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“Perception of people on Artificial Intelligence (AI)”
Submitted to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow in the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration

Session: - 2023 – 2025

Dr. ………………………….. Mr./Ms. CHHAYA
(Faculty of MBA Department) Roll No.:- …………………….


(Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

Page No.
1. Introduction of Topic

2. Objective of Study

3. Scope of Study

4. Research Methodology

5. Data Analysis and Interpretation

6. Finding

7. Suggestions

8. Conclusion

9. Bibliography

10. Questionnaire

It gives me immense pleasure to present this project report on Perception of people on

Artificial Intelligence (AI). This report is a result of my research work carried out during the
first semester of my MBA program. The objective of this project was to know about how much
people are aware about AI in India. The results obtained from this project are presented in the
following chapters. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Reetu Mam for their
invaluable support and guidance throughout the project.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped me in the completion of
this project. I am thankful to my project guide Mrs. Reetu Mam for her guidance and support
throughout the project. I am grateful to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University for providing
me with the opportunity to undertake this project. Finally, I would like to thank my family and
friends for their constant encouragement and support.


I hereby declare that the project report titled Perception of people on Artificial Intelligence
(AI) submitted by me to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration is my original
work. The report has not been copied from any other source and has not been submitted for the
award of any other degree or diploma. All sources of information used in the report have been
duly acknowledged. I also declare that the work presented in this report has not been plagiarized
from any other source. I understand that any act of plagiarism will result in the rejection of the
report and may lead to further disciplinary action.



Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a groundbreaking field of computer science that aims to create
machines and systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. It
encompasses a diverse range of technologies, algorithms, and methodologies designed to enable
machines to learn, reason, perceive, and solve problems in ways that mimic or exceed human
The concept of AI has roots dating back to ancient history, but it has gained prominence in recent
decades due to exponential advancements in computing power, data availability, and algorithmic
innovation. AI systems can be broadly categorized into two main types: narrow or weak AI,
which is designed for specific tasks, and general or strong AI, which possesses human-like
cognitive abilities across a wide range of tasks.

Machine Learning (ML) is a pivotal subset of AI that empowers systems to learn from data
without explicit programming. This learning process enables machines to adapt and improve
their performance over time, making them particularly effective in tasks such as image and
speech recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making.

AI applications are ubiquitous in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation,

and entertainment. From virtual personal assistants and recommendation systems to autonomous
vehicles and medical diagnostics, AI is reshaping industries, enhancing efficiency, and solving
complex challenges.

Ethical considerations and societal impacts are integral aspects of the AI discourse. As AI
technologies advance, questions arise concerning job displacement, privacy concerns, bias in
algorithms, and the ethical use of AI in decision-making processes. Striking a balance between
technological innovation and responsible AI development is essential to harness the full potential
of this transformative field.


1. To know about Artificial Intelligence (A.I).

2. To study about the knowledge of people about Artificial Intelligence (A.I).
3. To make people aware about Artificial Intelligence (A.I).


he survey was well received by the

people and the response of 1299
participants obtained during
a period of 27th May to 10th June
2018, which were considered for
analysis. Residents from 27
different states of India took part in
the current study and shared their
views. However, there was a
domination of the respondents from
the southern states, Karnataka
(32%), Kerala (18%) and Tamil
Nadu (17%). Urban dwellers
encompassed (65% from cities and
20 % from towns) major share

of the people cooperated with the

study, but the good representation of
the rural population 15%,
was also noticed. The respondents
were divided into subgroups based
on age, gender, educational
qualifications and occupation to get
an elucidated picture of views of
various demographics of the
society on A
he survey was well received by the
people and the response of 1299
participants obtained during
a period of 27th May to 10th June
2018, which were considered for
analysis. Residents from 27

different states of India took part in

the current study and shared their
views. However, there was a
domination of the respondents from
the southern states, Karnataka
(32%), Kerala (18%) and Tamil
Nadu (17%). Urban dwellers
encompassed (65% from cities and
20 % from towns) major share
of the people cooperated with the
study, but the good representation of
the rural population 15%,
was also noticed. The respondents
were divided into subgroups based
on age, gender, educational

qualifications and occupation to get

an elucidated picture of views of
various demographics of the
society on A
The survey was well received by the
people and the response of 1299
participants obtained during
a period of 27th May to 10th June
2018, which were considered for
analysis. Residents from 27
different states of India took part in
the current study and shared their
views. However, there was a
domination of the respondents from
the southern states, Karnataka
(32%), Kerala (18%) and Tamil

Nadu (17%). Urban dwellers

encompassed (65% from cities and
20 % from towns) major share
of the people cooperated with the
study, but the good representation of
the rural population 15%,
was also noticed. The respondents
were divided into subgroups based
on age, gender, educational
qualifications and occupation to get
an elucidated picture of views of
various demographics of the
society on AI
The survey was well received by the
people and the response of 1299
participants obtained during

a period of 27th May to 10th June

2018, which were considered for
analysis. Residents from 27
different states of India took part in
the current study and shared their
views. However, there was a
domination of the respondents from
the southern states, Karnataka
(32%), Kerala (18%) and Tamil
Nadu (17%). Urban dwellers
encompassed (65% from cities and
20 % from towns) major share
of the people cooperated with the
study, but the good representation of
the rural population 15%,

was also noticed. The respondents

were divided into subgroups based
on age, gender, educational
qualifications and occupation to get
an elucidated picture of views of
various demographics of the
society on AI
This study has focused on secondary data of Artificial Intelligence in India. Though the research
found a potential scope of Artificial Intelligence in India, still there is a scope for in-depth study
with greater number of samples and more factors.


Definition of Research

Research is a process to discover new knowledge to find answers to a question.

The word research has two parts re (again) and search (find) which denote that we are taking up
an activity to look into an aspect once again or we want to look for some new information about

Methods of Research

1. Primary Data- Primary Data is the data which the researcher collects himself/herself. It
can be collected by questionnaire, personal interview, etc.
2. Secondary Data- Secondary Data is the data that has already been collected earlier by
someone. The researcher takes the reference of it.
I have used secondary data sources.

Sample Size- 1299 respondents

Sample Area- INDIA



1. Will AI change the way people live and work in the near future?
a. Positive b. Negative c. Can’t say d. No change

Responses No of Respondents Percentage

Positive 987 76
Negative 142 11
Can’t say 142 11
No change 28 2
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people who thinks AI will change their life and work in the
near future.

76% people thinks that AI will change their life and work positively.

11% people thinks that AI will changes their life and work negatively.

11% people can’t say anything about the issue.

25% people thinks that their will be no change in their life and work.

2. Is AI a risky technology?
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor Disagree d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Responses No of Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 142 11
Agree 324 25
Neither agree nor 415 32
Disagree 311 24
Strongly disagree 103 8
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people who thinks if AI is a risky technology.

11% people strongly agree with that AI is a risky technology.

25% people agrees with the same.
24% people can’t say anything about the issue.
24% people disagree with that AI is a risky technology.
8% people strongly disagree with that AI is a risky technology.

3. Will AI eliminate the jobs?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor Disagree d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Responses No of Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 363 28
Agree 506 39
Neither agree nor 273 21
Disagree 130 10
Strongly disagree 27 2
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people who thinks if AI will eliminate the jobs

28% people strongly agree with the concern.

39% people also agree with the issue.
21% people can’t say anything about the problem.
10% people not agree with that AI will eliminate the jobs.
2% people strongly disagree with that AI will eliminate the jobs.

4. Will people have to acquire new skills to adapt with AI based jobs?
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor Disagree d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Responses No of Respondents Result

Strongly agree 559 43
Agree 611 47
Neither agree nor 90 7
Disagree 39 3
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people who thinks if people have to acquire new skills to
adapt with AI based jobs.

43% people strongly agree with the concern.

47% people also agree with the issue.
7% people can’t say anything about the problem.
3% people not agree with people have to acquire new skills to adapt with AI based jobs.
0% people strongly disagree with the same.

5. Can India compete with AI development globally?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor Disagree d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Responses No of Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 312 24
Agree 571 44
Neither agree nor 272 21
Disagree 119 9
Strongly disagree 25 2
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people who thinks if India can compete with AI
development globally.

24% people strongly agree with the concern.

44% people also agree with the issue.
21% people can’t say anything about the problem.
9% people not agree with that India can compete with AI development globally.
2% people strongly disagree with the same.

6. How would you feel about an AI Agent handling your daily activities (such as
making appointments, answering calls, handling your purchases, etc.)?
a. Comfortable b. Neutral c. Uncomfortable

Responses No of Respondents Percentage

Comfortable 508 39
Neutral 493 38
Uncomfortable 298 23
Total 1299 100

Pie chart showing percentage of people about how they feel using an AI Agent in their daily

39% people feels comfortable with that.

38% people feels neutral about using an AI Agent in their daily activities.
23% people feels uncomfortable in using AI Agent in their daily activities.


1. Most of the people thinks that AI will change the way people live and work in the near
2. Not so many of the people agree with that AI a risky technology.
3. Most of the people thinks that AI will eliminate the jobs.
4. Most of the people thinks that they have to acquire new skills to adapt with AI based
5. Most of the people thinks that India can compete with AI development globally.
6. Most of the people are feel comfortable about an AI Agent handling their daily activities
(such as making appointments, answering calls, handling your purchases, etc.).


1. More information about how AI is a risky technology needs to be spread.

2. We need to educate and empower people to understand and use AI responsibly and
3. AI can create and manipulate digital content, such as images, videos, and text, that can be
used for malicious purposes, such as spreading misinformation, propaganda, or fraud.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a quickly emerging disruptive technology which is expected to

influence humanity in an unprecedented way. Its friction free integration into the society requires
the convergence of the expertise of scientists, social scientist, industrialists and policy makers
and a clear understanding of the mindset of the consumers of this technology, the general public.
The present study provides insights into the perception and preparedness of people from various
strata of the Indian society to accept this novel and emerging technology. However, it is
undisputed that India is a ‘cultural mosaic’ where people vary in their expectations, acceptance
and values, attributed to any interventions from the side of the science and technology. Hence, it
is expected that in the near future more studies focusing various socio-economically and cultural
groups in India and elaborating their perceptions and attitude towards various AI based devices,
will be taken up and would work as the pointer for the industry and policy makers to catalyze the
conflict free incorporation of this vital technology into the Indian society.


1. Use of secondary data

2. Internet


1. Are you familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI)?

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

2. Do you Often use or interact with products or services that use AI in your daily life?

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

3. Do you feel positive about the impact of AI on your personal life, such as your education,
health, entertainment, or social relationships?

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

4. Do you trust the products or services that use AI to be reliable, accurate, and fair?

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

5. Are you comfortable with sharing your personal data with products or services that use

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

6. Are you interested in learning more about AI or developing your skills related to AI?

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t say

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