0 Cells
0 Cells
0 Cells
Dr Yaser Abdullah
The Cell Structures
- The Cell is the structural and functional unit of life( and of
disease processes)in all tissues, organs,and organs systems.
The nucleus is made up of the following 4 components:
_ Nuclear membrane
_ Nuclear sap
_ Chromatin
_ Nucleus
The cytoplasm is made up of cytoplasmic
matrix,organelles,and inclusion.
Organelles are specialized structures with
performance specific function . The membranous
organelles are bounded by unit membranes while the
non_ membranous are not.
Inclusion are temporary non_living components of
the cytoplasm which appear and disappear at different
periods of the cells life .Examples are stored food
pigments (exogenous_endogenous),crystals etc.
Cell structures
Membranous Organelles
Cell or Plasma Membrane(Plasmalemma):
The Cell membrane is the protoplasmic boundary of
the cell that controls permeability and may serve other
functions through surface specializations.
Chemical composition:
a_lipid molecular.
1_cholesterol molecules in cytoplasmic aspect.
2_phospholipid molecules(Hydrophilic part).
b_protein molecules: Extrinsic or peripheral protein ;
lie outside lipid bi_layer, loostely_bound to both
membrane surfaces. Intrinsic or integral protein are
small protein embedded in cell membrane.
Types of Lysosomes:
1_Primary Lysosome: homogeneous rounded vesicles.
2_Secondary Lysosome : heterogeneous rounded bodies
containing ingested and digested elements.
Functions of Lysosomes:
1_concerned with intracytoplasmic digestion.
2_Defend the body against invading organism.
3_Digest old mitochondria .
4_Hydrolyeses resorbed protein preventing their
escape in urine(kidney tubule cells).
5_Facilitate penetration of sperm through oocytes
6_Concerned with post_mortem changes (suicidal
bags) during cell death as in hypoxia, ischemia, and
bacterial infection.
They are membrane bounded organelles which
possesstheirown DNA and perform oxidative
phosphorylation concerned with the production of
ATP and also play a role in lipid synthesis. They are
absent in RBCs.
1_They supply energy (ATP) to all cellular activities
2_Calcium and magnesium ions stored as dark granules .
3_Catalyze the enzymatic reaction mitochondria.
Peroxisomes (Microbodies).
Peroxisomes are self_replicating organelles that
contain oxidative enzymes.
1_ Peroxisomes are membrane_limited,
enzyme_containing vesicles somewhat larger than
primary Lysosomes.
2_Peroxisomes contain more than 40 oxidative
enzymes, especially urate oxidative,D_amino acid
oxidaes, hydroxy acid oxidase , and catalase.
1_Beta_oxidation of fatty acids.
2_Hydrogen peroxide degradation.
Non_ membranous organelles
Ribosomes are rounded or oval cytoplasmic bodies formed of
RNA and protein responsible for protein synthesis.
Orgain:The ribosomes RNA is formed in the nucleolus from
where they pass to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores.
Different forms of ribosomes:
1_Free Ribosomes
2_Attached Ribosomes
3_Nissl's Bodies
Functions of ribosomes:
1_Free Ribosomes form protein for local use.
2_Attached Ribosomes form protein for export.
Centrioles are 2 perpendicular cylindrical structures, each
composed of 9 microtubules triplets(9*3),both of which
constitute the core of the microtubule organized center (MTOC).
1_During mitosis the Centriole pair duplicates and migrates to
opposite pole where they become surrounded by(MTOC)
microtubule organelles center.
2_The Centriole divided into procentriole which organizes the
development of specialized microtubules in motile cilia and
3_The Centriole also organizes the cytoplasmic microtubular
network in normal interphase cells.
Cilia are long, motile hair_like processes present at the free
surface of ciliated cells and whose function is to move
fluids ,mucus, or ovum from one place to another.
_basal body
_ the shaft(axoneme)
_ rootlet.
_In ciliated epthelia of the respiratory system {e.g trachea and
_other epithelial cells such as the hair cells of the vestibular
apparatus in the inner ear.
Cilia of Tracheal Epithelial Cells
It forms the skeleton of the cell responsible.It maintains the
specific shape of the cell.
Consist of:
1_Microtubules :present in all kinds of cells.
Size:A cylindrical filamentous structure of variable length and
about 250Å in diameter.
Composition: of protein called tubulin.
Location:most anchored near Centriole.
a_Facilitate particles transport in cytoplasm.
b_Concerned movement of cilia.
c_Form mitotic spindle during mitosis.
These are accurate threads.
_action filament _mainly in muscle cells
_myosin filament _ in muscle cells
3_Intermediate filaments:variety of cells
e.g.neurofibrils of nerve cells.
Functions of microfilaments:
1_In muscle cells _muscular contraction.
2_In certain blood cells_ help in ameboid movement.
3_In blood platelets_ retraction of blood cleavage.
4_In dividing cells _help in forming cleavage.
5_In microvilli _ play a role in movements of microvilli.
The Cell lnclusion :
These are temporary non_living components of the cytoplasm
which appear and disappear at different periods of the cell life ,
and less actively involved in cell metabolic activity.
Flattened(endothelial cells)
Segmented or lobulated(neutrophils).