Unctad - Review of Maritime Transport 1974 - rmt1974 - en
Unctad - Review of Maritime Transport 1974 - rmt1974 - en
Unctad - Review of Maritime Transport 1974 - rmt1974 - en
^N ^^£٥ N A T IO N S € O N £ £ £ £ N € £ O N T £ A O £ A N O 0 £ ¥ £ £ 0 ? ^ £ N T
of maritime transport, 1974
U N IT E D N ^ T I D N ^ C O N F E R E N C E O N T R ^ D E ^ N D D E ¥E L O ?^E N T
G eneva
of maritime 1974
(Reriew of and lon^-te^m aspects
of maritime t^anspo^t)
^٠٢^؛ /
by the secretariat ٠ UNCTAD
N e w Y o rk , 1975
Sym bols o f U nited N ations docum ents are com posed o f capital letters
com bined w ith heures. M ention o f such a sym bol indicates a reference to a U nited
N atio n s docum ent.
Price: s u .s . 6.00
(or equivalent in other currencies)
Explanatory n o t e s ......................................................................................................................................................................... VI
I n t r o d u c t i o n .................................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
I. The developm ent o f international seaborne t r a d e ............................................................................ 3-17
A. G eneral d e v e lo p m e n t.......................................................................................................... 3-8
B. O evelopm ents by types o f c o m m o d itie s ........................................................................................... 9-13
C .O e v e lo p m e n t by groups o f c o u n t r i e s .................................................................................................... 14-17
III. W orld ship prices and the deets o f developing c o u n t r i e s ................................................................. 64-100 20
A. Changes in prices o f new v e s s e l s ...................................................................................................... 64-69 20
B. C hanges in prices o f second-hand v e s s e l s .....................................................................................
€٠ A cquisition o f new an d second-hand vessels by developing countries . . . . . . . .
76-100 إق
IV. T rends in s h ip b u ild in g ...................................................................................................................................... 101-132 27
A. C eneral developm ents............................................................................................................................ 101-106 27
B. ? a rtic u la r developm ents by type o f v e s s e l ..................................................................................... 107-127
1. Bullc cargo v e s s e ls............................................................................................................................. 107-114
2. C e n tra l cargo an d u n it load system v e s s e ls ............................................................................. 115-119 29
3. D ther v e s s e l s ..................................................................................................................................... 120-127 30
c. T rends in p r o p u l s i o n ............................................................................................................................ 128-131 32
D. A utom ation an d other technological a d v a n c e s .................................................................................. 132 34
Chapter Paragraphs Page
V. F reight m a r k e ts 133-168 35
A. G eneral developm ents 133-1351ه
F. Ghanges in freight rates in 1ه?و 36 142
1. Gr^^ cargo tram p m arket freight r a t e s 142-145 36
2. Gargo liner freight r a t e s . 146-156 38
3. T n k e r freight r a t e s 152-160 41
G. F reight rate indices o f selected com m odities exported by developing countries . . . . . 161-162 41
D . Fevel o f freight rates, laying up and s c r a p p in g 163-165 42
E. F iner freight rates ^s ﺓ percentage o f prices o f selected com m odities, 145 168-166 . . . . 3? و 641-و
16. Estim ated prices for new an d read)? liner type vessels 11,000/13,000 d ^ t, 1967-1974........................ 21
17. TanEers: second-hand prices, average v a i n e s ............................................................................................. 21
18. U ry bulk carriers: second-hand prices, average v a l u e s ........................................................................... 22
19. Liner type vessels: second-hand prices, average v a l u e s ........................................................................... 22
20. The course o f the estim ated freight rates and second-hand values for a 38,000 dw t bulk carrier built in
1966 (1,660,000/1,760,000 cubic feet w ith cran es)........................................................................................ 22
21. Estim ated developm ents o f freight rates and values fo r a good class 10,600/12,600 dw t shelter-decker 23
22. €han g es in the ocean-going m erchant heets o f developing countries in 1973: acquisition o f new and
second-hand ships by type o f vessel— ocean-going ships o f 1,000 grt and o v e r ................................ 24
23. Ueliveries o f new buildings, 1968-1974 ......................................................................................................................... 27
24. N um bers o f u n it load system vessels on o rder at mid-1973 and mid-1974 ........................................................ 30
26. E iquid gas carriers— type and capacity analysis, January 1974 .............................................................................. 31
26. Existing and projected E N G schemes which include the building o f E N G c a r r i e r s ........................ 32
27. Trends in propulsion o f vessels und er construction and on order a t 30 Septem ber, 1972-1974 . . . . . 33
28. Ereight rate indices 1970-1974 37
29. Nummary o f liner freight rate changes an d surcharges announced during the years 1972-1974 . . . . . 39
30. Indices o f freight rates o f selected com m odities exported by developing c o u n t r i e s ........................ 42
31. R elationship betw een changes in freight rates and changes in laid-up t o n n a g e ................................ 46
32. T he ratio o f liner freight rates to prices o f selected com m odities, 1964-1973 .................................................... 46
33. ^hare o f cargo m oved in containers in the m ajor liner trades to and from the U nited States o f A m erica,
1 9 7 1 a n d l9 7 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
34. Trends in air freight volum e and in air freight operating revenues, 1968-1973 ................................................ 63
36. U evelopm ent o f the w orld cruise heet, 1966-1974 ................................................................................................... 64
36. Flag distribution o f the w orld cruise heet, 1973 and 1974 ..................................................................................... 66
G ra ph s
1. The course o f freight rate indices and laying-up and scrapping as percentages o f w orld tonnage, 1968-1974:
dry cargo v e s s e l s ................................................................................................................................................ 43
2. The course o f freight rate indices an d laying-up and scrapping as percentages o f w orld tonnage, 1968-1974:
oil t a n k e r s ....................................................................................................... 44
R eferences to dollars ($) are to O nlted State dollars unless otherwise stated.
References to tons are to m etric tons, unless otherwise specified.
The term “billion” signifies 1,000 million.
U se o f a h^^phen betw een ?؛ears, e.g., 1965-1966, signifies the full period involved,
including th e beginning an d end ?؛ears.
A n oblique strode (/) betw een ?؛ears, e.g., 1965/66, signifies a season o r crop
D etails an d percentages in tables do n o t necessaril ?؛add up to totals, because
o f rounding.
ﺀ *
The following s?؛mbols have been used in the tables in this R eview ;
A full stop (.) is used to indicate decimals.
Tw o dots ( . . ) signif ?؛th a t d ata are n o t available or are n o t separatel ?؛reported.
A dash ( - ) signifies th a t the am ount is nil, o r less th an h a lf the u n it used.
* *
N am es o f organizations
Other abbreviations
أOfficial Records o f the Trade and Development Board, Fifth Session, Supplement No. 2 (TD/
B/116/Rev.l), annex 11.
2 Review o f maritime transport, 1972-1973 : ؛٠٠٢^
٢ by the secretariat ٠/ U NC TAD (United
N ations ^nhlieation. Sales N o. E.75.II.D.3).
Chapter I
T able 1
Development of international seaborn 1965-1973؛،
(Goods loaded)
٠٢ ^ cargo
O f w hich:
rrtain b ulk
T anker cargo Total T o ta l (a ll goods)
1967 . . . . . . 1,023 8 887 8 362 910],
1968 . . . . . . 1,141 12 966 9 384 107؛,
1969 . . . . . . 1,276 12 1,036 7 419 أ, 312 10
1 9 7 0 . . . . . . 1,440 13 1,166 13 488 16 606؛,
1971 . . . . . . 1,626 ﺀ 61,173 ﺀ 1 4
1972 ...... 1,646 ٠ 71,271 ٠ 6
1973 . . . . . . 1,841 12 1,349 10 699 19 ,190
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7. The rate o f grow th o f international seaborne trade, 12. The rem aining 55.6 per cent o f the dry cargoes
which was less th an 4 p er cent in 1971 and 6 p er cent in carried by sea in 1973 consisted o f a great variety o f
1972, rose to 11 p er cent in 1973, which was a year o f heterogeneous products. M ost were “ general cargo ” ,
strong econom ic activity an d trad e prosperity despite which is transported by liner vessels, including container
the continuing m onetary instability and the restrictions and other vessels carrying unitized cargo, and also by
in the supplies o f oil applied during the last ٩ u a rt هr o ftram ps and specialized carriers w hich in m any trades
the year, ?reh m in ary estim ates, however, p o in t to a com pete w ith liners; the rest consisted o f a num ber o f
new slackening in the rate o f grow th o f international “ m inor ” bulk com m odities, w hich increasingly tend to
seaborne trade, particularly in trad e in oil in 1974 .و be transported in bulk and full ship loads. A lthough
com plete d ata illustrating the e^act dim ensions o f the
8. $uch differing an d fluctuating rates o f grow th o f
trade in these “ m inor ” com m odities are n o t available,
international seaborne trad e have direct short-term
some indication is provided by the d ata showing the
e je c ts on freight m arkets an d also, to some extent, on
volum e o f “ m inor ” bulk com m odities lifted by bulk
developm ents in the supply o f tonnage, as will be discussed
carriers o f over 18,000 dwt. ﺀIn 1973, 134 m illion tons
in chapter II below.
were lifted, as against 125 m illion tons in 1972 an d 94
m illion tons in 1971. Tim ber, sugar, salt, soya beans,
B. Developments by types of commodities fertilizers, cement, gypsum, sulphur, pyrites, ilmenite,
m anganese and chrom e ores, petroleum coke, scrap
9. T able 1 also shows the volum e o f international iron, pig iron and steel products are included in this group
trad e by m ajo r types o f cargo. In 1973 tan k er cargo o f comm odities.
continued to increase faster th a n to tal cargo traded 13. T able 3 gives d ata reflecting w orld shipping
despite the setback in p roduction an d trad e which has perform ance in term s o f ton/m iles. D istances, which
occurred since D ctober 1973. T an k er cargo grew a t a have played a signiflcant role in the rapid expansion o f
rate o f 12 p er cent to reach a level o f 1,841 m illion tons, dem and for shipping services in previous years, do n o t
while dry cargo increased by 1 هper cent to 1,349 m illion seem to have increased substantially in 1974. The
tons. As a result o f this higher grow th rate, tanker increases in shipping perform ance were m ainly due to
cargo accounted for 57.7 p er cent o f the to tal tonnage o f increases in tonnage carried.
cargo loadings in 1973 as com pared w ith 57.2 per cent in
1972 an d 5© p er cent in 196©. The prelim inary inform -
ation available suggests th a t in 1974, however, tanker c. Developments by groups of counties
cargo increased a t a m uch low er rate (1.6 per cent) as
against an increase o f a b o u t 8.3 per cent in dry cargo 14. The percentage shares o f various groups o f
trade. ٠ T hus the share o f tan k er cargo in to tal trade countries in the volum e o f international seaborne load-
is likely to be substantially low er in 1974 th a n in 1973. ings and unloadings o f cargoes by categories o f goods
!©. I t can be seen from table 2 th a t the m ajor p ortion in 1965, 1971 and 1972 are show n in table 2. This
o f tank er cargo consists o f crude petroleum , the rem ainder table also shows the shares o f various groups o f countries
being various petroleum products. In 1972 petroleum in total loadings an d unloadings in 1973. G ertain
products accounted fo r 19.6 p er cent o f to tal tanker changes in the long-term p attern o f w orld seaborne
cargo as com pared w ith 2©.9 p er cent in 1971 and 28 trade can be observed y following the changes which
per cent in 1965. I t has been observed from additional have taken place in the shares o f goods loaded and un-
inform ation® th a t the share o f petroleum products loaded in the foreign trade o f di^erent groups o f countries.
declined fu rth er in 1973 an d 1974, although a t a slower 15. The com bined share o f developed m arket-
rate. T he tendency to expand reflning capacity in oil econom y countries and countries o f southern E urope
producing countries a t a faster rate th a n in p ast years decreased slightly from 3fl.6 per cent in 1972 to 3fl.5
m ay help to check or possibly reverse the declining trend per cent in 1973. T he share o f socialist countries o f
in the share o f oil products in the com ing years. eastern E urope and A sia declined over the same period
11. T here are no d a ta showing the change ؛in inter- from 5.6 to 5.2 per cent, wh^le the share o f developing
national seaborne trad e by all types o f cargo separately. countries increased from 63.8 to 64.3 per cent.
Now ever, the developm ent o f w orld seaborne trade in 16. In term s o f goods unloaded the share o f develop-
the flve m ain dry b ulk com m odities, i.e., iron ore, grain, ing countries showed a slight increase from 17.4 per cent
coal, bauxite/alum ina an d p hosphate rock, is indicated in 1972 to 17.5 per cent in 1973, while the com bined
in table 1. In the p eriod 1968 to 1973 tr^de in the m ain share o f the developed m arket-econom y countries and
bulk com m odities grew a t an accelerated rate com pared countries o f southern E urope decreased slightly from
w ith earlier years and it appears th a t in 1974 shipm ents 79.2 per cent to 79.1 per cent over the same period. The
o f these com m odities have fu rth er increased. T heir share o f the socialist countries o f E astern E urope and
share in w orld seaborne dry cargo trad e was 44.4 per A si^ rem ained constant a t 3.4 per cent.
cent in 1973 as com pared w ith 41.3 p er cent in 1972.
17. Table 2 also gives an indication o f the develop-
m ent o f the shares o f d i^eren t groups o f countries in the
ﺀFearnley and Chartering Ce. Ltd., Review, 1974 (Cslo,
٠ Ibid. ﺀFearnley and Egers Chartering Co. Ltd., World Bulk Trades,
ﺀIbid. 1973 , 0 وﺛﻢ/ ه) د$) ا, table 30.
T able
اby F earn ley a n d ] s C h arterin g c© . L td ., Review , 1974 (1974 ه$( ) ﻣﻬﻞR evised figures fo r 197^
various t ?؛pes o f goods loaded an d unloaded from 1971 com m odities in term s o f goods loaded, while in term s of
to 1972. T he share o f developing countries in loadings goods nnloaded their share increased w ith respect to
o f crude petroleum and d r ?؛cargoes changed onl ?؛slightl ?؛ crude petroleum and petroleum products and decreased
while their share o f petroleum products loaded declined w ith respect to d r ?؛cargo from 78.4 per cent in 1971
from 64.1 per cent to 61.8 per cent. In term s o f goods to 77.6 per cent in 1972. T he shares o f the socialist
unloaded the share o f developing countries decreased countries o f E astern E urope and A sia decreased with
significant ! ?؛-w ith respect to crude petroleum an d p etro regard to all three t ?؛pe$ o f goods loaded; while their
leum products, while their share in the unloadings o f share in unloadings increased slightl ?؛w ith regard to
dr ?؛cargo showed an increase. T he shares o f developed crude petroleum and signihcantl ?؛w ith respect to d r ?؛
m arhet-econom ?؛countries and countries o f southern cargo, and decreased slightl ?؛, w ith respect to petroleum
Europe tahen together increased fo r all three t ?؛pes o f pro d u cts .
Chapter II
A. Changes in the world fieet num ber and tennage capacity o f certain types o f vessels
included in this category, e.g., small-size and specialized
18. Between mid-1973 and mid-1974 the w orld active vessels, are increasing rapidly, although the relevant
sea-going m erchant fieet increased by 7.7 per cent in grt developm ents are n o t re jec ted in the aggregate tonnage
o r by 9.5 per cent in term s o f dw t, as com pared with an figures discussed here. C ertain developm e سs are dis-
increase o f 9 p er cent in g rt an d 10 per cent in dw t in cussed further in section с below.
1972-1973, an d 9.1 per cent an d 10.7 p er cent, respectively,
in 1971-1972 (see table 4). 21. The tendency for the dw t/grt ratio to increase has
persisted during 1974. This is show n below, where the
19. T an k er tonnage grew m ore rapidly th an th a t o f ratios in selected years are com pared with those o f 1974:
non-tankers in 1973-1974. T ankers registered a rate o f
grow th o f 13.8 p er cent in term s o f dw t as against an Estimated dwt/grt ratios fo r tankers and bulk >->•>>»■.
increase o f l l . b p er cent in 1972-1973 and 10.9 per cent
Year T ankers B u lk carriers
in 1971-1972. The grow th o f non-tan k er tonnage slowed
dow n to a rate o f 5.7 per cent in 1973-1974 as com pared 1965 1.58 1.53
w ith 8.6 p er cent and 10.4 per cent in the tw o preceding 197^ 1.79 1.69
years. H ow ever, w ithin this group, bulk carrier (includ- 1973 1.8^ 1.7ه
ing com bined carrier) tonnage recorded a relatively 1974.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.84 1.71
high rate o f increase (10.3 per cent). This, however,
represents a considerable slow-down in the grow th rate
from the figures o f 16.1 per cent in 1972-1973 and 21 per Since the grt is calculated on the basis o f the cubic
cent in 1971-1972. space o f vessels and, hence, is related to vessel dimen-
sions, and dw t refers to the carrying capacity o f vessels,
20. In 1973-1974, as in previous years, “other ships” the increased dw t/grt ratio implies rising productivity o f
showed relatively small increases. Nevertheless, the t a n ^ r s and b u l^ carriers.
T able 4
(Mid-year figures)
S o u rces: L lo y d 's R egister o f S hipping: Sta tistica l Tables (L o n d o n ), 1965-1974, a n d su p p lem en tary d a ta reg ard in g th e U n ite d S tates R eserve fleet a n d th e G re a t L akes
fleets 0 ؟th e U n ite d States a n d C a n a d a p ublished by th e U n ite d S tates D e p a rtm e n t o f C om m erce, ^^ arh im e A d m in istratio n . F igures in d w t u p to a n d in cluding 1969
figures in dw t a r^ b a s e d , regarding ^ a n ^ ^ s , o ^ d a t a fro m th e In stitu te o f sh ip p in g E conom ics, Shipping S ta tistics (Brem en), a n d reg ard in g b u lk ca rriers o n d a ta p u b lish ed
in F earnley a n d E gers C h arterin g C o. L td ., Review , 1973 (G slo).
٠ E xcluding th e U n h e d ة إR eserve fleet a n d th e G re a t L a^es fleets o f th e U n ite d S tates o f A m erica ٤ ؛ta b le 5, n o te a, fo r vario u s estim ates o f these
١١ U p to a n d including ] 969, figures in g rt a re n o t strictly co m p arab le w ith th o se in dw t, as th e grt series refers to all co m m ercial vessels (including e.g. fishing an d
research ships) o f 100 g rt anc above, w hile th e dw t series includes only sea-going carg o a n d /o r passenger-carrying vessels a n d to n n a g e fo r eo m m ercial p u rp o ses o f 300 g rt
a n d over.
٠ U p to a n d including ' figures in dw t ؛ أn o t strictly co m p arab le w ith th o se in ; ft, as th e d w t figures refer to b u lk ca rriers o f 10,000 d w t a n d ab o v e ١
th e g rt figures refer to b u l^ ca rriers o f 6,000 g^t أ1 above.
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T able 6
Percentage share of world tonnage by type of vessel a at 1 July, 1965, 1973 and 1974■
(In terms o fg r t)
ةق:ة 41.7
100.0 50.6
Source ; C om piled fro m L lo y d ’s R egister o fS h ip p in g .- Statistical Tables (L o n d o n ), 1965, 1973 a n d 1974, an d su p p lem en tary in fo rm atio n o n tlte U n ite d S tates R eserve
fleet a n d th e U n ite d S tates a n d C a n a d ia n fleets.
ﺀR xeludin^, respectively, in 1965, 1973 a n d 1974:
(!) U n ite d S tates R eserve fleet o f ab o u t 10.4, 2.5 a n d 2.0 m illion grt.
(ii) U n ite d S tates G re a t L akes fleet o f ab o u t 2.0, 1.7 a n d 1.7 m illion grt.
(iii) C an a d ian G re a t L akes fleet o f a b o u t 1.2, 1.5 a n d 1.5 m illion grt.
٠ G re a n d b u lk ca rriers o f 6,000 g rt a n d m ore, including co m bined ore/o il a n d o re/b u lk /o il carriers; co m b in ed carriers am o u n ted in :
1974 to ﻣﺤﻤﺢ،رsbips w ith a to ta l to n n ag e o f 2 2 , 0 3 2$ ج, أg rt;
1973 to 349 ships w ith a to m l to n n a g e o f 19,53S,?46 g rt;
1965 to 90 ships w ith a to ta l to n n a g e o f 2 , 5 , 0 0 0 ﻟ ﺔg rt (U N C T A D secretaria t’s estim ate).
هT his ca tegory includes passenger/cargo vessels (b o th liner a n d tram p).
A lthough the share o f the group was co n stan t between 2. Changes by types ٠/ vessel and groups o f countries
1973 an d 1974, w ithin it the share o f tonnage under the
28. It can be seen from table 6 tb a t from 1973 to 1974
fiags o f open registry countries increased from 23.2 per
there was a farth e r Increase in the relative im portance
cent in 1973 to 24.3 per cent in 1974.
o f tankers and bulk carriers in to tal w orld tonnage, while
24. T he p opularity o f fiags o f open registry countries the dow nw ard trend in the relative share o f general
has continued to grow. ® A t m id-1974 a to tal o f 74.5 mil- car §0 tonnage persisted. W ith regard to the shares o f
lion g rt was registered u n d er these fiags; this shows an groups o f countries in the d i^eren t types o f vessels, the
increase o f 12.9 per cent over the previous year. T rade trends observed between 1965 and 1973 persisted in 1974.
unions are becom ing increasingly reluctant to accept this
29. The com bined share o f flags o f developed m arket-
move tow ards fiags o f open registry countries.®
econom y countries, countries o f southern E urope and
25. W ithin the group o f open registry countries, the open registry countries, in w orld tanker tonnage increased
share o f Liberia declined fu rth er from 75.6 p er cent in slightly from 1973 to 1974 while their share in bulk carrier
1973 to 74.2 per cent in 1974, b u t a t a m uch slower pace tonnage declined by 0.9 per cent. As a t 1 July 1974,
th a n from w hen it was 79.3 p er cent, to 1972, 1973, while 92.6 per cent o f tan k er tonnage and 92.3 per cent
the share o f the fiag o f Singapore increased from 1.5 per o f ore and bulk carrier tonnage (including com bined
cent in 1972 to 3 per cent in 1973 an d 3.9 per cent in 1974. carriers) was registered under the fiags o f these three
26. T he share o f w orld tonnage und er the fiags o f the groups o f countries.
socialist countries o f E astern E urope an d A sia rem ained 30. O n the other hand, their com bined share in
unchanged from 1973 to 1974. general cargo vessels declined by 1.3 per cent from 1973 to
27. T he share o f fiags o f developing countries also 1974, and their share in container tonnage decreased from
rem ained unchanged in term s o f g rt during the same 98.3 per cent in 1973 to 97.6 per cent in 1974 to the beneht
period, although a very slight increase (0.1 p er cent) has o f socialist countries w hose share in container tonnage,
been recorded in their share in term s o f dw t. The per- although still very small, increased from 0.1 per cent in
centage share o f developing countries in the w orld fieet 1972 to 0.8 per cent in 1974. A ll barge-carrying vessels
in term s o f dw t w as: ١٠ and virtually all vehicle carriers continued to be registered
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 u nder the fiags o f developed m arket-econom y countries.
(P ercentages)
31. A p a rt from their increased participatio n in
A s i a .................................................. 4 0 3 .3 33 3.0 3.0 container tonnage, ١١ some o th er signihcant changes have
A f r i c a ............................................. 0 3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
been recorded in the percentage shares o f fiags o f socialist
Latin America attd Caribbean . ٠ 2.6 z.z 2.1 2.0 2.0
countries o f Eastern E urope an d A sia in the w orld fieet
Total developing countries 6.9 5.8 5.5 5.3 5.4 by type o f vessel betw een 1973 and 1974 and in earlier
years. T he percentage shares by type o f vessel were
In 1974, for the first tim e since 1970, the share o f as follows : ١؛
developing countries did n o t decline. T he years to come
٠ // O rejbulk eral C ontainer O ther Share ٠/ (،>،،>/
will show w hether this declining tren d has been checked. ta n kers carriers cargo ships vesseis w o rld fieet
H ow ever, durin g the first fo u r ^ears o f the Second (Percentages)
U nited N atio n s U evelopm ent U ecade, n o t only have 1971
. . . . ٠ 4.4
developing countries been unable to increase their share 1972
. . . . . 13.9 0.1 4.2
30.7 8.7
in w orld m erchant fieet tonnage b u t their share as a 1973 ...٠ 14.5 — 3.7
. 8.3
group has declined from 6.9 p er cent in 1970 to 5.4 per 1974. . . . . 15.7 0.8 3.6
30.0 8.3
cent in 1974. Similarly, in respect o f tonnage according
to types o f vessel n o significant changes have occurred T he tendency to increase activities in the field o f bulk
in the position o f developing countries, as can be seen carriers can again be observed.
from sub-section 2 below.
32. Table 7 shows the share o f developing countries
ﺀIt is reported that Japanese shipowners are increasin ? راة by type o f vessel, container ships and general cargo
starting operations under the fla^s o f open registry eountries. They tonnage, also the relative shares o f the various regions
are, for example, increasingly makin§ use of the possibility of w ithin the group o f developing countries by type o f
transferring or registering tonnage under such flags and o f chartering vessel in 1974, as com pared with selected earliers years.
back the ships. According to a survey o f the Japanese ^^inistry
o f Transport a total of 1,145, ﺳﻢgrt was operated under such It can be observed from the table th a t the trends noticed
conditions at the end of M arch 1974 (Japan Maritime Gazette in earlier years persisted in 1974.
(Tokyo), June 1974.)
It is also reported that about 200 vessels aggregating 1.2 million 33. F o r instance, the share o f developing countries
tons are currently registered by shipowners in the fed eral Republic in general cargo tonnage continued to increase during
of Uermany under flags o f open registry countries. These ships 1974, although in absolute term s general cargo tonnage
are mainly in the size range o f 6,000 to 7,000 tons and are especially under the flags o f developing countries rem ained constant
labour-intensive (Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 12 August 1974).
ﺀIt has been reported that, in an attem pt to improve relations
with the trade unions and to improve the negative image of the ١١ Container tonnage nnder the flag o f the USSR increased from
Uyprus fleet, a Uyprus Shipowners’ Association has been founded. 7 vessels of 35,2flO grt in 1973 to 9 vessels of 48,156 in 1974 (Lloyd's
(Lloyd’s List (Lobdon), 15 June 1974, and Shipping and Trade News Register o f Shipping : Statistical Tables (London), 1973 and 1974).
(Tokyo), 19 June 1974.) ١ ؛D ata derived from table 6, except for 1972 and 1971 data
١٠ Derived from L loyd’s Register o f Shipping : Statistical Tables which are derived from Review ٠/ maritime transport, 1972-1973
(London), various issues. (op. cit.), table 7م
T able 7
Percentage share of developing countries in the world fleet by type of vessel, 1965 and 1971-1974
(In g rt)
S o u rc e : T a b le 6, except fo r th e years 1971 a n d 197^, th e d a ta fo r w hich w ere derived fro m Review o f m aritim e transport, 1972-1973 (op. c it.) , ta b le i
Less th a n 0.05 p er cent.
ظR efers to “general cargo ships” a n d “o th e r ships” .
٥ See figures fo r “general carg o ships” .
at 8.7 m illion grt. Therefore, the increase in their have n o t been able to ad ap t their fleets to world trends
share is due to the contraction in w orld general cargo in seaborne trade, w hich favonred oil and d r ?؛bulk
tonnage, © n the oth er hand, although liner shipping cargoes m ore th an an ?؛.other cargoes
has in recent ?؛ears been undergoing a process o f change
W hile the share o f tan k er tonnage ow ned b .35 ?؛
which has led to dom ination o f m an ?؛o f the m ajor liner
developing countries as a group has rem ained unchanged
trades b ?؛u n it load vessels, the participation o f devel-
over the last three ?؛ears and has actuall ?؛declined since
oping countries in this new t?؛pe o f tonnage is still negli-
and the share o f bulk carrier tonnage has done no 1965
gible. Therefore the increase in the developing countries’
-m ore th a n return to its 1971 level, there have been im prove
share in the w orld tonnage o f genera! cargo vessels does
m ents in the relative position o f individual countries, ft
n o t m ean their increased participation in liner shipping.
can be seen from table 7, however, th a t the com m ents
34. T he participation o f this group o f countries in m ade in the preceding paragraphs on the participation o f
tan k er tonnage rem ained unchanged in 1974, b u t their developing countries in w orld tonnage are also general !?؛
share o f bulk carrier tonnage returned to the 1971 level valid w ith regard to the regional groups o f developing
o f 4.3 per cent after having fallen in 1972 and 1973. .countries
A lthough this is an encouraging sign, the share o f devel-
Some indications o f possible future im provem ents .36
oping countries in the w orld tonnage o f tankers and d r?؛
in the t ؛ ? pe com position - o f the fleets o f developing coun
bulk carriers rem ains substantial! ?؛below their to tal share
tries are discussed in chapter III below. U owever, it
o f w orld tonnage, and this shows th a t to date the?؛
rem ains to be seen w hether these developm ents will
ﺀأLloyd’s Register ٠/ Shipping : Statistical Tables (London), increase the share o f developing countries in world
!974. tonnage b ?؛t ?؛pe o f vessels .
c . Trends in types, size and age distributinn 2. Trends in size ،٠
40. The average size o f different types o f existing
1. Trends in types ships and the average size o f vesseis on order for 1974 as
com pared with 1973 and 1972 are show n in table 9. It can
37. The long-term tren d tow ards specialization o f be seen th a t the tendency fo r the size o f vessels—p arti-
tonnage has continued in the period 1973-1974. cnlarly o f tankers and o f bnlk carriers—to increase in
recent years persisted in 1974. Nevertheless, the d a ta
38. Table 8 shows in m ore detail the trends in the
on the average size o f vessels on order in 1974 suggest
com position o f the w orld m erchant fleet by different types
th a t in the next few years the tendency to bnild even larger
o f vessels from 1973 to 1974, an d also in the period
tankers and bulk carriers is likely to slow down.
197ه- 1974 مIt can be seen from the table th a t there
continues to be diversiflcation o f w orld tonnage in 41. The d ata on the average size o f vessels in service
response to a grow ing dem and fo r specialized tonnage in do n o t fully reflect the rap id and continuing changes in
w orld trade, an d also in response to the necessity for the actual size o f vessels built, particularly w ith regard
carriers to seek versatility a n d /o r efficiency th ro ug h spe- to the distribution o f tonnage by si^e groups o f vessels.
cialization an d ado p tio n o f technological advances. F o r example, in 1974 a b o u t 52.3 per cent o f tan k er
tonnage was in the size group o f 80,000 dw t and above,
39. It can also be seen from the table th a t higher as com pared with 47.2 per cent in 1973 and only 4 per
rates o f expansion have been recorded in 1974 for vehicle cent in 1965. The share o f tan k er tonnage o f 200,000 dw t
carriers, barge carriers, chem ical carriers, com bined and above increased from 30.6 per cent in 1973 to 36.1 per
carriers, oil tankers, and ore an d b u lk carriers, in th a t cent in 1974. Sim ilar trends have been observed w ith
order. Surprisingly enough, th e increase in liquefied gas regard to the size o f bulk carrier tonnage. In mid-1974
carrier tonnage has been m oderate (6.1 per cent), while 9.6 per cent o f the ore and bulk carrier tonnage and
container ship tonnage increased by only 6.6 per cent 74.2 p er cent o f the com bined carrier tonnage in service
as against a corresponding increase o f 36.9 per cent i^ were in the size group o f 80,000 dw t and over as com pared
1973. T he com inuing decline in the w orld tonnage o f w ith 8.6 per cent and 71.3 per cent, respectively, in 1973.
general cargo, miscellaneous cargo an d passenger vessels
is signiflcant. T he decline in passenger tonnage is
ﺀأThe discussion is based on data derived from ﺀ/، ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﺮRegister
hkely to continue as vessels are retired because their ٠/ Shipping: Statistical Tables (London), corresponding issues
operation is uneconom ic a t curren t bu n k er prices. uniess otherwise stated.
T able 8
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1973Ц 974
Oil tankers of 100 grt and above in grt 16,270 17,460 19,083
Equivalent average size in d w t 29,016 31,740 33,136
Ore/bulk carriers of 6,000 grt and above (including bulk/oil
carriers) in g r t 20,830 21,990 22,733
Equivalent average size in d w t 33,203 37,330 38,832
©ontainer ships of 100 grt and above طgrt . . . . . . . 13,810 14,970 13,270
Liquefled gas carriers in g r t 3,370 6,090 6,032
All other ships of 100 grt and above طg r t . . . . . . . . 1,980 1,920 1,870
A t end o f A t en d o f A t en d o f
1972 1973 1974
Estimates ٠/.•
Tankers of 10,000 dwt and above in dNvt 163,720 170,370 162,414
Ore/bulk carriers of 10,000 dwt and above in dwt . . . . . 63,020 33,830 33,209
©ontainer ships in dwt (vessels of capacity of 300 or nrore
co n ta in e rs) 18,380 17,090 18,783
Liquefled gas carriers in dwt (vessels of 12,000 dwt and over) 26,330 31,620 33,123
All other ships o f 1,000 grt and above in d w t . . . . . . . 9,670 9,820 10,497
Sources ; E x istin g fle e t; estim ated b y th e U N C T A Ü secretariat o n th e b asis o r d a ta p u b lish ed in L lo y d 's R egister ٠/
Shipping ; ﺀك، ا،،ﺀ،،' ﻣﺢﺀTables (L o n d o n ), 1972-1974.
N ew O rd ers: estim ated by th e U N C T A D secretaria t fro m d a ta given in E earn ley a n d E gers C h arterin g C o . L td .,
1974 , ( ﺀ« ﺀﺀ^ ﺀﺀO slo, 1974), fo r oil ta n k ers, bull، earriers a n d o th e r sh ip s; size estim ates o f co n tain er ships ' " gas
ca rriers w ere based o n d a ta given in W orld Sliip s ٠« Order, su p p lem en t to م،؛،< ﺀ/» مInternational Shipping Journal, N o v em b er
issues o f years 1972-1974.
T able 10
3. Trends in age distribution 9 and 19 per cent, respective!)?, tbe figures for 1973 being
9 and per cent.
42. T he age distribution o f the w orld m erchant fieet
in mid-1974 by groups o f countries an d by type o f vessel 48. G om parlng the age distribution fo r tankers o f the
is show n in table 10. I t can be observed th a t the rela- various groups o f countries. It can be seen th a t the tankers
tively younger fieets are to be found in developed m arket- o f developed m arket-есопош)? countries and o f open
econom y countries. registry countries tend to be m uch younger th a n those
o f any o th er group o f countries. T he m ain reason fo r
43. In the period 1973-1974 the age com position o f
this can be found In the com position o f sizes o f tankers
the w orld fieet rem ained fairly constant, © f to tal w orld
operated under the fiag o f countries o f these groups.
tonnage, in 1974 38 p er cent was less th a n five years old
W hile developed m arket-econom y countries and countries
as against 39 per cent in 1973١. ؛T he share o f tonnage in
o f open registry Operate a large fieet o f U L C C s and
the age bracket o f 15 years an d over increased slightly
VLCCs, which tend to be relatively new, the partiel-
from 21 p er cent in 1973 to 22 per cent in 1974.
potion o f the other groups o f c o u n tie s In these types
44. In 1974, as in previous years, the tonnage registered o f vessels Is relatively small, especially In the case o f the
under the fiags o f developed m arket-econom y countries socialist countries o f E astern Europe and Asia, where only
had th e largest prop o rfio n o f vessels less ^ a n five years 13 per cent o f the tan k er fieet Is less th a n five years old.
old. As in 1973,45 per cent o f the fieets o f these countries
were in this age bracket. A t the other end o f the scale, 49. The p o int m ade regarding tankers Is to a large
i.e., vessels o f 15 years o r older, 14 p er cent in 1974 extent also valid fo r bulk carriers. The newest and
(15 per cent in 1973) o f th e tonnage und er the fiags o f largest vessels are owned m ainly by developed m arket-
developed m arket-econom y countries was in this age econom y countries, thus explaining the exceptionally
bracket. I t can also be seen, however, th a t the age high share o f 53 p er cent fo r bulk carriers in the age
com position o f th e fieets o f developed m arket-econom y bracket o f under five years ow ned by those countries.
countries diners significantly from the age com position The share o f bulk carriers in this age group is 45 per cent
o f fieets o f southern E uro p ean countries an d o f those In southern E uropean countries, 42 per cent in open
sailing und er the fiags o f open registry countries, ©nly registry countries, 44 per cent in developing countries
31 per cent o f the fieets o f southern E uropean countries and 28 per cent in socialist countries o f E astern E urope
and 37 per cent o f the fieets o f open registry countries were and Asia. Owing to the com paratively late emergence o f
less th a n five years old. © n th e o th er hand, 31 p e rc e n t specialized bulk carriers, only very sm all proportions
o f the tonnage und er fiags o f countries o f southern o f bulk carriers are in the age group o f 15 years o r over.
E urope an d 2 هp er cent o f tonnage und er fiags o f open 50. O om paring the age distribution o f the fieets
registry countries were 15 years or older. I t appears o f developing countries w ith th a t o f the to tal w orld fieet,
th a t th e reason for the significant di^erences in the age it can be seen th a t the developing countries’ fieets are
com position o f the tonnage registered in developed substantially older. This occurs in spite o f the very
m arket-econom y countries on the one h an d an d in the favourable age com position o f their bulk carrier tonnage
countries o f southern E urope an d o f open registry and the relatively good age com position o f their tanker
countries on th e oth er m ay be due to the fact th a t the tonnage. Gbviously it is the age com position o f other
latter countries have com parably low er lab o u r costs, th a n bulk carrier and tan k er tonnage, in w hich general
thus enabling owners to m aintain und er these fiags older cargo tonnage is included, w hich creates this unfavour-
vessels—w hich are lab o u r intensive— in operation. able picture.
45. In 1974, only 23 p er cent o f the fieets o f socialist
countries o f E astern E urope an d A sia were below five
D. The productivity of shipping space
years o f age as com pared w ith 27 p er cent in 1973 and
38 per cent o f the w orld average, ©n the o th e r hand, 51. T he developm ent o f productivity o f tankers o f
21 per cent o f the tonnage o f this group o f countries were 10,000 dw t and above and o f bulk carriers o f 18,000 dw t
15 years o r older as against 18 per cent in 1973. and above m easured by the num ber o f ton-m iles o f
46. Finally, 3 هper cent o f the fieets o f developing cargo carried per year per deadw eight to n o f the existing
countries were less th a n five years old, which is substan- active fieet is given in tables 11 and 12.
tially sm aller th a n th e w orld average (38 p er cent), while 52. T here was a tendency fo r tanker productivity
30 per cent o f their tonnage belonged to the bracket o f to increase in 1973, w hen it rose by 4 points relative to
15 years a n d over, w hich again was m uch less favourable 1972, while b u lk carriers productivity rem ained un-
th an the w orld average (22 per cent). changed. This tendency is unlikely to persist in 1974,
47. W ith regard to the age com position o f di^erent in view o f the corrective action taken by tanker operators
types o f vessels it can be seen th a t 47 p er cent o f bulk in response to the reduced dem and for tanker tonnage
carrier tonnage is u nder five years o f age (48 per cent resulting from the new energy situation. ١®
in 1973) while the percentage fo r tankers in this age
53. I t is n o t possible to com pute productivity figures
bracket was 43 p er cent in 1974 (42 per cent in 1973).
fo r the total w orld fieet sim ilar to those fo r oil tankers and
© n the oth er hand, th e share o f bulk carriers an d tankers
bulk carriers. Table 13, however, gives an index based
o f 15 years o r older on the corresponding to tal fieets was
on the num ber o f tons o f cargo carried per dw t o f the
total w orld fieet. After• having dropped in 1972 to the
١٠ ^ o r 1973 figures used rhroughou ؛the discussion in this sub-
seetion, see Review ٠/ maritime transport, 1972-1973 (op. ﺀ'ﺀﺀ. ر,
table 11. ١٠ See para. 137 below.
T able
Estimated ton-miles of oil shipments per dwt, in 1962-1973, by oi! tankers “ of 10,000 dwt and abo^e ﺀ
E stim a ted
ton-m iles
o fo illg ra in
Total shipm ents T otal Ton-miles In d ex o f
O il Grain oiljgrain (thousand T otal active p er active a ctiveflee t
shipm ents shipm ents shipm ents m illion productivity
Year (m illion tons) (m illion tons) (m illion tons) ton-m iles) (m illion d w t) (m illion d w t) (in thousands) (1962-= 100)
Source ; C om piled o n th e basis o f F earn ley a n d E gers C h arterin g C o. E td ., Review , 1974 a n d W orld B u lk Trades, 1973 (O slo, 1974).
٠ E stim ated grain shipm ents in ton-m iles h ave been included.
ﺀSince oil a n d g rain shipm ents o f oil ta n k ers— e.g. excluding com b in ed ca rriers— on ly a re ta k e n in to co n sid eratio n , th e figures are n o t directly co m p arab le to th o se
reco rded in R eview o fm a r itim e transport, 1972-1973 (op. c it.), ta b le 12, a lth o u g h th e tre n d d id n o t change.
٠ R evised figures.
T able
Estimated ton-miles of bulk commodities carried per dwt,، between 1967 and 1975
by bulk carriers, including bulk/oil carriers of 18,000 dwt and above
E stim ated
ton-m iles ٠/
b u lk cargo
Total including ٠// T otal Ton-m iles In d ex o f
b u lk ٠٠٢^٠٠ (thousand Total a ctive p e r active a c tiv e fle e t
B u lk cargo ٠ // cargo including ٠// m illion ﺀﺀﺀم dwt p roductivity
Year (m illion tons) (m illion tons) (m illion to n s) ton-m iles) (m illion d w t) b (m illion d w t) (in thousands) (1960 = 100)
967. 29
ج 1,330 33.2 33.2 40.1 119
968. 54 1,903 44.0 44.0 43.3 128
969. 374 433 2,2^5 53.3 53.3 41.7 1^3
970. 439 500 2,636 ة2.2 62.2 42.4 125
971. 97 555 3,043 72.8 72.5 42.0 124
972. 3,632“ 87.9 86.6 42.0 124
973. 613 166 779 4,411 106.1 105.4 41.9 124
Sources ; C om piled o n ؟١ ؛١ basis o f F earn ley a n d Egers C h arterin g C o. L td ., Trades ٠/ W orld B u lk Carriers, 19fi9 « ٨ ٨ 1970; a n d W orld B u lk Trades, 1973 (O slo, 1974),
١ o n in fo rm atio n co m m u n ic ated by th e so u rce to t^ e U N C T A D secretariat.
“ In clu d in g oil cargoes in co m bined carriers. ، M id-year figures. ٠ E stim ated b y th e U N C T A D seeretariat. ﺀR evised figure.
low est level r e o r d e d since 1961, the index recovered E. Tonnage on order
slightly and rose in 1973 to 1^5 points.
T a b le ! 3 1. General
Cargo carried ا • dwt of world fleet, 1967-1973
54. D uring the 12-m onth ^er!o،f ending oh 31 O ctober
W orld fle e t ﺀ T otal carried cargo دا
Cargo carried
p er dw t In d ex
1974, w orld tonnage on order increased by 2.3 million
Year (m illion d w t) (m illion m etric tons) (m etric tons) (1960 = 100) dw t o r by 0.9 per cent as com pared w ith an increase o f
87.4 million dw t o r 51.3 per cent in the corresponding
967. 240.9 1,910 7.92 116
period ending on 31 O ctober 1973. T he changes in
2,107 8.04 117
2,312 8.02 117 tonnage on order betw een 31 O ctober 1973 and 31 Oc-
970. 2,605 8.00 117 to b er 1974 are given b e lo w : ل-أ
971 ; 2.697 7.38 108
404.2 2,866 ﺀ 7.08 103
973. 444.6 3,190 7.17 105 ﺀأCompiled on the basis o f ام^ﺀ-/ ﻣﺢShips ٠ »ﺀم-■ﺀﺀﻣﺢ, supple-
m ent to Fairplay International Shipping ا» ﻣﺮ- س/ (London), various
T a k en f™ m ta b ie 4. ٠ T a k en fro m ta b ie : اfigure. issues.
B u lk
Tonnage on A ll Change Change com bined Change O ther Change
order as ؛٠ ; ships (per ce n t) Tankers (per ر ﺀ»ﺀﺀ carriers) ( • ﺀﺀمcen t) ships (per cent)
55. It can be seen from the d ata above th a t the over- the above groups o f coutitrles, the share o f the flags
all increase in total tonnage on o rd er betw een O ctober o f the three groups com bined w ould am ount to 89.1 per
1973 and O ctober 1974 did n o t follow a steady p attern. cent for 1974, 9^.9 in 1973 and 9^.3 per cent in 1972.
O uring the q u arter ending on 31 la n u a ry 1974 there was 59. Table 14 also shows th a t, in relation to the dis-
an increase o f 1 5 . هm illion dw t (4.1 p er cent), b u t in the ffibution o f tonnage on order by vessel type, there h^ve
following q u arter there was a distinct slowing dow n in been some changes for the com bined group o f flags o f
the rate o f increase which declined to 1.7 per cent. This developed m arket econom y countries, countries o f
declining tre^d persisted during the next tw o quarters, southern Europe, open registry countries and “flag not
ending on 31 July an d 31 O ctober 1974 respectively, yet ^now n” . W hile the share o f this com bined group
during w hich to tal tonnage on order also declined in fo r tankers over 150,000 dw t showed a slight decrease
absolute terms. from 97.2 per cent in 1973 to 94.2 per cent in 1974, their
56. T he volum e o f tonnage ordered in the third share o f tankers in the size group under 150,000 dwt
q u arter o f 1974 declined to the low est level recorded increased further to 85 . ةper cent in 1974 as com pared
since the q u arter ending in Septem ber 1972. M oreover, w ith 84.6 per cent in 1973. T heir share in ore/oil and
the volum e o f tonnage delivered exceeded new orders ore/bulk/oil carriers decreased further to 80.2 per cent
in the second an d th ird q u arters o f 1974. This points as com pared with 82.3 per cent in 1973.
to a distinct slowing dow n in future shipbuilding acti- 60. The decline in the com bined share o f the three
vities. ﺀل groups o f countries in container tonnage in 1973 was
reversed in 1974, w hen this group o f countries accounted
57. T he absolute decline in tonnage on o rd er th a t
fo r 82.6 per cent as com pared w ith 74.3 per cent in 1973.
has been observed since the q u arter ending in July 1974
was caused by a decline in the o rd er books for b o th 61. The share o f the socialist countries o f Eastern
tankers an d bulk carriers (including com bined carriers). E urope and A sia in tonnage on order was 3.6 per cent
By fu rth er differentiating betw een various sizes and in 1974 as com pared w ith 4.2 per cent in 1973 and 4.8 per
types o f vessels it m ay be observed th a t in the case o f cent in 1972. Uowever, there is an uneven distribution
tankers there was a decline in the size g ro u p o f 150,000 according to types o f vessel. W hile p a rt container ships
dw t and over, while the tonnage in th e size group under ordered by these countries accounted fo r 25.9 per cent o f
150,000 dw t showed a steady increase. U ow ever, this to tal w orld tonnage on order o f this type, tankers o f
increase was n o t strong enough to offset the decrease over 150,000 dwt and bulk carriers accounted fo r only
in orders fo r larger-sized tankers. In the case o f bulk 0.9 and 4 per cent respectively o f the respective total
carriers (including com bined carriers), th e decline was w orld tonnage on order. T he corresponding flgures for
due to decreasing orders fo r com bined carriers .ﺀ ل 1973 were 33.7, 0.8 and 8 per cent.
62. T here were some noticeable changes the share of
2. Distribution o f tonnage by groups ٠/ countries developing countries in tonnage on order in 1974. The
developm ents w ithin the different types o f vessels are
58. It can be seen from table 14 th a t the flags o f given below:
developed m ark et econom y countries, countries o f 1971 1972 1973 1974
southern E urope an d open registry countries taken as Oil tankers above 150,000 dwt . . . . . 0.8 0.5 1.8 4.8
a group accounted fo r 85 p er cent o f tonnage on order Oil tankers under 150,000 d w ،. . . . . 7.2 9.4 5.1 6.9
on 31 G ctober 1974, as com pared w ith 84.2 p er cent in Ore/nil and nre/bulk/nil carriers . . . . 4.3 6.7 15.4 16.4
1973 an d 83 p er cent in 1972. The percentage on order Offier bulk carriers 6.5 9.2 10.4 9.9
recorded u n d er “flags n o t yet know n” for each o f the Full container s h i p s 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0
corresponding years was 4.1 per cent, 6.7 p er cent and F art container s b i p s 11.1 8.4 12.4 22.2
7.3 per cent respectively. A ssum ing th a t the tonnage O ther dry cargo ships. . . . . . . . . 12.7 19.0 17.7 19.8
recorded und er “flags n o t yet know n” is for owners in
I t can be seen from these d ata th a t som e signiflcant
ﺀأLloyd's Register o fS h ip p in g : Merchant Shipbuilding ^ ؛،،٢« changes occurred in the shares o f developing countries
(London), several Issnes. by types o f vessels on order. T heir continuing prefer-
١٠ F o r farther dis№ssion o f these points, see chap. ! ٧ below. ence for liner type vessels is noticeable, b u t the increase
T able
Developing countries—total . .
0 وم
0.5 9.4
1 ﺀ4
16.4 25.2
974 4.8 16.4 1.0 22.2 19.8
O f which:
in Africa . . . . ٠ ٠ . . ٠ 0.3 0.5 5.0
973 0.3 1.0 2.4 4.6
974 0.6 0.3
Asia . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 4.5 2.0
2.5 2.4 3.7 7.2 4.4
4.4 4.2 77 77 1.0
in Latin America and the
Caribbean . . . . . . . . 4.7
1.7 0.3 1.7 11.7
0.9 1.4 1o!4
?lag not yet known . . . . . 972 7.3 10.8 5.4 2.9 0.5 0.5
973 4.5
974 4.1 4.7 5.1 2.7
Dther—unallocated . . . . . . 972 0.5 0.3
973 0.4 0.2 0.9
974 0.4 0.1 0.5
S o u rce: C om piled fro m W orld Ships ٠« Order, supplem ent to Fairplay Internatiorml Shipping Journal (L o n d o n ), N o v em b er issues 0 ( 1970-1974.
ﺀIncluding general cargD vessels, b arg e carrying vessels, R o /R o vessels, vehicle carriers, p allet ships a n d ©thers.
١١In clu d in g p a rt cp n ta in e r ships.
in their share o f p a rt co ntainer ships on order (22.2 per 63. A n im p o rtan t increase has been recorded in the
cent in 1974 as com pared w ith 12.4 per cent in 1973) is share o f developing countries in oi! tankers o f 150,000 dw t
indicative o f a m ove tow ards m ore m odern types o f and above, while their share in oil tan k er tonnage nnder
vessels, ^ i t h regard to the com bined (ore/oil and 150.000 dw t has also increased b u t a t a m uch slower rate.
ore/bulk/oil) carrier tonnage on order, the share o f T e s e developm ents give evidence o f the efforts o f oil
developing countries has increased to 16.4 per cent in producing countries to expand their activities in the
1974 as com pared w ith 15.4 per cent in 1973. F u rth er carriage o f the oil trade which they generate themselves.
inform ation available ؛٠ shows th a t In d ia an d Brazil Indeed, K uw ait accounts fo r a b o u t 40 per cent o f the
accounted fo r slightly m ore th a n 90 per cent o f this developing countries’ share o f tankers o f m ore th an
tonnage. T he trad e o f b o th countries appears to offer 150.000 dw t on order, and for a b o u t 27 per cent o f all
good chances fo r com bined operations which could help tankers on order fo r developing countries (11.4 mil-
them to reduce their tra n sp o rt costs, particularly for lion dwt), while Ira q accounts fo r 14.6 per cent, the
products such as iron ore. Libyan A rab R epublic fo r 6.6 per cent and Ira n for
4 per 06ﻣﺢ.ﻟﻖ
World Ships ٠ » ﺀم- ;■اﺀﻣﺢFairplay International Shipping
Journal (London), N o. 41 (November 1974). ؛،١ Ibid .
Chapter III
A. Changes in priees of new vessels to the levels they reached in 1973, also In 197 ه, particularly
fo r the types o f vessels m ost in dem and. '
64. Bhipbnilding prices rose furth er in 1974 b u t the
rates o f increase differed widely for different classes and 67. A dditional evidence regarding the course o f
sizes o f vessels. T able 15 gives the developm ent o f shipbuilding prices in the hrst h alf o f 1974 as eom pared
prices from 1967 to 1974 fo r tankers an d bulk earriers w ith D ecem ber 1973 for vessels seheduled fo r delivery in
(including com bined earriers), based on actual contracts. 1976 ؛؛؛؛can be found below :
D ecem ber June
65. I t can be seen from tahle 15 th a t prices in U nited S ize 1973 1974 Percentage
Vessel type (d w t) (thousands o f pounds sterling) change
$tates dollars fo r all except the very large crude earriers
rose fa rth e r in 1974, b u t a t a m uch slower paee th an in D ry cargo . . 16.000 3,000 4,200 40.0
1973, w hile prices in U nited States dollars for VLCCs Bulk carrier . . 16.000 2,500 3,000 20.0
Bulk carrier . . 28.000 4,000 4,500
deelined by slightly m ore th a n 1 هp er eent. As contracts 9.0
Bulk carrier . . 100,000 11,000 12,000
are usually m ade in the currency o f the country o f build Dre/bulk/oii . 170,000 18,000 20,000 11.1
now adays, the expression o f the co n tract prices in U nited Ore/oil . . . . . . 120,000 14,000 16,000 14.3
States dollars m akes it very difficult to know the extent Tanker . . . . . . 250,000 18,000 22,000 22.2
to which the price changes shown are due to changing Container ship (30"/o
eosts or to changes in exchange rates. re e ^ r container) . 2 5 ,0 0 0 1 3 ,5 0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0
66. T he high rates o f inflation in m ost shiphuiiding 68. A ttention should be draw n to the fact th a t prices
countries have nndouhtedly h a d their im pact on the for different types o f vessels developed d i^ re n tly .
evolution o f shipbuilding prices in recent years. In Prices increased m uch faster for dry cargo and container
addition to inflationary pressures, the boom in the ships than fo r bulk earriers and tankers, and the di№ rence
dem and fo r ships exerted pressure on steel prices and in price m ovem ents w ithin the last tw o categories o f
thus eo ntrlbuted to rising eosts. However, the sharp vessels cannot easily be explained on the basis o f eons-
increases in shipbuilding prices in the last few years truction costs alone.
should n o t be seen solely in the light o f w orld-wide
inflation an d rising eosts, b u t should also be '' 69. Tahle 16 shows the evolution o f new huilding
in conjunction w ith the fact th a t since 1969 shipyards prices for liner-type vessels ﺀﺀfrom 1967 to 1974. I t is
have been fully booked fo r a num ber o f years ahead, thus signihcant th a t from 1973 to 1974, when there was a very
enabling shipbuilders to take advantage o f a very tight
supply situation. T he very strong freight m arket eondi- Extracted from Fairplay International Shipping Weekly
tions in 1973, which eontinned during the flrst h a lf o f (Eondon), vol. 252, N o. 4714 (4 3uly 1974).
1974, w ith regard to varions types o f tonnage created a ﺀﺀThe Fairplay data refer to a hypothetieal closed/open shelter-
decker o f 11,000/15,000 dwt, propelled by a 7,000 b.h.p. diesel
sharp dem and fo r new buildings. U n d er such conditions engine giving a speed o f 15 knots. The ship is for delivery within
it is n o t surprising th a t shipbuilding prices were pushed the year and the quoted price does not include interest on loans.
T able 15
Representative new building prices for buik carriers and tankers, f96?-19?4 *
(Prices in millions ofdollars at year ﻟﻣﺢ»ء
210,000 dwt tanker . . . 14.7 16.6 19.0 31.0 31.0 47.0 42 ﻫﻢ
S o u rce: F earn ley a n d E gers C h arterin g c©. L td ., Review , 1974 (C slo , 1974).
* F o r th e years 1963-1966, see Review o fm a r itim e transport, 1972-1973 (op. ، ta b17
le .:
high dem and for this type o f vessel, the increase in prices steel prices. Generally, steelm akers felt uncertain ab o u t
is estim ated a t 55 p er cent. Such a high percentage tire industry’s prospects in 1975 ﺀﺀand there appears to be
can n o t be explained w ithout including the boom in the little d o u b t th a t the boom in the steel industry and steel
dry cargo freight m arket (see table 28) as the m ost prices have reached their peak. I t is fo r such reasons
im p o rtan t causal factor. T h a t current levels o f ship- th a t certain observers felt th a t there w ould soon be a
building prices have been strongly infiuenced also by retu rn to fixed prices fo r building berths rem aining open
m arket factors is fu rth er supported by the evidence fo r 1976-1977 . ﺀﺀ
(table 15) th a t shipbuilding prices fo r ¥ L C G s dropped
a t the end o f 1974 despite accelerating infiation pressures.
В. Changes In prices of second-hand vessels
T able 16
7 ﻣﻪThe course o f prices fo r second-hand, tanker,
Estimated prices for new and ready liner-type vesseis bulk carrier an d liner type vessels is given in tables 17, 18
11,000/13,000 dwt, 1967-1974 and 19 respectively.
71. © uring 197d the m arket fo r second-hand tonnage
C losed
P r ic e s fo r shelter- has been characterized by significant di^erences in the
constructing decker level o f activity, depending b o th on the tim e o f transaction
M id -Y ea r new vessels per dw t Change
(pounds sterling) (percentage)
and on the type o f tonnage. G enerally, there has been
a relatively lim ited am ount o f tonnage fo r sale, particular-
.................................................. 1,095,500 84.25 ly in the case o f bulk carriers and shelter-deckers, the
6 ام dem and for which has rem ained a t very high levels . ﺀﺀ
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,165,000 89.60 7^. By com paring the d ata given in tables 17, 18 and
3 ,ا
19 w ith the d a ta on the developm ent o f freight rates
- - 1,200,000 92.10
given in chapter ٧ it can be see© th a t the prices o f second-
................................................. 1,350,000 100.80 han d vessels are strongly infiuenced by m ovem ents in the
18.: levels o f freight rates. ? أﺀrices for all types and sizes o f
٠. . . . . . . . . . ٠ 1,600,000 . 123.00 tankers had fallen sharply by th e e n d o f 197d as com pared
18.: w ith 1978, whereas fo r bulk carriers they had rem ained
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,900,000 146.15 stable and fo r liner type vessels h ad fu rther increased.
18.. It can be observed from tables 20 and 21 th a t the prices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,250,000 165.38 fo r bulk carriers o f 88,000 dw t and shelter-deckers of
. . . . . . ٠ .٠ .٠ ٠ 3,500,000 . 269.23
؛٠ See M etal Bulletin ; World Steel and M etal News (London),
S o u rce: Fairplay International Shipping Journal (L o n d o n ), m id-year issue, N o. 5933 (18 October 1974), p. 31, where the annual meeting o f the
; Ju ly 1972, ^8id-year issue, 5 July 197$ a n d m id-year issue, 4 July 1974. International Iron and Steel Institute is reviewed.
٠٠ See Lloyd’s List (London), 5 November 1974, p. 3, where a
report by the Norwegian firm p .p . Bassoe A /s is reviewed.
G n the other hand, cancellations o f new orders o f drop-
ءءShipping World and Shipbuilder (London), vol. 167, No. 3895
ping o f b erth reservations, leaving gaps in the p roduction (July 1974).
program m es, particularly o f medium -size yards, tend to أﺀBowever, in the short term this link may be somewhat less
ease dem and for steel and this in its tu rn should infiuence clear than it is in the long term.
T able 17
Tankers: second-hand prices, average values
/ ءم- ءءء'ءin millions م/ ﻫﻣﺢ//،ءأ- ءat end ofyea r)
S o u rc e : A s fo r ta b le 17.
N o t e : T h e prices a r e m a rk et-v alu e estim ates a t existing exchange rates fo r a ch arter-fi ؛vessel in g o o d c o n d itio n and
w ith fairly p ro m p t delivery o n ca sh basis. B u lk ca rriers o f 50,000 d w t a n d ov er are gear
T able 19
6,600 19580.880.891.00.79
1 ة50 م٠ ٠ . . . . . . ٠ .. 1956 1.4 1.4 1.5 0.85 0.95
13,500 19591.
16,000 3.42.3
S o u rce: ^ s fo r ta b le 1?.
N o t e : T h e prices are m a rket-vaiue estim ates a t existing exchange rates fo r a ch arter-ft Î vessel in g o o d co n d itio n an d
w ith fairly p ro m p t delivery on cash basis.
T able 20
T a b l e 21
Estimated developments of freight rates * and vaines for a good-class 10,500/12,500 dwt sheiter-deci،er
(Values in thousands ofdollars)
Source : A s fo r ta b le 20.
٠ E stim ated ra te fo r 12-m onth tim e eh a rter.
10,500/12,500 dw t reached very high levels during the m ight be created by the reopening o f the Suez Ganal.
first h alf o f the year w hen freight rates also reached their G ther factors affecting the dem and fo r vessels o f this
highest levels, an d as th e dry cargo freight m arkets size group are discussed in parag rap h 110 below.
rem ained firm till the late m onths o f the year, prices o f
75. T he extent to which interest in the different types
these vessels also rem ained firm, although a t low er than
and sizes o f vessels varies is reflected in the prices fo r the
the peak levels reached during th e flrst h a lf o f the year.
corresponding types o f tonnage. F o r instance, as is
72. T he m ark et fo r second-hand tan k er tonnage shown in table 17, p^ces for tankers o f the size groups
developed quite differently. T he weakness o f the tanker 200,000-299,000 dw t and 200,000 dw t dropped furth er
freight m arkets, coupled w ith uncertainty regarding the below their 1972 levels th an could be accounted fo r by
prospects fo r these m arkets an d difficulties in the inter- greater age, while prices fo r tanlcers in the 50,000-
n atio n al m ark et capital, exercised a dow nw ard 100,000 dw t size gronps were aro u n d their 1972 levels
pressure o n dem and fo r second-hand tankers from the and those fo r smaller sizes rem ained a t higher levels th an
early m onths o f the year. This pressure was conseqnentiy in 1972. These price developm ents appear to he very
ffilt in the prices p aid fo r such vessels. I t appears th a t m uch in line with the m ovem ents in tanker freight rates
th e expected reopening o f the Suez C anal has also caused n 1974 described in chapter V below.
som e hesitancy am ong p otential bnyers.
74 W ithin each b ro a d sector o f th e second-hand c . Acquisition of new and seeond-hand vessels
tonnage m ark et (tankers, bnlk carriers, etc.), particu lar by developing countries او
dem and conditions and different levels o f prices are
found, depending again o n th e corresponding dem and 7b. Inform ation regarding the to tal additions o f newly
conditions in the freight m arkets. F o r instance, the bnilt and second-hand vessels to the m erchant fleets o f
dem and fo r dry cargo tonnage has been particularly developing countries in 1972 is given in table 22. T o tal
concen trated on shelter-deck tonnage w hich coffid also gross additions to these fleets am ounted to 192 ships,
be ns^d in liner trades w here boom conditions prevailed aggregating 2 m illion dwt.®^
th ro u g h o u t the year, an d on bnlk tonnage in the F anam ax
60.000 dw t ٠٠ size range w hich has been considered ad- 77. ^ixty-eight newly built vessels aggregating 1.9 mil-
vantageous in th e light o f the expected reopening o f the lion dw t were acquired in 1972 by developing countries,
Suez C anal. ٠٠ In addition, dem and fo r tankers o f up to as com pared with 72 vessels o f 1.1 m illion dw t in 1972.
150.000 dw t ٠٠ has been stronger th a n fo r ATCCs, As in previous years the new vessels were m ainly acquired
and this m ay also reflect the new m ark et conditions which
٠١ The discussion in this section is based on data communicated
to the N N €T A D secretariat by the N n i^ d States D epartm ent
٠٠ Maximum size ( هVI whieh ean the Panam a Canal o f €ommerce، Maritime Administration.
٠٠ Since information re^ardin^ the acquisition o f new and second-
٠٠ Shipping World and Shipbuilder (London), vol. 167, N o. : hand vessels by developing countries in 4?9 لis n o t yet avaiiable,
July 1974. some scattered information which has been extracted from published
٠٠ / ﻣﻤﺢ؛ ﺀ sources Is given in paragraph 90-99 below.
T able 22
م/ س/';ااﺀ
A ll ships Tankers B u lk carriers Freighters O ther ships
3 ,ة ﺀ
10 7
970 29
o f which:
17 3 47 30 205
losses ! ! : 1 8! 215 136 ت ! :ت
::! 71
se rap p in g s 39 3 12 30 210 ^4
O ther d e d n c tio n s 7 14 10
N et A D D IT IO N S 91 217؛, 23 978 7 416 474 17 ?٨?
o f which:
in A f r i c a 19 153 102 35
in A s i ^ 36 ,315 .إ 11 137
in Latin America and C a r ib b e a n 36 749 (-!)* 18 235
Source ; C om piled fro m d a ta o n to n n a g e a d d itio n s a n d deductio ns w hich w ere m a d e availab le to th e U N C T A D secretaria t by th e U n ite d S tates D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m -
m erce, M aritim e A dm inistration.
٠ T h e m inus sign indicates net deductions in th e n u m b e r o f vessels, w hich does n o t necessarily lead to a d ed u ctio n in to n n ag e, b ecau se o f th e increased size o f th e
vessels added to th e fleet.
from shipyarBs o f other th an Beveloping eountries; 80. By com paring the in fo ra a tio n given in table 22
35 vessels o f 1.4 m illion Bwt were built in BeveiopeB w ith the coTTCsponding Bata for 19?2 وﺀit can be seen
m arket-eeonom y eountries anB 10 vessels o f 0.1 mil- th a t there have been noticeable changes in the type anB
lion Bwt in soeialist eountries o f F astern F u ro p e anB size com position o f the net aBBitions to the fleets o f
Asia. T he tonnage o f vessels built a t shipyarBs in Beveloping countries. F o r instance, in 1973 o f tankers
Beveloping countries inereaseB only m arginally from 1.2 m illion Bwt anB bulk carriers o f 0.5 m iiiion Bwt were
0.31 m illion Bwt in 1972 to 0.34 miflion Bwt in 1973; in acquircB, as com parcB w ith tankers o f 0.3 m illion Bwt
relative term s a Beerease occurreB betw een 1972 anB anB bnlk carriers o f 0.3 miflion Bwt in 1972. In the case
1973 anB the share tonnage bnilt a t own yarBs BecreaseB o f tankers the average size o f the acquisitions increascB
from 27.5 per eent in 1972 to 18 p er eent in 1973. from 16,600 Bwt in 1972 to 39,500 Bwt in 1973, anB in
the case o f bnlk carriers from 2^,200 Bwt in 1972 to
78. T he seeonB-hanB tonnage acquireB increaseB
36,500 Bwt in 1973.
from 95 vessels o f 0.76 miflion Bwt in 1972 to 104 vessels
o f 1.1 m iflion Bwt in 1973. A t in previous years these 81. F aken as a whole, the various Bata on the Bevel-
vessels were m ainly acqnireB from BeveiopeB m arket- opm ent o f the fleets o f Beveloping countries point to the
eeonom y countries anB open registry eountries (93 per possible emergence o f a new trenB. This is shown by the
cent o r 1 m iflion Bwt); only 1 p er eent (10,000 Bwt) was annual percentage rates o f grow th over the last fou r years,
aequireB from socialist eonntries o f F astern F n ro p e anB which are:
Asia, while the balance o f 6 per eent (59,000 Bwt) repre- «/«4.8 . . . . . . ا9701-و7 ا
senteB flag ehanges w ithin the gronp o f Beveloping 4.6 . . . . . .9 7 2 إ97 ل- »ل/o
t972-t973 . . . . . . 6.3»/o
1973-1974... . . . 9.5»/o
79. A fter allow ing for Beietions, the net aBBitions to
the fleets o f Beveioping eountries in 1973 were 91 ships W hile current orBers fo r new tonnage are n o t sufficient
totalling 2.2 miflion Bwt as eom pareB w ith 97 vessels to increase the share o f Beveioping countries in the worlB
o f 1.2 miflion Bwt in 1972. © f this tonnage, in 1973 fleet, as table 22 shows the purchase o f seeonB-hanB
Beveloping countries in A friea acquireB 19 vessels o f vessels is m ore im p o rtan t as a source o f fieet expansion.
0.2 miflion Bwt, in A sia 36 vessels o f 1.3 miflion Bwt anB H ence, Bespite the eviBenee from new orBers, the increas-
in L atin A m erica ^nB the G aribbean 36 ships o f 0.7 mil- ing grow th rate o f the fieet o f Beveloping countries.
lion Bwt. T he corresponBing tonnages for 1972 were
0.1, 0.6 anB 0.4 miflion, respectively. ؛Review ofm aritime transport, 1972-1973 (op . ﺀ،'ﺀ.ر table
24 .,
cnupled w ith the arrest ©f the decline in their share o f raid-1977, would cost an estim ated $11 هmillion.® ؟In
w orld tonnage, m ay indicate th a t a new tren d is emerging. order to appreciate the dim ension o f the hnancial require-
I t is clear, however, th a t m ueh m ore w ould be needed m ents for future investm ents in L N G carriers, it is w orth
—virtually m ore th a n is possible—if the objectives o f noting th a t the capacity o f the w orld L N G fieet is
the In tern atio n al © eveiopm ent Strategy fo r the Second expected to he betw een 8.2 m illion and 9.7 m illion c u m
U nited N atio n s © evelopm ent © eeade are to be attained. by the end o f 198fi as against an existing fleet o f2 .fi mil-
lion c u m at the heginning o f 1973 . ﻣﻖA t c u r r e ^ building
82. $om e individual developing countries were able
prices, event at the lower level, the investm ent require-
to add substantial am ounts o f tonnage to their existing
m ent is roughly $5,000 million. The very high costs
fieet in 1973 (see annex V). fu rth e rm o re , as the iufor-
o f building T N G carriers m a^e it increasingly d i^ c u lt to
m ation given in paragrap h s 91 to 99 below indicates,
finance investm ents in such vessels. A ecording to press
qualitative changes in the fieets o f individual developing
reports, hanks find it di® cult to provide the capital
countries are e^peeted. H ow ever, the general picture
required for such investm ents w ithout additional safe-
fo r developing countries as a whole rem ains gloom y and
guards. I t is perhaps fo r such reasons th a t the financing
there ap p ear to he only a very lim ited num ber o fco u n tries
o f the supply o f tonnage required to carry L N G to its
able to bring a b o u t significant im provem ents o f their
destinations is inereasingly becom ing an integrated p a rt
o f the developm ent projects concerned and is additionally
83. One o f the m ain obstacles preventing developing guaranteed by the whole operation.®؟
countries from signifieantly increasing their share in 88. © oubts have been expressed in the press ® وas to
w orld tonnage is the fact th a t insu® cient capital is w hether In d ia wiil he able to Im plem ent its national plan
available to them on suitable term s. As is pointed out program m e o f expanding its m erchant fleet to 8.fi mfi-
above, developing countries acquire vesseis m ainly from lion grt w ithin the next five years, because o f di® eulties
foreign countries an d thus they m ust have access to in raising the capital th a t is required to expand the
foreign credit on suitable term s fo r any significant im- m erchant fieet by ah o u t 1 m illion grt per year, as called
pr©veme سs to be m ade in their fieet as a whole. Exist- fo r in the plan.
ing evidence, however, reveals th a t financing the acqui- 89. R c e n t developm ents in the availahility o f capital
sition o f new vessels has becom e m ore d i^ c u lt in 1974 in oil producing countries have eased di® culties regarding
th an it was in earlier years.
the financing o f investm ents in shipping th a t previously
84. I t is for snch reasons th a t, in the financing o f existed also in these countries.®® Thus a num ber of
new and second-hand tonnage by developing countries, investm ents in shipping projects have heen announced in
attentio n is being focused on the role o f international 1974, while in other eases prospects for the developm ent
financial institntions as suppliers o f capital for shipping o f natural gas resources in developing countries have
investm ents developing countries. U evelopm ents also included plans fo r investm ents in the tra n sp o rt of
appear to be very slow in this direction. In 1974, the natural gas. A vailable inform ation regarding these and
W orld Bank g r a c e d the ?hilippines a loan o f $12fi million other cases o f ship financing in developing countries is
fo r the acquisition, conversion an d repairs o f ships in given helow.
order to im prove the inter-island fieet servicing in the 90. The A rab M aritim e ?etroleum T ran sp o rt Gom-
?hilippines. pany (A M ? T € ), form ed in 1978 hy the G overnm ents o f
85. In July 1974 the OEG © shipbuilding countries eight A rab States under the auspices o f G A ? £ € , ordered
am ended their export credit term s fo r new ships and its first vessels at the beginning o f 1974. Two crude
m ade them considerably less attractive for shipow ners carriers o f 275,000 dw t were ordered iu France for
th an before. The am ended O E C D term s o f ©redit for delivery in 1977 and 1978 respectively, and tw o crude
ships, the text o f which is reproduced in annex VI, carriers of 313,000 dwt, and also one o f 38fi,000 dwt,
eoupled w ith increasing priees for newly built vessels, were ordered in the fe d e ra l R epublic o f G erm any for
m ade it even m ore di® cult fo r developing countries to delivery in 197fi and 1977. T otal costs o f these order s
build up substantial and productive m erchant fieets by are reported to he $320 m illion.“ In the second phase
acqniring new ships.
٠٠^N ٠ : 1974-1990—M arine ©^eraiion an4 m arket prospects
86. W ith the tightening o f shipyard credits, ship- for liquefied natural ^as-p u b lislred by the £©onomk Intelligence
Ifn lt; reviewed in Fairplay Internatiorml Shipping Weekly (London),
owners increasingly have to tu rn to banks for loans, h u t vol. 252, No. 4742 (11 July 1974), p. 6.
hanks have hecome increasingly hesitant to finance new ٠٠ / ﻣﻪﺀه
tonnage an d show a m ore discrim inating and selective ٠ﻣﺮ ؟،،»■ ا،؛
/ de la marine marchande et de la navigation ءسء'ءﻣﺣﻪ
attitude tow ards borrowers.®* This is particularly im- (Paris), 56th year. N o. 2836 (25 April 1974), and ء/، ء’ ﻣﺣﻣﺎList
p o rta n t w hen it comes to investm ents involving very (£ondon), 14 Novenrber 1974. See also para. 123 below.
large capital requirem ents, as for instance ultra-large ٠٠ L loyd's List (London), 11 June 1974, and Shipping and Trade
©rude carriers, liquefied n atu ral gas carriers and large News (Tokyo), 17 June 1974.
container vessels. ٠٠ According to press reports, the total tanker tonnage on order
by developing oil produeing countries in Asia and Afriea anrounted
87. F o r instance, a L N G vessel o f 125,000 cu m in 1974 to 5.74 nriiiion dwt including the tonnage ordered for the
carrying capacity, if ordered in mid-1974 for delivery in A rab M aritime Petroleum Transport Lom pany; L PG /LN G and
chemieal carriers of 1.3 milhon cu m, were also on order (Norwegian
Shipping News (Oslo), vol. 30 N o. 19 (11 November 1974).
٠٠ “Ship finance hit by banking problems” , L lo yd ’s List (London), ٠® The Petroleum Economist (London), vol. NLI, No. 8 (August
ةOctober 1974. 1974), and ﻣﺢ'ءه'أ., N o. 9 (September 1974).
o f its operations, A M P T C plans to order six new tankers de D esarrollo, the governm ent-controlled developm ent
in the size gronp 40,000-150,000 dw t, an d in the third h an k In A rgentina.
phase orders fo r gas carriers, especially L ? G vessels, are 97. N ational and G rindlays B ank in L ondon has
envisaged.،^ provided tw o loans o f a b o n t $7.7 m illion each to the
91. T he M iddle E ast G as an d ?etrolenm Com pany, In dia Steam ship Go. o f G aleutta for the purehase o f two
in which K uw aiti interests hold a m ajority share, is second-hand dry cargo vessels, ? rio r to this loan agree-
reported to be planning to bnild u p a large LE G carrier m ent, the same b an k signed a loan for S20 m illion to
fleet. I t will be assisted by its largest foreign share- finance two new ships for an Indian shipping com pany.^؟
holder, the Liberian-registered M ultinational G as and 98. The M alaysian In ternational Shipping G orpora-
Eetrochem ical C om pany. The assistance offered will be tion has reached an agreem ent w ith an international
in the flelds o f construction an d design o f the fleet, consortium o f banks for a loan o f $600 m illion. The
tran sp o rt, m arketing and term inal operations.^؛ loan will be used by the M alaysian national shipping line
92. A n agreem ent to set u p a jo in t tan k er com pany to bnild up a fleet o f liquefied natu ral gas tankers and
between a D u tch firm an d the U nited A rab E m irates was oil tankers.^® T he cu rren t practice o f treating the
reported to have been reached in Septem ber 1974. It financing o f investm ents for L N G carriers as an inte-
will be know n as the U A E T T n k e r C om pany an d it grated p art o f developm ent projects for L N G production
intends to build u p a fleet o f U LC Cs. The eom pany is is so w idespread th a t surprise has been expressed in a
n o t expected to becom e operational im m ediately .٠٠ press report th a t no decision has yet been reached
regarding the eventual em ploym ent o f the flve L N G
92. T he $audi A rab ian M aritim e C om pany ($am arco)
carriers, which are due fo r delivery in ل978 .ﺀه
has been set u p as a jo in t venture o f $audi A rabian and
U nited States interests. A ccording to press reports, 99. On the other hand, in 1974 there has been an
im m ediate acquisitions o f vessels will am o unt to exam ple o f dom estic flnancing fo r investm ents in shipping
approxim ately 600,000 to 800,000 dw t o f tanker tonnage in a developing country. C ontracts for 45 vessels o f
and additional vessels will be added a t a rate o f 750,000 varions types and sizes w orth a b o u t £25fl m illion have
to 1 m illion d ^ t p er year fo r several years.^، been granted to the shipyards C om panhia Com ercio e
N a v e g a ^ o (C C N ) o f Brazil fo r Brazilian owners. The
94. Some oth er developm ents, in speciflc circum -
delivery o f vessels is to be spread over the period 1976-
stances, which have also helped to widen the sources o f
1980 and the flnancing has been secured through loans
capital fo r flnancing an d enabled developing countries
by the Brazilian G overnm ent, repayable in 15 years a t
to acquire ships, are noted below.
8 per cent interest.“؛
95. In d ia an d Ira n are to set u p a jo in t shipping line
100. These examples illnstrate the possibilities and
und er the titie Irano-N ind Shipping C om pany in which
also the problem s th a t developing eountries have
Iran will have a 51 per cent share an d the Shipping
encountered in raising the capital required for the
C o rp o ratio n o f In d ia a 49 per cent stake. The G overn-
extension o f shipping activities. In the light o f the
m ent o f Ira n will provide credit fo r buying ships.،؛
increasing difficulties experienced by developing countries
96. In June 1974, a group o f 41 international banks in financing the acquisition o f vessels, the Com m ittee
announced in L ondon tbe signing o f a loan agreem ent on Shipping, in resolution 21 (VI) adopted a t its sixth
w ith E m presa Lfneas M arftim as, s. A. (ELM A ) of session, reqnesffid im provem ents in flnancial term s and
A rgentina for $152.5 m ilhon repayable over eight years. conditions for the purchase o f ships by developing
A ccording to press reports,^® a to tal o f 12 cargo vessels
were being ordered b u t the loan is n o t speciflcally tied
to the vessels, since it is guaranteed by the Banco N acional
أيJournal o f Commerce (Liverpool), 13 April 1974.
ﺀيFinancial Times (London), 28 Noveniber 1974.
٠٠ Norwegian Shipping News (Oslo), vol. 30, N ٠ . 19(11 Ncvemb^r
1974). ٠٠ Lloyd’s List (London), 11 December 1974.
٠٠ ﺀ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﻢList (London), 25 Febrnnry 1974. ؛٠ Seatrade (Colchester U .K .). vol. 4, N o. 12 (December 1974),
and Journal de la marine marchande ﺀهde la navigation aérienne
٠٠ Ibid., 5 October 1974.
(Paris), 56th year. N o. 287b (19 December 1974) and N o. 2871
٠٠ Financial Times (London), 4 D e e m b e r 1974. (26 December 1974).
1 ,. ٠٠ / ﻣﺢ’ﺀهNovember 1974, nnd ﺀسﺀك-( ﺀﻣﺤﻪColchester U.K.), ٠٠ F o r tbe text of resolution 21 (VI), see Official Records o f the
vol. 4, No. 11 (November 1974). Trade and ﺀ ^ ﺀﺀ/ ﺀ » ﺀﺀ « ر ﺑﻢBoard, Fourteenth Session, Supplement
٠٠ ﺀ/ ﺀﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﻢ/( ؛ﺀLondon), 11 June 1974. No. 2 (TD/B/521), annex I.
Chapter IV
T able 23
Deliveries of new buildings, 1968-1974 '
(In thousand dwt)
B u lk carriers »
Com bined (including
Tankers ٠ carriers ﺀ ٠٢» carriers) م،■ اﺀه
ﺀ.؛ Total
1972 50 7,774 243 9,179 1,102 44,280
1973' 54 8,255 ^14
1974 34 4,700 200 م
8 00 780 1,251 58,000
S o u rce: F earnley an<t £^er$ C h arterin g C o. L td ., 1974 ,' ( ااﺀا^ ﺀﻣﺢO slo, 1974), ta b le 4.
ﺀF o r d a ta referring to earlier ^ears, see R eview o fm a r iti m e آر، ﺀﺳﻤﻪﺀﺀ»ﺀ / ﺋﺤﻮ
, -ﺀا/ ﺀه ) ل. c it.) , ta b le ;
ﺀVessels over 10,000 dw t.
٠ A ll seagoing cargo-carrying vessels over 1,000 grt.
» Revised figures.
ean tu rn to national shipyards for the eonstruetion o f ١٧^$ the result صcancellations o f a nnnrher o f contracts ﺀﺀ
new tonnage only to very lim ited extent, ^ o r the fo r tanlcer new huiidings and a net fall in the nnnrher of
present an d also for the foreseeable future, m ost develop- V LCCs on order, w hieh was n o t o ^ e t by the increased
ing countries will have to depend entirely on foreign orders for tankers nnder 150,000 dwt. In faet, hetween
shipyards, an d this will tend to accentuate their balance- 1 N ovem ber 1973 and 31 O ctober 1974 the to tal order
of-paym ents problem s. A few encouraging changes, h ook for tankers increased by a mere 1.6 per e e n t“ as
however, have heen observed in recent years. Brazilian com pared w ith an increase o f ab o u t 75 per cent in the
shipyards are increasingly active in supplying tonnage corresponding period ending O ctoher 1973. H owever,
for B razilian owners and it is heing suggested th a t in the this charge should n o t substantially affect deliveries o f
foreseeable futu re they m ay have to tu rn to the inter- new tankers in the next few years, since the tonnage
national m ark et to seek em ploym ent an d thus becom e under construction h ad further increased to 20.4 mil-
an export industry. ؛؟A no th er exam ple is the founda- lion grt a t the end o f Septem ber 1974 as com pared with
tion o f the H yundai shipyard a t M ipo Bay, R epublic o f 15 m illion grt at the end o f Septem ber 1973.
K orea, where in L ebruary 1974, only 21 m onths after
108. The rapid increase in the num her o f tankers on
construction o f the yard h ad started, the first 259,000 dwt
order in the size group o f 400,000 dw t and ahove, which
tan k er was com pleted. ؟٥
was a characteristic o f the order book in 1973, did n o t
106. T he long-term prospeets for the shiphuildingcontinue in 1974. A fter having Jnm ped from 36 at
industry depend on the outcom e o f several faetors which 30 Septem ber 1973 to 66 a t the end o f 1973, the num her
can n o t yet be fully evaluated. In addition to the m onet- o f tankers on order in this size group rose slightly to 70
ary problem s th a t still rem ain unsoived, a nnm her o f in the first q u arter o f 1974, h u t deehned to 69 at mid-1974
oth er problem s have arisen. The w orld energy situation and rem ained a t 69 a t the end o f the th ird q u arter of
and increased b unker costs could have an im pact on 1974. ﻟﻢNevertheless, w ithin the size group o f 400,000 dw t
future dem and for tonnage, thus slackening the dem and and ahove there is still a preference for tankers o f over
fo r yard capaeity. In this connexion several reports 500,000 dw t, the num ber o f w hich on order increased
predict a slow dow n in the rate o f increase in the dem and from 7 a t the end o f M arch 1974 to 10 a t the end o f
fo r oil an d vast surpluses o f oil tan k er tonnage; if this Septeraher 1974.
occurred, it w ould certainly have serious repercussions 109. The em phasis in new orders for tankers during
on the dem and for shipyard capacity. A t the same time, 1974, however, was on tankers o f under 150,000 dwt.
general économ ie forecasts also give a rath er uncertain A renewed interest in tankers o f this category was
if n o t gloom y picture o f the future econom ic situation already apparent during 1973. Indeed, between 1 N o-
in several o f the m ajor industrial eountries, which, vem ber 1972 and 31 C ctober 1973 the tonnage on order
if realized, w ould aifect w orld trad e an d its pace o f o f this size o f tankers douhled (25.3 million dw t in 1972
expansion an d thus the dem and fo r tonnage. O n the and 52.6 m illion dw t in 1973). In the period from
oth er hand, experience has show n th a t it beeomes m ore 1 N ovem ber 1973 to 31 C ctober 1974 the order h ook for
and m ore d i^ c u lt to forecast even short-term econom ic tankers under 150,000 dw t registered a further increase
developm ents w ith a reasonable degree o f reliability. to 62.6 m illion dwt.®®
I t seems, however, th a t there are b u t few indications,
if any, th a t the w orld shiphuilding industry is likely to 110. There appear to be several reasons for the
know a period o f prosperity in the late 197fis ؟؟com par- interest in tankers o f under 150,000 dwt. C ne o f them
able to th a t experienced since 1969 to date.®؟ is the com paratively unfavonrable age distribution o f
this fieet. W hile alm ost all the tonnage o f the size
group 150,000 dw t and above is less th a n 10 years old,
B. Particular developments by type of vessel ab o u t 32 per cent o f tankers below 150,000 dw t were
15 years and older a t mid-1974.®® A n other reason is the
fact th at the Suez € a n a l is scheduled to reopen in 1975,
1. B ulk cargo vessels when it is planned to accom m odate in the first stage ships
(a) Tankers o f about 60,000 dw t loaded and 110,000 dw t in hailast.®،
1^7. $ince the early 196fis there has heen a trend Linally, there appears to have heen a very rapid grow th
tow ards the d o m ination o f tankers an d dry bulk carriers
(including com bined carriers) in the to tal o rder book, ٠٠ Twenty-four contracts for ^ n k e r new buildings am ounting
as well as in deliveries o f new buildings. In 1974, for for 4.5 million dwt were cancelled between 1 November 1973 and
the first tim e in recent years the share o f tankers in the 31 October 1974. World Ships ٠ « Order : Fairplay International
Shipping Journal (London), Nos. 38 to 41.
to tal order b o o k did n o t increase significantly. This
٠» Ibid., N o 37 (November 1973) and N o. 41 (November 1974).
٠١ Quite a num ber of orders for ULCCs of tbis size group refer
٠٠ Seatrade (Colchester U .K .), vol. 4, No. 12 (December 1974). to restricted draft vessels o f about 73 feet drafi for 400,000 dwt
٠٠ Lloyd’s List (London), 15 April 1974. vessels {Fairplay International Shipping Journal (London), vol. 253,
N o. 4757 (24 October 1974).
٠ ؟Lloyd’s List (London), 26 October 1974.
٠٠ World Ships ٠« Order .• Fairplay International shipping Journal
٠٠ Japanese ship exports In August 1974 were down 71.6 per cent
(London), N o. 37 (November 1973) and N o. 41 (November 1974).
from the corresponding m onth in 1973 in terms of contracts awarded.
It is also interesting to note that between the beginning o f the fiscal ٠٠ Lloyd’s Register ٠/ Shipping: Statistical Tables (London),
year 1974 (1 April) and August 1974, Japanese yards did not recei¥e 1974.
any orders for either ALCCs or ULCCs {Shipping and Trade News also ?aras. 261-267 b^lo^y on tbe reopening of tbe Sue
(Tokyo), 12 September 1974). Canal.
o f trad e in petroleum products, which has led to increased costs. T he extremely rap id grow th o f such tonnage
orders for vessels o f the ap p ro p riate type. ؛؟A m ong the in the last 1 هyears occnrred in response to the advantages
m ajor factors infiuencing the dem and for prod u ct carriers o f the newly adopted concept o f com bined operations.
is the planned expansion o f refining capacities in oi! Snrely, only p a rt o f the dem and for shipping services
producing developing countries. will be o f a type which could be subject to com bined
operations and hence future orders for such tonnage
(b) D ry bulk carriers and combined carriers will be to satisfy new specific requirem ents, fn this
connexion, it is w orth noting th a t beetwen 1972 and
111. Since early 1973 there has been a considerable
1974 the great redaction in new orders was fo r ore/oil
decrease in the tonnage o f bulk carriers (including combi-
carriers o f 150,000 dw t and above (16 in 1974 as com pared
ned carriers) und er construction, which dropped from
w ith 52 vessels in 1972), while the order boolc for bulk/oil
8.38 million grt at the end of the first q u arter o f 1973
( ) ه ^ هcarriers o f up to 150,000 dw t declined only by
to 5.4 m ilhon g rt a t the end o f the th ird q u arter o f 1974. $i^ vessels in the same period (38 in 1974, as com pared
T here was also a decrease in the tonnage o f bulk carriers w ith 44 in 1972). ةﺀThese d ata suggest th a t the level
delivered. Between 1 D ctober 1973 an d 30 Septem ber o f new orders is well sustained for the tonnage which
1974, 8.2 m ilhon g rt were delivered as com pared with offers the widest fiexibility o f operation to the owners.
9.3 m illion g rt in the 12-m onth period ending S e p te t- T he operational fiexibility o f this medium -sized com bined
her 1973. tonnage is dem onstrated by recent shifts o f such vessels
112. T he to ta l order book for bulk carriers and from the oil to the dry cargo m arket. In the m eantim e,
com bined carriers together decreased only slightly. the idea o f a new type o f com bined carrier was intro-
A t the end o f Septem ber 1974 the order b o o k stood ^t duced, the so-called PROBO.®“ It is proposed th a t
18 m illion grt as eom pared w ith 18.7 m illion grt on this vessel should be in the size group o f 96,000 to
30 Septem ber 1973. In relative term s the share o f dry 126,000 dw t and should be able to carry products, crude
bulk tonnage in to tal tonnage on order decreased from oil, bulk cargoes and ore. ^ h e smallest size vessel is
16.4 p er cent at the end o f Septem ber 1973 to 14.1 per planned to carry 96,000 dw t on a d raught o f only
cent ^ t the end o f Septem ber 1974. 12.8 m, which will m ake it suitable for shallower w aters.•؛؟
Tike other product carriers, it will be able to carry nine
113. Gonsidered separately, however, the trends in
different kinds o f products.
buik carriers an d com bined carriers diverged. The
tonnage on o rd er for com bined carriers continued to
decline: a t the end o f O ctober 1974, 9.3 m illion dw t 2. General cargo and unit load system vessels
were on order, as com pared w ith 13.8 m illion dw t a t
31 G ctober 1973. G n the oth er hand, the tonnage o f 115. T he tendency observed in p re v io u years for
o ther bu lk carriers on order increased from 25.1 m illion general cargo tonnage on order to decrease was reversed
dw t a t 31 G ctober 1973 to 27 m illion dw t a t 31 Gcto- between Septem ber 1973 and Septem ber 1974. The
ber ل974 .هﺀ d ata for the period end Septem ber 1972 to Septem ber 1974
for ships o f m ore than 2,000 grt are: ٢٠
114. W ith regard to the decline in orders for com- D elivered
bined carriers, there appears to be a confiict o f views Total Under during
tonnage preceding
as to the future dem and fo r such vessels. Some observers on ٠٢ﺀﻣﺢ٢ Per- struction Per- Î 2 m onths
felt th a t the boom in construction o f com bined carriers (m illion centage (m illion centage (m illion
g r t) change g r t) change g rt) change
occurred only because o f the extrem ely low bnilding
End o f:
prices fo r vessels in the 196fis. This argum ent is not,
however, supported by the available evidence. Ship- September 197^ . 6.5 4.0 4.3
building prices have risen sharply since the late 1960s,•
nevertheless, the tonnage o f com bined carriers on order September 1973 . 5.6
rose from 6.9 m illion dw t in 1969 to 21.6 m illion dw t in + 19.6 -1 6 .0 -1 6 .3
September 1974 . 6.7
1972 . أﺀth e re fo re , the decline in the tonnage o f com-
bined carriers on o rd er since 1972 is m ore likely to be
due to the fact th a t existing an d foreseen dem and for 116. D etailed d ata concerning the p articular changes
sudh vessels has been m et rath er th a n to rising building in each type o f vessel included in the group “genera]
cargo vessels” are n o t available. F o r “u n it load vessels” ,
٠ ؛Aceording to a report published by Terminal ©perators Ltd.
too, only partial inform ation is available and is given
(as quoted in Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 13 June 1974), in the following paragraphs.
on the basis of produet earriers now on order and on different rates
of scrapping o f existing tonnage, between 895 and 1,119 vessels 117. A t the end o f Septem ber 1974 total container
of 39,9 سdwt equivalent will be in service in January 1977 while tonnage on order am ounted to 1.25 m illion grt, repre-
demand should be between 1,399 and 1,599 vessels o f 39,999 dwt
equivalent based on growth rates of 7.8 and 19 per cent In the
trade. ٠٠ / ه،ﻣﻤﺢ
٠٠ World Ships on Order: Fairplay International Shipping Journal ٠٠ Journal de la marine marchande et de /٠ navigation aérienne
(London), N o. 37 (November 1973), N o. 49 (Angus( 1974) and (Paris), 56(h year. No. 2847 (I I July 1974), ? ٠ 17П5, and ibid..
N o. 41 (November 1974). No. 2851) هAugust 1974), p. 1945.
٠٢ Fearnley and Fgers ©bartering Co. L td., World Bulk Carriers, ٢٠ The M otor Ship (London), vol. 55, N o. 652 (November 1974).
January 1969 (©s!o), table 8, and World Bulk Fleet, January 1972 ٢١ Lloyd’s Register o fS h ip p in g : Merchant Shipbuilding ^ £ ؛،،٢«
(Oslo), table 19. (London), third quarter issues for 1972, 1973 and 1974.
senting 18.8 per cent © fall general cargo vessels on order, 3. Other vessels
^ h e com parable figures a t the end o f Septem ber 1973
were 1 m illion g rt an d 17.8 p er cent, respectively. These (a) Liquefied gas carriers
totals were low er th a n a year earlier an d h ad indicated 120. A dvances condnued to be very rapid in 1974
th a t perhaps the co ntainer ship boom was ending. with regard to the tonnage o f liquefied gas carriers,
the tonnage on order and the si^e o f the vessels. A n
118. The trend in recent years for the shipbuilding
increasing num ber o f shipyards in western Europe,
industry to provide m ore flexible an d diversified unit
load tonnage persisted in 1973-1974, as show n in table 24. the U nited States o f A m erica and Jap an have by now
orders on han d for this highly speeialized and capital-
There was an increase in the num ber o f p a rt container
intensive type o f vessel. D evelopm ents and prospects
ships, full container ships, contain er/trailer ships, vehicle
regarding the rapidly increasing dem and ﺀآfo r liquefied
carriers an d pallet ships, while the num ber o f vessels
gas suggest th a t tran sp o rt requirem ents for liquefied gas
on o rd er o f ah oth er types o f u n it load systems deelined.
will further a ttract the interest o f shipyards which have
the advanced technology required.
T able 24
121. D nring 1973, both the existing fieet o f liquefied
Numbers of unit loBd system vessels gas earriers and the tonnage on order increased consi-
on order ﺀat mid-1973 and mid-1974 derably. In Jan u ary 1974, the existing fieet h ad a
capacity o f 3.3 m illion eu m (see table 25), as com pared
T ype o f vessel 1973 1974 w ith 2.6 m illion cu m a t the beginning o f 1973, while the
eapaeity o f the fieet on order rose from 3.4 million cu m
Bart container ships » 393 499 to 6.2 m illion cu m during the sam e period.
Fuh comainer ships ﺀ 7869 122. Advances have also been very rapid with regard
Uontainer/trailer sh ip s 58 66 to the carrying capacity o f L N G earriers. W hile,
C ontainer/part refrigerated ships. . . . . . . 44 34 ab o u t 10 years ago, the first generation o f L N G ships
¥ehic]e c a rrie rs 28 35 was in the size range o f 25,000-40,000 cu m, this was
B uk-vehicle c a r r i e r s 37 26 followed by an increase to betw een 70,000 and
Bulk container s h i p s 29 23 90,000 eu m .’® I t ean be seen from table 25 th a t new
Barge c a r r i e r s 10 9 orders are now concentrated on vessels o f 100,000 cu m
and above. A bout 90 per eent o f the tonnage on order
B a lle ts h ip s 1 3
a t the beginning o f 1974 belongs to this size group.
Container/barge carriers . . . . ٠ . . ٠. ٠ . 4 3
123. It has been noted in chapter III th a t because o f
S o u rce: C om piled fi-om W orld Ships ٠« O rd e r: م<رمﺀ/ ﻣﻪ/»، اﺀ-» ه، ه » ه'ﺀ/ ﻫﺚ/ﺀ» ﺀﻣﻢ the volume o f finance required fo r m odern L N G
Journal (L o n d o n ), N o . 40 (A u g u st 1974).
؛، Including co n tracts p ending o r u n d e r n eg o tiatio n .
earriers, their financing is increasingly beeom ing a p^rt
١ • ؟resumaEi^ ؛so m e 0 ( titese ^esseis a re w h at a re usuaiiy eaiied m u lti-p u rp o se o f the respective developm ents o f gas resonrees rath er
yesseis. th an an independent activity. Table 26 lists a num ber
٠ Including 24 »essels w ith a co n ta in e r cap acity 0 ( less th a n 200 T E U .
o f L N G schemes in which the financing o f the carrying
vessels has been integrated.
119. T he yearly increase in size and speed o f container
ships o n o rder th a t conld be observed u p to 1973 was ( ) ﺀPush-barge vessels
n o t present in 1974. G n the contrary, from July 1973 124. Interest in push-barge systen^s is developing
to In ly 1974 th e average capacity o f fully ©ellular vessels slowly. In 1973 reference was m ade to the com m ission
on order decreased from 1,©65 T E U ؟٤ to 1,002 T E U per o f an ocean-going pnsh-barge vessel o f 23,000 m
vessel.’® T he largest vessel on o rder a t mid-1974 had F rance. In 1974, it has been announced th a t a pnsh-
a carrying capacity o f 2,274 ^ E U , as com pared with barge vessel system has been suceessfnliy tried on a round
2,804 T E U fo r the largest vessel on o rd er a t mid-1973. trip between Jap an and China. As a result two barges
In this connexion, it is w orth noting th a t there have been o f 4,000 dw t each and a pusher have been ordered in
warnings from British shipow ner circles against the Ja p an .’؟
construetion o f very large container ships.’* The sub-
stance o f the w arning was th a t there should be a balance )) ﺀB AC AT-vessel
betw een th e desire for a certain frequency o f service 125، A new type of barge-earrying vessel fo r short
and fo r inoreasing vessel sizes, the m ore so sinee the sea trades has been eonstrneted in D enm ark, ^ h e
loss o f a very large container ship w ould have disastrous
effeets o n the trade, w hieh already has a tight balance ﺀأF e r example, by 1980 the United States of America can he
between space offered an d space required. expected to im port between 46,000 milhon and 64,000 million cu m
from various sources, which is m ore than 10 times the volume of
gas moving under existing contracts. In 1980 also ^ p a n should
T £ U = Twenly-foot equivalent unit. be receiving ^4,000 million to 34,500 million cu m as against ab^ut
Birm orders of lift-on lift-off fuil container ships o f more than 9,000 million cu m by 1975. Besides that, movements of L ?G could
300 T F U capacity are taken into consideration. Diseussion based reach 17.5 milhon tons, as compared with 7.^ million tons in 1972.
on World Ships ٠« Order: Fairplay International shipping Weekly (€f. ﻣﺢ'ﺀ »و'ﺀئGas Carrier Register, 1974, compiled by H. U la rk o n
(London), No. 36 (23 August 1973), and ﻣﺢ'ﺀﻫﺊ., N o. 40 (22 August and € o . Ltd, London).
1974). ؟٠ Petroleum Review (London), vol. 28, N o. 331 (July 1974).
’* Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 8 Apri! 1974. ” Zoseti (T o ^ o ), vol. XIX, N o. 1 (April 1974).
٢٠٠ﺫ \o
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T able 26
Existing and ?ro؛eeted LNG schemes whicb include ( ؛building of LNG carriers
D elivery capacity
N um ber and د (approx. billion
Project C om m encem ent o fs h ip s cu m iyea r)
A. Existing projects
Algeria-United Kingdom . . . . . . . 1964 2 ^ 2 7 ,5 0 0 1.0
A lg e ria -F ra n c e ......................................... 1965 1 ^ 25,500 0.5
(Arzew-Le Havre)
A la sk a -Ja p a n ............................................. 1969 2 x 71,500
Libyan A rab Republic-Spain . . . . . 1971 1 X 40,000
Libyan A rab Republic-Italy . . . . . . 1972 3 X 40,000 3.0
B ru n e i-J a p a n ............................................. 1972 7 x 75,000 7.0
A lg e ria -F ra n c e ......................................... 1973 2 x 4 0 ,0 0 0
Projectedfirm schemes
Abu D babi-Japan . . . . . . . . . . 1976 2x1 ^ 5,000 3.0
i x g7,600
Algeria-United States of America . . ٠ 1976 9 x 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 10.0
In d o n e s ia -^ p a n ................. 1977/78 7X 125,000 10.0
A lg e ria -E u ro p e ................. 1977/78 4X 129,500
BA CA T (barge aboard catam aran) system has a num ber rig. A t the end o f 1973 the following num bers o f units
o f features th a t m ake it significantly di^eren t from the were in service or on o rd e r ; ®م
established LA SH and SLA BLL systems. There is no T yp e In service On order
hold provided and, as w ith the SLA BLL-type vessel,
J a c k - u p ..................................................... 124 37
there is an elevator fitted to lift the harges instead o f a
S e ،n l-su b m erslb le ..................................... 45 70
gantry crane em ployed on L A SH -type ships. The Drill s h i p ...................................................... 55 14
twin hulls o f the B A € A T ship are n o t suitable for the
carriage o f cargo and the harges are carried between 127. The w orld supply fieet h^s expanded during
the hulls. ®؟B A € A T has been designed for the special the last few years to keep pace with the increase in
needs o f the n o rth ern U nited ^ in g d o m -€ o n tin e n t onshore drilling operations. Lxact statistical evidence
bulk trad e an d th e barges will m ainly operate on the concerning the num ber o f vesseis o f this category is
rivers H um her, T ren t and Tees and their extensive canal n o t avaiiahle; it has heen estim ated, however, th a t as
spurs. Special push-tow tugs have been purpose-built m any as 655 units have been in service and ab o u t 240 are
for this o p eratio n .®؟ on order.®^ In the course o f tim e vessels have hecom e
increasingly sophisticated, ^ h i l e they were initially
{d) Offshore drilling rigs and offshore supply vessels
only used for supply purposes, a num ber o f new units
126. D uring recent years onshore drilling aetivities also have facilities fo r handling anchors th a t rigs need
have increased considerably. These o ^ h o r e aetivities for m ooring and are capable o f aeting as tugs for m oving
have been o f a considerable significance for the ship- the rigs from one drilling location to another, thus
building industry, w hich has heen engaged in the cons- relieving the purpose-huilt salvage tugs o f this task.
truction o f driliing rigs and olfshore supply vessels.
There are three basic types o f drilling rigs employed.
The initial type o f drilling platform produced for use c. Trends in propulsion
in shallow w aters was the Jack-up design. T his unit
has now been Joined by tw o other types for use in deeper 128. In mid-1974 the world m erchant fieet consisted
w ater c o n d itio n ; the drill ship and the sem i-submersihle mainly o f nrotor ships and steam ships, tim latter m ostly
being pow ered by steam turbines. A small num her o f
؟؟Shipping World and Shipbuilder (London), voi. 167, N o. 38؛
(Apri! 1974). ٠® The Marine Industries— Offshore, special survey by The
؟٠ Cargo Systems (International) (London), vol. 1, No. M otor Ship () ﻫﻬﻬﺄا© ا, June !974.
(M arch 1974), p. 15. ٠١ Ibid.
о о p p 00 ٢٢ ٢
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ﺀ و
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1 ئ
؛ ؛ ٠ﻣﻪ
٠١ ٩٦٩
— ١٥ ١٥
^ ٣٠١ ٠١
ت-م ^о о ١٨
vessels are propelled by gas turbines. T he num ber of clarified w hether international and local agreem ents on
truclear-pow ered vessels In com m ission rem ains constant safety standards will allow the vessels the norm a! nse
a t three ships. T he great m ajority o f the vessels under o f territorial w aters. ’؟A nother problem th a t arises
eonstruetion a t the end o f Septem ber 1974, i.e. 2,194 ships w ith norm al operation o f nuclear-pow ered vessels is
o u t o f a to tal 2,333, were m o to r ships. H ow ever, in the question o f liability in case o f dam age. Agreem ents
term s o f tonnage the share was 52.7 p er eent for m otor hased on the Brussels © onvention on the liability o f
ships and 47.3 per eent for steam ships.®؟ shipowners lay dow n th a t the operator is liahle u p to a
lim it o f ab o u t D M 350 m illion, regardless o f w hether he
129. The diesel engine rem ains the predom inant
is at fault. F o r claims exceeding this lim it the licensing
form o f m o to r pow er fo r ships below 100,000 grt. G f
^tate has to guarantee coverage. H ow ever, there is
ships nnd er construction o r on order a t the end o f
no international law regulating in a precise w^y the
Septem ber 1974 virtually all o f those u nder 30,000 grt
question o f liahiiity o f ow ners and o f the licensing State
were m o to r vessels, as can be seen from table 27. In
for c^lls in foreign ports, and in the m eantim e bilateral
the size group betw een 30,000 grt an d 99,999 g rt the
agreem ents have to suffice.؟؟
dom inance o f diesel p ropnlsion was som ew hat less
noticeable th a n in the previous tw o years. Jn the size 131. N evertheless, the G K SS ؟٠ o f the Federal R epu-
group o f 100,000 grt and above, steam turbines rem ain blic o f G erm any, in co-operation w ith shiphnilders and
the pred o m in an t form o f propulsion. ®؟T he prices o f shipowners, is planning a nuciear-pow ered container
diesel oil an d fuel oil have evolved qnite differently since ship o f 80,000 shp and an operational speed o f 28 knots
the end o f 1973, an d this m ay en to u rag e the adoption for the N o rth W est E u ro p e -F a r E ast run, and is aim ing
o f diesel engines in the size range o f 100,000 grt and to reaeh a deeision on the construetion o f such a vessel
over either th ro u gh the use o f tw in screws o r through by mid-1975. ®؟A lso, Ja p an is considering the eons-
im proved engine technology. A n indication o f this is truetion o f a second nnelear-pow ered vessel, either a
given in press reports th a t several shipow ners w ho had container ship o r a ta n k e r , *ﺀb u t in the light o f increasing
ordered steam turbine-pow ered ships have attem pted to difficulties in the operation o f the “M utsu” it is doubtful
renegotiate their contracts to have diesel engines installed. w hether any concrete steps will be taken in the near
Diesel engines o f 50,000 bhp p er ship have been ordered future to pursne this project.
fo r five 23-knot contain er ships an d it is considered
th a t th e increasing costs o f operating these vessels—
m ainly fuel costs— in a long h aul snch as from E urope D . Automation and other technological advances
to A ustralia have infineneed the shipow ners’ decision 132. F u rth e r specific developm ents have n o t been
to install diesel prop u lsio n .*؟ reported in 1974 b u t additional studies have been under-
130. ^inee the rise in b u n k er prices an d the new taken to reduce the num ber o f crew m em bers by m eans
danger o f euts in supplies, interest in studies o f nuelear o f autom ation an d reorganization. In this connexion,
pow er as an alternative to fossil fuel in ship propulsion it has been claim ed in a study carried o u t by the H ansa
has been revived. It has been calculated th at, a t early Shipping G om pany in Brem en th a t a crew o f 12 could
1974 b u n k er prices, a nnelear-pow ered ©ontainer ship suffice for a ©ontainer vessel serving the trade between
with a eapaeity o f 1,000 oontainers w ould break even F n ro p e and the F a r E ast w ithout affecting the operation
w ith a fossil-fuelled vessel a t 24 k nots an d 33,000 shp. ®؟o f a vessel o r its security, u n der the assum ptions th at
How ever, sim ilar optim istic calculations were also m ade the sea/port ratio w ould be 94.2/5.8, frequent p o rt calls
on several occasions in the past, b u t have subsequently w ould be o f an extrem ely short duration, the supervision
been revised, particularly as a result o f increasing costs o f cargo w ould be confined to inspecting the holds,
fo r th e eonstruetion o f a nuclear-pow ered vessel. ®؟refrigerated eontainers and containers loaded w ith
M oreover, if nuclear-pow ered vessels com e into ope- dangerous eargo.“®
ratio n , n o t only have the questions o f eeonom ic supe-
riority an d o f regular m anning o f an increased num ber أﺀIn (his connexion, it is worth referring to the difficulties
o f sueh vessels to be answ ered, b u t it also has to be faced at sea hy the Japanese nueiear-powered vessel. Because
o f radioactive leaks, it was refused access to ports anywhere and
only after drifting six w e e k in the Pacific was it allowed to enter
٠®Lloyd's Register o fs h ip p in g : Merchant Shipbuilding Return its home port.
(London), third quarter o f 1974. Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), vol. 253
٠® On 39 September 1974, 7.4 per cent of the number of vessels N o. 4754 (3 October 1974).
on order in the size ^roup of 100,000 §rt and above were m otor ؟٠ Association for the utilization of nuclear energy in shipbuilding
ships. The corresponding share on 30 September 1973 was 8.3 per and shipping.
cent. {Lloyd’s Register ofship p in g .• Merchant Shipbuilding Return ٠٠ Journal de la marine marchande ﻣﺢ ؛ء£ la navigation aérienne
(London), ﺀorrespondin جissues.) (Paris), 56th year. N o. 2841 (3 هMay 1974), p. 1317. Also Fairplay
٠* The M otor Ship (London), vol. 55, N o. 649 (August 1974). /«، ءء-» ﺳﻪ'ءس/ Shipping Weekly (London), vol. 253, N o. 4754
Fairplay International Shipping Journal (London), N o. 25 (3 October 1974).
(Ju[y 1974). ٠* Seatrade (Colchester U.K.), vol. 4, No. 5 (M ay 1974).
٠٠ Congressional Information Bureau (l^ashin^ton ﻣﻪ€ .), vol. 78, ٠® Journal ، ءاla ءءس-،'» ءmarchande ﺀجde la navigation aérienne
N o. ^31 (29 November 1974). (Paris), 56th year. N o. 2847 (11 July 1974).
C hapter ¥
A. General developments m ents in the freight m arkets in N ovem ber and D ecem ber
clearly dem onstrated th a t the boom in the dry cargo m ar-
133. In the dry bulk an d tan k er cargo m arkets, the ket w hich began in the last q u arter o f 1972 has well
uncertainty created by the sharp rise in oil prices and passed its peak.
im position o f restrictions on oil shipm ents in the last 135. The prospects for the dry cargo m arket appear
m onths o f 1973 was felt in the early m onths o f 1974. to be riddled w ith uncertainties. M uch depends on
How ever, after a tem porary panse the dem and fo r dry how far infiation and the rise in oil prices will affect
cargo tonnage recovered an d strong dem and conditions econom ic grow th in industrial countries, consequently
characterized the m ark et till well into the fo u rth quarter also their dem and for im ports, particularly o f industrial
o f 1974. T he ability o f the m arket in the flrst h a lf o f raw m aterials. ؛؛N evertheless, som e ob serv ers ®؛felt
1974 to sustain the im pact o f an alm ost continuous th a t w orld consum ption o f raw m aterials will begin
transfer o f com bined carriers an d tankers ؛؛to the dry to expand in 1975, particularly if oil prices stabilize.
cargo trades w ithout this having a depressing effect on In addition, since the dry cargo m arket is substantially
the level o f freight rates, was indicative o f its strength. influenced by grain m ovem ents, the prospects fo r the
134. T he strength o f the dry cargo m arket in the next few m onths also depend on the am ount o f grains
flrst h a lf o f 1974 was derived from a wide m ovem ent traded. The concern a t the end o f the third q u arter
o f all m ^jor bulk com m odities, particularly grain, ore o f 1974 regarding the relatively p o o r crop yield in the
and coal follow ing the upheaval created by the oil U nited States and the cancellation o f certain sales con-
situation. Voyage an d tim e ch arter rates fo r m ost tracts w ith the U SSR increased the uncertainty in the
classes o f tonnage help u p a t rem arkably high levels, m arket. However, against this, reference should be
^ h ere were, however, noticeable fluctuations in the rates m ade to the new contract for the sale o f grains concluded
dnring the flrst six m onths o f 1974 ^nd voyage charter in D ctober 1974 between the U nited States and the
rates reached their highest level since the 196ds in the U SSR , and also to increased m ovem ents o f grains from
flrst q u arter o f the year w hen the relevant freight index A rgentina.
reached 245 points. T he m ark et was relatively weaker 136. The situation in the tan k er m arket differed
in the second h a lf o f the year an d freight rates deelined. sharply from th a t in the dry cargo m arket th roughout
The w eakening o f th e m ark et in the m id-year m onths is the year. A t the beginning o f 1974 the tan k er m arket
fairly norm al in the case o f b o th bulk an d tan k er cargoes. was w eak and these w eak dem and conditions persisted
H ow ever, ^ p a rt from seasonal factors, this w eakening until tow ards the end o f the flrst q u arter o f the year.
o f dem and m ay be p artly attrib u ted to the tonnage requi- Some im provem ent was observed in M arch 1974 after
rem ents fo r the tra n sp o rt o f grains as com pared with the lifting o f the oil em bargo, b u t it was short lived and
earlier in th e year. D em and for tonnage for the tran sp o rt the m arket was n o t effectively activated. A sim ilar
o f grains was reactivated in O ctober an d to ta l voyage tem porary recovery also occurred a t the end o f the third
and consecutive voyage fixtures during this m o n th were and the beginning o f the fo u rth q u arter o f 1974, perhaps
a t alm ost the sam e levels as in the corresponding m onth because o f speculatiou th a t O PE C countries wonld
in ل973 . ﻣﻮA t the beginning o f the last q u arter o f the decide to increase the royalty paym ents from oil com-
year there was, also, a significant reactivation o f the panics from 1 O ctober, and also because some oil supplies
tim e charter m arket. H ow ever, snbseqnent develop- were m ade available a t reduced prices by a few G u lf
States in A ugust and Septem ber 1974. ؟؛A dded to
٠٠ During 1972/1973, 80 per cent of the deadweight of the
combined carrier fleet was in operation in the oii trades. It dropped ٠ ؛Fears were expressed throughout 1974 o f a possible recession
to 71 per cent by the end of 1973 and was at 60 per cent throughout in the economic growth o f the industrial countries as a result of
the first half o f 1974. The volume o f tankers operating in the higher oil prices. See The Petroleum Economist (London), voi. XLI,
grain trade grew from 660,000 tons in December 1973 to 1.8 million N o. 1 (January 1974), The Shipping Statistics and Economics:
tons in June 1974. (John I. Jacobs and Co. Ltd., World Tanker S ix Monthly Review (London), June 1974, published hy H. p. Drewry
Fleet Review (London), June 1974). Also from mid-September (Shipping Consultants) Ltd., London, and OECD Economic Outlook
to the end of Dctober 1974, tankers o f 5 6 1 , 0 سdwt were chartered (Paris), N o. 15 (July 1974).
for the transport of grains as compared with 126,000 tons in the ٠٠ Lam bert Bros Shipping Ltd., World Trade Review and Outlook,
corresponding period o f 1973 (Westinform (London), N o. 44, N o. 9: A Review o f Developments in World Trade and Their Effect
2 November 1974, and ﻣﺢ؛ ه؛., N o. 44, 3 November 1973). ٠ « the Shipping M arket (London, September 1974).
٠٠ 7,922,000 tons in October 1974 as compared with 7,913,000 ٠٢ Westinform (London), N o. 135, September 1974. See also
tons in Dctober 1973 (Westinform (London), No. 44, 2 November Zosen (Tokyo), vol. XIX, No. 5 and (August 1974) Journal ٠/
1974, and ،■ ه،'ﻣﺢ., N o. 44, 3 November 1973). Commerce (Liverpool), 27 September 1974.
this, w inter cam e early in certain p arts o f the N o rthern o f 1975, rising to 160 m illion tons in the following two
hem isphere. A t the tim e o f w riting this Review )?ears, w^s heing serious!)? predicted.“ ،
(D ecem ber 1974) the oil freight m ark et situation is 139. The nncertaint)? regarding the im m ediate future
gloomy, w ith freight rates again following a dow nw ard o f the tanker m arket is further aggravated by th e like-
trend. In p articular, freight rates for V TCCs reached lihood o f the reopening o f the Suez C anal in 1975. It
a new low p o in t in the w orld scale (32 ) ظin D ecem ber has heen estim ated th a t this w ould reduce the dem and
1974. قﺀT he relative decline in oil consum ption in m ost for tankers by 10 per eent.^® ؟f t appears therefore
o f the m ajo r consum ing countries ﺀﺀcaused the dem and that, unless som ething extraordinary happens, in the
for tonnage to be relatively low during 1974; for example, next few m onths m ajor steps are likely to be taken to
only 117 tim e ch arter fixtures were reported in the reduce surplus tonnage through increased laying up,
first half, com pared with 276 in the same period in 1973 .١٠٠ scrapping, and the caneeliation o f orders.
This low dem and failed to m atch the inerease in supply
thro ug h substantial new deliveries, am ounting to an 140. C urrency instability, whieh was so m arked in
increase o f 8.6 per cent in tan k er tonnage in the first 1973, persisted, although w ith less intensity, in 1974.
six m onths,“ ، thus leading to a w eak m arket. This, coupled w ith high rates o f iufiation, raised the
question o f the elhcacy o f the long-term charter arran-
137. The situation th a t prevailed in the tanker gements which are such a hasic feature o f w orld trad e in
freight m arket triggered various corrective aetions from oii and other hasic com m odities. A solution to w orld
tanker operators, sueh as switching tankers and combi- m onetary and other économ ie problem s is, o f course,
n ation carriers to the dry cargo trades and deliberate under- the m ost desirable way o f resolving the doubts ah o u t
utilization o f tonnage through slow steam ing and indueed the future o f long-term chartering. A lternatively, ways
w aiting٠ل
.ق I t has heen estim ated th a t the whole w orld m ight he sought o f adapting chartering to the unstahle
tanker fieet is being operated a t a speed tw o knots m onetary and econom ic conditions by, fo r exam ple,
lower th a n norm al, which gives an econom y in hunkers some form o f indexation o f eharter rates.
o f 25 p er cent; it also reduces the tra n sp o rt capacity
o f the fieet by 8 p er عﺀ0 ا. ﻗﻤﻞA bsorption o f surplus 141. In the liner trades, a num ber o f freight rate
tonnage th ro u g h reducing productivity by slow steam ing increases th a t were announced in late 1973 cam e into
and induced w aiting goes some way to explain why, e^ect early in 1974, and fu rther freight rate increases
in a situation w ith ap p aren t over-tonnaging, there was were announced during 1974. G onsequently, the liner
a surprisingly low level o f laid-up tonnage in 1974 freight index Jum ped by 21 points in the hrst q u arter
(see parag rap h 164 helow). (see table 28). T iner freight rates showed a rem arkable
and consistent rise for the rest o f 1974. By the end o f
138. T he future prospects fo r the tan k er m arkets July the freight index had increased by 35 points over the
are n o t very encouraging. M uch depends on the levei end o f 1973 figure (134) and stood a t 189 as against
o f oil consum ption by industrial eountries, w hich in 139 points for the corresponding date o f 1973. The
the sh o rt ru n is dependent o n the level o f econom ic index rose further to 194 points in the th ird q u arter o f
activity and in the longer ru n on the outcom e o f urgent the year, and to 197 points at the end o f December.
studies which countries are m aking o n how to diversify
their sources and types o f energy used. In general,
however, dem and fo r tankers is n o t expected to recover B. Changes in freight rates in 1974
quickly, while at mid-1974 there were nearly 195 m illion
dw t o f tan k er tonnage on order for delivery in the next 1. D ry cargo tramp m a rke tfre ig h t rates
few years. A ssum ing no suhstantial caneeiiation o f
orders, a surplus o f 25 to 8 هm illion tons by the end (a) Voyage charter freig h t rates
142. The developm ents in the dry cargo m arket
٠٠ Lloyd’s List (London), 5 December 1974. discussed in section A above are refiected in the m onthly
٠٠ See OECD Economic Outlook (Paris), N o. 15 (July 1974), freight rate indices for 1974 show n in tahle 28. It can
The Petroleum Economist (London), vol. XLI, N o 7 (July 1974), he observed from the table th a t the m onthly index for
and Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), vol. ^5^, dry cargo voyage charter freight rates rem ained a t very
N o. 4752 (19 September 1974). high levels during the first h a lf o f 1974, although a t the
١٠٠ Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), vol. 252,
end o f June it stood a t 226 points as against 241 a t the
No. 4745 (August 1974).
end o f D ecem ber 1973. A further decline was registered
١٠١ Lambert and Bros Shinning Ltd., World Trade Review and
Outlook, N o. 9: A Review o f Developments... (op. . ﺀ،'؛.ر in the third and fo u rth quarters o f the year, h u t no
١٠٠ Shipping World and Shipbuider (London), vol. 167, N o. 3895 fundam ental change is in sight a t the tim e o f w riting
(July 1974). A t the last week o f November, about 2 million tons (D ecem ber 1974). A lthough such a ehange cannot
of tinkers were idle in the Persian G ulf area and this tonnage be excluded, because o f the sharp increase in bunker
increased to about 4 million dwt at the last week of December 1974. costs it is difiicult to envisage freight rates declining to
R .S. Platou, ‘T an k er: Weekly Tanker M arket R enort” (Dslo),
27 November 1974 and 22 January 1975. the levels w hich prevailed hefore the upsurge in the last
١٠٠ See Journal de la marine marchande et de la navigation aérienne m o ^ h s o f 1972, unless there were a m ajor w orld econom ic
(Paris), 56th year. N o. 2856 (12 Sentember 1974), П• 2367, where an depression. By way o f com parison, selected m axim um
article by Svensk Sjofarts Tidning, organ o f the Swedish Shinowners
Association, is reviewed. According to another estimation, by
١٠٠ John I. Jacobs and € o . Ltd., World Tanker FleetReview
cutting the s n ^ d of a ¥ L € € 25 ner cent, 59 ner cent o f bunker
eonsumntion could be saved. (John 1. Jacobs and Go. Ltd., World (London), 30 June 1974.
Tanker Fleet Review (London), 39 June 1974.) ١٠٠ OECD Economic Outlook (?ar!s). N o. 15 (July 1974).
ﻳﻢ о ٠١ ٣٦
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and m inim um tram p freight rates in the ؛/ears 1970 to year to 257 points (see table 28).H owever, this over-all
1974 are show n in anne^ VII. picture o f the tim e charter m a r ^ t does n o t accnr^tely
reflect the particu lar developm ents w ith regard to the
(b) Time charter fre ig h t rates m ain size groups o f tonnage covered by the index. This
143. T he tim e ch arter freight inde^ h ad also declined is shown below : ١٠®
from 358 points in the fo u rth q u arter o f 1973 to 322 points
in the second q u arter o f 1974 and 251 i n ؛h e t h ؛r d q u ؛rter loe Based ٠« (he time eharter index numbers compiled by (he
o f 1974, b u t it rose shghtiy in the fo n rth q u arter o f the United Kingdom Uhamber of Shipping.
C om bined
Tonnage groups index index
144. It can be observed from these d a ta th a t the т а г у o f freight rate changes is given in table ^9, together
indices fo r the three size groups eaeh followed quite a with corresponding flgures for 1973 and 1973.
different course, particularly dnring 1974. In fact, the 147. It can be seen from the above flgures th a t the
index for 9,000— 16,000 dw t vessels reached its highest nnm ber o f straight liner freight rate increases in 1974
level only in th e m iddle o f 1974 an d dropped only (143) was signiflcantly low er th a n in 1973 (194) but,
slightly during the second h ^ lf o f the year, w hereas at as is shown below, the size o f increases was substantially
the o th er extrem e the index for bulk carriers o f over greater than in 1973.١٠®
40,000 dw t lost 186 points betw een the fo u rth q u arter
o f 1973 an d the th ird q u arter o f 1974 and, alth ough it
Summary nf straightforward in ! in freight tarriffs *
rose slighly dnring th e last quarter, it cam e back to a
level only slightly higher th a n in the second quarter ﺀ ا/ل 1974
o f 1973. Between the tw o extrem es, the index for
vessels o f 30,000—40,000 dw t also reached its peak in N um ber Percentage N um ber Percentage
٠/ o f to ta l ٠/ م/، م،س
the fo u rth q u a rter o f 1973, b u t declined less sharply S ize group o f increase increases increases increases increases
during th e flrst three quarters o f 1974 th an th e index
for vessels o f over 40,000 dw t and rose slightly in the ﺭﻭﻡ
U nder 5 % . . . . . . 4
fo n rth quarter. 5 and less than 7.5 “/ ال 19 (12.1) 8 (6.3)
145. T he developm ents in the tim e charter indices 7.5 and less than 10.0"/© (5.1) د (2.3)
10 and less than 12.5"/© 64 (49.8) 26 (29.3)
described above dem onstrate a relative increase in dem and
12.5 and less than 15.0"/© 26 (16.6) 13 (19.2)
for small, m ostly m ultideck, vessels, suitable fo r carrying (17.2) 59 (46.1)
15 and less than 20.0"/©
general cargoes an d em ploym ent in liner trades, and 20"/© and o^er . . . . (5.7) 19 (14.8)
also for m edium -sized carriers offering a wide flexibility
w ith regard to b o th routes in which they can be employed 157 (100.0) 128 (100.0)
and cargoes they can carry. It rem ains to be seen
w hether the developm ents which occurred in the freight * Excluding an n o u n cem en ts w hich (a) referred to a flat inerease in te r؛tt$ o f
am o u n t o f m oney ^٠٢ u n it o f carg o (th e re w ere 13 su ch an n o u n cem en ts in t^ e
indices during the last q u arter o f the year p o in t to the year 1974 as ag a in st 11 in 1973); (،>) d id n o t specify th e percen tag e increase (there
w as o n e such an n o u n c em en t in 1974 as eo m p ared w ith 26 in 1973).
beginning o f a change in the p attern observed to date.
3. Cargo linerfreig h t rates It C^n be seen th ^ t 6^.9 per cent o f the totul num ber o f
increases in 1974 were o f 15 per cent o r m ore, as com pared
146. The changes in liner rates and surcharges ١٠؟ with 33.9 per cent corresponding increases in 1973 ^nd
announced in 1974 are show n in annex V III. A sum- only 9.8 per cent in 1973. T he m odal size o f increase
١٠٢ ? o rt congestion surcharges not being of general application
in a tra4e are not inelu4ed among the liner freight rate changes ١٥ ^ ؟o r the corresponding data for 1972, ؛ Review o f maritime
listed in annex VIII. transport 1972-1973 (op. cit.), para. 175.
T able 29
Summary of liner freight rate changes and surcharges announced
during the years 1972-1974
T otal
in 1973 was in (he size g rcu p ١٠ p er cent and )ess than H ow ever, 1 إmay be doubled w hether the butrker price
12.5 p er cent, w hereas in 1974 it was 15 per cent and situation is yet stabie enough to justify this action, and
less th a n 20 per cent. the incorporation o f bunker surchar§es at the !evels at
w hich they existed in 1974 m ay weli be prem ature.
148. As in 1973 the changes in liner freight rates,
particularly during the first q u arter e f 1974, were charge- 150. Shippers in certain trades have com plained th a t
terized by the great num ber ©f b u n k er surcharges imp©sed. shipowners reacted m uch to o severely in their im position
In to tal, there were 168 announcem ents o f new or o f bunker surehar£es *٠® and th a t the maiffienance o f
increased b a n k e r surcharges in 1974 as against 155 in these surehar^es by conferences eould only be expi^ined
!973. In addition, 12 new or increased com bined as a m eans o f enhancing shipowners profitability .**٠
bun k er/C A F surcharges were announeed in 1974. In the trades o f one country a t least, a specific form ula
F urtherm ore, the bunker an d com bined sureh^rges has been agreed u p o n *** by liner operators and shippers
im posed were relatively high; for exam ple, m ore th an fo r the assessment o f a p roper level o f bunker surcharges,
h a lf o f the announcem ents o f b unker surcharges stated b u t generally it does n o t ap p ear th a t a solution has been
as a percentage o f freight rates fell w ithin the rang© of found w hieh could satisfy b o th sides, partieuiarly in
15 per cent an d over, while th e eom bined bunker/C A F
sureharges all fefi w ithin the rang© o f 25 per eent and *٠٠ In ئ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﺮ مL ist (Tenden), 21 February 1974, it was stated
over. T here was, however, a noticeable slowdown in that a resulutien was passed 15 shippers councils in Furope
the num ber o f announcem ents after the first q u arter o f appealing to shipowners to keep bunker su r^ a rg e s as low as possible
as these surcharges had reached a levei where they have become
the y ear; (here were, in addition, 88 announcem ents prohibitive to the trade on various routes. See also 1«،/ه» م' ﺀس»مﺀ
o f decreased b u n k er surcharges an d one b unker sur- اآ- ﺀﻣﻤﺘﺲ-م ) ه» آ » ﻣﺮ ﺀ/ ^ﺀﺀ- ﺀﺀ و؛ه ﻣﻢﺀﺀ/ ( رBasei), 35th year. N o. 1ه
charge was ^boiished w ithout having been incorporated (8 M ar^h 1974), p. 1 ه51م
in the ta riff ر ْﻠﻞ، ﺀج ﺀﺀ'ا"ﺀس ﺳﻤﺄGazette (То^уо), 5 August and 29 August
149. In the latter p a rt o f th e year there was an evident *** The Central Freight Bureau o f Sri Lanka reached agreements
tendency for b u n k er surcharges to be in corporated in with the Ceylon/United K ingdom and the Ceylon/Continental
the tariffs. In all, 19 b unker surcharges were ineorpo- Conferences providing th a t in the future the eonferenees will adopt
a mutually aeeeptable formula for ealculation o f bunker and CAF
rated, 14 o f these during the last q u a rte r o f th e year. smeharges. Furtherm ore, the conferences are to furnish infor-
Such a developm ent indicates an aeeeptanee th a t inere^sed motion and supporting data to justify sueh sureharges {Seatrade
b unk er prices can no ionger be regarded as temporary. (Colchester U.K.), vol. 4, No. 7 (July 1974)), p. 78.
view o f other qdditiooql eorreetive measures t^keu by However, the increased orders for générai cargo and
litter o p erators to reduce the e ^ c t o f the increased m ulti-purpose vessels since 1973 m ay alleviate this risk.
b unker costs.
153. fn 118 cases, currency adjustm ent sureharges
151. $uch m easures as’ reducing curtailing were introduced o r increased as a result o f the weakening
the num ber o f sailings an d the num ber o f calls m ade o f the dollar vis-à-vis other currencies during 1974,
at ^o rts, as well as n o t calling a t interm ediate ^orts, This action in itself raised strong objections from shippers,
have significantly altered the e je c ts o f rising bunker w ho argued th a t the w orld m onetary situation in the
prices, while they have also changed th e over-all cost/ first h^lf o f 1974 h^d stabilized enough to allow confer-
revenue relationship o f th e liner o p erators concerned. ences to abolish o r reduce currency In
Indeed, reduced speed m eans longer ro u nd voyage fact, 87 reductions o f currency adjustm ent factors were
times, p artly o ^set by the curtailing o f the num ber o f announced during 1974.
p o rt calls. Buch m easures also tend to increase space 154. The very frequent and sharp increases in liner
utilization. A reduction in the num her o f sailings
freight r^tes in the last tw o years have caused grave
should also free carrying capacity for em ploym ent
concern am ong shippers, particularly in developing
elsewhere, perhaps in the open m arket. F o r sueh
countries, who in the last analysis are the ares th a t hear
reasons, while it is clearly possible to assess the position
the brunt.^“ ^ i t h liner freight rates changing at
i^ an individual trad e, it is very difficult indeed to Judge
frequent intervals, shippers have increasingly found th at
th e reasonableness o f the levels o f b a n k e r surcharges in
one o f the supposed advantages o f the conference system,
general. I t is w orth noting, however, th a t according to nam ely stability o f freight rates,^^® has hardly existed.
press reports liner operations have recently shown
W hile bunker costs, com bined w ith general infiationary
increased profitability an d th at, in the case o f Japanese
trends, have undoubtedly contrihuted to the rise in liner
liner com panies, increased profitahility was stim ulated freight rates, it is d i^ c u lt to accept th at such a consistent
hy “rationalizing” their operations, by cutting dow n rise can be explained purely by these two factors. M any
their sailings and lim iting their p o rts o f 03 ا1.ﻗﻠﻞ
shippers, faced w ith rate increases o f over 15 per cent
152. T he corrective m easures tak en by liner operators, plus surcharges, m ust have found th eir freight bills
coupled w ith delays in ports an d increased dem and for increased by as m uch as ^5 to 3 هper cent, ©ne cannot
liner services, resulted in m any trades in a very tight help thinking th a t the rise in liner freight rates cannot
tonnage situation. Particularly during the first and be fully explained w ithout taking into account as an
second q u arters o f 1974, a general shortage o f tonnage im p o rtan t elem ent the strong dem and conditions which
developed, causing serious problem s to shippers .١١٠ have generally characterized all dry cargo m arkets since
The argum ent advanced by shipow ners to defend their 1973. I t has heen reported th a t shipper’s eouneils o f
position was th a t the scarcity o f tonnage w^s the direct countries m em bers o f the A ssociation o f South-E ast
result o f p o rt congestion an d slow tu rn ro u n d o f ships at A sian N ations (A SEA N ) have asked their respective
ﺀ0 ^ ة ﻟﻠﻤﺔ اآh i l e there was undoubtedly som e deterio- governm ents to conduct a prohe into the activities o f the
ratio n in th e perform ance o f certain po rts, it is difficult F a r E astern E reight ©onference (FE FC ), which would
to accept th a t this could h^ve been sufficient to have n o t he restricted to the question o f ta rilf increases alone,،®®
caused a shortage o f tonnage as w idespread as th at
w hich existed. I t appears th a t the previous tendency conventional tonnage had rednced the fiexibilit^ and restricted the
for liner operators in industrial countries to shift to operation of sonre shipowners. According to another press report,
containerization o f their m ajor liner trades, so th a t the steel producers in Europe have also been complaining that, because
building o f conventional liner tonnage was neglected, o f investment policies by shipping companies in eontainer ships,
they have been experiencing shortage o f conventional tonnage
th reatened to reduce below any desirable standards the space, particularly ^ r those commodities th at cannot be transported
fie^ibility o f shipping services in the liner 1 ﻫﻜﻌﻚ8.ﺀﻟﻞ in containers {International Ttransport Journal (Overseas ر ﺀ ئ ﺀ ؤ؛ ﺀ
(Basel), 35th year. No. 46 (15 November 1974)), p. 5393.
،، ؟F o r example, the Freight Gommittee o f the Council of
١١٠ 1 اwas reported th at speeds were reduced by 1 to 1 '/ تknots All-Japan Exporters Association (CAJEA) demanded that the
and estimated th at in this ^ a y a 16/17 knot cargo liner ship could conferences reduce or aboiish their currency surcharges because
cut consum ption by about 20 per cem, because It is at the higher the value o f the yen had stabilized at a lower figure than Y 300 to
range o f speeds th at fuel concumption accelerates significantly the dollar. Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 8 February 1974.
{Fairplay International shipping Weekly ( London), vol. 250, N o. 4724
١١٠ According to press reports and other information, shippers
(7 March 1974).
organizations in several countries, including Japan {Japan Maritime
١١٠ ء/(ءء’ءء ء’ ﻣﺣﻣمLondon), 31 Gctober 1974. Bee also ر، ﻣﺎ،«ا Gazette (Tokyo), 13 and ^0 August 1974), Malaysia and Singapore
Maritime Gazette (Tokyo) II November 1974. ( L ist (Fondon), 24 September 1974), A ustralia {Fairplay
١١١ F o r example, by the end o f August 1974 it was estimated International Shipping Weekly (Fondon)), vol. 251, N o. 4734 (16 May
that there would be something li^e 60,000 tons o r m ore o f goods 1974), Hong Kong {Shipping and Trade News (To^^o), 22 July 1974),
waiting for shipment from the United Kingdom to Australia have strougly reacted to proposed liner freight rate increases in
and New Zealand alone. Journal ٠/ ا ﺀﺳﻢﺀ- ( ﺀﺀLiverpool), their trades.
22 July 1974. € f. also ibid., 13 February, 19 May, 20 May, 8 July ١١ ؛It was reported in ﺀ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﻢList (F o n d o ^ , 23 August 1974,
and 22 July 1974,ئ/ ﺀﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﻢ/ ( ﻣﺢLondoffi, II June 1974, and Shipping th at Indian shippers complained th at conferences were impeding
and Trade News (To^yo), 2 August 1974. the export trade o f India and did not e ^ c tiv ei^ perform their
١١٠ ﺀﻣﺮ/ ﺀ- س/٠/ Commerce (Liverpool), 28 May and 17 Gctober primary functions o f providing regular and frequent services to
1974, a n d ،'( ؛ ﺀLondon), 25 M ay and 20 July 1974.
ﻣﺤﻤﻤﺎﺀ’ﺀﺀ the trade at stable prices.
١١٠ It was reported in the Journal ٠/ اءﺳﻪء-ءء (Liverpool), ١٠®ر، ﻫم؛/ يMaritime ﻫﻣﻣم،،( ءTok^o), 28 ©etober 1974. See
19 M ay 1974, that the shortage o f shipping space that developed also ﺀ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻢﺀList (L o n d o ^ , 5 September 1974, where it has been
in the first half of 1974 was a worldwide problem and partly attributed reported that a common front was sought b^ the Shippers councils
to ffie containerization o f m ajor trade routes. The replacement o f o f A SFAN countries.
and also to give fuh su p p o rt to the shippers’ councils’ (й) VLCC and U L C C (about 150,000 dw t and larger);
counter-proposals to the FEFC.*®* T he G overnm ents ( ) ﺀM edium-size crude carriers (about 60,000 dw t to
o f M alaysia, Philippines an d Singapore have sent pro test around 150,000 dw t);
notes to the FFFC.*®® The F E F C postponed tiii
1 Jan u ary 1975 the entry in to force o f the announeed ( )ﺀSmall crude carriers ^nd p ro d u ct carriers (about
freight increases so th a t fa rth e r consultations could be 30,000 dw t to 60,000 dw t);
held.*®® {d) Handy-size dirty (up to a b o u t 30,000 dw t);
155. T he resistance o f shippers to increases in liner ( )ﺀH^ndy-size clean (up to ab o u t 30,000 dwt).
freight rates has been m ore effeetive in trades where 159. A ccording to the source *® مseveral reasons mad©
relatively few large shippers are involved o r where this ehange desirable; fo r instance,, developm ents in
dem and fo r their services is eonsoiidated. Proposed recent years have cleariy shown th a t V LCCs and U LCCs
freight rate inereases by a num ber o f shipping confer- will increasingly dom inate the tan k er freight m arkets and
enees *®* in the export trad e o f Jap an have, u p to the it appears th a t the present !evel o f freight rates for these
tim e o f w ritiug, been blocked by the strong resistance o f sizes o f vessels m ust be regarded as m ore “n orm al” th an
the Jap an A utom obile M anufaetu rers’ A ssociation, the level o f rates w hieh prevailed in the m arkets in the
whieh pressed to have the rate o f car exports declared reeent past. the other hand, freight rates for the various
open. In addition, the A n t r a l F reight B ureau o f Sri categories o f smaller size groups tend to follow different
L anka has stipulated th a t freight has to be p aid loeally patterns an d it appears likely th a t gaps betw een the
and has been blocking m ore th an $500,000 o f freight rates fo r the various size groups m ay widen fu rther in
charges as a result o f disagreem ents o n th e level o f the future.
b unker surcharges im posed by the C eylon/U SA Gonfer-
once .*® ﺀT he C entral F reight Bureau reacted strongly 16d. Lhe new indices are show n separately in table 28.
to a deeision o f the C e y lo ^ U S A Conference th a t freight f t can be seen from the table th a t ah five indices deelined
rates m ust be p aid a t destination rath er th an loeally. during the period January-A ugust 1974, but w ithout
A eeording to press reports, the B ureau w ithheld cargo all following the same pattern. In addition, the rate o f
from op erators in (he conference until th e operators over-all decline in this nine-m onth period varied between
com plied w ith its decision.*®® the indiees for different size groups. In Septem ber 1974
the index fo r V L C C /U L C C dropped by 52.1 per cent
156. I t has aiso been observed th at, in trad© routes from its end-of-January lev©!, as eom pared with a deciine
where there has been a relative oversuppiy o f liner o f 49.3 per eent for handy-size ©lean tonnage, 44.5 per
tonnage, earriers have been com peting for cargoes at cent for medium-size ©rude carriers and aro u n d 38 per
rates low er th an those set in the tariffs.*®’ I t m ay be cent for smail ©rude and p ro d u et earriers, and handy-size
th a t com petition m ay also develop where shippers can dirty carriers. Lhe inere^se recorded in O ctober 1974
eonsolidate their e^rgo shipm ents w ith the aim o f m aking w^s only short-lived and in N ovem ber all indiees drop-
them attractive also to nom conferenee tonnage operators. ped weil below their Septem ber 1974 levels.
T able 30
Com modities
1968 100.1
II 99.6 99.5
III 100.1 100.0
!٧ 101.8 100.1 100.3 100.9
S o u rces: Compiled on the basis o f trade data and freight rates supplied to t^e secretariat by the Governments or
trade organizations, conferences and shipping lines concerned, and on trade data from the following publications;
A nnual Bulletin o f Statistics, published International Tea Committee (London), various issu; ؛؟
Rubber Sta tistica l Bulletin, published by t؛te secretariat o f the I^ernationa! R ubber Study G roup (London), various issues;
C o^îon^wôrlfsïad^U cs, ^uhi^shed h^>؛he ؛inte؛-natio^ai C otton Advisory Committee (W ashington, 0 .C .), various issues.
٠ Provisional.
R ubber 200 * between the changes in the level آهfreight Tates and
changes in the level o f laid-up tonnage in the sh o rt as
Combined . . . . . . . . . . 205 * well as in the long term and this is illustrated in graphs 1
* Provisional.
and 2 covering the ؛/ears 1968-1973. T he freight rate
indices are show n on the right-hand vertical axes and
This over-all increase was partieularl)/ sharp betw een the the corresponding changes in laid-up and strap p ed
end o f the th ird q u arter o f 1973 an d the flrst q u arter o f tonnage as percentages o f w orld tonnage on the left-
1974 (22 p er cent in th e com bined index), reflecting to han d vertical axes.
a considerable extent the introduction o f new o r increases 164. T he relationship betw een laid-up tonnage and
in pre-existing b nnker surcharges in th e course o f these freight rates in the tan k er m arket did n o t conform to
quarters, as can also be seen from annex VII. this usual p attern in 1974. T he am o u n t o f laid-up
tonnage decreased in the h rst and second qu arters o f
D . The level of freight rates, 1974 at a tim e w hen freight rates declined snbst^ntiall؛/.
A t the end o f the second q n arter, laid-np tan k er tonnage
laying up and scrapping
as a percentage o f the w orld fleet stood a t 0.08 per cent
163. f t has been generally observed th a t the am ount w ith the tan k er freight rate inde^ at 103, while fo r the
o f laid-np tonnage will be low when freight rates ^re at corresponding period in 1973 laid-np tonnage was
a high level an d vice versa. A negative relation exists 0.27 per cent and the freight rates index 267. A t the
G raph
The course o f freight rate indices and laying-up and scrapping ت ! ofvrorld tonnage, 1968-1974
Dry cargo vesseis
? e r ce n t o f w orld ٠٢ ^^ carg o c h a rte r
dry ca rg o fleet freig h t ra te indices ٠
:3 5
0 د5
0 * L t 973 '1974 — j
N orw egian $ h i^ ^ in g N ٥١^^: d ry carg o voyage c h a rte r freig h t ra te index (Ju ly 1965-
Ju ly 1966 100 ) ﺀ
L a id -u ^ dry carg o to n n a g e as a p ercen tag e o f w o rld d r^ carg o fleet
C h am b er o f S hipping o f U n ite d K in g d o m : d ry carg o voyage c h a rte r freig h t rate
index, d iscontinu ed since 1969 (I9 6 0 = 100)
S crapped dry carg o to n n a g e as a percen tag e o f w orld d ry carg o fleet
( ^ (ﺀ٢٠ ^^
ﺀﻛﻪ »»م ﺀra tio : com piled b y th ؟s ecretaria t o n th e l>asis o f scrap p ed to n n a g e an d
world deet tonnage as published in Institute of Shipping Econotnics, Shipping Statistics... (op. ﺀ//. ﻣﺮ
G raph
The course affreight rate indices and laying-up and scrapping as percentages of world ١ e, 1968-1974
Oil tankers
P er cent o f w orld T a n k e r freight ra te index
oil ta n k er fleet (In tascale = 100 a n d W o rld scale = 100)
S o u rces:
(a) Freight rate in d e x : T ab le 31.
( )ظLaid-up tonnage ra tio : com piled by th e U N C T A D secretariat o n th e b^sis o f d a ta p ro v id ed by th e C h am b er o f $h ip p in g o f th e U n ited R in g d o m regarding laid -u p
to n n a g e (given by th e source as o f th e beginning o f each m o n th up to 1970, an d as o f th e en d o f each m o n th fro m 1971 onw ^r،]s), a n d o n th e b asis o f w orld fleet to n n ag e
as p ublished in In stitu te o f Shipping E conom ics, Shipping S tatistics ... (op. . ع/ رمﺀ
))ﺀScrapped tonnage ratio : com pile،! by th e secretariat o n tlie b asis o f scrap p ed to n n a g e a n d w orld fleet to n n a g e as published in In stitu te o f ^h ip ^ in g Econom ics,
Shipping Statistics ... (op. c it.) .
end o f the year, however, the situation h a d changed 168. The im provem ent oh^ervefi w ith regard to the
som ew hat an d laid-up tonnage rose to 1.6 m illion dw t nine com m odities shonid be welcome, provided it is n o t
com pared w ith 0.15 m illion dw t in lu n e 1974. This short-hved; however, priee boom s generahy do n o t last
delay in the response o f the level o f laid-up tonnage to fo r long, while the upw ard m ovem ent o f liner freight
declining freight rates can be attrib u ted m ainly to the rates is apparently continuous. $een from this angle,
m easures taken by tan k er o perators to offiset increased it is useful to note th at, in spite o f the im provem ent
7؛unker prices^ reduced operating speeds, including recorded in 1973, in the long run (decade 1964-1973) a
induced w ا؛iting رand diversion o f tonnage t ؟the dry reduetion in the freight/price ratio has been observed
cargo m arket. A n o th er factor was th a t freight rates w ith regard to only hve com m odities. D uring 1974
for the smafi-size groups o f tankers rem ained relatively eom m odity prices appear to have stabilized and some
high, and thus enabled carriers to continue their opera- even declined significantly, while large freight rate
tions w ith som e m argin o f profit. inere^ses were e je c te d during the same year; so it is expec-
165. T he level o f laid-up dry cargo tonnage rem ained ted, therefore, th a t the relationship between freight rates
very low as a logical consequence o f the generally high and prices will once again deteriorate.
levels o f freight rates for dry cargo tonnage th ro u gh out Freight ratio changes Freight ratio changes
1974. between 1964 and 1973 betw een 1972 and 1973
T able 31
Relationship between changes in freight rates
and changes in laid-up tonnage
T anker freig h t
rate index
(Intascale = ^٠٠
D ry cargo voyage Laid-up ؛/٢^
15 Septem ber Laid-up tanker charter freig h t ﺀﺀهﺀ- ﻣﻚtonnage
1969, Worldscale tonnage as a rate index (Ju ly as a percentage
fr o m 15 Septem ber percentage ٠/ 1965-June 1966 رك/ world dry
E n d o f quarter 1969 ^ w o rld fieet ١١ =100 ( ﺀ cargo ﺀ
So u rce:
ﺀF o r freight indices, see ta b le 28.
١١L aid -u p to n n a g e, com piied o n th e basis o f d a ta o n laid -u p to n n a g e fo r ta n k ers a n d d ry carg o vessels pub lish ed by
the Cham ber ofShipping o^the U nited Kingdom, and on world tanker and dry cargo fleets published in Institute ofShipping
E conom ics, Shipping S ta tis tic s: Facts and Figures about Shipping, Shipbuilding, Seaport a n d Sea-borne Trade (B rem en).
T able 32
14.0» 16.8
ق 1.4
A. Institutional developments in world shipping objective, namely, to increase efficiency in the em ploy-
m ent o f tonnage by cutting dow n on ballast voyages, and
also to strengthen the position o f bffi^ tonnage operators
1. General vis-à-vis the big industrial concerns whieh use their
169. T he new situation which has been in being since servmes.
the autu m n o f 1973 as a result o f the rise in oil priees 173. Reeent developm ents in eontaineri/ed trades
has n o t yet settled dow n. A lthough b u n k er prices m ay have fu rth er dispeiled fears ^nd eontroversy a b o u t the
fall in the long run, it is likely th a t they will rem ain high existence o f overtonnaging on eert^in routes. A lthough
enough to activate the seareh fo r m eans and m ethods o f the pooling arrangem ents whieh have been sought for
reducing their im paet on the eeonom ies o f ship opera- some tim e by the operators concerned in certain m ajor
tion. It is likely, too, th a t the increased significance o f trades have not yet been institutionalized, tig h t supply
fuel costs o n to tal eosts wifi affect the design an d size o r even seareity o f tonnage rath e r th an oversuppiy
o f new ships and prom ote the seareh for alternative characterized the containerized trades in 1974. This
propulsion systems. D perationai m ethods an d the tends to conhrm th a t possibiiities fo r m onopohstie aetion
organization o f m aritim e tra n sp o rt in the m ajor liner in highly eontainerized liner trades have increased rath er
and bulk trades will also be affeeted. I t is to be expeeted th an declined.
th a t the u rgent need to eom bat infiation, in add itio n to
pressures from the users o f shipping serviees, wifi mo- 174. I t further appears th a t liner operators, taking
tivate the search fo r econom ies th ro u g h efficiency o f advantage o f the tight tonnage supply situation and high
operation. dem and conditions in the dry eargo m arkets in 1974,
diverted conventional liner tonnage to the open m arket
17 ﻣﻪT he teehnologieai change whieh eharaeterized in order to take advantage o f the very high level freight
w orid shipping in the post-w ar period, an d whieh, rates w hieh prevailed. Shippers in some liner trades
partieularly sine© the late 1960s, aim ed a t lab o u r cost have found it diffieult to secure spaee for their cargoes
savings an d increased effieieney th ro u g h faster turn -ro und and signiheant delays in shipm ents o f eargo have been
o f ships, is expeeted to continue in the eom ing years, observed, particularly in som e trades from developing
b u t the seareh for eeonom ies in fuel eonsum ption and countries.*®* In some eases this has arisen beeause liner
؟osts wifi, perhaps, be given relative priority over other operators have diverted vessels from their norm al liner
issues. schedules to the m ore profitable m arket.
171. T he tren d to unitization will obviously continue 175. As the eosts o f operation o f liner services
for the rem ainder o f this decade as the seareh widens increase, efforts to curtail oversupply o f tonnage, dupli-
fo r ways ^nd m eans o f reducing to tal operating eosts. cation o f services o r waste o f vessels’ tim e should in
How ever, so long as building costs rem ain a t their present principle be weieome, provided th a t adequate services
very high levels, or if they increase in the future, addi- are m aintained and eeonom ie savings are reflected in the
tional eonsideration m ay be given to those form s o f level o f freight rates. The resistance o f shippers to
unitization w hich appear to be less eapital-intensive th an inereases in liner freight rates m ay lead liner operators
others an d whieh provide fo r increased fiexibility o f to look m ore effectively into the question o f rationalize-
operation. tion o f services and inereased operating efficiency as a
17^. € o -o p e ra tio n am ong liner o p erators to regulate m eans o f lowering o r stabilizing their operating eosts.
the supply o f tonnage th ro u g h pooling an d oth er devices B oth governm ent and private interests, particularly in
continues to be eharacteristie in the containerized trades developing eountries, have beeom e increasingly aware
and also in the conventional liner services.*®® $h!p- th a t for such pressure to beeom e effective there is an
owners in the liner trades ap p ear to be looking increas- urgent need to strengthen their negotiating pow er as
ingiy for m eans o f strengthening their pow er to eontrol users o f liner serviees.
the m arket. In th e bulk trades the expanding praetiee
o f creating “tonnage p ools” * أﺀappears to have a tw ofold
ﺀ»ﻫﺮ* وﺀ- س/ o f Commerce (Liverpool), 13 February, 19 May,
^9 May, 28 May, 14 June, 8 Juiy, 17 and 22 O ctober 1974;
* ®ﺀSee sub-section 2, a, below. ﺀ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤﻤﻢList (London), 25 May, 11 June, 29 Ju!y and 23 August
* وﺀSee Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), 1974; Seatrade (Colchester U .K.), vol. 4, N o. 5 (M ay 1974) and
vol. ^59, N o. 4726 (21 M arch 1974). Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 2 August 1974.
2. Particular examples ٠/ institutional developments ber 1974) no decision on the pooling ngreen^ent h^s been
(a) Consortia, pooling agreements and jo in t services.
Opposition to new entries in trades (iv) Rationalization schemes in conventional liner ser-
vicesfrom and ؛٠ the Far East
(i) Pooling schemes in liner services serving Japan and
N orth and South Am erica ١®؟ !79. Japan line and M itsui O SK lines have reached
agreem ent on a p lan for rationalization o f conventional
176. A pool agreem ent for the Japan/G entral Amer- ship services on the Japan/N ew Z ealand route for
ica/G aribbean sea rou te was concluded in Jan uary 1974 enforcem ent from the Septem ber 1974 sailing. The
by fo u r Japanese lines an d tw o oth er flag carriers. plan includes a rednetion in the nnm ber o f ports o f
A sim ilar agreem ent for the Ja p an /S o n th A m erican ^ e s t discharge on the trade ronte and calls n p o n shippers to
C oast trade, including lines from Ghile, E cuador, Eeru palletize their cargoes in order to reduce the tim e spent
and other lines, was u nder consideration in June 1974. by ships in ports in Jap an and New In
In addition, the freight conferences serving the E ar addition, the Japanese lines serving trade hetween Japan
E a st/N o rth A m erica trades have been studying the and South A frica were expected to sta rt discussions in
possibility o f ado p tin g a freight pooling system covering mid-1974 for a freight pooling on their conventional
the entire F a r E a st/N o rth A m erica trad e routes. N o liner services in this ronte. A t the initial stage the pool
deflnite decision has been announced a t the tim e o f was planned to cover ontbound freight only. Reassign-
w riting this آ0 ء0 آ1.ﻣﻘﻞ m ent o f ports o f call and eo-ordination o f sailings were
points to be covered by the proposed The
(ii) P ool agreement / ٠٢ the Continental EuropejRiver
lines serving the trade between Jap an and N ew G uinea
Plate liner / ٢٠^
are also planning to proceed w ith rationalization plans
177. A p o o l agreem ent between $ o u th A m eriean and in this trade.^®
E uropean lines in the G ontinent and A rgentina/U ruguay
trade cam e in to force on 1 A pril 1974. The pool agree- (v) Joint shipping venture by / ٢«« and Pakistan
m ent is based on the principle o f 50:50 cargo sharing 180. It was reported in A ugust 1974 th a t Iran had
between South A m erican and E uropean proposed to ? ak istan th a t they should set up a jo in t
tanker com pany with a w orking capital or $4^ million.
(iii) The N orth A tlantic container pooling agreement This com pany w onld serve as a subsidiary o f tbe national
178. In N ovem ber !971 seven container ship com- shipping corporation o f ? a k istan in jo in t ow nership
panics which operated 70 p er cent o f the N o rth A tlantic w ith the G overnm ent o f 1أاﻋﺂ.ﻣﻬﻞ Besides carrying some
lines capacity petitioned the F M G to authorize the N o rth o f Ira n ’s oil exports to other countries, the tankers o f
A tlantic container pooling agreem ent. In 1973 the the proposed com pany eould carry ? a k ista n ’s entire
Gfficial A m erican H earing Gouncil recom m ended the crude oil im ports o f over 4 m illion tons annually.
U nited States Federal M aritim e G om m ission to approve
and authorize the pooling In June !974 (vi) Other information
when the approval o f th e F M G was considered to be 181. The request by “K ” Tine o f Jap an to jo in the
im m inent it was reported th a t the A tlantic G ontainer T rio G ronp, which is engaged in container service on
Lines (AGL), a m ajor p articip an t in the pool agreem ent, the Japan/E urope route, has faced strong opposition
had w ithdraw n from the proposed pool ١® ؛because it had from other m em bers o f the T rio G roup.^، ؟In O ctober
been earrying a greater share o f the traffic th a n th at it was reported th at, if the line’s attem pt to enter the
allocated to it in the proposed agreem ent. I t therefore conference fails this year, adm ission will be songht again
expected to renegotiate the term s so as to increase its next y ^ r ^°
share from the 20 p er cent allocated to it in the agree-
m ent to 25 per A t the tim e o f w riting (Decern- (b) M aritim e agreements between governments
(i) U SSR — Argentina shipping agreement
١٠٠ shipping and Trade News (T©kyo), 22 January !974, Japan
Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 6 Juno 1974, and Lioyd’s List (London), 18^. A shipping agreem ent between the U SSR and
13 August 1974. A rgentina was signed in Septem ber 1974 in Buenos Aires.
١٠٠ It is w orth noting in this connexion that according to a nress The agreem ent provided for the equai participation o f
report, flve Japanese lines operating container serv ies on the Japan-
the m erchant fleets o f the two eonntries in the carriage
New-York liner trade route had decided to introduce a freight
pooling systenr (Lioyd’sL ist (London), 19 Decentber 1974). Aecord- o f trade between the U SSR and A rgentina. I t also
ing to another report, American container ship operators on the provided fo r the reciprocal granting o f m ost-favoured-
Japan/U.S. liner trade route have been studying the possibility
of adopting a pooling system ]ointly with their Japanese counterparts
on the U .S./Japan liner trade routes (/،?٣ « Maritime Gazette ١٠١ Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), ! هJuly and 18 July,
(Tokyo), 17 Decemher 1974). 16 August and 27 September 1974.
١٠٢ Journat م، ﺳﻢ» اte transport internationai (Base!), 35th year, ١٠١ Ibid., J1 July and 21 August 1974, and Shipping and Trade
No. 16 (19 April 1974), p. 1769. (To^^o), 26 July 1974.
١٠٠ / ﻣﻤﺢ؛ ه, N o. 1 (4 January 1974), p. 43. ١٠٠ Japan Maritime ﻣﺤﻤﻤﻢ،( ﺀTok^o), 6 August 1974.
١٠٠ / ﻣﺤﺌﻪ., N o. 24 (14 June 1974), p. 2737. ١٠٠ Lioyd's List (London), 28 August 1974.
١٠٥ Journai de /، ؛marine marchande et de ta navigation aérienne ١٠٠ Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 21 August 1974. See also
(Paris), 56th year. N o. 2845, (27 June !974), p. !588, and ibid.. Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 22 June 1974.
No. 2849 (25 July 1974), p. ]843. ١٠٠ Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 17 October 1974.
natio n treatm ent and, in some cases, even o f treatm effi will serve as a central freight booking office for all
as nationals in the servicing o f ships an d cargo handling. cargoes exported by the conntry.
T he agreem ent included a clause o n the m echanism o f
regular hilateral consultations o n questions o f shipping.،^؟ (d) Actions by governments
(ii) Japan/China and Japan!Republic o f Korea shipping 187. T he Sultanate o f O m an announced its intention
agreements o f preparing a m aritim e !aw th a t w ouid enable ships
to be registered under its fiag. This conntry, which
183. fn conclusion o f n e g o tia tio n begun in Tokyo
has no fieet a t present, intends to a ttra c t shipow ning
in July 1974 hetween th e G overnm ents o f C hina and
com panies from outside the country which m ay n o t he
Japan, a shipping agreem ent was signed in N ovem ber
1974. Tire agreem ent, w hich will he in force fo r three required to he incorporated inside O m an h u t m ay
years and will be renewed if n o t abrogated, calls for the need fulfil certain standards. E xem ption w ould he
holding o f governm ental consultations, guarantee o f granted from all revenue taxes; registration fees w ould
rem ittance o f revenues o f shipping firms, granting o f be low, b u t a tonnage ta^ w ould be ﺀﺻﺈ0 ﻛﻬﺔ.مﺀل
m ost-ffivoured-nation treatm en t ^nd eo-operation in 188. A U nited States co n rt has ruled th a t a LA SH
rescue operations at sea. Jt was also rep o rted th a t a barge is n o t a “ship” o r a “vessel” under the provision
eonsultative body is to he set up to decide the shipping o f the H ague Rules, w hich are incorporated in the U nited
rates and the loading shares .،؟ ٠ N egotiations for a States O arriage o f G oods by Sea A ct. G onsequently,
shipping agreem ent have also been undertaken betw een a LA SH barge in tran sit becomes the responsibility
Japan an d the R epuhlie o f ^orea,،^® b u t the outcom e o f the m other ship.،؟؟
is n o t know n a t the tim e o f w riting this review.
189. A ccording to press reports ﺀ؟لa national m ^rl-
(iii) Shipping agreement between China and Bulgaria tinre com pany under the nam e o f “G am eroon Shipping
Lines” has been recently established under new legis-
184. A shipping agreem ent was concluded in early lation in the U nited R epublic o f C am eroon to undertake
$eptem her 1974 hetw een the ? e o p le ’s R epublic o f C hina all types o f activities in m aritim e transport, ship opera-
an d B ulgaria.، ®؟T he details o f the shipping agreem ent tions and chartering. T he purpose o f the legislation
had n o t heen m ade public by the tim e o f drafting this is to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign shipping
rev)ew. services w hieh are heyond any direct eontrol by the
G overnm ent. It also provides for the cargo sharing
(c) Freight booking and shippers’ councils form ula o f 40-40-20 to be applied, so th a t the new
185. In June 1974 the form atio n o f an Irish Shippers’ com pany will be assured o f carrying 40 per cent o f
Council was announced in O uhlin. Its m ain objectives the country’s trade.
were to co-ordinate the activities o f m em her organizations 190. The Energy T ran sp o rtatio n Security A ct o f
in form ulative policies on tra n sp o rt an d ancillary services. 1974,، ؟؟an agreed version o f w hich has been voted by
It was reported th a t the need to eo-ordinate the interests the Congress, was n o t agreed by the ?resident o f the
o f all users o f tra n sp o rt services arose m ainly from the U nited States.، ؟؟T he A ct w ould have required up to
fact th a t services available to Irish shippers “often left 30 per cent o f oil im ports into the U nited States to he
m uch to he desired” , an d also from the need for a shippers’ carried on Am erican-fiag vessels.
conseil to have a strong say on m atters relating to
tra n sp o rt costs, standards o f services an d p o rt facilities.،؟،
186. A ccording to press rep o rts,،®؟the U nited Repu- B. Unitization
hlic o f T anzania is to set u p a freight hureau sim ilar to
the C entral F reight B ureau o f $ri L an k a.، ®؟The Trends in unit ' transport system s
em phasis at the outset w ould probably he on reservation
191. T he acceleration o f the tren d tow ards un it
o f cargo space, cargo aiiocation an d rationalization o f
shipping services, b u t in due course th e new freight load systems over the past few ye^rs has resulted in
b u reau ’s activities will be extended to eover all those shippers presently heing offiered a wide range o f vessel
carried o u t hy the C entral F reight B ureau o f Sri L anka. types for the earriage o f unitized cargo, including full
cellnlar and p a rt container ships, roll-on/roll-offi vessels,
W hen in full o peration th e T anzanian Ereight B ureau
barge carriers, pallet carriers and m nlti-purpose vessels.
192. C ontainerization has undoubtedly fulfilled its
١،؟ Journal ٠/ Commerce (Liverpool), 10 September 1974.
original purpose; the speeding o f cargo th ro u g h p u t
٠،؟ Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 3 Angust and 14 November
، ٠® Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 23 July 1974. ، ٠١ Seatrade (Colchester U .K.), vol. 4, N o. 5 (M ay 1974).
، ٥® ﺀ/ ﺀ’ ﻣﺤ ﻤﻢList (London), 10 September 1974. ، ٠٠ Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), vol. 252,
،؛، International Freighting Weekly (London), No. 221 (19 June No. 4743 (18 July 1974).
1974). ، ٠® Article hy Cameroon Tribune as quoted in Marchés tropicaux
، ٠® Seatrade (Colchester U .K.), vol. 4, No. 11 (November 1974). ﺀﺀméditerranéens (Paris), 30th year. N o. 1520 (27 December
، ٠٠ F o r information regarding the Central Freight Bureau of
Sri Tanka, see “Central freig h t Booking ©®ce, Sri Lanka: report ٠،؟ Congressional Information Bureau (W ashington D.C.), vol. 78,
prepared for the U N C TA D secretariat by Mr. D . Soysa, Ministry N ٠ . 199 (11 Dctober 1974) and ibid., N ٠ . 196 (8 ©ctober 1974).
of Shipping, Sri Lanka” (TD/B/C.4/108). ، ؟؟Journal o f Commerce (Liverpool), 2 January 1975.
and ship operation an d an inerease in levels o f produe- required fo r investm ent in infrastructure for one p arti-
tivity; b u t it is n o t neeessarily the m ost eeonom ieal cular m ethod as against others, until the stage is reached
m ethod o f unitization in every circum stance. It wih when it heeomes clearer whieh m ethod is the m ost
tak e some tim e to know whieh p articu lar m ethod o f eeonomiea! and beneheial to developing eonntries in
unitization is the m ost suitable an d eeonom ieai for the light o f their particular tra n sp o rt requirem ents
eaeh specihc trade;*®® it m ay be th a t several m ethods and their socio-economi© eonditions.
need to be used together in trades w here there is a large
variety o f goods. I t is w orth n oting th a t the repercus-
2. Particular developments with regard / ٠ unit load system s
sions o f higher fuel eosts on the operating costs o f various
in //«£٢ cargo trades
types o f u n it load systems can n o t yet be clearly seen
and evaluated, particularly in view o f th e sh o rt tim e th at 196. A large p a rt o f liner cargo in the m ajor trades
has elapsed an d o f th e boom conditions whieh prevailed is now nnitized. T here is, however, no inform ation
in the dry cargo m arkets an d liner shipping in 1974. showing the com parative positioh o f each u n it load
193. In the particu lar ease o f developing countries, $?؛stem. ? a rtia l inform ation on the share o f container-
there is grow ing evidence th a t hexible u n it load systems ized eargo—irrespeetive o f the t?؛pe o f vessel used— in
m ay best serve the heterogeneous eharacter o f their the 1 هm ajor hner trades to and from the U nited States * ﺀإ
trade. F o r exam pie, th e us© o f shipper—paeked units suggests th a t in 1972 (table 33) ab o u t 44 p er eent o f the
can result in substantial savings in the eost o f handling liner cargo (11.5 m illion tons) m oved in coffiainers
eargo from p ro d u ctio n p o in t to the m arket. U nits (though n o t neeessaril ?؛on ©ontainer vessels). I t was
th a t m ay be built a t producers’ prem ises by securing also reported *٠®th a t 52 per eent o f the E u ro p e/F ar E ast
the goods paeked in bags, eartons o r oth er form s o f liner trade ro u te and 54 per cent o f the F a r E ast/E urope
p a c k a ^ n g to pallets m ay ereate substantia[ savings, ro ute m oved in eontainers in 1973, b u t again n o t neeessa-
w ithout undue pressure on p o rts in developing countries ril ?؛on ©ontainer vessels. T here is no reason to believe
to invest in the ©apital-intensive an d teehnieally sophis- th a t the situation on the m ajor routes to and from other
ticated h andling equipm ent necessary for container developed eountries is substantial[}? different. I t is
operations. T he advantages o f using shipper-paeked w orth noting however th at, in other th a n the 10 m ajor
units inelude the faet th a t they are eonvenient to handle trades to an d from the U nited States, the share o f cargo
and store at the producers’ prem ises an d they reduee the earried in eontainers in 1971 was only 3.4 per eent
eosts o f handling, inland tra n sp o rt an d loading, while (the source did n o t give the eorresponding share in 1972).
loading an d discharging times a t export and im port W hile unitization is im p o rtan t in m ost trad e routes to
term inals are also redueed, as com pared w ith break-bu!k and from la p a n , it has been reported * أﺀth a t in 33 trade
transport. routes o f ^ p a n a b o u t 2,500 yearly sailings o f conven-
tional liner ships still occur. A lso, in the F a r E ast/
194. C enerally speaking, international seaborne trade E urope and E u ro p e/F a r E ast liner trad e routes * ﺀأin
an d the particu lar requirem ents o f different eountries 1974 there was an average o f 774 annual sailings o f
and regions are to o heterogeneous to be served by only eonventional an d com bination container/break-bulk
on© tra n sp o rt o r handiing system. W hatever the (COM BO ) vessels. Olearly, although the expanding use
advantages o f one o r an o th er system m ay be, the requi- o f eontainers on the m ajor hner trades affects a very
rem ents o f w orld trades necessitate th e objeetive selection substantial p o rtio n o f liner eargoes, other form s o f
from am ong a rang© o f u n it load systems o f th e one best unitization o f eargoes and conventional m ethods o f
adapted to th e partieu lar eireum stanees. I t is interesting packaging and handling general cargo are also used fo r a
to n ote in this context th a t in 1974 the E lder D em pster great p a rt o f liner eargoes. M oreover, the use o f con-
Line, a m em ber o f the U nited K n g d o m /W e st A frica tainers by no m eans im phes tran sp o rt on ©ontainer
Liner Jo in t Service, p u t in to service three m ulti-purpose vessels only.
sem i-eontainer vessels eaeh o f 41B T E U *٠٠ th a t are
197. O n the o th e r hand, new announeem ents are
equipped w ith on-b o ard ©ontainer handling faeilities.
m ade from tim e to tim e by groups o f earriers o f their
$uch ships do n o t require heavy eapitai outlays in
deeision to eontainerize eertain trades, as fo r exam ple
eom plex equipm ent by the p o rts served.
E urope to $o u th Africa,*®® E urope to N ew Zealand,*®®
195. T here appears to be grow ing interest in vessels
offering versatility o f serviee. I t has been seen from *٠* Foreign Oceanborne Trade o fth e United States : Containerized
table 24 th a t the em phasis in new orders fo r unit load ٧٠٢
٠^ ح/»ءه
٠ ﻣﺢء؛Trade Routes, 1971, issued by tbe United States
system vesseis is on o th er th a n fuh ©ontainer vessels. D epartm ent of Comnnerce, M aritime Administration (3¥a$hin^ton,
D .C., February 1973) and Containerized Cargo Statistics, 1972,
A dopting a hexible attitu d e in the use o f u n it load issued by the U nited States D epartm ent o f Commerce, Maritime
tra n sp o rt systems heips to reduce the am o u n t o f capital Administration (Washington D .C., ^ n u a r y 1974).
*٠® FEFC Facts ﻣﺢ»هFigures, N o. 5 (January 1975).
*٠٠ According to a study covering the Live^nooi/Lagos/Ap^a^a
*٠® Lloyd's List (London), 31 October 1974.
trade carried out hy the Fconomist imehigence U nit, London, *٠٠ FEFC Facts and Figures, N o. 5 (January 1975).
containerization is only 15 per cent cheaper than break-buik trans- *٠٠ Containerisation International (London), voi. 8, N o. 4
port, whereas shipper-paeked unit operation can show as much (April 1974), and Journal de /٠ marine marchande ءءde la navigation
as 25 per eent saving on eonffiiners. The Fconomist Intelligence aérienne (?aris), 56th year. N o. 2849 (25 Jffiy 1974).
U nit Ltd., Container Handling ﻣﺢ»هTransport Costs (report prepared *٠٠ Containerisation /« ءءء-»س،' ﺳم/ (London), voi. 8, N o. 7/8
for the U nit Load C u n c il (London, July 1973). (Jnly/August 1974), and Seatrade (Coichester U.K.), vo[. 4, N o. 8
*٠٠ Twenty-foot equivaient unit. (August 1974).
T able 33
Share o f cargo moved in containers in the major liner trades
to and from the United States of America, 1971 and 1972
(En million long ﺀ»مﺀand percentages)
1971 1972
Percentage Percentage
o fc a rg o o f cargo
G eneral cargo m o ved in G eneral cargo m oved in
Trade route carried containers carried containers
U.S. G ulf/U .K . and Ire!and, Gontinenta!
Europe, N o rth o f Portugal . . . . .
U.S. Pacific/U.K. and Gontinent . . . . 39.2
U.S. Pacific/Far East . . . . . . . . . 4.5 49.1
Source ; C om piled ^•om Foreign O ceanborne Trade o ft h e U nited S ta te s ; C ontainerized Cargo ٠« S elected Trade R outes
1971 (op. cit.)y a n d C ontainerized Cargo Statistics, 1972 (op. c it.).
Jap an to H o n g K ong and N ew ^ e a ia n d , aiso som e other increasingly used for carriage o f dry cargo n o t snited
destinations in the F a r E a st . ﺀ٢ لJn addition, fully to the 20 ft. or 40 ft. containers. Siinilariy, LA SH
cellular container services began o p eratio n in 1974 in ships, which m ay n o t be eom petitive in serving m odern
certain oth er trades from Jap an as fo r exam ple to the p orts th a t have sophisticated handling facihties, wili
R epublic o f K o rea an d to M alacca Straits ﺀ0 آ1 ة.قﺀل flnd greater em pioym ent in shahow estuaries, less devel-
oped h arbours ١٢ ؛an d some ports o f developing conn-
198. I t is interesting to note however, th at, whiie the
E o r example, L A SH ships were expected to
lines serving the E urope/N ew Z ealand trad e have opted
start calling a t the ports o fK a n d la in fn d ia from July 1974.
in fo r full containerization o f the trad e, the shipping
In A ugust this year a L A SH service started betw een the
lines serving th e trad e betw een A ustralia, N ew ^ e a ia n d
U nited States G u lf p o rts and the Singapore/Saigon/
and N o rth A m erica have sought increased diversifieation
M alaysia/lndonesia/Ehilippines area.
o f m ethods o f unitization an d the shippers are offiered
a wide choice o f nnitized cargo systems, e.g. R o /R o , 200. A lthough palletization has proved to be an
L A $H vessels, full con tain er ships, sem i-eontainer ships efficient and cheap m ethod o f nnitization, speeiahy
and conventional vessels , ١ ﺀﺀalthough shippers in A us- constructed pailet ships have n o t as yet m ade the break-
traiia earlier expressed d o u b ts a b o u t the future prospects th ro u g h th a t was expeeted w hen palletization was first
for conventional ١٢٠ introdnced. I t appears th a t palletization is encouraged
!99. G enerally speaking, fully eellnlar container by liner operators, particularly in trades in w hieh no
ships ap p ear to be snbject to increasing com petition o ther form o f unitization has been It
from o th er types o f u n it ioad systems, partic^iariy seems, how ever, th a t shippers m ay n o t be given sufficient
ocean-goingR o/R ovesse!s. In 197 4 th erew ere6 © R o/R o incentive to palletize their cargo in afi trades w here this
vesseis either in service o r on order, the m ajority o f is com m ercially o r teehnically possible. This m ay be
w hich are designated to containerized trad e routes. assum ed from a rep o rt ١٢ ؛th a t the Ja p a n M achinery
Since 1967 an increasing nu m b er o f operato rs have E xporters’ A ssoeiation (JM E A )h as requested 28 confer-
been inco rp o ratin g R o /R o vessels either as supplem ents
o r as alternatives to th e eeilular container-carrying ١٢ / ؛ه،-ﻣﻤﺢ, No. 3 (M arch 1974).
.ل Jt is expeeted th a t R o /R o vessels will be ١٢٠ It has been claimed by the interested parties that LASH
system vessels have proved nartieuiarly successful in the route
١٠٢ Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 22 June 1974.
between United States G ulf ports and Indian Ocean/Persian G ulf
ports, mainly because these vesse!s can be ofl-loaded while at anchor
١٠٠ Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 11 and 22 July 1974. and are thus no t affected by the limited berthing capacity of, and
١٠٠ Containerisation International (London), vol. 8, N o. 8 the congestion conditions existing in, these Asian ports. (Shipping
($e?lember 1974). and Trade News (Tokyo), 18 Getober !974.)
١٢٠ Ibid., N o. 3 (M areh 1974). ١٢٠ Japan Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 16 August 1974.
١٢١ /^•،^., N o. 5 (May 1974). ١٢ ؛Ibid., 12 November 1974.
ences o f those serving the trad e from Jap an to enlarge and the dem and fo r oil tonnage by 10 per cent o r even
the palletized cargo allowance, w hich they find currently m ore.،®؟
205. A ny assessm ent o f the Im pact o f the reopening
o f the Suez C anal on the International shipping scene is
c. The prospects for the reopening subject to lim itations because o f the m any unknow n
of the Suez Canal
fa v o rs in the reopening equation th a t w ould ultim ately
determ ine the final im pact, such as the scale o f charges
T he Suez C anal was one o f the m ost vital trade .201
links between E ast an d W est hefore its closure 1967 in . and C anal dues, political stability in the area, w aiting
tim e a t the two entry gates, level o f w orld bunker prices
A h o u t 14 per cent o f to tal w orld seaborneand trade،؛؛؟
and capacity lim itation o f the C anal. Nevertheless, in
approxim ately one-third o f E uropean seaborne im ports
.passed th ro u g h th e C an al term s o f shorter stemming tim e w ith savings in fuel
consum ption and inereased utilization o f carrying capa-
-In M areh 1974 the first stages o f w ork in reop en .202 city in term s o f m ore voyages per year, the Suez ronte
-ing the C anal hegan w ith the clearing o f mines, explo should have considerable advantages over the C ape
sives an d obstacles. By the end o f June 1974 a British route. The distance saving from using the Suez C anal
m ine-sweeper crossed th e Can^l. T he to ta l bill for the can be seen from the following :
-reconstruction o f the C anal was estim ated a t $1,000 m il
Colombo- Persian Gulf- Colombo- Persian Gulf-
Financial loans were m ade available to Egypt lion .، ؟؟R oute L e H avre L e H avre M arseilles M arseilles
by the W orld B ank an d hy industrial countries, including
H ,000km 12.000 km 9,000 km 10,000 km
an d the U nited States
Cape. ^0,000^m 21.000 km ^0,000 km ^2,000 km
T he first stage in the reopening o f the C anal .203
would include dredging up to 38 feet to allow access S o u rce: N orwegian Shipping N ew s (3 ه$ ﺀ ( ﻫﺎM ay 1974.
for vessels in the range o f 60— 70,000 grt, while the
second stage woffid involve w idening an d deepening the 206. The reopening o f the Suez C anal w ould reduce
C anal to allow entry to 150,000 to n vessels -A.،®؟
ccord the lengffi o f three o f the principal oil tran sp o rt routes
ing to the plans, in th e final stage th e canal will he by as m uch as 30 to over 55 per cent, as indicated in
enlarged to accom m odate A L C C s/U E C C s o f over the figures helow;
.tons in the 1980s 200,000 Persian Gulf- Persian Gulf- Persian Gulf-
Route M editerranean N orthw est Europe us E a st Coast
I f th e program m e o f w ork is carried o u t a.s .204
(In nautical miles)
planned, hy the heginning o f 1975 the first stage o f
reconstruction should have heen com pleted an d by the 4,700 6,400 8,300
the C anal beginning
w ould becom
o f M arch e ،؟، Cape
1975 10,800 11,100 2,000
,fully operative to accom m odate, as an u pper lim it
S o u rce: O E C D , M a ritim e Transport 1 9 7 3 ... ( ﺀ م. c it.).
tankers o f 70,000 dw t fully loaded an d 110,000 dw t in
ballast. A ccording to thepress
am o urep
n t oorts
f ,،®؟
cargo expected to pass th ro u g h the C anal in 1975 is 207. Because o f the costs o f clearing and reeons-
ah o u t 50 m illion tons o f dry cargo an d 70 m illion tons truction o f the C anal it is expected th a t the C anal dues
o f oil. A ccording to an o th er estim ation, if the C anal dues will he substantially higher th a n those which prevailed
are fixed a t levels which m ake the tran sit an econom ic in 1967. H ow ever, if the increase in C anal dues proves
proposition fo r all dry cargo ships, w hieh could save to be lower th a n the increase in fuel costs, then the
substantially on voyage distances and tim e, the dem and econom ic savings o f using the C anal may be o f greater
fo r dry cargo shipping m ight he reduced by 5 per cent significance th an hefore the closure. T hus it m ay becom e
attractive fo r m any ship operators to reorganize their
ship operating arrangem ents, although som e trade
، ؟٠ The economic effects o f the closure o f the Suez Canal: ﻣﺢءءﻣﺢ >' patterns established after 1967 m ay n o t change o r may
by the secretariat ٠/ U NC TAD (United N ations publication,
$ales N o. £.73.tt.D .t3), para. 9. take time to ad ap t to the new situation.
، ؟؟Seatrade (Colchester U .K.), vol. 4, N o. 4 (April 1974).
، ؟٠ Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (London), vol. 251,
No. 4728 (4 April 1974). D . UNCTAD training courses
، ®؟Lloyd's List (London), 7 August 1974.
،٠® In October 1974 a provisional contract was concluded 1. Third training course in port management
between the Suez Canal A u th o ri^ and a Japanese construction
company to widen and deepen the Canal so as to accommodate 208. A fter the p o rt m anagem ent training courses
150,000 ton ships. It was reported that work to increase the Canal’s held in G othenburg in 1972 and in Algiers in 1973,م؟ل
depth Irom 15 to 19.5 metres and the width at the water’s edge U N C T A U organized a th ird such course w hich took
Irom 90 to 160 metres would start in the latter h all o f 1975. Lloyd’s place in G othenhurg from 8 July to 6 Septem ber 1974.
ﺀ،'( ﻣﺢLondon), 16 October 1974.
Tire course, which was finauced by the Swedish Inter-
،٠، Suez Canal Authority, September 1974. However, according
to press reports it was stated by the Egyptian Government that even
if the Canal becomes physically operative its reopening to world ،٠٠ OECD, Maritime Transport 1973: هstudy by the Maritime
shipping will be dependent on the political settlement in the area. Transport Committee (Paris); see also The OECD Observer (P^ris),
ﻣﺢ»هﺀك،'»، س'ﺀ^ﺀShipping Gazette (Copenhagen), vol. 58, No. 11 N o. 7t (August 1974).
(November 1974). ،٠٠ See Review ٠/ maritime transport, 1972-1973 (op. cit.),
، ٠® Norwegian Shipping News (Oslo), 3 May 1974. paras. 296-293.
national D evelopm ent A uthority, was conducted in 213. Increased use has been m ade o f (he unit load
English an d was attended by 25 p artieipants from 19 system and in p articular o f containers in air cargo
developing countries. traffic. The ability to introduce the u n it system into
2©9. The ©ourse program m e eoneentrated on four air freight operations has been facilitated by th e advent
m ajor subjects: p o rt planning, p o rt productivity, financial o f the new generation o f w ide-hodied aircrafts, such as
m anagem ent and the application o f m o d ern m anagem ent the Boeing 747, w hieh was the h rst aircraft to carry
techniques to p o rt operations. In addition to leetures, 40 ft containers. Specialists in air tran sp o rt now claim
discussion groups an d sem inars, frequent use was m ade th a t air cargo rates are com petitive with surface rates.
o f business games an d case studies w ritten specifically H ow ever, while they have established a firm foothold
for training ©ourses o f this nature, an d visits to the p o rt in international interm odal traffic, airline operators have
o f C oth en b u rg , stevedoring, shipping eom panies and n o t been able to agree on ju st how “interm odai” they
tra n sp o rt undertakings in the area were organized. In should be.*®؟
addition, study to u rs were m ade to the p o rts o f H am burg, 214. F urtherm ore, despite a noticeable annual increase
L ondon, Dslo an d Stockholm , in o rd er to give the in the volum e o f goods transported by air, the air eargo
participants an insight in to how p o rt problem s were industry has n o t m ade the breakthrough th a t was
being taekled in diffierent countries. foreseen in this seetor a few years ago. The resistance
o f shipping to air com petition has been m uch stronger
2. Berth throughput seminars th an was originally foreeast. W eaknesses have also
21 ^ ﻣ ﻪh is new activity, w hich was started in 1973 been found in the organization o f goods transported
with a view to assisting in the dissem ination o f the between airports, laborious docum entation,*®؟procedures
results o f U N C T A D ’s p orts research w ork directly to and delays which som etim es offiset the m ^jor benefit o f
p o rt m anagers in developing countries, was continued air transport, i.e. the quiek transit time. M oreover,
with the organization o f tw o fu rth er sem inars in in 1974 airline operators suffiered a setbaek because o f
C alcutta an d D ar-es-Salaam in F eb ru ary an d M ay 1974 increased fuel costs, the p articular im pact o f which
respectively, w hieh were attended by a to ta l o f 45 parti- was greater fo r air tran sp o rt th a n fo r sea transport.
eip^nts from 23 p orts in 16 countries.
F. Land bridges
E. Air transport
1. The Siberian
211. T able 34 illustrates the tren d in air freight
volum e for the p erio d 1968-1973 an d th e tre n d in air 215. !m erest in the use o f this land bridge appears
freight operating revenues for the same period. to be increasing in ©ontainer traffic. A ccording to
212. The percentage increase in freight volum e during press reports,* ’؛in 1974 ab o u t 4,000 eontainers were
1973 was 17.2 per cent, w hich was significantly higher tran sp o rted m onthly to E urope via the Siberian route,
th an the 14.1 per eent recorded in 1972, o r th e 9.3 per as against 2,000 eontainers tran sp o rted in A ugust 1973.
eent reeorded in 1971. I t is w orth n oting th a t betw een O ther inform ation * ؟؟suggests th a t the costs o f tran sp o rt
1968 and 1973 freight traffic, in term s o f to n kilom etres, through the Siberian land bridge have been as m uch
increased substantially m ore ( 86.2 per cent) th a n passenger as 30 per cent iower th a n the sea link-up. How ever, a
traffie (64.6 per eent) an d m any tim es faster th a n airm aii proposed 15 per cent rise in the Siberian land bridge
(6.3 per cent). (SLB) container freight rates on 1 O etober 1974 cam©
u n der strong eriticism from the Japanese M aehinery
T able 34 E xporters A ssociation an d five m ajor Japanese non-
Trends In air freight volume vessel-operating eom m on earriers (N ^OO Os),* ®؟who
and in air frei^bt operating revenues, 1968-1973 believe th a t the rise in rates will inhibit expansion in the
(Scheduled operations م/< ﺀ ه/ ﺀﺀ »'ﺀo f IC A O member States) “٠ utilization o f th e land bridge.
216. A new land-sea-land groupage serviee for the
Freight operating
Freight volume revenues F a r E ast container traffie from E urope whieh started
T otal in 1974 will use the Soviet land bridge, ^ h e F om pre-
Ton- Per- revenue Per ton- Per- hensive Shipping C om pany (w ith the ? o r t o f L ondon
kilom etres centage (m illions o f kilom etre centage
Year (m illion) change dollars) (U S cents) change A uthority holding a 75 p er eent stake) was developing
the serviee w ith M A T T ran sp o rt (Cverseas) fo r the
(968 . . . . 8,320 27.4 1,401 16.8 + 2.4 Anglo-Soviet Shipping C om pany, the U nited K ingdom
1969 . . . . 9,970 18.8 1,650 16.5 - 1 .8
1979 . . . . 10,600 6.3 1,745 16.5 - 0 .6
197! - li,590 9.3 1,983 17.1 + 3.6 *٠٠ Container News (New York), voi. 9, N o. 6 (June 1974),
ا 972- ]3,220 ل4 . ا 2,277 17.2 + 0.6 in which an account was اجven on discussions organized by this
^ubiication in w hkh five airhne car$o s^eeialists participated.
1973 . . . . .. 15,490 17.2 2,676» 17.3 + 0.6
*٠٠ N؛٠٢١٧ ?^/،?« Shipping News (Dslo), 16 May 1974.
S o u rce: lA T A , W orld A ir Transport Statistics, 1973. *٠’ Japanese Maritime Gazette (Tokyo), 16 October t974, and
ﺀD o m estic a n d in tefn atio n a! scheduled services; m a jo r exclusions, U S S R a n d Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 16 November 1974.
C hina.
*٠٠ Lloyd's List (London), ^9 M ay 1974.
١١ F ig u res revised by source, w hich d o n o t m a tch th o se in Review o fm a r itim e
transport, 1972-1973 (op. ﺀ/ﺀ. ﻣﺮta b le 45. *٠٠ Shipping and Trade News (Tokyo), 2 August 1974, and
٠ IC A D prelim inary estim ates. ﺀ/ م. ﺀصList (London), 14 September 1974.
operators o f the R ussian T rans-$iberian C ontainer the land/m ini bridge shipm ents to continue until the
question has been settled^^؛
2. The United States land brige
217. This land bridge whieh in the business w orld G. W orld cruise fleet
is know n as the “m ini bridge” has been developed to
serve goods m oving betw een the A ltantic coast o f the 219. T he developm ent o f the w orld crnise fieet
U nited States an d th e E ar E ast in o rd er to avoid the during the period 1965-1974 is show n in table 35 . ةﻣ ﺄل
all-w ater route. F o r varions reasons it has been n n der I t can be seen from this table th a t over this 10-year
flre, p articularly from p o rts on th^ A tlantic coast o f the period the w orld cruise fleet has show n only a m odest
U n ited States a n d other H ow ever, while increase from 58 vessels totailing 1.25 m illion grt in !965
the right to offer direct-link services betw een th e East, to 68 vesseis to tahing 1.35 m illion grt in 1973. T he
G u lf an d W est eoasts o f th e U nited States is heing table shows, however, th a t there have been signiheant
strongly contested before the fe d e ra l M aritim e Commis- qualitative changes from year to year in the fleet. These
sion (FM G ) an d the C ourts, the volum e o f n n it trains changes were accounted fo r by the yearly deliveries o f
providing such service has show n a steady grow th. new buildings and deietions o f lost and strap p e d tonnage.
O n the U nited States E ast coast alone m ore th an T he w orld cruise fleet provided 25,471 cabins and
30 U nited States an d foreign ffag operato rs now offer 45,529 berths fo r cruise passengers as o f 1 la n u a ry 1974 . ﺀ ﺀل
land bridge an d m ini bridge services c o n n c tin g Europe 220. The flag distribution o f the w orld cruise fleet for
and the F a r E ast p o rts via a cross-conntry rail link to 1974 as eom pared w ith 1973 is given in table 36. It
W est coast ﺀ0ﻗ ﻤ ﻠ ﻤ ﺔا آ can be seen from the table th at, in term s o f tonnage,
218. T he disputes th a t arose eoncerning the mini 69.5 per cent o f the cruising capacity is offered by only
bridge in 1973 rem ained unresoived in 974 ل. G f interest flve countries, nam ely the U nited K n g d o m , N orw ay,
is the fact th a t in June !974 ١٠® th e G u tb o ard M arine Greece, Italy and ?an am a.
C o rp o ratio n urged the E M C to o verturn a recent initial 221. A t the beginning o f 1974, 36.4 per cent o f the
decision by an adm inistrative iaw ju d g e in which it to ta l tonnage beionged to the age gronp o f 15 years and
was determ ined th a t an application by th e Eaciflc W est- above, while only 20.5 per cent h ad an average age o f
b o u n d Conference to extend its exclusive patronage less th a n 10 years, inciuding the N orw egian tonnage,
(dual rate) co n tract system to include its overland which has an average age o f only tw o years.
com m on p o in t (G C ?) territo ry should be approved.
H ow ever, while th e interested parties are p u ttin g their 222. The w ea^ dem and conditions w hich h a d been
respective argum ents to the E M C , a eo u rt ruiing aflows experienced by the cruise industry since !972 persisted
in 1974. D uring this year, partieniarly as a result o f
١٠٠ Seatrade (Golcbester U .K.), ٧٥]. 4, N o. 8 (August ]974).
١٠١ See Review ٠/ M aritime Transport, 1972-1973 (op. cit.), ١٠٠ Fairplay International Shipping Journal (London), voi. 252,
para. 308 N o. 4749 (29 A u g u s t ا974( م
١٠٠ Fairplay / ءءص-»'ءﻣم،»ر،ء/ shipping Weekly (London), voi. 252, ١٠٠ ^ o r earlier years see Review ٠/ Maritime Transport, 1972-
N ٥٠ 4749 (29 August 1974). وﺛم/ ؛■» ﻣم )ﻣﺢ.),. table 47.
١٠٠ Congressional Information ا» ء-( « هءW ashington D.G.), ١٠٠ Fearnley and Egers Gbartering Go. Ltd., World Cruise
voi. 78, N o. 123 (25 June 1974), p. 10. Fleet, January 1974 (Oslo).
T able 35
Development ofth e world cruise fleet,* 1965-1974
1 9 7 0 . . . . . . . 62 1,406,969 1 18,416
1 9 7 1 . . . . . . . 62 1,408,462 5 89,005 102,826
1 9 7 2 . . . . . . . 65 1,394,641 4 71,921 57,003
1 9 7 3 . . . . . . . 74 1,473,^78 4 76,779 71,057
1974. . . . . . . 68 1,349,425 — —
ﺀﻣﻤﺢ،ر- ﺀﺀ.• F earnley a n d Egers C h arterin g c©. L td ., W orld Cruise Fleet, January 1974 (O sio).
٠ F earn ley a n d E gers deflne a cruise ship as an oeean-g©ing passenger vessel © (o v er 0و, ﻣﻪg rt w ith ! ؟signiflcant carg o
space a n d s n i t ^ i e to ea te r (o r holid ay -m a k in g passengers sp en d in g ؟ro re th a ؟tw o days o n b o a rd . F erries, p iigrim ships,
tro o p ea rriers a n d passenger vesseis h u itt b e(o re 1945 a re e^ciu d ed unless th e la tte r h av e b een extensively refltted since
I960. P asse n g er vessels registered in soeialist co u n tries 0 ( E a stern E u ro p e a re also excluded.
T able 36
Flag distribution of the world cruise fleet, 1973 and 1974
S o u r c e : F earnley a n d ل ؛C h arterin g C o . L td ., W orld Cruise Fleet , «« م، م^ ا1973 ( ﻫﺎ ؛؛م,a n d W orld Cruise ﺀﺀاﺀ،, ﻣﺴﻤﺲﺀ»ه1974 .
٠ P o ten tial an n u a l pas؛ Г days is nu m b e r o f berth s m ultiplied b y 330 days in o p e ra tio n؛.
sharply increased b unker costs, several o f the older m arket has been hit by severe financial troubles and
w ell-know n ships in the cruise m ark et were w ithdraw n th a t bankers have shotvn increasing reluctance to finance
from service. I t appears th a t the tendency in the industry this type o f tonnage. The revival o f the cruise m arket
is fo r building relatively sm aller pnrpose-huilt cruise depends largely on the in ternational eeonom ic situation,
ships w hich carry an increased num ber o f passengers b u t w ith high rates o f infiation becom ing world-w ide and
p er to n an d which are consequently m ore econom ical w ith the fluctuating m onetary situation the prospects
to operate. G enerally, it appears th a t the cruise do n o t look particularly encouraging.
Classification of countries and territories ‘
A N N EX п
World! ﺀ؛according to geograplii أand 1969-1972
Million tons ( (
970 0.7 128.0 305.0
971 0.2 170.4 3 ة3.0
0.2 30o!o 140.0 109.7 173.8
. م95.5
25.2 231.6 337.4 619.7 419.4 144,9:,
9.1 Western Asia 1965 348.7 43.3 5.5 397 ia 9 13.0 25.9
1969 6.0 591 17.9 29.5
1970 601.9 18.6 33.2
1971 717.0 16.5 22.7 40.7
1972 820.4 24.0 ^4.5 50.8
ANNEXEE (continued)
World seaborne trade ؛
(M iiiion tons)
9.2 Southern and Eastern Asia, n.e.s. . . 1965 14.6 13.1 65.5 93.3 23.3 17.0 98.5
1969 29.3 18.8 84.5 132.5 51.8 23.1 67.8 142.7
1970 35.0 23.7 89.3 148.0 54.7 61.9 139.9
1971 39.5 25.7 90.2 155.4 63.4 67.4 153.3
1972 51.9 28.4 101.3 181.6 76.3 79.7 178.0
10.1 N orthern Africa 1965 84.6 3.4 29.2 117.2 10.9 3.9 16.3 31.1
1969 202.9 6.7 238.1 10.3 5.6 16.9 32.8
1970 221.4 5.6 28.3 255.4 5.9 17.9 33.8
1971 179.2 5.8 26.9 211.9 11.3 4.5 19.0 34.8
1972 161.9 8.1 27.8 197.8 11.4 4.4 21.1 36.9
10.2 Western A hica 1965 14.7 0.3 41.1 56.1 1.5 4.6 9.9
1969 32.9 1.4 90.8 4.3 12.1 19.9
1970 60.5 1.0 61.5 123.0 3.6 4.0 14.8 22.4
1971 81.1 1.4 58.1 140.7 3.8 16.0 23.3
1972 98.4 1.6 159.2 4.4 3.7 15.2 23.3
10.3 Eastern Africa 1965 — 0.5 11.0 11.5 3.0 6.2 13.2
1969 — 0.8 14.8 15.7 7.0 14.9
1970 — 1.2 16.1 17.3 8.3 16.4
1971 — 1.1 16.8 17.9 6.1 10.3 18.9
1972 — 1.0 16.9 17.9 6.1 8.7 17.6
10.4 SouthernA frica 1965 — 0.3 8.3 8.5 4.7 1.5 6.2 12.4
1969 — 0.1 12.1 12.2 7.7 2.4 4.2 14.3
1970 — — 13.1 13.2 8.8 2.6 6.2 17.6
1971 — — 15.2 15.2 12.5 3.3 7.8 23.6
1972 — — 17.8 17.8 11.8 2.1 6.7 20.6
11.1 Caribbean . 1965 — 0.2 20.4 20.6 4.8 3.0 7.2 15.9
1969 — 0.2 22.0 22.3 6.3 4.0 7.6 17.9
1970 — 1.4 28.4 29.8 23.5 4.5 11.2 39.2
1971 2.6 26.6 25.9 55.1 51.4 5.8 11.8 69.0
1972 2.8 25.5 24.2 52.5 32.9 5.5 10.6 49.0
11.2 Central America 1965 1.0 2.6 9.9 13.5 3.5 3.4 4.1 10.9
1969 — ١٦ 12.0 14.8 5.9 4.7 5.5 16.0
1970 — 3.7 11.9 15.6 6.0 5.5 6.5 18.0
1971 — 2.3 13.3 15.6 6.9 6.4 6.7 20.0
1972 — 2.2 14.3 16.5 8.4 6.7 6.9 22.0
11.3 South America, northern seaboard . . 1965 123.3 99.2 27.7 250.2 53.9 3.0 4.7 61.6
1969 132.3 102.7 33.6 268.5 57.0 4.1 5.9 67.0
1970 131.1 111.8 36.0 278.9 63.1 3.0 6.7 72.9
1971 121.5 80.8 36.2 238.5 41.0 2.8 6.3 50.1
1972 111.8 72.5 38.1 222 4 40.5 3.2 6.9 50.6
11.4 South America, western seaboard ٠ . 1965 6.0 0.8 25.9 32.7 1.1 1.5 5.1 7-7
1969 5.4 1.7 28.4 35.6 4.0 1.0 6.4 11.3
1970 4.6 1.6 29.8 35.9 4.1 1.5 5.9 11.5
1971 3.8 1.7 30.2 35.7 5.8 0.9 5.7 12.4
1972 5.5 2.2 25.8 33.5 6.5 0.6 6.0 13.1
А Ш Е Х и (concluded)
World seaborne ^ a d e ' land 1969-1972
(Million tons)
11.5 South America, eastern seaboard 1965 0.8 34.4 35.3 1.4 29.8
1969 0.2 43.2 43.4 17.1 !?.?
1970 0.1 54.3 18.8 1.0 19.8 39.6
1971 0.7 0.6 56.9 2^.2 3.7 19.3 45.2
1972 1.1 53.4 25.5 2.4 20.9
1972 0.1 0.5
ﺀ،< ; ﺀﺀﺳﻢD ata communicated to the U N CTA D secretariat by the Statistieai Office 0( the United N ations; estimated data: the world totais do n ot correspond exactly
to the rounded total لn tahle 1 In the text.
٠ Excluding international cargoes loaded at ?o rts oflthe G reat Lakes and St. Lawrence system ^or unloading at ^orts oflthe system. Including petroleum imports
into N etherlands Antilles and Trinidad for refining and re-export. G reat Lakes and Sc. Lawrence trade (in dry cargo) am ounted to 37 million tons in 1965, 37 million
tons in 1969, 42 milhon tons in 1970, 37 milhon tons in 1971, and 39 mihion tons in 1972.
١١See annex I for the composition o f these groups.
Distribution o f world tonnage by flag of registration ﺀand type o f ship,
in order o f size of fleets, in grt and dwt, as at 1 July 1974
(dwt figures are shown in parentheses) ٠
O f which:
i; o f registration^ Total tonnage د Tankers Bulk carriers ٠ General cargo ﺀ Container ships Other ships
ANNEX ш (continued)
Distribution of world tonnage by flag of registration ﺀand type of sbip,
in order of size of fleets, in grt and dwt, as at 1 July 1974
(dwt figures are shown in parentheses) ٠
O f w hich:
Fiag ٠/ registration ﺀ T otal / Tankers B u lk ca rriers ﺀ رﺀ»ﺀه-اهﺀ ; ه-ﺀ مﺀ Container ships o th e r ships
ANNEX ш (continued)
Distribution o f world tonnage flag of registration ﺀand type of ship,
in order of size of fleets, in grt and dwt, as at 1 July 1974
(dwtfigures are ^ ٠١٧« in parentheses) ”
O fw h ic h :
ﺀo f registration ﺀ T otal tonnage د T ankers B u lk carriers ﺀ G eneral cargo ؛ Container ships o th e r ships
50. fraq . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229,603 150,185 47,743
(324,456) 246,656)(
5 1 .L g y p t . . . . . . . . . . . . 248,591 143,015
(304,795) 10) ا826’(
199,732 1,600 54,064 143,791 277
52. Stvitzerland . . . . . . . . . .
(301,327) 2,901)( (83,968)
239,815 87,051 23,494 60,765 68,505
53. Algeria . . . . . . . . . . . .
(296,381) 135,710)( (34,314)
160,180 147,060 7,560 5,560
54. Libyan A rab Republie . . . . .
(286,035) 268,351)(
208,700 3,381 148,319 13,023 9,702 34,275
55. Ireland ٠ . . ٠ . . . . . . . ٠
(275,882) 4,314)( (230,290)
211,083 4,050 200,972 6,061
56. Colombia . . . . . . . . . . .
(269,268) 5,765)(
176,315 90,503 71,381 14,431
57. Thailand . . . . . . . . . . .
(267,531) 158,619)(
58.R aham as . . . . . . . . . . . 153,202 48,735 40,052 47,590
(218,870) 78,026)( (62,126)
59. Uruguay . . . . . . . . . . . 130.147 92,757 ^9,830
(204,061) 151,168)(
173,018 122,498 50,520
60. G hana
61. Gzeehoslovakia . . . . . . . . 116.148
(188,581) ).( ة; ة 34,155
O f which ;
Flag o f registration ٥ Total / Tankers Bulk carriers ﺀ General cargo أ Container ships Other ships
M alta . . . . . . . . . . . .
ة:( ﻧﺄة
27,442 4,9 6 1
51,791)( 44,242)(
N icaragua . . . . . . . . . . . 33,240 4,026 8,670 20,544
48,190)( 6,107)( (10,917)
M auritius . . . . . . . . . . . 33,281 3 0 ,8 8 3
C abon 33,159 347 10,503
44,508)( (258) (15,537)
ANNEX ш (continued)
Distribution of world tonnage by flag of registration ﺀand type of sbip,
in order of size o f fleets, in grt and dwt, as at 1 July 1974
(dwt figures ،؛re shown in parentheses) ٠
O f which:
Flag o f registration ٠ Total ،ownageﺀ Tankers Buik carriers ﺀ Générai cargo ' Container ships Other ships
т т х ш (concluded)
Distribution of world tonnage by flag of registration “ and type of ship,
in order of size of fleets, in grt and dwt, as at 1 July 1974
(dw tfigures are shown in parentheses) >ا
O f which:
Flag o f registration ﺀ Total tonnage^ Tankers Bulk carriers ٠ General cargo ﺀ Container ships Other ships
S o u rc e : L lo y d ’s R egister o fS h ip p in g : Sta tistica l Tables, 1974 (L o n d o n ), n n d su p p lem en tary d a ta reg ard in g ؛؛١٠ G re a t L akes fleets o f th e U n ite d S tates o f A m erica
a n d C a n a d a a n d reg ard in g th e U n ite d S tates R eserve fleet.
٠ T h e designations em ployed in this ta b le refer to flags o f reg istratio n a n d d o n o t im ply the expression o f an y o p in io n b y th e S ecretaria t o f th e U n ite d N atio n s co n -
eerning th e legal statu s o f قny eo u n tr^ o r te rrito ry , o r o f its autho rities, o r eo n cern in g th e delim itatio n o f its fro n tiers.
ﺀG r t figures a re sh o w n o n th e first lin e; w here available, d w t figures are sh o w n in p arentheses o n th e seco n d line.
٠ I n th e ease o f flags o f hom self-governing territo ries, w hieh are listed o n t o f r a n k o rd er, th e n u m b e r ind ieatin g r a n k orde^ is sh o w n in parentheses.
هShips o f 100 g rt a n d over, exeluding th e G re a t L akes fleets o f th e u ^ t e d S tates o f A m erica a n d C a n a d a a n d th e U n ite d S tates R eserve fleet (see also n o te g).
٠ O re a n d b u lk ca rriers o f 6,000 g rt a n d over, ineluding o re/b u lk /o il carriers.
س ﺀ ﺀ/ » ; ﺀ»؛ ه
(!) U n ite d S tates G re a t L akes fleet estim ated a t 1,661,397 g rt (2,689,323 dw t), o f w hieh ta n k e rs: 40,914 g rt (69,553 d w t); o re a n d b n lk ca rriers; 574,787, ؛g rt
(2,619,770 dw t);
(ii) C an a d ian G re a t L a ^es fleet estim ated a t 1,526,610 g rt (2,057,175 dw t), o f w hieh ta n k e rs; 58,629 g rt (99,669 d w t); o re a n d b u lk ca rriers: ا, 2 2 ا28, ةg rt
(iii) U n ite d S tates ^؛e serve fleet esti;na؛e d a t 2 m illion g rt (2,308,000 dw t), o f w hieh ta n k e rs; 162,700 g rt (251,700 d w t); general carg o vessels; 1,809,300 g rt (2 أ014,2 ) ﻫﻢdw t.
T h e figures fo r th e U n ite d S tates R eserve fleet apply to vessels o f m o re th a n 1,000 g rt a n d a re th u s n o t d irectly co m p arab le w ith th e figures fl-om w hieh th ey have
heen dedueted (b u t th e statistical discrepancy is very sm all, since few ships o f less th a n 1,000 g rt a re in clu d ed in th e R eserve fleet).
O f w hich:
A rea T otal tonnage Tankers B u lk carriers G eneral cargo Container ships O ther ships
3. Australia and New Zealand ٠ . . 1,331,766 255,408 442,011 338,473 83,123 212,751
(1,751,464) (414,223) (686,005)
11.4 South Ameriea: western seabord . 1,217,795 230,079 166,646 660,612 160,458
(1,569,876) 362,302)( (267,892)
ANNEX IV (continued)
O f w hich:
A rea T otal t T ankers B u lk carriers G eneral cargo Container ships O ther ships
0 /w h ic h :
Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt
/ ٢٠«
A d d itio n s......................................... 797 764
o f which: new deliveries . . . . 33
N et additions - - - - - - - - 797 764
/ ٢٠؟
A d d itio n s......................................... ا, 404 4 ل, 404
o f which .■new deiiveries . . . . 404!, 4 1,404
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 404!, 4 ل, 404
A d d itio n s......................................... 537 377 160
o f which: new dehveries . . . . !60 ! 60
N et additions - - - - - - - - - - ل04 377 -7 -6 4 ! ! 60
A d d itio n s......................................... 135 !35
o f which: new deliveries . . . . ل35 !35
Net additions - - - - - - - - -
Saudi Arabia
A d d itio n s......................................... 116
— 116
o f which: new deliveries . . . .
N et additions - - - - - - -- آ 5
Sub-total: Western Asia
A d d itio n s......................................... !8 2,989 1.437 377 ل0 ا, 05! !60
o f which: n e ^ deliveries . . . . ل, 732 !,437 35! !60
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 2,109 1.437 377 35! ! 60
ك » ﻫﻢ/ﺀ ﺀه ﻣ ﺤ ﻪ
A d d itio n s 503 !7 7
o f which: new deliveries ٠ . .٠
N et additions - - - - - - - - - 503 17 ب7
/» ه؛ﻣﺢ
A d d itio n s 23 6,361 ا, 572
م/ ه ﺀ'ﺀس.■new deliveries . . . . 1,027 2,300
N et additions . . . . . . . . . !! 5,369 ,, ج 2,2ص
/» ﻫﻤﺢﺀ »ﻫﻤﺢ
A d d itio n s 11 ,074 186
م/ ’ س، ﺀ/ﺀ.• new deliveries . . . .
N et additions - - - - - - - - - -134 4" 186
Republic ofK orea
A d d itio n s 2.300 408 254
o f which: new deliveries . . . . 2.300 26
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 2,594 2.300 40
A d d itio n s 2,!23 2,018 !05
م/ • ﻣﻪﺀ'ﺀسnew deliveries . . . . 2,090 2,018 72
Net additions !,95! 2,0!8 -1 0 9 42
ANNEX V / ﺀ »ئﺀ » ﻣﻊ،رﻣﺢﺀ
Additious to and net ( $ n the merchant fleets of developing cowtries and territories during!
1973' ؛
Thousand dwt ,■vessels oflfiOO )ءآكand اج^م-ر
O fw hich:
Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt
Additions . . . . . . .
ofw hich ; new deliveries
N et additions . . . . . 2 134 — — — — 2 134 — —
Additions - - - - - - -
ofw hich -• new dehveries
N et additions - - - - -
Additions . . . . . . . 9 349 — — — — 8 344 1 5
ofw hich ; new deliveries
N et additions . . . . . 13 - 2,027 -1 -9 6 2 - 2 - 434 - 7 -5 8 9 -3 -4 2
Sri Lanka
Additions . . . . . . . 5 462 — — — — 5 462 — —
ofw hich ; now deliveries
N et additions - - - - - 5 46^ — — — — 5 462 — —
Additions . . . . . . . 6 1,437 2 1,241 — — 4 196 — —
ofw hich: new deliveries
N et additions - - - - - 4 1,185 1 1,075 — — 3 110 — —
A dditions - - - - - - - 14 6,447 3,967 61 5,029 14 3,178
ofw hich: new deiiveries 11,007 4,764 ^,704 950
N et a d d itio n - - - - - 12,733 10 5,049 3,533 1,302
10.1 N orthern A f r ic a
Additions - - - - - - - 317 219
ofw hich: new deliveries 317 219
N et additions - - - - - 317 219
Additions . . . . . . .
o fw h ich : new deliveries
N et additions - - - -
ANNEX V (continued)
Additions to and ل ؛s in the merchant fleets of developing eountries and territories during 1973 ٠
(Thousand dwt / ^٠/ 1,000 : دﻣﺢ؛دﺀﺀgrt and over)
O fw h ic h :
A d d itio n s 2 62
o f which : new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions ٠ . ٠
٠ . . . 2 62
A d d itio n s 1 155
o f which ٠ • new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions . . . ٠٠٠. . . 1 155 — 155
Ivory Coast
A d d itio n s 6 510 — 510 —
o f which: new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions . . . . . . . ٠ ٠ 5 478 — 478 —
A d d itio n s 1
o f which : new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 1
A d d itio n s 1 152 152
o f which: new deliveries . . . . 1 152 152
Net additions . . . . . . . . . 1 152 152
Sub-total: Western Africa
A d d iti o n 9 901 155 594 152
o f which: new deliveries . . . . 1 152 152
N et additions ٠٠. ٠ .. . . . 8 155 152
A d d itio n s —
،ا/ هء؛ س.• new deliveries . . . . —
N etadditions . . . ٠٠ . . . . -2 -110 —
A d d itio n s —
o f which .• new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions ٠٠ . . . .. . . -2 -1 8 1 — -1 8 1 —
A d dirions . ٠٠ ٠.. . . . . 4 244 1 23
o f which: new deliveries . . . . —
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 4 244 1 23
A d d itio n s 1
o f which: new deliveries . . . . 1
N et a d d itio n s —
ANNEX V (continued (
Additions to and) s in the merchant fleets of developing countries and territories during؛
Thousand)،!١٧ / ؛ م/ 7 ﻣﻤﻢ grt and
O f w hich:
A d d itio n s 26 155 18 346
٠/ . which ; new deliveries 544 294 250
- - - - - - N et additions 19 1,532 134 ! م25 346
C aribbean 11.1
A d d itio n 108
ofw hich .• new deliveries ٠
- - - - - - N et additions
Sub-totai : Caribbean
A d d iti o n
٠/ ١ ١^
٧ . .• new deliveries
- - - - - - N et additions
A d d itio n
٠/ which .• new deliveries ٠
. . . . . . N et a d d itio n
A d d iti o n 101 — 101 —
ofw hich ٠ ■. new deliveries
. . . . . . N et additions
A d d itio n s 430 154
م/ هء؛!ا’ ال . .• new deliveries 464 430 34
- - - - - - N et additions 508 430 78
A d d itio n s
٠/ . which ; new deliveries
N et additions . . . . . .
m m s .\(continued)
Additions to and net ا ؛s in the merchant fleets of developing countries and territories dtiring 1973 '
(Thousand dwt / vesseis م/ ﻣﻤﻤﺊgrt and over)
O fw h ic h ;
A d d iti o n 4 330
م/ ء'ءس/ء.■new deliveries . . . . 1
N et additions . . . . . . . . . 4 330
Sub-total: ^»؛ ٠ ^ America :
northern اﺳﻣﺢءء-ﻣﺢ
A d d iti o n 4 330
ofw hich: new deliveries . . . . 1
N et a d d i t i o n 4 330
Ad d i t i o n - - - - - - -
ofw hich ; new deliveries
N et ad d itio n . . . . . -2 3 3 -2 3 3 —
Additions . . . . . . . 370
ofw hich .• new deiiveries
N et additions . . . . . 130 134 —
Addi t i ons - - - - - - - 943
o fw h ich : new deiiveries
N et additions . . . . .
Additions . . . . . . . 260 130 130
ofw h ich : new deliveries 130 130
N et a d d itio n . . . . . 205 130
Sub-total: South America:
western seaboard
A d d itio n - - - - - - - ;,573 4 1,2 130
ofw hich .■new deliveries 425 130
N et additions . . . . . ,045 844 130
Additions . . . . . . . 976 67 11 909
ofw hich ; new deliveries ? 616 616
Net additions . . . . . 381 -2 6 5 67 7 675 -1
) A N N E X y (concluded
Allaitions to and ا in the merchant fleets of fleveioping countries anfl territories flm^ng « 1973
) اآ، ﻣﺤﺴﺴﻢdwt / vessels م/ ﻣﻤﻤﺊgrt رمﺀ^ ﻣﻤﺢ»ه
O fw hich:
Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt Number dwt
A d d itio n s 5,305 3,407 16 1,516 136
. . . ofw h ich : new deliveries 19 5,087 11 120
N et additions - - - - - - - - 18 4,8 3ﻫﺚ07 111 1,204 136
A d d itio n s 63 9,346 5,370 313 39 420
م/ه' ءس/ ء .;. . new deliveries 33 10 4,393 20 ؛:س 250
- - - - - - - - N et additions 7,484 4,711 178 335؛,
O c e a n ia .12
N، ؛٢»»
A d d itio n s 331 312 19
ofw h ich : new deliveries ٠. 312 . 312
- - - - - - - - N et a d d itio n 331 312 19
A d d itio n s 64 — 49
م/ اطءس. !.•. . new deliveries
N et additions - - - - - - - - 49
Sub-total: Oceania
A d d itio n s 414 312 34
م/ هء؛ س. .•. . new deliveries 312 312
. . . . . . . . N et additions 414 312 34
٠ ﺀﺀﺳﻢك.• C om piled fi-om d a ta te ^ a rd io ^ a d d itio n s a n d deductio ns to m e rch an t fieets w hich w ere m a d e availah le to th e U N C T A D seeretaria t b v th e U ffited S tates
D e p a rtm e n t o f C om m erce. M aritim e A d m in istratio n .
ﺀF igures fo r th e acq u isitio n o f seco n d -h an d ships fo r eaeh co u n try m a y h e o b ta in ed h y ded u ctin g “new deliyeries” fro m “ a d d itio n s” .
٠ F o r a n ex p ian atio n o f th e eo d e num bers, see annex I above.
Amendment to the
OECD Understanding on Export Credits for Ships •
On 18 July 1974 the Council o ^the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
adopted a resolution which, inter ٠/،'«, noted that the Governments which participate in the Under-
standing on Export Credits for Ships ﺀhave agreed that clauses 1 and 2 o f the Understanding are
amended to read:
“ 1. F o r any contract relating to any new ship to he negotiated from 1st July, 1974 onwards,
governments participating in this Understanding agree to aholish existing official facihties *
and to introduce no new officia! fficiiities for export credits for ships on terms providing:
(i) A maximum duration exceeding 7 years from delivery and repayment other than hy equal
instalments at regular intervals of normaily six months and a maximum of twelve m onths;
(ii) Payment by delivery of less than 30 per cent of contract price;
(iii) A n interest rate of less than 8 per cent, net o f all charges. ٠*
“2. This minimum interest rate of 8 per cent will apply to the credit granted with official
support by the shipbuilder to the buyer (in a suppiier credit transaction) or by a bank or any
other party in the shipbuiider’s country to the buyer or any other party in the buyer’s country
(in a buyer credit transaction), whether the offieial support is given for the whoie am ount
of tire credit or only part o f it.
“ * Official facilities are those which enable credits to be insured, guaranteed or flnanced
by governments, by governmental institutions, o r with any form of direct or indirect govern-
mental participation.
“ ** By interest rate, net of ail charges, is m eant that part of the credit costs (excluding
any credit insurance premia and/or any banking charges) whieh is paid at regular intervals
throughout the credit period and whieh is directiy related to the am ount of credit. ”
ﺀE or the original text of the Understanding see. The ( •ﺀﺀ^ﺳﻢﺀﺀﻫﻢ ه ﺀﺀ مParis), N o. 41 (August
1969), p. 12.
١٠ Australia, Belgium, Ganada, Denm ark, Eederai Republic o f Germany, Finland, France,
Raiy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and N orthern
Selected maximum and mlnlmmn ﺀtramp freight rates, 1970-1974
Currency unit
(Sterling and 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
U nited S ta tes - -
C om m oditiesfroutes dollars and cents) H igh Low H ig h Low H igh Low H ign Low H igh Low
Heavy grain ;
United States Gulf-West
Coast I n d i a . . . . . Dollars 8.7 1.61 Vi 12.8
N orth ?acihc-£ast Coast
India . . . . . . . Sterling 7.12% 5.2 4.54 .2 ? % ﻃ ﺄ أ ال | ﻣﻖ ' ةل 317.5
0 .5 «ه 4550.0
.5 ﺀ،
^ iv er Plate-Antwerp/
H aniburg range . ٠ . D ohars 15.75 8.15 9.25 5.0 11.65 5.3 29.6 12.75 32.0 26.5
River Plate-Japan . . . Dollars 22.0 13.25 13.0 7.0 9.5 6.9 30.25 17.75 34.0
N orth Paeiflc-Republic
of K orea . . . . . . Dollars .٠ .. .. .. 11.75 6.05 30.5 14.0 30.0 20.0
H am pton Roads-Rio
d e la n e iro . . . . . Dollars 12.25 5.0 4.2 2.7 2.9 2.4
Sugar :
M auritius-United King-
d o m . . . . . . . . Sterling 6.25 4.15 4.15 3.47% 7.25 4.0 11.15
Phihppines-USA . . ٠ Dollars 13.5 7.85 11.0 9.25 12.0 7.75 17.0 30.0 29.0
M orm ugâo-Japan . . . Dollars 10.3 9.9 6.15 4.1 4.45 3.6
Copra :
Philippines-Continent . Cents 44.0 37.0 3652 ﺗﺎ؛ 28.0
Phosphate .•
Casablanca-China ٠ . . Sterling 7.4 4.47 8.8 3.0 3.72 3.25 3.9 ؛/ﺀ
Aqaba-W est Coast India Steriing 2.67% 2.55 2.62% 2.15 2.92 1.9 6.99 20.75 ٠ 1 6 .0 ،
C hina-S ri£an^a . ٠ ٠ Sterling 5.9 4.25 4.47% 3.72% 6.85 6.75 8.09
Continent-China (South
Coast) . . . . . . . Sterling 9.35 6.12% 6.1 3.25 ٠. .. 8.55
Source ; B ased o n in fo rm a tio n in L lo y d ’s L is t (4 , ا0 ﻫﻪ0 صJ a n u a ry 1972, 2 وJ a n u a ry 1973, 4 F eb ru ary 974 ؛a n d 6 Ja n u a ry 1975.
“ A p p ro x im a te leyels.
، I n U n ite d S tates dollars as given th e source.
ؤ ||11
§ 11
8 أق!
٠ ﺀ ب ٠.
ؤ| |; ق
ﺀ م |أ
ة и
ﺻﺚﺀ .ﻟﺔ ة ﺀﻗﺪ أم ﺀ § ،ةﺀ
آ ا
Ш و sج
و ه
i l
ؤ Ï
§ ق
ق II
؟، ج.
م 1ﺀ
وج H 1ة
ه وЙ
^٥1 ^1
> إ
ؤ 1أ
ص ©
ل ا ص
ﺀد ئﺀ ص" л ة
II .
II ؟ ا! ة
о II
ة | : ilا
1تﺀ 1 1 ة
ص о d
S Щص
إ ! أ■P أ
0 ٣٣
؛ ؛ ﺀ■
s i l
§ ةة1
» ﺀ
ق؛ » ج
ة g
я g
1-3 ﺀ م ه H
ص I ج
II وق
ЯЯ ه ﻳﻪ ق » ة и ٣ mi II
ﻟ ﺆ -ة
أى ﺀ
٠٢٢ ٢٢
لا بم_ g ﺀ
وئ ص ci
I ه
ق ﺗﻪ
со ill ﺟﻖ 1ا
№ ه ه
б ا ال 6
ﺀ ق
I Im I I
ة -о
ق я и وﺀ VCوﺀ ق ق
| ﺀة.
١٠٠• ٠ ©
I <٦
и إ !
!١١١١ﻗﺄ ا
!Ш |ا | 3
أ ؛ ا!ل
ة ؛
ظ ؟
ه ь ظ
oi иб о
٢ ٢ rq
ظ ص
ج ج
ه 40
о © ج ٠٢٢ О ق
،§ ،2
я §، ة ﺀ §، | ق 1 ق I
ةم Йя § I II
ЙЙ دو
ا إل
§. ج
ج •
ةا اإ |
ق !'
ة ج
ﺀ ه
О в в о
ﺀ م
| إ |
0ة «٠
ﺀ 4وﺀ
ﻳﻢ ج ه ت
ه ﺀ ه ﺀ
ﺷﻪ ٠٠
|ة ه ي ؤ
© ٠
ة ص о ﺗﺈ
g й وج
ﺝ ﺝ
ﺀ أى
СО ﺝ إ
٠م د ة
! s. م
إ |
ص □ I ه
ص ؤق ص S
و ص я Î,
٠٠ ٤٤
ة ق ق ؤ; ث
ق ة• ه
< С I I I
я ه
٥ S ووج
H ٠ “ 00
ه ﺀ و
(Ц ﻣﺤﺄ 2
О رو ﺀ
| ق وج ي
ГЯ n
I I ج
ﺀ ﺑﻢﺀ ؛ ق ة I
٠٠ ﺀ•
I و
ت ÇO
40 ﺡ 0ﻡ ﺡ ﻭ
ا ﻳﻢ
ﻗﺎ ة ©
fS؟* ﻭﻡ ﻣ ﻢ
ب ي ي
Ü ü l
وق <٠٠
ﺹ '• أواق
ض؛ك Hق ;00
؟ Лوﺀ
٢٢ о 'I d
ﺀ مb
ﻡ م اد
ﻗﻘﻮ ق ﺀ
٨ ٠
III Iق ﺀﺀ
ة I I I I ة
b ؤ
قؤ ﻩﺀ و
ة ﻕ
ﺹ ٠٠
ث II
Ü ح •S
مﺀ ﺀ
ه د ٠٠
ئ g
I ﺀ و.
I ﻭﺅ и
Iق !ﺗﺎ ة وة ح ;> ﺀ S
ق صﺀ ؤ О
> ٠٠
٠٠ د
ج ؛1ل|
٥ ٥ ق || ﻗﺔ|
١١١II د هﺀ
وإ ى
| !ثة
ق’ ق
ؤ|1 I
ﺀ-ﺑ ﻢ
o' Pه ON
Я ^1
ي ﻟﻪ
أ؛إإ وو
| ﻣﺢ
إل §
ق و
أ ق|||
ؤ! |1
о ٣١ﺑ ﻢ ﺀ
ب 0أ 0آ ﻣ ﺄ م ؟ ة ت ﺀ
Ч ة
ج و
ة ق о Pط
ع 7؛أ ص ٢٦
أﺛ ﻖ §
و وأ
I ! قق ق I ﺀ ه ﺀ
ﺝ ٠ ٠ﻡ
ةا ﺀ ى
11 il
ﻩ §■
ة <
ﺑﻢﺀ ﺑﻤﻢ
S o
l l i
م ي ﻗﺆ ؛ة
I إ©
آلﺀ ة
ﺀ ؤ
ه ج
ة ﺀقй j؛t
6 أه s^S'B
م и
وﺀ «
ﻭﺀ٠ ٧
ﻭﻱ ام fflêâ « S u | أة| ة|| ﺀ
ؤة 2
٠٠ Щ
pp <
||؛ ؛ ٧
٠١ ٠١٠ ٠١ ٠١
ﺟ ﺔق 1 êà
.اق ؟؛ и
؛ ج ق
ؤ1؛ ت || ة 1 ف
я وو
оق ﺗﻖ ص
ей و؛ ة |
؛؛ أأ؛اإ
٠ ٠ؤ
1ﺀ ق |
٠ج ة ؛ ة ة 'ع
i û ،s
ى< ٠ о II دؤ
Рч 1
ﻣﺢ ﺍﻕ
§■ g
I ة ! مية ١؛ صة Cü
ج I
ج ة
я ق
ه و
1 !
I Iج
. 1 قؤ
ü I وة Ой
٣١ ئ
: ق1
ﻗﺎ م
\к: ؛!أوب
1 ٠٠
وﺀ O S 6 ا6 ا fflU
1 ﺀ
ق ؛؟
I ﺀ
ة 8
ق II 'ة
I ١٠ ٠ ٠ ÎÏI ٢٠
|ق I III 's i i
g o • ' ؟
ﻳﻢ (S
•5 0
00 و ح
اإ ي
ق 0
| دأ '
?.ﻗ ﺎه ?1ت ﺀ!
b b
ة ﻗﻬﺔ ة | 6 أ؛
ق و
ﺀ و Q
о ٢٠
ة ة! ١ b
1 ااا
و ج
pq а
ق |
أ ﺀ
دﺀ وأ
إل Ш I
II й |ه
ة ق
|pq ﺑﻢﺀ ص ة
ؤة III|| ш §ﺓ
ﻧﺞﺀ о
VO 00
ﻳﻢ ﻳﻢ
ﺀ ة
ﺀ و
آلﺀ \â ﻕON 4
0ه ص ﻫ ﺎ
ﻫﺔ ض 1 ؛
ة| .ق |1
وﺀ bعl
ج | ئ |
ح و إم
أأ ﻗﺔ 1أ ﻗﻖ
11 II ي ع
ﻣ ﺢ0 ٠زم 00 أ ؛|4H
ه3 .
I |ف ه
ه ﺀ
I ح؛ |ة
|| ه
و ،4
،S Г4 N СЧ
« и
“ M b
00 ﻗﺔ ة §
ص Р Р
؟ذو م ; ﻗ آل |
آل §
'111 1
٠ .م<
и м я
м м
ه Й
ﺀ أﺀ
٠ ٠٠٠
II ؤ
٧١ ٠١ ٠١
> >
É ه
|i ق
وم ظ
ؤق 'I إ
ﺓ о Й
ة ٢١ ة: ه
ﺀآل ه a i
ﺀ م
II ق
!ق и ه 0
-"0 |ﺗ
ا و ﻗﺔ
ة ا 0 آل ﺟ ﻖ 0 0 VO
ill ٠
1bةه 1ة ٠هﺀ
ذ ق
ﻗﺎ 1 1
ﺀ ة ١
p. b
I ة
H وﺀ § آل
ظ ﺀ
م H
I 1ق
a ه ال
ﺀ ة
§» أ ﺀ ع آل و ةا
§: 0 g
! آل
٣ ض |إ |
i'- s
ﺀ ﺗﻪ 1ق ONﻢ
يم 00
ﻳﻢ وﺀ
0 00م
ق -ﺑ ﻢ
هГ -
Wсо ﻧ ﺠ ﺦ ٤٠
وﺀ llllf
ﺝ ■I ج ﺑﻢﺀ ٧١ ٢٠
٢٢ ؛ ج | ة1 آل “! и | آل
о 40
ﺗﻲ | I
,О Й ’О
! ص О
il ■ I p
•S •C
٢٠ ٢٠ ٢٠
ق ة
٢٢٢ ٢١ ٠
00 ؟4
ه ة
ة ق
|ﻣ ﺢ
I X ٣١مبﻢ
؛ 1
II ه
« «
ة «
ة؟ ﺀخ
ه ﺀه ﺀﺀ
آ ا ا cb
|آلق ﺑﻢ ؛ 5
٣١ ٣١
I il
m mm ق
|ق 1 ,ا: 1 1 آل ة 1
إا؛أ II
ئëS” .
|ق ١٥
؛ ة bأ ' ٠٠ص p ،s
ه a i
ة م
ﺀةة أم b
ﻧﺂ ٠ . 1ﺀ م § ق ق
؛3 d ٠
s s
و ﻳﻢ
ق I
I |1 СЛ
ه ة
ﺀج il I
ج и
!1 | ظ
!و I I
jS H ص ■٠ ة Hئ
ال ﺀ
ة 8ا ة1
؟1 ص ■Sa 03
ﻧﺠﺪﻫﺪ II
• d
II l l
J i |||| | 1
ﻗﻘﻮ 1
1 1
و 0ث
٠١ ﻳﻢ
; ﻩ ؟ ﻣﻢ< ٠
٠ ٠ ح ؤ ٦٠ ; 4D
ﻣﻢ ٢٢٠ о
٠ : ٠١
ﺀ ﻩ
соﺀ |ﺀ ة || Р ﺀﺀ ٠
ج• ﺀ ﺀ
ﺀ ه وج ظ
6 6 6 'Ü ة||6 6 1 1
'■ ف < ﻗ ﻎ
||ق|| ﻙ ﺀ
' | 1
ﻍ ﺓ• ة ق1
ق|دة ﻯ ه
ه ﺓ
ﻭﻕ ﻡ س
ق .٥٠
1ة |ﺓ
| ﺓ |يﺀ : ﻭ
l؛ l i ï i0
ع ﻣﻢ ب ﺓ ﺝ
Ы ٥٠
ﺏ ٠-ﻩ 1،
؟ﻩ) ٦
Р/ Ы I
ﺉ• ﻕ
ﺹ |
ﻡ 0 ﻑ ٢٠ه S
ﻭﻩ ﺀ
ﺓ 1ﺓ
ﻩ٠ | | | § ٠٠
ة ﻕ ﻩ
ﻕ ﻭ ﻥ 1ﻕ m
وءو ٣١ ٢٢
ﻣﺎ ﻣﺎ
Г- 00 04 0 ^ ٣١مي
١٥١٥ ١٥
ﺹ ﺹ ﺝ 0 مي
٧٦ ٧٦ ١٥
ب ﺟﺊ
قI б III 6
ه م я
ة© о
i l
؛ ~إل|у о
مﺑ ﻪ
دمة !ة
' آل ى
о c5
ئ I
ئ ،0
ﺀؤ ظ
I ه
ﺀ ٠ﺀ٠
| ﺀ
•оI ئ 0 ه
s ﻫﺎ ق
§| ج ئ
й§û ح *5
II ة:
ص ٠٠
٣ ١ﺀ ٣١ ٣١ ٣١
l 'I 6ق|ة ه
ﺀ ة -ة. ه
و .ه
ﻣﻤﺎ ت ﺀ
ة о
ة b ؟
ﻗﺎ ! | ال
ق; §■
ئb أا ﺑﻰ ﺀ
إ ﻗﺎ Си
II ﺀو
ﻗﻠﺆﺗﻢﺀ 0
ﺀ сз <u
ه ﻳﺄ
ce Ü
ة!! j
حо .
Ш ٣٦ ٠١
م0 ٢۴
00 00 ٠١ ON ٠١ ON ON
ﻗﻖ دو ;
ظ ظ
إ ء•
1 ﺃ
ﻕ ﺓ и ■ ق 4ﺀ Ü
w ض I
ﻕ 0
I ه
0 ﺑﻲ
د S Sن ج
٧ ه ه ه
ت и دأ
إ -0
"р ТЗ
•о ه .ق
0 •Г ٠٥ §؛
ص ﺀع | ﺃ
'gقﺀ ؤI و О
S ظ
ه ﺀ قﺀ ج
هaع :ئ ص ﺓ
ئ ﻕ ق ﺀة |ل ؤ ؟ Û
م I
| 6
ق ﻩ О О
و آ©
^ ٦ ١٦
٣١ ج OV
٠٢٢ ب ٠٢٢ я
ﺀ S،
© ٥٠
ﺀ ه
III ق P P وﺀ
ق 0 |ة
|ة ؛1
٢٠؟ ٠
|ي ﺀ.ة
٢٠ ﺀ ل
cP جﺀ م؛
ت 'ﺀ ق.ق I
1أأ: ه
| أ | إ | III
ﻩ ﺀ
مبﻲ ٢٠
دم ﺀ
Sئ ي
رؤ رؤ ج ؤ ﻭ
ه 8ﻭ
٢٠ و
مق ﺢ 0 ©
ﻡ ﻩ
أ ؛؛
ال I
؛ill ة
© |ق ٢٠
. ٢٠ Оﻧ ﺤ ﺪ
ة |إ СЛﻩ
II ه
ﻩ ﻡ
ة ﺀ
|| ﺀ.مبﻲ “ﺓ-ﻕ
1"Г ٢٠ة
ﻳﻢ ؤ
١٥ Г-
ﻳ ﻢﻳ ﻢ
و و ٢٢ و ٢٢٢٢ ٢٢
p 's
ح ﺀ ص ٣٣
ة ?؛
ﻣؤ ﻊ
ة ؛1
و٥ .
ص ن ﻩﺀ СО
Я ١؛ 8ا
аде ﻗﺔةﻗﺔ 6
Ü ص
'ق ﺀأ ي
I I n
ت ﺀ ؛ق
ص ب
ؤ §
° я -ﺟﺎ
ؤ ؤ قق
ح إل إل
ع È 1 ع
ة ظ )م
| ق
U ’i IIاؤ I
ق §-إل•
|ﻕ ﺀ
ة ؤ ؛د а I ﻧﺊ
iﺀ ٠٠
وؤill 1
Æ Ss
5ةﻣ ﺢ
ﺑﻪ أ 1 ي
آل ﺑﻪ
ةة | ء!
ة S,
ه |لآتII ق
ة || .ه
ﺗ ﺆم ؟٤ I
ÇSه ,
؛ ?
ه® я
ج ج ؛! ة!
1ق § ٠٢٢ 00
и м
و؟ مي .ﺩ
ﺋﺮ م
ه ﺀ ^
ة آل »
II 6
ق 1ة
و III g
1ق 1
ﻣﻘﺼﺄ II bة.
ج •о
1ق1: ص
؛٧١ ٧١ ٠ 0 ' \p ص
٠, ٠ ٠ هب ه ي ب
© ٠
а ؛ II
ﻕﻕ ا
« .ﻩ
٢٢ ©
١٥ si ؛ ﻟ ،ﺺ
ﺝ"д .
| ة|
دأ ﺀ !
ЗهТ أ ج
' ﻡ■
ا؛ ﻫﻪ
o u i
ؤقL وق
ﻩ ﻩ
11ة11ةاة 6 6
؟ ﻩ“
ه م ﺀ
!ا أ1
I ٥٠
ق ق ق
i со
٠ ،٨ ١٥
-0 ﺹ
I ٠ه
ة ﺑﺂ ي
لا !
لا ,8
إ1 ﺀ
م ﻣﻲ
ه СО
٠ • ٠٠
ﻕ 1 III ٢٠
؛ 1؟
ة ال||ق Й
ه ﺀ و.
٢٢ ؛؛ ؟ و ٢٢٢٢ ٢٢
II ال
| II ﺑﻢ 0و ح
| ﻗﺆ
ﺓ | ﺓ ه
ة1ق11ق !
;ед^О О Я
| ﻕ
ﻕ | §ﺓ 0ئ
|| ج |
§ ج؟م
3إ ص
1!1P ÇO
я.й'^я я
6 ﻧﺔﻕ
ﺑﻢ' ﻣﺢ
ﺀ ﺀ دأ | ق ق .ص !!
1ق |
ب م
|إإ 1ة
|ﺀ ة ؤ وغ وص
:ÏI1 ||ة О
— ﻩ ٧٦
0 ﻟﻮ
ت ة .
ﺀ и
ﺀ ﺀ
1 ﻕ b
ق || م
Л .؛
ؤ ٥
b I я
b ة |ة
b هﺀ ؛أ
م s Wئ
Ц •о *0ﻣ ﻢ
ﺉ .ﻟﻪ
م !il ح
о 0O
ﺀ Ii
٠ ج
0ه 00 00 و
٠ وق ﻱ f؟*
ئ 0ل
о ق ﺓ
ﻧﺖ Ô о
ج So
ﻣﺤﻘﺖ ة ﺑﻤﺄ b
Q ٠ة؛я
ت ه ﺀ b١
ت?ا ﻣﺤﺞ
؛1 ﺀ ﺝ ق 1
ة1 ﺏﺀإل b b I
و | ؤ |
دا ﺀ داص Üﺽ16 È6 и
б О Я о
3 0
я ،й Я я
б 1ة| ة 1ة
I ﻕ؟
ﺹ ﻕ
ل وﺀ в ﻕ
ة СЛ
U h
3ﺀ Р
آل ؤ
ﻅ ق
ﻗﺞ ﻣﺢ 1
| ﺓ
ؤة i l
!ﺅﻕ II
وﺀ ص я ي
. !:ﻕ ؛أ ﻕ
|||1 ﺝ II ة م 1
أج -S
ﻩ ﻩ d
ﺅإل I
|||ق W ؛ N
ؤ 0ل
إ ة
أ! أو
؛ 5ﻡ !îël ﺝ ٠٠
ة .ص f f l Sw. S II s a
ﺀﻓﻤﻢ،ةﺀ ﺝع
د م م
٥٠ ©
О ﺡ ﺀ
Си оآلق ﺀﻟﻪ
ب S
ﺝ' г_лﺽ
٢٠ ه ٠ © ق
ص 00
ﺹ ٠٠٥ﺏ ﻣﻢ ﻩ
|ة -ﻣ
ﻩ о ﺀ
оﻳﻢ ن ﺢ
S “5 M
٠٠ ﻩ
٢ ٠-
| illق
M ’S
•§ ق 6 ق|ة
ﻭ и и ﺀ،
ﺓ•ﺉﻭ ق ٠٠ﻟﻪ٠٢
ق مم©ﺫ
! ق
ق ق I٠ ق ق ﻣ ﺢ |I
2 b ﺓ ﻩ ﺓ
2 2 ;Z 2
ئ ﻣﻢ
I ﻭﻩ
٠٠ ه
§ م 1
ح ئ
ص ٢٦
ه ﻓﻪ
1ص H
أ ص
ؤI M
il 1،
ه ٦د
٢ ح 0
ق 6
ؤؤ T3 ق ﻡ
وص 13 ﻡم
1ئ!ق ؟ ٥٠٢ﺀ
ق 0.
ﻉ ﻩ• ٤
1111ة ج:
ال S
وق О ٠١ (N Ы و
ill :
л ٢٠٠٠
ص ٧٦
ح ﺅ
أ ﺀ
ТЗم ج و•
إ § ﺀ
ﺡ؛ﺵ Яр
ؤة Сﻭﺀ о | .
' oت.
٠١ Ô
٠ 40
i t t ه
؛ !
С S w
ci ج Й
م О О О ﺀؤ
W ГМ ص
|ﻭ ﺀ■١ ٥
•وي ٠١٠
٤ ص
|| ة
ء ه
I tu
و مﺀ Л ، и ﺛﺬ ﻕ
ﺓﻗﺎﻫﻆ ﻗ ﻘ ق1 -
دو | ﻕ
ﻗﻢ ت ؤ ؛
0 ﻛﻖﺀ ة
я ج я ئ ь
ه 6ق | 66
II ا ة 11ة
• ؛S O SЙ' S
|ﻣ ﻖ
I ﺑﺂ ة
Я ! 1أ |إ
ه ﺀ ﺀ Ы
ﻟﻪق | ﺍ |ة ص مﺀ
I Iﻩ ه:
■у Я
I ق ؤ
0ة• ﻡﺓ
я я
ج сЗ
٥ ٥
ة .ه
ئ H
ج ٤
؛ ؛ • о ta
й Йй قI
» » ة. II и
ﺀ وص يم • ٠ﻣﻮ
ج ©
° حم|ﻡ
|ﻕ ٢٢
ئ ة
| أا^
© ﺀ
ج 6
ﺇ ه ﺀ М
ة ) | ﺀ ة ﺀ ة ال
! ﺓ
ﺀ و
ﻧﻢ ج SS
;^ ٠
أ ﺀو I I I | | ﻕ ع ق I I I
ﺓ 0
00 ٠١
ة ه ج■
ﺓ ٦٩
إ|إ '!*S
ال ظ
ق ﺀ
о 00
إ liîife
٠٠ ь
!f ه ﺀ ﺅ
i ﺍﻗﻘﺎﺍﻕ ٧ 61 ٧ ٧لا
لآ ٢٠ О
ﺀ ۵
أ ! ه1
I |ق|ق ﺀﺀ
ق 1ة 0ئ
و 1I if
I ٢٠ и
ﻗﻮم О
IÎ1 J ق ج، ﺓ 0 ﻕ دا
٠٢٠ ٠ د
> || ﺡ
lÎP i اق 0 :ﺀ
| آل
ﻟﻮ د
ﻣﺎ ؛م
ق ة.
لآ Со
>a ه ﺀ
I -p
ئ. ﻟﻮ م
« ا!
C Й ﺩ ﺩ
ص Sﺩ
ص ﺩ ?٢١
يم يم
« ءص
يم I ةа I I I صﺀ
ئ ق دﺀ
I ه
و ص
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ﺓﻕ ة
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ة ي. ﻅ
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Z я و св
إ *p
ﺩ ق ﻟﻞ،
8ة ق ٤
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со со
H ﺝ.
ح ﻩ ؟
| ﻕ
*Oؤ сЗو م
|آل 1
ق ة|
ﺀ Р
ﻣﻨﺜﻮ دات ا ال م ا ﺳﺪ ؛ ﻛﻴﺂ اﻟﻌﺼﻮل ﺻﻞ
. ﺗﺎ ز ﻟﺨﻲ
ا ﻇﻢ ﻣﻬﺎ ن اﻟﻜﻤﺔ ا JUI. ؛ط-ا. اسش ا ﺗﺠﺎتدددد ا ﻟﺘﺪذع ؛ ﺻﻊ ﺳﻜﻦ ا ﻟﻤﺮ دضﺷﺘﺪرات
ا الم
ﻋﻪ ادض ﺟﺪ.أد ا ﻛﺒﺎﻟﻰ ' ا ﻣﺺ ؛' ﻟﻢ اﻳﻊ ﻣﻨﺢ
К А К П О Л У Ч И Т Ь И ^ ^ А П П Л О Р Т А Н П ^ А ^ П П О В -Ъ Е Д И Н Е Н Н Ы Х Н А П ^ П
И з д а н и я О р г а н и з а ц и и О б ъ е д и н е н и и ^ И а ц и ^ м о ж н о к у п и т ь и К Н И Ж Н Ь !К м а г а -
з и и а к и а г е и т с т и а к и о в с е х р а ،1 о и а х ^ и р а . Н а в о д и т е с п р а в к и о б и з д а н и я х в
ваш ем кн иж н ом м а га зи и е или и и т и т е по а д р е с у : О р га н и за ц и я О б ъ ед и н ен н ы х
Н а ц и й , О екц и я п о п р о д а ж е и з д а н и и Н ы о -И о р к и ли ^Е еи ева.