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Data sheet: Simple Distillation (Lab 3)

1. In your lab notebook, prepare the “Title, Purpose, Method, and Data” sections for
prelab. For “Data”, replicate this data sheet.
2. During the lab, record raw data and measurements in your lab notebook.
3. Fill in these data sheets and submit at the beginning of the next lab period.
Student name ABDULLA MALEK. Lab book pages: 7-9

Simple distillation data table

Volume Temperature Volume Temperature Volume Temperature Volume Temperature Volume Temperature
(mL) (°C) (mL) (°C) (mL) (°C) (mL) (°C) (mL) (°C)

1.0 57.8 11.0 66.4 21.0 78.8 31.0 99.1 41.0 93.3
1.5 60.1 11.5 66.2 21.5 80.3 31.5 99.1 41.5 93.3
2.0 60.2 12.0 66.7 22.0 81.7 32.0 99.1 42.0 93.3
2.5 60.2 12.5 66.9 22.5 83.1 32.5 99.1 42.5 93.3
3.0 60.3 13.0 67.2 23.0 85.8 33.0 99.1 43.0 93.3
3.5 60.3 13.5 67.2 23.5 88.6 33.5 99.1 43.5 93.3
4.0 60.5 14.0 67.6 24.0 90.8 34.0 99.1 44.0 93.3
4.5 61.5 14.5 67.8 24.5 93.3 34.5 99.1 44.5 99.4
5.0 61.5 15.0 67.8 25.0 95.5 35.0 99.2 45.0 99.7
5.5 61.5 15.5 68.2 25.5 96.6 35.5 99.2 45.5 99.7
6.0 62.6 16.0 69.3 26.0 97.4 36.0 99.2 46.0 99.8
6.5 62.9 16.5 70.1 26.5 98.1 36.5 99.299.2 46.5 99.9
7.0 63.0 17.0 70.9 27.0 98.3 37.0 99.2 47.0 99.9
7.5 63.2 17.5 71.0 27.5 98.7 37.5 99.2 47.5 99.9
8.0 63.6 18.0 71.1 28.0 98.9 38.0 99.2 48.0 99.9
8.5 63.8 18.5 71.8 28.5 99.0 38.5 99.2 48.5 99.9
9.0 64.4 19.0 72.4 29.0 99.0 39.0 99.2 49.0 99.9
9.5 64.5 19.5 73.9 29.5 99.1 39.5 99.2 49.5 99.9
10.0 64.9 20.0 75.7 30.0 99.1 40.0 99.2 50.0 99.9
10.5 65.6 20.5 76.4 30.5 99.1 40.5 99.2 50.5 99.9
Graph 1: Simple distillation curve (temperature(“C) vs distillate volume (mL)) of Unknown #14. Data
obtained on February 05, 2024, during ‘simple distillation’ experiment performed by Abdulla Malek at
Loyalist College, Belleville, ON.]

BP Compound B: 99.8°C

BP Compound A: 64.7°C

% Component A = 14mL/60mL x 100% 23.3%

% Component B = (60-14)mL/60mL x 100% = 76.7%

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