Letter Regarding 4E Energy Conservation

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From Through errial

The Director General,

Technical Education Department,

Haryana, Panchkula

1. All the Principal(s) of

GovernmeritGoemment Aded Þolytechnics in
the State of Haryana.
2. All the Principal(s) of Government Soclety Poiytechnics in the State of

Memo. No.5IS5s /Acd Dated:2 3|01|24y

Subject:- Information regarding Nation-wide contests on energy
conservation under 4E Wave.

Kindly refer on the subject noted above.

Please nd enclosed a copy of memo no. 02 dated 10-01-2024 received

from Principal Secretary to Government J&K Power Development Cepartment, for further
necessary please.

DA/as above
Deputy birector (Acd.)
For Director General, Technical Education
Haryana, Panchkula

AHoDsto Caclate Helates to

al te studeut,tronyhtaekespette-htrs
gr ida pubicity% yELsavefotkmotiveteten
agutee m patuf.
Government of Jammu & Kashmir
CFMS-ASt Power Development Department
Civil Secretariat, Jammu/ Sribagar

Additional Chief Secretary

Email:3cshighercduçatiç[email protected]
No: PS/PRS/PDD/2024/D/02 Date:10.01.2024

Subject: Information regarding Nation-wide contests on energy

conservation under 4E VWave

I am pleased to apprise you that Pawer Development Deçartment,
Government of Jammu & Kashmir, in collaboration with the Bureau of
Energy E clency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of Irdia, and
DGHE Government College of Engineering & Technclogy (GCET), Jammu have
initiated a National Student-led Movement on Energy Conservaticn named
arE 4£ Waveencapsulatingfour key elements(Eco-friendliness,Economy,
Eđucaion, and Empowerment). The movement was launched by Hon'ble
Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy, Sh. R. K. Singh &
S Honble Lieutenant Governor of J&K UT, Sh. Manoj Sinha on 7h Cecember
2023 at Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi. During the
oCcaslon, the web portal www.Aewave.com was also unvelled.

2 The core concept of the campaign/movement is engaging and

educating the general public on energy conservation through the
aforesaid web portal by way of providing the latest information on energy
conservation, encouraging participation through Articles and ccnducting
nationwide Contests on Energy Conservation, Additionally, the portal
provides tailored energy conservation tips to participants, based on simple
information about the appliances used in their households.
ela43. Taking the campaign forward, new nation-wide contests have been
scheduled to commence from 15thJanuary 2024, with speci copportunity
for the students to contribute towards the sald National Cauşe. The
parúcīpants/winners of the contests will have the opportunity to achieve

Government of Jammu & Kashmir

Power Developmet Department
Civll Secretariat, Jammu! Srinagar

recognition at National Level as they would be suitably awarded by the

dignitaries at a national forum. Detailed information about the contests Is
accessible on yww.4ewave,com.

4. In view of above, 1l request you to kindly take necessary steps to

ensure wide circulation of the information about the 4E Wave
movement/campaign anongst yarious schools, colleges, univerşities and
other educational institutions In your State/ UT so that maximum nụmber
of students register on the web portal www.4ewave.com, so as to
participate in various contests and enrich themselves from the repository
of knowledge available on the portal.

5. Further, it shall go a long way in harnessing the exceptional talent

within our young generation thereby making a signi cant contríputlon to
the broader objective of energy conservation.

Yours Sincerely,

H. Rajesh Prasad
Principal Secretary to Goveriment
J&K Power Development Department
Government of J&K

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