1 s2.0 S0032579119411851 Main
1 s2.0 S0032579119411851 Main
1 s2.0 S0032579119411851 Main
ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the however, the solids content (percentage) of whole eggs
effect of egg size and the age and strain of hens on the increased with the age of the hens. The solids content of
content of egg solids. Eggs were obtained from commer- egg white was highest in eggs from 28-wk-old hens. The
cial farms from four strains of hens with similar age white solids content of extra large eggs was greater than
groups and received diets formulated to contain the that of medium eggs, and yolk solids increased with egg
same dietary energy and protein levels across the strains size; however, the solids of whole egg were not affected
within a farm. Eggs were collected on 2 different d when by egg size. The strain of hens had a significant effect on
the flocks reached the average ages of 28, 55, 75, and 97 the solids of whole egg, white, and yolk; however, the
wk. The eggs collected from each farm were pooled and
strain effect on yolk:white ratio was not significant. The
sorted by size. Each individual egg was used as a
results showed that young (28-wk-old) and old birds
replicate for yolk:white ratio; however, five yolks, five
whites, and five whole eggs from each strain at each age (97-wk-old) produced eggs with low solids content and
period were pooled, homogenized, and then used as a intermediate aged hens (55- to 78-wk-old) produced
replicate to determine the solids contents of yolk, white, eggs with high solids content. Therefore, it may be more
and whole eggs. beneficial for egg producers and processors to use
The yolk:white ratio of eggs from 28-wk-old hens was young (28-wk-old) and old birds (97-wk-old) for table
the lowest, that from 55- and 78-wk-old hens was the egg production and birds of intermediate age (55- to
highest, and that from 97-wk-old hens was intermediate; 78-wk-old) for liquid egg production.
(Key words: egg size, strain of hens, age of hens, egg solids, yolk to white ratio)
1997 Poultry Science 76:914–919
to be less in small eggs than in larger ones (Kaminska remove extra egg white and the chalaza. When the chalaza
and Skraba, 1991). Therefore, the yolk size increases was not removed by this process, a razor was used to
proportionally with egg size, and solids content of eggs remove it from the yolk. Shell weight was also measured
from older or forced molted hens, which lay larger eggs, after draining all the leftover egg white from the inner
may be significantly different than those from younger surface of the eggshell. Weight of white was calculated by
birds. Rose et al. (1966) found significant differences in subtracting the total egg, yolk, and shell weights.
percentage solids among several commercial strains of Due to the limited availability of jumbo eggs in
Leghorns. Most of these differences could be explained 28-wk-old and medium in 78-wk-old hens, only three egg
by differences in egg weight, which would change the size groups were used to analyze solids content in the eggs
proportions of yolk and albumen. However, genetic for those two age groups, whereas four were used for the
differences also may exist in solids content of eggs, other age groups. Five yolks, five whites, and five whole
especially as a result of intense genetic selection eggs were pooled in separate containers and
programs for egg size and production in recent years. homogenized to make composite samples. Yolk was
The variations in solids content of white and yolk are homogenized using a spatula, and whole egg and white
also important factors that can influence the total solids were homogenized in a Waring blender for 15 s. The
in whole egg. homogenized samples were transferred to 20-mL sample
Total solids content of yolk can be influenced by the vials and stored (less than 2 d) in a cold room (4 C) and
age and strain of the hens and the conditions under used for chemical analysis. Four separate pools from each
which eggs have been stored. The loss of CO2 and size, from each strain at each age were prepared for each
moisture from egg white and the loss of moisture during yolk, white, and whole egg sample.
storage may increase the solids content of white, and the
proportion of major yolk components, lipid, and protein
in the yolk. Solid content of the yolk can also be affected
Chemical Analysis
by the moisture mobilization from egg white; however, Moisture content was analyzed by using the AOAC
the effect of variety, age, diet, and other conditions on method (AOAC, 1980). Three to four grams of white, yolk,
the protein and lipid content of egg yolk is not clear. or whole egg homogenates were transferred to an
Considering all these facts, studies on the effect of egg aluminum dish and reweighed after drying in an electric
size, and variety and age of hen on yolk:white ratio and oven at 110 C for 20 h.
the solids content of yolk and white should be valuable Lipid content of egg yolk was determined by the
for both egg producers and processors. The objective of Folch’s extraction method (Folch et al., 1957). Egg yolk
this work was to determine the effect of egg size, and (approximately 2 g) was weighed into a test tube
hen age, and hen strain on egg solids content. containing 20 mL Folch 1 solution (chloroform:methanol =
2:1). The sample was homogenized by vigorous shaking
MATERIAL AND METHODS for 20 s. The homogenate was filtered through a Whatman
Number 1 filter paper4 into a 100-mL graduated cylinder
(with glass stopper), rinsed twice with each 10 mL Folch 1
Sample Preparation solution, 8 mL of 0.88% NaCl solution was added,
About 800 to 1,600 eggs from four strains of Single stoppered, and mixed. The inside of the cylinder was
Comb White Leghorn types (Delta, H&N, Hy-Line W36, washed twice with 5 mL of Folch 2 solution (3:47:48/
and Hy-Line W77) were collected from 28-, 55-, CHCl3:CH3OH:H2O). After the phase separation, the lipid
75- and 97-wk-old (average age) hens. Eggs from each layer volume was recorded, and the top layer (methanol
strain were from four locations in Iowa and Minnesota. and water) of the solution was completely and carefully
Eggs from four locations were pooled and sorted by size. siphoned off so as not to contaminate the CHCl3 layer. The
Three or four egg size groups, according to USDA size organic layer (10 mL) was put in a glass scintillation vial,
requirements (medium, large, extra large, and jumbo), dried in a block heater (1 h at 50 C), and used for total lipid
were selected per each age group. When the number of determination.
eggs from each size, from each strain of hen at each age Protein content of yolk was analyzed by using a
was fewer than 50, that size was not included in this study. Nitrogen analyzer (LECO, FP-428).5 A factor of 6.25 was
Eggs were transported to Iowa State University within 7 d used to calculate protein content from the nitrogen values.
(stored at 10 C) after laying, and the weight of each egg
was recorded. To determine yolk:white ratio, 44 to 150 Statistical Analysis
eggs of from each size, from each strain of hen at each age
group were broken, and yolk and white were separated. The experiment was a split-plot design, and egg size
Yolk was weighed after rolling it on a paper towel to was used as repeated measurements. Size by strain was
used as an error term for the age and strain, and age by
strain by size was used as an error term for egg size, age by
4Whatman Inc., Clifton, NJ 07014. size, and strain by size. The General Linear Models
5Leco Corp., St. Joseph, MI 49085-2396. procedure was used to analyze the data, and the
916 AHN ET AL.
TABLE 1. Effect of hen’s age on the solids content of whole egg, white, and yolk; the lipid
and protein content of yolk; and the ratio of yolk and white1
Solids Yolk
Age Whole egg White Yolk Lipids Protein Yolk:white2
(wk) (%)
28 23.23c 12.72a 50.69b 30.70 16.97 36.58c
55 24.03b 11.25c 50.64bc 30.95 16.96 46.42a
78 24.29ab 11.90b 50.38c 30.66 16.75 46.65a
97 24.59a 11.57bc 51.55a 30.61 16.75 40.82b
SEM 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.14 0.05 0.03
a–cMeans in a column with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
1Egg solids, and yolk lipids and proteins: n = 48 for 28- and 78-wk-old hens, and 64 for 55 and
97-wk-old hens.
2Yolk:white ratio: n = 655, 818, 1,156, and 1,486 for 28-, 55-, 78-, and 97-wk-old hens, respectively.
differences in the mean values of yolk:white ratio, solids white ratio between the highest and the lowest was
content of white, yolk, and whole egg, and the lipid and approximately 10%. Because egg yolk contains approxi-
protein content of yolk among strain, age, and egg size mately 50% solids and 12 % white, a 10% difference in
groups were compared by the least significant difference yolk:white could be as large as a 2% difference in whole
test. Each individual egg was used as a replicate for yolk: egg solids; however, the calculated and actual analysis in
white ratio; five yolks, five whites, and five whole eggs the solids content of whole eggs from 97-wk-old hens did
from each strain at each age period were pooled, not agree well. In fact, the solids of whole eggs from
homogenized, and then used as a replicate for the solids 97-wk-old hens were greater than those of 55- and
contents of yolk, white, and whole eggs. Interaction effects 78-wk-old hens. High solids content in the white of
were analyzed only when significant interactions were 28- and yolk of 97-wk-old hens might have contributed to
observed (SAS Institute, 1986). the unexpectedly high whole eggs solids in those eggs
(Table 1).
Solids Yolk
Egg size Whole egg White Yolk Lipids Protein Yolk:white2
Medium 24.14 11.67b 50.58b 30.83ab 16.98a 45.41a
Large 24.08 11.83ab 50.71b 30.55b 16.85ab 43.78ab
Extra large 23.95 11.92a 50.95ab 30.62ab 16.78b 41.93b
Jumbo 24.16 11.71ab 51.22a 31.01a 16.84ab 39.38c
SEM 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.03
a–cMeans in a column with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
1Egg solids, and yolk lipids and proteins: n = 48 for medium and jumbo, 64 for large and extra large eggs.
2Yolk:white ratio: n = 850, 1,346, 1,293, and 626 for medium, large, extra large, and jumbo eggs, respectively.
FIGURE 1. Effect of egg size on the proportion of egg yolk or egg white (percentage) in whole egg (·, yolk; +, white).
918 AHN ET AL.
TABLE 3. Effect of hen strain on the solids content of whole egg, white and yolk; the lipid
and protein content of yolk; and the ratio of yolk and white1
Solids Yolk
Hen strain Whole egg White Yolk Lipids Protein Yolk:white2
H&N 23.97b 11.51b 50.68bc 30.87 16.75 42.72
Delta 23.44c 11.65ab 50.45c 30.56 16.89 43.06
W-36 24.52a 11.99ab 50.89b 31.05 16.79 42.47
W-77 24.36a 12.03a 51.41a 30.44 17.00 41.95
SEM 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.14 0.05 0.03
a–cMeans in a column with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
1Egg solids, and yolk lipid and protein: n = 56.
2Yolk:white ratio: n = 1,018, 1,047, 917, and 1,133 for H&N, Delta, W36, and W77, respectively.
indicated that the effect of egg size on the egg solids and study. Each strain had different relationships between egg
yolk:white ratio of eggs from 28-wk-old hens would be size and whole egg solids content (Figure 2). In H&N,
greater than those from 55- and 78-wk-old hens, and whole egg solids gradually decreased as the size of egg
suggests that the larger eggs from 28- and 97-wk-old hens increased. Delta has similar trends as H&N but the whole
would be ideal for table eggs rather than liquid eggs egg solids increased in jumbo eggs. However, in Hy-Line
because consumers are not concerned about yolk size or W36, the whole egg solids content was hardly influenced
solids content in their table eggs. Comparatively high yolk
by egg size except for the sharp increase in jumbo eggs.
percentages in the eggs from 55- and 78-wk-old hens
Unlike other strains, in Hy-Line W77, the whole egg
suggested that they would be better used for processing
than for table eggs. Figure 2 also suggests that eggs from solids content in larger eggs was higher than that of
28-wk-old and 97-wk-old hens would be more suitable for medium eggs.
table eggs than for whole liquid egg production. Large
eggs would be ideal for table egg and jumbo eggs for Conclusion
liquid egg preparation.
The most clear and important trend from the statistical
Effect of Hen’s Strain analysis of the data were the differences in yolk:white
ratio by egg size and age of hens. Differences as large as 6
Solids of whole egg, white, and yolk were significantly and 10% in yolk:white ratio were observed among egg
affected by the strain of hens. Delta had the lowest sizes and age groups, respectively. Larger eggs always
percentage of whole egg solids of all, H&N the next, and
have lower yolk:white ratios than smaller eggs in all age
Hy-Line W36 and W77 the highest (Table 3). The solids
content of white in H&N was lower than that of others.
Yolk solids content was the highest in Hy-Line W77 and
the lowest in Delta. Yolk lipid and yolk protein were not
influenced by the strain of hens, and the sums of yolk lipid
and protein were almost the same in all strains. Strains of
hens also had a significant effect on the yolk:white ratio
but the differences were small. Yolk:white ratio among
different strains varied from 42 to 43%, and were not
significantly different from each other. The yolk:white
ratio of the hen’s strain did not agree with whole egg
solids. Considering the number of samples used to
determine yolk:white ratio (over 10 times those for solids
content), however, yolk:white ratio would be more
accurate and reliable than the solids value presented here.
Of course, direct determination of whole egg solids would
be a better method than an indirect method (yolk:white
ratio) in getting accurate information on the factors
affecting egg solids if the sample size is large enough
(Table 3).
Interaction Effects
Strain by size interaction in whole egg solids was the FIGURE 2. Effect of strain by size interaction on the content of whole
only significant (P < 0.05) interaction observed in this egg solids (H&N, ◊; Delta, ♦; W36, o; W77, ×).
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