco of the Support Oporating Unit Total

Coy Cmdr. Statr 1" Pltn 2* Pltn 3' Pltn 4' Pttn

1 Coy 1

- 1 Pltn Sr -lPlhsr - 1 Pttn Sr - 1 Pltn Sr
- 1 Admin
- 1 Supply
- 1 Fin PNCO 6
- 1 Opn
- l lntel
-l lnvest
-4x1 -4xl -4xl - 1x'l
Psg Team Team Team Team 16
Leadef Leader Leader Leader
- 1 Driver/ - 1 Asst -4xlAsst - 4x1 -4xl -4x1
Sect l',ty Admin Team Asst Asst Asst
PHRDD, Leader' Team Team Team
PNCO Leader Leader Leader
- 1 tust 24
- I Action

Page 8 of 23
- 1 Asst Opn
- I Radio
- l A33t
- 'l Driver/ - 1 Action -1\3 -4 x 3 -4x3 -4x3
Secunty PNCO/ Team Team Team Team
PCpl -1 Driver Member' Member Member Memb€r 59
Messenger - 8 lntel
- 2 Aclion -4 x 3 -4x3 -4x3 -4x3
PNCO/ Team Team Team Team
Pat 51
Driver Member' Member Member Member
- r rT PNCO
TOTAL 16'1
'- 1r Platoon to compo6e ule Speoal weapons and Tactics, Emergencl Response
and Hostage Negotialion TearE

8) Provincial Mobile Force Platoon (PMFP) (For Small Provinces)

Office of Units
Support Total
Rank the coy l't Team 2d Team 3d Team 46 Team
- 1 Pttn

- 1 Admin
PNCO - 1 Team - 1 Team - 1 Team - 'l Team
PSg -1Log Leader Leader Leader Leader

- 1 Asst - 1 Asst - 1 Asst - 1 Asst
PSSg Team Team Team Team 4
Leader Leader Leader Leader
- 3 Team - 3 Team - 3 Team - 3 Team 12
PCpl Member Member Member Member
- 3 Team - 3 Team - 3 Team - 3 Team 12
Pat Member Member Member Member
This Staffng Pattem could readr more than one Platoon with bur teama per Platoon

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9) City Mobile Force Company (CMFC) (For City Police Offices)

Offico of the Support Operating Unit

Coy Cmdr.
I Coy
Stafi l
Pltn Pltn Pltn lEr Total

- I Pltl Sr - 1 Pltn Sr - 1 Pltn Sr -lPltrlsr 4
- 1 Admin
- 1 Supply
PSS - 1 Fin PNCO 6
- 1 Opn
- 'l lntel
- l lnvest
- 4x1 -4xl - 4.x1 - 1x1
PI'Sg Team Team Team Team 16
Leaded Leader Leader Leader
- 1 Driver/ - 1 Asst -4xlAsst - 1x1 - 1x1 - 4x'l
Secunty Admin Team Asst Asst Asst
PHROO, Leader' Team Team Team
PNCO Leader Leader Leader
- 1 Asst
- 1 Action
PSSg Driver 24
- 1 Assl
- I Asst Opn
- 1 Radio
- 'l Asst
- 1 Driver/ - 1 Action - 4x3 -4x3 -4x3 -4x3
Secunty PNCO/ Team Team Team Team
PCpl -1 Driver Membef Member Member Member 59
M6senger - E lntel
- 2 Ac{ion - 4x3 -4x3 -4x3 -4x3
PNCO/ Team Team Team Team
Pat Driver irembel. Memb€r Member Member
- 1 tT PNCO

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c. PlacemenuReassignment of PMF Personnel

1) When the situation demands for proactive or immediate

operational support, the Regional Directors, PROs shall exercise
discretion to realign, upgrade or downgrade the personnel
complement of the RMFBs, DMFBs, PMFCS, PMFPs or CMFCs
within their respective jurisdictions;

2) The following rules shall be observed in the reassignment of the

PNP Mobile Forces:
a) Keep key positions of the PNP Mobile
Forces/CompanieyPlatoons occupied by competent personnel;

b) The chain of command shall be observed at all times;

c) Reassignment of PMF personnel outside PMFs shall be done

only when there is an excess of personnel; and

d) Their respective PMF Placement Boards/Committees and the

Unit Direc{ors must duly approve all reassignments/placements
of PMF personnel.

3) Except when the recruitrnent quota is intended solely for the PMFs,
50% of the regular recruitment quota of PNP uniformed personnel
in PROs shall be allocated to fill up the shortage of personnel at
the PMFS and to allow reassignment of PMF personnel after
satisfying the required tour of duty of at least five continuous years
in the PMFs, while the other 50% of the quota will be allocated to
local police units. Swapping of personnel shall only be allowed if
the perconnel concerned has satisfied the required tour of duty,

4) ln the event that the PMF is already 100% filled up' those who
already met the five years tour of duty may be downloaded,
provided that the required number of senior PNCOs must always
be satisfied.These senior PNCOs shall act as senior leaders and
mentors of the new patrolmen/patrolwomen.

5) All PNP personnel assigned with the PMFs must have mandatory
trainings provided in Para 6.a. of this MC;

6) PNP personnel assigned with the PMFs for the first time shall
serve the tour of duty of five continuous years;

7) No PNP uniformed personnel originally recruited for assignment to

the PMFs shall be downloaded unless he/she had served the five
years continuous tour of duty at the PMF;

8) PNP personnel transfened/reassigned to PMFs shall serve a

minimum tour of duty of three continuous years;

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9) The number of female personnel in the PMFs shall not exceed
10% of the total strength considering the peculiar function of the
PMFS, which is anti-insurgency operations. The number of female
PMF personnel shall conespond to the number of positions with
purely administrative function and taking into consideration the
number of shifts for such administrative function;

10) PMF female personnel who served at least one year minimum tour
of duty are priority for downloading to local police units. They are
not required to serve the $year minimum tour of duty provided
they have replacement for the position/designation they will vacate,
especially those holding key position;

11) All PMF personnel shall be priori$ for the mandatory, occupational
eligibility trainings or any equivalent foundation courses. A retum
service obligation to the PMFs of two years shall be rendered for
this purpose:

12) All PMF personnel undergoing mandatory and occupational

eligibility training shall be assigned to their respective RPHAU.
They shall be further detailed to the appropriate training institutions
during the duration of the training. Only the RPRMD of the
concerned unit shall be authorized to issue training orders for the
purpose of accounting;

13) PMF personnel with the rank of Police Corporal and above shall be
the priority to undergo any Occupational Eligibility Training;

14) All PMF personnel graduating from mandatory, occupational

eligibility trainings or any equivalent foundation courses shall be
automatically assigned back to their former PMF units and shall
serve the appropriate tenure indicated in para c3, c4' c6' c7' c8,
c10 and cl1 of this llc;

15) ln downloading PMF personnel, the most senior PNCO who

reached the minimum tenure shall be the priority. They shall be
downloaded based on their preferential choice that would qualify
them, if possible;

16)' Personnel who have the desire and passion to stay with PMFs
even after the reckoning minimum period of ftve years has the
option to remain with the PMFS;

'17) Swapping of PMF personnel among units is allowed, provided that

' no provision of this MC shall be violated. Both applicants shall be
in the same rank (PCpl - PSSg) and the swapping shall be duly
approved by the PMF Placement Board and concemed Regional

Page L2 of 2?
18) No PNP personnel reinstated due to Dismissal/Absence Without
Leave (AWOL) and Dropped from Rolls (DFR) shall be assigned to
PMFs. They shall be sent to appropriate units for reformatory

19) No PNP personnel with physical disability/ies, whether acquired in

line of duty or not, shall be assigned nor stay with PMFs;

20) All PNP personnel witr no required lnternal Security Operation

(lSO) related trainings or any foundation course upon assignment
with the PMFs shall be included in the list of priority personnel to
undergo any ISO related fainings or any foundation courses as
required in this MC;

21) PEMS who were promoted to Police Lieutenant may not be

required to serve the minimum tenure of duty;

22\ fhe tansfer/reassignment of personnel to or from the PMFS is not

one of the disciplinary remedies. Directors and Chieft of
Offices/Units shall not request the transfer of any personnel
outside of his jurisdiction for disciplinary reason. They are enjoined
to exercise their disciplinary powers and strictly impose order and
discipline in their respective jurisdictions. They shall not pass on to
the other Directors the burden of disciplining their subordinates;

23) There shall be refresher courses regarding operational and tactical

aspects to be conducted to junior PNCOs who are promotable or
were promoted to senior PNCO to enhance or improve their
leadership skills before downloading the Senior PNCOS.

d. Quota Allocation for Promotion of PMF Personnel

1) For every promotion cycle set forth by the DPRM, the thirty percen-t
(30%) of the promotion quota distributed by DPRM to PROS shall
be allotted exclusively for qualified PMF personnel while the other
seventy percent (70%) shall be at the sound discretion of the
PRO's Promotion Board;

2) ln the event that the 30% quota exceeds the number of qualified
personnel, the excess shall then be given to the other Offices;

3) Quota for promotion shall follow seniority, however, premium shall

be given to the mct qualified with most tenure of duty rendered in
the PMFS;

4) Quota for promotion that cannot be availed of by the local police

force will be given to the PMFs;

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5) ln the same manner, quota for promotion that cannot be availed of
by the PMFs will be given to the local police; and

6) Other prevailing rules, policies and guidelines in the allocation of

promotional quota as provided in PNP MC 201U0482, and this MC
shall be applied.

e. PlacementProcessing

There shall be an established PMF Placement Board/Committee in every

PROS that will be replicated in their respective PPOS, with the following composition:

DRDA Chairman
DRDO Vice-Chairman
Chief, RPRMD
Chief, RID
Chief, ROPD
Chief, RLD Member
Chief, RCADD
Chief, RCD
Chief, RIDMD
Commander, Reg ional Mobile Force Battalion
Senior Female PCO
Chief, Placement Section Head Secretariat

1) PMF Placement Board/Committee Functions:

The PMF Placement Board/Committee shall have the following


a) Responsible in the proper conduct of vetting and deliberation for

the selection and placement to certain PMF positions in
conformity with the guidelines and procedures provided in
PNPMC 2013414';

b) The PMF Placement Board at the PROS shall be responsible in

the proper conduct of vetting and deliberation for the selection
and placement to certain PMF positions at the regional level;

c) The PMF Placement Committee at the PPOs shall be

responsible in the proper conduct of vetting and deliberation for
selection and placement to certain PMF positions at the
provincial level;

' pHp lvtc No. zO18{48, Revised Policies and Guidelines Gov€ming the Second Level PCOS and PNCOS Regular
Promotion Program.
(2nd) Level
'pttpuc tto. ZOt+013, prescribingthe Policies and Procedure Governing the Placement of Second
Uniformed Personnel

Page 14 of 23
d) The Board shall require the Committee to submit updates on the
duly approved placement of personnel to certain PMF positions
in conformity with this MC; and

e) The Committee/Board shall supervise its respective Secretariats

on the updating and maintaining of duly approved list of PMF
personnel occupying position and designation as basis for
placement processing.

2) PMF Placement Secretariat Functions

a) Require the PMF personnel subject for reassignmenuplacement

to submit an Affidavit of Undertaking as documentary a
requirement, requiring him/her to fully understand and abide with
the provision of this MC and that failure to abide shall be a
ground for appropriate disciplinary actions;

b) Provide necessary preparations for the proper conduct of vetting

and deliberation of PNP personnel for selection and placement
to certain PMF positions; and

c) Shall update and maintain the duly approved list of PMF

personnel occupying position and designation.

f. Promotion Processing

The Promotion Board shall only process the promotion of those PMF
personnel who satisfy the minimum requiremenB as provided by existing
policies and regulations, in addfion to the provisions of this policy.

1) The promotion shall be processed and evaluated by the PROs PMF

Promotion Board, and District PMF Promotion Boards of respec,tive

2) Candidates for promotion must satisfactorily meet all the minimum

qualification standards for Promotion stipulated under NAPOLCOM
Resolution No. 20115014 confirmed under CSC Resolution No.
14012225 and NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 201&0696 as confirmed
by CSC Resolution No. 160532 (i.e. Time in Grade Training,
Education, and Eligibility) upon submission of his/her folder;

3)' Apart from the approved qualification standards for promotion, only
PMF personnel occupying position or designation for six (6) months
under the PNP MC No. 2017463 shall be considered for promotion;

t NAPOL@M Resolution No. 2013-501, Ptescrlbing the qualifrcation Standards for Appointment to PNP Rank
CSC Resolutbn No. 1401222. Arnendmem: Qualmcation Standards for Appointment to Ranks in the PNP.
NAPOLCOM Resolutlon No. 2016-069, Addendum to NAPOLCOM Re5olutlon No. 2013-501.

Page 15 of 23
4) Other prevailing rules, policies, and guidelines thein
implementation of the PNP Promotion Program as provided in PNP
MC 2018-048 and this MC shall be applied.

g. Creation Of Promotion Board/Secretariat

1) Promotion Board

There shall be a separate Promotion Board for PMF PNCOs to be

created in every PROs to provide support to the NHQ Promotion Board
with the follovving composition:

DRDO Chairman
C, RPRMD Vice-Chairman
C, ARMD DIPOs of tenitorial jurisdiction (any resentative
Commander, Regional Mobile Force Battalion
DC, RCD Members
Legal Officer/lnspectorate
Senior Female PCO
Respective RPRMOS Secretariat

2) Functions:

The PROs PMF Promotion Boards shall have the following functions:

a) Shall only process the application for promotion of PMF personnel

who have satisfied all qualification standards and occupying PMF

b) Shall ensure that the candidate for promotion has executed and
signed an Affidavit of Undertaking that they fully understand and will
abide with the provision of this PNPMC and that fuilure to abide
shall be a ground for appropriate disciplinary actions, to include
revocation of rank availed for PMF personnel promotion;

c) Conducl review and evaluation of all PMF PNCOs candidates for

promotion in their respective Offices/Units presented by the

d) Approval and signature of Promotion Resolution and Working

Sheet; and

e) Endorse their recommendation together with the complete

documentary records of candidates to the NHQ Promotion Board

Page 16 of 23
(Attn: TDPRM) for confirmation and approval by the appropriate
appointing authority.

3) PMF Promotion Secretariat

A PMF Promotion Secretariat shall be created at the PROs. The C,

RPRMD shall issue orders for the designation of the
Chairperson/members of the secretariat at the start of every promotion
cycle with the following functions:

a) Accepts, reviews, scrutinizes, and screens all submitted folders and

evaluates all the qualifications of candidates based on established
guidelines and provisions of this PNPMC;

b) Prepares worksheet and resolutions, which shall be presented to

the PMF Promotion Board for their evaluation, approval and
signature; and

c) Require the PMF personnel-applicant for promotion to submit an

Affidavit of Undertaking as a documentary requirement requiring
him/her to fully understand and abide with the provision of this MC
and that failure to abide shall be a ground for appropriate
disciplinary actions, to include revocation of rank availed for PMF
personnel promotion.

h. Evaluation And Assessment Criteria

1) Assessment Criteria
The Promotion Board shall be guided by the following
criteria/parameters during evaluation, interview, and deliberation of PMF
PNCOS candidate for promotion.

a) No failing grades shall be established. lt will depend on the quota to

be filled up by the Offtces/Units based on authorized staffing paftem
as provided under PNP MC No. 2017-063; and

b) The higher the overall rating the applicant has gamered, the more
he/she has chances of being promoted.

Maximum Points
CRITERIA Distribution
IPER 't0
number, organ ization and staffing pattem under PNP MC No. 2017-063)

Page 17 of 2l
Rendered tour of duty of at least 5 or more continuougcumulative 30
years and occupied PMF position/designation for at least six (6)
months + with required mandatory training (30pts)

Rendered lour of drrty of al least 5 or more continuouycumulative

years and occupied PMF position/designation for at least six (6)
months (25pt31

Rendered below 5 continuouycumulative years and occupied PMF

position/designation for at least six (6) months + with required
mandatory tEining (25pts)

Rendered b€low 5 continuous/cumulative years and occupied PMF

position/designation for at least six (6) months (20pts)
Total: 100

(1) Seniority (maximum allocation of 30pts)

The seniority qualification of PMF personnel (PCpI-PEMS) shall

be reckoned on the date of signing of appointment to present rank
by the appointing authority on the Komisyon ng Serbisyo Sibil
(KSS) Porma Bilang 33 and not on the date of appointment, he/she
entered the PNP service. For Pat, it must be counted from the date
of signing of appointment by the appointing authority on the KSS
Porma Bilang 33, whether such appointment is permanent or

The following point system shall be applied in the evaluation of

the rank seniority for PMF promotion based on the seniority lineal
list with a required minimum T|G/Experience in the service under
NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 201&50'l confirmed under CSC
Resolution No. 1401222 and NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 201S
069 as confirmed by CSC Resolution No. 160532.

To be promoted as:
Number of yearc PClf,S, PSilS, PMSg, PCPI
PLT, PEMS (3 years as PEIiS (2 years PCilS, PSMS, PCPI
in prcsent rank
and PSSg, rospectivoly) and
More than I years 30 30
More than 7 years 28 28
to I years
More than 6 years 26
to 7 years
More than 5 years 24
to 6 years
More than 4 years 22
to 5 years
More than 3 years 20
to 4 years
More than 2 years 18
to 3 years

Page 1t of 23
(2) lnterview (maximum allocation of 20pts)

Guidelines in rating the applicants during the interview:

(a) As a general rule, interview by the Board shall be mandatory,

except when the quota allocation is more than the number of
applicants. The Board may decide if the interview will be waived;

(b) The Board shall not give an applicant a zero score during the
interview phase except when the applicant is absent. However,
applicant who will be marked absent shall be considered for
interview if their non-aftendance during the scheduled interview
is with justifiable reason.

The following are the interview guides with colresponding

rating to assess knowledge and competencies:

Result of Evaluation
Area Covered Percentage Rating
Equivalent Points
Work Ethics and Moral Reasoning 4 20o/o
Communication Skills 4 20%
Leadership Qualities 4 20Yo
Job Knowledge 4 2Oo/o
lQ and Cunent Events 4 200/
Total 20 '100%

(3) Awards in present rank (maximum allocation of 10pts)

This factor shall take into account the awards, commendations,

and recognitions a candidate re@ived for exemplary performance.
A maximum of ten points shall be given for the factor that is derived
from the accumulated points of his/her awards and decorations in
the cunenUpresent rank.

Awards and Commendations Allocated
Medalya ng Kagitingan, Medalya ng Kabayanihan, Medalya ng
Katapangan, Medalya ng Kadakilaan, Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal,
Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting, BEST in the National Level (Best E
PNCO), Recipient of awards bestowed by reputable international and
national award giving organization (Ten Outstanding
Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglilingkod, Medalya ng Katangitanging 4
Gawa Medal Pambihira P titi od and alin an
Ss nifica n t acco m p ish m ents Awa rds a nd co m m e nd ati n s bes towed
by reg onal reputa ble n stituti on an dl o r officer or other cou nte rpa rt 2
ncl ud B E ST tn the R o n a Leve S Bes t P N co
Medal Pa uri, Kasana n and other medals 2
Commendation, certifi cate of reciation bestowed bv Head of Office 0.5

Page 19 of 23
and PNP Officers

(4) Individual performance Evaluation Report (IPER) (maximum

allocation of 10pts)

The following points shall be applied in the distribution and

allocation of credits for IPER for two consecutive periods.

IPER Points Allocated

Outstanding (OS) + gu1s16.6ing (OS) 10
Outstandino (OS) + Very Satisfactory (VS) 7.5
Very Satisfactory US) + Very Satisfactory (VS) 5

(5) Occupying PMF Designation/Position with Required Mandatory

Training (Based on authorized number, organization and staffing
Pattern under PNP MC No. 2017-063)

Only those PMF personnel who occupied PMF a

position/designation for at least six (6) months shall be considered
eligible for promotion. The following points shall be applied in the
distribution and allocation for the personnel's tenure of duty to any
PMF designation/position with required mandatory training
(maximum allocation of 30 points):

Occupying any PtlF Designation/position with Required Points

Mand Trainin Allocated
Rendered tour of duty of at least five or more continuous/cumulative
years and occupied PMF position/designation for at least six months 30
+ with required mandatory trainang
Rendered tour of duty of at least five or more continuous/cumulative 25
ars and PMF nation for at least six months
Rendered below five continuous/cumulative years and occupied PMF
position/designation for at least six months + with required mandatory 25
Rendered below five continuous/cumulative years and occu pied PMF 20
positiorvdesign ation for at least six months

i. Complaint and Grievance

All protests and complaints subject of grievance shall be resolved and

decidet in accordance with the provisions-of PNP MC No. 2@&0167 and
PNP MC No. 2018-O488.

pttp MC tto. zo0-0116, Policy and Guk elin6 on Grievance MedEnism for Pt{P Unifo.m Personnel.
pttp MC No. 2018018, Revis€d Polkies ard Guk elines Governing th€ 2nd Level PCO5 ard PNCO5 Regular Promotion

Page 20 of 23

1) Designated as the primary responsible office to supervise the proper
implementation of this PNPMC;

2) Act as the approving authority and issue the conesponding orders

for reassignmenUdetail of personnel from one office/unit to another

3) lssues appropriate award to Promotion Board and Secretariat

members after the successful completion of every promotion

4) Publication of Orders; and

5) Perform other tasks as directed.

1) Formulate standard training packages that conespond to every rank
in the PMFs to enhance or improve the operational and tactical
aspects of junior PNCOs who are promotable to senior ranks; and

2) Perform other tasks as directed.

c. DIPOs
1) Ensure the supervision and proper implementation of this MC at their
tenitorial jurisdiction;

2) Designated as member of PMF Placement Board; and

3) Perform other tasks as directed.

d. PROsand NCRPO:
1) lssue orders creating/organizing the PMF Promotion Board and
Placement Board;

2) Screen and evaluate qualified applicants in line with existing

promotion policies, standards and guidelines through the Promotion

3) Prepare promotional appointment (KSS Form 33) to qualified PMF

personnel for submission to CSC;

4) Submit to DPRM the result of deliberation and assessment of PMF

personnel recommended for promotion;

Page 21 of 23
5) lssue Special Orders announcing the promotion of PMF personnel
after the endorsement of their appointment (KSS Form 33) to the
CSC; and

6) Perform other task as directed


1) Designated as Chairman PMF Placement Board/Committee;

2) As Chairman of the Placement Board/Committee, shall formulate

own internal policy on placement of PMFs, consistent with the
provisions of this MC; and

3) Perform other tasks as directed.


1) Designated as Chairman, PMF Promotion Board;

2) As Chairman of the Board, shall formulate own intemal policy on

promotion of PMFs, consistent with the provisions of this MC; and

3) Perform other task as directed.

1) Ensure the conduct of information dissemination of this MC from
regional down to the lower OfficevUnits;

2) Shall be responsible in the submission of Civil Service requirements

for attestation of appointments of qualified applicants;

3) The Chairman of Promotion Board shall sign the Personnel

Selection Board portion of the KSS Porma Blg. 33;

4) The Chief, RPRMD shall see to it that all appointment papers (KSS
Porma Blg.33) of their personnel are submitted to the CSC on time;

5) The C, RPRMD is designated as Vice-Chairman Promotion Board

and member of PMF Placement Board;

6) The C, RPRMD shall issue orders for the designation of the

Chairperson/members of the secretariat at the start of every
promotion cycle;

7) The C, RPRMD shall be in charge of the strict implementation of the

administrative guidelines outlined in this PNPMC;

8) Shall formulate a standard Affidavit of Undertaking to be signed by

the applicant subject for promotion/reassignmenUplacement in
conformity with this MC;

Paee 22 ot 2l
9) The Promotion Order (General/Special Orders) shall be published
only after the appointment paper of the promotees are received and
officially acknowledged by the CSC; and

10. Perform other tasks as directed.


1) Conduct complete background investigation and provide records of
derogatory information of applicants for promotion;

2) Conduct record check on authenticity of all required documents for


3) Designated as member PROs/NCRPO PMF Promotion Board and

Placement Board/Commiftee; and

4) Perform other tasks as directed.


1) Designated as member PROyNCRPO PMF Promotion Board and
Placement Board/Committee; and

2) Perform other tasks as directed


1) Designated asmember PROs/NCRPO PMF Placement
Board/Committee; and

2) Perform other tasks as directed.


All PNP policies, directives, and issuances that are inconsistent with the
provisions of this MC are deemed repealed or modified accordingly.


This MC shall take effect 15 days after filing a copy thereof at the UP Law
center in consonance with section 3, Chapter 2, Book Vll of Executive order No.
292, othenrise known as the "Revised Administrative Code of 1987,'as amended'


Pol ant General
n-Charge, PNP

CPNP LrB ,e so79745

111ilil il1Iil1 lllllllllllilllllll lil1ll
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