Review Article: Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Animal Trials
Review Article: Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Animal Trials
Review Article: Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Animal Trials
Review Article
Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized
Animal Trials
September 2014
Copyright © 2014 Andrea Pasquale Cossu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
Objective. The latest European guidelines for the management of hemorrhagic shock suggest the use of vasopressors (nore-
pinephrine) in order to restore an adequate mean arterial pressure when fluid resuscitation therapy fails to restore blood
pressure. The administration of arginine vasopressin (AVP), or its analogue terlipressin, has been proposed as an alternative
treatment in the early stages of hypovolemic shock. Design. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled animal trials.
Participants. A total of 433 animals from 15 studies were included. Interventions. The ability of AVP and terlipressin to reduce
mortality when compared with fluid resuscitation therapy, other vasopressors (norepinephrine or epinephrine), or placebo was
investigated. Measurements and Main Results. Pooled estimates showed that AVP and terlipressin consistently and significantly
improve survival in hemorrhagic shock (mortality: 26/174 (15%) in the AVP group versus 164/259 (63%) in the control arms;
OR = 0.09; 95% CI 0.05 to 0.15; � for effect < 0.001; � for heterogeneity = 0.30; ��2 = 14%). Conclusions. Results suggest that
AVP and terlipressin improve survival in the early phases of animal models of hemorrhagic shock. Vasopressin seems to be
more effective than all other treatments, including other vasopressor drugs. These results need to be confirmed by human
clinical trials.
The risk of
publication bias was
assessed by visual
inspection of the funnel
plot for mortality.
Sensitivity analyses were
BioMed Research International 5
6were further excluded for BioMed Research International
magnitude of statistical i adequate mean arterial
the absence of survival findings. Sensitivity o pressure when fluid
data. Fifteen eligible trials analyses carried out with therapy gives no positive
were included in the final studies with low risk of
n results [15, 41]. Guidelines
analysis. bias (eliminating the The most important recommend the use of
The 15 included studies studies responsible for the finding of this meta- norepinephrine as the
randomized 433 animals, asymmetry of the funnel analysis is that the use of vasopressor of choice,
174 to AVP (14 trials) or plot) confirmed the overall AVP in the hypovolemic whilst the use of
terlipressin (one trial) and results of our work shock increases survival in terlipressin or AVP is not
259 to control (placebo, showing a reduction in animal studies. All studies mentioned.
vasopressors, or fluid mortality in included were randomized The use of AVP and its
resuscitation). The AVP/terlipressin animals (AVP or terlipressin synthetic analog
included trials were versus controls (OR = versus placebo, other terlipressin has received
conducted on pigs (12 0.13 (95% CI 0.08–0.24); vasopressors or fluid significant attention in
studies) and on rats (three � for effect < 0.001, � administration), were clinical practice, especially
studies). All manuscripts for heterogeneity conducted on animal in septic shock and cardiac
were published in indexed 0.99, � = 0% with 10 models (pig and rats), and arrest [43–46]. AVP was
journals. Detailed study studies and 329 animals were published in peer- discovered in 1895 from
characteristics are included) reviewed journals. the extract of the posterior
summarized in Table 1. (Figures 4 and 5). Data The use of pituitary gland and named
of mortality are vasopressors in after its vasoconstrictive
3.2. Quantitative Data summarized in hypovolemic shock might properties [16, 42].
Synthesis. The overall T contradict the Landry et al. reported,
analysis showed that a conventional knowledge for the first time, the
AVP/terlipressin were b of how to treat this successful administration
associated with a l condition. Nevertheless of exogenous AVP in
reduction in animal e their use in late phases patients with septic shock
mortality (26/174 (15%) in of hem- orrhagic shock is [43]. Russell et al.
the AVP/terlipressin group 2 a common practice. compared the use of AVP
versus 164/259 (63%) in . Vasopressors have versus norepinephrine in
the control arms; OR = In the majority of the recently been suggested in patients with septic shock
0.09 (95% CI 0.05–0.15); studies included in this the European guidelines in the “Vaso- pressin and
� for effect < 0.001; � meta- analysis, AVP has for the management of Septic Shock Trial.”
for heterogeneity = been administered with hemorrhagic shock in In 779 patients the
2 an initial bolus followed order to maintain an
0.30; � = 14%) (Figure adverse effects were
by continuous infusion. similar in both groups,
2). When studies were
Bolus doses ranged from with no differences in 28-
grouped to
0.1 U/kg to 0.4 U/kg day mortality and major
either fluid resuscitation,
while continuous organ dysfunction [44].
placebo, norepinephrine,
infusion dosages ranged Another potential use of
or other vasoconstrictive
from 0.04 U/kg/min to AVP is in the
drugs as a comparator,
0.08 U/kg/min. Other pharmacological treatment
administration of
studies report AVP of cardiac arrest [45, 46].
AVP/terlipressin was still
infusion dosages in U/kg/h AVP followed by
associated with a
that range from 0.1 [21] to epinephrine may be more
reduction in mortality.
2 U/kg/h [39, 40]. In the effective than epinephrine
(see Supplementary
study of Bayram et al., alone in the treatment of
Figures 6(b)–6(e) available
terlipressin was refractory cardiac arrest,
online at
administered at the dose of especially in patients with
50 mcg/kg [3]. asystole [29].
Visual inspection of In recent years, several
funnel plot identified an 4 animal studies have shown
asym- metrical shape, that the administration of
. AVP in patients with
suggesting the presence of
publication bias (Figure uncontrolled hemor-
3). Sensitivity analyses D rhagic shock is a
performed by i promising treatment [10].
sequentially removing s Our systematic analysis of
each study and reanalysing literature has evaluated
c several clinical studies on
the remaining dataset
(producing a new analysis u animals. Morales et al.
for each study removed) s were the first ones to study
did not lead to major s the effects of the
changes in direction or administration of different
doses Research
of AVP (fromInternational
1 to the volemic status where 7
4 mU/kg) in seven dogs hypovolemic patients are
undergoing prolonged those with values of
hemorrhagic shock and central venous pressure ≤
concluded that AVP is an 8 mmHg. In this
effective agent in the retrospective study,
irreversible phase of vasopressor exposure was
hemorrhagic shock associated with death
unresponsive to volume independent of injury
replacement and severity. Vasopressor-
catecholamines [28]. treated patients had lower
For a long time the arterial pressure, required
use of vasopressors in more fluids and
hemorrhagic shock was transfusions, and had a
considered a debatable higher serum creatine [50].
topic. During the early
phases of hemorrhagic
shock arterial pressure is
main- tained as adequate
through the activation of
mechanisms guaranteed by
the sympathetic system
that produces a venous
and arterial compensatory
vasoconstriction [41].
When blood loss is
abundant and this
mechanism is no longer
efficient to maintain an
adequate organ perfusion,
the sympathetic system
becomes inhibited with
subsequent reduction of
peripheral resistance and
bradycardia. Hemor-
rhagic shock is also
responsible for an
abnormal vascular bed
reaction mediated by nitric
oxide that reduces the
response to endogenous
and exogenous
norephineprine [47]. The
trauma and organ damage
developing from the
shock- induced
hypoperfusion bring
about the activation of
the inflammatory cascade
with subsequent vasoplegia
[48, 49].
The use of
vasopressors may be
helpful in these cases. In
their retrospective study
Plurad et al. determined
that an early vasopressor
exposure after a critical
injury is independently
associated with an
increased mortality rate
and this is not related to
8 BioMed Research International
Figure 2: AVP or terlipressin versus all other strategies (fluid resuscitation, vasoconstrictors, and placebo).
However the update of the European guidelines has At present, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial
recently considered the use of norepinephrine for (Vasopressin in Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock—VITRIS
irreversible hemorrhagic shock. There are several human study) is being organized in Europe to evaluate the effects
case reports that have supported the use of AVP as an of AVP in prehospital management of hemorrhagic shock
optimizing measure capable of supporting arterial pressure [52]. Unfortunately, as of now, we only have the results of
during the triage of trauma victims [27, 51]. retrospective studies on humans. Collier et al. conducted
Table 1: Studies included in the meta-analysis.
1st author Journal Year Number of AVP (V) or terlipressin (T) Number of Controls Control
Placebo (7);
Bayram [3] Am J Emerg Med 2012 7 (T) 14 Rats
Ringer lactate (7)
Cavus [31] Resuscitation 2009 8 (V) 8 Fluid resuscitation (8) Pigs
Fluid resuscitation (8);
Cavus [55] Resuscitation 2010 8 (V) 16 Pigs
noradrenaline + HS (8)
Dudkiewicz [56] Crit Care Med 2008 10 (V) 10 Phenylephrine (10) Pigs
Crystalloid (9);
Feinstein [8] J Am Coll Surg 2005 14 (V) phenylephrine (5); Pigs
23 crystalloid +
phenylephrine (9)
Feinstein [32] J Trauma 2005 8 (V) 9 NS (9) Pigs
Placebo (10); Ringer
Li [11] J Surg Res 2011 30 (V) 40 lactate (10); whole blood Rats
(10); NE (10)
resuscitation (16);
Liu [39] Shock 2013 32 (V) 48 Rats
Ringer lactate (16); NE
Meybohm [13] J Trauma 2007 7 (V) 7 HHS + NE (7) Pigs
Fluid (10); HHS + NS
Meybohm [57] Resuscitation 2008 10 (V) 20 Pigs
Raedler [10] Anesth Analg 2004 7 (V) 14 Saline placebo (7); Pigs
fluid resuscitation (7)
Sanui [21] Crit Care Med 2006 5 (V) 5 Placebo (5) Pigs
Figure 4: Forest plot of comparison of AVP or terlipressin versus all other strategies including studies with low risk of
Number of
AVP/terlipressin Control 2
Outcome included OR 95% CI � for effect � for heterogeneity � (%)
animals animals
Overall trials 15 174 259 0.09 0.05–0.15 <0.001 0.30 14
Mortality 15% 63%
Placebo as comparator drug 7 72 48 0.03 0.01–0.09 <0.001 0.57 0
Mortality 18% 92%
Fluid resuscitation as 0.08 0.04–0.15 <0.001 0.75 0
11 114 117
comparator drug
Mortality 18% 67%
Vasopressors (NE or
epinephrine) as comparator 7 88 87 0.18 0.08–0.44 <0.001 0.96 0
Mortality 18% 39%
NE as comparator drug 4 54 53 0.16 0.06–0.45 <0.001 0.97 0
Mortality 20% 47%
Sensitivity analysis
(including only low risk 10 134 195 0.13 0.08–0.24 <0.001 0.99 0
of bias studies)
Mortality 18% 57%
varying from head trauma [55, 56], thoracic trauma, and patients with shock refractory to the administration of
abdominal trauma [40] or after severe hepatic lesions [57]. fluids and catecholamines but the use of AVP alone cannot
Dosages used in animal trials are higher than dosages replace the use of fluids [61]. The AVP, as well as other
used in human studies. Humans have been successfully vasopressors, seems to be beneficial only when administered
treated with AVP infusion of 2–4 U/h in vasodilatory in association with fluids [62, 63].
shock [58, 59] and 10–20 UI boluses in patients with upper
intestinal bleeding [60]. Most of the studies favorably 5. Conclusions
estimate the impact of AVP to handle hemodynamic and
improve sur- vival. However it is recommended not to Data acquired from our meta-analysis suggest strong scien-
underestimate the possible adverse effects that might tific evidence for the efficacy of AVP for the early
derive from the use of AVP since its use is only indicated treatment of hemorrhagic shock in animal models. AVP
in irreversible shock no longer treatable with fluid has shown to be more effective than all other treatments,
resuscitation alone. Vasopressin could be considered as a including other vasopressors drugs. We are awaiting the
possible pharmacologic adjunct in results of the VITRIS
0 heterogeneous, more than OR prospective [tw] OR (meta-analysis[pt] NOT
the typical clinical trials. volunteer [tw]) OR clinical trial[pt]) OR
Successfully translating (animal[mh] practice- guideline[pt] OR
0 OR human[mh]) NOT review[pt]))).
findings to human diseases
depends largely upon (comment[pt] OR
understanding the sources editorial[pt] OR
Conflict of Interests
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