Yuan 2015
Yuan 2015
Yuan 2015
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: Market-wide attention-grabbing events — record levels for the Dow and front-page
Received 26 February 2013 articles about the stock market — predict the trading behavior of investors and, in turn,
Received in revised form market returns. Both aggregate and household-level data reveal that high market-wide
14 October 2014
attention events lead investors to sell their stock holdings dramatically when the level of
Accepted 2 November 2014
the stock market is high. Such aggressive selling has a negative impact on market prices,
reducing market returns by 19 basis points on days following attention-grabbing events.
JEL classification: & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Individual investor
0304-405X/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
2 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Measuring a pure attention event presents a challenge, net selling flow, (ii) flows out of mutual funds, and (iii)
because attention-grabbing events typically coincide with selling by households in their brokerage-firm accounts.
the release of meaningful information. An event well Second, Dow record events also predict negative market
suited for our empirical tests should attract investors' returns. In our 75-year sample, Dow record events predict
attention while enabling us to control for its economic the next-day return of the value-weighted NYSE–Amex
content. We propose Dow record events and front-page index to be 19 basis points lower than average. Further-
market news events as those fitting these criteria. more, when the Dow first reaches 17 “milestones” (hundred
As the oldest and most visible market indicator, the Dow marks when the Dow is below 1,000 and thousand marks
Jones Industrial Average attracts heavy media coverage and when the Dow is over 1,000), the next day sees an
investor attention when it sets a new record level. We additional 28 basis point market drop. When the market
control for the economic information associated with such is high, front-page news events show a negative predictive
events by using returns and record events of broader market ability comparable to that of Dow record events, but news
indexes. Specifically, in addition to Dow record events, we events show little predictive ability when the market index
include record events on three other market indexes: the is low. The results imply that aggressive selling places
Nasdaq Composite Index, the NYSE Composite Index, and the considerable pressure on market prices and lowers next-
Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 Index. To the extent that record day returns.
events are related to economic fundamentals in a market in The overall empirical results support the primary
which investors fully process all information, we would mechanism entertained in this study: Market-wide atten-
expect record events of the broader market indexes, the tion events raise the attention level investors pay to their
NYSE and the S&P, to show empirical patterns at least as portfolios, causing them to become more active in proces-
strong as the narrower indexes, the Dow and Nasdaq. sing information and making trade decisions. To understand
Significant empirical patterns emerge only for the latter further why active individual investors sell following high
two indexes, however, consistent with the hypothesis that market-wide attention, we explore two nonexclusive
such patterns reflect the effects of attention attracted by hypotheses, each of which combines the above-mentioned
those more visible indexes. The NYSE and the S&P have basic mechanism with a further characterization of how
lower visibility among the four indicators, in that even the investors trade once their attention level is raised and they
Nasdaq appeared nearly 20 times as often as the NYSE and become more active. In the first hypothesis, once attention-
the S&P in the titles of front-page articles in the New York constrained investors become more active, they trade sub-
Times and the Los Angeles Times from 1983 to 2005. ject to the “disposition” effect. That is, such investors tend to
We confirm and generalize our findings using an alter- “sell winners too early and ride losers too long” (Shefrin and
native measure of market-wide attention, namely, promi- Statman, 1985). In the second hypothesis, once attention-
nent media coverage of the stock market. A front-page constrained investors become more active, they trade to
market news event is defined as an occasion when both rebalance their portfolios to a desired set of weights.
the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times cover the Additional empirical analysis we perform supports both
change in the price level of the domestic stock market hypotheses.
within front-page articles. In addition to Dow record events, This study complements the existing literature on inves-
the market news covers many types of events such as tor attention. Barber and Odean (2008) and Da, Engelberg,
market runs, drops, and other indexes hitting new highs. and Gao (2012) analyze investor attention with a cross-
Furthermore, whereas Dow record events happen only sectional focus, whereas the present study focuses on the
when the market price level is high, front-page news events variation over time in investors' overall attention level.2
occur during periods with both high price levels (good Barber and Odean (2008) argue that investors face thousands
times) and low price levels (bad times). of candidates when they select stocks to buy, but they face
Using Dow record events and front-page news events, relatively few candidates — the stocks they already hold —
we examine the ability of market-wide attention-grabbing when they select those to sell. Hence, stock-specific atten-
events to predict trading patterns and market returns. The tion-grabbing events have a stronger impact on an investor's
empirical results indicate that the impact of market-wide allocation of attention across buying candidates than across
attention is pervasive across the entire market. To be selling candidates. They find supporting empirical evidence.3
specific, we have reached the following two conclusions:
First, Dow record events predict abnormally higher
individual-investor selling activities. Front-page market 2
Seasholes and Wu (2007) and Huddart, Lang, and Yetman (2009)
news events exhibit a similar impact when the market test the hypothesis of Barber and Odean (2008) with different settings.
index is high. We obtain such empirical results consistently Hou, Peng, and Xiong (2009) and Li and Yu (2012) analyze the interaction
across three independent data sources: individual-investor of limited attention and overreaction (underreaction), and find support-
ing evidence for the impact of attention. Other related studies show that
aggregate order flow from the Institute for the Study of
certain types of public information can predict returns on certain types of
Security Markets (ISSM) and the Trade and Quote database portfolios. Limited attention seems to be a potentially reliable and natural
(TAQ) of NYSE, aggregate daily mutual fund flows from explanation. See, for example, Huberman and Regev (2001), Hirshleifer,
Mutual Fund Trim Tabs, and detailed individual trading Lim, and Teoh (2004), Hou and Moskowitz (2005), DellaVigna and Pollet
records from a large brokerage firm provided by Terry (2007, 2009), Hong, Torous, and Valkanov (2007), and Cohen and Frazzini
Odean. Specifically, we find that following Dow record 3
Barber and Odean (2008) find that stock-specific attention
events or news events when the market index is high, increases the buying volume of the corresponding stock but has little
there are higher levels of (i) individual-investor aggregate influence on its selling volume.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3
Barber and Odean (2008) and Da, Engelberg, and Gao (2012) 2.2. Front-page market news events
thus analyze how investors allocate their overall attention
across different stocks. This study instead focuses on how The second type of attention-grabbing event analyzed
investors allocate their attention across time. We find that is a front-page news event, which we define as an occasion
market-wide events increase the overall level of attention when front-page stories about domestic stock market
that investors pay to their portfolios. movements appear in both the New York Times and the
An additional hypothesis arises from unifying the Los Angeles Times. Media coverage is one of the main
mechanisms of attention allocation across stocks and across sources of information for individual investors. Unsophis-
time. When market-wide events increase attention- ticated investors rely heavily on the public media because
constrained investors' overall attention level and make they do not have access to as many information channels
them more active, investors are then more likely to face as professional investors. Thus, media coverage could be
the cross-sectional attention allocation problem described the primary mechanism for drawing the attention of
by Barber and Odean (2008). Hence, we should observe that individual investors.
the effects predicted by Barber and Odean (2008) are Collecting aggregate market news is difficult. Several
stronger following high market-wide attention. Consistent studies have investigated the impact of security-specific
with this prediction, we find that the empirical patterns news,5 using the name or ticker of individual securities as
observed by Barber and Odean (2008) are stronger follow- keywords in search engine — a process that does not
ing Dow record events and front-page news events. require intensive manual labor. By contrast, extensive labor
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is required for collecting market news. First, there are no
introduces Dow record events and front-page market effective keywords for search engines for this process. To
news events. Section 3 provides the results of the impact refer to the general stock market, one could use any of a
of market attention on individual-investor aggregate order large number of common words, including “shares,” “stock,”
flow. Section 4 presents the results of the impact of “market,” “price,” “Wall Street,” “street,” and “blue-chips.”
attention on market returns. Section 5 provides the results However, if we were to build a long keyword list including
on aggregate mutual fund flows. Section 6 reports further many such commonly used words, although we would
analysis for exploring the two hypotheses with individual obtain numerous pieces of news, many would be unrelated
trading records from a large brokerage firm. Section 7 to the stock market. Furthermore, even with a fairly long list
presents the conclusions. of keywords, we would miss many pieces of stock market
news that do not contain those keywords, such as “A Happy
Birthday for the Bull,” for example.
In this study, news articles on the stock market are
2. Market-wide attention-grabbing events hand-collected by seven research assistants from the micro-
films of the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times for
2.1. Dow record events the period from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 2005.
The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are
The first type of event that we analyze is a Dow record selected as the sources for the news data because only
event, which we define as an occasion when the closing the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall
price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average hits a record Street Journal have been listed consistently in the top five
high.4 The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index is the oldest newspapers on the basis of circulation figures from 1983 to
continuing market index. It was first published on May 26, 2005. We exclude the Wall Street Journal from our analysis
1896, representing the average of 12 stocks from various because its subscribers are primarily financial profes-
crucial American industries. The number of stocks sionals, who are less likely to be influenced by the
increased to 30 in 1928, and has since remained the same. problems of limited attention discussed here.
Dow record events attract heavy media coverage and
investor attention due to the widespread use of the Dow.
In our hand-collected front-page news data for the sample
period from 1983 to 2005, we find that when a specific 3. Aggregate NYSE–Amex order flow following attention-
named index appears in a headline, 92.7% of the time it grabbing events
refers to the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index.
Although the Dow is the most widely used index, it has In this section, we explore the impact of market-wide
been criticized for being economically misleading, because attention on the trading behavior of investors, by examining
it is price-weighted rather than value-weighted, which the ability of Dow record events and front-page news events
gives higher-priced stocks more influence over the index to predict the aggregate order flow of individual investors.
than their lower-priced counterparts. Fig. 1 plots the Dow We first introduce the aggregate order flow data (Section
Jones Industrial Average Index from 1928 to 2005. Because 3.1), and then investigate the ability of Dow record events
of inflation and high equity market returns, the index (Section 3.2) and market news events (Section 3.3) to
shows a strong positive trend. predict order flow.
4 5
Because of the strong positive trend of the Dow, the index never For example, Barber and Odean (2008), Kaniel, Starks, and
hits a record low level. Vasudevan (2007), and Fang and Peress (2009).
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
4 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
To obtain the daily aggregate order flow for individual
4000 and institutional investors, we estimate the sum of the
2000 signed trading dollars of all the common stocks listed on
the NYSE and the Amex7 within each trade size bin. We
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 then calculate the daily buyer- and seller-initiated turnover
Year for the three trade size bins by normalizing the buyer- and
10 seller-initiated dollar volume against the lagged market
9 value of the NYSE and the Amex. The aggregate net order
8 flow for each trade size is estimated as the difference
Log Dow
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5
x 10
4 0.012
2 0.006
0 0
1985 1990 1995 2000 1985 1990 1995 2000
seller−initiated trades less than 10,000 dollars seller−initiated trades more than 50,000 dollars
x 10
4 0.012
2 0.006
0 0
1985 1990 1995 2000 1985 1990 1995 2000
buyer−initiated trades less than 10,000 dollars buyer−initiated trades more than 50,000 dollars
Fig. 2. Buyer- and seller-initiated turnover for small or large trades. The top and bottom figures on the left show the seller- and buyer-initiated turnover (dollar
volume normalized by the lag of market value) for small trades on stocks listed in NYSE and Amex. The top and bottom figures on the right are the seller- and
buyer-initiated turnovers for large trades on stocks listed in NYSE and Amex. Whereas the turnover for large trades remains stable over the entire sample period,
that for small trades shows a positive trend from 2000 onwards.
8 index in its title. Thus, the indexes that are more economic-
ally meaningful (the NYSE and S&P) are less visible.
7 We analyze the impact of Dow record events on order
Log Dow
News Events flow in the following predictive regression:
1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 ordt þ 1 ¼ a þ b DOW t þc ordt þd1 ret t þ d2 ret t 250;t þ ϵt þ 1 :
Front −Page Market News Events
The dependent variable, ordt þ 1, is the net order flow of
Fig. 3. Dow records and front-page market news events from 1983 to small-, medium-, or large-sized trades on day tþ1. The
1999. The top and bottom figures display the time-series distribution of variable, DOWt, is a dummy variable used to indicate Dow
Dow record events and front-page market news events.
records, that is, when the closing index level of the Dow on
on Dow-record days is significantly positive at 0.60%, which is day t reaches a new record. Following Chordia and
higher than the daily average of the entire sample period Subrahmanyam (2004), order flow during the previous
(0.06%). The average return on news days is 0.15%, which is day (ordt) and the past one-day and one-year returns on
similar to the sample average. The average market turnover the Dow (rett and ret t 250;t ) are included as control
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Table 1
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
a b c d1 d2 R2
Small 0.220 0.192 0.074 0.077 0.005 0.056 0.059 0.148 0.105 0.060
( 3.57) ( 3.11) (0.63) (0.92) (0.04) ( 0.39) (0.46) (0.84) ( 0.75) ( 0.42)
Medium 0.190 0.115 0.180 0.168 0.082 0.028 0.140 0.070 0.020 0.287
( 2.60) ( 1.90) (1.18) (1.50) ( 0.53) ( 0.18) (0.96) (0.37) (0.12) ( 1.83)
Large 0.067 0.165 0.076 0.171 0.036 0.011 0.003 0.239 0.012 0.149
(0.88) ( 1.02) (0.71) (1.67) ( 0.26) (0.09) (0.02) (1.55) (0.08) ( 1.13)
Small 0.225 0.191 0.093 0.074 0.051 0.011 0.004 0.129 0.106 0.076
( 3.58) ( 2.88) (0.79) (0.87) (0.42) (0.07) (0.02) (0.71) ( 0.72) ( 0.55)
Medium 0.182 0.111 0.185 0.153 0.049 0.001 0.114 0.025 0.030 0.262
( 2.50) ( 1.81) (1.25) (1.41) ( 0.31) ( 0.01) (0.78) (0.14) (0.19) ( 1.74)
Large 0.030 0.186 0.136 0.177 0.059 0.070 0.026 0.143 0.029 0.140
(0.43) ( 1.03) (1.25) (1.85) (0.45) ( 0.64) (0.22) (1.01) (0.20) ( 1.13)
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 7
variables.8 This specification controls for the economic not require that the NYSE composite index completely covers
information in both short-run and long-run market the economic information in the Dow. In other words, our
returns. All series except DOWt are normalized to have empirical conclusion is valid if the Dow contains unique
unit variance for ease of interpretation. information. To predict the aggregate order flow of the entire
Panel A of Table 1 presents the coefficient estimates and t- stock market, the real market index (the value-weighted NYSE
statistics for the above regression. The results reveal that Dow composite index) should contain at least the same level of
record events strongly influence individual order flow. The economic content as the Dow. It is rather striking that NYSE
coefficient on DOWt is significantly negative for small-size records show no significant relation to aggregate small-sized
order flow, implying that individual investors sell more shares order flow, and this result suggests that economic information
following Dow events. The magnitude is also economically is not the primary driver of our results.
significant. Net selling by individual investors is 19.8% stan- Next, we conduct a “contagion” test for impacts of Dow
dard deviations higher following Dow record events. records on the order flow of non-Dow stocks.10 If the predictive
We further control for the economic content of Dow ability of Dow records is primarily driven through the attention
record events by including the record events of the other channel, then Dow records, which draw attention across the
three indexes: the Nasdaq Composite Index, NYSE Composite entire market, should predict the individual-investor order flow
Index, and Standard & Poor's 500 Index. This aspect of the of both Dow stocks and non-Dow stocks. By contrast, if
analysis is perhaps the key innovation of this paper. The four economic information is the primary channel, the ability of
indexes analyzed are the market indicators that have been Dow records to predict the order flow of non-Dow stocks
used most commonly over the last several decades.9 As should be weak. Panel C of Table 1 reports results with the
mentioned previously, the NYSE and S&P are broad value- dependent variable defined as the market order flow excluding
weighted market indexes that contain more economic infor- firms in the Dow. The empirical results are essentially the same
mation than the Dow or Nasdaq, at least in relation to our as those in Panel B, for which the order flow of all firms is the
analysis, in which the aggregate order flow of the NYSE–Amex dependent variable. Dow records show a strong ability to
is the dependent variable. However, as shown by our data on predict the small-sized order flow excluding that of Dow firms,
news events, both the NYSE and S&P have low visibility and whereas NYSE records again exhibit no ability to do so. These
attract little attention. Even the Nasdaq, which should contain results provide solid support for the influence of market
the least relevant economic information for our analysis, attention on the trading activities of individual investors.
because we include none of its stocks, has much higher In all of the above tests, Dow records also show some
visibility than the NYSE and S&P. If market-wide attention ability to predict the middle-sized order flow, but with
rather than economic information is the mechanism driving smaller economic magnitudes. Because the middle-sized
the results, the highly visible indexes (the Dow and Nasdaq) order flow contains a portion of individual-investor trad-
rather than the economically meaningful market indicators ing activities, the consistent empirical patterns support the
(the NYSE and S&P) should show significant predictive ability. influence of attention on individual investors. Dow record
Panel B of Table 1 reports the coefficients and t-statistics events do not seem to have an influence on the trading of
for the horse-race test described above, in which we include institutional investors — large-sized order flow. Despite
the record events for the four indexes and their interactions some patterns in Panel A, the significant predictive ability
as predictive variables. The Dow shows the strongest disappears in Panels B and C.
negative predictive ability for small-sized order flow In the above empirical analysis, we use the same set of
( 0.220 with a t-statistic of 3.57). The coefficient on control variables: order flow of the previous day, market
Nasdaq record events is also significantly negative ( 0.192 return of the previous day, and market return of the previous
with a t-statistic of 3.11), whereas the NYSE and S&P do year. The empirical conclusions are robust across the following
not show any significant patterns (0.074 with a t-statistic of specifications with different control variables: (i) with more
0.63 and 0.077 with a t-statistic of 0.92, respectively). past market returns as additional control variables (i.e., adding
That NYSE record events have no predictive ability for NYSE the market returns of the previous week and the previous
stocks, whereas record events on both the Dow and Nasdaq month to the regressions), (ii) with lagged market returns of
have strong predictive ability, suggests that high market-wide different indexes as control variables (i.e., replacing the returns
attention, not economic information, drives the abnormal net- of the Dow with the returns of the NYSE or NYSE–Amex),
selling behavior of individual investors. This conclusion does (iii) with lagged market turnover as an additional control
variable, and (iv) with nonlinear functions of past returns as
additional control variables (i.e., adding quadratic terms for
The returns on the Dow may capture more information overlapping past market returns or dummy variables for extreme past
with Dow records. An alternative is the return on the NYSE–Amex, which returns). All of these results can be provided upon request.
may capture more economic information for the entire market, particu- In unreported results, we explore the predictive ability of
larly because the dependent variable is the order flow of all the stocks
record events of a similar but unobservable index, “Dow3,”
listed on the NYSE and Amex. The correlation between the returns on the
Dow and NYSE–Amex is 94%, and the empirical patterns are virtually the which includes only the three stocks with the highest
same with returns on the NYSE–Amex used as control variables. weights in the Dow. According to our attention hypothesis,
The Nasdaq Composite Index was introduced on February 8, 1971, investors' attention can be drawn only by record events of
the same day that the Nasdaq market was created, with an initial value of the real Dow. Although the Dow3 could contain independent
100. The NYSE Composite Index was created in 1966, with a base value of
50 points, to reflect the value of all stocks traded on the exchange. The
S&P 500 Index was introduced on March 4, 1957, and comprises the
stocks of 500 large-cap corporations. We thank the referee for this suggestion.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
8 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Table 2
Aggregate daily order flow following front-page market news events (1983–1999).
The dependent variables are the order flow of small, medium, and large trades. Trades of less than $10,000 are defined as small trades, trades of more
than $50,000 are defined as large trades, and those in between are classified as medium trades. For a given size, the order flow is defined as the buyer-
initiated dollar turnover minus the seller-initiated turnover of the NYSE–Amex. Finally, the order flow is detrended by the average of the flows over the
previous 250 days. Newst is the news dummy variable, which is 1 if both the NY Times and the LA Times cover the stock market with front-page articles. Dt
is the good times dummy variable, which is 1 if the closing NYSE–Amex index level on day t falls into the top 10% quantile for the previous 500 days. DOWt
is dummy variable for Dow record events. ret is the return of the value-weighted NYSE–Amex index. All variables except the dummies are normalized to
unit variance. The numbers in parentheses are t-statistics estimated using the Newey-West method.
Panel A: ordt þ 1 ¼ a þ β1 Newst þ β2 DGt þ β12 Newst DGt þ c ordt þ d1 ret t þ d2 ret t 250;t
a β1 β2 β12 c d1 d2 R2
Panel B: ordt þ 1 ¼ a þ β1 Newst þ β2 DGt þ β12 Newst DGt þ β3 DOW t þ c ordt þ d1 ret t þ d2 ret t 250;t
a β1 β2 β12 β3 c d1 d2 R2
Small 0.063 0.185 0.015 0.370 0.132 0.557 0.210 0.069 0.237
( 1.89) (2.19) (0.34) ( 3.43) ( 3.05) (16.86) ( 8.27) (2.86)
Medium 0.003 0.060 0.056 0.210 0.087 0.327 0.064 0.000 0.078
( 0.07) (0.69) (1.19) ( 1.91) ( 1.81) (11.51) ( 2.32) (0.01)
Large 0.048 0.001 0.007 0.081 0.160 0.118 0.159 0.045 0.065
(1.49) (0.01) (0.17) ( 0.87) (2.70) (1.95) (5.44) ( 1.68)
economic information, this unreported index should have no meaningful indexes, the NYSE and S&P. These results suggest
influence beyond the real Dow. In the regression with that pure attention, rather than economic information, drives
records of both the Dow and Dow3, Dow records show our findings. The above results provide strong support for
essentially the same ability to predict small-sized order flow, the primary mechanism in this study: Market-wide atten-
whereas Dow3 records show no significant ability, consistent tion-grabbing events raise the attention level investors pay
with our attention hypothesis. to their portfolios, causing them to become more active in
We also analyze “ice-breaking” record events, defined as processing information and making trade decisions. To
records not preceded by other record events in the last understand further why activated individual investors sell,
month. Such events might attract more attention and have we provide additional analysis and discussion in Section 6.
larger influence on individual trading. The results show that
ice-breaking records predict a greater negative small-sized
order flow than do standard Dow records, but the difference 3.3. Aggregate NYSE–Amex order flow following front-page
between ice-breaking and standard Dow records is not market news events
statistically significant, perhaps due to the low number of
ice-breaking record events. In the sample period, there are 44 In this subsection, we analyze the ability of another
ice-breaking records (9.1% of all Dow records). We further type of market-wide attention-grabbing events — front-
explore ice-breaking record events with various lengths of page market news events — to predict aggregate order
time from the previous record. In other words, ice-breaking flow. Given that these events are less specific in nature
record events are defined as records that not preceded by than Dow record events, the findings relate to a broader
other record events in the previous 2, 5, 10, 30, and 90 days. setting in the following sense. First, stock market news
Because record events with longer intervals likely draw more covers diverse topics, such as rises and falls in the market,
market attention, we expect those events to exert a stronger and other indexes hitting records. Second, unlike Dow
impact. Such a pattern appears to exist. The coefficients of record events, which occur only when the market index is
ice-breaking records are monotonically declining with high, front-page news events occur during both good and
increasing interval length, although none are individually bad economic periods, as shown in Fig. 3.
statistically significant. Hence, the impact of ice-breaking Given that activated investors may trade differently in
records — forecasting additional net selling flow — increases good and bad periods, we define a dummy variable for
with the length of time from the previous record. time periods with high index levels, Dt , which equals one
To summarize, we find a strong impact of market-wide if the closing value-weighted NYSE–Amex index level of
attention on the trading behavior of individual investors. day t falls into the top 10% quantile within the last two
Dow record events predict abnormal net selling flow of years, and equals zero otherwise.11 We refer to such
individual investors in aggregate. We further show that such
a pattern exists only for the highly visible indexes, the Dow 11
The empirical results are robust across different quantiles (5%, 10%,
and Nasdaq, and does not hold for the more economically and 15%) and lengths of time (one, two, and three years).
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 9
Table 3
Next-day market returns following attention-grabbing events.
The dependent variable is the next-day percent return on the value-weighted NYSE–Amex index, except in Regression (6). The dependent variable in (6)
is the return of the index, which excludes Dow stocks. DOWt, NYt, NASt, and SPt are dummy variables for the record events of the Dow Jones Industrial
Average Index, Nasdaq Composite Index, NYSE Composite Index, and S&P 500 Index, respectively. Milestonet is dummy variable for the milestone event,
which is 1 if the Dow breaks one hundred marks (when the Dow is below 1,000) or one thousand marks (when the Dow is above 1,000) for the first time.
Newst is 1 if both the NY Times and the LA Times cover the stock market with front-page articles. Dt is the good times dummy, which is 1 if the closing
NYSE–Amex index level falls into the top 10% quantile for the previous 500 days. Vt is the detrended dollar turnover of the NYSE–Amex. Vt is normalized to
unit variance. The numbers in parentheses are t-statistics estimated using the Newey-West method.
periods as “good times.” For the sample, between 1983 and news events that occur in good times strongly predict
1999, 58.9% of the trading days and 51.0% of the news abnormal selling flow. Thus, front-page market news —
events occur in good times. general attention to the market — triggers abnormal
We analyze the predictive ability of front-page news selling by individual investors when the index level is
events according to the following regression: high. The coefficient for front-page news events in good
times, β1 þ β12 , is 0.216 with a t-statistic of 3.88. The
ordt þ 1 ¼ a þ β1 Newst þ β2 DGt þ β12 Newst DGt
magnitude is also economically significant: Individual-
þ c ordt þ d1 ret t þ d2 ret t 250;t þ ϵt þ 1 ;
investor net selling is 21.6% standard deviations higher
where the dependent variable is the aggregate order flow, following news events that occur in good times. More-
and Newst is the dummy variable for front-page market over, news events also show negative predictive ability
news events.12 The terms rett and ret t 250;t are the past for medium-sized trades, which should include a signifi-
one-day and one-year returns on NYSE–Amex. The coeffi- cant portion of individual trades. β1 þ β12 is 0.170, with
cient on Newst, β1, shows the predictive ability of front-page a t-statistic of 2.71.
news in bad times, and β12 is the difference between the Front-page market news events also appear to show
predictive abilities of news in good and bad times.13 some predictive ability for individual-investor buying flow
Panel A of Table 2 presents the results of the above during bad times. For small-sized order flow, the coeffi-
regression. First, similar to Dow record events, front-page cient for news events during bad times, β1, is 0.183 with a
t-statistic of 2.17. However, the predictive ability for
medium-sized trades disappears when the market index
In the empirical test described in this subsection, day t begins at
is low.
the opening time of the stock market and ends at the opening time on
the next calendar day. Hence, Newst is published in the morning of the Panel B of Table 2 presents the results in the regressions
same calendar day as that of ordt þ 1. including front-page news events and Dow record events
Studies suggest that some news contains new information and as dependent variables together. The magnitudes of the
thus has an impact on future prices, e.g., Huberman and Regev (2001), coefficients on news events and Dow events are similar to
and Tetlock (2007, 2011). It appears unlikely that the news articles in this
study contain such information, because most mainly repeat highly
those in regressions treating the two sets of events
visible public information (e.g., the closing level of the Dow and the separately. General market attention — front-page market
trading volume of the previous trading day). news events — seems to capture different dimensions of
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
10 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
attention from Dow record events and demonstrate inde- The above pattern also holds in a long sample period.
pendent predictive ability for aggregate order flow. Regression 2 presents the results for the record events of
The results for front-page market news events confirm the Dow and S&P for a sample period from 1931 to 2005.
our findings for Dow record events: High market-wide Apart from the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, the
attention predicts exceptional selling by individual inves- only index with a long history in the US is Standard &
tors when prices are high. The overall results in this Poor's Composite Index, which was introduced in January
section provide an affirmative answer to our first basic 1928 and included 90 stocks until 1957.14 On March 4,
question. Market attention strongly influences the trading 1957, the S&P was extended to comprise a total of 500
behavior of individual investors. stocks. In the long sample period, Dow record events
predict a next-day return at 19.3 basis points lower with
a t-statistic of 4.73, whereas the coefficient on the S&P —
4. Market returns following attention-grabbing events the less visible index — is only 1.3 basis points with a
t-statistic of 0.45. Regressions 3 and 4 present the results
The second basic question pursued by this study is of record events on the Dow and S&P for the analysis of
whether market attention influences stock market two subsamples. The results are consistent with the
returns. The previous section demonstrates that high findings for the entire sample.
attention strongly influences individual-investor trading Next, we analyze an interesting attention-grabbing
behavior. In particular, high attention triggers abnormal event, namely a “milestone event.” A milestone event is
individual-investor selling when the market index is defined as an instance of the closing level of the Dow
high, and, to a lesser degree triggers individual buying breaking one hundred marks (when the level of the Dow is
when the market index is low. The abnormal trading of below 1,000) or one thousand marks (when the level of
individual investors could affect market prices and pro- the Dow is above 1,000) for the first time. Such events are
duce a relation between market attention and future highly visible but should contain no more economic
market returns. In this section, we investigate this possi- information than standard Dow record events, because
bility. We find that high attention demonstrates strong the impact of reaching a hundred or a thousand marks
negative predictive ability for next-day returns when the should be purely psychological. Compared with Dow
market index is high but demonstrates little predictive record events and news events, milestone events are rare.
ability when the market index is low. Even in the 75-year sample from 1931 to 2005, only 17
Specifically, Dow record events predict a lower next- milestone events are observed.
day return on the value-weighted NYSE–Amex index. Regression 5 presents the results obtained using
Front-page market news events have a similarly negative dummy variable for such events — Milestonet — as an
predictive ability when the index is high, but they have no additional regressor. The slope of Milestonet, which
significant predictive ability when the index is low. Thus, demonstrates the additional impact of milestone events
market attention affects the aggregate price level when on the market return, is 0.277 with a t-statistic of 2.67.
individual investors sell stock aggressively following The slopes of Dowt and SPt remain essentially the same as
attention-grabbing events. those in Regression 2. This result provides further support
Table 3 presents the ability of attention-grabbing events for the pure attention argument. Milestone events, which
to predict daily returns on the value-weighted NYSE–Amex grab even more investor attention than standard Dow
index. Following Gervais, Kaniel, and Mingelgrin (2001) and record events, have a greater effect on price levels than
Llorente, Michaely, Saar, and Wang (2002), we include the standard Dow record events. Market returns are 46.4 basis
lag of market return and trading volume on the NYSE–Amex, points lower after milestone events. In unreported results,
and their interaction as control variables. we also analyze the milestone events for the less visible
Regression 1 presents the results of regressing market index — the S&P Composite Index, and we find that its
returns on the record events for the four indexes and coefficient is not statistically or economically significant at
control variables. The sample period begins in 1974, three all. In addition, we investigate the impact of Dow mile-
years after the introduction of the Nasdaq, the youngest of stone events on small-sized order flow and obtain con-
the four indexes was introduced. Dow record events predict sistent but insignificant results because there are so few
a next-day return at 28.4 basis points lower with a milestone events during the relatively short sample
t-statistic of 5.07. Another visible index, Nasdaq, predicts period.
a next-day return at 7.5 basis points lower, which is Regression 6 provides results for the contagion test, which
significant using a one-sided t-test. This result is particu- analyzes the influence of Dow records on non-Dow returns.
larly impressive, since no stocks listed on Nasdaq are The dependent variable is defined as the market return
included in this analysis. However, the coefficients for the excluding firms in the Dow. As discussed in the previous
NYSE and S&P do not differ significantly from zero. Con- section, Dow records, attracting attention across the entire
sistent with the empirical findings of the previous section, market, should have a similar influence on non-Dow stocks
we find that the visible indexes (Dow and Nasdaq) show a
significantly predictive ability, whereas the economically
meaningful indexes (NYSE and S&P) exhibit no ability. The Nasdaq Composite Index was created on February 8, 1971 with
an initial value of 100, and the NYSE Composite Index was introduced on
Hence, it is pure market-wide attention rather than eco- January 1, 1966 with an initial value of 50. The data on the S&P Composite
nomic information that produces strong impact on market Index in the period from 1928 to 1957 are downloaded from Bill
returns. Schwert's website. See Schwert (1990) for a description of the data.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 11
and Dow stocks. The results support the attention hypothesis. coefficients for Dow and news are not sensitive to lagged
For the sample period from 1931 to 2005, following Dow return being included as a control variable.
records, the next-day market return excluding Dow firms is In general, the negative impact on market returns persists
18.7 basis points lower. The influence is essentially the same for more than one day. For example, for the sample from
as that on the market return including Dow firms.15 1974 to 2005, Dow record events predict that the cumulative
Finally, we explore the ability of front-page news market returns of the following three days are 44.3 basis
events to predict market returns. Regression 7 reports points lower with a t-statistic of 5.07. In this specification,
results of the regressions of next-day returns on news the lagged 3-day cumulative return instead of the lagged 1-
events, the dummy variables of good times, and their day return is used as the control variable. Furthermore, we
interaction. The coefficient on Newst — the predictive also check whether the record events forecast a price
ability of front-page news events in bad times — is 0.088, reversal that follows the price slide of the first few days.
which is not significantly different from zero. News events The slope is positive, which is consistent with a reversal, but
appear to show little predictive ability when the market it is not statistically significant. The insignificance may be
index is low. The coefficient on Newst DGt — the differ- attributed to an increase in noise as the period of cumulative
ence between good and bad times — is significantly returns is extended, or the seeming reversal does not in
negative ( 0.238 with a t-statistic of 2.17). The sum of fact exist.
these coefficients — the predictive ability of front-page The overall results in this section provide an affirmative
news events in good times — is 0.150 with a t-statistic of answer to our second basic question: Market attention
2.70. The market returns are 15.0 basis points lower influences stock market returns, in a way that is consistent
following news events when the market index is high. In with its impact on individual-investor trading. High attention
addition, we also check the predictive ability of Dow shows strong negative predictive ability for future returns
records and front-page market news in a multiple regres- when the market index is high.
sion (Regression 8). The coefficients on news events and
Dow events are similar in magnitude to those in regres-
sions treating the two sets of events separately.
The empirical results imply that selling by individual 5. Aggregate mutual fund flow
investors causes negative market returns. Such results are
consistent with the studies of Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2009) In Section 3, we investigate individual-investor trading
and Hvidkjaer (2008), which find that individual-investor activities using aggregate order flow data from the stock
trading influences stock returns. Furthermore, the stronger market. Since the empirical findings show that the effect of
influence of individual investors on returns during good heightened market attention on trading stocks is pervasive,
times is consistent with several recent studies that find that we explore whether attention-grabbing events also affect the
the anomalies are stronger during such periods (Cooper, buying and redeeming of shares in mutual funds.
Gutierrez, and Hameed, 2004; Stambaugh, Yu, and Yuan, In fact, the analysis of mutual funds could be of particular
2012). These studies in general argue that their findings are relevance to this study. First, both conventional wisdom and
partly caused by the time-varying influence of individual formal theoretical models suggest that unsophisticated
investors (or noise traders). Individual investors participate attention-constrained investors are more likely to choose
in the market more aggressively due to optimism or senti- mutual funds as investment vehicles.16 Second, although for
ment during good times while many of them “exit” the stock the aggregate order flow data, we must use trade size as a
market during bad times due to their reluctance to take short proxy for trader identities — individual or institutional
positions. Overall, our results suggest a similar time-varying investors — the risk of mismeasurement is low for mutual
pattern of the impact of market attention on stock market fund flow data, because individual investors hold approxi-
returns. mately 90% of total assets in mutual funds.17
We also explore the robustness of return predictability. Using the flow data for mutual funds, we obtain empirical
In the above analysis, we include the lagged 1-day return, results that are consistent with the findings obtained using
the lagged 1-day turnover, and their interaction in the the aggregate order flow. We find strong empirical evidence
regressions. The results are essentially the same in the for that high market attention causes individual investors to
following specifications: (i) with the lagged 1-day return redeem shares in mutual funds when the market index is
as the only control variable, (ii) with more lagged returns as high, and find relatively weak evidence for that they buy
additional control variables, and (iii) replacing the depen- shares when the market index is low.
dent variable with the market return that excludes the 20%
of stocks with the lowest trading dollar values. The third
specification minimizes the influence of non-trading stocks
on our analysis. In addition, the positive autocorrelation of
market returns does not influence attention impact. The 16
For example, Peng and Xiong (2006) build a formal equilibrium
model and conclude that attention-constrained investors process more
market- and section-wide information than security-level information.
Such an allocation of attention across different types of information
After the financial crash, the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index would make mutual funds more attractive to attention-constrained
did not reach a new record until 2013. In the analysis of data including investors.
the records events in 2013, the empirical patterns documented in this See the 2006 Investment Company Fact Book published by the
section are essentially the same. Investment Company Institute.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
12 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Table 4
Aggregate daily mutual fund flow following attention-grabbing events (1998–2005).
The dependent variable is Flowt þ 1, the aggregate daily mutual fund flow, which starts on February 19, 1998 and ends on December 31, 2005. DOWt, NASt,
NYt, and SPt are dummy variables for the record events of the four indexes. Newst is news dummy variable, which is 1 if both the NY Times and the LA Times
cover the stock market with front-page articles. Dt is the good times dummy, which is 1 if the closing value of the NYSE–Amex index level falls into the top
10% quantile within the previous 500 days. Flowt-i is the lagged mutual fund flow and eight lags of the flow are included in the regressions. To save space,
only the coefficients on the first two lags are reported in the table. Regression (2) includes the interactions of the four dummy variables, but the coefficients
of these interactions are not reported here. All variables except the dummies are normalized to unit variance. The numbers in parentheses are t-statistics
estimated using the Newey-West method.
The daily mutual fund flow data are from Mutual Table 4 presents the regressions of aggregate fund flow
Fund Trim Tabs, published by Trim Tabs Financial Ser- on attention-grabbing events, lags of market returns, and
vices of Santa Rosa, California. The data include the daily lags of fund flow. Following Edelen and Warner (2001), we
aggregate net flow (inflow minus outflow) from Febru- include eight lags of fund flow as control variables. The
ary 1998 to December 2005 for their sample of equity empirical patterns below are unaffected by the choice of
mutual funds. Edelen and Warner (2001) analyze data lag number. To better understand economic magnitude, all
from the same source, but for a shorter sample period, the variables except the dummy variables are normalized
and show that the Trim Tabs data contain 16.5% (20%) of to unit variance.
all U.S. equity mutual funds by number of funds (by net Consistent with the results obtained using the aggre-
assets). gate order flow data, we find that individual investors
The mutual fund flow of Trim Tabs is calculated using net also redeem more mutual fund shares following Dow
asset value (NAV), which is publicly available, and total asset record events. Regression 2 reports results for the record
value, which is received privately by Trim Tabs on the events of the four market indexes. The coefficient on Dow
morning of the next day. Despite the obvious accuracy of events is 0.553 with a t-statistic of 3.21. The net
NAV, obtaining information on total asset value is delayed outflow from mutual funds is 55.3% standard deviations
by one day for some funds. The first issue of Mutual Fund higher following Dow record events. For the total assets
Trim Tabs notes that there should be a “lag on updating total in equity mutual funds in 1999 — $4.04 trillion according
assets” for a significant portion of funds. Edelen and Warner to the Investment Company Institute — this estimate
(2001) also highlight this problem and analyze its influence implies that net outflow is $2.3 billion higher on days
on their conclusions. As a consequence of the delay, the following a Dow record. For Nasdaq record events, the
daily aggregate mutual fund data comprise two-day average net flow is 35.1% standard deviations higher. However,
series. The aggregate flow on day tþ2 includes the flows of neither of the coefficients for the economically mean-
some funds on day tþ2 and the flows of the other funds on ingful indexes, the NYSE or S&P, is significantly different
day tþ1. To address this issue in our predictive regressions, from zero. Similar to the findings in the last two sections,
the attention-grabbing event at day t is used to predict the the evidence suggests that increased market attention
combined flow of days tþ1 and tþ2. rather than economic information is the driving force.
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 13
In Regression 3, we find consistent evidence for atten- documented behavioral biases of individual investors.18 After
tion effects of front-page market news events. News shows high market-wide attention makes such investors more
significant predictive ability in both good and bad times. active, they are more likely to sell winner stocks in their
The coefficient on news — the effect of front-page news in portfolio to lock in gains, while keeping their positions in
bad times — is 0.220 with a t-statistic of 2.11, and the loser stocks intact. In the case of Dow record events, which
coefficient on the interaction of news and DG t is 0.524 make these attention-constrained investors more active, they
with a t-statistic of 2.68. The sum of the two coefficients are likely to notice that many of their stocks are winners and
— the effect of front-page news in good times — is 0.304 sell these winner stocks.
and is statistically significant. Thus, net outflow is 30.4% In the second hypothesis, once attention-constrained
higher following front-page market news events that investors become more active, they trade to rebalance
occur in good times. Regression 4 reports the results their portfolios to a desired set of weights. These investors
with news and Dow records in the joint test. The magni- have desired weights across individual stocks and other
tude and significance remain essentially the same for types of investment, such as bonds, and they try to restore
most of the estimates, indicating that both front-page the relative weights of their investments. After high
news and Dow events have a strong influence on mutual market events make such investors more active, they are
fund flow. likely to sell (buy) those stocks that have positive (nega-
In summary, we find empirical results consistent with tive) returns since they last rebalanced, in order to restore
those obtained using aggregate order flow: Individual the relative weights to their target levels. Following Dow
investors redeem their shares in mutual funds following record events, these attention-constrained investors notice
attention-grabbing events when the market index is high, that many of their stocks have positive returns since they
and they modestly increase their fund holdings following last rebalanced their portfolios, and they sell these stocks.
attention-grabbing events that occur when the market These two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. Once
index is low. Hence, high attention influences not only market attention makes investors more active, some could
individual investors who trade individual stocks, but also trade subject to the disposition effect and some could
those who invest in mutual funds. trade to rebalance. Furthermore, there could also be a
significant number of attention-constrained investors who
6. Individual-investor transactions trade with idiosyncratic motivations. However, as long as
these idiosyncratic motivations have no systematic direc-
In the previous sections, we show several sets of empirical tion, the trades that are motivated in one direction should
results which demonstrate the pervasive impact of pure be balanced by trades motivated in the opposite sense.
market attention. We find particularly strong evidence that, The empirical results of individual-investor aggregate
following market-wide attention, individual investors sell order flow and aggregate mutual fund flow are consistent
stocks and redeem shares in mutual funds when the market with both hypotheses. When the market index level is high,
level is high. The aggressive selling of investors causes market portfolios of investors include plenty of winner stocks and
returns to drop. In this section, using detailed transaction stocks with recent positive returns. Both hypotheses sug-
records from a large brokerage firm, we explore beyond the gest that activated individual investors should sell or
primary mechanism of this study, by discussing why activated redeem shares following heightened attention in good
individual investors sell following Dow record events and times. With the detailed transaction records in this section,
news when the market index is high (Sections 6.1 and 6.2). In we provide more analysis on the two hypotheses.
addition, we propose and analyze a hypothesis unifying the
market-wide attention in this paper and the stock-specific
6.2. Empirical results
attention in Barber and Odean (2008) (Section 6.3).
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
Table 5
Individual-investor selling decisions following record events and news events (1991–1996).
This table reports the coefficients and t-statistics of the logistic regressions. The dependent variable is Selli;j;t þ 1 , which is 1 if stock i is sold by investor j at time tþ 1, and 0 otherwise. DOWt, NASt, NYt, and SPt
represent the record events of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, Nasdaq Composite Index, NYSE Composite Index, and S&P 500 Index, respectively. Newst is news dummy, which is 1 if both the NY Times and
the LA Times have front-page articles about the domestic stock market. DWin
i;j;t þ 1 is winner dummy, which is 1 if the selling price of stock i (if the stock is traded) or the closing price (if the stock is not traded) is higher
reported here. In all of the regressions, we include the value-weighted NYSE–Amex–Nasdaq market returns (rett and ret t 250;t ), the returns of stock i (retit and ret it 250;t ), and the interactions of the four record
dummy variables. The numbers in parentheses are t-statistics estimated using the standard method, and the numbers in brackets are t-statistics estimated clustering the residuals on the same day.
i;j;t þ 1 DPos
i;j;t þ 1
portfolio of a single investor on a given day. We examine using the clustered standard deviation, which allows the
the selling activities of individual households, by construct- residuals on the same day to be correlated.
ing the dependent variable Selli;j;t þ 1 , which equals one if The main empirical results are reported in Regressions
investor i sells stock j on day tþ1, and zero otherwise. 2 and 4. With winner and positive dummies in the
Using the detailed trading records of individual investors, regression, the coefficient on Dow record events is 0.041,
we estimate investors' purchasing prices and returns from and the coefficient on the interaction between Dow events
the previous time at which investors trade. In particular, to and the winner dummy is 0.105, which is significant with
identify a winner stock empirically for the disposition effect, both procedures to estimate standard deviation. Thus,
following Odean (1998), we use the average purchase price whereas Dow record events increase the probability of
as the proxy for the reference point. We construct the selling a general stock by a moderate magnitude (4.1%), the
variable DWin
i;j;t þ 1 , which equals one if the selling price or the impact is tripled for winner stocks (14.6%¼4.1%þ10.5%).
closing price of stock i is higher than the average purchase The coefficient on the interaction of Dow and the positive
price of investor j on day tþ1.20 We also define DPos i;j;t þ 1 , dummy is 0.028, which is not significant. It seems that the
which is 1 if the cumulative return of stock i from the effect of attention on the stocks with positive returns is not
previous time at which investor j trades is positive. significantly stronger. For the Nasdaq record event, its
Specifically, we examine the following logistic regression: interactions with winner and positive dummies are both
significant, which lends some support to both hypotheses.
logitðSelli;j;t þ 1 Þ ¼ a þ b X t þ c DWin Pos
i;j;t þ 1 þd Di;j;t þ 1 Regression 4 presents the results of front-page news
þ e X t DWin Pos
i;j;t þ 1 þ f X t Di;j;t þ 1 events. The impact of news events is doubled for winner
þ g 1 ret j;t þ g 2 ret j;t 250;t stocks relative to general stocks but there is no significant
additional impact on stocks with positive returns.
þ h1 ret t þ h2 ret t 250;t :
We find although the market attention raises the sell-
Xt is the dummy variable for Dow record events or front- ing possibilities for all stocks, the impact is stronger for
page market news events. The lagged short- and long-run winner stocks, which may be driven by the disposition
returns of this stock and the value-weighted market index effect and rebalancing needs. Overall, the above empirical
are included as control variables. results support both hypotheses.
If many active investors sell winner stocks, the coeffi-
cient for the interaction between the attention dummy
variable and winner dummy variable, e, should be positive. 6.3. Unifying attention impact across stocks and across time
That is, the impact of attention is stronger for winner
stocks. If many active investors sell stocks with positive Barber and Odean (2008) analyze attention impact with a
returns, the coefficient for the interaction between the cross-sectional focus — attention allocation of investors across
attention dummy variable and positive return dummy different securities. This study explores the attention allocation
variable, f, should be positive. A positive estimate of f of investors through time. In this subsection, we test a unifying
supports the rebalancing hypothesis. However, if rebalan- hypothesis: When market-wide events increase the overall
cing is only one of the reasons why these investors trade, attention levels of attention-constrained investors and make
i;j;t þ 1 could be a noisy empirical measure for rebalancing them more active, such investors are then more likely to face
needs, because these investors may not adjust positions the problem of cross-sectional attention allocation described by
fully to their desired weights in their previous transac- Barber and Odean (2008). Thus, following Dow record events
tions. In such a scenario, DWini;j;t þ 1 may also capture rebalan- and news events, we expect to observe stronger empirical
cing needs at some level. patterns of Barber and Odean (2008). As shown below, we find
In Table 5, we first investigate the impact of increased empirical results that are consistent with this hypothesis.
attention on general stocks in the setting without winner The key argument of Barber and Odean (2008) is as
and positive dummies in Regressions 1 and 3. We find the follows. Attention-constrained investors choose candidate
results consistent with those using the aggregate stocks from several thousand stocks when they want to
individual-investor order flow — high market attention buy, but select candidates from few stocks that they
increases the selling probability of general stocks. In already hold when they want to sell. Hence, the effect of
Regression 1, Dow and Nasdaq record events raise the stock-specific attention in the cross-section should be
probability of selling stocks by 13.9% and 18.5%, respec- stronger in buying activities than in selling activities. In
tively. Both slopes are statistically significant. Consistent other words, in the cross-section, attention-grabbing
with the crucial role of pure attention, the NYSE and S&P stocks are likely to attract potential buyers but have little
show no significant patterns. In Regression 3, front-page effect on potential sellers. Using the abnormal trading
market news events show the impact of a similar eco- volume and returns of individual stocks as a proxy for
nomic magnitude. To address the concern of correlated stock-specific attention, Barber and Odean find significant
residuals, in addition to the t-statistic obtained using the net buying order flows for the stocks with high attention
standard procedure, we also report the t-statistic obtained and significant net selling flows for stocks with low
In the unifying hypothesis, following heightened
For those observations in which a sale takes place, to identify a
winner we compare the selling price with the average purchase price. For
market-wide attention, the attention impact in the cross-
the remainder of the observations, in which no sale is executed, we section should be stronger. Specifically, there should be a
compare the closing price on the day with the average purchase price. wider spread among the net order flows between stocks
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
16 Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Table 6
Buy–sell imbalance for stocks sorted on the abnormal trading volume.
Buy–sell imbalances are reported for the trades of investors at a large discount brokerage (from January 1991 to November 1996). Stocks are sorted into
deciles on the basis on the current day's abnormal volume. The decile of the highest abnormal volume is split into two (10a and 10b). Abnormal volume is
calculated as the ratio of the current day's volume divided by the average volume over the previous 250 trading days. We calculate the number (value)
imbalance as the number (value) ratio of the purchase minus the number (value) ratio of the sales divided by the total number (value) ratio of trades. The
table reports the mean of the time-series of daily imbalances, for the entire sample period, for the days following those with market returns close to the
average market return of Dow records, for the days following Dow records, for the days following front-page market news, and for other days. The numbers
in parentheses are t-statistics.
All days Following days with Following Dow Other days Following front-page Other days
similar returns as records market news
Dow records
Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value
imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance
1 0.187 0.144 0.170 0.097 0.231 0.210 0.176 0.127 0.361 0.332 0.167 0.122
( 4.06) ( 3.02) ( 1.32) ( 0.70) ( 2.30) ( 2.00) ( 3.38) ( 2.37) ( 2.63) ( 2.34) ( 3.41) ( 2.42)
2 0.193 0.113 0.210 0.146 0.180 0.117 0.195 0.112 0.198 0.085 0.193 0.116
( 14.08) ( 6.73) ( 5.76) ( 3.23) ( 5.96) ( 3.00) ( 12.86) ( 6.08) ( 4.64) ( 1.59) ( 13.29) ( 6.57)
3 0.146 0.080 0.172 0.110 0.107 0.063 0.152 0.083 0.121 0.056 0.149 0.083
( 20.68) ( 7.36) ( 8.83) ( 3.69) ( 7.06) ( 2.36) ( 19.52) ( 6.97) ( 5.00) ( 1.67) ( 20.2) ( 7.20)
4 0.113 0.081 0.104 0.062 0.110 0.089 0.113 0.079 0.105 0.040 0.114 0.085
( 22.67) ( 9.59) ( 8.07) ( 2.77) ( 9.11) ( 4.05) ( 20.86) ( 8.74) ( 6.16) ( 1.55) ( 21.88) ( 9.59)
5 0.089 0.067 0.088 0.072 0.087 0.083 0.089 0.065 0.073 0.047 0.090 0.070
( 22.54) ( 9.70) ( 8.68) ( 3.92) ( 8.28) ( 4.62) ( 20.97) ( 8.66) ( 5.62) ( 2.08) ( 21.93) ( 9.55)
6 0.063 0.047 0.050 0.035 0.079 0.061 0.061 0.045 0.059 0.044 0.064 0.047
( 19.47) ( 7.92) ( 5.52) ( 2.15) ( 9.72) ( 4.08) ( 17.28) ( 6.98) ( 6.13) ( 2.38) ( 18.48) ( 7.56)
7 0.035 0.035 0.029 0.044 0.052 0.047 0.032 0.033 0.045 0.046 0.034 0.033
( 12.2) ( 6.79) ( 4.27) ( 3.15) ( 7.47) ( 3.61) ( 10.4) ( 5.94) ( 6.15) ( 3.33) ( 10.99) ( 6.12)
8 0.004 0.007 0.016 0.015 0.017 0.029 0.002 0.003 0.010 0.003 0.003 0.007
( 1.29) ( 1.33) ( 2.10) ( 1.09) ( 2.21) ( 2.24) ( 0.54) ( 0.62) ( 1.18) ( 0.18) ( 0.99) ( 1.34)
9 0.029 0.019 0.032 0.017 0.033 0.021 0.028 0.019 0.040 0.011 0.027 0.020
(9.20) (3.68) (3.71) (1.17) (4.23) (1.59) (8.27) (3.34) (4.14) (0.72) (8.33) (3.63)
10a 0.066 0.056 0.056 0.063 0.086 0.092 0.063 0.050 0.061 0.051 0.066 0.056
(13.99) (7.50) (4.25) (3.20) (6.67) (4.70) (12.44) (6.28) (4.03) (2.38) (13.40) (7.11)
10b 0.182 0.155 0.193 0.170 0.229 0.197 0.176 0.149 0.185 0.174 0.182 0.153
(37.27) (20.57) (14.79) (8.45) (18.26) (9.44) (33.25) (18.44) (11.24) (7.19) (35.54) (19.28)
10b 1 0.369 0.299 0.364 0.266 0.461 0.407 0.352 0.276 0.546 0.506 0.349 0.275
(7.96) (6.19) (2.80) (1.90) (4.55) (3.80) (6.72) (5.09) (3.95) (3.52) (7.09) (5.37)
with high and low trading volumes, following Dow record alternative benchmarks exhibit empirical patterns similar
events and front-page market news events. to the original patterns, and the differences in order flows
Table 6 shows the empirical results. All the stocks are of these benchmarks are lower than those following Dow
ranked into 10 portfolios on the basis of their abnormal records. Overall, we find evidence consistent with the
trading volumes, with Portfolio 1 as the lowest 10% and unifying hypothesis: Market attention causes investors to
be more active, strengthening the cross-sectional impact
Portfolio 10b as the highest 5%. Consistent with Table 1 of
of stock-specific attention.
Barber and Odean (2008), the first two columns show that
The above results provide additional insight into the
on average, the stocks that attract a high degree of
impact of market-wide attention. After market-wide atten-
attention (Portfolio 10b) have positive net buying flows
tion activates investors, stocks with low stock-specific atten-
from households, whereas stocks that attract a low degree
tion should be more likely to exhibit an aggressive net-
of attention (Portfolio 1) have negative net buying flows.
selling order flow. Although market-wide attention should
Table 6 also shows the results for the unifying hypoth-
exert a similar influence across stocks by causing these
esis. We find that the differences in order flows between
investors to sell stocks that they hold, stocks with high
the stocks with high and low levels of stock-specific
attention are wider following Dow record events and stock-specific attention are more likely to attract additional
front-page market news events than those on all days. purchasing order flow from potential buyers through the
The asymmetric impact of stock-specific attention on mechanism suggested by Barber and Odean, which should
buying and selling is more severe after market-wide counterbalance the selling flow directly produced by market-
events that attract a high degree of market attention. wide attention. Overall, our study and that of Barber and
Because Dow records are accompanied by higher market Odean (2008) complement each other. Those authors essen-
returns, we use alternative benchmarks (shown in the tially argue that stock-specific attention primarily influences
third and fourth columns) as the order-flow differences in “new” investors who have not yet owned the stock. New
the periods following days with market returns close to investors are more likely to purchase attention-grabbing
the average market returns on Dow record days. The
stocks. Existing investors, who have owned the stock, are
Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i
Y. Yuan / Journal of Financial Economics ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 17
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Please cite this article as: Yuan, Y., Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2015.03.006i