Essay SampleCheck Writing Quality
Essay SampleCheck Writing Quality
Essay SampleCheck Writing Quality
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Check Writing Quality
My reflection will be based on Erik Erikson 's theory on Psychosocial
Stages. Erikson 's 8 stages of psychosocial. His theories are based on
age and your maturity. All the stages describe the growth of your child
becoming more dependent and exploring more. Erikson describes the
develop stages and how it is different from Freud 's theory on
personality. The first five theories Erikson had concluded was on the
the growth of your child . Developing trust , identity and preparing for
the future.Erickson theory reflects on my life in many ways . His theory
on Trust vs. Mistrust contains the trust of your infant and how you show
your child that you are trusting. I really can’t reflect on this first stage
because it 's the first stage of infancy …show more content…
The identity stage starts at twelve and ends around eighteen. This
stage is the adaptation of becoming an adult . Your child is adapting
through different changes like puberty , transferring from middle school
to high school and more. Your child is growing into the person you lead
them to be , your child is starting to find out what they want to be in
life. The stage identity is actually the stage i’m growing into. I am
learning the stages of being an adult and also been through puberty.
The learning of my childhood turn me to the person I am. The stages of
Identity is not just finding what you want to be but finding who you are.
After , finding who you are you have to accept it be proud into the
person you grew up to …show more content…
Being motivated as a baby would lead you into a good life. Having a
parent that loves and care for you also is a key . If you didn’t follow
some stages Erikson’s had stated he stated that you might be
surrounded by negativity . The people who are involved and were born
into different stages might have a trouble in life . In infancy ages you
should be surrounded by positive and nothing more than that . A child
should not go through anything that it 's parent is going through
because it might excel
The Concrete Operational Stage of Cognitive
The concrete operational stage is the third stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development. This
period spans the time of middle childhood—it begins around age 7 and continues until
approximately age 11—and is characterized by the development of logical thought. 1
Thinking still tends to be very concrete, but children become much more logical and
sophisticated in their thinking during this stage of development.While this is an important stage
in and of itself, it also serves as an important transition between earlier stages of development
and the coming stage where kids will learn how to think more abstractly and
hypothetically.Important things that happen in the concrete operational stage include a great
understanding of logic, reversibility, and conservation. Children also become less egocentric
during this stage.Kids at this age become more logical about concrete and specific things, but
they might not yet be able to guess exactly how or what that other person is experiencing. A
Word FromVerywellThis stage of cognitive development also
serves as an important transition between the preoperational and formal operational stages. 1 The
growing ability to mentally manipulate information and think about the thoughts of others will
play a critical role in the formal operational stage of development when logic and abstract
thought become critical.
From the module on Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development, I realized that …
An understanding of Piaget stages of cognitive development can give us a better
understanding of how we learn and how we grow. The four stages are the
sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the
formal operational stage. We experience each of these stages as a natural part before
progressing to more abstract thought. The first two stages occur when an infant& r
motoskills are developing and they start to observe their surroundings in order to
learn what is happening. The preoperational stage occurs between the ages of 2 and
7, it is when children are beginning to use language. During this time, the child’s
cognition is not yet organized in a concrete fashion. Children at this age are
egocentric and unable to think about others point of views. The formal operational
stage occurs