Date: 12-07-2023
I.-Subject Identification
Nº of credits 6
The general objective of this subject is to learn how to correctly apply the mathematical principles relating to the variation of the
value of money over time. To this end, the aim is to provide students with the necessary mathematical knowledge to enable them
to learn the fundamentals of Financial Mathematics, as well as a first approach to the study of the most common financial
operations, the analysis and description of the essential aspects of the most relevant financial operations, and the understanding
of the operation of the products and services of the current banking and stock markets. In this way, the student will be able to
interpret correctly from a financial point of view the information extracted from the resolution of the problems of Financial
Mathematics. To this purpose, the precise theoretical foundations will be established, which will be applied in the resolution of
problems through practical cases. Previous knowledge of mathematics is required.
Generic competences
CI01. Ability to analyse and synthesise: analysis, synthesis, evaluation and decision-making based on relevant information
records on the company's position and potential growth.
CI05. Knowledge of information systems relating to studies: normal use of information and communications technology in all
professional work
CI06. Ability to analyse, search for and interpret information from different sources: ability to identify sources of relevant
economic data, obtain and select information that non-professionals are not capable of recognising
CI07. Ability to solve problems
CI08. Ability to make decisions
CS01. Ability to study independently.
CPR01. Practical application of knowledge.
Specific competences
CP21 . Ability to apply language and mathematical / statistical logic in the approach of an economic - business problem
CE10. Knowledge support necessary for the proper realization of learning and prior knowledge, especially Math
CP01. Domain of IT tools applied with specific character to the different matters
CP02. Ability of application of the theoretical, methodological knowledge and of the technologies acquired in the process of
CP04. Ability to use tools of quantitative nature in the capture of managerial decisions
CP03. Ability to model managerial situations
CP12 . Understanding the financial operations taking place in business
CP13 . Ability to solve problems both financial valuation of funding decisions as business investment
CP14 . Mastery of computer tools applied to financial and accounting management
CP16 . Ability to evaluate the market and the environment integrated into the marketing information system
CP17 . Ability to understand the international implications of business management
I.- “Basic Topics. Simple Financial 3.1. Simple Interest. Characteristics and
Operations.” Properties
Lesson 3. “Capitalization Operations: 3.2. Compound Interest. Characteristics
Simple and Compound Interest and Properties
Regimen” 2.3. Commercial Characteristics of
Capitalization Operations
IV.B.-Training activities
Type Title
Practical / resolution of exercises Problem Solving for Thematic Blocks I, II and III
V.-Student worload
Lecture classes 15
Tests 5
Academic tutorials 18
Test preparation 32
VII.-Assessment methods
VII.A.-Assessment weighting
Throughout the
teaching period on the
Theoretical and The exam will take
20% date indicated by the Parts I, II and III
practical test place in the classroom.
lecturer who teaches
the subject
Throughout the
teaching period on the
Problem Solving and The exam will take
20% date indicated by the Parts I, and II
práctical cases place in the classroom.
lecturer who teaches
the subject
Throughout the
teaching period on the
date indicated by the The exam will take
Problem solving 60% Parts II and III
lecturer who teaches place in the classroom.
the subject
The minimum score to pass the subject is 5 points out 10. . Extraordinary Examination: the student will take the extraordinary
examination if he/she has not passed the subject in the ordinary examination.
****IMPORTANT: The date of the examination is an official one and is known well in advance, so once published on the web as
final cannot be adapted to change that date or for specific students. The same approach is followed for the exam reviews. The
exam review shall take place on a date between the date on which the examination is held, and the closing date set by the
University for each academic year. The review will take place on a single day, which will be announced in advance together with
the publication of the provisional grades, informing the student at least 48 hours in advance. No individual reviews will be held
for any student outside the established dates. For the purposes of the review, no personal, family or academic circumstances
justify the passing of the subject if the marks obtained show otherwise. If any student considers it appropriate for the teacher to
consider any aspect that he/she considers important because it may affect the satisfactory completion of the subject, he/she
must inform the student of this during the course and, in any case, always before the end of the classes.
In the early days of the course, the professor will detail the methodology to be followed during the course, tutorial hours, and
more specific aspects of the evaluation. Besides, the tutorial hours schedule will be throughout the teaching period (from the first
week of the course until the last week of class).
For the development of the classes, the professor will dictate specific rules on punctuality, participation and few aspects deemed
necessary to specify. The permanence of the student in the classroom is conditional upon them, as well as the rules of academic
behaviour published on the web
If the professor believes that the minimum conditions are not met for a normal development of the class teacher stops the activity
and inform the relevant body.
- The exam revisions will be carried out on a date between the date on which the exams are held and the closing date set by the
University for each academic year. The exam revisions shall be carried out on a single day which shall be announced in advance
together with the publication of the provisional grades, always informing the student at least 48 hours in advance. No individual
reviews will be held for any student outside the established dates. For the purposes of the review, no personal, family or
academic circumstance will justify the passing of the subject if the grades obtained prove otherwise.
If any student considers it is appropriate for the teacher to take into account any aspect that he/she considers important because
it may affect the satisfactory completion of the subject, he/she must inform about that during the course and always before the
end of the course.
Student who wish to opt for this assessment will have to get an academic exemption for the subject, which they will have to
request from the Dean or Director of the Centre which teaches their course. An academic exemption may be granted where the
subjects own characteristics allow for it.
In accordance with the exam appeal regulations of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Curricular adaptations for students with a disability or special educational needs will be determined by the Disabled Students
Support Department, in accordance with the regulations governing the Disabled Students Support service, approved by the
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Council, in order to guarantee equal opportunities, inclusive treatment, universal accessibility and a
greater guarantee of academic success.
For this purpose, this Department will have to issue a curricular adaptation report, therefore students with disabilities or special
educational needs must contact the Department to analyse the different alternatives together.
The Universidad Rey Juan Carlos is completely committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty.
Therefore, studying at the URJC means you accept and agree to the academic integrity and honesty values described in the
University's Code of Ethics. In order to monitor this procedure, the University has Regulations on academic behaviour at the
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and uses different tools (anti-plagiarism, supervision?) which provides a collective assurance that
these essential values are completely developed
Referecence Generic
Title: Cálculo Financiero. Teoría y Ejercicios; Author: Aparicio et al.; Publisher: Thompson-Paraninfo, (2th Edition)(2002)
Title: Principles of Finance with Excel; Author: Simon Benninga; Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc (2006)
Title: Ethics, Professional Standarts and Quantitative Methods; Author: CFA Institute; Publisher:CFA Institute (2004)
Reference literature
Title: Matemática de las Operaciones Financieras; Authors:Bonilla, María; Ivars, Antonia y Moya,Ismael; Publisher:Thomson
Title: Curso de Matemática Financiera; Author: Miner, Javier; Publisher: Mc Graw Hill (2008)
Title: Matemática de las Operaciones Financieras.Ejercicios Resueltos; Author: Gil Peláez, L; Publisher: AC
Websites of interest:
Financial newspapers:
Nº of Quinquenios 3
Nº of Sexenio 0
Stretch Docentia 3