Mssmotorsinc March 23
Mssmotorsinc March 23
Mssmotorsinc March 23
MSS MOTORS, INC. Available by phone Mon-Sat 7:00am-11:00pm Eastern
7685 KNOTT AVE Time, Sun 9:00am-10:00pm Eastern Time:
BUENA PARK CA 90620-2545 We accept all relay calls, including 711
1-800-CALL-WELLS (1-800-225-5935)
En español: 1-877-337-7454
Write: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (114)
P.O. Box 6995
Portland, OR 97228-6995
Summary of accounts
Checking and Savings
Ending balance Ending balance
Account Page Account number last statement this statement
Initiate Business Checking SM 2 2895 11,302.02 320.15
Initiate Business Checking SM 5 3000 -11.01 141.66
Business Market Rate Savings 8 2208 158.06 0.00
Total deposit accounts $11,449.07 $461.81
March 31, 2023 Page 2 of 11
Overdraft Protection
This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility
requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch.
Transaction history
Transaction history(continued)
Check Deposits/ Withdrawals/ Ending daily
Date Number Description Credits Debits balance
3/13 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 1,000.00 1,419.43
Ref #Ib0Hy54Tty on 03/13/23
3/14 Square Inc 230314P2 230314 L21436482439 Frank Cancino 275.04
3/14 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 1,000.00
Ref #Ib0Hyf4x3N on 03/14/23
3/14 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 300.00 394.47
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0Hyf4Zb3 on 03/14/23
3/15 Square Inc 230315P2 230315 L21436579638 Frank Cancino 65.95
3/15 Recurring Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Market Rate 150.00 310.42
Savings Ref #Op0Hynv7Nn xxxxxx2208
3/16 Square Inc 230316P2 230316 L21436682416 Frank Cancino 442.11
3/16 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 600.00 152.53
Ref #Ib0Hyzhxr9 on 03/16/23
3/17 Square Inc 230317P2 230317 L21436795089 Frank Cancino 247.89 400.42
3/20 Recurring Transfer From Suazos Inc Ref #Op0Hzzpwh5 Business 187.00
Checking Gas Bill
3/20 Square Inc 230320P2 230320 L21437015057 Frank Cancino 443.81
3/20 Square Inc 230320P2 230320 L21437015058 Frank Cancino 1,048.07
3/20 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 100.00
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0Hzw7Qbj on 03/19/23
3/20 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 300.00 1,679.30
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J2367Dk on 03/20/23
3/21 Square Inc 230321P2 230321 L21437122122 Frank Cancino 446.77
3/21 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 1,000.00
Ref #Ib0J298Qzx on 03/21/23
3/21 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 500.00
Ref #Ib0J298Tsy on 03/21/23
3/21 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 200.00 426.07
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J2C5H9C on 03/21/23
3/22 Square Inc 230322P2 230322 L21437224282 Frank Cancino 47.76
3/22 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 300.00 173.83
Ref #Ib0J2H6Qvm on 03/21/23
3/23 Square Inc 230323P2 230323 L21437326005 Frank Cancino 282.43
3/23 Recurring Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Market Rate 100.00 356.26
Savings Ref #Op0J2Qstkf xxxxxx2208
3/24 Square Inc 230324P2 230324 L21437437593 Frank Cancino 278.92
3/24 Legal Order Debit - Contact Franchise Tax Board (888) 460.24
635-0494 - Case# 18920823
3/24 Legal Order Fee Debit Case# 18920823 24.94
3/24 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00 0.00
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J33Ntvb on 03/24/23
3/27 Recurring Transfer From Suazos Inc Ref #Op0J3Qf9Qf Business 187.00
Checking Gas Bill
3/27 Square Inc 230327P2 230327 L21437667579 Frank Cancino 368.64
3/27 Square Inc 230327P2 230327 L21437667580 Frank Cancino 1,364.41
3/27 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 187.00
Ref #Ib0J3Qn7Lh on 03/27/23
3/27 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 1,000.00
Ref #Ib0J3Rgfln on 03/27/23
3/27 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J3Rgjcl on 03/27/23
3/27 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 500.00 83.05
Ref #Ib0J3Rgl29 on 03/27/23
3/28 Square Inc 230328P2 230328 L21437778128 Frank Cancino 178.87
3/28 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 261.00 0.92
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J3Zr6Xm on 03/28/23
3/29 Square Inc 230329P2 230329 L21437879717 Frank Cancino 192.93
3/29 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00 43.85
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J49Gjhf on 03/29/23
3/30 Square Inc 230330P2 230330 L21437983096 Frank Cancino 305.14 348.99
March 31, 2023 Page 4 of 11
Transaction history(continued)
Check Deposits/ Withdrawals/ Ending daily
Date Number Description Credits Debits balance
3/31 Square Inc 230331P2 230331 L21438094281 Frank Cancino 171.16
3/31 Online Transfer to Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 200.00 320.15
xxxxxx3000 Ref #Ib0J4Qg8Xm on 03/30/23
Ending balance on 3/31 320.15
The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account when
your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed.
< Business to Business ACH: If this is a business account, this transaction has a return time frame of one business day from post date. This time frame does not
apply to consumer accounts.
Fee period 03/01/2023 - 03/31/2023 Standard monthly service fee $0.00 You paid $0.00
Effective April 1, 2023, we will no longer assess fees for stop payment requests on consumer and non-analyzed small business
checking and savings accounts. Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. We appreciate your business.
NEW YORK CITY CUSTOMERS ONLY -- Pursuant to New York City regulations, we request that you contact us at 1-800-TO WELLS
(1-800-869-3557) to share your language preference.
March 31, 2023 Page 5 of 11
A simplified fee schedule for Business Wires will be effective June 26, 2023:
- Digital Wire: Domestic, International Foreign currency and International U.S. currency = $25
- Branch/Voice Channel: Domestic, International U.S. currency, and International Foreign currency = $40
- Repetitive Outgoing Wire: Domestic, International U.S. currency, and International Foreign currency = $25
Fees may vary based on the type of account you have as some accounts offer fee waivers for some services. For a complete list of
services, fees, and fee waivers that are available with your account, please refer to your Business Account Fee and Information
Schedule, as applicable.
Overdraft Protection
This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility
requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch.
Transaction history
Transaction history(continued)
Check Deposits/ Withdrawals/ Ending daily
Date Number Description Credits Debits balance
3/2 Recurring Payment authorized on 03/01 ABC*Crunch Fitness 14.99
714-9968000 CA S463060449146591 Card 8399
3/2 < Business to Business ACH Debit - Authnet Gateway Billing 30.00 428.08
xxxxx7501 Mss Motors Inc
3/3 Purchase authorized on 03/02 Ziprecruiter, Inc. 855-747-5493 64.00
CA S383061344157210 Card 8399
3/3 Purchase authorized on 03/02 Sq *Boxx Coffee Ro Los Angeles 6.00
CA S383061661617255 Card 8399
3/3 Purchase authorized on 03/02 Sq *Boxx Coffee Ro Los Angeles 7.50 350.58
CA S463061661930032 Card 8399
3/6 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 500.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0Hwbv3Hj on 03/05/23
3/6 Purchase authorized on 03/05 Skechers-USA #358 146.79
Westminister CA P463064692382956 Card 8399
3/6 Purchase authorized on 03/05 The Spoon Stanton CA 16.31
S583064782560415 Card 8399
3/6 Purchase authorized on 03/05 Staples 0093 Cypress CA 25.85
P303065036252278 Card 8399
3/6 Purchase authorized on 03/05 Smart and Final 594 Stanton CA 22.45
P583065052037061 Card 8399
3/6 Purchase authorized on 03/05 Smart and Final 594 Stanton CA 10.31
P303065052324732 Card 8399
3/6 Paypal Inst Xfer 230305 Apple.Com Bill Mss Motors.Inc 15.99 612.88
3/7 Purchase authorized on 03/05 Dri*Uprinting 888-888-4211 CA 181.25
S303065210588010 Card 8399
3/7 Purchase authorized on 03/06 76 - United Pacifi Anaheim CA 75.01
S583065690369368 Card 8399
3/7 Purchase authorized on 03/06 Google *Ads5812635 10.00
[email protected] CA S463065735337074 Card 8399
3/7 Toyota ACH Rtl 03062023 Elvc3Gfuzfjibnc P25264152-26269 120.00
3/7 Paypal Inst Xfer 230307 Eforms Subs Mss Motors.Inc 39.00 187.62
3/8 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Ref #Ib0Hwt7Szt 500.00
Business Checking Home Rent
3/8 Zelle to Sanchez Marla on 03/07 Ref #Rp0R3Q3Kt6 Rent 500.00
3/8 3584 Check 29.00 158.62
3/9 Purchase authorized on 03/08 Sq *Boxx Coffee Ro Los Angeles 5.00 153.62
CA S583067631420475 Card 8399
3/10 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 125.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0Hxjvdxq on 03/10/23
3/10 Purchase authorized on 03/10 Smart and Final 594 Stanton CA 19.81 258.81
P583069696243295 Card 8399
3/13 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 100.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0Hy4Ffh4 on 03/12/23
3/13 Purchase authorized on 03/10 The Spoon Stanton CA 10.88
S383070072362552 Card 8399
3/13 Paypal Inst Xfer 230313 Uber Mss Motors.Inc 9.99
3/13 Paypal Inst Xfer 230311 Adobe Inc Mss Motors.Inc 54.99 282.95
3/14 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 300.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0Hyf4Zb3 on 03/14/23
3/14 Purchase authorized on 03/12 Chevron 0207306 Anaheim CA 66.04
S303072187182842 Card 8399
3/14 Home Depot Auto Pymt 230313 720986618980713 Frank 29.00
3/14 Toyota ACH Rtl 03132023 Fhgsh9Nsvefju6B P25586277-26269 120.00 367.91
3/15 Citi Autopay Payment 230314 081011763121933 Frank 149.04 218.87
3/20 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 100.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0Hzw7Qbj on 03/19/23
3/20 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 300.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J2367Dk on 03/20/23
3/20 Purchase authorized on 03/16 Brown and Charbonn 130.00
714-5053000 CA S303076131653495 Card 8399
3/20 Purchase authorized on 03/19 Ziprecruiter, Inc. 855-747-5493 24.00
CA S383078757147767 Card 8399
March 31, 2023 Page 7 of 11
Transaction history(continued)
Check Deposits/ Withdrawals/ Ending daily
Date Number Description Credits Debits balance
3/20 Purchase authorized on 03/19 Amazon Prime*H71Ug 16.30
Amzn.Com/Bill WA S463079106838360 Card 8399
3/20 Purchase authorized on 03/20 C&C Fuel Mart Buena Park CA 45.00
P303079822619432 Card 8399
3/20 Geico Prem Coll 230317 1445646434 Frank Cancino 278.49 125.08
3/21 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 200.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J2C5H9C on 03/21/23
3/21 Toyota ACH Rtl 03202023 184Rsdzktxzemnc 120.00
3/21 Paypal Inst Xfer 230321 1025944106506 Mss Motors.Inc 94.00 111.08
3/23 Citi Autopay Payment 230322 081018675371229 Frank 55.92 55.16
3/24 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J33Ntvb on 03/24/23
3/24 Online Transfer From Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 100.00
Ref #Ib0J34Zcf6 on 03/24/23
3/24 Legal Order Debit - Contact Franchise Tax Board (888) 205.16 100.00
635-0494 - Case# 18920823
3/27 ATM Cash Deposit on 03/26 222 S Harbor Blvd Ste 100 400.00
Anaheim CA 0000692 ATM ID 8454Y Card 8399
3/27 ATM Cash Deposit on 03/27 222 S Harbor Blvd Ste 100 311.00
Anaheim CA 0000924 ATM ID 8454Y Card 8399
3/27 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J3Rgjcl on 03/27/23
3/27 Purchase authorized on 03/24 Stirred Roasters C Cerritos CA 14.47 946.53
S383083606726980 Card 8399
3/28 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 261.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J3Zr6Xm on 03/28/23
3/28 Online Transfer From Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 100.00
Ref #Ib0J3Zrb68 on 03/28/23
3/28 Recurring Payment authorized on 03/27 Shopify* 173930335 37.99
Httpsshopify. IL S463086287741978 Card 8399
3/28 Online Transfer to Suazos Inc Business Checking xxxxxx1432 400.00
Ref #Ib0J3Xtmp9 on 03/27/23
3/28 Toyota ACH Rtl 03272023 Jqygkbd8Tapqkzj P26271831-26269 120.00
3/28 Tally Tech Tally 230328 M5Xqbl7Tkuwaa Frank Cancino 400.00
3/28 Paypal Inst Xfer 230328 Metaplatfor Mss Motors.Inc 320.59
3/28 Discover Payments 230328 5133 Cancino Frank 116.00 -87.05
3/29 Overdraft Fee for a Transaction Posted on 03/28 $116.00 35.00
Discover Payments 230328 5133 Cancino Frank
3/29 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 150.00 27.95
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J49Gjhf on 03/29/23
3/30 Recurring Payment authorized on 03/29 Audible*Hy1xx8PR1 14.95 13.00
Amzn.Com/Bill NJ S583089137338913 Card 8399
3/31 Online Transfer From Mss Motors, Inc. Business Checking 200.00
xxxxxx2895 Ref #Ib0J4Qg8Xm on 03/30/23
3/31 Purchase authorized on 03/30 C&C Fuel Mart Buena Park CA 61.34
P303090193390941 Card 8399
3/31 Monthly Service Fee 10.00 141.66
Ending balance on 3/31 141.66
The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account when
your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed.
< Business to Business ACH: If this is a business account, this transaction has a return time frame of one business day from post date. This time frame does not
apply to consumer accounts.
March 31, 2023 Page 8 of 11
Summary of checks written(checks listed are also displayed in the preceding Transaction history)
Fee period 03/01/2023 - 03/31/2023 Standard monthly service fee $10.00 You paid $10.00
How to avoid the monthly service fee Minimum required This fee period
Have any ONE of the following account requirements
• Average ledger balance $1,000.00 $223.00
• Minimum daily balance $500.00 -$87.05
Interest summary
Interest paid this statement $0.00
Average collected balance $3.27
Annual percentage yield earned 0.00%
Interest earned this statement period $0.00
Interest paid this year $0.02
Total interest paid in 2022 $0.09
March 31, 2023 Page 9 of 11
Transaction history
The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account
when your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed.
Fee period 03/01/2023 - 03/31/2023 Standard monthly service fee $5.00 You paid $0.00
How to avoid the monthly service fee Minimum required This fee period
Have any ONE of the following account requirements
• Minimum daily balance $300.00 $0.00
• Total automatic transfers from an eligible Wells Fargo business checking $25.00 $250.00 ÷
Please note: Your account has an ending balance of zero as of the date of this statement. Accounts with a zero balance will continue
to be charged applicable fees (like the monthly service fee) until you request to close your account. We may close an account with a
zero balance on the fee period ending date or at month end without prior notification to you. Once an account is closed (either by
you or us), no fees will be assessed on the account.
- To prevent closure by us without notification, an account with a zero balance must have a qualifying transaction posted within
the last two months of the most recent fee period ending date.
- Examples of qualifying transactions are deposits and withdrawals made at a branch, ATM, online, mobile, or via telephone;
one-time and recurring transfers made at a branch, ATM, online, mobile, or via telephone; automatic or electronic deposits, such as
from payroll or government benefits; automatic or electronic payments, including Bill Pay; one-time and recurring purchases or
payments made using a card or mobile device; and checks paid from the account.
- Bank-originated transactions, like monthly service or other fees, are not considered qualifying transactions that will prevent
closure of an account with a zero balance.
- If you do not plan to keep this account, we encourage you to redirect recurring deposits and payments to another account.
Questions? Please contact your banker or call the phone number appearing on your statement.
A. The ending balance
shown on your statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
B. Any deposits listed in your $
register or transfers into $
your account which are not $
shown on your statement. + $
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. TOTAL $
C. The total outstanding checks and
withdrawals from the chart above . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $
Total amount $
©2021 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. NMLSR ID 399801