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2 authors, including:
Hamid M Hasan
University of Technology, Iraq
All content following this page was uploaded by Hamid M Hasan on 18 October 2017.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A. No. 6, 2017
Each module provides the developer with different IV. Third Part
type of service gained in using the cloud This part consists ROS master node. It was running
computing. Our concern in this paper is on Iaas in a host with a specified IP address at the cloud.
type. In this module, the communications and There were three topics used for communication
storage resources are used. between part one and part two. In Figure 3, the
ROS master node and the Interaction between the
3. Implementation of EKF-SLAM system parts, is demonstrated.
I. System overview
The implementation of EKF-SLAM for mobile 4. Experiments and Results
robot navigation consists three parts, the first part To evaluate the implemented EKF-SLAM, an
was the mobile robot simulated in Gazebo environment with many landmarks was simulated
simulator environment, the second part was the in Gazebo simulator as shown in Figure 4.
EKF-SLAM running in MATLAB and the third EKF_SLAM running in MATLAB node sends
part was the ROS master node where the topics are motion data (𝑉𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑡 , 𝜔𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑡 ).
published. The third part was hosted in a sever Then the robot moves to a new location (x, y, θ)
within the cloud; the other parts were in deferent according to its kinematic model, then the IR
clients connected to cloud. Each part has IP emitter node send the scan data, and the odometry
address used for the communication. node send location data estimated by odometer.
Then the EKF-SLAM generate the corrections for
II. First Part the estimated location. Gaussian noise with zero
In this part, a mobile robot, which is the Turtlebot, mean was added to the scan and odometer data
equipped with the kinect camera and environment with different values of variance. This is to
with landmarks was simulated in Gazebo. While simulate the measurement noise (v) and system
the robot moves, the data collected from IR sensor noise (w) respectively. figure(5) shows the EKF-
of the kinect camera as well as the position data SLAM location estimation and map for
collected by odometery unit, are published into the measurement noise (v) variance equal to 0.02
specified topics at the ROS mater node (which is meter and system noise(w) variance equal to 0.02
the third part). meter also. Figure 6 shows the location error
accumulation with mobile movement with and
III. Second Part without EKF-SLAM for the same experiment. In
this experiment, the Mean Square Error (MSE)
This part is demonstrated in Figure 2.In this part
was 0.56 meter without EKF-SLAM and 0.092
the EKF-SLAM process is done. The program of
meter for EKF-SLAM. In addition, it is evident
this part subscribe to the published data from the
that the error grows up without EKF-SLAM and
first part (sensor data and odometry data). The
limited with EKF-SLAM.
localization and mapping is performed in this part
Many experiments have been conducted with
and the location corrections is published into ROS
deferent noise variance in Table 1. The
mater node to be subscribed by part one to be used
measurement noise v was 0.01 meter and the
by simulated robot for next move.
system noise was varied from 0.01 to 0.2 meters.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A. No. 6, 2017
Figure 5: EKF-SLAM localization and landmarks map for system noise w=0.02 and measurement noise
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A. No. 6, 2017
Table 1: location (MSE) for measurement noise v=0.01 and different system noise w
Variance of System noise (w) Mean square error (MSE) Mean square error (MSE)
in Meter EKF-SLAM without EKF-SLAM
0.010 0.0313 0.1029
0.015 0.0384 0.2865
0.020 0.0548 0.4316
0.025 0.0790 0.2409
0.030 0.0918 0.2557
0.035 0.1042 0.2355
0.040 0.2728 0.8294
0.060 0.1930 0.6850
0.070 0.3045 1.3270
0.100 0.3729 1.0004
0.120 0.3622 1.2089
0.200 0.4985 2.8554
5. Conclusion References
From the conducted experiments , EKF-SLAM [1] R.C. Smith and P. Cheeseman, “On the
shows good performance to mitigate the effect Representation and Estimation of Spatial
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localization error bounded while without EKF- Essential Algorithms,” IEEE Robotics &
Automation Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 99-110,
SLAM the error grows up. Even if the noise
June 2006.
variance is (0.01) meter.
Advantage of using cloud computing is that the [3] A. Garulli et al., “Mobile robot SLAM for line-
based environment representation”, Proceedings of
computation of EKF-SLAM is offloaded from
the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision Control, and
the mobile robot platform and the mobile robot the European Control Conference 2005 Seville,
remotely controlled, which is suitable for Spain, December 12-15, 2005.
dangerous places.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A. No. 6, 2017