DLL - Math 6 - Q2 - W1
DLL - Math 6 - Q2 - W1
DLL - Math 6 - Q2 - W1
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply knowledge of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers in mathematical problems and real-
life situations
C. Learning Competencies / 1) The learner expresses one value as a fraction of another given ratio and vice versa M6NS-IIa-129
Objectives 2) Find How many times one value is as large as another given their ratio and vice bersa M6NS-IIa-130
3) Define and Illustrate the meaning of ratio using concrete or pictorial models M6NS-IIa-131
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week
or two.
Lesson 1: The Concept of Ratio Summative Test
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children's interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a
mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 26 - 28 pp. 26 - 28 pp. 26 – 28 pp. 26 - 28
2. Learner’s Materials pages p. 86 pp. 84 - 86
3. Textbook pages Math for Everyday Use 6 p.129
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Discover Math 5 pp. 83 – 89 Lesson Guide in Discover Math 5 pp. 90 - 91 Growing up with Math 6 Test Notebook
Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6 (Ateneo) pp. 130 -133
(Ateneo) pp. 289 - 293 pp. 293 - 297
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Look around your room. What Have a short review on Ask: What is a ratio?
presenting the new lesson are the things you find inside? equivalent fractions
B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the pupils count the Ask the pupils about their Present the picture on the Say: Today we are going to Prepare the pupils by
lesson number of boys and number of favorite drink for snacks. board: differentiate ratio from giving them the
girls inside the classroom. Tell them that Calamansi rate. standards in taking the
Juice is good because of test.
its nutritious value.
The ratio of the mass of the a) Write the ratio of boys to a) An Isuzu vehicle can
Stamps 10 Php50
rice to the mass of the flour is Patches 15 Php180
girls. (9:7) travel 600 km on 75 liters
___:___ Bookmar 20 Php300 b) Write the ratio of girls to of gasoline. Write the rate
k boys. (7:9) of liters of gasoline used to
Diary 12 Php300 c) Write the ratio of girls to the kilometers traveled.
whole class. (7:16)
d) The ratio of boys to the
whole class. (9:16)
H. Making generalizations and How do we compare the Can a ratio be expressed How do we express ratio in What is a rate?
abstractions about the lesson quantities of 2 or more sets of in simplest form? How? simplest form?
I. Evaluating Learning Write a ratio for each of the Reduce these ratios in Write each of the following Find the unit rate. Answer the test and
following. simplest form. ratios in simplest form: submit test paper to the
a) 180 kilometers in 3 teacher.
1) 4 wins and two losses in a 1) 10:12 1) 12:18 hours
basketball. 2) 9:15 2) 25:10 b) 75 stools in 2 weeks
2) 24 girls to 18 boys. 3) 18:24 3) 21:56 c) 250 words in 5 minutes
3) 3 cups of sugar for every 5 4) 21:27 4) 20:25 d) Php36 for 8 ballpens
cups of flour 5) 40:50 5) 30: 54 1
4)2 men for every 5 cups of e)Php225 for 2 kg of
rice chicken.
5) 1 book for every 2 pupils
J. Additional activities for
application and remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation who scored below 80%