MLC Compliance Checlist Rev 0 30th Nov 18

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MLC Audit Compliance Checklist

General documentation

In order to be prepared for the external MLC-2006 audit an Internal Audit with respect of MLC-
2006 requirements is carried out on board of the vessel.

Also after certification by the external auditor and issuing of the MLC-2006 certificate is
compliance with the MLC-2006 requirements important.

Non-compliance with the requirements of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC-2006) is
becoming an increasingly common reason for Port State Control (PSC) to detain a vessel on this
grounds in addition to defective or missing equipment or records, which have been identified as
reasons for detention for some time.


Prior to the start of this inspection ensure that a copy of the crew list, certificate of
accommodation, declaration of maritime labor compliance part 1 certificate, declaration of
maritime labor compliance part 2 certificate, the most recent inspection carried out by the
recognized organization, minimum safe manning certificate, oficer and crew certificates and
seaman's books, sample seafarer's employment agreement (SEA), collective bargaining
agreements (CBAs), last safety committee meeting minutes, the log book / log entries for the
Master's weekly public area inspections and safety/Hess inspections results, weekly health and
sanitation inspections and results, certification of the crew cooks, certification and training matrix,
on board OHS training and familiarization records, shipboard complaint log, position descriptions
of Safety Oficer and, sample job hazard analysis and risk assessments, DMLC Part 2 company
policy document, are all available to the inspector.

1.). DMLC Part I

2.) DMLC Part II incl. Endorsement for Review against DMLC I
3.) Continuous Synopsis Record
4.) Safe Manning Document
5.) Document of compliance (Safety Management)
6.) Recruitment and Placement Services - Certificates
7.) Crew list (Copy for Inspection and filing)
8.) Seaman books & Endorsements
9.) Medical Certificates of each seafarer on board (add certificate for hearing and colour vision if
10.) Seafarers Employment Agreement and if applicable respective Collective Bargaining
11.) Shipboard working arrangement
12.) Hours of Work and Rest for each seafarer on board
13.) Record of Overtime worked for each seafarer on board
14.) Familiarisation and Training Records for each seafarer on board
15.) Wage Accounts/ Payslips of each seafarer on board
16.) Log book, Oil Record Book
17.) Inspection Record of Supplies of Food and Drinking Water,
18.) Inspection Records of Accommodation, Galley and Provision Stores
19.) Risk Assessment
20.) Safety Committee Meeting Reports and follow Ups
21.) Incident Reporting System
22.) Medical Chest Inspection Reports / Certificate
23.) Complaint Procedure
24.) Copy of MLC 2006

Is a Maritime Labor Certificate on board?

Yes No N/A

Is a original Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I on board?

Yes No N/A

Is the original Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II on board?

Yes No N/A

Are two copies of the most recent inspection carried out by the recognized
organization on board? One copy should be located with the master and the
other be posted in a pubic area accessible by all seafarers.

Yes No N/A

Is the folder 50 (MLC-2006 Documentation) on board and up to date? ( same

data inside as in in GLSM Documentation MLC-2006?)

Yes No N/A

Part 1 - Minimum Age - Regulation 1.1

Is employment of any seafarer under the age of 18 prohibited?

Yes No N/A

Is the age of seafarers confirmed upon boarding through photo ID?

Yes No N/A

Does the Human Resources Department contractually require manning agencies

and placement services to not hire seafarers under the age of 18?

Yes No N/A


Documentary evidence is available to indicate that the private seafarer

recruitment and placement service (SRPS) or agency contracted by the operator
to engage the crew members is operated in accordance with the MLC 2006

Yes No N/A

Part 2 - Medical Certification - Regulation 1.2

Are valid medical certificates on board for each seafarer?

Yes No N/A

Are they issued by an appropriately qualified medical practitioner?

Yes No N/A

Are they valid for a period not exceeding the Flag State requirements or two
years, whichever is the shortest?

Yes No N/A

Are they in English and in a format acceptable to the Flag State? Certificates
issued in accordance with the requirements of STCW shall be accepted.

Yes No N/A

Do they provide details of hearing, sight, and color where appropriate for the
(Have a validity period for colour vision not exceeding the flag state's
requirements or six (6) years, whichever is shortest)

Yes No N/A

Do they include a statement to say that the seafarer is fit for duty?

Yes No N/A


Medical certificate expiry dates tracked on board?

Yes No N/A

No seafarers without valid medical certificate allowed to work on board?

Yes No N/A

In case of change medical condition is the seafarer's certificate validation reviewed?

Yes No N/A

Part 3 - Qualifications of Seafarers - Regulation 1.3

Are valid training and competency certificates available for all seafarers in accordance with stcw
regulations and specific Flag State requirements?
Confirmation of their competency or that they are otherwise qualified to perform their duties in
accordance with the flag state’s requirements.
Training and certification in accordance with Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping (STCW), as amended, or the flag state's specific requirements are accepted as
meeting these requirements

Yes No N/A

Are records of personal safety training kept on board?

Yes No N/A

Is the crew management or similar system used to do so?

Yes No N/A

Part 4 - Seafarers Employment Agreement - Regulation 2.1

Is the seafarers' employment agreement (SEA) signed by the seafarer and the shipowner, or his
authorized representative?

Yes No N/A


Does the seafarer have an original copy of the SEA?

Yes No N/A

Are copies of the SEA and Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) available on
board? (If applicable)

-CBA KPI agreement (Indonesian seafarers)

Foreign flag vessels

-CBA KPI agreement ( Indonesian seafarers)

Yes No N/A

Are English translations of the SEA and CBAs available on board?

Yes No N/A

Employment agreements presented for review prior to boarding?

Yes No N/A

Are copies of employment agreements for seafarers onboard available?

Yes No N/A

Does the SEA include the items listed in reg 2.1, standard A2.1.4?( And any other particulars that the flag
state's law may require.)

Yes No N/A

Does the SEA include a notice for early termination of not less than 7 days?

Yes No N/A

Does the SEA include the right to terminate the contract for compensate

Yes No N/A


Part 5 - Use of licensed or certified or regulated private recruitment and placement service -
Regulation 1.4

Is documentary evidence available to indicate that the private seafarer

recruitment and placement services (SRPS) or agency contracted by the
company to engage the seafarers is operated in accordance with MLC 2006?

Yes No N/A

Are copies of the Crewing Agencies Certificates on board?

Yes No N/A

Is a copy of the manning agreement on board?

Yes No N/A

Part 6 - Hours of Work and Rest - Regulation 2.3

Are the shipboard working arrangements for all seafarers posted in an accessible place or places?

Yes No N/A

Are accurate records of hours of work and rest available for all seafarers, and
signed by the Master/his designee and the seafarers?

Yes No N/A

Normal working hours are based on eight (8) hours per day, with a minimum one
(1) day of rest per week and rest on public holidays.

Yes No N/A

Do the maximum work hours not exceed 14 hours in any 24 hour period and weekly not 72 hours? N.A.
Feederlines is working with rest hours.

Yes No N/A


Are the minimum rest hours at least 10 hours in any 24 hour period and 77 hours
in any 7 day period?

Yes No N/A

Is the daily rest period divided in two periods, one of which is at least 6 hours duration?

Yes No N/A

Are non compliances tracked and followed up on by the Master?

Yes No N/A

Are muster and drills held at times to minimize the disturbance to rest periods
and not induce fatigue?

Yes No N/A

Are safety drills and training recorded as work hours?

Muster and LSA/FFA drills are held at times to minimise disturbance to rest
periods and not induce fatigue?

Yes No N/A

Is compensatory rest for call outs during normal rest periods considered?

Yes No N/A

Are records of exemptions from permitted by the Flag State available?

Yes No N/A

Are arrangements in place to allow for hours of work that may be required in
case of an emergency?

Yes No N/A

Do seafarers have minimum annual leave with pay based on 2.5 days per month of employment?

Yes No N/A

Do all seafarers have access to shore-based welfare facilities

Yes No N/A

Are the Flag State's provisions regarding repatriation available on board?

Yes No N/A

Are all seafarers entitled to repatriation as stated in the SEA?

Yes No N/A

Are all seafarers entitled to repatriation after a maximum 12 month period?

Yes No N/A

Are all seafarers entitled to repatriation in case of termination for justified reasons ( by the company or

Yes No N/A

Are all seafarers entitled to repatriation when they are not able to carry out their duties on board due to
injury, illness, etc.?

Yes No N/A

Are repatriation costs, including tickets, meals, accommodation, luggage and

medical expenses are covered by the shipowner except in cases of serious
default of the employment terms by the seafarer?

Yes No N/A

Part 7 - Manning Levels for Ship - Regulation 2.7

Is a valid minimum safe manning document on board issued by the Flag State or
recognized organization on their behalf?

Yes No N/A


Are all manning, training and certification requirements on the safe manning document met?

Yes No N/A

The manning level must be in accordance with the at least in accordance with
the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.

Yes No N/A

The manning level must be adequate, in terms of number and qualifications, to ensure the safety and
security of the ship and its personnel under all operating conditions.

Yes No N/A

Are non-compliances properly followed up on by the Master?

Yes No N/A

Part 8 - Accommodation - Regulation 3.1

Checked?12 Recreational facilities are appropriate and in good working order,

and may include TVs/DVDs and sports equipment, including exercise equipment
and games

Is a valid certificate of accommodation on board?

Yes No N/A

Are general arrangement plans of the vessels accommodation available and up to


Yes No N/A

Are records of the Master's inspection of the vessel accommodations

maintained and available?

Yes No N/A


Are Accommodation spaces are clean and in a good state of repair, and fixtures and fittings are in place
and in good working order?

Yes No N/A

Are mess rooms clean, hygienic and comfortable?

Yes No N/A

Do cabins have hot and cold running water?

Yes No N/A

Is bedding clean and hygienic?

Yes No N/A

Is heating and ventilation, including air-conditioning, where fitted, adequate and

well maintained?

Yes No N/A

Are sanitary facilities accessible, hygienic and working correctly?

Yes No N/A

Are laundry facilities in good working order?

Yes No N/A

Is adequate natural and artificial light available?

Yes No N/A

Are noise and vibrant experienced within the accommodation within limits
established by the flag state?

Yes No N/A


Are recreational facilities appropriate and in good working order, and include TVs,
DVDs and recreational equipment including exercise equipment and games?

Yes No N/A

For ships with keel laying dates after August 20, 2013, are the new MLC
construction requirements met?

Yes No N/A

Part 9 - On board Recreational Facilities - Regulation 3.1

Are on board recreational facilities adequate?

Yes No N/A

For ships with keel laying dates after August 20, 2013, are appropriate
recreational facilities as per MLC 2006 Guideline B in place?

Yes No N/A

Part 10 - Food and Catering - Regulation 3.2

Is the galley clean, hygienic and in a good state of repair?

Yes No N/A

Are spaces used for food storage clean, hygienic and in a good state of repair?

Yes No N/A

Are temperatures of refrigerators appropriate?

Yes No N/A

Is food of good quality and quantity and caters for a different religious beliefs among crew?

Yes No N/A


Is food provided free of charge on board the vessel?

Yes No N/A

Is drinking water of good quality and the quantity available is appropriate?

Yes No N/A

Is the crew cook over 18 years of age and holds appropriate qualifications, in
accordance with the Flag State's laws and regulations?

Note: For ships with less than 10 crew no cook is required, but the crew handling
food are to be trained in food hygiene

Yes No N/A

Is the crew cook certified as per Flag State Requirements?

Yes No N/A

Are all other catering staff adequately trained?

Note: All other catering staff are adequately trained (a training programme,
posters, etc., may be available)

Yes No N/A

Is a good quality of food provided to all seafarers that is of an appropriate nutritious level?

Yes No N/A

Are periodic inspections of food service preparation areas conducted by the

Master or person designated by the Master at least every 7 days?

Yes No N/A

Is the Master or this person accompanied by at least another crew member?

Yes No N/A


Are these inspections recorded in the ships log?

Yes No N/A

Part 11 - Health, Safety and Accident Prevention Procedures - Regulation 4.3

Are all applicable occupational health and safety policy, procedures and
programmes in place as per the Flag State requirements?

Yes No N/A

Are the people responsible for implementing OHS policies on board clearly
designated and their responsibilities clearly documented?

Yes No N/A

Are risk assessments carried out and documented?

Yes No N/A

Are accidents and incidents investigated and reported, and records available?

Yes No N/A

Are safety committee meetings held regularly and meeting minutes available?

Yes No N/A

Are all seafarers aware of their responsibilities and these clearly documented?

Yes No N/A

Is on board training and familiarization carried our and are records available?

Yes No N/A


Are safe working practices implemented?

Yes No N/A

Is Personal Protective Equipment readily available and used as appropriate for

the task?

Yes No N/A

Is Personal Protective Equipment in date and are arrangements in place to obtain

replacement items when required?

Yes No N/A

Are appropriate measures in place to address OHS risks associated with fatigue,
drug and alcohol use, smoking, asbestos, high and low temperatures, noise and
vibration, infections?

Yes No N/A

Are health and safety inspections and surveillance carried out regularly and

Yes No N/A

Are OHS risks associated with sub-contractors working on board addressed? Are
all sub-contractors subject to documented procedures?

Yes No N/A

Part 12 - On Board Medical Care - Regulation 4.1

Is health protection and medical care, including essential dental care available, and free of charge to all

Yes No N/A

Do seafarers have the right to visit a qualified medical doctor or dentist without delay in ports, where

Yes No N/A

Is the ship's hospital clean and hygienic and for medical use only? It is not used
as a cabin or storage place?

Yes No N/A

Are all medical equipment and supplies provided and certified in accordance with
the Flag State requirements?

Yes No N/A

Are all medical publications available on board in accordance with the Flag State

Yes No N/A

Is an up-to-date list of radio contacts where medical advice can be obtained is

readily available?

Yes No N/A

Are the medical log and visit reports kept up to date?

Yes No N/A

Is a standard medical report form used for both onshore and on-board medical
personnel and are the completed forms kept confidential?

Yes No N/A

Social security: Is as a minimum, cover for medical care, sickness and injury
benefit provided?

Yes No N/A


Part 13 - On Board Complaint Procedures -Regulation 5.1.5

Is there a complaints procedure on board?

Yes No N/A

Does each seafarer have a copy of this procedure?

Yes No N/A

Is there a complaints log on board?

Yes No N/A

Are complaints handled in a timely, fair, and effective manner?

Yes No N/A

Are contact details available for the Flag State and the competent authority in
seafarers country of residence?

Yes No N/A

Part 14 - Payment of Wages - Regulation 2.2

Is an individual monthly statement of account provided to all seafarers on board, indicating their monthly
wage and any authorized deductions, such as allotments?

Yes No N/A

Are wages paid in accordance with the SEA (or CBA if any)?

Yes No N/A

Do seafarers have the right to make an allotment of all or part of their earnings?

Yes No N/A

Are the charges for the allotment and exchange rates reasonable and in accordance with the Flag State

Yes No N/A

Are there no unauthorized deductions, such as payments for travel to or from the

Yes No N/A

Is the used currency exchange rate not unfavorable to the seafarer?

Yes No N/A

Are wages being paid at least monthly as statement of earnings provided?

Yes No N/A

Do seafarers have the ability to receive payments in cash or electronically?

Yes No N/A


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