J Annemergmed 2018 10 001
J Annemergmed 2018 10 001
J Annemergmed 2018 10 001
In patients with distributive (eg, septic) shock, the addition of vasopressin or vasopressin analogues to
catecholamine therapy may decrease the rate of atrial fibrillation and need for renal replacement
therapy but may also increase the risk of digital ischemia.
vasopressin and comparator agents This review suggests that the addi- of septic shock. Circulation. 1998;98:
was highly variable, as was the tion of vasopressin or analogues to 3. Dunser MW, Hasibeder WR. Sympathetic
addition of other catecholamines to catecholamines may decrease atrial overstimulation during critical illness:
the vasopressin-treated patients. fibrillation and renal replacement adverse effects of adrenergic stress.
Additionally, inclusion and exclu- therapy while increasing digital J Intensive Care Med. 2009;24:293-316.
4. Hajjar LA, Vincent JL, Barbosa Gomes
sion criteria were variable. For ischemia in patients with septic Galas FR, et al. Vasopressin versus
example, cirrhosis or cancer was an shock.6 The effect on mortality is norepinephrine in patients with vasoplegic
inclusion criterion in some trials but unclear. Further work is needed to shock after cardiac surgery: the VANCS
randomized controlled trial. Anesthesiology.
an exclusion criterion in others. It is examine these medications in ED 2017;126:85-93.
thus unclear whether the results patients with distributive shock to 5. Dunser MW, Mayr AH, Ulmer H, et al. Arginine
should be considered widely determine the ideal treatment reg- vasopressin in advanced vasodilatory shock:
a prospective, randomized, controlled study.
generalizable or should be applied imens. Circulation. 2003;107:2313-2319.
differently to different populations. 6. McIntyre WF, Um KF, Alhazzani W, et al.
No studies in patients with anaphy- 1. Gamper G, Havel C, Arrich J, et al. Vasopressors Association of vasopressin plus catecholamine
for hypotensive shock. Cochrane Database vasopressors vs catecholamines alone with
laxis or neurogenic shock were
Syst Rev. 2016;2:CD003709. atrial fibrillation in patients with distributive
identified, and results may not be 2. Bujik SE, Bruining HA. Vasopressin shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
generalizable to these populations. deficiency contributes to the vasodilation JAMA. 2018;319:1889-1900.