An Iot Based Smart Energy Management System: December 2018
An Iot Based Smart Energy Management System: December 2018
An Iot Based Smart Energy Management System: December 2018
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vinay Tikkiwal on 02 June 2020.
Abstract—Physical energy meter reading is an outdated concept, The developed system provides information regarding the
it is inefficient, prone to errors and leads to a lot of wastage of individual user's meter readings on a daily/ monthly basis
manpower and is a burden on the consumers since the energy without any manual intervention [6]. This is achieved through
companies pass on the cost of physically reading the meters to the continuously monitoring and recording the readings of the
consumers. Smart energy meters solve the above-mentioned energy meter reading in a non-volatile memory. The system
problems to a great extent but replacing the older energy meters also displays a live meter reading, which can be accessed by
is a very expensive and a humongous task. This paper introduces the owner/user on a energy meter webpage through a dedicated
an IoT based smart energy meter using the raspberry pi devices personal account [7]. Also, the system can be used to
as a solution to the aforementioned issue. A small modification to
discontinue the power supply to a house/building when needed.
the already installed old meters can make them act as prepaid
smart meters. So, the need to replace the old energy meter does II. ARCHITECTURAL MODEL
not arise. These meters can be easily accessed through
customized web pages, smart mobile applications and relevant The device is designed to read the data directly from the
notifications can be sent to the customers using SMS service. meter with the help of light sensor TCS 3200, which sends the
These meters can be turned ON and OFF automatically once a data to Arduino board. This Arduino then sends this data to
user exhausts its prepaid threshold value or through the smart raspberry pi which uploads the data to the ThingSpeak cloud.
App. Consumers are notified through SMS when the threshold The data from ThingSpeak can be accessed using the website
set value is about to breach. or mobile Application.
Keywords—IoT; wireless sensor and actuator network, smart
meters, smart buildings.
In the existing system, electrical meter reading for
electricity usage and billing is done by human workers who
visit homes/buildings to collect this reading [1]. This requires a
large number of workers and working hours to collect the
complete data and generate bills. Billing done in this manner is
prone to reading errors [2]. It can be time-consuming, restricted
and slowed down due to adverse environmental conditions in
which workers may not be able to visit homes. Paper bills can
be easily misplaced while distribution as post-box mailing is
not always reliable [3]. In a country like India with a huge Fig. 1. An Architecture of the System.
number of highly dense population (residential housing and
industrial buildings) requires substantial manpower and A complete architecture of the system is shown in Fig. 1.
working hours to complete the mammoth task of collection Various appliances in a household consume energy which an
correct meter readings [4]. These eventually increases the energy meter reads constantly and this consumed load is
energy provider's operation cost which trickles down to displayed on the meter. A LED blinks continuously on the
consumer’s electricity bills being increased [5]. meter which counts the energy units consumed. Normally,
3200 blinks are one unit. In the developed system, raspberry pi
The paper introduces a solution to address the problem
faced by both the consumers and the distribution companies. 3 acts as the main controller, which continuously monitors the
This work uses the smart energy meter which utilizes the energy meter for unit consumption based on LED blinks
features of embedded systems in order to implement the counts. A customized webpage and a Smart App is developed
desired functionalities. The raspberry pi and color sensors to monitor the energy consumption and calculate the cost. A
(TCS 3200) are used that counts the total number of LED threshold value i.e. customer prepaid amount can be set on
blinks situated on electrical meters. This is an add-on to webpage and App with the help of Wi-Fi, as per consumer’s
existing electric meter. A user tracks its electricity uses using a requirement. When this threshold is about to breach, the system
customized developed webpage or smart App and take actions sends a notification to the consumer. This feedback keeps the
as per his preferences. consumers aware of their energy usage. A consumer can
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jaypee Insituite of Information Technology-Noida Sec 128 (L3). Downloaded on June 02,2020 at 18:27:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
choose to recharge or increase the threshold as per their data to calculate different parameters like units consumed etc.
requirement and willingness to pay. If either is not done, the After the calculations, these parameters and readings are shown
electricity supply to the consumer is stopped automatically. A with the help of an API (ThingSpeak). It shows the measured
consumer can visit the webpage anytime and increment the parameters in the form of graphs [8]. The same data is used to
threshold value. Finally, a monthly bill is generated and sent to visualize on the customized website as well as on smart App.
the customer as well as a service provider through a SMS on The smart App has the features to turn ON and OFF the main
the first day of every month. supply. This is useful to control the smart meter remotely. The
developed system is an add-on over the existing electric meters
III. SMART ENERGY METER SYSTEM and makes the whole system reliable and smart. The
components of EMAD are described in coming sections.
The developed Electronic Meter Automation Device
(EMAD) major components include the raspberry pi, Arduino, C. Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi 3
Colour Sensor TCS 3200 and a 4 channel relay. These Raspberry pi board is the heart of the developed EMAD
components are placed in such a compact manner that the system. It reacts to the 5V supply given by opto-coupler and
system is easily placed in a meter. keeps on counting the LED blinking. It then calculates the net
recharge available and cost of using the electricity. This data is
continuously stored and displayed on the webpage so that a
user can monitor his/her energy consumption or take actions
according to its preferences. It is also responsible to reacts
when the threshold is breached and sends the SMS to
D. Mobile Application
(a) (b) A smart mobile App has been developed for the system.
The App can be used in Android as well as in iOS platform. A
consumer can visualize the data of the EMAD device once
mounted to an electric meter. A user can recharge or cut off the
meter using this smart App. An EMAD device is capable of
handling two-way communication with the grid, i.e. if a
consumers’ house/building is also producing the power using
some renewable energy sources (Solar, Wind etc.), then the
final bill will be calculated based on the power produced and
consumed. It is also possible to introduce the different pricing
scheme which varies with time and the day. As time and
(c) (d) energy information is communicated at regular intervals, the
Fig. 2. Hardware Components (a) Raspberry Pi, (b) Color Sensor (TCS energy consumption and cost can be regulated.
3200), (c) Channel Relay, (d) Arduino.
A. Energy Meter
Energy meter or Watt-hour meter is an instrument which is
used to measure the electrical energy consumption of the
consumers. The utility companies are responsible to install
these instruments at places like homes, office buildings,
industries, and organizations to charge them for electricity
consumption by various loads deployed at the sites. Nowadays,
prepaid electricity meters are becoming popular. Smart Energy
Meters or prepaid electricity meters are used to measure the
parameters like produced units, consumed units and to
Fig. 3. Data Visualization Using ThinkSpeak
calculate instantaneous electricity bills.
B. The procedure of Energy Units Calculation E. ThingSpeak
The analog meter readings can be taken down by a human The ThingSpeak (API) is an open source Internet of thing
being which is an old method and these meters are still (IoT) Application to store and retrieve data from devices using
installed in most of the houses/buildings. An LED continuously the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) protocol over the
blinks on these old analog meters depending on the rate of Internet or via a Local Area Network (LAN). ThingSpeak
energy usages. More a consumer uses the electricity, faster it allows for the creation of applications for sensor logging,
blinks and vice versa. In the developed system the color sensor location tracking and a social network of things with status
(TCS 3200) is used to count the total number of LED blinks. updates. In this work, ThingSpeak API is used to log in the
These readings are passed to the raspberry pi which uses this data and visualize in graphical form as shown in Fig. 3.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jaypee Insituite of Information Technology-Noida Sec 128 (L3). Downloaded on June 02,2020 at 18:27:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
F. WIFI Module The remaining prepaid amount, T, can always be calculated as:
In IoT applications, Wi-Fi acts as the heart of it. In this 7 - Ú
work, Wi-Fi is used to communicate with the smart App for
changing the threshold value and to ON & OFF the energy For the practical purpose, in the developed system the
meter. The energy units’ consumption is also communicated calculations of remaining prepaid amount and energy units are
through this and displayed on the webpage. The Consumers are done on an hourly basis. A notification to the consumer
able to access the raspberry board and meter with help of Wi- through an SMS is initiated if a pre-determined threshold value
Fi. The pricing details of per units are communicated to of the remaining prepaid amount, T is about to be breached.
consumers using Wi-Fi in their smart App.
G. Webpage (HTML)
This paper has presented an IoT based smart energy
For this work, a webpage, using Hypertext Markup management system. An Electronic Meter Automation Device
Language (HTML), has been designed to visualize and operate (EMAD) has been developed which can be mounted on an old
energy meter functioning and consumption. Fig. 4. shows a meter. This device mounting on to the old meters can make
screenshot of the developed webpage. A Web server has been them act as a smart meter. A webpage and smart App has been
set up to store the data and to receive HTML documents for the developed. The meters can be easily accessed through
Web browser. customized web pages, smart App and the notification can be
sent using SMS. Meters can be turned ON and OFF
automatically once a user exhausts its prepaid threshold value
or through the smart App. Large-scale data collection is in the
process and in future we plan to deploy few smart meters in
locality apart from the university to see the real household
response of our system.
This work has been supported by the Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee Institute
of Information Technology, Noida. The webpage of the system
can be accessed using
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Ú= - [9]