Natal, 2018
Natal, 2018
Natal, 2018
Tumor Biology
April 2018: 1–12
Ó The Author(s) 2018
Collagen analysis by second-harmonic Reprints and permissions:
generation microscopy predicts DOI: 10.1177/1010428318770953
Second-harmonic generation microscopy represents an important tool to evaluate extracellular matrix collagen struc-
ture, which undergoes changes during cancer progression. Thus, it is potentially relevant to assess breast cancer devel-
opment. We propose the use of second-harmonic generation images of tumor stroma selected on hematoxylin and
eosin–stained slides to evaluate the prognostic value of collagen fibers analyses in peri and intratumoral areas in patients
diagnosed with invasive ductal breast carcinoma. Quantitative analyses of collagen parameters were performed using
ImageJ software. These parameters presented significantly higher values in peri than in intratumoral areas. Higher intra-
tumoral collagen uniformity was associated with high pathological stages and with the presence of axillary lymph node
metastasis. In patients with immunohistochemistry-based luminal subtype, higher intratumoral collagen uniformity and
quantity were independently associated with poorer relapse-free and overall survival, respectively. A multivariate
response recursive partitioning model determined 12.857 and 11.894 as the best cut-offs for intratumoral collagen quan-
tity and uniformity, respectively. These values have shown high sensitivity and specificity to differentiate distinct out-
comes. Values of intratumoral collagen quantity and uniformity exceeding the cut-offs were strongly associated with
poorer relapse-free and overall survival. Our findings support a promising prognostic value of quantitative evaluation of
intratumoral collagen by second-harmonic generation imaging mainly in the luminal subtype breast cancer.
Breast cancer, second-harmonic generation, collagen fibers, tumor microenvironment, prognosis
Laboratory of Investigative and Molecular Pathology, Center for
Investigation in Pediatrics (CIPED), Faculty of Medical Sciences, State Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil and CAISM—Women’s Hospital, State University of Campinas,
Department of Anatomic Pathology, A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Paulo, Brazil Oncology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medical
Laboratory of Experimental Pathology (LAPE), CAISM—Women’s Sciences, State University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Hospital, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
Department of Quantum Eletronics, ‘‘Gleb Wataghin’’ Institute of Corresponding author:
Physics, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil Luı́s Otávio Sarian, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of
INFABIC—National Institute of Science and Technology on Photonics Medical Sciences and CAISM—Women’s Hospital, State University of
Applied to Cell Biology, Campinas, Brazil Campinas, Rua Tessália Vieira de Camargo, 126, Campinas 13083-970,
6 São Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Institute of Biology,
State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil Email: [email protected]
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use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
Open Access pages (
2 Tumor Biology
stage, and presence of axillary lymph node metastasis, Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), used to detect
all features related to unfavorable prognosis. More HER-2 amplification, was performed using the HER-2/
importantly, intratumoral COL quantity and unifor- neu probe (VYSIS 36-161060, Des Plaines, IL, USA).
mity in breast cancer were related to distinct outcomes Immunohistochemical typing was performed as fol-
within the luminal IHC-based subtype. lows: luminal A (ER and or PR+/HER-2–/histological
grades I or II), luminal B (ER and or PR+/HER-2–/
histological grade III), luminal-HER-2 (ER and or
Materials and methods PR+/HER-2+), HER-2-overexpression (ER–/PR–/
Patients and human tissues HER-2+), and triple-negative (ER–/PR–/HER-2–). As
the immunohistochemical expression of Ki67 is still
This cohort study used retrospective archival material subject of standardization (due to preanalytical issues,
from the Department of Pathology and patients’ data technical and assessment variations), histological grade
compilation, at the Center for Integral Attention to was used, as suggested elsewhere.22 For statistical pur-
Women’s Health (CAISM), University of Campinas poses, we combined all cases with hormone receptor
(Unicamp, São Paulo, Brazil). Invasive ductal breast expression (luminal A, luminal B, and luminal-HER-2)
cancer tissue specimens were obtained from 60 female as luminal subtype; the HER-2-overexpression and the
patients who were undergoing primary mastectomy or triple-negative were maintained as such.
quadrantectomy from January 2008 to July 2009 to
perform at least 5-year survival analyses. Exclusion
criteria comprised previous chemotherapy or radiother- SHG imaging
apy, history of other cancer types, and medical follow- The peri and intratumoral areas selected for COL
up shorter than 5 years. All subjects granted informed, assessment on H&E-stained breast cancer tissue sec-
written consent before being enrolled. The study is fully tions were examined at the National Institute of
compliant with the Declaration of Helsinki (approved Sciences and Technology on Photonics Applied to Cell
by the ‘‘Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Unicamp,’’ Biology (INFABiC, Unicamp). SHG microscopy was
approval number 087/2008). performed on a Zeiss LSM 780-NLO confocal system
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, and hematoxy- (Carl Zeiss AG, Göttingen, Germany) using a 40 3 /1.3
lin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue sections obtained oil immersion EC Plan-Neofluar objective. The high
from the surgical specimens were reviewed to examine numerical aperture (1.3) was necessary to provide the
histopathological parameters as described28 and to spatial resolution to observe the fibrils. An excitation
select areas to be analyzed by SHG microscopy by two wavelength of 780 nm, with an approximately 100-fs
pathologists (J.V. and G.R.P.). Both pathologists, who width pulse at an 80 MHz repetition rate, was provided
did not perform the SHG analyses, independently by a Tsunami Ti:Sapphire laser (Spectra-Physics,
made selection of three intra and peritumoral areas. Irvine, CA, USA). Laser power in the objective lens,
Intratumoral areas corresponded to fibrosis within neo- incident on the sample, was around 80 mW, with circu-
plasia, admixed with groups of neoplastic cells; peritu- lar polarization. Acquisition time of each image was
moral areas corresponded to fibrosis at the border of around 60 s.
neoplasia, adjacent to cancer cells, at the interface with Only the SHG forward signal at 390 nm with the
non-neoplastic, morphologically normal tissue. Areas 0.55 NA—WD 26 mm condenser lens was collected. A
with inflammatory infiltrate, vessels, and elastosis were short-pass SP690 (Omega Filters, Brattleboro, VT,
avoided (Figure 1(a) and (b)). Analyses of COL para- USA) was used to filter the 780 nm excitation29 and
meters in the areas selected by each pathologist were was followed by a filter cube with a long-pass LP490 at
made separately and compared in order to circumvent 45° to avoid two photons excited fluorescence (TPEF)
selection bias. and an SP430 at 90° to filter only the SHG signal. Two
In order to avoid endogenous autofluorescence of detectors were used to capture the TPEF signals
tissue, 3% hydrogen peroxide washes were performed (photomultiplier (PMT) detector) and SHG signals
(four incubations, 30 s each). (non-descanned (NDD) detector), and only the latter
was considered for this study (Figure 2). A spectral
analysis of the emission between 350–430 nm did show
Hormonal receptor and HER-2 status that only a narrow peak at 390 nm consistent with
IHC for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone SHG signal appeared. TPEF eosin staining fluores-
receptor (PR) was performed using clones 1D5 and cence signal was also detected, but in the 530 nm range.
PgR 636, respectively (Dako, Carpenteria, CA, USA). We used the same procedure described by Burke
For HER-2, the polyclonal antibody A0458 (Dako) et al.1 to take into account day-to-day variations in
was used. Antigen–antibody reactions were detected optical alignments, comprising the acquisition of a nor-
using the ADVANCEä HRPSystem (Dako).28 malization factor, provided by the SHG image of a
4 Tumor Biology
Figure 1. Continued
determine the cut-off values for the COL parameters Table 1. Clinicopathological features of the 60 patients in this
for the survival analyses, a multivariate response recur- study.
sive partitioning algorithm was applied.31 Finally,
Kaplan–Meier curves for RFS and OS were generated
for the significant variables, as determined by the recur- Age
sive partitioning model. Survival curves were compared Median (CR; years) 60 (33–88)
by the log-rank test. Significance was set at p \ 0.05. BMI
Median (CR; kg/m2) 28 (20–37)
Menopausal status
Yes (%) 40 (66.7)
Results No (%) 20 (33.3)
Pathological stage
Clinicopathological features I (%) 6 (10.0)
The median age of the 60 patients was 60 years (95% II (%) 28 (47.7)
III (%) 26 (43.3)
central range (CR) = 33–88 years); 40 (66.7%) patients Lymph node status
were postmenopausal, and the median BMI was Positive (%) 45 (75.0)
28 Kg/m2 (95% CR = 20–37 Kg/m2). The tumor was Negative (%) 15 (25.0)
pathological stage I in 6 (10.0%), II in 28 (47.7%), and Histological grade
III in 26 (43.3%) patients. Clinically positive axillary I (%) 3 (5.0)
II (%) 54 (55.0)
lymph nodes were found in 45 (75.0%) patients; the III (%) 3 (5.0)
remaining 15 (25.0%) patients were negative. Vascular invasion
Histological grading according to the Nottingham sys- Positive (%) 27 (45.0)
tem was I in 3 (5.0%), II in 54 (90.0%), and III in 3 Negative (%) 33 (55.0)
Lymph vessel invasion
(5.0%) patients. Lymph vessel invasion was present in
Positive (%) 18 (30.0)
18 (30.0%) patients and absent in 42 (70.0%), while Negative (%) 42 (60.0)
vascular invasion was present in 27 (45.0%) patients Perineural invasion
and absent in 33 (55.0%). Perineural invasion was pres- Positive (%) 14 (23.3)
ent in 14 (23.3%) and absent in 46 (76.7%) patients. By Negative (%) 33 (76.7)
Immunohistochemical-based subtype
IHC-based subtype (surrogate for molecular typing), Luminal (%) 43 (72.0)
43 (72.0%) patients had luminal subtype tumors (27 HER-2-overexpressing (%) 7 (11.0)
luminal A, 1 luminal B, and 15 luminal-HER-2), 7 Triple-negative (%) 10 (17.0)
(11.0%) had HER-2-overexpressing tumors, and 10 Relapse
(17.0%) had triple-negative tumors. Nine (15.0%) Yes (%) 9 (15.0)
No (%) 51 (85.0)
patients presented tumor relapse, and 7 (11.7%) died Death from disease
from disease. In one case of luminal A breast cancer, Yes (%) 7 (11.7)
follow-up data were not available (Table 1). No (%) 53 (88.3)
pcom: the level of significance comparing the parameters between peri and intratumoral collagen fibers: all parameters present significantly higher
values in peritumoral collagen. pcor: the level of significance when peri and intratumoral parameters were correlated: while quantity and uniformity
of collagen fibers increase or decrease with similar behavior in both locations, fiber organization did not show the same correlation. The data were
expressed as mean (standard deviation).
Quantity 4.127 0.031 1.135 15.010 4.127 7.838 0.017 1.446 42.480 0.031
Uniformity 3.198 0.009 1.325 7.716 3.198 1.787 0.270 0.644 4.961 0.256
Organization 4.488 0.765 EL 0.529 0.009 0.440 EL 0.497
Association with clinicopathological features When the analyses were restricted to the luminal
Higher intratumoral COL uniformity was associated breast cancer, higher intratumoral COL quantity was
with other clinical parameters related to unfavorable out- associated with an approximately eightfold increased risk
come: BMI above 30 Kg/m2 (p = 0.019), with high of death (p = 0.017; CI: 1.45–42.48) and a fourfold risk
pathological stage III (p = 0.004), and with axillary of recurrence (p = 0.031; CI: 1.14–15.01). When axillary
lymph node metastasis (p = 0.034). No other association lymph node metastasis, BMI, and pathological stage were
was found for intratumoral COL parameters. Higher included for multivariate analysis, there was still a signifi-
ratio between intra and peritumoral COL quantity was cantly higher risk of death for higher intratumoral COL
associated with BMI above 30 Kg/m2 (p = 0.036) and quantity (p = 0.031) but not with relapse (p = 0.109).
death related to disease (p = 0.048). No associations Higher intratumoral COL uniformity was associated with
were found when peritumoral COL parameters (quan- an approximately threefold increased risk of relapse
tity, uniformity, and organization) were analyzed accord- (p = 0.009; CI: 1.33–7.72); when the same other clinico-
ing to patients’ age, histological grade, pathological pathological parameters were included for multivariate
stage, IHC-based subtype, relapse, and death. analysis, higher intratumoral COL uniformity was still
significantly associated with relapse (p = 0.015; Table 3).
The multivariate response recursive partitioning model
Prognostic implication and pathological value determined the cut-off points of 12.857 (p = 0.013) and
11.894 (p = 0.036) for intratumoral COL quantity and
RFS and OS calculated with the Cox proportional intratumoral COL uniformity, respectively, for death
hazards model for the whole group of patients showed and relapse endpoints (Figure 4). Applying these cut-offs,
that no peritumoral COL parameters presented prog- 34 cases presented lower COL quantity (21 luminal A, 1
nostic value. In contrast, higher intratumoral COL uni- luminal B, and 12 luminal HER-2) and 8 cases presented
formity was associated with an approximately twofold higher (5 luminal A and 3 luminal-HER-2). For intratu-
increased risk of relapse (p = 0.043; CI: 1.02–3.92). moral COL uniformity, 35 had lower (23 luminal A, 1
When other clinicopathological parameters were luminal B and 11 luminal HER-2) and 7 had higher val-
included (axillary lymph node metastasis, BMI, patho- ues (4 luminal A and 3 luminal HER-2). Kaplan–Meier
logical stage, and molecular subtype) for a multivariate curves for death and RFS with regard to intratumoral
analysis, this significance was not observed (p = 0.219).
8 Tumor Biology
Figure 5. (a) and (b) demonstrate an unfavorable overall and relapse-free survival, respectively, in patients with intratumoral
collagen (COL) fibers quantity above 12.857. (c) and (d) demonstrate an unfavorable overall and relapse-free survival, respectively, in
patients with intratumoral COL fibers uniformity above 11.894. Cut-offs for COL quantity and uniformity were determined using a
recursive partitioning model (for details, see text).
according to the predominant element.40 Furthermore, responsibility for this outcome. The prognostic value of
it has been demonstrated that breast cancer stroma dis- COL organization was not proven in this study; only
organization could predict poor response to neoadju- quantity and uniformity presented clinical relevance.
vant chemotherapy, using H&E and Heidenhain’s It is important to emphasize that not only molecular
AZAN trichrome staining,41 but this technique could mechanisms within cancer cells respond for cancer
not identify the isolated role of COL as the major behavior.42 Among the other hallmarks of oncogenesis,
10 Tumor Biology
tumor microenvironment, its cellular and molecular images is the area occupied by cells (neoplastic, endothe-
components, as well as its three-dimensional structure lial, stromal cells). However, a previous report addressing
represent important features explaining tumor progres- this issue demonstrated that the area of the cellular com-
sion, with potential predictive and prognostic impact.43 ponent does not represent a confounding variable.53
A recent study demonstrated that breast cancer micro- The relatively small numbers of patients in each
environment, in special increased proportion of tumor group represent a limitation of this study, which war-
stroma, was associated with tumor budding, a feature rants further confirmation by independent researchers.
previously reported as indicative of unfavorable OS.44 The technique used in this study as well as the under-
In this context, high COL uniformity could be trans- standing of the physical principles required is not
lated as higher approximation of fibers,30 which was widely applied by the pathologists for now. However,
correlated with poorer RFS and OS. The presence of these novel relevant results in human specimens could
dense clusters of COL was already shown to indicate evolve to the development of more accessible instru-
increased matrix stiffness, which correlated with poor ments, as it has happened with the molecular pathol-
survival.45,46 Increased tissue rigidity or matrix stiffness ogy. These results present potential clinical value in
seems to play a significant role during tumor progres- prognostic stratification, including microenvironmental
sion, mainly by the activation of the Hippo pathway.47 features together the classical clinicopathological para-
In this case, yes-assciated protein (YAP) could regulate meters. In analogy to the inclusion of an ‘‘immuno-
the expression of the same genes in cancer-associated score’’54 to the classification of cancer, data on the
fibroblasts, like ANLN, DIAPH3 and MYL9. This tumor matrix could complete the information needed
could reinforce the circle that helps to maintain the for a given neoplasia to explain and treat tumor pro-
fibroblast phenotype, inducing matrix stiffening.47 gression and metastatization.
Moreover, high matrix stiffness promotes, in cancer In summary, our findings demonstrate that the eva-
cells, nuclear translocation of TWIST1 by releasing this luation of SHG images is a straightforward and reason-
molecule from its cytoplasmic binding G3BP2; loss of able method for the assessment of COL parameters in
G3BP2 leads to a constitutive TWIST1 nuclear locali- the ECM associated to breast cancer, which might ulti-
zation and synergizes with increasing matrix stiffness to mately be clinically useful to evaluate prognosis. This is
induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition and promote especially true for the luminal subtype breast cancer,
tumor invasion and metastasis.48 which could benefit from the inclusion of COL para-
On the other hand, studies using diverse biological meters of prognostic relevance.
specimens have shown that SHG detect primarily type
I and II COL (both form aligned fibers) and myosin
within acto-myosin complexes, but not type III and IV Acknowledgements
COL, as these do not produce adequate SHG signals Rodrigo A Natal and José Vassallo contributed equally to this
for imaging.12,49 In this context, SHG signals detected article.
in breast cancer tissue originate mostly in type I COL,
since type II COL is only deposited in metaplastic Declaration of conflicting interests
breast cancer, specifically matrix-producing breast can-
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
cer.50 As for myosin and microtubules, only in muscles
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
and neurons they present enough organization to gen- article.
erate an SHG signal comparable to COL fibers signal.
Also, these elements can be observed mostly in the
absence of COL.51,52 Funding
SHG image analysis of COL represents a clinically The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
relevant and promising approach to breast pathology, port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
as it renders possible to distinguish diverse pathological article: The authors thank the National Institute of Science
entities.53 Our findings help to characterize the changes and Technology on Photonics Applied to Cell Biology
in the ECM associated with tumor RFS and OS. The (INFABiC) at the State University of Campinas for access to
equipment and assistance; INFABiC is co-funded by
description of COL in tumor ECM might facilitate the
Fundac xão de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
identification of tumor invasion because alterations in (FAPESP) (08/57906-3) and Conselho Nacional de
ECM parallel breast tumor relapse.1 Thus, SHG signals Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (573913/
could be used to (1) differentiate between healthy and 2008-0).
tumor tissues, since peri and intratumoral areas pre-
sented distinct COL parameters in this study and (2)
determine tumor prognosis (RFS and OS) simultane-
ously. A problem mentioned in the evaluation of SHG Rodrigo A Natal
Natal et al. 11
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