Degree Essays
Degree Essays
Degree Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Degree Essays" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a
combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The complexity arises
from the need to delve into various aspects related to academic degrees, essays, and the intersection
of both.
Firstly, one must navigate through the intricate landscape of degree programs, considering the
diverse fields of study, academic requirements, and the evolving nature of higher education.
Research becomes paramount to grasp the nuances of different degrees, their significance, and the
broader context in which they exist.
Next, the essay should explore the multifaceted nature of essays themselves. From understanding the
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purposes, the writer must delve into the art and science of effective academic writing.
Furthermore, addressing the specific challenges and expectations of degree-level essays adds an
additional layer of difficulty. This involves exploring the depth of analysis, synthesizing information,
and presenting original insights in a scholarly manner. The essay should not only showcase a
profound understanding of the topic but also demonstrate the writer's ability to engage critically
with academic content.
Moreover, tackling the subject of "Degree Essays" requires a thoughtful examination of the evolving
landscape of education, technology, and societal needs. The writer must navigate through the
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overall learning experience.
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Degree Essays Degree Essays
Applying Bowlby ( Attachment ) And Maslow
Anna is a 56 year old single adult who has an alcoholic addiction; she lives by herself
in a one bedroom flat. Anna suffers from depression and anxiety. Care staff attends to
Annas needs four times a day to ensure she is maintaining her personal hygiene, eating
nutritional meals and administering her medications correctly. Anna is independent and
goes out locally and shops by herself. Due to Anna s past she has never felt the need to
marry or settle down, she did however have a child in her adolescent stage,
unfortunately due to Anna being addicted to heroin and alcohol it was best that the child
was taken into care. Anna tends to bring up her daughter when intoxicated and tends to
get very emotional and aggressive towards her and others. Anna attends counselling
twice a week to help cope and deal with the unfortunate events that have happened in her
life, through this she has gained a few friends that she likes to meet occasionally
depending on her mood. 2. Applying two theoretical approaches I would apply Bowlby
(attachment) and Maslow (humanistic). John Bowlby (1907 1990) was a psychoanalyst
(like Freud) and believed that mental health and behavioural problems could be
recognized to early childhood. Bowlby suggested that a child would initially form only
one primary attachment (monotropy) and that the attachment figure acted as a secure
base for exploring the world. The attachment relationship acts as a prototype for all future
social relationships so disrupting
The Theory Of Capitalism And Capitalism
Studying capitalism is an already difficult subject to focus on by itself. However, what
makes this subject more complex is looking at it through a historical approach.
Nevertheless, it is important to study historical materialism in order to fully understand
contemporary social structures. The modes of production, as well as class relations, tie
together as they are both important in what Engels was trying to discuss in his paper. He
also discusses the alienation of individuals as well as supply and demand of the market.
This paper focuses on Friedrich Engels paper titled Anti Dühring while specifically
focusing on the chapter named Theoretical that discusses historical materialismand
contradictions in capitalism. In this paper, it will be established what Engels means when
he speaks of historical materialism as well as manage to explain the fundamental
contradiction in capitalism and examples of such contradictions.
Historical materialism is a term derived from Marxist ideals. Engels discusses
regarding this topic in this paper. He discusses Feudalism in regards to capitalism as
well as capitalism in regards to socialism (PROF). This includes discussing individual
and social appropriation in regards to individual and social production (PROF).
Historically, it was considered that the causes of changes in society were based on the
changes in production and exchange. In Engels perspective, materialism heavily
influenced social structure. He states that the basis of every
Rapunzel Research Paper
Rapunzel was a girl who lived in an isolated tower with her foster mother, Gothel.
Mother Gothel didn t want to let Rapunzel left the tower because Rapunzel s golden hair
had magic that could retain Gothel s youth. She told Rapunzel that the outside world was
dangerous. One day, a thief named Flynn Ryder went into the tower unintentionally
because he stole a crown and got chased. Rapunzel captured Flynn by using her frying
pan. Rapunzel requested the Flynn to accompany her see the lanterns in exchange for the
crown. During their journey, Flynn and Rapunzel went into a pub that was full of bad
guys as Gothel warned Rapunzel. Actually, the villains were not bad as Rapunzel
thoughts. As similar as Rapunzel, the villains had dreams. When the royal
The Cinematic Interpretations of The Lord of the Flies by...
The Cinematic Interpretations of The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The two cinematic versions of William Golding s Lord of the Flies are very different.
They still both deal dramatically with the basic theme, of a group of boys who have
come from a strict and ordered background to becoming like savages, hunting, and
killing like blood thirsty animals. The book deals with issues which relate to the Cold
War between the United States of America and Russia which is better reflected in the
Brook version rather than the Harry Hook version. I generally think this is because at
the time when the Brook version was made, the world was under nuclear threat which
made it easier for people to ... Show more content on ...
One of the most basic and apparent themes is that society holds everyone together, and
without these conditions, our ideals, values and the basics of right and wrong are lost.
Without humanity s rigid rules, anarchy and savagery can come to light. Brook and
Hook are also showing as the book does that morals come directly from our
surroundings, and if there is no civilisation around us, we will then lose these values.
I personally as a young viewer see that Hook s version is more exciting to an audience
because it can be viewed with more technical advances to the film. Also in the Hook
version it is easy to see another theme which is not made that obvious in the Brook
version. The fear of the unknown (in this case the beast is unknown and is put into the
boy s heads by their imaginations) can be a powerful force, which can turn people to
either insight or hysteria. The boys end up killing Simon because the happenings which
have occurred have lead them to believe that there is a beast on the island with them,
when in fact it is just the pilot. However the black and white version does have some
advantages which the colour version does not have. These include benefits such as the
story, which is virtually the same as the book so you get the same idea that the book
gives you. An additional advantage of the Brook cinematic
Charlie Chaplin The Gold Rush Analysis
Sent from my iPhone
Charlie Chaplin The Gold Rush , is a silent comedic film about going after the American
dream and the hardships one must endure while trying to survive against all odds. As
usual Chaplin plays his famous character , the tramp , a dim witted under dog. He is a
lone prospector who falls in love with a dance hall girl. Chaplin effectively used mise en
scene for cinematic communication in server scenes in this film. In this film, viewers see
hardship through the perspective of disillusion and starved gold hunters that travel to
Alaska in search of riches . Chaplin s effectively uses mise en scene with using the right
mixture actors/actresses, background sets, costumes, camera angles, and editing styles.
When the lights fade at the theatre , the title of the film shows up on the screen. The
font uses bold characters which are outlined or shadowed to create a 3 d effect. This
can be compared how Chaplin s character lived in his whole world that was sometimes
fantasy. Editing techniques such as credits texts fading in and out , and the color and
umbre of text were constantly being used in this film. Creating smaller film dimesions
then the screen it been shown on and filling it with black background made the credits
test stand out . Using an establishing shot Chaplin delivered his prologue of an iris in
Comparing Two Gospels Essay
Gospels are narratives of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. There are many
gospels but only four were included in the Christian cannon: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John. The canonical gospels have many similarities and differences. There are many
different theories as to why these differences exist beginning with the observations of
Clement, Augustine, and Papias three fathers of the church. Clement of Alexandria was
said to have held a traditional view that Matthew and Luke, the gospels with
genealogies, were written first. Augustine of Hippo believed that the gospels were
written in what is now their canonical order and that each writer relied upon the work
of the previous author. Thus, John derived from Luke who derived from Mark who
derived from Matthew. Papias thought that Mark used Peter as a source for much of his
gospel. In the late 18th century, church scholars began to challenge the long held views
that the gospels were written before any of the other New Testament writings... Show
more content on ...
The only evidence for them is the similarities between the texts that are said to have
drawn from them. A more recent theory, put forth by Austin Farrer in a 1955 essay
entitled On Dispensing with Q , examines what can be referred to as a Markan priority
non Q hypothesis. It dismisses the idea of hypothetical source gospels in favor of
relying solely on available texts. In his argument, Farrer states that Q is weak because it
is a hypothesis and can be dismissed simply by providing a competing hypothesis. Farrer
approaches the problem in a manner similar to that of Franciscan philosopher William of
Occam. Given the two hypothesizes, that a hypothetical gospel Q existed or that the
author of Luke used both Matthew and Mark as sources, Farrer finds the latter to have
fewer assumptions. Instead, Farrer suggests that the shared content between Matthew and
Luke exists because Luke used both Mark and Matthew as sources.