Modern Materials For Cast Work Rolls of HSM

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V. Goryany, O.

Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

Vyacheslav Goryany1*, Olga Myronova2 Scientific paper

1 2
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585
Düsseldorf, Germany, University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for
Technology of Metals, Duisburg, Germany

Zastita Materijala 63 (3)

300 - 308 (2022)

Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

The requirements for the work rolls for the various roll stands of hot strip mills are shown. The
modern materials for cast rolls are analyzed and the operational performance of different types of
rolls in different stands of the rolling mill is described. The trends in improvement of rolls perform-
ance were presented.
Keywords: cast rolls, microstructure, martensit, carbide, mechanical properties

1. ROLLS OPERATING CONDITIONS AND total costs of a hot or cold strip mill [1]. With the
REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLS constantly increasing demands of the customers on
As tools in the rolling process, the rolls (Fig. 1) the accuracy and surface quality of the rolled steel,
the demands on the quality of the rolls are increas-
determine the quality of the rolled product, the pro-
ductivity of the rolling mill and thus the price of the ing.
rolled products. The roll costs are 5-15% of the

Figure 1. Scheme of a roll [2]

Slika 1. Šema valjka [2]

The choice of roll materials depends on the roll-  coefficient of friction

ing conditions in a specific stand of a mill and de-  stand type (two-high or four-high stands)
pends on the following factors:
 continuous or reversing rolling stands
 rolling force  rolled material
 torque
 rolling program
 temperature of the rolling stock
 roll costs.
 rolling speed
The operating conditions of the work rolls in
 roll cooling roughing and finishing stands show great
______________ differences. In the roughing stands, the slabs with a
*Corresponding author: Vyacheslav Goryany thickness of 200-300 mm are rolled through a high
Emai: [email protected] reduction up to 15 or 50mm. In the roughing
Paper received: 09. 03. 2022. stands, the rolls are under high cyclical mechanical
Paper accepted: 04.04. 2022. and thermal loads, which are associated with high
Paper is available on the website: rolling stock temperatures (~1200°C), large forming

300 ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

forces and a low rolling speed, which leads to a roughing roll can reach 650-700°C. Fire cracking
long contact time between the rolling stock and the on the roll surface is a reason to change rolls (Fig.
rolls are connected. The surface temperature of a 2).

Figure 2. Influence of thermal and mechanical loads on work rolls in a hot strip mill
Slika 2. Uticaj termičkih i mehaničkih opterećenja na radne valjke u valjačkoj pruzi za toplo valjanje lima

In the last finishing stands, the thermal load is values of the above roll properties depend on the
significantly lower due to the low rolling stock chemical composition of the roll material, the
temperatures and short contact times between the solidification conditions of the roll in the casting
rolling stock and the rolls. In the last roll stand, the mold and the heat treatment [2,3].
temperature of the rolling stock can be around
700°C and this brings with it the increased
mechanical loads on the rolls. In these stands, the In recent years, the investigations of roll
rolls are primarily damaged by abrasive wear. A materials have been intensively supported by
combination of the aforementioned loads can be various simulation techniques. Roll materials are
seen in the intermediate stands. The work rolls are developed using Thermo Calc software [4-7].
cooled with water or emulsion, which leads to Numerous Finite Element calculation models have
intensive oxidation of the rolls surface. been developed and used successfully [8-15] to
calculate the stresses that can arise during roll heat
The simultaneously acting cyclic bending,
treatment and during elastic roll deformation with
torsional and temperature change stresses as well
the introduction of rolling forces and torques.
as the frictional forces lead to special demands on
the rolls. The most important requirements for shell Work rolls for the roughing stands
of the work rolls in hot rolling mills are: The roughing stands are mostly two-high
 high breaking strength stands, in which rolls are subjected to very high
 high wear resistance cyclic bending and thermal loads. Because of this,
 high resistance to thermal fatigue roll materials are needed that have high flexural
 insensitivity to stripping and tensile strength values as well as high
 good surface finish resistance to fire cracking and oxidation. A good
 sufficient biting. grip is an unconditional requirement for the roll
The most important properties for the roll core material. The composite cast rolls with a working
and necks are the high bending strength and layer (shell) made of chrome steel, HSS (High
fatigue strength. Speed Steel) or semi-HSS (semi-High Speed
The requirements for the materials of work rolls Steel) [3,5-7,16-20] and a core made of cast iron
change depending on the operating conditions. The with nodular graphite meet these requirements.
best possible compromise between mechanical The rolls are manufactured using vertical or
loads, tribological behavior between the rolls and horizontal centrifugal casting processes [3,21].
the rolled material (coefficient of friction, adhesion, Practical experience shows that the highest best
oxidation) and thermal shock resistance must performance values can be achieved with these
always be achieved for different applications. The rolls qualities.

ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3 301

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

have excellent mechanical properties (tensile

strength of 700-850 N/mm², bending strength of
1200-1400 N/mm²), high wear resistance and high
resistance to fire cracking.
The structure of HSS rolls consists of tempered
martensite and fine, evenly distributed primary and
secondary carbides (7-10 wt.%), Figure 3.
The primary carbides are considered to be the
carriers of the wear resistance, the secondary
carbides provide the heat resistance (tempering
resistance). Depending on the chemical
composition and solidification rate of the HSS,
Figure 3. Microstructure in the working layer of an different types of carbides can form: MC, M2C,
HSS roll (SEM) M7C3, M6C and M23C6 [3-7, 22, 23]. These differ in
Slika 3. Mikrostruktura spoljašnjeg radnog sloja terms of morphology, hardness, chemical
HSS valjka (SEM) composition and type of crystal lattice (Table 1)
and result in very high wear resistance.
The structure of chrome steel rolls consists of
chromium-rich eutectic carbides of the type M7C3 Some of the primary carbides are dissolved
(5-10%), which are present in the martensitic during austenitizing, whereby austenite becomes
matrix. The rolls made of chrome steel have a saturated with carbon and alloying elements. The
hardness of 72-78 ShC and show no drop in vanadium-based MC carbides dissolve only
hardness up to the final diameter and good partially (Fig. 4), as they have a higher dissolution
oxidation resistance, which is associated with a temperature in austenite than the hardening
high chromium content. The chrome steel cast rolls temperature [25].

Table 1. Hardness and structure of carbides [24]

Tabela 1. Tvrdoća i kristalna struktura karbida [24]
Carbide type
MC M2C M6C M7C3 M23C6
Hardness (HV) 2600-3000 1800 1500 1500 1200-1600
Crystal-lattice structure FCC hexagonal FCC hexagonal cubic (complex)

The primary carbides, which are not dissolved propagation. The K1c values of developed HSS
during austenitizing, will have a decisive influence (tested according to ASTM-E 399 90) are over 30
on the wear resistance of the HSS. MPa∙m , which significantly exceeds the K1c
values of other roll materials [28].
During tempering, the martensite, which is
saturated with carbon and alloying elements, is The proportion of carbide in the structure of
16 18
separated into ca. 10 -10 1/cm³ nanometer-sized HSS rolls is roughly the same as in rolls made of
(ca. 1x10x10 nm) secondary carbides [26]. These chrome steel, but the HSS rolls have a significantly
prevent the movement of dislocations (according to higher wear resistance. Compared to chrome rolls
the Orowan mechanism) and thus strengthen the and Indefinite Chill Double Pour rolls (ICDP) (see
steel (secondary hardening). The type and amount below), HSS rolls show a 2 to 5 times longer
of precipitated secondary carbides depends on the service life. The higher performance of HSS rolls
ratio of the content of alloying elements to carbon are associated with the special features of the
in the mixed crystal [26, 27]. The more carbon and microstructure, which has a hardness of 78-84 ShC
alloying elements are dissolved in the martensite, and a tensile strength of around 900 N/mm² [25].
the more secondary carbides are precipitated. This is achieved through the presence of fine
Secondary hardening increases the hardness and special carbides (primary and secondary carbides),
thermal stability of the matrix. The strengthened which have a significantly higher hardness than
martensitic matrix supports the hard and wear- M7C3 carbide, and the higher hardness of the
resistant carbides and prevents them from tearing strengthened matrix of tempered martensite. A
off the contact surface. The optimization of the major contribution to the performance of HSS rolls
matrix is reflected in an improvement in is made by their high resistance to fire cracking,
macroscopic properties such as fracture toughness which can be evaluated using the thermal shock
(K1c), which is used as an indicator of crack index (TSI) [29].

302 ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

( 1   )    Rm λ - thermal conductivity; μ - Poisson's ratio; α -

TSI  , (1) coefficient of thermal expansion; Rm - tensile
E 
strength; E - Modulus of elasticity.

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)

g) h)
Figure 4. Partially dissolved MC carbides (SEM): a - overview image (3000:1), b - detail (6000:1) and EDX
mapping to determine the element distribution (c - h) [25]
Slika 4. Delimično rastvoreni MC karbidi (SEM): a - pregledna slika (3000:1), b - detalj (6000:1) i EDX
mapiranje za određivanje raspodele elemenata (c - h) [25]

ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3 303

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

The thermal shock index values indicate that The structure of cast chrome rolls consists of
compared to the other roll materials, such as chro- chromium-rich, eutectic carbides of the M7C3 type
mium iron and ICDP rolls, HSS rolls have a signifi- (20-30%), which are present in the martensitic
cantly better resistance to thermal fatigue (Table matrix. The cast chrome rolls have a hardness of
2). 75-80 ShC and constant rolling behavior up to the
final diameter, as well as good oxidation
Table 2. Thermal shock index of different roll mate- resistance. The tensile strength of such rolls is 600-
rials [30,31] 700 N/mm² and the bending strength is 900-1000
Tabela 2. Indeks termo šoka različitih materijala za N/mm². A high yield strength at elevated
valjke [30,31] temperatures reduces plastic deformation of the roll
working layer under cyclic loads and increases
Roll grade HSS HCrI ICDP
fatigue resistance. This leads to a better surface
Thermal shock
5737 5545 3919 3003 3515 quality of the rolled product and increases roll life.
index (W/m)
The cast chrome rolls do not show any drop in
hardness, which leads to a significant increase in
Fire cracking is initiated when the roll surface wear resistance compared to conventional
temperature in the roll gap exceeds a critical limit indefinite chill rolls (ca. 1.5 to 2 times). The cast
temperature. Table 3 lists the limit temperatures for chrome rolls are manufactured as compound
the various roll materials. These were calculated castings. Cast iron with nodular graphite is used as
for the work rolls with a diameter of 800 mm, strip the core material.
temperature 1020°C, rolling speed 1.5 m/s, contact In the last finishing stands (F4-F6 or F5-F7) of
time 0.044s, pass reduction 11mm and roll several hot strip mills, the Indefinite Chill Double
temperature 60°C [32]. Pour rolls (ICDP) with a hardness of 73-79 ShC
Table 3. Comparison of the limit temperatures of and 78-84 ShC are used. Today, ICDP rolls are
mostly manufactured using vertical or horizontal
HSS, HCr and ICDP rolls
centrifugal casting processes. Cast iron with
Tabela 3. Poređenje graničnih temperatura HSS, spheroidal graphite is used as the core material,
HCr i ICDP valjaka cast iron with lamellar graphite is rarely used. The
Parameter HSS HCr ICDP microstructure of ICDP rolls consists of a bainitic/
Roll surface temperature in roll martensitic matrix, M3C carbides (35-40%) of a
542 551 563 ledeburitic structure and free graphite. ICDP rolls
gap (°C)
Limit temperature (°C) 545 483 382 show a relatively small drop in hardness within the
working layer and ensure high strip quality, but only
offer a limited service life. Due to the frequent roll
The results presented agree with practical changes, the ICDP rolls are a bottleneck for the
experience, according to which the material rolling mill, since the work rolls in the front rolling
stability against fire cracking increases from ICDP stands remain operational for a long time. The
to HSS: forced interruption of production to change rolls
reduces the production efficiency of the rolling mill.
ICDP → chromium iron → chromium steel → HSS
(2) The use of conventional HSS rolls in these
stands, which have a 4 to 5 times higher wear
Compared to conventional HSS rolls, the semi-
resistance compared to ICDP rolls [33], is due to
HSS rolls contain lower levels of carbon (<0.9%)
the low resistance to cobbles, sticking and inferior
and carbide-forming alloying elements. This leads
crack resistance very limited [34].
to a reduction in the carbide content of up to 4-6
wt.%. Due to this, the semi-HSS rolls show In order to eliminate the disadvantages of the
excellent biting as well as high strength and above materials, the ICDP rolls were developed,
which were additionally alloyed with molybdenum,
toughness values. The hardness of 72 to 78ShC
vanadium, tungsten, niobium and titanium (so-
and the application properties of HSS rolls
called ICDP-enhanced). The development strategy
mentioned above lead to successful use in
was to introduce the fine secondary carbides (MC),
roughing stands. as in HSS, into the matrix of ICDP rolls made of
Work rolls for the finishing trains tempered martensite and eutectic M3C carbides
(20-30%) and was intensively pursued [18, 34-38].
In the first stands of the finishing trains (F1-F3
This resulted in a qualitative improvement in the
or F1-F4), both the chromium iron and the HSS
wear resistance of the ICDP rolls, but hopes for a
rolls described above are used, with the last one breakthrough in roll performance anticipated in the
having a 2 up to 4 times higher performance. field were not met. An increase in performance of

304 ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

about 10-20% [39, 40] (18-26% according to [41, HSS in various rolling mills, a significantly
42], 20-50% according to [33]) was registered increased performance was achieved.
compared to conventional ICDP rolls, which roll In a medium-wide strip mill, the work rolls made
consumers was considered insufficient. In the front of graphitized HSS showed a performance in-
finishing stands (F1-F3) where the HSS rolls are crease by a factor of 2.3 compared to ICDP, com-
used, the roll capacity between cuts is 5000-10000 bined with a significantly improved surface of the
t, which compares to the capacity of ICDP rolls final rolled product. In addition to the increase in
(1500-2000 t) in the last finishing stands (F4-F7) performance, the roll abrasion between uses was
exceeded several times [33]. reduced from ca. 0.4 mm to ca. 0.2 mm (in diame-
A further improvement of ICDP rolls was ter) [48,50,51].
achieved using thermal analysis [43]. It was found Work rolls made of graphitized HSS used in the
that ICDP rolls can perform optimally when the 5 stand of a wide strip mill have shown a 1.8
content of free graphite in the matrix is between 2 times higher performance compared to ICDP-
and 4% by volume and the graphite is distributed enhanced rolls [33,47,49]. The roll surface abrasion
homogeneously over the entire cross-section of the was reduced from about 0.39 mm to about 0.15
working layer [44]. The control of the graphite mm.
content was achieved through the targeted use of According to [41,42], the work rolls made of
inoculant. The optimization of the graphite content graphitized HSS show a significant increase in
has increased the roll capacity by about 18-26% performance when used in a 7-stand wide strip mill.
[41,42], but has not solved the problem in the last Compared to ICDP, the roll capacity increased to
th th
finishing stands. 160% in the 4 stand, to 154% in the 5 stand and
to 47% in the 6 stand.
As an alternative and promising solution to the
problem, the development of graphitized HSS has The developed grades of graphitized HSS have
been intensively studied and developed [28,40,45- the potential to achieve better synchronization of
51]. The aim of these investigations was to roll changes in the last and front stands and to
combine the advantages of ICDP and HSS rolls, save significant costs. Nowadays ICDP, ICDP-
i.e. to enable the precipitation of free graphite in enhanced and graphitized HSS rolls are used in
addition to the primary and secondary carbides that the last finishing stands.
are embedded in the martensitic matrix (Fig. 5). Core materials for compound cast rolls
Cast iron with nodular graphite (Fig. 6) is used
as the core material for composite rolls, which en-
sures the necessary strength of the core and shell.

Figure 5. Microstructure graphitized HSS [50]

Slika 5. Mikrostruktura grafitiziranog HSS [50]
The free graphite, which acts as a lubricant
between the roll and the rolling stock [33,52], Figure 6. Cast iron with nodular graphite for core of
prevents adhesion between the friction partners compound rolls [8]
and the sticking of the strip to the roll surface, Slika 6. Liveno gvožđe sa nodularnim grafitom za
which is particularly important for the work rolls in jezgro kompozitnog valjka [8]
the last finishing stands. In the rolls made of
graphitized HSS, the graphite content ranges from
2 to 5%. The graphite precipitates are about 10-50 The mechanical properties of the nodular iron
µm in size [40]. In order to adapt to the relevant core materials are in the range of 615-625 N/mm²
operating conditions, the required carbide and (tensile strength) and 820-1090 N/mm² (bending
graphite proportions in HSS rolling can be achieved 7
strength). The fatigue strength (10 rotating
through the chemical composition and the heat bending load changes) is approx. 150 N/mm². The
treatment. With the use of rolls made of graphitized transition zone between the shell and the core is

ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3 305

V. Goryany, O. Myronova Modern materials for cast rolls of hot strip mills

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Prikazani su zahtevi za radne valjke različitih stanova valjačkih pruga za toplo valjanje lima. Anal-
izirani su savremeni materijali za livene valjke i opisane su operativne performanse različitih vrsta
valjaka u različitim stanovima valjačkih pruga. Predstavljeni su trendovi u poboljšanju performansi
Ključne reči: liveni valjci, mikrostruktura, martenzit, karbid, mehanička svojstva

Naučni rad
Rad primljen: 09. 03. 2022.
Rad prihvaćen: 04. 04. 2022.
Rad je dostupan na sajtu:

© 2022 Authors. Published by Engineering Society for Corrosion. This article is an open access article distrib-
uted under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

308 ZASTITA MATERIJALA 63 (2022) broj 3

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