Surah Al Fatiha Lapbook

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Surah Al-Fatiha

Points to remember ‫امہاکنت‬
1)It’s a Meccan Surah. ‫)یکموسرۃ۔‬1
2)Means The opening. ‫)اسےکینعما حےکںیہینعیوھکانل۔‬2
3)It is the first Surah of the Holy Quran . Its immense ‫)ہیرقآندیجمیکیلہپوسرۃےہ۔ایکساتیمہاکادنازہاسابتےساگلایاجاتکسےہہکاےسرہامنزاکالزمہصحانب‬3
importance can be seen from the fact that it is made ‫دایایگ۔ینعیامنزاسوسرۃیکالتوتےکریغبلمکمںیہنوہیت۔‬
compulsory in every prayer. No prayer is accepted without the ۖ‫)ہیرقآندیجمیکیلہپوسرۃوہےنےکاسھتاسھتآپ‬4
recitation of this Surah .Its is also called Al-Salah. ‫رپانزلوہےنوایلیلہپلمکموسرۃیھبےہ۔‬
4)First Surah in the Quran and also first complete surah
revealed on prophet SAW.
5)This Surah is a prayer for mankind and answer to this prayer ‫رکاتےہاوررباےکسوجابںیمہیرقآناےساطعءرفاماتےہ۔‬
is the divine book The Holy Quran. A man asks for guidance ‫)اسوسرۃںیماستآایتںیہ۔‬6
from Allah and in return Allah gifts him the whole Quran. ‫)ہیوسرۃااسنونںےکےیلافشءےہ۔‬7
6)There are seven verses in this Surah. ‫)ہیوسرۃرہربائاکالعجےہ۔‬8
7)Surah Al-Fatiha is cure. ‫(ہیوبنتدمحمیۖےکادتبائدوریکوسرۃےہ‬9
8)Its a remedy against evils. ‫وسرۃاافلہحتےکاابسق‬
9)It was revealed in the early years of prophethood. ‫)رہاکممسباہللڑپھرکرشوعرکںی۔‬1
Lessons from Surah Al-Fatiha
1)Always start with Bismillah.
2)Always praise Allah. ‫)اہللاعتیلےساےکسانومںےکاسھتداعرکںی۔‬3
3)Ask Allah by his names. ‫)ویمآرختوکہشیمہایدرںیھک۔‬4
4)Always remember the day of judgement. ‫)اہللیکودحاتینرپاامین۔‬5
5)Seek Tauheed, ‫)اہللےساےنپےیلدمداوردہاتیامںیگن۔‬6
6)Always seek help and guidance from Allah. ‫)رصفاہللرپوتلکرکںی۔‬7
7)Embracing Tawakkul. 1 ‫)اہللےساےکسدیسےھراےتسرپےنلچیک داعامںیگن۔‬8
8)Seek Allah’s true path.
Different names of Surah Al-Fatiha are:
- Al-Fatiha.(The Opening)
-Umm al-Quran (The Mother of Quran)
-Umm al-Kitab (The Mother of books)
-Sab’ul Masani (The seven often recite)
-Al-Hamd (The Praise)
-As-Salah (The Prayer)
-Ash-Shifa (The Cure)
-Al-Ruqyah (The Remedy)
Vocabulary words ‫ذریخہاافلظ‬

ُ‫ا َ ۡل َح ۡمد‬ All praises and thanks ‫بسرعتںیفیاوررکش‬

ُ‫َرب‬ The Lord ‫اپےنلواال‬

َُ‫ۡال ٰعلَ ِم ۡین‬ of the universe ‫امتماہجونںاک‬

ُ‫الر ۡح ٰم ِن‬ The most Gracious ‫اہنتیرہمابن‬

ُ‫الر ِح ۡی ِم‬ the most Merciful ‫تہبرمحرکےنواالےہ‬

ِ ‫ٰم ِل‬ the Master ‫امکل‬

ُ‫َی ۡو ِم‬ (of the) day ‫دن‬

ُ‫الد ِۡی ِن‬ (of the) judgement ‫دبےلاک‬

َ ‫اِیَّا‬ you alone ‫رصفریتییہ‬

ُ‫نَ ۡعبد‬ we worship ‫مہابعدترکےتںیہ‬

ُ‫نَ ۡست َ ِع ۡین‬ we ask for help ‫مہدمدامےتگنںیہ‬

‫اِ ۡہدُِنَا‬ guide us ‫ںیمہدہاتیدے‬

‫الص َراط‬ (to) the path ‫راہتس‬

ُ‫ۡالم ۡست َ ِق ۡی َم‬ the straight ‫دیساھ‬

َُ‫الَّذ ِۡین‬ (of) those ‫انولوگںاک‬

َُ‫ا َ ۡن َع ۡمت‬ you have bestowed (your) favours ‫وتےنااعنمایک‬

‫علَ ۡی ِہم‬ on them ‫انرپ‬
ُ‫غ ۡی ِر‬ not (of) ‫ہن‬

ِ ‫ۡال َم ۡغض ۡو‬ those who earned (your) wrath )‫بضغایکایگ(نجرپ‬

َ ‫َو‬ and not ‫اورہن‬

َّ ‫ال‬
َُ‫ضا ِٓل ۡین‬ (of) those who go astray ‫وجرمگہوہۓ‬
‫وسرۃاافلہحت‬ ‫وسرۃاافلہحتےکاابسق‬
Lessons from
Surah Al-Fatiha Surah Al-Fatiha

‫ب ۡالعٰ لَ ٰم ۡینَ ۙ﴿‪﴾۱‬‬ ‫ا َ ۡل َح ۡم ُد ٰ ہ ٰ‬
‫ّلِل َر ٰ‬
‫‪ 1‬بسرعتںیفیاوررکشاہللیہےکےئلںیہوجامتماہجونںیکرپور رفامےنواالےہ‬
‫﷽‬ ‫‪1. All praise and thanks be to Allah alone, the‬‬
‫اہللےکانمےسرشوعوجاہنتیرہمابنہشیمہرمحرفامےنواالےہ‬ ‫‪Sustainer of all the worlds,‬‬
‫‪In the Name of Allah, the Most‬‬
‫‪Compassionate, the Ever-Merciful‬‬

‫الر ٰح ۡی ٰم ۙ﴿‪﴾۲‬‬
‫الر ۡحمٰ ٰن َّ‬
‫َّ‬ ‫ک َی ۡو ٰم الد ٰۡی ٰنؕ﴿‪﴾۳‬‬
‫مٰ ٰل ٰ‬
‫‪ .2‬اہنتیرہمابنتہبرمحرفامےنواالےہ‬ ‫‪ .3‬رو ِززجااکامکلےہ‬
‫‪2. Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful,‬‬ ‫‪3. Master of the Day of Judgment.‬‬

‫ک ن َۡست َ ٰع ۡی ُنؕ﴿‪﴾۴‬‬
‫ک نَعۡ بُ ُد َو اٰیَّا َ‬
‫اٰیَّا َ‬ ‫ط ۡال ُم ۡست َ ٰق ۡی َم ۙ﴿‪﴾۵‬‬
‫الص َرا َ‬
‫اٰ ۡہ ٰد نَا ٰ‬
‫‪( .4‬اےاہلل!) مہریتییہابعدترکےتںیہاورمہھجتیہےسدمداچےتہںیہ‬ ‫‪ .5‬ںیمہدیساھراہتسداھک‬
‫‪4. (O Allah!) You alone do we worship and to‬‬ ‫‪5. Show us the straight path,‬‬
‫‪You alone do we look for help.‬‬

‫ب َعلَ ۡی ٰہ ۡم َو ََل ال َّ‬

‫ضا ٓ ٰل ۡینَ ﴿‪﴾۷‬‬ ‫غ َۡی ٰر ۡال َم ۡغ ُ‬
‫ض ۡو ٰ‬
‫ط الَّذ ٰۡینَ ا َ ۡن َعمۡ َ‬
‫ت َعلَ ۡی ٰہ ۡم ۙ۬‬ ‫ص َرا َ‬
‫‪ .7‬انولوگںاکںیہننجرپبضغایکایگےہاورہن(یہ) رمگاوہںاک‬
‫‪ .6‬انولوگںاکراہتسنجرپوتےنااعنمرفامای‬
‫‪7. Not of those who have been afflicted with‬‬
‫‪6. The path of those upon whom You have‬‬
‫‪wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.‬‬
‫‪bestowed Your favours,‬‬

‫‪Vocabulary words‬‬ ‫ا َ ۡل َح ۡم ُد‬ ‫الر ۡح ٰم ٰن‬

‫الر ٰح ۡی ٰم‬
‫َّ‬ ‫یَ ۡو ٰم ال ٰد ۡی ٰن‬ ‫ک نَ ۡست َ ٰع ۡی ُن‬
‫اٰیَّا َ‬
‫اٰیَّا َ‬
‫ک نَعۡ بُ ُد‬ ‫ط ۡال ُم ۡست َ ٰق ۡی َم‬
‫الص َرا َ‬
‫ٰ‬ ‫علَ ۡی ٰہ ۡم‬ ‫ا َ ۡنعَ ۡم َ‬
‫ت َ‬

‫ٰ‬ ‫و‬‫ۡ‬ ‫ض‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ۡ‬
‫غ‬ ‫م‬
‫َ‬ ‫ۡ‬
‫ال‬ ‫ضا ٓ ٰل ۡین‬
‫ال َّ‬ ‫اٰ ۡہ ٰد نَا‬
Information Desk

Different names of
Surah Al Fatiha

Importance of
Surah Al Fatiha


How many Ayahs are
there in Surah Al Fatiha?


Al Fatiha?

What is the meaning of
What surah number is What is the second thing
surah AlFatiha? that is special about Era of revelation
Surah Al Fatiha?
‫وسرۃاافلہحترقآندیجمںیمسک‬ ‫زامۂنزنول‬
Where was surah
Al Fatiha revealed?
special about Surah Al

What is the one thing that is

Surah al-Fatihah is a ‫ےہاہللیکاجبنےس۔دنبہداعرکات‬
supplication from the
servant, and the Qur'an is
‫ےہہکاےرپورداگر! ریمیراامنہئ‬
an answer from Allah. The ‫رک۔وجابںیمرپورداگروپرارقآن‬
servant prays that O Lord! ‫اسےکاسےنمرھکداتیےہہکہیےہ‬
Guide me , In response, ‫وہدہاتیوراامنہئسجیکدروخاتس‬
The Lord placed the entire
Qur'an in front of him,
saying that this is the
guidance that you have
requested from me.

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