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JULY 2008


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.

This publication presents the Society’s interpretations of adopted resolutions on matters arising from implementing the require-
ments of IMO Conventions or Recommendations. Such adopted resolutions can involve uniform interpretations of Convention
Regulations or IMO Resolutions on those matters which in the Convention are left to the satisfaction of the Administration or
vaguely worded.
The publication covers only some relevant topics and shall under no circumstances be taken as the Society’s complete guideline
to statutory interpretations.

Comments may be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

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© Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas
Printed in Norway by

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Contents – Page 3

Sec. 1 Statutory Certification of vessels......................... 5 M. SOLAS Ch.II-2/15 Instructions, Onboard Training and
Drills .....................................................................................14
A. Introduction ............................................................................ 5
A 100 General.............................................................................. 5 N. SOLAS Ch.II-2/16 Operations .............................................14
A 200 Objectives ......................................................................... 5 O. SOLAS Ch.II-2/17 Alternative Design and Arrangements ..15
A 300 Statutory Certification....................................................... 5
A 400 Service suppliers ............................................................... 5 P. SOLAS Ch.II-2/18 Helicopter Facilities ..............................15
P 100 Helicopter refuelling and hangar facilities ..................... 15
B. Applicable Statutory Requirements........................................ 5
B 100 General.............................................................................. 5 Q. SOLAS Ch.II-2/19 Carriage of Dangerous Goods ...............15
B 200 DNV Statutory Interpretations.......................................... 5 Q 100 General............................................................................ 15
B 300 Application........................................................................ 5 R. SOLAS Ch.II-2/20 Protection of Vehicle, Special Category
B 400 Amendments and adoption ............................................... 5 and Ro-Ro Spaces.................................................................15
B 500 IACS Unified Interpretations............................................ 5 R 100 Precaution against ignition of flammable vapours in
closed vehicle spaces, closed ro-ro spaces and
C. Definitions .............................................................................. 5 special category spaces ................................................... 15
C 100 General.............................................................................. 5
D. Statutory Certification and vessels classed by the Society..... 6 Sec. 3 SOLAS Ch.II-2 and the FSS Code
D 100 General.............................................................................. 6 Fixed Gas Fire-extinguishing Systems.............. 16
A. General .................................................................................16
Sec. 2 SOLAS Ch.II-2 A 100 Application ..................................................................... 16
Interpretations and Clarifications....................... 7
B. Requirements for all Gas Fire-extinguishing Systems .........16
A. General.................................................................................... 7 B 100 General requirements...................................................... 16
A 100 Application........................................................................ 7
C. CO2 Fire-Extinguishing Systems..........................................17
A 200 Submission of documentation........................................... 7 C 100 General requirements...................................................... 17
B. SOLAS Ch.II-2/4 Probability of Ignition ............................... 7 C 200 Fire-extinguishing systems for cargo holds.................... 18
B 100 Miscellaneous items of ignition sources and ignitability.. 7 C 300 CO2 high pressure fire-extinguishing systems for
machinery spaces, cargo handling spaces and
C. SOLAS Ch.II-2/5 Fire Growth Potential................................ 7 ro-ro spaces..................................................................... 18
C 100 Control of air supply and flammable liquid to the space.. 7
C 200 Fire protection materials ................................................... 7
D. Low Pressure CO2 Systems ..................................................18
D 100 General............................................................................ 18
D. SOLAS Ch.II-2/6 Smoke Generation Potential and D 200 Testing ............................................................................ 19
Toxicity................................................................................. 10 E. Equivalent Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems ..............19
D 100 Paints, varnishes and other finishes, primary deck E 100 General requirements...................................................... 19
coverings......................................................................... 10
E. SOLAS Ch.II-2/7 Detection and Alarm ............................... 10 Sec. 4 SOLAS Ch.II-2 and the FSS Code, High
E 100 General requirements...................................................... 10 Expansion and Inside Air Foam Systems......... 21
E 200 Protection of machinery spaces ...................................... 10 A. General..................................................................................21
E 300 Protection of accommodation and service spaces and A 100 Application .................................................................... 21
control stations................................................................ 10 A 200 Definitions ...................................................................... 21
E 400 Requirements of the FSS Code Ch.9 Fixed fire A 300 Water and foam concentrate supply systems.................. 21
detection and fire alarm systems..................................... 11 A 400 Foam generating components and
foam generator room....................................................... 21
F. SOLAS Ch.II-2/8 Control of Smoke Spread ........................ 11 A 500 System arrangement........................................................ 22
F 100 Protection of control stations outside machinery spaces 11 A 600 Arrangement for machinery spaces and
G. SOLAS Ch.II-2/9 Containment of Fire ................................ 11 cargo pump rooms .......................................................... 22
G 100 Thermal and structural boundaries ................................. 11 A 700 Arrangement for ro-ro spaces ......................................... 22
A 800 Testing of high expansion and inside air system ............ 22
G 200 Protection of openings in fire-resisting divisions .......... 11
G 300 Protection of openings in machinery space boundaries.. 11 Sec. 5 SOLAS Ch.III and LSA Code, Lifesaving
G 400 Ventilation systems......................................................... 12 Arrangement....................................................... 24
H. SOLAS Ch.II-2/10 Fire Fighting.......................................... 12 A. General..................................................................................24
H 100 Water supply systems ..................................................... 12 A 100 Application ..................................................................... 24
H 200 Portable fire extinguishers .............................................. 12 A 200 Scope............................................................................... 24
H 300 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems .................................... 12
H 400 Fire-extinguishing arrangements in machinery spaces... 13 B. Documentation......................................................................24
H 500 Fire-extinguishing arrangements in cargo spaces........... 13 B 100 Documentation for approval ........................................... 24
H 600 Fire-fighter’s outfits........................................................ 13 C. Passenger ships and cargo ships ...........................................24
C 100 General............................................................................ 24
I. SOLAS Ch.II-2/11 Structural Integrity ................................ 13 C 200 Suez Canal crew ............................................................. 24
J. SOLAS Ch.II-2/12 Notification of Crew and Passengers .... 13 C 300 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III,
J 100 General requirements...................................................... 13 Regulation 7) .................................................................. 24
C 400 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements
K. SOLAS Ch.II-2/13 Means of Escape ................................... 13 (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 11)...................................... 24
K 100 Means of escape from control stations, accommodation C 500 Stowage of survival craft (SOLAS Ch.III,
spaces and service spaces ............................................... 13 Regulation 13) ................................................................ 25
K 200 Means of escape from machinery spaces........................ 14 C 600 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements
K 300 Means of escape from ro-ro spaces................................. 14 (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 16)...................................... 25
K 400 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD) ............. 14 C 700 Rescue boat embarkation, launching and recovery
arrangements (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 17) ............... 25
L. SOLAS Ch.II-2/14 Operational Readiness and C 800 Pilot ladder arrangements (SOLAS Ch.V,
Maintenance.......................................................................... 14 Regulation 23) ................................................................ 25


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 4 – Contents

D. Passenger ships (additional requirements) ........................... 25 B. ISM Code Reg. 12.1 ............................................................. 27
D 100 Survival craft and rescue boats (SOLAS Ch.III, B 100 Annual internal audits .....................................................27
Regulation 21).................................................................25
D 200 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III, C. ISM Code Reg. 12.2 ............................................................. 27
Regulation 22).................................................................25 C 100 Management review........................................................27
D 300 Additional requirements for ro-ro passenger ships D. ISM Code - Revised Guidelines on implementation of the
(SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 26) ......................................25 ISM Code by Administrations ..............................................27
E. Cargo ships (additional requirements).................................. 25 D 100 Resolution A.913(22) – 3.2.............................................27
E 100 Survival craft and rescue boats (SOLAS Ch.III,
Regulation 31).................................................................25 Sec. 7 SOLAS Ch.XI-2 - Maritime Security............... 28
E 200 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III, A. General..................................................................................28
Regulation 32).................................................................26 A 100 Regulation 6 - Ship Security Alert System .....................28
E 300 Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements
(SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 33) ......................................26 Sec. 8 International Code for the Construction and
F. Life-saving appliances and arrangements requirements....... 26 Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases
F 100 Free-fall lifeboats (LSA-Code Ch.IV, Regulation 4.7)...26 in Bulk - IGC Code ............................................ 29
F 200 Launching and embarkation appliances A. General..................................................................................29
(LSA-Code Ch.VI)..........................................................26 A 100 Application......................................................................29
G. References ............................................................................ 26 B. IGC Code [Chapter 4] - Cargo Containment.......................29
G 100 IACS Unified Interpretations (UI) ..................................26 B 100 Construction and testing..................................................29
Sec. 6 SOLAS Ch.IX - ISM Code................................. 27
A. ISM Code Reg. 5.1.5 ............................................................ 27
A 100 Master’s review...............................................................27


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.1 – Page 5


A. Introduction legislated by the flag administration concerned.

A 100 General B 200 DNV Statutory Interpretations

101 Det Norske Veritas is an independent foundation with 201 The DNV Statutory Interpretations are the Society’s in-
the objective of safeguarding life, property, and the environ- terpretations of IMO conventions and codes. The current Stat-
ment. utory Interpretations are found in Sec.2 to Sec.7.
The foundation operates through the limited company Det 202 The Statutory Interpretations shall be considered as sup-
Norske Veritas AS, which is registered in Norway and oper- plementary to requirements specified by the flag administra-
ates through a worldwide network of offices. tion in question.
Det Norske Veritas AS carries out classification, quality assur- 203 In case of conflict between Statutory Interpretations and
ance and certification of vessels, facilities and systems, and those of a flag administration, the latter will generally prevail.
carries out research in connection with these functions. More-
over, provided its integrity is not impaired, Det Norske Veritas B 300 Application
AS may perform assignments which utilize its knowledge or 301 Statutory Interpretations will be applied to DNV classed
which contribute to develop knowledge that will be required vessels for which the Society has been authorised by flag au-
for the performance of these tasks. thorities to undertake statutory surveys and to issue related cer-
102 The Society signifies Det Norske Veritas AS. tificates.
103 The Board signifies the Executive Board of the Society. B 400 Amendments and adoption
401 New and amended Statutory Interpretations will come
A 200 Objectives into force when published.
201 This publication presents the Society’s interpretations of
adopted resolutions on matters arising from implementing the B 500 IACS Unified Interpretations
requirements of IMO Conventions or Recommendations. Such 501 In addition to the Statutory Interpretations described
adopted resolutions can involve uniform interpretations of herein, the Society has also adopted IACS Unified Interpreta-
Convention Regulations or IMO Resolutions on those matters tions (IACS UIs).
which in the Convention are left to the satisfaction of the Ad-
ministration or vaguely worded.
202 The interpretations will, unless otherwise instructed by
the flag administration, be the basis for the Society’s work C. Definitions
when acting on behalf of a flag administration.
C 100 General
A 300 Statutory Certification 101 Builder: Signifies the party contracted to build a vessel
301 The Society undertakes statutory certification on behalf in compliance with the Society’s rules.
of flag authorities, including approval, survey and the issuance 102 Certificate: A document confirming compliance with
of statutory certificates when, and to the extent, the Society has the Society's rules or with other rules and regulations for which
been authorised to do so by the individual flag administration. the Society has been authorized to act.
When the Society acts on behalf of a flag administration, the 103 Certification: A service confirming compliance with ap-
flag administration’s instructions prevail. plicable requirements on the date that the survey was complet-
302 The Society may issue Safety Management Certificates ed.
(ISM Code) and International Ship Security Certificates (ISPS 104 Class: Class is assigned to and will be retained by ves-
Code) to vessels classed by other IACS societies, when so au- sels complying with applicable requirements of the Society’s
thorised by the flag administration. rules.
A 400 Service suppliers 105 Classification: A service which comprises the develop-
ment of independent technical standards for vessels - the rules
401 Where surveyors use the services of service suppliers in (see 115), and to verify compliance with the rules throughout
making decisions affecting statutory requirements, the suppli- the vessels' life.
ers shall be approved by either:
106 Condition on behalf of the flag Administration (CA):
— the relevant flag administration Constitutes specific measures, repairs or surveys that shall be
— duly authorised organisations acting on behalf of the flag carried out within a specific time limit in order to retain the
administration statutory certificate.
— an equipment supplier when explicitly described by IMO A CA will be issued only when the Society has been authorised
conventions, resolutions or circulars, or to carry out statutory surveys on behalf of the flag administra-
— the Society. tion.
107 Convention vessel: A vessel which due to its tonnage,
usage or dimensions would, if trading in international waters
B. Applicable Statutory Requirements or on international voyages, fall within the requirements of
any, or any part, of the IMO Conventions.
B 100 General 108 Customer: Signifies the party who has requested the So-
101 The Society will perform statutory certification based on ciety’s service.
applicable international maritime conventions, codes and reg- 109 Flag administration: The maritime administration of a
ulations, or supplementary requirements and interpretations vessel’s country of registry.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 6 – Sec.1

110 Guidance notes: Contain advice which is not mandatory 128 Statement of compliance: A document confirming com-
for the assignment or retention of class, but with which the So- pliance with specified requirements. Such documents may be
ciety, in light of general experience, advises compliance. issued by the Society in cases where it has not been authorized
111 IACS: The International Association of Classification to certify compliance.
Societies. 129 Survey: Signifies a systematic and independent exami-
112 IACS early warning scheme: A procedure that enables nation of a vessel, materials, components or systems in order
the IACS members to share and utilise information on serious to verify compliance with the rules and/or statutory require-
vessel failures. ments. Surveys will be carried out on the vessel, at the con-
struction or repair site as well as at sub-suppliers and other
113 IACS member society: A classification society being a locations at the discretion of the Society, which also decides
member of IACS. the extent and method of control.
114 IMO: Signifies the International Maritime Organization. 130 Survey staff: Personnel authorized to carry out surveys
115 ISO: Signifies the International Organisation for Stand- and to conclude whether or not compliance has been met.
ardization. 131 Verification: A service that signifies a confirmation
116 Lay-up: A terminology used for vessels that are out of through the provision of objective evidence (analysis, observa-
commission. In this state the vessel may be at anchorage or tion, measurement, test, records or other evidence) that speci-
permanently moored in a safe harbour. fied requirements have been met.
117 Manufacturer: Signifies the entity that manufactures the 132 Vessel: In the context of this publication mean either:
material or product, or carries out part production that deter-
mines the quality of the material or product, or does the final — a ship
assembly of the product. — a craft, e.g. high speed, light craft
118 Memorandum to Owner (MO): Constitutes information — a barge, e.g. a vessel without sufficient means of self pro-
related to the vessel, its machinery and equipment or to rule re- pulsion for their service area
quirements. An MO will be issued in relation to information — a vessel, e.g. naval support vessel, or
that does not require any corrective action or survey. — a unit, e.g. mobile offshore unit (MOU).
119 Non-convention vessel: A vessel other than a convention
vessel. 133 Witnessing: Signifies attending tests or measurements
where the surveyor verifies compliance with agreed test or
120 Owner: Signifies the registered owner of the vessel or measurement procedures.
any other organization or person who has assumed the respon-
sibility for operation of the vessel and who on assuming such
responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and respon-
sibilities. D. Statutory Certification and vessels classed by
121 Plan approval: Signifies a systematic and independent the Society
examination of drawings, design documents and/or records in
order to verify compliance with the rules and/or statutory re- D 100 General
quirements. Plan approval will be carried out at the discretion 101 It is assumed by the Society that required statutory cer-
of the Society, which also decides the extent and method of ex- tificates for vessels classed by the Society will be issued by the
amination. Society or by the flag administration itself, with the exceptions
122 Plan approval staff: Personnel authorized to carry out mentioned in 102 to 105.
plan approval and to conclude whether or not compliance has The Society assumes the right to withdraw class if statutory
been met.
certificates are not issued as above.
123 Port state authority: The maritime authority in the coun-
102 The Society may accept that Safety Management Certificates
try of the vessel’s port of call.
(ISM Code) are issued by a third party that has been authorised by the
124 Quality system: Signifies both the quality management flag administration and complies with IMO MSC/Circ.1074.
system and established production and control procedures.
103 The Society may accept that International Ship Security
125 Reliability: The ability of a component or a system to Certificates (ISPS Code) are issued by a third party that has
perform its required function under given conditions for a giv- been authorised by the flag administration and complies with
en time interval. IMO Res. A.924 and A.584.
126 Retroactive Requirement (RR): Constitutes a class or 104 The Society may accept that Cargo Ship Safety Radio
statutory requirement that will enter into force for certain ves-
Certificates (SOLAS) are issued by a third party that has been
sels in operation and under construction at a given date or an
upcoming survey. The RR will specify the required actions to authorised by the flag administration.
be taken in order to retain class or statutory certification. 105 For a dually classed vessel, where the Society has not
RR related to statutory certification will be issued only if the been authorised by the flag administration to issue statutory
Society has been authorised to carry out statutory certification certificates, the Society may accept that such certificates are is-
on behalf of the flag administration. sued by the dual class society and provided the other class so-
ciety is authorised by the flag administration.
127 Review: Signifies a systematic examination of drawings,
design documents and/or records in order to evaluate their abil- 106 For vessels having statutory certificates issued by third
ity to meet requirements, to identify any problems and to pro- parties, except in those cases defined in 102 to 105, the class
pose necessary actions. may be withdrawn.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.2 – Page 7


A. General this is so indicated with “(DNV)”.

A 100 Application A 200 Submission of documentation

101 This section shall be regarded as the Society’s interpre- 201 Plans and documentation given in Table A1 shall be sub-
tations of SOLAS Ch.II-2. mitted for approval.
102 Each interpretation starts with a reference to the applica-
ble technical requirement of SOLAS or the FSS Code. Follow- 202 Documentation types listed in Table A1 are defined in
ing the interpretation text, reference is made to the applicable Pt.0 Ch.3 Rules for Classification of Ships and give reference
IACS interpretation. For interpretations made by the Society, to specific parts of the rules for the scope of verification.

Table A1 Information elements to be submitted for approval

Preferred plan or Document type, ref. Information elements
document Pt.0 Ch.3 Rules for
Classification of Ships
Structural fire — Details of fire insulation and specification of materials and doors.
protection plan — Application of fire rated divisions for all areas and spaces
— Details of ventilation duct penetrations through fire divisions
Penetration details drawing V060 — Details of cable penetrations through fire divisions
— Details of pipe penetrations through fire divisions
— Fire pumps
Fire main system — Arrangement and construction details of fire main and isolating valves
drawing — Number and positions of hydrants and hoses
Z030 — Fire pump capacity calculations
— Specification and location of all equipment
— Reference to equipment certificates
Arrangement drawings for — Calculations for the quantity of the media used and the proposed rates of applica-
each fixed fire-extinguish- V060 tion
ing system (if relevant) — Release instructions
— Control and monitoring system
— Arrangement of escape routes including stairways, escape trunks and escape lad-
Escape route plan G120 ders
Fire control plan G040 — Showing all fire safety measures onboard
203 For fire safety component and systems the following C. SOLAS Ch.II-2/5 Fire Growth Potential
shall be submitted for approval or review:
C 100 Control of air supply and flammable liquid to the
— copies of the DNV type approval certificates, or space
— fire test reports for the constructions and equipment which
shall be used onboard, or 101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
— type approval certificate issued by flag state (including Ventilation inlets and outlets located at outside boundaries
MED as applicable). shall be fitted with closing appliances as required by Reg. II-2/ and need not comply with Reg. II-2/
(IACS UI SC 100)
B. SOLAS Ch.II-2/4 Probability of Ignition 102 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
B 100 Miscellaneous items of ignition sources and ignit- This applies to all ventilation fans (circulation fans included).
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/4.4.2
This regulation is not intended to preclude the use of containers C 200 Fire protection materials
constructed of combustible materials in galleys, pantries, bars, gar- 201 SOLAS Ch.II-2/5.3
bage handling or storage spaces and incinerator rooms provided
they are intended purely for the carriage of wet waste, glass bottles Regarding non-combustible materials, combustible materials
and metal cans and are suitably marked. (IACS UI SC 166) and surface flame spread, the following applies:


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 8 – Sec.2


10 18 4 11
18 4
8 6 2

15 3
spaces, service
spaces and control Corridors,
17 stations stairway enclosures

16 2

10 Concealed or 7
5 inaccessible spaces

7 14
13 14

Figure 1
Schematic showing components for methods IC, IIC and IIIC - (IACS UI SC 126)


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.2 – Page 9

Table C1 Requirements for components, method IC

Non- Non- Low flame Equivalent Calorific Smoke Not readily
combustible combustible spread volume value production ignited
material material (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/6) (Reg. II-2/
(Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ 5.3.2) 5.3.2) 4.4.4 and 6)
1 Moulding X
2 Panel X
Painted surfaces or Veneer
3 or Fabric or Foils X X X X2)

4 Painted surfaces or Veneer X X X X2)

or Fabric or Foils
5 Decorative panel X
6 Painted surfaces or Veneer X X X2)
or Fabric or Foils
7 Skirting board X
8 Insulation X1)
Surfaces and paints in con-
9 cealed or inaccessible X
10 Draught stops X
11 Grounds and supports X X
12 Lining X
Primary deck covering
13 first layer X X
14 Floor finishing X3) X
15 Window box X
16 Window box surface X X X X
Window box surface in
17 concealed or inaccessible X
18 Ceiling panel X
1) Vapour barriers used on pipes for cold services (see UI SC 102) may be of combustible materials providing that their surface has low flame spread char-
acteristics (Reg. II-2/
2) Applicable to paints, varnishes and other finishes (Reg. II-2/6.2)
3) Only in corridors and stairway enclosures


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 10 – Sec.2

Table C2 Requirements for components, method IIC and IIIC

Non- Non- Low flame Equivalent Calorific Smoke Not readily
combustible combustible spread volume value production ignited
material material (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/6) (Reg. II-2/
(Reg. II-2/ (Reg. II-2/ 5.3.2) 5.3.2) 4.4.4 and 6)
1 Moulding X3)
2 Panel X4)
3 Painted surfaces or X X X X5)
Veneer or Fabric or Foils
4 Painted surfaces or X X3) X2) X5)
Veneer or Fabric or Foils
5 Decorative panel X3)
6 Painted surfaces or X3) X2) X5)
Veneer or Fabric or Foils
7 Skirting board X3)
8 Insulation X1)
Surfaces and paints in
9 concealed or inaccessible X
10 Draught stops X4)
11 Grounds and supports X4) X
12 Lining X4)
13 Primary deck covering 1st X X
14 Floor finishing X6) X
15 Window box X4)
16 Window box surface X3) X3) X2) X
Window box surface in
17 concealed or inaccessible X
18 Ceiling panel X4)
1) Vapour barriers used on pipes for cold services (see UI SC 102) may be of combustible materials providing that their surface has low flame spread char-
acteristics (Reg. II-2/
2) Where the material is fitted on non-combustible bulkheads, ceiling on lining in accommodation and service spaces (Reg. II-2/
3) To be applied to those accommodation and service spaces bounded by non-combustible bulkheads, ceiling and linings (Reg. II-2/
4) Only in corridors and stairway enclosures serving accommodation and service spaces and control stations (Reg. II-2/
5) Applicable to paints, varnishes and other finishes (Reg. II-2/6.2)
6) Only in corridors and stairway enclosures

202 SOLAS Ch.II-2/5.3.1 E. SOLAS Ch.II-2/7 Detection and Alarm

Cold service is understood to mean refrigeration systems, i.e
systems with temperatures below ambient air and sea water. E 100 General requirements
(IACS UI SC102) 101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/7.2
General requirements for control and monitoring, as given in
Concerning the use of asbestos, see Rules for Classification of the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.9 apply, including
Ships Pt.4 Ch.1 Sec.2 A200. documentation types to be submitted.
Neither combustible nor oil-absorbing materials shall be used
as flooring, bulkhead lining, ceiling or deck in the engine con- E 200 Protection of machinery spaces
trol room, machinery spaces, shaft tunnel or rooms where oil 201 SOLAS Ch.II-2/7.4
tanks are located (see also SOLAS Ch.II-2 Reg. 4.4.3).
This requirement applies to machinery spaces of category A.
(IACS UI SC 129)
E 300 Protection of accommodation and service spaces
and control stations
D. SOLAS Ch.II-2/6 Smoke Generation
Potential and Toxicity 301 SOLAS Ch.II-2/7.5.2
Heat detectors are acceptable in refrigerated chambers and in
D 100 Paints, varnishes and other finishes, primary other spaces where steam and fumes are produced, such as sau-
deck coverings nas and laundries.
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/6.2 and II-2/6.3 (IACS UI SC 130)
Regarding materials properties concerning smoke generation 302 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
and toxicity, see C201. In the case of vessels built in accordance with Method IIIC, the
(IACS UI SC126) detection system is only relevant to the accommodation block.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.2 – Page 11

Service spaces built away from the accommodation block need (1) Navigation equipment room (radio transmitter). Bat-
not be fitted with a fixed fire detection system. tery rooms. (Requirements for location of the emer-
gency source of electrical power are further given in
(IACS UI SC 160) the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.2
E 400 Requirements of the FSS Code Ch.9 Fixed fire C.)
detection and fire alarm systems (5) Provision chambers shall be treated as store rooms. Re-
frigerated provision chambers are considered as cate-
401 FSS Code Ch. gory (5) service spaces if thermally insulated with non-
When it is intended that a particular section or detector shall be combustible materials.
temporarily switched off, this state shall be clearly indicated. (7) Electrical equipment rooms (auto telephone exchange,
Reactivation of the section or detector shall be performed au- air conditioning duct spaces).
tomatically after a preset time. (9) Provision chambers shall be treated as store rooms. Re-
frigerated provision chambers are considered as cate-
(DNV) gory (9) service spaces if thermally insulated with
402 FSS Code Ch. and combustible materials.
The requirement that a system be so arranged that a loop can- (IACS UI SC45)
not be damaged at more than one point by a fire, is considered
satisfied by arranging the loop such that the data highway will 102 SOLAS Ch.II-2/Table 9.5
not pass through a space covered by a detector more than once. The required division of steel between control stations and
The requirement that a system be so arranged to ensure that open decks may in the case of an emergency generator be pro-
any fault occurring in the loop will not render the whole loop vided with openings for intake of combustion air to the diesel
ineffective, is considered satisfied when a fault occurring in engine and for intake of cooling air in the case of an air cooled
the loop only renders ineffective a part of the loop not being diesel engine. These openings need not be fitted with means
larger than a section of a system without means of remotely for closure for fire integrity purposes, unless a fixed gas fire
identifying each detector. fighting system for the emergency generator space is fitted.
403 FSS Code Ch.9.2.2 Footnote d):
The main (respective emergency) feeder shall run from the A galley next to a provision room requires an “A-0” bulkhead.
main (respective emergency) switchboard to the change-over (DNV)
switch without passing through any other distributing switch-
board. 103 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
(IACS UI SC35) Dumb waiters shall be regarded as lifts.
404 FSS Code Ch. (IACS UI SC46)
When fire detectors are provided with the means to adjust their 104 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
sensitivity, necessary arrangements shall be ensured to fix and
identify the set point. For the portions which face the cargo area, the A 60 standard
insulation shall be provided up to the underside of the deck of
(DNV) the navigation bridge.
405 FSS Code Ch. and (IACS UI SC174)
Section: Group of fire detectors and manually operated call G 200 Protection of openings in fire-resisting divisions
points as reported in the indicating unit(s).
Loop: Electrical circuit linking detectors of various sections 201 SOLAS Ch.II-2/9.4.2
and connected to the control panel. Balancing openings or ducts between two enclosed spaces are
(IACS UI SC115) prohibited except for openings as permitted by Reg. 9.4.2.
(IACS UI SC 119)
202 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
F. SOLAS Ch.II-2/8 Control of Smoke Spread Ventilation openings may also be permitted in "B" class doors
leading to lavatories, offices, pantries, lockers, store rooms etc.
F 100 Protection of control stations outside machinery
spaces (IACS UI SC67)
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/8.2 203 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
As equally effective means, in case of ventilators these shall be Watertight doors in fire-resisting divisions shall be made of steel.
fitted with steel dampers which shall be easily closed within (DNV)
the control station in order to maintain the absence of smoke in
the event of fire. G 300 Protection of openings in machinery space
(DNV) boundaries
301 SOLAS Ch.II-2/9.5
Hatches giving access to the engine room for the transport of goods
G. SOLAS Ch.II-2/9 Containment of Fire shall be weather-tight. Where remote control for closing of the hatch
is not provided, a signboard to the effect that the hatch-cover shall be
G 100 Thermal and structural boundaries closed at all times, except during transfer of goods, shall be posted.
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ (DNV)


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 12 – Sec.2

G 400 Ventilation systems thickness and in no case less than 11 mm and shall be all weld-
401 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ ed except for flanged connection to the sea inlet valve.
Flexible bellows of combustible material may be used for con- (IACS UI SC 19)
necting fans to the ducting in air conditioning room. 104 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
(IACS UI SC 99) The electrical cables to the emergency fire pump shall not pass
402 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ through the machinery spaces containing the main fire pumps
and their source(s) of power and prime mover(s). They shall be
Combustible gaskets in flanged ventilation duct connections of a fire resistant type where they pass through other high fire
are not permitted within 600 mm of an opening in an A class risk areas.
or B class division and in ducts required to be of A class con-
struction. (IACS UI SC 165)
Guidance note:
(IACS UI SC 175)
See Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.2 for require-
403 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ ments for cables to remain operable during a fire condition.
Grease trap, fire damper, fan shut-off and fixed fire-extin- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
guishing are only required when a galley exhaust duct passes
through accommodation spaces or spaces containing combus- 105 FSS Code Ch.
tible materials. The term “spaces containing combustible ma- If the emergency fire pump is the main supply of water for any
terials” will normally apply to all spaces in accommodation. fixed fire-extinguishing system provided to protect the space
(IACS UI SC 106) where the main fire pumps are located, the pump shall have the
capacity for this system and, in addition, the capacity required
Fire dampers required by Reg. do not need to pass the by SOLAS Ch.II-2/ and II-2/
fire test in Res. A 754(18), but shall be of steel and capable of
stopping the draught. The requirements for “A” class apply (IACS UI SC 163)
only to the part of the duct outside of the galley. 106 FSS Ch.
(IACS UI SC118) Where necessary to ensure priming, the emergency fire pump
shall be of the self priming type.
(IACS UI SC 164)
H. SOLAS Ch.II-2/10 Fire Fighting It shall be demonstrated by calculation that this paragraph is
satisfied at:
H 100 Water supply systems
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ — the lightest seagoing condition, with account being taken
of 22.5° roll and 10° pitch1)
When calculating the number of hydrants, the length of the wa- — a loading condition without cargo or ballast water, with
ter jet shall be taken as maximum 7 m. 10% stores and fuel remaining, roll and pitch not being
(DNV) taken into account.
102 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ Upon completion of the emergency fire pump installation, a
Unless the two main fire pumps, their sea suctions and the fuel performance test confirming the capacity required in the FSS
supply or source of power for each pump are situated within Code, Ch.12, and 105 shall be carried out. As far as
compartments separated at least by A-0 divisions, so that a fire practicable, the test shall be carried out at lightest seagoing
in any one compartment will not render both fire pumps inop- draught at the suction position.
erable, an emergency fire pump shall be fitted. An arrangement 1) Where the length of the vessel exceeds 100 m, the pitch may be taken as
in which one main fire pump is located in a compartment hav- 500/L degrees where L = length of the vessel, in metres, as defined in
ing more than one bulkhead or deck adjacent to the compart- Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1.
ment containing the other main fire pump shall also require an
emergency fire pump. (DNV)
(IACS UI SC 162) H 200 Portable fire extinguishers
The room(s) where the emergency fire pump and prime mover 201 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
are installed shall have adequate space for maintenance work
and inspections. In vessels of less than 1000 gross tonnage, at least three porta-
ble fire extinguishers shall be provided.
103 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
202 SOLAS Ch.II-2/10.5
Not only emergency pumps, but also sea water inlet, suction
and delivery pipes with valves etc. shall be outside the com- 50 kg dry powder or 45 kg CO2 is considered as equivalent to
partment containing the other fire pumps. Only short lengths of 135 l foam liquid.
suction and discharge piping may, however, under certain cir- 25 kg dry powder or 20 kg CO2 is considered as equivalent to
cumstances penetrate the machinery spaces if enclosed in sub- 45 l foam liquid.
stantial steel casing (Reg. II-2/ (DNV)
The sea-chest with valve and the main part of the suction pip- 203 FSS Code Ch.4.3
ing shall be, in general, outside the machinery spaces. If this ar-
rangement cannot be made, the sea chest may be fitted in the The fire-extinguishing medium in the extinguishers shall be
machinery spaces on the condition that the valve is remotely suitable for the potential fire hazards in the protected spaces.
controlled from a position near the pump, in the same compart- (DNV)
ment, and the suction pipe is as short as practicable.
In lieu of the steel casing the pipe may be insulated equivalent H 300 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
to class A-60 standard. The pipe shall have substantial wall 301 On completion, the system shall be function tested. De-


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.2 – Page 13

tailed requirement for high pressure CO2 systems and high- J. SOLAS Ch.II-2/12 Notification of Crew and
expansion foam system can be found in Sec.3 and Sec.4. Passengers
(SOLAS Ch. II-2/10.4)
J 100 General requirements
302 SOLAS Ch. II-2/10.4.1
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/12
— For specific interpretations and clarifications for fixed gas Requirements for internal communication, as given in the
fire-extinguishing systems see Sec.3. Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.3 Se.10 apply.
— For specific interpretations and clarifications for fixed (DNV)
high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems and
equivalent systems (inside air foam) see Sec.4. 102 Reference is also given to SOLAS Ch.III/6.4.2 and 6.5.

H 400 Fire-extinguishing arrangements in machinery

K. SOLAS Ch.II-2/13 Means of Escape
401 SOLAS Ch.II-2/10.5.6
Any installation of nozzles on board shall reflect the arrange- K 100 Means of escape from control stations, accommo-
ment successfully tested in accordance with MSC/Circ. 913. If dation spaces and service spaces
a specific arrangement of the nozzles is foreseen on board, de- 101 SOLAS Ch. II-2/
viating from the one tested as per MSC/circ. 913, it can be ac- Restricted space or group of spaces in the accommodation:
cepted provided such arrangement additionally passes fire tests
based on the scenarios of this circular. A Restricted space in the accommodation is understood as a
normally employed space within an other space, e.g. a smok-
The automatic release shall be activated by a detection system er's room at the back of a dining area. For such group of spaces
capable of reliably identifying the local zones. Consideration minimum two escape routes are required, see figure 2. Equiv-
shall be given to prevent accidental release. alent arrangements will be considered.
Oil fired equipment, such as inert gas generators and thermal
oil heaters shall also be protected by this system, if located in
machinery spaces above 500 m3.
Boiler fronts shall be interpreted as the boiler burner location
irrespective of the boiler design.
Grouped visual and audible alarms, as well as indication of the
activated zone, shall be provided in each protected space, in the Dining room
engine control room and in the wheelhouse.
(IACS UI SC176) Smoking room
H 500 Fire-extinguishing arrangements in cargo spaces
501 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
Ships of less than 2 000 gross tonnage carrying petroleum
products having a flash point exceeding 60°C (closed cup test) Figure 2
are not required to be fitted with a fixed fire-extinguishing sys- Minimum two escape routes required
Storage spaces and similar spaces entered only occasionally
502 SOLAS Ch.II-2/10.7.2 are in this context not considered to be normally employed. For
This only applies to ships above 500 gross tonnage engaged in such group of spaces minimum one escape route is required,
the carriage of dangerous goods. see figure 3.
503 SOLAS Ch.II-2/10.8 and FSS Code Ch.
Port and starboard monitors required by this regulation may be
located in the cargo area as defined in Reg. II-2/3.6, provided
they are aft of cargo tanks and that they protect below and aft
of each other.
(IACS UI SC169) Dining room

H 600 Fire-fighter’s outfits

Storage space
601 SOLAS Ch.II-2/10.10.3
Spare charges for breathing apparatus shall be stored in the
same location as the breathing apparatus.
(DNV) Figure 3
Minimum one escape route required

I. SOLAS Ch.II-2/11 Structural Integrity Cabins consisting of more than one space need also not be pro-
vided with more than one escape route.
Void (DNV)


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 14 – Sec.2

102 SOLAS Ch. II-2/ K 400 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD)
The term "lowest open deck" shall be understood as the lowest 401 SOLAS Ch.II-2/13.3.4
fire category 10 area (SOLAS Ch. II-2, Reg. This
applies regardless of position of accommodation and position The minimum number of EEBDs to be kept within accommo-
of this open deck (forward / aft). Areas of open deck of insig- dation spaces shall be as follows:
nificant area (mooring stations, etc.) can be disregarded.
— for cargo ships: two (2) EEBDs and one (1) spare EEBD;
(DNV) — for passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers:
103 SOLAS Ch. II-2/ and .4 two (2) EEBDs for each main vertical zone, except those
defined in the regulation, and a total of two (2)
For spaces above the lowest open deck, DNV may on a case by spare EEBDs; and
case basis accept trunk or ladders to deck above as means of — for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers:
escape from corridors that otherwise would be considered dead four (4) EEBDs for each main vertical zone, except those
end corridors. This is, however, only accepted if two other defined in the regulation, and a total of two (2)
means of escape according to SOLAS Reg. II-2/ is ar- spare EEBDs.
ranged from one end of such corridor. A window is however
not accepted in this regard. 402 SOLAS Ch.II-2/13.4.3
1) This interpretation applies to machinery spaces where
104 SOLAS Ch. II-2/ crew are normally employed or may be present on a rou-
A dead end corridor is defined as a corridor or part of a corridor tine basis.
from which there is only one escape route. 2) In machinery spaces for category A containing internal
(DNV) combustion machinery used for main propulsion, EEBDs
shall be positioned as follows:
K 200 Means of escape from machinery spaces
— one (1) EEBD in the engine control room, if located
201 SOLAS Ch. II-2/ within the machinery space;
Two means of escape is only required from the lowest part of — one (1) EEBD in workshop areas. If there is, however,
the engine room, not from each level. a direct access to an escape way from the workshop,
an EEBD is not required; and
Guidance note:
— one (1) EEBD on each deck or platform level near the
Where the lower part of the engine room is a space with a height escape ladder constituting the second means of escape
lower than 2.3 m (standard deck height for L > 125), the two from the machinery space (the other means being an
means of escape may apply to the first deck with standard deck enclosed escape trunk or watertight door at the lower
height. The two means of escape do not apply to spaces below the
machinery floor plating, regardless of height. level of the space).
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Alternatively, different number or location may be deter-
mined by the Society taking into consideration the layout
(DNV) and dimensions or the normal manning of the space.
202 SOLAS Ch. II-2/ 3) For machinery spaces of category A other than those con-
For machinery spaces other than those of category A, a single taining internal combustion machinery used for main pro-
escape route can be accepted if the space is entered only occa- pulsion, one (1) EEBD shall, as a minimum, be provided
sionally or if the travel distance from main working and oper- on each deck or platform level near the escape ladder con-
ating positions to door is 5 meters or less. stituting the second means of escape from the space (the
other means being an enclosed escape trunk or watertight
(DNV) door at the lower level of the space).
K 300 Means of escape from ro-ro spaces 4) For other machinery spaces, the number and location of
EEBDs are to be determined by the Society.
301 SOLAS Ch. II-2/13.6
The fore and aft end of the ro-ro space is considered as the area (DNV)
being within the distance equal to the breadth (b) of the cargo
space from the most forward and aftermost point of the cargo
space, see figure 4.
L. SOLAS Ch.II-2/14 Operational Readiness
and Maintenance

M. SOLAS Ch.II-2/15 Instructions, Onboard

Training and Drills

Figure 4
Fore and aft end of ro-ro space
N. SOLAS Ch.II-2/16 Operations
(DNV) Void


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.2 – Page 15

O. SOLAS Ch.II-2/17 Alternative Design and The requirements to indicate any loss of ventilation capacity is
Arrangements considered complied with by an alarm on the bridge, initiated
by fall-out of starter relay of fan motor.
Void (IACS UI SC 75)
102 SOLAS Ch.II-2/20.3.2

P. SOLAS Ch.II-2/18 Helicopter Facilities All electrical circuits terminating in the cargo holds, that are
not of certified safe type suitable for zone 1, shall be provided
P 100 Helicopter refuelling and hangar facilities with multipole linked isolating switches situated outside the
cargo holds, and accessible only to authorized personnel. Pro-
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/18.7.11 vision shall be made for isolation, and for locking in the off po-
Where a water spray system is installed as the fire-extinguish- sition, of the means of control of such circuits. Emergency
ing system in a hangar, the arrangement shall be in accordance consumers are not allowed to be disconnected.
with the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt. 6 Ch.1 Sec.2 If electrical circuits of the gas detection system are located in
G609. the cargo hold, the system shall be of the certified safe type
A section of fire detectors covering a helicopter hangar, shall (see Ch.8).
not include fire detectors or manual call points covering ma-
chinery spaces of category A. “No smoking” notices shall be posted in way of all accesses to
these compartments.
103 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
Q. SOLAS Ch.II-2/19 Carriage of Dangerous The electrical equipment shall be of certified safe type suitable
Goods for use in Zone 1 as defined in IEC 79 (Gas Group II A and
Temperature class T3).
Q 100 General (IACS UI SC 43)
101 Requirements are included in the Rules for Classifica-
tion of Ships Pt.5 Ch.11. 104 SOLAS Ch.II-2/
The enclosure for electrical equipment shall be at least of type
IP 55
R. SOLAS Ch.II-2/20 Protection of Vehicle, (IACS UI SC 42)
Special Category and Ro-Ro Spaces 105 SOLAS Ch.II-2/20.3.3
R 100 Precaution against ignition of flammable vapours The electrical equipment shall be of certified safe type suitable
in closed vehicle spaces, closed ro-ro spaces and special for use in Zone 1 as defined in IEC 79 (Gas Group II A and
category spaces Temperature class T3).
101 SOLAS Ch.II-2/ (IACS UI SC 43)


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 16 – Sec.3


A. General 105 FSS Code Ch.

Fire-extinguishing media protecting the cargo holds may be
A 100 Application stored in a room located forward the cargo holds, but aft of the
101 This section shall be regarded as the Society’s interpre- collision bulkhead, provided that both the local manual release
tations to the SOLAS Ch. II-2, Reg.10.4 and FSS Code Ch.5. mechanism and remote control(s) for the release of the media
The section shall be considered additional to the requirements are fitted, and the latter is of robust construction or so protected
of SOLAS Ch.II-2 and the FSS Code. as to remain operable in case of fire in the protected spaces.
The remote controls shall be placed in the accommodation area
102 Where considered relevant, the interpretation starts with in order to facilitate their ready accessibility by the crew. The
a reference to the applicable requirement SOLAS or the FSS capability to release different quantities of fire-extinguishing
Code. Where the interpretation is made by IACS, this is indi- media into different cargo holds so protected shall be included
cated after the interpretation. in the remote release arrangement.
(IACS UI SC 204)
The requirement for the release controls applies also in the case
B. Requirements for all Gas Fire-extinguishing where the CO2 room is installed aft of cargo area and accom-
Systems modation is provided forward of cargo area.
B 100 General requirements (DNV)
101 FSS Code Ch. 106 Warning signs shall be provided outside each entrance
to all spaces protected with a gas fire extinguishing system.
Arrangement of bottles shall be such as to provide access for (DNV)
the necessary checking of fire-extinguishing medium in the
containers. 107 IMO FSS Code Ch.
102 FSS Code Ch. Protected spaces can be divided into sections when such spaces
are divided by divisions of A0 class and when the spaces have
Unless otherwise specified, the maximum ambient tempera- independent or adequately separated ventilation systems.
ture shall be understood as 55°C. Certification of the bottles Spaces without such divisions and separation shall for the pur-
shall be carried out according to Rules for Classification of pose of determining quantity of extinguishing agent be consid-
Ships Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1 D as for CO2 bottles. ered as one section.
103 FSS Code Ch. (DNV)
For CO2 systems, an automatic time delay unit for the release 108 SOLAS Ch. II-2/10.4.3 / IMO FSS Code Ch.5.2
of the extinguishing medium shall be fitted. The time delay
unit shall be equipped with an override and signboard describ- Small local systems, like for instance extinguishing systems
ing emergency bypass operating instructions. In the case of an for galley exhaust ducts, small switchboard rooms and paint
electric time delay, a dedicated battery (UPS) may be accepted lockers can be exempted from some of the requirements per-
as an alternative to the override function. taining to fire extinguishing gas systems. Systems are in this
context considered as small local systems if the total amount of
Equivalent gas systems (systems designed according to IMO agent is limited (this may for instance be one small CO2 cylin-
MSC/Circ. 848) need not be provided with a time delay unit der for a standard galley or six 45 kg CO2 cylinders inside a
when the protected space has a gas concentration being below large engine room) and there is in general a short distance be-
the defined LOAEL level of the agent in question (for this pur- tween area where the agent is stored, position of release con-
pose 52% can be applied for inert gas systems). trols and entry to the protected space.
104 DNV / IMO Code on Alarms and Indicators Small local systems can be stored in position that does not
The alarm shall be both audible and visual and shall be so lo- comply with SOLAS Ch. II-2/10.4.3 when the amount of gas
cated as to be audible and visual throughout the protected is small compared to the volume of the storage space. The case
space with any machinery operating. The audible alarm should where the gas due to an accident is released into the space
be distinguished from other alarms by adjustment of sound where it is stored shall be calculated and the gas concentration
pressure or sound patterns. The visual alarm shall be red as per should in general not exceed 8% CO2 or the NOAEL specifi-
ISO 2412. Cargo handling spaces (cargo pump room and gas cation for the gas in question. Calculations are not required for
compressor rooms) need not to be fitted with visual alarm. cabinets located on open deck. The space shall be provided
with mechanical ventilation if located inside accommodation
Any alarm components installed inside cargo pump room, car- while natural ventilation is accepted where the storage space
go compressor rooms, paint lockers, battery room (as applica- has direct entrance from open deck. Storage inside corridors
ble) and similar gas hazardous spaces shall be certified safe and staircases shall be avoided.
according to the hazardous area classification in question.
Time delays are not required for small local systems. The re-
Alarms shall be pneumatically or electrically operated. If elec- quirement for discharge alarm and two release controls can be
trically operated, the alarm shall be supplied with power from waived for small local systems when the system is covering
the main and emergency source of electrical power. If pneu- spaces that are normally unmanned (stores, etc.) and when the
matically operated the alarm shall not be driven by CO2 (nor release control is located immediately outside the entrance to
any other agent used as fire extinguishing media). The pneu- the protected space. Discharge alarm and two release controls
matic source shall be available even with a fire in any protected are in any case not required for concealed spaces (ventilation
space. Any stop valve fitted in the air supply line shall be ducts, scavenge belt, etc.)
sealed in open position.
Piping though accommodation and service spaces will be con-


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.3 – Page 17

sidered in each case for small local systems (see IMO FSS charging the bottles shall issue a certificate for the ratio of
Code Ch. charge. Bottles of sizes up to 53.3 kg (80 litre) may be ap-
Special considerations will be made for systems not required proved case by case based on satisfactory handling arrange-
to be fitted by the regulations. ments. All bottles shall be of the same size. Each CO2 bottle
shall be delivered with DNV product certificate according to
(DNV) Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1.
109 Pipes serving gas hazardous spaces such as cargo pump 107 The connection between the bottle-valve and the mani-
room or cargo compressor rooms can be routed through other fold for the CO2 battery is normally to be flexible high pressure
enclosed spaces (machinery spaces, etc.) if the pipes inside the hose of approved type. Other types of connections which are
enclosed spaces are: considered equivalent (stainless steel tubes) may be accepted.
— connected with full penetration butt welds (flanges or 108 Non-return valves shall be fitted between the separate
threaded connections are not accepted for this part) bottles and the manifold, in order that a bottle, if necessary, can
— the pipe penetration(s) into the gas hazardous space is be disconnected from the battery without putting the whole in-
welded from both sides stallation out of action. The non-return valve shall be fitted to
— the pipes inside the enclosed spaces are tightness tested at the manifold. If the non-return valve is fitted in the upper por-
approximately 7 bar. Flanges shall be provided outside the tion of the bottle valve, a notice shall be posted, which clearly
enclosed space(s) at locations suitable for testing to the manifold, even if the appropriate bottle has been tempo-
rarily removed.
For pipes routed though gas hazardous spaces without serving
these, the number of couplings shall be limited and the piping 109 The maximum design pressure for the CO2 bottles and
shall be tightness tested. bottle valves shall be 190 bar. All other components, including
couplings and flanges, in the high pressure side of the system
(DNV) (upstream of section valve) shall be designed to a pressure of
minimum 100 bar (PN 100), whereas all components down-
stream of section valve shall have a pressure rating of mini-
C. CO2 Fire-Extinguishing Systems mum 40 bar (PN40). Minor deviations (+/- 10%) can be
accepted when other recognised standards are applied.
C 100 General requirements Couplings, welded joints and flanges shall be designed and
101 FSS Code Ch. B104 tested in compliance with Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4
With reference to Sec.2 Table A1, calculations according to a Ch.6. In addition to these requirements restrictions will apply
recognised standard (NFPA 12, 2005 edition, ISO 6183, 1990 to welded and threaded joints as socket and slip-on sleeve
edition or equivalent) shall be performed. welded joints are only accepted downstream of the section
valve (the open ended side) whereas threaded joints are only
102 FSS Code Ch. accepted for pipes located inside the protected spaces (all di-
Opening of the valves to the pilot cylinders is not regarded as mensions) and pipes with external diameter below 20 mm
one separate control. There shall be a release box for each pro- (both upstream and downstream of the section valve).
tected space in which personnel normally work or to which (IACS UR P2 / DNV).
they have access. The space served shall be identified at the re-
lease box. These requirements apply for all CO2-systems. 110 The CO2 manifold (piping connecting the CO2 cylinders
to the section valves) shall be made of steel, or equivalent ma-
The pilot cylinders shall have capacity to operate the system terial, with the wall thickness of which shall be at least as given
three times even under unfavourable temperature conditions. in Table C1. The CO2 manifold shall comply with the require-
103 The number of nozzles shall be sufficient to provide an ments specified in Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.2 Ch.1
even distribution of CO2 gas throughout the space. or other recognised standard (DIN 2448, ISO 9329 part 1 and
104 In cases where the CO2 room is readily accessible, one 2, ISO 9330 part 1 and 2), and shall be certified by the Society.
release station may be acceptable. One section valve (”control 111 In piping sections where valve arrangements introduce
valves” as per IMO FSS Code) for each of the protected spaces sections of closed piping, such sections shall be fitted with a
shall be fitted to the piping system of the total flooding system. pressure relief valve and the outlet of the valve shall be led to
The operation of those valves shall be controlled from the po- open deck.
sition where the CO2 system is released. 112 All discharge piping, fittings and nozzles in the protect-
This shall be arranged, if possible, by interlocking devices on ed spaces shall be constructed of materials having a melting
the control handles, so that any fault in the sequence of opera- temperature which exceeds 925°C. The piping and associated
tion does not prevent the release of CO2 gas. The section valve equipment shall be adequately supported.
shall be manually operable even with maximum CO2 pressure 113 The section valves shall be of steel or equivalent materi-
acting on it. al and shall comply with PN 100 (nominal pressure). Valves
105 The CO2 bottle valves shall be of a type which makes it above 31 mm (1¼ inch) shall be of flanged type.
possible to close the bottles after testing the release system 114 The wall thickness of CO2 pipes fitted between valves
without emptying the CO2 content. and nozzles is at least to comply with Table C1. Fittings used
106 Bottles shall not contain more than 45 kg of CO2 and the to join this part of the CO2 pipes may be of malleable cast iron
ratio of charge shall not exceed 0.67 kg/litre. The company or nodular cast iron.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 18 – Sec.3

Table C1 Minimum wall thickness for steel pipes for fire- erly clamped and, where necessary, protected against external
damage. The number of joints shall be kept to a minimum and
extinguishing CO2 pipes
all joints shall be of welded or flanged design.
External diameter D From CO2 bottles to From valves to
(mm) valves (mm) nozzles (mm) C 300 CO2 high pressure fire-extinguishing systems for
21.3 – 26.9 3.2 2.6 machinery spaces, cargo handling spaces and ro-ro spaces
30.0 – 48.3 4.0 3.2 301 The diameter of CO2 pipes shall be based on the quantity
51.0 – 60.3 4.5 3.6 of CO2 they are intended to carry. The maximum quantity of
63.5 – 76.1 5.0 3.6 CO2 which may be carried through any pipeline is given in Ta-
82.5 – 88.9 5.6 4.0 ble C2. The total sectional area of the nozzles in protected
space shall not be greater than 85% or less than 50% of the to-
101.6 6.3 4.0
tal sectional area of the CO2 bottle valves intended for the re-
108.0 – 114.3 7.1 4.5 spective rooms. Deviations from the requirements for pipe
127.0 8.0 4.5 diameters and section area of nozzles table may be accepted
133.0 – 139.7 8.0 5.0 when documented by calculations.
152.4 – 168.3 8.8 5.6 302 The following CO2 gas concentration should be provid-
Remarks to the table: ed for cargo spaces and cargo handling spaces (calculated at
the entire gross volume):
1) The external diameter and thicknesses are in accordance with ISO Rec-
ommendations R 336 for welded and seamless steel pipes. For pipes
covered by other standards, thickness slightly less may be accepted.
— 35% for cargo pump rooms in oil carriers (SOLAS Ch.
II-2, Reg.10.9)
2) The minimum wall thickness for larger diameters will be subject to spe-
cial consideration. — 45% for cargo pump rooms in chemicals carriers (IBC
3) In general, the minimum wall thickness is the nominal wall thickness,
and no allowance need be made for negative tolerance and reduction in — 45% for ro-ro spaces (SOLAS Ch. II-2, Reg.20.6)
thickness due to bending. — 45% for cargo compressor and cargo pump rooms on liq-
4) The minimum wall thickness for threaded pipes shall be measured at uefied gas carriers (IGC Code).
the bottom of the thread.
Table C2 Maximum quantity of CO2 which may be carried
115 The portion of the piping fitted outside the protected
space shall be protected externally and internally against cor- through any pipeline
rosion. Maximum quantity of CO2 Internal diameter of pipeline
(kg) (mm)
116 In order to reduce the pipe resistance, the pipes shall be 45 13
laid as straight as possible and to follow the shortest way to the
nozzles. Connecting pieces shall not be fitted in such a way 100 19
that the pipe threads are exposed to corrosion. All pipes intend- 135 25
ed to carry CO2 shall be free from debris, rust and scale. 275 32
117 The CO2 piping system shall have a blowing-through 450 38
connection for drying, ventilation and checking purposes. A 1 100 50
gauge shall be fitted to the CO2 manifold. 2 000 76
118 Regarding manufacture, workmanship, inspection and 3 250 89
testing of pipes, see Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.6 4 750 101
Sec.7. For CO2-manifolds the hydrostatic test pressure may be 6 800 114
accepted as 1.25 times design pressure. 9 500 127
119 The CO2 manifold shall be hydrostatically pressure test- 15 250 152
ed to at least 1.25 times the relief valve setting, or minimum 125
bar prior to installation. The set pressure for the relief valve 303 Approximately 90% of the total quantity of CO2 for en-
shall in any case be minimum 100 bar. After installation, the gine room shall be discharged above, and approximately 10%
CO2 manifold with all associated components including any re- below the floor. Special considerations will be made for spaces
lease line incorporated in the system shall be pressure tested to of limited volume (typically below 500 m3).
at least 50 bar. All piping from section valves to nozzles shall
be tightness tested and inspected with a blow through test.
120 A function test of the system shall be carried out to verify D. Low Pressure CO2 Systems
correct operating of release controls and alarms. The part of the
gas distribution piping that runs through accommodation spac-
es shall be designed and tested in accordance with IMO FSS D 100 General
Code Ch. All other piping shall be tested to ensure 101 Where a low pressure CO2 system is fitted to comply
that it is free from obstructions. As far as practicable, the func- with FSS Code Ch.5.2.2, the following applies:
tion testing shall be performed in the most realistic manner.
— The system control devices and the refrigerating plants
C 200 Fire-extinguishing systems for cargo holds should be located within the same room where the pres-
sure vessels are stored.
201 The internal diameter of the pipes shall not be less than — The rated amount of liquid carbon dioxide should be
19 mm. Branch pipes leading to the various nozzles may have stored in vessel(s) under the working pressure in the range
an internal diameter of 13 mm. At suitable points, the pipeline of 1.8 to 2.2 N/mm2. The normal liquid charge in the con-
shall have facilities for drainage and cleaning. tainer should be limited to provide sufficient vapour space
202 All CO2 piping shall be led such that they are as visible to allow for expansion of the liquid under the maximum
and accessible. The piping to cargo holds are as far as practi- storage temperatures than can be obtained corresponding
cable to be fitted below the weather deck and shall be laid as to the setting of the pressure relief valves but should not
straight as possible. Branch pipes leading to the various noz- exceed 95% of the volumetric capacity of the container.
zles shall be symmetrically installed. All piping shall be prop- — Provision should be made for:


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.3 – Page 19

— pressure gauge the extent these are applicable.

— high pressure alarm: not more than setting of the relief The refrigerating capacity and the automatic control of each unit
valve shall be so as to maintain the required temperature under condi-
— low pressure alarm: not less than 1.8 N/mm2 tions of continuous operation during 24 hours at the sea temper-
— branch pipes with stop valves for filling the vessel ature up to 32°C and ambient air temperature up to 45°C.
— discharge pipes
— liquid CO2 level indicator, fitted on the vessel(s) In the event of failure of either one of the refrigerating units,
— two safety valves. the other shall be actuated automatically. Provision shall be
made for local manual control of the refrigerating plant.
— The two safety relief valves should be arranged so that ei- 104 The pipes, valves and fittings shall be in accordance
ther valve can be shut off while the other is connected to with the requirements of the Society for a design pressure not
the vessel. The setting of the relief valves should not be less than the design pressure of the CO2 vessels.
less than 1.1 times working pressure. The capacity of each
valve should be such that the vapours generated under fire D 200 Testing
condition can be discharged with a pressure rise not more 201 The pipes, valves and fittings and assembled systems
than 20% above the setting pressure. The discharge from shall be tested to the satisfaction of the Society.
the safety valves should be led to the open.
— The vessel(s) and outgoing pipes permanently filled with 202 In particular, the pipes from the vessel(s) to the release
carbon dioxide should have thermal insulation preventing valves on the distribution manifold shall be submitted to hy-
the operation of the safety valve in 24 hours after de-ener- draulic test at pressure 1.5 times the design pressure.
gizing the plant, at ambient temperature of 45°C and an in- 203 All piping, after having been assembled on board, shall
itial pressure equal to the starting pressure of the be tested for tightness and free flow of the CO2.
refrigeration unit.
204 The refrigerating plant, after having been fitted on
— The vessel(s) should be serviced by two automated com- board, shall be checked for its proper operation.
pletely independent refrigerating units solely intended for
this purpose, each comprising a compressor and the rele- 205 At judgment of the Society, a discharge test may be re-
vant prime mover, evaporator and condenser. quired.
— The refrigerating capacity and the automatic control of
each unit should be so as to maintain the required temper-
ature under conditions of continuous operation during 24
hours at sea temperatures up to 32°C and ambient air tem- E. Equivalent Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing
peratures up to 45°C. Systems
— Each electric refrigerating unit should be supplied from
the main switchboard busbars by a separate feeder. E 100 General requirements
— Cooling water supply to the refrigerating plant (where re- 101 Equivalent fixed fire extinguishing system shall comply
quired) should be provided from at least two circulating with IMO MSC/Circ. 848, as amended in addition to part A
pumps one of which being used as a stand-by. The stand- and B of this appendix.
by pump may be a pump used for other services so long as 102 Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems may be
its use for cooling would not interfere with any other es- accepted for use in other spaces, like switchboard rooms and
sential service of the ship. Cooling water should be taken cargo handling spaces. A higher gas concentration will in gen-
from not less than two sea connections, preferably one port eral be required for cargo handling spaces, in particular those
and one starboard. handling methane.
— Safety relief devices should be provided in each section of
pipe that may be isolated by block valves and in which 103 For the purpose of calculating the quantity of extinguish-
ing agent and the actual concentration based on net volume (for
there could be a build-up of pressure in excess of the de- NOAEL and LOAEL verification), an ambient temperature for
sign pressure of any of the components. the protected space of 20 degree C may be applied.
— The piping system should be designed in such a way that
the CO2 pressure at the nozzles should not be less than 104 Components of the gas extinguishing system shall com-
1 N/mm2. ply with Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.1 to Pt.4
— Audible and visual alarms should be given in a central Ch.10 with pressure rating according to design pressure docu-
mented by maker. However, the NFPA 2001 may be applied as
control station when: design standard for piping and couplings inside the protected
— the pressure in the vessel(s) reaches the low and high space.
values according to 2 105 Cylinders (agent containers) shall not contain more than
— any one of the refrigerating units fails to operate 81 Litre of agent. Larger cylinders may be approved case by
— the lowest permissible level of the liquid in the vessels case based on satisfactory handling arrangements. All bottles
is reached. shall be of the same size. Each cylinder shall be delivered with
DNV product certificate according to Rules for Classification
— If the system serves more than one space, means for con- of Ships Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1.
trol of discharge quantities of CO2 should be provided, e.g. 106 IMO MSC/Circ. 848, 11
automatic timer or accurate level indicators located at the Agent containers stored in a protected space shall be distribut-
control position(s). ed throughout the space with bottles or groups of bottles locat-
— If a device is provided which automatically regulates the ed in at least six separate locations. Duplicate power release
discharge of the rated quantity of carbon dioxide into the lines shall be arranged to release all bottles simultaneously.
protected spaces, it should be also possible to regulate the
discharge manually. The release lines shall be so arranged that in the event of dam-
age to any power release line, five sixth of the fire extinguish-
(IACS UI SC 170) ing gas can still be discharged. The bottle valves are
considered to be part of the release lines and a single failure
102 The alarms required by 101, item 12 should be given in shall include also failure of the bottle valve.
a continuously manned control station.
For systems that need less than six cylinders (using the small-
103 The refrigerating plant shall comply with the require- est bottles available), the total amount of extinguishing gas on
ments given in Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.10 to the bottles shall be such that in the event of a single failure to


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 20 – Sec.3

one of the release lines (including bottle valve), five sixth of Systems that can not comply with the above, for instance sys-
the fire extinguishing gas can still be discharged. This may be tems using only one bottle located inside the protected space,
achieved by for instance using more extinguishing gas than re- can not be accepted. Such systems shall be designed with the
quired so that if one bottle is not discharging due to a single bottle(s) located outside the protected space, in a dedicated
fault, the remaining bottles will discharge the minimum five room in compliance with SOLAS Reg.II-2/10.4.3.
sixth of the required amount of gas. This can be achieved with
minimum two bottles. However, NOAEL values calculated at (IACS UI SC 200)
the highest expected engine room temperature are not to be ex-
ceeded when discharging the total amount of extinguishing gas


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.4 – Page 21


A. General be permanently adjusted for consumption of seawater or fresh-

water, as applicable. The tank for the foam concentrate shall be
A 100 Application protected against inside corrosion and shall be suitable for stor-
101 Any fixed foam fire-extinguishing system shall comply age of the intended foam concentrate. Means of measuring liq-
with the requirements of IMO FSS Code Ch.6. Systems for uid level shall be provided.
machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms shall also comply 303 Pressure gauges shall be fitted at both inlets (water sup-
with A100 to A600, whereas systems for ro-ro spaces shall in ply and foam concentrations) and the outlet of the foam pro-
addition to the IMO FSS Code comply with A100 to A500 and portioner.
A700. 304 Piping and components coming into direct contact with
102 Air intakes and sea water intakes shall comply with ap- the foam concentrate shall be made of corrosion resistant ma-
plicable requirements for load line. Approvals for foam con- terials such as CuNi, stainless steel or marine bronze. Galva-
centrate, foam filling rate and capacity, operation of dampers nised steel or equivalent is accepted for other piping.
and similar are defined by the IMO FSS Code. 305 For testing and drying purposes the piping system shall
103 An operation manual, describing standard release proce- be fitted with connection for blowing through with compressed
dures as well as procedures in case of failure of essential com- air.
ponents shall be available on board. The manual shall also 306 The water supply pumps (regardless of size) and foam
identify which hatches, dampers and similar devices that are concentrate pumps with capacity exceeding 25 m3 / h (meas-
required to be opened when the system is operating. Release ured at 10 bar) shall be delivered with DNV product certificate.
procedures (standard and failure) shall be listed on signboards Foam concentrate pumps with lower capacity shall be deliv-
at the release stations. ered with certificate issued by the maker (work certificate).
104 Manuals defining in detail maker’s recommended main-
tenance and test procedures shall be available on board. A 400 Foam generating components and foam genera-
tor room
105 All systems not complying with IMO FSS Code require-
ments for location and accessibility of foam generators are for 401 The high-expansion foam generating components (noz-
the purpose of these rules defined as inside air foam systems. zles, mesh and any fans, etc.) shall be of approved type, based
These systems can also be approved under these rules on a case on a realistic full scale test.
by case basis. Any inside air foam system shall be type ap- The foam concentrate shall be type approved by the Society in
proved by the Society. The foam production rate, total foam addition to being mentioned on the type approval certificate for
liquid capacity and location of generators are subject to special the high expansion or inside air foam system in question. The
considerations, see the system’s type approval certificate. foam proportioner / inductor shall be type approved by the So-
A 200 Definitions ciety.
201 Foam: the extinguishing medium produced when foam The foam concentrate shall in general be supplied through
solution passes through a foam generator and is mixed with air. foam pump(s) and foam proportioner(s). Foam inductors will
only be accepted when it can be documented that the entire
202 Foam solution (premix): a solution of foam concentrate system can work at a wide range of foam concentrate mixing
and water. ratios.
203 Foam concentrate: the liquid which, when mixed with 402 All components in the foam generating system shall be
water in the appropriate concentration forms a foam solution. made of corrosion resistant materials such as CuNi or marine
204 Foam generators: discharge devices or assemblies bronze. Stainless steel may be accepted for parts exposed to
through which foam solution is aerated to form foam that is foam or seawater only when the system is operating, provided
discharged directly into the protected space, typically consist- that a suitable flushing system is installed. The material and
ing of a nozzle or set of nozzles and a casing. The casing is typ- coating (if applicable) of the foam concentrate storage tank
ically made of perforated steel / stainless steel plates shaped shall comply with the limitation stated in the type approval cer-
into a box that enclose the nozzle(s). tificate issued by the Society and maker's specification for this
particular concentrate.
205 Foam inductor: mixing unit which does not need a ded-
icated foam pump in order to mix the foam concentrate into the 403 The foam generating nozzles or meshes shall be made of
water (typically within +30% /-0% of nominal mixing rate). a durable, non-shrinking material that is rot- and heat-resistant.
These foam nozzles or meshes are also to have as large open-
206 Foam proportioner: mixing unit which need a foam ings as possible. The nozzles shall be so constructed that they
pump in order to mix the foam concentrate into the water (typ- have the least possible chance of getting clogged.
ically within +30% /-0% of nominal mixing rate).
404 All electrical components in connection with the foam
A 300 Water and foam concentrate supply systems generating components shall have at least IP54 rating.
301 The water supply pump shall comply with requirements 405 The foam generator shall be supplied with a special air
of Sec.2 H106 for arrangement of pump unless the water is intake dimensioned according to the air consumption of the
supplied from a tank with a guaranteed quantity corresponding generator.
to the maximum required foam production. The emergency 406 All foam generators shall be fitted with a damper as
fire pump can be used as supply pump provided that 25 m3/h specified by the IMO FSS Code Ch.6, The damper
at required pressure is dedicated for fire hose purposes and thus shall, in addition to protection of the generator, prevent mal-
not included in the foam production capacity calculations. function of the generator due to updraft of fumes in the distri-
302 The foam concentrate shall be stored in a special tank bution ducts from a fire in protected space. A manual release
and fed to the foam generator by a suitable system, which shall of the damper is also to be arranged.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 22 – Sec.4

407 The arrangement of the foam generator shall permit test- A 600 Arrangement for machinery spaces and cargo
ing of the foam production without leading the expanded foam pump rooms
to the rooms to be protected, e.g. by providing means that per- 601 The high expansion foam shall be distributed to the re-
mit foam to pass overboard or to open deck. spective rooms by means of ducts. The ducts shall be dimen-
For both high expansion and inside air systems two test valves sioned according to the size of the foam generator's outlet, and
capable of being connected to fire hoses shall be installed on shall be so located that an even distribution of foam is obtained
the distribution piping downstream the proportioner / inductor. throughout the room to be protected.
One valve is for connecting a foam generator in an alternative As a minimum, the ducts shall for the main engine rooms be
location for the purpose of testing satisfactory foam produc- led to the lower part of the casing and shall provide unobstruct-
tion, the other valve shall be used in order to maintain realistic ed access to the main and auxiliary engines from the duct out-
pressure and flow through the proportioner during testing. let. Adjacent spaces being fully or partially separated from the
Both valves may be used to direct water to outside the protect- engine room (workshop, separator room, etc.) shall have sepa-
ed space when function testing the proportioner. rate ducts.
408 The foam generating components shall be so constructed 602 A one meter per minute discharge rate is defined by the
and assembled that maintenance and replacement of essential IMO FSS Code. This shall be calculated with respect to maxi-
parts can easily be effected. The system shall be so arranged mum horizontal area of the room, without reduction for en-
that nozzles and pipes can easily be rinsed and drained. gines, boilers, loose tanks, etc.
409 The foam generating components shall be placed in a 603 The foam production capacity is also to be sufficient to
special room, which is separated from all the rooms to be pro- fill the whole room (entire volume enclosed by A-class bound-
tected. Safe and readily available access to this foam generator aries) to the level of the main deck in the course of maximum
room and to the water and foam pumps shall be ensured even 10 minutes.
in case of fire in any of the protected spaces. 604 The system shall also cover the lower part of the casing
410 The foam generator room shall have a heating system and in all cases the highest risk object in casing (for instance
which can keep the room permanently free from frost and me- boiler).
chanical ventilation for overpressure. 605 Where a cargo pump room is covered by a foam system,
411 Bulkheads and decks in the foam generator room that are the foam concentrate shall be approved for use with the cargo
contiguous to the rooms to be protected, shall have A-60 rat- being carried
ing. A 700 Arrangement for ro-ro spaces
A 500 System arrangement 701 The high expansion foam shall be distributed to the re-
spective rooms by means of ducts. The ducts shall be dimen-
501 All components in the foam system shall be permanently sioned according to the size of the foam generator's outlet, and
installed and ready for immediate use. shall be so located that an even distribution of foam is obtained
502 The ducts leading from the generators to the rooms that throughout the room to be protected.
are protected, shall be made of steel, or equivalent fire resistant 702 The layout shall take into consideration obstructions that
materials. They shall be dimensioned, stiffened and fastened can be expected when cargo are on board. As a minimum, duct
such that they can withstand the normal mechanical and ther- shall be led to every second deck, including movable decks.
mal strain they may be exposed to. Requirements for duct ar- The horizontal spacing of ducts shall ensure rapid supply of
rangement are given under the subsection for machinery foam to all parts of the protected space. This will be considered
spaces and cargo pump rooms and the subsection for ro-ro case by case based on any full scale test undertaken by the
spaces. manufacturer.
503 The arrangement of the protected spaces shall be such 703 The foam production capacity shall be sufficient to fill
that any possible overpressure in the space (caused by fire) can the whole room (entire volume enclosed by A-class bounda-
be relieved as the room is being filled with foam. ries) in the course of maximum 10 minutes.
504 The sources of power supply for the foam generating A 800 Testing of high expansion and inside air system
components, including water and foam pumps, etc. shall be
supplied independently of any machinery or electrical installa- 801 The pipes, valves and fittings and assembled systems
tions located in the rooms to be protected. shall be tested to the satisfaction of the Society.
802 All distribution piping shall be blown through with air to
505 Failure of single components, except emergency gener- ensure that the piping is free from obstructions
ator, water and foam pumps and piping, shall not prevent op-
eration of the system. All valves shall be accessible and of a 803 Function testing of the foam proportioner / inductor
type that can be operated also manually (directly on stem or shall be performed. The mixing ratio shall be measured and be
equivalent). Dampers need not to be readily accessible if the within the nominal mixing ratio defined by the type approval
control arrangement is of a robust design (dedicated accumu- certificates (typically +30% /-0%). For foam proportioners us-
lators needed for pneumatic systems) and several independent ing foam concentrates of Newtonian type with kinematic vis-
dampers and foam generators serve that space. A space shall cosity equal to or less than 100cSt @ 0°C and density equal to
normally not be served by only one generator. All components or less than 1.1 kg/dm3 this test can be performed with water
shall be able to operate even in case the control system fails. instead of foam concentrate. In case of non-Newtonian foam
concentrates and concentrates with kinematic viscosity ex-
506 The system shall be designed to produce foam at re- ceeding 100 cSt. @ 0°C or density above 1.1 kg/dm3 the func-
quired rate within 1 minute from release (time to start emer- tion test shall be performed with the actual foam concentrate.
gency generator need not to be included in the 1 minute test). All foam inductors shall be function tested with the actual
507 The system may be divided into sections that may be re- foam concentrate, regardless of foam type.
leased in sequence. The capacity and design of the entire sys- 804 Function testing of at least one foam generator using
tem shall be based on the protected space demanding the foam concentrate mixed to water or seawater shall be per-
greatest volume of foam. Two protected spaces need not to be formed. The system's ability to produce foam of acceptable
served simultaneously when the boundaries between these quality shall be verified in the most realistic manner being
spaces are of A-class standard. practicable. This test can be done either inside the protected


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.4 – Page 23

space or by moving one of the generators to an alternative lo- Society (based on extensive documentation, prototype testing
cation (e.g. open deck). The test flow should be higher than the and measurements on each ship).
minimum accepted flow for the foam proportioner / inductor.
Test valves as required by A307 may be used. This require- 805 Function testing of the power and control systems, water
ment may only be waived when an exception is specifically pump(s), foam pumps(s), valves, remote and local releases sta-
stated on the system's type approval certificate issued by the tions and alarms shall also be performed.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 24 – Sec.5


A. General C 200 Suez Canal crew

201 Suez Canal crew is considered as transit crew on a do-
A 100 Application mestic voyage, and shall not be included in the total number of
101 This section describes how the Society will act with re- persons on board for which lifesaving appliances are provided.
spect to lifesaving appliances and arrangements when the flag
administration has authorised the Society to issue the SOLAS C 300 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III,
Safety Certificates for cargo ships above 500 GT and for pas- Regulation 7)
senger ships. 301 The number of lifejackets for people on watch shall be
minimum 2 in the engine control room and 2 in the wheel-
102 For non-propelled vessels or cargo ships below 500 GT house.
IACS Internal Guidelines No.2 or national requirements may
be applied for issuance of safety certificates. For such units, an 302 On each side of the ship, there shall be a minimum of
MO will be issued identifying the standard applied. one lifebuoy with an attached line. No lifebuoy light or lifebu-
oy smoke signal shall be attached to this lifebuoy. These life-
A 200 Scope buoys may be part of the total amount of life-saving appliances
as described in SOLAS Ch.III, Reg. 22 and 32.
201 All requirements in the SOLAS 1974 Ch.III as amended
and Ch.V Reg. 23 as amended are considered as part of the So- 303 The three immersion suits for the rescue boat crew may
ciety's scope. be regarded as part of the number of suits provided for the total
number of persons on board for which lifesaving appliances is
202 The requirements in C to F shall be regarded as supple- provided. This provided that the rescue boat crew are able to
mentary to those in A201. meet the requirement for 5 minutes preparation time including
203 Where IACS has issued Unified Interpretations (UI) re- to pick up the suits from where they are stowed. Immersion
lating to SOLAS Ch.III or Ch.V Reg. 23 such UI will normally suites in locked cabins are considered not applicable for this
be regarded as part of the SOLAS Ch.III and Ch.V Reg. 23 and purpose.
thereby the Society's scope. A list of relevant IACS documents 304 All immersion suits approved to be worn with approved
is presented in G. lifejacket shall be stowed together with a lifejacket.
204 When the flag administration has expressed require- Guidance note:
ments in excess of or contradictory to the requirements in For free-fall lifeboats inflatable lifejackets is strongly recommended.
A203 or C to F, the flag administration requirements shall pre- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
205 Where IMO has issued interpretations to SOLAS Ch.III 305 Warm climates are considered between 30° North and
or Ch.V Reg. 23 in the form of MSC/Circulars, such interpre- 30° South, or according to MSC/Circ.1046.
tations will normally be regarded as part of the SOLAS Ch.III
and Ch.V Reg. 23 and thereby the Society's scope. C 400 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrange-
ments (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 11)
401 If the embarkation ladders are not installed adjacent to
any non-davit launched liferaft, means shall be provided to en-
B. Documentation sure that the liferaft painter can be easily transferred from the
stowage location to the embarkation position.
B 100 Documentation for approval 402 For passenger vessels, descent units are accepted as re-
101 Drawings according to Rules for Classification of Ships placement for embarkation ladders provided that:
Pt.0 Ch.3, G050, G160 and G170 shall be submitted for ap-
proval. a) The number of descent units is the same as for embarka-
tion ladders. Embarkation ladder or descent-unit shall be
provided at each launching station or at every two adjacent
embarkation stations. At least one embarkation ladder
C. Passenger ships and cargo ships shall be provided on each side of the vessel in addition to
the descent units
C 100 General b) The descent units are able to reach the waterline from the
deck at a trim of up to 10°, and a list of up to 20° either way
101 This section contains: in the lightest seagoing condition.
— DNV Clarifications c) There are openings in the rails (70 - 80 cm wide) to avoid
— IACS Unified Interpretations in italics. that persons need to climb over the rail before descending
d) The fixing of the eyebolt is found acceptable by the attend-
102 National interpretations from the different flag authori- ing surveyor.
ties are not covered.
e) The various components transferring the load e.g. support
103 Guidance notes are also used in this section to provide arms, hooks, links, shackles, wires etc. shall be made
necessary explanation or information that is not part of a clar- according to recognised standards, with a minimum safety
ification. factor of at least 6, and are delivered with documentation
104 In the following sub-sections the regulation numbers in for grade of material and testing. The units shall be
brackets refer to SOLAS or LSA-Code. The requirements list- stamped with SWL.
ed under each sub-section refer to SOLAS regulations or the f) The support arms have sufficient structural support in the
LSA-Code sections. pillars


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.5 – Page 25

g) Adequate onboard testing is carried out in the presence of D. Passenger ships (additional requirements)
attending DNV surveyor and the testing is to his/her satis-
faction D 100 Survival craft and rescue boats (SOLAS Ch.III,
Regulation 21)
h) One embarkation ladder is provided on each side of the
101 More than four davit launched liferafts assigned to one
vessel in addition to the descent units. davit are in general not acceptable on passenger ships. Howev-
er, if the installation test in IMO Res. MSC.81(70), part 2, item
403 For liferafts required in SOLAS Ch.III, Reg. 31.4 (dis- 6.2.6 shows that more than 4 life rafts are possible to launch
tance to nearest survival craft >100 m) a knotted rope or de- within the 30 minutes evacuation time, more rafts are accepta-
scent unit is acceptable as ‘other means of embarkation’. A ble.
knotted rope is not acceptable for launching deck above 10 m
in the lightest seagoing condition. D 200 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III,
Regulation 22)
C 500 Stowage of survival craft (SOLAS Ch.III, Regula- 201 Lifebuoys located inside, or at pilot stations shall not be
tion 13) included in minimum required number nor in the number of
501 On cargo vessels of 80m in length and upwards but less lifebuoys with light.
than 120m in length, the aft part of each davit launched liferaft 202 For vessels where lifejackets are stowed in cabins more
shall be minimum 4m forward of the vessel’s propeller. On than two decks below or above the muster stations, additional
cargo vessels of 120m in length and upwards and passenger lifejackets shall be provided corresponding to the number of
vessels of 80m in length and upwards, the aft part of each davit persons berthed within the most populated main vertical zone
(MVZ). However, if the number of passengers berthed on
launched liferaft shall be minimum 6 m forward of the vessel’s decks more than two decks below or above the muster stations
propeller. are more than the number within the most populated MVZ,
502 Liferafts shall not be stowed directly above any embar- then additional lifejackets corresponding to this number must
kation station. be provided.
D 300 Additional requirements for ro-ro passenger
C 600 Survival craft launching and recovery arrange- ships (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 26)
ments (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 16)
301 In Ro-Ro passenger vessels every fourth life raft shall
601 The launching arrangement shall be designed so that the contain a Search And Rescue Transponder (SART). That
survival craft can be launched without having to be pushed out- means, if the vessel has 1-4 rafts, 1 SART is required. If the
side the deck edge when the vessel is unfavourably heeled 20°. vessel has 5-8 rafts, it will require 2 SARTs and further. In this
respect the spare rafts are included.
602 Lifelines for partially enclosed lifeboats shall be of 20
mm to 24 mm diameter good quality manila rope or synthetic 302 The SART referred to in 301 shall be kept inside the raft
equipment pack.
rope of equivalent strength. Property of grip is essential and
care shall be taken to ensure that the ropes are suitable for the 303 The rafts referred to in 301 shall have fastening device
purpose. Grip properties of synthetic rope, if used, shall be for the SART including antenna at least 1m above water level.
comparable with manila. 304 The SART referred to in 301 shall be mounted and serv-
iced by a specialist firm. SARTs in wheel-marked rafts shall
C 700 Rescue boat embarkation, launching and recov- also be wheel-marked.
ery arrangements (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 17)
701 The launching arrangement shall be designed so that the
rescue boat can be launched without having to be pushed out- E. Cargo ships (additional requirements)
side the deck edge when the vessel is unfavourably heeled 20°.
E 100 Survival craft and rescue boats (SOLAS Ch.III,
702 The aft part of the rescue boat shall be minimum 4m for- Regulation 31)
ward of the vessel’s propeller.
101 A liferaft is considered easy side-to-side transferable
703 Securing point shall be provided for the painter neces- only on a single open deck level on a flat surface without ob-
sary to enabling launching of the rescue boats when the vessel structions. Such liferaft shall have a weight less than 185 kg
is at 5 knots headway. The location of such securing points and not be certified for more than 25 persons. Transfer via
shall be suitable to assure an angle less than 45° between paint- stairs, doors or a corridor is not considered easy.
er and horizontal and to avoid disturbance from bow-wave. 102 A davit used for both the rescue boat and the survival
craft is only acceptable if the crew members normally assigned
704 When hull shape, painter securing point, davit type and to the life raft stations demonstrate that:
rescue boat type is identical on sister vessels, documentation of
the testing according to IMO Res.81(70), Part 2, 5.4 may be — the different requirements for the release hooks for the sur-
based on the first vessel in the series. vival craft and for the rescue boat are met
— the stowage requirements of SOLAS Ch.III, Reg. 13.1.1,
705 Foul weather recovery strops shall be dimensioned with 13.1.3, 14.1, 14.3 and 31.1.5 are met
a safety factor of 6 for the weight of fully loaded and equipped — all survival craft and rescue boat the launching appliance
rescue boat. is intending to serve can be launched by gravity or stored
mechanical power
C 800 Pilot ladder arrangements (SOLAS Ch.V, Regu-
lation 23) Guidance note:
The release hook requirement may for instance be met by the use
801 ISO-standard 799-1986 for pilot ladders, 5488-1979 for of two hooks in a triangle suspension.
accommodation ladders and 7364-1983 for accommodation ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
ladder winches are regarded as relevant standards for pilot lad-
der arrangements. 103 More than two davit launched liferafts assigned to one


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 26 – Sec.5

davit are not acceptable on cargo vessels. However, if the in- F. Life-saving appliances and arrangements
stallation test in IMO Res. MSC.81(70), part 2, item 6.2.6 requirements
shows that more than two life rafts are possible to launch with-
in the 10 minutes evacuation time, more than two rafts are ac- F 100 Free-fall lifeboats (LSA-Code Ch.IV, Regulation
ceptable. 4.7)
104 A free-fall lifeboat shall not be accepted as rescue boat. 101 The free-fall certification height is generally considered
as the height from the still water surface to the lowest point of
105 Arrangement according to SOLAS Ch.III, Reg..31.1.3 is the lifeboat in its launched configuration when the vessel is in
not acceptable for well stimulation vessels. its lightest seagoing condition without list or trim. However,
for oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers, item
E 200 Personal life-saving appliances (SOLAS Ch.III, of the LSA Code will apply.
Regulation 32)
F 200 Launching and embarkation appliances
201 The number of immersion suits for people on watch (LSA-Code Ch.VI)
shall be minimum 2 in the engine control room and 2 in the 201 The efficient hand gear for launching appliance for res-
wheelhouse. cue boat shall be dimensioned for recovery of the rescue boat
with full complement of persons and equipment.
202 Lifebuoys located inside, or at pilot stations shall not be
included in the minimum required number nor in the number
of lifebuoys with light.
G. References
E 300 Survival craft embarkation and launching
arrangements (SOLAS Ch.III, Regulation 33) G 100 IACS Unified Interpretations (UI)
301 Securing point shall be provided for the painter neces- 101 Documents regarding SOLAS Ch.III and V/23 issued by
sary to enabling launching of the lifeboats on board vessels IACS:
with GT 20 000 and upwards when the vessel is at 5 knots — UI SC 143 Stowage of Marine Evacuation Systems
headway speed. The location of such securing points shall be — UI SC 213 Arrangements for remotely located survival
suitable to assure an angle less than 45° between painter and craft
horizontal and to avoid disturbance from bow-wave. — UI SC 215 Embarkation ladder


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.6 – Page 27


A. ISM Code Reg. 5.1.5 C. ISM Code Reg. 12.2

A 100 Master’s review C 100 Management review
101 The master’s review of the SMS shall be carried out at 101 Management review shall be carried out at least annual-
least annually and documented. ly and documented.

B. ISM Code Reg. 12.1 D. ISM Code - Revised Guidelines on

implementation of the ISM Code by
B 100 Annual internal audits
101 Annual internal audits shall be carried out in 3 months +/
- window from the anniversary date set by the company. D 100 Resolution A.913(22) – 3.2
101 The company shall possess a Full Term DOC for the
vessel type, before an initial audit on that vessel type can be
carried out.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 28 – Sec.7


A. General shall be either type or case approved. Onboard verification

shall not be replaced by an approval or acceptance document,
A 100 Regulation 6 - Ship Security Alert System especially with regard to the subsequent installation and oper-
101 All SSAS (Ship Security Alert System) installations ational performance features of the onboard system.


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Sec.8 – Page 29


A. General c) Examination of on-deck cargo piping systems including

expansion and supporting arrangements.
A 100 Application d) Witness topping off process for cargo tanks including high
101 The following interpretation relates to Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.14, level alarms activated during normal loading.
given as a guidance note under A102. e) Advise master to carry out cold spot examination of the
102 This section shall be regarded as the Society's interpre- hull and external insulation during transit voyage to un-
tation of the IGC Code. loading port.
103 Each interpretation starts with a reference to applicable
103 Survey requirements at first unloading, preferably at the
technical requirements of the IGC Code. Following the inter-
pretation text, reference is made to applicable IACS interpre-
tations. For interpretations made by the Society, this is so a) Witness emergency shutdown system testing prior to com-
indicated with "(DNV)". mencement of unloading.
b) Review cargo logs and alarm reports.
c) Witness satisfactory operation of the following:
B. IGC Code [Chapter 4] - Cargo Containment
— Gas detection system
B 100 Construction and testing — Cargo control and monitoring systems such as level
101 IGC Code 4.10.14. gauging equipment, temperature sensors, pressure
gauges, cargo pumps and compressors, proper control
Examination before and after the first loaded voyage. of cargo heat exchangers, if operating, etc.
The requirements apply to all vessels carrying liquefied natural — Nitrogen generating plant or inert gas generator, if op-
gases (LNG) in bulk which have satisfactorily completed gas erating
trials. — Nitrogen pressure control system for insulation, inter-
102 Survey requirements at first loading, preferably at the barrier, and annular spaces, as applicable
latter stage: — On membrane vessels, verify that the readings of the
cofferdam and inner hull temperature sensors are not
a) Review cargo logs and alarm reports. below the allowable temperature for the selected
b) Witness satisfactory operation of the following: grade of steel. Review previous readings
— Cofferdam heating system, if in operation
— Gas detection system — Reliquefaction plant and review of records from pre-
— Cargo control and monitoring systems such as level vious voyage
gauging equipment temperature sensors pressure — Equipment fitted for the burning of cargo vapours
gauges, cargo pumps and compressors, proper control such as boilers, engines, gas combustion units, etc., if
of cargo heat exchangers, if operating, etc. operating.
— Nitrogen generating plant or inert gas generator, if op-
erating d) Examination of on-deck cargo piping systems including
— Nitrogen pressure control system for insulation, inter- expansion and supporting arrangements.
barrier, and annular spaces, as applicable e) Obtain written statement from the Master that the cold
— Cofferdam heating system, if in operation spot examination was carried out during the transit voyage
— Reliquefaction plant, if fitted and found satisfactory. Where possible, the surveyor shall
— Equipment fitted for the burning of cargo vapours examine selected spaces.
such as boilers, engines, gas combustion units, etc., if
operating. (IACS UI GC 13)


Statutory Interpretations, July 2008
Page 30 – Sec.8


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