IPPTA 164-39-45 Effluent Treatment by
IPPTA 164-39-45 Effluent Treatment by
IPPTA 164-39-45 Effluent Treatment by
U Activated Sludge treatment has become increasingly popular for treating pulp and paper industry
waste waters in Finland, Canada, European countries and Asian countries. The common problems
in ASP are too high floc load due to bulking sludge, inadequate Nutrient addition, Lack of Oxygen,
pH increase in aeration, Fatty and resin acids, Toxins & lack of essential metals such as Iron, etc. The
factors affecting the ASP efficiency are Variability in waste water flow and quality, Sludge retention
time, Hydraulic retention time, Organic loading (FfM ratio), Macronutrient levels, Mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) concentration, Mixing and aeration intensity and Mixed liquor oxygen
level, Mixed liquor temperature, Mixed liquor pH value. Most of the companies worldwide are
shifting towards ECF, TCF bleaching technology by eliminating chlorine, chlorine dioxide and hypo
chlorite and also in paper making from acid sizing to alkaline sizing. Worldwide survey of ASPs is
indicating the Bulking Problem more in ECF &TCF bleaching than the Chlorine and Hypo conventional
bleaching. As JKPM moving towards ECF bleaching, alkaline sizing paper technology, low water
consumptiGn in process and close Ioopittg 01 the system, high concentration of poll1ltaftt witlt high
temperature effluent is generated. Hence, JKPM modified the existing effluent treatment system
with a New Activated Sludge Process with cooling Tower. Due to the effective control of ETP process
• parameters by Operators, JKPM achieved the best result of BOD, COD, SS and pH of out going
discharge treated effluent on a continuous basis.
1. Oxidation Process:
COHNS + 0, + Bacteria ~ CO2 + NH~+ Energy + End products (1)
(Organic matter)
2. Synthesis Process: pH 6.5 to 7.5
COHNS + 0, + Bacteria + Energy ) C,~02 (2)
(Organic matter) (New bacterial cells)
3. Auto Oxidation Process (Endogenous respiration):
C,H7N02 + SOl ~ 5 CO2 + 2H20 + NH3 + Energy. . (3)
(Cell tissue)
4. Formatting of Algae:
Photosynthesis through sunlight
CO2+2HP ) CHP + O2 + Hp (4)
in presence of inorganic New
compounds, nitrogen & Algae
phosphorous Cells (produce bad taste & odor)
Waste water
from Mills SCREENS
Lea~lastic pieces
knots, boo I I Screens 1
wood pieces PC overflow
r I I
I Oxygen through
Twin Wire
P"", .•"",,,
"matr +
Pulp fibre &,
inorganic cake
Oiammonium phosphate Ox~ thr~ aerattrs sold for, board
Oiiii making
t ,tKm~~
I ~
One protozoa (single cell, longer in size than bacteria) The bacteria generally fall into following three
consumes thousands of dispersed bacteria (which have . categories:
•. not flocculated) and produces improved quality
settleable biological floc and thus act as polisher. The 1. Spherical (0.5 to 1.0 micron diameter)
rotifiers (multicellular animal) consume dispersed and 2. Cylindrical (0.5 to 1.0 micron width x 1.5 to 3.0
flocculated bacteria and organic particles (which do not micron length)
settle) and improve the treatment efficiency. Hence, the
population of both protozoa and rotifiers indicate the 3. Helical (0.5 to 5.0 micron width x 6 to 15 micron
Table 2: Bacterial Composition The bacteria grow from the constituents of effluent
through binary fission and their life cycle varies from
Approx. composition of 20-25%dry mass: 20/30 min to 1 day. The composition of bacteria (Table-
Carbon 50% 2) shows that it contains about 75 to 80% water. Out of
20 - 25% dry mass, about 90% mass include carbon,
Oxygen 20%
oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and balance as
Nitrogen 14% phosphorous, sodium, sulphur, potassium, magnesium
and calcium etc. Hence, presence of these constituents
Hydrogen 8% in the effluent itself help to form new bacteria cell in
Phosphorous 3% presence of oxygen and energy released during
oxidation of organics by the bacteria. So initial seeding
of bacteria help in speeding up the growth. By photo-
.. Balance 5% constitutes sodium, sulphur, potassium, synthesis, in presence of nitrogen & phosphorous and
magnesium & calcium etc. sunlight, the algae is also produced which consume
Maintaining Healthy Bacterial growth Length x breadth x liquor depth 82M x41 M x 4.5 M
Growth of the micro-organism is delicately dependent Avg. BOD load 5040 Kg/day
Urea used 450 Kg/day
on many factors such as incoming BOD feed rate, pH,
DAPused 210 Kg/day
temperature, dissolved oxygen in ASB, addition of
nutrients like Urea and DAP, retention time at ASB
proper mixing of recirculated bacteria with incoming iii) Control of Dissolved Oxygen (D.O)
effluent and the nutrients at feed launder, and The dissolved oxygen concentration for activated sludge
desludging of dead bacteria from the system. These are process range from 0.2 to 2.0 mg/litre depending upon
very well controlled as detailed below :- the characteristic of waste water and the type of activated
i) Control of temperature at ASB sludge process. The micro-organisms need oxygen for
their survival and reproduction. Since they cannot
Typically, most biological waste water systems in the directly extract oxygen from the atmosphere either
pulp and paper industry are operated between 30 to oxygen is dispersed through diffuser or through
37°C. However, seasonal changes, the batch operation aerators. At JKPM eight nos. of slow speed 50 HPsurface
of upstream units, and overall process shut downs in aerators have been installed to supply 300 to 400 kg
the mill cause significant temperature variation in ETP. oxygen/Hr for supporting microbial growth depending
Input temperature to ETP varies from 37 to 48°C at JKPM
upon effluent processing rate.
due to high temperature at CDEopD bleaching stage.
Such temerature fluctuations are suspected to cause poor As the submergence increases due to increased flow,
solids separation in the secondary clarifier and high the oxygen transfer rate and load on to aerator also
effluent suspended solid (ESS)level. Based on optimum increases. The aerators submergence have been carefully
temperature for growth of bacteria, these are classified set for a flow variation between 900 to1200 M3/ Hr so
as psychrophilic (temp from 4 to 10°C), mesophilic (temp that aerator does not get overloaded when flow varies(5). ..
from 20 to 40°C) and thermophilic (temp from 50 to 55°C).
iv) Addition of nutrients
At low temperature the growth process slows down but
as the temperature increases from 5 to 35°C, the rate of The nutrients dosing varies based on incoming BOD3 in
biological activity gets doubled for every 10 to 15°C. temp the ratio of BOD3 : Nitrogen: Phosphorous from 100: 6
rise. The mesophilic bacteria grow efficiently at : 1 to 100 : 3 : 0.6. Excess nutrient dosing may result into
temperature between 20°C to 40°C, at constant BOD algae growth and bubbling at sec. clarifier, which affect
load, adequate nutrient dosing and pH between 6.5 to the clarity of treated effluent.
8.5. It is critical to maintain the temperature variation Hence, for better growth of bacteria, calculated amount
within ± O.5°C at ASB at all times on a consistent basis of Urea and DAP dosing in the ratio of BOD: Urea: DAP
without a cooling tower (Table-3). The temperature at as 100 : 5 : 1 is carried out at the ASB launder through
ASB is controlled by controlling outlet temperature from the dosing pumps (Table-4).
cooling tower by varying the speed of cooling tower fans.
v) Toxicants
ii) Control of pH
Toxic materials like sulphide, chloro-organics and
Most organisms cannot tolerate pH below 4.0. The metals like lead, copper, nickel and zinc may cause
filamentous fungi (multicellular protists) grow at pH toxicity and destroy bacteria (6). Hence, tests need to he
less then 6.5, deficiency of nitrogen dosing, low carried out in case the bacterial development is getting
dissolved oxygen and excessive sludge sugar. These
fungi are lighter than water and floats in the effluent.
Once proper environment for micro-organism growth
So the secondary clarifier overflow becomes turbid and
increases BOD of treated effluent. If the pH is more than has been established, it is utmost important to ensure
9, the microbial activity is inhibited. Bacteria's grow effective waste stabilization by controlling the
optimally at pH just above 7 whereas the Algae and desludging and controlling the growth rate of micro-
fungi grow on acid side of neutrality. Sudden fluctuation organism.
of pH due to acid / caustic spillage to effluent, result Food/Mirco-organism ratio
into shock load and consequent death of many micro-
organisms, which indirectly affect the BOD reduction The BOD3 food (F) to micro-organism (M) ratio (F/M) is
efficiency of the system. Hence, pH of the incoming a very vital control parameter for Activated Sludge
effluent to primary clarifier is controlled by addition of Process. When the F/M ratio is brought down below
HCi or calcium hypo-chlorite depending on alkalinity 0.8, initially the bacteria growth increases and then it
Input pH to ETP needs to be checked and controlled ranging from 6.5 - 8.5.
• Colour is to be monitored visually at Inlet ETP.
• Sludge of Primary Clarifier is to be removed regularly. No jamming in Primary Clarifier.
Inlet Temperature is to be recorded and communication to ASBand Cooling Tower people.
• pH and Temperature of P.e. Overflow is to be checked and cooling tower will be operated accordingly.
• Temperature, pH, BOD, COD, SS of PC Overflow is to be monitored.
Activated Sludge Basin Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid, pH, Temperature, Dissolve oxygen, settling, SVI,
MLVSSneeds to be monitored.
• Urea & DAP dosing is to be checked.
Aerator ampere load is to be controlled for better oxygen transfer.
• Secondary Clarifier underflow circulation rate to be monitered.
• Secondary Clarifier underflow consistency and its flow to ASB.
• pH, DO, BOD, COD, Temp, SS of Secondary Clarifier overflow.
• Turbidity and Clarity of Secondary Clarifier Overflow.
declines (due to oxidation) and sludge settling rate (SVI) which is expressed as volume (in ml.) occupied by
becomes faster (due to flocculation). When the F/M ratio (one gm) suspended solid when allowed to settle in 1000
is higher, the microorganism will have dispersed growth cc measuring cylinder. A value of 80 to 150 indicates a
and the unused food will be carried to secondary good settling sludge and value between 150 - 200
clarifier. As a result, the treated effluent will become indicates that process needs immediate attention. With
turbid and BOD3 of treated effluent will be high. To MLSS of 2500 mg/Itr when the clear liquor level in the
overcome this situation, the F/ M ratio is brought down measuring cylinder is 420 cc i.e. Vol. of settled sludge is
580 cc, the SVI works out to 232 ml / gm which indicates
.. by controlling following:
that MLSS has to be increased to achieve SVI value of
Incoming effluent feed, less than 150 ml/ gm by controlling the desluding
Increasing the recirculation rate of activated sludge process by controlling, sludge recirculation at ASB and
to ASB from Secondary Clarifier underflow, lor by arresting the shock load, if any. To maintain
energetic bacteria, the excess sludge to the tune of about
• Amount of desluding based on excess sludge
32 % by weight of incoming BOD3, is discarded either to
generation. primary clarifier under flow sludge or to drying beds.
The F/ M ratio is maintained around 0.2 to 0.4 day in To maintain high retention time, the consistency of
the activated sludge basin with MLSS varying from 1500 secondary clarifier underflow sludge is maintained at
to 3000 mg/ltr. about 0.8% to as high as 1.2%. Lower consistency of
underflow sludge is also an indication of high SVI. The
The high MLSS at ASB and higher sludge recirculation
desludging % is varied based on MLSS to be maintained
rate from sec. clarifier help in maintaining high BOD
at ASB and mean cell residence time. The secondary
reduction efficiency even with fluctuation in incoming
clarifier underflow consistency can be increased to 0.8
BOD load. - 1.0% by reducing sludge return ratio, reducing sludge
The process is monitored through sludge volume index wasting and raising D.O.
Mean Cell Residence Time problem. (8)
As the residence time of the cells in the system is • 3 to 10 mg/ltr of chlorine in the return sludge until
increased, the settling characteristics of the biological SVI is less than 150 (9,10)
floes are enhanced, due to presence of polymers and
• Addition of 5 to 6 mg/ltr Hydrogen Peroxide in the
slimes. Which promote formation of floes, which settle ."
by grwity. aeration basin until SVI is less than 120 (11)
• Addition of calcium hypo-chlorite @ 3M3I day of 21-
The Mean Cell residence time of ASB cells at ]KPM is
25 gpl Cl2 at return sludge to basin at effluent
about 10 days, which is well within recommended
processing rate of 1000 - 1100 M3I day Hr.
standard time of 5 - 15 days for activated sludge process.
A operator checklist (Table-5) is attached for operating • 'Fe' introduced into an activated sludge system
the ETP effectively. improves the treatment efficiency in concentratious
ETP Performance up to 30 mg Fe/Itr, while overdosing decreases COD
removal. Addition of Ferrous sulphate to the tune of
The effective running of modified ASP with cooling 10 mg/ltr i.e. 240 to 260 kg/day for 1000 - 1100
Tower leads to better control of BOD at 10 - 25 ppm, M3/Hr effluent at inlet to ASB flow rate also help in
Temperature 31 to 34°C and suspended solid 30 - 48 eliminating sludge bulking.
ppm of discharge treated effluent. The details are given
in Table - 6. Modern ECF & TCF Bleaching system experiences
bulking problem throughout the world. In UK 60 % of
General Problem Occurs during the ASB Process the ASP experiences high value of SVI ie >200 and 50 %
Foaming of ASP experience loss of solids. In Germany more than
27% of ASP plant experiencing bulking problem more
Due to increase in pH due to spillage of black liquor than six months.' 2'1 3' 14' 15 '1 6
and increase in fines due to spillage of pulp, a thick
Turbidity of secondary clarifier overflow
layer of foam develop at ASBafter the aeration, at cooling
tower as well as at ASS. This foam offset the 0.0 in the The secondary clarifier settling area is considered based
treated effluent and increases in load of Aerators.
Addition of defoaming agent and or addition of alum on 50 to 150 kg Solids (MLSS) loading per day 1M2,
helps to reduce foam. Sprinkling of water will also based on average and peak flow respectively.
reduce foam. If pH is maintained at 7.2 to 7.4, the
As per literature available, toxic shock loading may
foaming tendency gets reduced. At higher MLSS (above
cause turbid effluent, which may be due to inactive
3500ppm) at basin, the foaming tendency of effluent
protozoa. Reseeding from another plant may be
gets minimized.
necessary to overcome the situation. In case
Sludge Bulking: denitrification occur at secondary clarifier (nitrogen
bubbling) and sludge is found to be rising in clumps,
As the SVI value increases above 150 mIl gm, the
this problem can be overcome by
activated sludge does not settling fast. Microscopic
examination may show filamentous growth. This a. Increasing sludge return rate
condition is known as sludge bulking(7). There is no
b. Increasing DO in the aeration basin and I or
firm rule for controlling the bulking of sludge either by
excess dosing of nitrogen or by variation of Dissolved c. By reducing the sludge age.
Oxygen (DO) at the basin or by controlling input BOD.
Often floc rising occur due to temperature difference
As per literature available, treatment of bio-sludge by between liquid temperature at secondary clarifier at base
dosing any of following chemicals along with reducing and the underground temperature which result into
food to micro-organism ratio will set-right the bulking convection current. High rate of recirculation of activated