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Good morning my dear tourist, I can't hear you.

Great, While we are waiting on our first destination let me tell you a
that's the spirit that I want so before we start let’s have a brief description about Malaysia.
headcount first. Starting with you.. 1, 2, 3 great we are all
15 and complete. Malaysia is located in SouthEast Asia which consists of two
regions separated by the South China Sea and Located
between two and seven degrees north of the Equator.
On behalf of Turismo travel and tours, I am Ricaela Pellas
Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, is located on the west side of
and you can call me Rica and I will be your tour guide for Peninsular Malaysia, closer to the Indonesian island of Sumatra
today's adventure. Beside me, our licensed coach. Captain than to East Malaysia. East Malaysia is home to Mount
kuya Mike. Say hi to kuya Mike. Great, I know all of you Kinabalu, the country's highest point, which has an elevation of
are excited for today’s adventure, but before we start this 13,455 feet (4,101 meters).
tour, I have some friendly reminders. So first let
synchronize my time to your time so no one will be left HISTORY
behind. It’s already __:__ am. I have some friendly The history of Malaysia started in the early 15th century with
reminders, keep in mind the 3 letters which are the U, E the establishment of the Melaka Sultanate. The country
and D. achieved independence on 31 August 1957 as the Federation of
Malaya. Malaysia was formed in 1963 with the entry of Sabah
and Sarawak.
U stands for understanding and following the safety
guidelines. Because your safety is our main priority. =======
For letter E, it stands for Enjoy. Let’s enjoy this tour For our first destination, welcome to one of the tallest towers in
together, while learning at the same time. the whole world, and the most famous and stunning landmark
Lastly, D stands for don't forget to smile and remember to in the city.
take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints and PETRONAS TWIN TOWER
kill nothing but time.
I have here with me my whistle and flag. If you hear one The Petronas Twin Towers, also known as the Petronas
whistle () with a green flag(wave) it means you can now Towers, are a pair of identical skyscrapers located in Kuala
enjoy the beautiful attraction. But if you hear 2 whistle () Lumpur, Malaysia.
Here are some key facts about the Petronas Twin Towers:
with the reg flag, it means we can go back to the bus and
The construction of the Petronas Twin Towers began in
we will proceed to our next destination. Please keep in
1993 and took around six years to complete. The project
mind the bus number ABC123. What’s the bus number? involved thousands of workers and utilized advanced
Great, so is that clear? Great. engineering techniques and materials.
The towers stand at a height of 452 meters (1,483 feet) and popularity.
were the tallest buildings in the world when they were The Petronas Twin Towers are not only architectural marvels
completed in 1999. They held this title until 2004 when but also serve as important landmarks and symbols of
Taipei 101 surpassed their height. Malaysia's progress and development.
The towers were designed by Argentine-American architect
Cesar Pelli and his firm, Cesar Pelli & Associates. They
feature a postmodern Islamic-influenced design, with motifs For our next destination, welcome Kek lok si temple
inspired by Islamic art and architecture. The towers' facade The Kek Lok Si Temple, also known as the Temple of
consists of steel and glass, and their shape resembles an Supreme Bliss, is a prominent Buddhist temple located in
eight-sided star when viewed from above. Penang, Malaysia.
Each tower is supported by a central core made of Here's a brief history of the Kek Lok Si Temple:
reinforced concrete, which houses elevators, stairwells, and The temple's history dates back to the late 19th century
other services. The exterior is made up of a steel frame with when the idea of constructing a large Buddhist temple in
glass curtain walls. The towers are connected by a two- Penang was conceived. It was initiated by the chief monk of
story sky bridge located on the 41st and 42nd floors, which the Kuan Yin Teng temple, Beow Lean, and a group of
is a distinctive feature of the design. prominent Chinese community leaders.
The primary use of the Petronas Twin Towers is for office The construction of the Kek Lok Si Temple began in 1890,
space. They are home to various multinational and it took more than 20 years to complete its initial phase.
corporations, government offices, and the headquarters of The temple was built on the "Crane Hill'' (also known as
the national oil company, Petronas. The towers also house Ban Po Thar), which was chosen for its auspicious feng shui
a concert hall, an art gallery, and a shopping mall called attributes. Over the years, the temple has undergone
Suria KLCC at their base. several expansions and renovations, resulting in its current
The double-decker sky bridge connects the two towers on grand scale.
the 41st and 42nd floors, providing a walkway between The Kek Lok Si Temple showcases a blend of different
them. It is one of the main attractions for visitors and offers architectural styles, including Chinese, Thai, and Burmese.
panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur. The sky bridge is not The main attractions of the temple include the Pagoda of
directly attached to the main structure but is designed to Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Pavilion of Rama VI, the
slide in and out of the towers to accommodate for their Pavilion of Bodhi Tree, and the giant bronze statue of Kuan
slight movement caused by wind and temperature changes. Yin, the Goddess of Mercy.
The Petronas Twin Towers have become an iconic symbol The Kek Lok Si Temple is one of the largest Buddhist
of Malaysia and a major tourist attraction. They represent temples in Southeast Asia and has become a significant
Malaysia's economic growth and modernization. The pilgrimage site for Buddhists from Malaysia and around the
towers have appeared in several movies and cultural world. It is renowned for its religious and cultural
references, further enhancing their recognition and significance, as well as its architectural beauty
The temple hosts various religious and cultural events Over the years, Batu Caves has developed into a major
throughout the year, attracting large numbers of visitors. Hindu shrine and a focal point for religious and cultural
One of the most notable festivals celebrated at the Kek Lok activities. The Thaipusam festival, celebrated annually,
Si Temple is the Chinese New Year, during which the attracts a large number of devotees who undertake a
temple is adorned with thousands of lanterns and becomes pilgrimage to the caves, carrying kavadis (ornate structures)
a dazzling spectacle. as acts of devotion.
During World War II, Batu Caves served as a hideout for the
Today, the Kek Lok Si Temple stands as a testament to the local Chinese community to escape the Japanese
devotion and contributions of the local Chinese community to occupation. The caves provided shelter and protection
Buddhism in Penang. It is not only a place of worship but also a during that time.
significant tourist attraction that showcases the rich cultural In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve and
heritage of Malaysia. enhance the natural and cultural heritage of Batu Caves.
The caves and surrounding areas have been developed as a
tourism destination, with improved infrastructure,
For our last destination, welcome to Batu Cave pathways, and amenities.
Batu Caves is a popular tourist attraction and a significant Today, Batu Caves is not only a place of religious significance
religious site located in Selangor, Malaysia. but also a popular tourist attraction known for its imposing
Here is a brief history of Batu Caves: limestone formations, vibrant Hindu temples, and the
The limestone caves that make up Batu Caves are estimated challenging climb up the 272 steps to the main cave. It remains
to be around 400 million years old. The caves have a long an important site for Hindus and a testament to the rich history
history of human habitation, with evidence of indigenous and cultural diversity of Malaysia.
peoples occupying the area for thousands of years.
The history of Batu Caves as a religious site can be traced
back to the late 1800s when Indian trader K. Thamboosamy Is everyone okay and happy? Okay let's do the headcount again
Pillai established a shrine dedicated to Lord Murugan, a 1 2 3 15 Perfect.
Hindu deity associated with war and victory. This marked So before I end this tour I want to thank kuya mike for driving
the beginning of the Hindu influence on the site. us to our beautiful attractions. Say thank you kuya mike. I want
In 1891, work began on the construction of the iconic to thank all of you for choosing me and Turismo travel and
Murugan statue in front of the main cave. The statue stands tours to become part of your unforgettable adventure. And I
at a height of 42.7 meters (140 feet) and is the tallest Lord hope to see you again for your next one. Again on behalf of
Murugan statue in the world. It was officially unveiled in Turismo travel and tour this is your ate Rica, your tour guide
2006. and now signing off, Please take your belongings before
getting off the bus. Thank you

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