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Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241

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Tribological study of crankshaft bearing systems: Comparison of forged

steel and cast iron counterparts under start–stop operation
Florian Summer a,n, Florian Grün a, Jürgen Schiffer a, István Gódor a, Ilias Papadimitriou b
Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
Georg Fischer Automotive AG, Switzerland

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The current work investigates the tribological functionality of crankshafts bearing systems focusing on
Received 26 February 2015 the variation of shaft materials and their surface conditions. Tribological tests were carried out with a
Received in revised form ring-on-disc test configuration representing the bearing-shaft contact under start–stop motion. Forged
25 June 2015
steel and cast iron shaft materials were sliding against an Al based bearing alloy. The surfaces in contact
Accepted 29 June 2015
were analyzed by light and electron microscopy subsequently. The performance of forged steel depends
Available online 8 July 2015
on the overall roughness of the surface, whereas the tribological functionality of cast iron is mainly
Keywords: determined through its microstructure and the occurrence of metal flaps with burrs. The results prove
Journal bearing the significance of proper surface finishing of forged steel and cast iron shaft materials in order to
minimize wear in journal bearing systems. For both shaft materials good sliding performances with
respect to optimized surface finishing can be noted.
Cast iron
Forged steel & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The two most common types of crankshafts materials are cast
As we currently face increased requirements in automotive iron and forged steel [1,3,5]. In general, cast iron shafts offer
engineering concerning functionality, reliability, light weight superior manufacturing properties compared to forged shafts.
design, fuel efficiency and economic feasibility technical engineers Besides, casted shafts are able to provide weight benefits up to 10%
need to serve with novel and optimized engine components. High compared to forged shaft with same dimensions because of lower
end journal bearing solutions in internal combustions engines density [1,6]. However, technical engineers mostly associate high
need to be designed for ever growing load collectives comprising performance crank shaft bearing systems only with forged steel
of higher pressure, temperature, start–stop movements and cost shafts sliding against the bearing material. This is in regard to their
efficiency [1–3]. In order to meet the rising demands, tribological superior fatigue properties being a main driver in high loaded
journal bearing systems comprising of sliding material combina- engine applications. However, mechanical properties of cast iron
tions and lubricants need to be investigated and optimized crankshafts can be loaded to that of forged steel [6]. The tribolo-
gical functionality of forged steel and cast iron differs as well.
accordingly. The use of start–stop techniques especially increases
According to [5] the seizure resistance of systems sliding against
the operation time of journal bearings under boundary and mixed
forged steel materials is about 2 times higher than that of systems
friction regimes. Hence, the journal bearing systems have to stand
sliding against cast iron. Especially in this regard not only the
this shift in operation. Conventionally, the journal bearing system
material selection itself but rather the surface conditions of the
comprises a soft material such as aluminium or copper based alloy
shaft materials play a key role as different surface finishing
with overlays sliding against a shaft material. Crankshaft materials
methods and roughness conditions affect the tribological pro-
being part of crankshaft journal bearing systems have to cope with cesses. In this regard cast iron surfaces require highly tailored
three basic requirements [1,4]: surface treatments [7]. The current study compares tribological
systems using different shaft counterpart materials (34CrNiMo6
 Mechanical properties, forged steel – GJS 700 casted iron) and variable surface roughness
 Sufficient tribological applicability, conditions of the shaft materials. The main investigation subjects
 Cost effective manufacturing. of this study are emphasized below:

Corresponding author. Fax: þ43 38424021402. a. Firstly, the influence of the surface roughness has been inves-
E-mail address: fl[email protected] (F. Summer). tigated using same tribological systems consisting of bearing

0043-1648/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241 233

Fig. 1. (a) Test set-up “ring-on-disc”, (b) implementation at TE92 test rig, (c) test strategy.

material, counterpart material and lubricant. 2.2. Test strategy

b. Secondly, the difference of the system performance using
forged steel (34CrNiMo6) and casted iron (GJS) counterparts In this study a Martens–Stribeck test program was performed
has been inquired. simulating start–stop cycles. The test program is depicted in Fig. 1c
c. Thirdly, the effect using special surface treatments on GJS schematically. After a running-in period of one hour at constant
counterparts has been studied. sliding speed of 1.4 m/s the speed was ramped up and down
between 0.07 m/s and 1.4 m/s within 3 min for 10 times. The total
numbers of start–stop ramps and the ramp duration were defined
in order to visualize tribological processes going on under mixed
friction regime. The applied normal load was kept constant at
2. Experimental procedure 2 MPa and the system was not externally heated. Thus, heat
development is produced only due to friction energy dissipation.
2.1. Test methodology The tests were automatically stopped if a high COF above m ¼0.15
was measured. The test data was acquired using a one second
This study based on damage equivalent tribological investiga- interval. The resulting output data of the speed ramps are plotted
tions by performing tribometric tests on a model scale and sub- against the sliding speed resulting in Martens–Stribeck diagrams.
sequent surface analysis. Lubricated tests were conducted by using
a ring-on-disc (RoD) test configuration. In this experimental set- 2.3. Analysis methodology
up, see Fig. 1a, the disc specimen, sliding against the fixed ring
counterpart, represents the bearing material. The ring specimen is Pre- and post-test surface analysis was conducted with an
consisting of the shaft material. With this test configuration wear Olympus BM51X light microscopy (LIMI), an Olympus LEXT
processes of journal bearing materials under mixed friction regime OLS3000 laser confocal microscopy (LEXT) and a Zeiss MA15
can be visualized [8,9]. The tribometric tests presented in this scanning electron microscopy (SEM), aided by energy dispersive
study have been carried out on a rotary tribometer test rig TE92 x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). SEM analysis was carried out at an
from Phoenix Tribology. Fig. 1b depicts the RoD test set up acceleration voltage of 6 kV in order to image the top most surface.
implemented at the TE92 test rig. The contact was oil-immersed The acceleration voltage of 6 kV was also used for EDX measure-
ments to minimize the depth of electron interaction within the
during the whole testing procedure. The load was applied with air
specimen. The quantified EDX data in this study is given in atomic
bellows. The response of the coefficient of friction (COF or μ), the
percentage (at%).
temperature (T), the contact potential (CP) and the wear were
recorded. The coefficient of friction is derived from torque mea-
surement which can be seen in Fig. 1b. The temperature of the
3. Materials tested
system was monitored with a thermocouple. The contact potential
(CP) describing the electrical resistance in-between the contact A conventional tri-metal bearing for high loaded engine
offers information regarding the contact situation between the applications according to [12] was used as constant bearing
mating surfaces. High CP implicates isolating conditions between material in this study. The bearing specimens used in this study
the surfaces thus more hydrodynamic friction parts or isolating were provided by Miba Gleitlager GmbH. The manufacturing
boundary layer formation such as AW/EP tribofilms. Low CP indi- process of the bearing material was similar to journal bearing
cates metallic contact. The wear of the softer bearing material was components. The bearing material is consisting of a Cu-based
measured gravimetrically. Further details of the used test metho- lining, a barrier interlayer and an AlSn20-sputtered overlay. Thus,
dology are given in previous works of the authors [8–11]. functionality of the bearing is based on the sliding properties of
234 F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241

Fig. 2. Pre-test surface analysis: (a) 34CrNiMo6, (b) GJS with metal flaps, (c) GJS with exposed graphite.

the AlSn overlay. The overlay consists of an Al matrix with finely Table 1
dispersed Sn as soft phase. The bearing material offers good sliding Test matrix.
properties and high load bearing capability. Main advantages of
System parameter Tribological system combination each tested
this bearing type result from superior endurance and wear resis- 3 times
tance among other bearing materials [9]. Exposure of the inter-
layer or the lining material can lead to failure of the tribological Disc specimen AlSn20-Sputter
Lubricant Shell Helix Ultra
system. Detailed investigations regarding the tribological func-
Ring specimen 34CrNiMo6, GJS700 (Graphite burrs), GJS700
tionality of the bearing overlay are found in a previous work of the (Exposed graphite)
authors [9]. Ring surface roughness (tactile Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm, Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm
In regard to the lubricant between the mating surfaces a method)
standard passenger car motor oil, Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30, was
chosen. This fully formulated oil was used in order to ensure
remove the sharp metal edges around. It should be noted that the
transferability of the test results onto real engines. However, tests
finishing processes and the parameters behind are expertize of the
were performed at room temperature in order to prohibit exten-
company partner and will not be described in detail. Pre-test
sive tribochemical protection due to anti-wear additive systems of
surface analysis of the burr-free GJS surface with exposed graphite
the used oil.
is shown in Fig. 2c. In this condition the burrs are removed, gra-
Forged steel (34CrNiMo6) and spherulitic cast iron (GJS700)
phite is exposed and the ferrite edges around the graphite are
were used as ring counterpart materials in this study. The surfaces
pressed in.
of the shaft materials before the tests were finished similar to
The resulting test matrix of this study is given in Table 1. In
component parts by grinding, lapping and polishing respectively.
order to verify the repeatability of the results three parallel tests
This was done by the company partner Georg Fischer Automotive
with each of the system combination were performed. The tribo-
AG. According to [5] crankshaft surfaces should not exceed Ra of metric tests showed repeatable behavior of each system combi-
0.3–0.4 mm for proper running conditions. Furthermore, even nation tested. Hence, only one characteristic plot of each combi-
surface finishing lower than 0.15–0.10 mm Ra are recommended nation is presented in the result section.
[13]. Smoother crankshaft surfaces in terms of lower Ra parameter
shall double the seizure limits of crankshaft systems using cast
iron shaft materials [5]. Hence, investigating different roughness 4. Tribometric results
conditions of the shaft materials and their effects on the system
performances are brought into focus concerning this study. The tested systems showed significant influence of the shaft
Therefore all tests using forged steel counterpart materials as well material and its surface condition. Differences in the friction
as cast iron counterparts were performed with two different characteristics and the wear behavior have been observed. The CP
roughness conditions. The rougher surfaces were machined to a data gives additional information regarding the system stability
value of Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm and the smoother surfaces were settled and the contact situation. Fig. 3 depicts results of the tribometric
with Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm independently from the material itself. The tests using 34CrNiMo6 counterparts with different roughness
preset Ra parameters used for the surface finishing were measured conditions. The output data of the speed ramps is plotted against
tactile (Hommel T 8000) with a measuring length of 4.8 mm. the sliding speed. Overall low COF values are recorded for both
Fig. 2a shows a typical pre-test surface of a 34CrNiMo6 forged steel systems. Especially tests with low Ra,preset of 0.15 mm in Fig. 3a
specimen. The surface appears homogeneously. Grinding and show good sliding characteristics. For slow velocities the COF
polishing grooves in sliding direction are visible. The surface of the increases due to more boundary friction contacts. This is sup-
cast iron material differs significantly from forged steel. The ported by the low CP, which indicates metallic contact situation
microstructure is strongly influenced by the precipitated graphite. thus metallic friction and wear processes. High CP at higher
Due to the grinding and polishing processes the metal around the velocities indicates stable running as isolating conditions are
graphite forms metal flaps with burrs sticking out. Hence, the formed. The CP is stabilizing towards slower speed with each
surfaces of casted iron counterparts are of heterogeneous nature. sliding ramp for both systems indicating further running in pro-
This is seen in pre-test surface analysis via scanning electron cesses of the mating surfaces. This is linked to the marginal
microscopy in Fig. 2b. These sharp edges may result in wear pro- decrease of the COF characteristics with each ramp. Furthermore,
cesses thus lowering the system performance. In order to inves- pronounced break in of the CP curves around 0.8 m/s sliding speed
tigate the performance of GJS systems without metal flaps and were observed for all tests. The reason for this artifact is a reso-
sharp burrs, a tailored surface treatment technique by Georg nance effect of the whole test rig. Here, the vibrations result in
Fischer Automotive AG was carried out to expose the graphite and partial contact of the splash protection housing at the upper shaft.
F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241 235

Fig. 3. Test results: (a) 34CrNiMo6-system Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) 34CrNiMo6-system Ra, preset ¼0.3 mm.

Fig. 4. Test results: (a) GJS-system with burrs Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) GJS-system with burrs Ra, preset ¼ 0.3 mm.

Hence, the electrical contact is short-circuited and the contact around the graphite, are depicted. It can be noted, that the tribo-
potential measurement shows low values. The tribological pro- metric performance is significantly different compared to tests
cesses are not affected due to this effect. The temperature is performed with 34CrNiMo6. Tests with a surface roughness of Ra,
slightly increasing with each sliding ramp due to self heating-up preset ¼ 0.15 mm (Fig. 4a) show significant higher COF values at
because of friction energy. Furthermore, it can be seen that the test lower velocities compared to tests with 34CrNiMo6. Moreover the
with a higher surface roughness of the ring counterpart, Fig. 3b, system struggles to form non conductive contacts. Tests done with
shows marginally harsher running performances. This is derived a surface roughness of Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm (Fig. 4b) failed even within
from the COF and the CP characteristics. The COF increase at slow the first ramp slowing down the speed and reached the COF limit
speeds in case of Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm is more pronounced and the of m¼ 0.15. Furthermore, no CP has been established. This sliding
overall CP characteristics is lower as well as more erratic compared characteristic is supported by wear measured for these tests. The
to the tests with Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm. For all tests done with wear measurements show significant higher wear production.
34CrNiMo6 counterparts low wear was measured. Tests with Ra, Tests with Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm show quadruplicated wear ratios
preset values of 0.15 mm produced 2 mm wear of the AlSn bearing quantified with a value of 9–10 mm to comparable 34CrNiMo6
overlay on average. The total thickness of the overlay is 15 mm. tribometric tests. The failure of the test with higher Ra parameter
Also sliding against rougher forged steel surfaces with Ra, is also emphasized with the wear measurement. With about of
preset ¼0.3 mm resulted in 4 mm bearing material wear only. This 15 mm bearing wear almost the whole overlay has been rubbed
emphasizes the superior tribological behavior of these sliding away.
systems. Fig. 5 depicts results of tests performed with GJS counterparts
In Fig. 4 results for the GJS counterpart materials with standard with exposed graphite due to special pre-test surface finishing. It
polishing processes prior to the tests, resulting in sharp burrs can be seen, that these tests show superior sliding performance
236 F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241

Fig. 5. Test results: (a) GJS-system with exposed graphite Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) GJS-system with exposed graphite Ra, preset ¼0.3 mm.

Table 2
Comparison of tribometric key data.

34CrNiMo6 system Ra, 34CrNiMo6 system Ra, GJS system with burrs GJS system with Burr-free GJS system Burr-free GJS system
preset ¼ 0.15 preset ¼0.3 Ra,preset ¼0.15 burrs Ra,preset a ¼0.3 Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 Ra,preset ¼ 0.3

Average AlSn wear 2 mm 4 mm 9 mm 15 mm 3 mm 2 mm

Average l at vmin 0.04 0.06 0.13 N.A. ( 40.15) 0.03 0.02
Average lmin 0.02 0.035 0.03 0.05 0.015 0.008
CPmax during speed 49 mV 42 mV 34 mV 13 mV 49 mV 49 mV

Fig. 6. Post-test surface analysis of 34CrNiMo6-systems: (a) 34CrNiMo6 surface Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) 34CrNiMo6 surface Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm.

Fig. 7. Post-test surface analysis of 34CrNiMo6-systems: (a) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm.

compared to the tests with metal flaps and burrs. Less abrasive Also high values of the contact resistance measurement (CP)
friction and abrasive wear processes are acting. This is indicated by visualize the superior sliding performances. High CP up to very
the low COF even at slow velocities. The COF value stays beneath low sliding speed indicates more hydrodynamic friction contacts
m ¼0.05 for both roughness conditions of the GJS shaft material. compared to all other tests performed. Especially tests with Ra,
F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241 237

preset ¼0.15 mm (Fig. 5a) of the cast iron material do form electrical 5. Results – post-test surface analysis
isolating conditions even at the minimum speed. Also tests with
rougher surfaces (Fig. 5b) show a good formation of the CP mea- 5.1. LIMI/SEM/EDX analysis
surement. Hence, metallic contacts with wear processes are lim-
ited to the slowest speeds beneath 0.2 m/s. Furthermore, low wear Figs. 6 and 7 depict results from surface analysis of the tribo-
metric tests performed with 34CrNiMo6 forged steel counterparts.
of the softer bearing material was observed for both roughness
It can be seen that the steel surfaces – Fig. 6a and b – for both
conditions of the cast iron counterparts with exposed graphite.
roughness conditions are free from any wear processes. Neither
AlSn surfaces sliding against GJS counterparts with Ra,
adhesive scuffing nor material transfer from the softer AlSn
preset ¼0.15 mm have been worn only to a total number of 3 mm on bearing material can be noted. Protective additive layers have not
average. Tests with rougher GJS surfaces (Ra,preset ¼ 0.3 mm) even been formed due to low testing temperatures. The steel surfaces
produced the lowest bearing wear with a total number of 2 mm of can be compared with their pre-test conditions (Fig. 2a).
all tests performed. The corresponding AlSn bearing surfaces are covered with Sn
Table 2 highlights some key data of the tribometric results soft phases extensively, thus resulting in good sliding properties of
concerning friction and wear characteristics of the tested systems. the systems. In Fig. 7a an AlSn surface of a test performed with
The gravimetric bearing wear averaged of three parallel tests, the 34CrNiMo6 with Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm is presented. As seen, the sur-
averaged coefficient of friction at the minimum sliding speed, the face structure of the bearing material is conditioned by the action
averaged minimum coefficient of friction and the maximum con- of the soft Sn-phases. Sn on Al appears bright in SEM pictures due
tact resistance (CP) are listed in this table. It shall be noted that the to its higher molecular weight. EDX analysis confirms the brighter
regions to be Sn phases smeared on the surface in contact, Table 3,
optimized surface finishing of the cast iron counterpart (burr-free
Spectrums 3, 4, 5 and 6. High amounts of Sn are measured. Due to
GJS systems) offer beneficial effects on the tribometric behavior.
its beneficial emergency running properties adhesive reactions
The wear characteristics of these tribological systems can be
between the mating surfaces are prevented successfully. Because
compared to the results obtained with forged steel (34CrNiMo6 of the smooth surface structure abrasive processes are less rele-
systems). The friction losses of this system even outperformed vant. Similar characteristics were found for the tests with rougher
those of systems with 34CrNiMo6. Even electrical isolating contact forged steel surfaces, even though some more abrasive grooves are
conditions (CP near 50 mV) were nearly reached with this system. marked into the Al material. Fig. 7b demonstrates a typical bearing
Thus, hydrodynamic contacts were predominating at higher surface structure of such systems. The surface analysis with high
speeds. Systems tested with cast iron counterparts with standard action of Sn for 34CrNiMo6 systems goes along with low wear
finishing processes (GJS system with burrs) resulting in metal flaps measured gravimetrically.
and burrs on the cast iron surface produced inferior results of all Post-surface analysis of tests done with GJS with burrs around
the graphite, depicted in Figs. 8 and 9, reveal the predominant
parameters listed in Table 2. The CP data never indicated isolating
wear processes going on. In Fig. 8a the GJS-surface with a rough-
conditions. Hence, metallic contact was acting throughout the
ness of Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm is shown. It can be noted, that the surface
whole tests of these systems. Especially differences of the tribo-
is covered with Al-transfer from the bearing material, which
logical system performance between GJS systems with burrs and appears as brighter regions in light microscopy analysis. Especially
burr-free GJS systems are pointed out. around the metal flaps plenty of Al transfer is detected (Fig. 8b).
The corresponding AlSn surface to Fig. 8a, depicted in Fig. 9a,
shows abrasive grooves and local GJS transfer originating from
metal burrs which break off. Thus abrasive wear processes are
predominant for this system. Tests performed with Ra,
Table 3 preset ¼ 0.3 mm of the GJS ring counterpart, which stopped within
EDX analysis of Fig. 7a (EDX values obtained at 6 kV and given in at%). the first ramp, showed wear of the whole Al based sliding overlay,
revealing the orange colored Cu substrate beneath. The exposed
Spectrum C O Al Sn
Cu substrate is depicted in Fig. 9b. The AlSn overlay is only
1 2.9 6.8 88.4 1.8 detected selectively on the bearing specimen. The corresponding
2 3.5 10.4 83.1 2.9 GJS surface (Fig. 8b) is also covered with extensive Al transfer
3 3.0 24.4 47.7 24.9 especially around the metal flaps.
4 6.3 34.0 30.7 28.9 Post-test surface analysis proves the wear-free sliding perfor-
5 2.9 23.5 36.3 37.3
6 3.2 20.1 62.1 14.7
mance of tests done with GJS counterparts with exposed graphite.
Several beneficial effects have been observed. Firstly, the metal

Fig. 8. Post-test surface analysis of GJS-systems with burrs: (a) GJS surface Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm, (b) GJS surface Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm.
238 F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241

Fig. 9. Post-test surface analysis of GJS-systems with burrs: (a) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm, (b) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼ 0.3 mm.

Fig. 10. Post-test surface analysis of GJS-systems with exposed graphite: (a) GJS surface Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm, (b) GJS surface Ra,preset ¼ 0.3 mm.

Table 4 the tribological performance. The measuring length is about one

EDX analysis of Fig. 10b (EDX values obtained at 6 kV and given in at%). magnitude lower compared to the tactile method. Therefore,
especially in case of heterogeneous cast iron surfaces separate
Spectrum C O Fe
analysis of areas with and without graphite is possible. The tactile
1 5.1 – 94.9 method always includes graphite inhomogeneities due to the long
2 95.0 1.7 3.3 measuring length of 4.8 mm. Furthermore, roughness parameter
3 84.2 15.8 –
like Rpk and Rvk were measured as exclusively Ra parameters are
4 49.3 7.8 43.0
5 71.9 20.4 7.7 inadequate in order to describe the surface structures of cast iron
according to [7]. The value of Rpk describes the surface peaks
which could cause two body abrasion. The value of Rvk specifies
flaps due to precipitated graphite are removed (Fig. 10a). This the amounts of deeper regions of surface structures. Hence, low
affects in less abrasive processes caused by sharp metal burrs. No values of Rpk and high values of Rvk are beneficial.
Al transfer has been detected on the cast iron counterparts. Sec- In Fig. 12 results of the roughness analysis via LEXT method are
ondly, the ferrite around the graphite is pressed in (highlighted in depicted and compared with the tactile method. In case of forged
Fig. 10a). This provides additional space for lubricant reservoirs, steel counterparts shown in Fig. 12a homogeneous surface struc-
thus enhance hydrodynamic friction contacts. Thirdly, graphite is tures can be observed. Line measurements at different positions
exposed and is able to act as additional solid lubricant along with show similar results (line 1 and 2). The surfaces are influenced by
Sn. Graphite is smeared on the cast iron surface in contact of the the polishing grooves exclusively. Furthermore, the results
cast iron/Al contact. This improves the emergency properties of between the tactile (preset) method and the laser scanning method
the material combination. are also similar. The roughness peaks (illustrated with Rpk) are
This is depicted in Fig. 10b and is confirmed by the corre- lower compared to their corresponding values of Ra whereas the
sponding EDX analysis in Table 4. The spectrum numbers 2, 3, Rvk values are higher. This correlates with the tribometric results
4 and 5 are representing graphite areas partially smeared on the and LIMI/SEM analysis as less abrasive damages of the bearing
surface in contact. This is given by the high amount of carbon material for these systems have been observed.
measured for these spectrums compared to the ferrite reference of In case of cast iron surfaces – Fig. 12b and Fig. 12c – the het-
spectrum 1. Analysis of the Al based bearing alloy exhibits wear erogeneous structures lead to different results of the laser scan-
free surfaces with activated Sn, see Fig. 11. Smeared graphite has ning method compared to the tactile method if inhomogeneities
been found also on the Al surface, see Fig. 11a. Abrasive grooves are not included in the measurement. In case of cast iron surfaces
were not observed on the bearing surface. No interlayer or sub- with burrs (Fig. 12b – Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm) the inhomogeneities
strate material has been exposed leading to high COF (Fig. 11b). produce high values of Rpk (line 4 in Fig. 12b). The corresponding
Rvk value can be compared with that of forged steel (Fig. 12a).
5.2. LEXT analysis Areas not including graphite burrs (line 3) provide lower values of
Ra compared to the tactile method and lower values of Rpk and Rvk
LEXT analysis of shaft surfaces was carried out additionally in compared with regions including graphite inhomogeneities.
order to provide a more selective analysis of the roughness con- Hence, the high values of Rpk measured at areas with graphite
ditions with a higher resolution. Furthermore, the laser micro- burrs describe the abrasive wear processes going on for these
scope is able to measure micro asperities which could influence tribological systems. In Fig. 12c results of a burr free cast iron
F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241 239

Fig. 11. Post-test surface analysis of GJS-systems with exposed graphite: (a) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (b) AlSn surface Ra,preset ¼0.3 mm.

Fig. 12. LEXT measurements: (a) 34CrNiMo system – Ra,preset ¼ 0.15 mm, (b) GJS system with burrs – Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm, (c) GJS system with exposed graphite – Ra,
preset ¼ 0.3

Fig. 13. Tribomodels.

240 F. Summer et al. / Wear 338-339 (2015) 232–241

surface with a value of Ra,preset ¼0.30 mm is analyzed. The surface 7. Summary and conclusions
condition is also influenced by the graphite areas as line mea-
surements with (Fig. 12c – line 6) and without (Fig. 12c – line 5) Tribometric investigations on different shaft materials with
graphite show different results. In both cases significantly low Rpk varied surface conditions were conducted using a ring-on-disc
values even compared to forged steel surfaces with a lower value (ROD) test configuration. The results from tribometric tests and
of Ra,preset ¼0.15 mm – presented in Fig. 12a – can be noted. Thus, surface analysis have been compared and have been summarized
abrasive processes are not dominant. Correlation of the values of in tribomodels. The conclusions derived from this study are listed
Ra between the tactile method and the laser scanning method in below:
this case can be found for line 6 where graphite valleys are
included. Areas with graphite valleys offer high values of  The used test procedure is appropriate to visualize sliding
Rvk ¼0.80 mm (line measurement 6 in Fig. 12c). This indicates the performances of the tribological systems tested under mixed
potential of these surfaces to offer additional lubricant reservoirs friction regime.
at the position of the graphite valleys for enhanced micro hydro-  Differences in the system performance have been observed
dynamic lubrication. The surface between the graphite valleys which depend on the used shaft material and its surface
(line 5) is even smoother than forged steel surfaces. Therefore, low condition.
friction and wear were observed for this tribological system.  In case of homogeneous surface structures of finished harder
shaft materials such as forged steel abrasive processes in
journal bearing systems can be rated with the Ra parameter.
6. Tribological models  In case of heterogeneous surface structures of harder shaft
materials such as cast iron Rpk and Rvk parameter are needed in
Based on the tribometric results and the insights obtained from addition to the Ra value in order to describe the ongoing tri-
the surface analysis functional models describing the tribological bological processes in regard to abrasive wear.
characteristics of the investigated system combinations were  Roughness measurements with the laser microscope are ben-
developed. The tribological systems are presented in Fig. 13. eficial in order to describe the surface conditions of hetero-
Adhesive processes are prevented successfully due to the emer- geneous crankshaft material such as cast iron as areas with and
gency running properties of the Sn soft phases of the Al based without inhomogeneities can be measured separately.
overlay and the lubricant. Surface reactions with chemical com-  The tested forged steel material (34CrNiMo6) enables superior
ponents of the lubricant were not reported because insufficient tribological performances sliding against an Al based bearing
system temperatures [14]. Abrasive processes are referred to the material. The systems exhibit low adhesive tendencies. The
harder counterpart material and its surface conditions. smoother surface (lower Ra parameter) shows marginally bet-
ter sliding conditions.
6.1. Tribomodel I: AlSn/34CrNiMo6  Cast iron counterpart materials (GJS) with metal flaps and burrs
sticking out show inferior sliding performances. The sharp
For homogeneous forged steel materials – Tribomodel I – burr-edges around the graphite cause abrasive friction and
abrasive processes are limited. This fact leads to good sliding wear of the softer bearing alloy. Adhesive wear has not been
results. Sn is smeared over the whole bearing surfaces producing noted. Abrasive processes are increasing with higher Ra value
low coefficient of friction. The performance is determined through due to more elevated metal flaps. High Rpk parameters can be
the surface roughness of the steel and can be predetermined with noted and are able to indicate abrasive tendencies for these
the measurement of the Ra parameter. Higher Ra parameters result systems.
in more abrasive processes.  Tribological systems using GJS counterparts with a burr-free
surface and exposed graphite produce similar sliding results
6.2. Tribomodel II: AlSn/cast iron (GJS) with metal burrs such as tests with 34CrNiMo6. On the one hand the exposed
graphite is able to act as solid lubricant. On the other hand the
Tribomodel II describes the tribological processes of AlSn slid- graphite areas serve as additional lubricant reservoirs thus
ing against cast iron with metal flaps. The ferrite/perlite around enhance hydrodynamic contacts. This is depicted with the Rvk
the graphite sticks out of the surface and grooves the softer parameter.
bearing surface. Two body abrasion is taking place. This leads to
high wear of the bearing material. Soft Sn is not able to prevent To conclude, it can be noted that the forged crankshaft material
these processes. The abrasive processes are more pronounced with (34CrNiMo6) performs well as counterpart material. However, if
increasing Ra. High Rpk parameters are characteristic for these surface treatment of the cast iron crankshaft material (GJS700) is
systems even with moderate values of Ra. handled well the tribological functionality is no longer a counter-
argument for using it as common shaft material, also in higher
6.3. Tribomodel III: AlSn/cast iron (GJS) with exposed graphite stressed bearing applications. Moreover, optimized heterogeneous
shaft design could offer beneficial effects concerning tribological
Tribomodel III explains the benefits resulting through opti- functionality.
mized surface structures of cast iron counterparts due to proper
surface finishing. The metal flaps around the graphite are
removed. The topography consists of metal plateaus and valleys at
the position of the exposed graphite. The valleys offer additional
space for lubricant. During sliding the lubricant is captured and
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