Letter Regarding 4E Energy Conservation
Letter Regarding 4E Energy Conservation
Letter Regarding 4E Energy Conservation
Haryana, Panchkula
DA/as above
Deputy birector (Acd.)
For Director General, Technical Education
Haryana, Panchkula
I am pleased to apprise you that Pawer Development Deçartment,
Government of Jammu & Kashmir, in collaboration with the Bureau of
Energy E clency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of Irdia, and
DGHE Government College of Engineering & Technclogy (GCET), Jammu have
initiated a National Student-led Movement on Energy Conservaticn named
arE 4£ Waveencapsulatingfour key elements(Eco-friendliness,Economy,
Eđucaion, and Empowerment). The movement was launched by Hon'ble
Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy, Sh. R. K. Singh &
S Honble Lieutenant Governor of J&K UT, Sh. Manoj Sinha on 7h Cecember
2023 at Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi. During the
oCcaslon, the web portal www.Aewave.com was also unvelled.
Yours Sincerely,
H. Rajesh Prasad
Principal Secretary to Goveriment
J&K Power Development Department
Government of J&K