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Mindset is the set of beliefs and thoughts that shape our mind, which
determinates the way we behave, in other words, which determinates the
mentality that someone has about life.
This way to see the world may be associated with culture, values, philosophy,
frame of mind, outlook, and disposition. It may also arise from a
person's worldview or beliefs about the meaning of life.
It is our Mindset that determines the way we think and face everyday situations,
understand, judge and, with that, make decisions and attitudes.
There are two kinds of mindset: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.
A person with a fixed mindset believes that people were born with specific skills
and, therefore, there is no possibility of improving them or developing other
talents. These people believe that their ability, skills and intelligence are
immutable. For them if someone is born with a gift, they will not lose or improve
it, and if they were not born with that gift, it will not be possible to develop it.
People who have a growth mindset believe that it is possible to develop new
talents, as long as there is dedication. They also believe in their abilities and are
able of transforming setbacks and difficulties into opportunities. This way, you can
relativize situations and develop the thought that everything depends on your
point of view.
Inside of mindset we can find a very interesting theme: proativity and reactivity.
Being a proactive one means being a self motivated, is always prepared for
anything coming in your way no matter if it is a good thing or a bad thing. A
proative one is always looking for a solution for every eventual problem in the
future. He invests in his mind to be able to face and solve every challenges
coming in his way, no matter what.
A reactive one is someone that Waits the situation come to find a solution.
Unlike proactive ones that find a solution before facing the problem, these one
wait seeing problems happening to take an action.
They are not self motivated, they need a push to do something, usually are lazy
to think and are Always unprepared for every possible problem coming in their
The development of mindset, whether proactive or reactive, is influenced by
several factors, including past experiences, social influences and personal
beliefs. Cultivating a proactive mindset involves self-awareness willingness to
learn and adapt, and the conscious choice to approach challenges with a positive

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