Guidance On DMLC Part II - Updated 13.07.2021
Guidance On DMLC Part II - Updated 13.07.2021
Guidance On DMLC Part II - Updated 13.07.2021
The following should be included; Upon boarding, each seafarer’s Passport and Discharge book is
checked by the Master or their designated representative, in
No person under the age of 16 will be employed on the ship. order to:
No seafarer under the age of 18 will work at night (as defined in • ensure that no person below the age of 16 is employed upon
the DMLC part I) unless it is part of a recognised training this vessel.
scheme. • compile a list of seafarers aged under 18 years, which is kept
A list of hazardous work that seafarers under the age of 18 are available for inspection.
prohibited from undertaking. Rosters are prepared to ensure that, during a continuous nine-
A list of seafarer who are under 18 years of age. hour period starting no later than midnight and ending no earlier
To ensure compliance the Master will check that the seafarer is than 5.00am each day, seafarers under the age of 18 do not
over 16 by inspecting the individual’s passport/discharge book. work. The only exceptions are in the event of an emergency or
where night work is a necessary part of their training
A statement to the effect that: Upon arrival on board and prior to commencing work, each
Only medical certificates approved by the MCA (including those seafarer is required to submit their medical certificate to the
issued by other Administrations) will be accepted. Master or their designated representative to ensure the
No seafarer will be engaged without a valid medical certificate. certificate is -
Medical certificates should be given in English or accompanied • valid and appropriate for the duties that the seafarer will
by an English translation undertake;
Reference should be made regarding who checks the individual • in English (or with an English translation available); and
certificates ensuring that any restrictions are complied with • issued by a doctor approved or accepted by the Flag
What the procedure is if either the Master or the owner has State.
concerns about the medical fitness of a seafarer to undertake A note is taken of any certificate that will expire during the
their duties course of the voyage.
Seafarers, when off duty, may utilise the Deck area aft of the
accommodation on Deck 3 for relaxation purposes, loungers and
tables have been provided for this purpose, provided the Master
is satisfied that the prevailing weather conditions do not make it
unsafe for them to be on deck.
10. FOOD AND CATERING (Reg. 3.2)
The following should be included: Potable Water is loaded as required at each port call. Testing is
Details concerning the loading, storage and treating potable carried out by the 2nd Officer prior to and on completion of
water. loading. Test results are recorded as part of the Shipboard
Procedures for storing, preparing and serving food. Maintenance system and in the vessels official logbook. Where
That seafarers are not charged for their food. potable water does not reach the required standard it shall be
However the shipowner ensures that food is suitable in quantity, rejected prior to loading. Where possible water shall be made on
nutritional value, quality and variety for the number of crew and board whilst the vessel is at sea.
operation of the ship. In the event of any failure of the above processes, the seafarers
How religious and cultural practices os seafarers are catered for. will be supplied with bottled drinking water.
The qualifications and traning of the cook and any other catering
staff. Food stores are ordered as required from audited suppliers in
Details of who carries out the inspections of the galley and food order to maintain a minimum of 1 month’s useable food (or
handling/storage areas and how these inspections are recorded. longer if operationally required). Upon receipt of the stores they
are inspected by the Chief Officer and Ship’s Cook to ensure
that they conform to the required standard. Any substandard
food shall be highlighted to the vessels agent and rejected. Food
shall be stored in the Dry store, Cold Store or Freezers as
appropriate. Food Preparation shall only take place in the
vessel’s galley.
The Galley and all food storage areas are inspected at least
weekly. These inspections, any findings and corrective actions
required shall be recorded in the Official Log Book. Any
corrective actions required are to take place a quickly as
practicable and their successful completion is to be logged upon
satisfactory inspection.