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Proposal for SLAM Autonomous Robot Project


We propose a project to develop an autonomous robot equipped with Simultaneous Localization and
Mapping (SLAM) capabilities. SLAM is a fundamental problem in robotics, enabling a robot to navigate
and understand its environment, build maps, and simultaneously localize itself within those maps. This
project aims to design, build, and program an autonomous robot that leverages SLAM for various
applications, including but not limited to:

 Indoor and outdoor navigation

 Environmental mapping

 Object recognition and interaction

 Real-time path planning

 Autonomous surveillance and inspection


The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Robot Design and Construction:

 Design and build a mobile robot platform capable of accommodating various sensors
and hardware components.

 Implement a robust and reliable locomotion system, incorporating motor controllers,

wheels, and actuators for smooth and precise movement.

2. Sensor Integration:

 Integrate a range of sensors, including LIDAR, RGB-D camera, and IMU, to provide the
robot with rich environmental perception.

 Ensure accurate sensor calibration and data synchronization for effective SLAM

3. SLAM Algorithm Development:

 Choose an appropriate SLAM algorithm, such as GMapping, Hector SLAM, or

Cartographer, based on the project's specific requirements.

 Implement and fine-tune the selected SLAM algorithm to perform mapping and
localization in real time.

4. Path Planning and Navigation:

 Develop navigation and control systems to enable the robot to autonomously plan and
execute paths while avoiding obstacles and following SLAM-generated maps.

Application Demonstrations:

 Showcase the robot's capabilities through various application scenarios, such as

exploring an unknown environment, following predefined routes, and conducting
surveillance tasks.

 Evaluate the robot's performance under different conditions and environments.

5. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:

 Document the entire project, including hardware specifications, software architecture,

codebase, calibration procedures, and results.

 Share knowledge through project reports, presentations, and tutorials for the benefit of
the robotics community.

By achieving these objectives, this project will result in a functional and versatile autonomous robot with
SLAM capabilities, opening the door to various applications and research opportunities in the field of
robotics. Additionally, the project's documentation and knowledge sharing will contribute to the
broader robotics community, fostering learning and innovation.
Database Schema
1. Robot_Info:
 Fields:
 Robot_ID (Primary Key)
 Robot_Name
 Robot_Description
 Manufacturer
 Robot_Model
 Date_Created
 Last_Updated
2. Sensor_Data:
 Fields:
 Data_ID (Primary Key)
 Robot_ID (Foreign Key, references Robot_Info)
 Sensor_Type (e.g., LIDAR, RGB-D, IMU)
 Timestamp
 Data_JSON (or other format for sensor data storage)
3. SLAM_Maps:
 Fields:
 Map_ID (Primary Key)
 Robot_ID (Foreign Key, references Robot_Info)
 Map_Name
 Map_Description
 Date_Created
 Map_JSON (or other format for map data storage)
4. User_Profiles:
 Fields:
 User_ID (Primary Key)
 Username
 Password (hashed and salted)
 Email
 First_Name
 Last_Name
 Registration_Date
5. Mission_History:
 Fields:
 Mission_ID (Primary Key)
 Robot_ID (Foreign Key, references Robot_Info)
 User_ID (Foreign Key, references User_Profiles)
 Mission_Name
 Mission_Description
 Start_Time
 End_Time
 Status (e.g., In Progress, Completed, Aborted)
Context diagram

Exploring and Navigation Localization and Mapping

Algorithm Algorithm

RRT Algorithm
SLAM Algorithms

Autonomous Exploration and

Mapping Robot

Working Simulation


2-D Map of unknown environment

Gazebo Simulation

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