Adobe Scan 01-Feb-2024

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Basic Mathomtice

Past -A
LCheeSe the ceet ansue9 i 5x]=5

-3 5| then 5A ilU be

() -3 5 25 20
5 -I5 25 (d) 2 -

It P()- P(B)=PenB) = , then He) =

() 2 () (a)2
The ab -duplicte stio o i49
()el:? )3:2 (d)7:3

(B (c) 2. ()

IL Match the tollouinq i

ii. -30740,252,thom t=



|20,tam -ztcl
6 people be seatd
ateund a toble is

Vacant placos is
The egatien af

.Find z.

13T aib= 2.!3 nd bic =5i7 amd Cid=3|

It y=5e-loy a-3E then tind
isEluate (Gzid


Past -B
I |Answel any SIX ot the tolewgi- 6x2=2
weds can be erned ron the
1|Hew many
Jettos e he wod "FRIE MD" which begin with
|F a d en wth D9
|eFind the muinhay et diagonls in decaqen.
19Tao Cers atHe togsed simutameous Wthat is
a) Atmat ene tail.
(E) Atleazt ne toil.
a tiage in the ratio
2)Th anaes eA 2i34
Find the anqes.
2500 WWoheS cam tirish
|Heu many wohoRS wll yinish the me wok
22)A banhen pay F238O en bill ot F2500,
|73 days bohete the Jegal dle date, Findd the Ste
leh discet chaotqed by the hantha.
z2Fine the enuatien d pal labela qMen
Twen tot
Nogtee is ojo) amd focus is (-6, o),
2 Fi tte eaalion of dioeetoie ad ais
25Eolucte in zto ).dz
z5)Evaluote Se zidz

274F ind the atea beumdod by the te z=2y

|Y-cis and tte abscissae s2 mel y=t.
Ahswey am FIVE questiers 5 3 = |5

z5Sowe byy Goaas's gue:

23The dittyeeme betiveen bankodiceut and
| tt intotest p.. is20. Find the towe
Hiscont,bank' dcot ane tce Voue et
|the bil.
zRarmesh has nNestod Z4300 paly in 45%,
steck at 15.It the totol incone torn
both is F250, 4ind tte investiment in beth

z)| A celo TV is TAOKed

7600 which mude ales tac at lo%
Caleulte the bales tax?
zA ciseulat pateh c ol spteads on
|Wate , tho alea geuing ct the oto ot
l6c i n Hew fast e Sadius ad the
pihcreemee ineoasing wten diarnato

ITsAO1. cYy FIVE estiens- S%5=25
selne usima mdbis nathed.
3*-yt2g=l3,2zty-g=3, *t 3y-5=

zReseve into potioal 4ttions.

B Ecarine wtatho the popositens p y
|amd (upv) N(oqyvp) e dogically
enuinalont et not.
31 ABC cernpry upplies watoy tonhes to
JFhe oenet. Thee tiyt wate tanhe
tahes 2000 Jaby heUes. The goelnment
|adte bigest thet thore heud be q0
Jeatninq eect ite.The mangeent
rest yea.what wll be the tetal dabeu
amd dhe Jabous cost the corpary wl boS
lomimiss Z=3tsy
|ubiect to censtaints t3y&3
70| 70
H)Prne that

=ot 2z

dthe citele t -2-ttEo.

Evluote irn N2-z-2t

Pasd -E
IL Angulet amy TWo qeztienb;
45 het high, em thete he eees
depessiens e the top and the beten ot
te pele wwhich ae 30 d 6o spectiel
Fine the haigtt ey thie pole.
) shew dthat

It R = 2 0 t 4 5what
, wil be th.
|Masiqinal Reee it =25 Wnts a a te

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