TOK Final Essay

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How can we reconcile the opposing demands for specialization and generalization in the

production of knowledge? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of


Production of knowledge is an essential step towards innovation, problem-solving, and

dissemination of existing knowledge. However, this cornerstone of progress in human intellect is

always challenged by the seemingly opposing demands of specialization and generalization. On

the one hand, demand for specialization exists to attain in-depth knowledge about a field and

make meaningful contributions and discoveries. On the other hand, demand for generalization

exists, for knowledge to be applied to broader contexts, conceptualizing patterns and

communicating it all with a wider audience. When producing knowledge with the intent to

specialize, perspective and width are sacrificed, and when producing knowledge with the intent

to generalize, an in-depth understanding is sacrificed. Hence, in this conflict between

specialization and generalization, one might ask: Why is there a need to reconcile these opposing

demands? The need for reconciliation can be justified by understanding what makes knowledge

valuable. Humans in general tend to value everything based on its utility and reliability. The

value of knowledge can be determined similarly. A piece of knowledge can be regarded highly if

it has increased utility in real life and is backed up with adequate evidence to make it reliable.

When a knower produces reliable knowledge, he has to specialize to conduct an in-depth

analysis before drawing conclusions, and when a producer produces high-utility knowledge he

has to generalize for it to be utilized by most people and apply it to a broader context. Hence, to

produce knowledge that is both reliable and has high utility, it is necessary to reconcile the

demands for specialization and generalization. This essay will deep delve into the field of
Mathematics and Economics exploring the inherent tensions between these demands and

potential approaches to reconcile them.

A possible approach to reconcile them is by considering the demands for knowledge production.

The demands for the production of knowledge can be categorized into two broad categories:

Innovation and Problem-solving. Innovation is the process of improving upon existing

knowledge by applying creativity, experimentation, and strategic thinking to bring change for the

betterment of the broader community. Hence, a greater emphasis may be placed on

generalization when the goal is to innovate, allowing the intersection of diverse disciplines to

enable individuals to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, fostering utility for the broader

community. On the other hand, problem-solving is the process of finding solutions to complex

issues, often limited to a specific domain. Therefore, when considering knowledge production

for problem-solving a greater emphasis may be placed on specialization to provide an in-depth

understanding of that specific domain to comprehend the intricacies and nuances of the

problems, allowing for a more precise and accurate solution for the targeted problem.

In the domain of Mathematics, this is evident in the production of the Fourier series and

Cryptography. In the early 19th century, French mathematician Joseph Fourier produced the

Fourier series with an interdisciplinary approach between physics and mathematics when he was

studying heat distribution in solid objects to innovate the way we perceived thermal dynamics for

solid objects. To generalize the behavior of heat in all solid objects, he broke down their complex

heat distribution periodic functions into simple trigonometric functions. Since the aim was to

study new ideas that could be applied to broader contexts, the final produced knowledge was a
generalized series that could be applied to any context of similar behavior. Hence by evaluating

the intention behind knowledge production which was innovation, Joseph could place a greater

emphasis on the demands for generalization and limit specialization, thus reconciling them

precisely. This precise reconciliation allowed the concept to later apply to non-periodic functions

increasing its utility in other fields like signal processing, medical imaging, and data processing

fostering innovation.

Similarly, on the other end, Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller introduced the concept of elliptic

curve cryptography in 1985, when facing problems with encrypting systems like RSA. Since the

intention behind producing knowledge here was to solve a problem, mathematicians led a

domain-specific in-depth investigation on public key cryptography and came up with the special

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elliptic curve equation 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏, which offered appreciable security with significantly

smaller key sizes. Though the final produced piece of knowledge had little to no utility in other

domains, it was highly reliable in solving the problem it was intended to. Hence, by considering

the goal of knowledge production, Neal and Victor could emphasize specialization and limit

generalization, reconciling them precisely once again to achieve the intended impact.

This approach also provides great assistance in the field of economics. When the

economist John Von Neumann invented the game theory, he aimed to innovate the way we

perceive rational decision-making in economics by providing a framework to analyze strategic

interactions among rational decision-makers. Since the aim was to innovate, allowing the

intersection of diverse disciplines like economics and psychology fostered the utility of game

theory to a wide range of contexts from oligopolistic competition to bargaining situations and
negotiations. Herein, the final produced piece of knowledge deemed the demands for

generalization more than specialization to reconcile them. Contrary to this, the concept of

policymaking in economics aims to solve a problem hindering economic objectives. Hence, by

placing a more splendid emphasis on specialization, each stakeholder is thoroughly evaluated in

both the short run and long run to come up with a reliable solution to the problem. Therefore,

once again by considering the goal of knowledge creation, the demands for generalization and

specialization could be reconciled with precision.

While reconciliation through emphasizing one of the demands and overlooking the other

might sound like a viable solution, this overly simplistic resolution may overlook the nuanced

drawbacks when disregarding one set of demands. Rather, the optimal strategy at times may lie

in embracing both demands concurrently, This approach may require more time and resources

and hinder the smooth process of knowledge production, but eliminates any risks of overlooking

either set of demands.

This was evident in the field of mathematics when Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried

Wilhelm Leibniz independently developed calculus in the late 17th century. Calculus is a

specialized field of study that investigates the instantaneous rate of change of a function at a

given point. By developing specific derivative functions for special functions like exponents,

natural logarithmic functions, and the chain rule, this field has met the demands for specialized

production of knowledge that deep delves into the intricacies of these special functions.

However, to prevent neglecting other functions, and expanding the utility of calculus in other

fields of study, a generalized first principle derivative was also introduced. This generalized
piece of knowledge allowed mathematicians and scientists to apply calculus to solve problems

across various fields, transcending the boundaries of specialization and fostering

interdisciplinary collaboration. In essence, the domain of calculus ensures that the opposing

demands for specialization and generalization do not act as deterrents in the process of

knowledge production, but rather offer a versatile and widely applicable toolkit for solving

problems across diverse disciplines, ultimately advancing human understanding and

technological progress.

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