The Isle of Dread DD5
The Isle of Dread DD5
The Isle of Dread DD5
~; Swamp
,/;:\ Mountain
.,/tf,'\. Volcano
~ HUis
""' Caves
Broken Land
River l,.11,... ....._,."",,..
CJLake or Ocean 1
~Coral Reef t
~Tar Pit I,...._.........._,,,....._,,,
The other six villages resemble Tanaroa (the same map Spellcasting: The Zombie Master/Mistress is a 5th-
can be used), but without the wall and tar pit defenses. If level spellcaster. Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom
needed, the DM can create maps for these villages and is (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). They
encouraged to alter each in her own way. Each village has have the following cleric spells prepared (an asterisked
the same four clans. The clans serve to unify the villages spell is from appendix C):
in time of war, each clan being organized as a separate • Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, spare the dying
"regiment." Although the chief of each village is female,
the leader of each clan is male. Each village also elects • 1st level (4 slots): create or destroy water, cure
a special official to serve as advisor to the chief and to wounds, detect poison and disease
serve as the village war leader in times of conflict. • 2nd level (3 slots): gentle repose, snake charm*
• 3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, speak with dead
The Great Wall is always garrisoned by warriors from the the PCs had the foresight to stock up on trade goods,
seven villages. Each village clan garrisons one tower with their reception by the villagers and village chiefs is fa-
seven warriors, so there is a total of 196 tribal warriors vorable, so interaction skill checks are made at advan-
in the 28 towers. The pits filled with tar are secondary tage. Furthermore, the party can sell their trade goods
defenses, should a nonhuman raiding party or rampaging for 100% profit (i.e., they receive back twice what they
monster fight past the wall. The area between the wall paid for the goods). However, the villages are not terribly
and the village has been cleared of trees and brush to al- wealthy, so there is a 5,000 gp limit on the amount of
low clear fire for bows and thrown spears. In addition to goods that can be traded. Trade items available include
spears (of which scores of extras are maintained in the tar, timber, cloth (all suitable to make ship repairs), basic
towers) these tribal warriors are also armed with long- weapons (spears, bows, blowguns and darts, macana [see
bows (+2 to hit, range 150/ 600 ft., 1d8 piercing damage). appendix CJ, javelins, atlatl [see appendix CJ, quarter-
The village attitude towards the characters starts as indif- staves), canoes, rare spices and herbs, animal pelts, food-
ferent. In a recent meeting, the council of chiefs decided stuffs, and pearls. The party can use their profits or any
that it would be advantageous for the seven villages to spare money to buy extra equipment.
trade with the mainland (the large continent). Unfortu- Awarding Experience. On their initial trip (only), the
nately, their small fishing boats are unable to sail out of characters receive 200 XP each for every 1,000 gp of
sight of land or stand up to storms on the open sea. If trade goods traded with the natives.
Sand Beach
More Dread
he following key describes additional expanded or forbidden lore of the isle. She knows any of the ru-
1 set encounter areas located throughout the main
part of the I sle of Dread. Please refer to map D -1
mors from the Rumors on the Isle of D read table (see
chapter 3), but she should only dispense her knowledge
for the location hex of each of these set pieces. It's up if the characters offer something in trade, such as a mag-
to the D ungeon Master to decide when (or even if) the ic item, an unusual object, or information.
characters have the described encounter once they enter :Mika also is proficient at brewing magical elixirs from
the hex. See chapter 5 for the original set encounters on exotic island ingredients. She has the following potions
the isle. available for trade:
Some of the encounter areas have their own maps, as de- Quantity
scribed in the text. If the DM needs additional maps, she
Healing 4
is free to design her own. Maps E-2 and E-3 are general
Greater healiflg 1
cave lair maps that can be used as needed.
Water breathing 3
Vitality 6
Animaljn'endship 1
Located several miles to the south of the village Tan-
Mind reading 1
aroa (area 1, chapter 5) is a hut inhabited by an old, wise
shaman. Ancient beyond her years, the villagers whisper Swimming (see appendix C) 3
she has made a pact with some otherworldly power for
an extended life. Indeed, she is wise, but the rumors are
untrue. Mika the shaman (see appendix D) is a wizened
old crone with wispy, thinning white hair, a deeply wrin-
kled visage, and leering eyes.
Mika's hut is fashioned from several large dinosaur rib
bones covered with animal hides. The front entrance is a
tyrannosaurus skull, partially covered with several pieces
of sail. A pair of bamboo golems (see appendix B) stand
guard at the entrance, under her command. The interior
is dimly lit with several humanoid skulls that radiate pale
green light. Numerous pillows and animal furs are strewn
about the floor around a firepit. Dangling from the ceil-
ing are several odd items, such as bones, dried shrunken
heads, dried fish and other aquatic life, and scented bun-
dles of herbs.
Mika starts an encounter with the characters as indiffer-
ent, but she can be swayed to friendly with a success-
ful D C 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, assuming they
grovel at her omnipotence or shower her with compli-
ments on her knowledge. They can also trade her items
or information to garner her friendship. Note that she is
less interested in monetary wealth but craves magic items
ordered by mountains on one side and the great (at least one climber's kit) and is an arduous journey. The
river canyon on the other is the Central Plateau. It adventurers should be given hints about the great risk in-
is shown on a separate map (D-2) from the rest of volved in climbing, because the process requires each PC
the is and and has its own wandering monster encounter to make a successful D C 15 Strength (Athletics) check
table and set encounter areas (both detailed below). The every 100 feet. In other words, they need to make 30
scale of map D-2 is 1 mile to the hex, so the characters skill checks to simulate the ascent. A failure likely only
can travel six times as many hexes per day when using results in a minor injury of 14 (4d6) bludgeoning dam-
this map. Therefore, moving at a fast pace, characters can age, assuming the characters took the appropriate safety
cover 30 miles (or hexes) per day. Moving at a normal precautions. A critical failure likely results in a fatal fall by
pace, they can cover 24 miles (or hexes) per day. Finally, at least one party member.
moving at a slow pace, the characters can cover 18 miles
(or hexes) per day, and can automatically locate a set
encounter area. Moving through a forest hex counts as
moving through two hexes. Crossing a river hex counts
as moving through three hexes, although most of this
time is spent finding a suitable fording site. Climbing the
steep slopes of the dormant volcano is time-consuming,
as described in area 3 below.
The climate and temperature atop the plateau is some-
what cooler than the rest of the island and less tropical,
except for the volcanic crater. The resulting reduction
in air temperatures and humidity favors wide, sweeping
grasslands and some deciduous forests. As such, fewer
dinosaurs and more giant and prehistoric mammals pop-
ulate the great plateau. The plateau is dominated by a
dormant volcanic mountain, complete with a crater lake.
This mountain can be seen from nearly all points on the
The plateau stands separated from all else by steep, jag-
ged cliffs that rise 3,000 feet from the jungle floor. There
are only three ways to reach the top of the plateau:
• Crossing the rope bridge (area 15, chapter 5)
• Flying (spells, on the back of a beast, or via a magical
flying device)
• Climbing
The first two methods are by far easier, but if the char-
acters insist on climbing it requires suitable equipment
Some of the herd animals on the plateau are giant elk.
These great herbivores are more aggressive than the nor-
mal-sized elk, but it's mostly for show. The giant elk are
revered by the native tribesmen, and it is considered a
bad omen to slay one. If the Dungeon Master wishes to
enforce this omen, a character that kills a giant elk suffers
the effects of a bestow curse spell.
These two mastodons (see appendix B) are old and
weary (125 hit points and 110 hit points), slowly mak-
ing their way to the Mastodon Graveyard (area 7). If left
alone, they are content to plod along at a steady pace. If
engaged, they still have some fight left although they are
loath to die away from their ancestral burial ground. An
undamaged mastodon tusk is worth 2d6 x 100 gp each.
However, there is a 30% chance that each tusk is dam-
aged during combat, reducing its value by half.
Many pteranodons inhabit the sheer cliff walls of the
Central Plateau as well as the steep slopes of the dor-
mant volcano. The grasslands, which lack the cover of
the jungle below on the lower part of the isle, are prime
hunting grounds for this flight. If half their number is
defeated, the rest break off and return to their rocky lair.
.. .
Ridge Ll Lake
~++-Hllt-+-+.;:4i=-~~'l-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--l-+-+-+-+-+-ff~-"' i Door
. Beach
.;:- -.
• •
climbing kit, this check is at advantage. For each failed
listed from the far-flung villages along the southern
part of the main isle. These headhunters have settled
in a great ruined temple on the western side of an
climb check, each character must make a successful DC
island in the center of the lake. It is said that many
14 D exterity saving throw or suffer 7 (2d6) bludgeoning
centuries ago, the ancient temple was constructed by
damage from falling and gain a level of exhaustion. Also
the gods. The villagers of Mantru have very few war-
every two hours, roll for wandering monster encounters,
riors left and are forbidden to set foot on the island as
but only the following apply: cave bears (#2), pterano-
it is taboo. Although the villagers will aid the party by
dons (#4), and earth tremor (#12) .
providing canoes and whatever equipment they can,
At the top, the rocks are covered with ice and snow, and they refuse to travel to the island.
the temperature is below freezing. No encounters occur
Quest: Investigate Taboo Island to End the
here, but characters who attempt to stay here overnight
Threat to Mantru. Pano begs the characters to in-
without warm clothing or a fire can suffer from the ef-
vestigate Taboo Island to determine the source of the
fects of extreme cold (see Dungeon Master's Guide, p.
recent activity and recruitment of so many warlike
11 O). Note there is no firewood on the slopes of the
tribesmen. He fears a slumbering evil has awakened
mountain, so the characters need to bring their own if
and is bent on controlling the village and possibly
they want a fire.
seeking control of the entire island. Although the vil-
The characters must make an eight-hour trek to climb lage has nothing valuable to offer the characters, Pano
down the opposite side, although skill checks and special hints that many great treasures are likely hidden in the
climbing equipment are not needed for this part of the temple as legends state that entire rooms were covered
journey. As the characters descend into the volcanic cra- with gold tiles.
ter the temperature becomes warm (around 85 degrees
F), humid, and nearly tropical. Jungle vegetation covers •
self consists of six palm-thatched lodges that are raised
the lower slopes, and the valley is sparsely populated with
about 2 feet off the ground on stilts. Further out in the
normal animal life. No wandering monster encounters
lake are two more lodges, kept 3 feet above the water on
of importance occur here, but still make the checks as on
stilted platforms. The small one belongs to an aged ma~:
a roll of 12 on 2d6, a minor tremor shakes the ground.
Umlat, the tribal <>leric. The larger building is the ma.m
council lodge.
The village has 50 inhabitants who live by fishing the lake
This small village (map E-20) lies on the shore of the
in outrigger canoes and farming the fertile volcanic soil
large crater lake. Its landward side is surrounded by a
in numerous small gardens. Most of the villagers are sim-
crude palisade of palm trunks and branches that extends
ple folk (commoners), but there are five tribal warriors
into the water on both sides of the village. Part of this
that are eager to protect the rest of the villagers. They
wall has been expanded to form two fish pens for keep-
are divided into five large families who live as one group
ing any extra fish from the daily catch. The village it-
sharing food and work. Each family has its own posses-
Taboo Island
his island was once the center of the lcingdom of TElllPLE LEVEL I
~ the kopru, until a native rebellion destroyed their
DM Note: The players should not be told who or what
Scent. The entire dungeon is damp and foul-smelling,
the kopru were; this is part of the taboo (for more de-
and the interior air is hot and stale.
tails, see chapter 7). T he rocky island is now dotted with
small ruins, statues, and broken terraces. T he largest ruin Ceilings. Unless otherwise noted, ceilings are 10 feet
on the island is a temple that is carved into the cliff wall high.
of the island's western shore. It can be most easily en- Doors. Unless otherwise noted, all doors are stone (AC
tered from the lake side, as its broad steps descend to the 17, 35 hit points, vulnerability to bludgeoning damage).
waters of the lake. This is likely where the characters be- A door that is barred can be burst open with a successful
gin the final stage of the adventure. The lair of the tribal DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. A locked door can be
headhunters is on the first level of the temple complex. forced open with a successful D C 18 Strength (Athletics)
check, or the lock can be picked with a successful DC 16
Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
Illumination. Please refer to individual room locations
for the lightning conditions.
Flora and Fauna. Algae, molds, and fungi are common-
ly growing on damp undisturbed surfaces. Small blind
creatures constantly scatter before characters, flitting
here and there. There are no wandering monsters on this
level of the dungeon.
\X!hen the characters approach this location, read or para-
phrase the following:
The entrance to an ancient te111ple has been carved into the side of
a roe~ cliff, 1JJith steps extending into the water. T1JJO pri111itive
docks of narrou; poles and 111eak planking extend from the temple
steps. Several canoes are moored to the docks. T1J10 steps lead to a
red marble landing lined 111ith fllatching pillars. Set on poles thrust
into cracks i11 the floor of the landing are ma'!Y shr1mke11 heads,
ja111bo11es, feathered tote1J1s, and other pritJ1itive tribal !J'nibols.
Three shortflights of steps lead 11p to a second landing, 5 feet above
the first. To either side of the center steps is a stone foot and ankle,
all that remains of a h11ge staltte that once straddled the stairs. The
Stairs ..
T Trap
4 Trigger
~ Statue
2 Rubble
Partially Flooded Rooms. As indicated on map T-2,
parts of this level are underwater to a depth of about
5 feet. The DM should keep track of which areas are
flooded and how deep the water is; periodically remind-
ing the players (via description) of this special condition.
It is possible to "walk" through these partially flooded
chambers, although this is considered difficult terrain. In
addition, all Dexterity saving throws there are made at
disadvantage. Careful attention should be paid to normal
This 30foot-sq11are chatnber is covered nlith stagnant 1vater. The • Its size is Large.
ceiling above is reddish-brown, likefy from oxidizing rotting. The • It has 19 (3d10 + 3) hit points.
door, centered 011 the north wall is open, leading to a partial/y • Its Strength is 14 (+2).
flooded corridor lined with metal bars.
• Its Constitution is 13 (+1).
Formerly a torture chamber, this room is now partially
flooded with water to a depth of 5 feet. • It has an improved claw attack:
There are several sharp metal, stone, and glass items hid- Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
den underwater. Unless the characters move cautiously target. Hit: 6 ( ld8 + 2) bludgeoning damage and the
and probe ahead with sword, spear, staff, or pole, for target is grappled (escape DC 12). The giant crab has
each turn of movement a PC must make a DC 10 Dex- two claws, each of which can grapple only one target.
terity saving throw or suffer 2 (ld4) piercing damage Development. The corridor atop the staircase on the
stepping on or bumping into a sharp object. eastern wall is completely blocked by rubble. The DM
The door leading out of this chamber is open, revealing a can open this up and design new encounter areas beyond,
passage that is also filled with water to a depth of 5 feet. or implement the new material presented in chapter 9.
Along the passage are cells with iron bars. The bars are
badly corroded and may be broken by any character who AREA 2A-THE GREAT ONE
makes a successful D C 10 Strength (Athletics) check. All At this point on the dais, 5 feet below the water's surface,
the cells are empty. rests a giant oyster (see appendix B). The giant oyster
D evelopment. Several small, harmless cave fish live in can be seen with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Percep-
this room and the flooded corridors beyond. The fish oc- tion) check, although if the observer is near the dais, the
casionally bump against the legs of the characters, feeling check is made at advantage. Between the giant oyster's
cold and slimy, likely startling them. open valves is a large black pearl (worth 3,000 gp). Al-
though the characters might believe this is the immense
AREA 2 - SUNKEN CHAMBER OF black pearl hinted at by Rory Barbarosa, that is not en-
tirely correct. That pearl is in Ixzandathru, the Ixitzachitl
THE GREAT ONE settlement (area 41, chapter 6).
When this chamber is entered, continue:
If the oyster is attacked from a distance, it closes its shell
The door opens to reveal the placid suiface of a flooded chamber. and does not reopen for at least an hour. The pearl may
The doors to this chamber are 15 feet above the level of be "picked" from the open oyster with a successful DC
17 Dexterity check. Failure indicates the giant oyster shut
the chamber floor. The chamber is filled with salt water
on the target, who is now grappled. The giant oyster can
to the level of the surrounding flooded passages (thus, 20
be forced open wide enough to grab the pearl with a suc-
feet deep in this chamber save for the area over the dais).
cessful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check. If the valves
If the characters are not probing ahead, they likely stum-
are partially open (for example, a creature's arm is stuck),
ble on the stairs (or dais steps) and fall into the room,
and a lever is used, the check to open is made at advan-
taking no damage, but possibly subject to drowning.
('d ·...,.·bJ
. ~~@r;: Mud Pit, Geysers, Hot Springs
'. ' J
(1 1.:.,,
This set of terraces leads to a series of natural caverns.
The DM is free to create a map of these caverns and
populate them with many cave-dwelling creatures. Or,
she can use the additional material presented in chapter 9
to describe these caverns and the denizens that populate
DM Note: If the D M chooses to use these additional The door opens to reveal a 20-faot-by40-faot chamber inhabited
encounter areas on level 1, it is suggested that the wall by n11mero11s tribal natives practicing weapon plqy. Along the back
at area 6 be removed to facilitate movement between 1va// hang several shields, and 111'0 large casks hold n11mero11sjave-
the two sections of the dungeon. This area could be re- lins reacfy for 11se.
purposed with a guard post (living statues, tribesmen, or This is a recently occupied guard post. The six tribal
even a few ogres would all be appropriate), or even pro- warriors here have been commanded by Ocellus to
tected by a mechanical or magical trap as the DM sees fit.
stand guard and prevent anyone (including other native
Qfi Containers
'ittt Track
- Squid Statue
um Glass Panel
"·0 = 10 Feet
ters enter, continue: room are severalpanes of glass, some 15 feet long, resti11g i11 stone
This chatJJbe1; abo11t 30 feet l?J 40 feet, is a mess. Rotting timbers racks. A few of these have since fa/Im and are noJ1J shattered in a
and logs, mostfy red11ced to p11!p, tmut have been stored in this mess on the floor.
chamber a Jong time ago. This chamber is a workshop designed to create glass. The
Indeed, this chamber was the primary scorage for wood kiln was used to melt sand, and the tools (in area 17) plus
used to fuel the kilns of the glassworks. The floor of this the stone benches and other tools were used to create
chamber is considered difficult terrain. elaborate glass objects, and tanks large enough to trans-
• •
The door from area 15 requires a successful D C 17
Strength (Athletics) check to open, since the pressure of
water from the room pushes against it. Once open, the
steps fill with water to a height of 5 feet, but they con-
The metal doors to this room are rusted shut but not
tinue to climb for another 30 feet before arriving at this
locked. A successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check is
chamber. When the characters arrive here, continue:
needed to force them open. Another character can Help
with this check. This chamber is filled with water to a This chamber is 80 feet 1vide and 60feet deep. The ceiling is vaulted
depth of S feet. Nothing on the floor can be observed to a height of at feast 40 feet. The opposite end of the chamber is
until a character enters the room and explores. When dominated f?y a massive metal vat set on stubl?J legs fashioned into
they do, continue: the far wall and extending to 2Pithin 10 feet of the ceiling. A pair
This huge chamber measures 80 feet l?J 100 feet, 2vith a flat ceil-
of metalpipes exit the /01ver part of the va~ travel along the floor
held in place l?J stone supports, and enter the north and south Jvall.s
ing. A pair of 6-inch-diameter meta/ pipes exit the ceiling at the
heading into the direction of the previous chamber.
northeast and southeast corners. A constant trickle of water emits
from each pipe. The room reeks of organic rot intermixed 2vith the This chamber served as the water source for the lower
acrid sting of the briYfY sea. The floor is covered with dark water at levels of the dungeon. Teams of slaves toiled carrying
least afew feet deep. A corroded metalportcullis blocks a corridor earthen jugs of water from the lake and poured them
to the north) while a metal door is centered on the 2vall oppositeyou. into a shaft on the surface of the island, which found
A few prides of cave lions (see appendix B) reside in
the Vast Hollow. They almost exclusively hunt the deep
rothe, and thus typically are encountered north of the
great chasm. A cave lion pelt is worth 250 gp if properly
cut and tanned, requiring proper tools and a successful
DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check.
This location is a shelf about 60 feet above the cavern
floor. There is no trail to the shelf, but the wall can be
scaled with successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) checks.
A pack of eight gargoyles roost on this ledge. They are
aware of Ocellus and are considering pledging their ser-
vices to him and his dark plan.
The ledge is about 100 feet long and 40 feet at its wid-
est point. It is littered with broken bones, bits of debris,
and the following incidental treasure: 111 gp, 23 pp, three
pieces of obsidian (each worth 100 gp), a red spinel
(worth 500 gp), a +1 shield, and a potion of swimming (see
appendix C).
This area contains a soft layer of moist soil, deposited
here from runoff by a nearby waterfall and river. The
river winds its way from the west wall, eventually deposit-
Bone. This armor is a woven mesh of bones and animal Wicker. This armor is comprised of woven reeds that
teeth, typically worn by native tribesmen. Although form a protective vest for the torso, and sometimes arm
macabre, some cultures consider it an honor to use the and leg guards. Although not very protective, it is cheap
bones of opponents that have fallen in battle. Creating and simple to manufacture and is relatively lightweight.
bone armor requires a trained craftsman and can take
days co design a custom-designed set for a warrior.
llEW WEA.Pens
Name Cost Damage Wt Properties
Simple Afelee 1Peqpons
Macana 2gp ld6 slashing 3 lbs. Versatile (1d8)
Martial 1Helee Weqpons
Cutlass 15 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lbs. Finesse
War Claws 25 gp 1d6 slashing 1 lbs. Finesse, light
Martial Ranged Weapons
Atlatl 4 gp 3 lbs. Ammunition (range 40/150)
War Boomerang 10 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lbs. Thrown (range 25/100)
Atlatl. The atlatl is a simple device used to launch jave- War Boomeran.g. This curved throwing weapon has a
lins for greater range and with greater penetration. A bladed edge. If the boomerang misses its target, it re-
javelin used as ammunition has a range of 40/150 feet turns to the thrower unless a critical failure occurred.
and causes 1d8 piercing damage. The thrower can use a reaction to catch the war boomer-
ang with a successful D C 10 Dexterity check. Otherwise,
Cutlass. A cutlass is a heavy sword with a curved blade,
the war boomerang falls at the thrower's feet.
favored by pirates and sailors. I t often has a fancy basket
hilt to protect the hand that some skilled wielders can War Claws. Favored by the rakasta, this is a gauntlet with
use to aid in disarming or parrying another weapon blow. sharp talon-like metal claws, designed to augment an un-
armed strike. If used co attack, no other weapon can be
M acan a. A macana is a primitive wooden paddle set
wielded in this hand.
with sharp pieces of rock or animal teeth.
Weapon (any sword), rare
DUSKULAI, YOUNG BLACK wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 15
SHADOW DRAGON Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 (11 d8) necrotic dam-
Large dragon, chaotic evil
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc-
cessful one. A humanoid reduced to 0 hit points by
AC: 18 (natural armor) this damage dies, and an undead shadow rises from its
Hit Points: 127 (15d10 + 45) corpse and acts immediately after Duskulai in the ini-
Speed: 40 ft., fly 80 ft. , swim 40 ft. tiative count. The shadow is under Duskulai's control.
STR DEX CON INT This draconic creature has faded dull gray scales and
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+ l) 10 (+O) 15 (+2) translucent features with pale eyes. It has curving seg-
mented horns on its head along with spikes. It flickers a
Saving Throws: Dex +5, Con +6, Wis + 3, Cha +5 f orked tongue as shadowy drool drips from the corner
Skills: Perception +6, Stealth + I 0 of its toothy maw.
Damage Resistances: necrotic
Damage Immunities: acid
Senses: blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Perception 16
Languages: Common, Draconic
Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)
Amphibious: Duskulai can breathe air and water.
Living Shadow: While in dim light or darkness,
Duskulai has resistance to damage that isn't force, psy-
chic, or radiant.
Shadow Stealth: While in dim light or darkness,
Duskulai can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, Duskulai has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
AC: 8
Hit Points: 18 (5d8 - 5)
Speed: 20 ft.
8 (-1) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
Saving Throws: Str + l , Con +1
Skills: History +4, Intimidation +4
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, Tribal
Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP)
AC: 8
Hit Points: 31 (7d8)
Speed: 30 ft.
8 (-1) 7 (-2) 11 (+O) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 9 (- 1)
Saving Throws: Int +5, Wis +6
Skills: Arcana +5, Insight +6, Nature +5
Senses: passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Tribal
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
Staff of the Woodlands: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) bludgeoning
damage, or 7 (ld8 + 3) bludgeoni ng damage if used
with two hands.
Shillelagh: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 ( I d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Saving Throws: Str +4, Con +4 Saving Throws: Int +3, Wis +5
Skills: Athletics +4, Intimidation +2 Skills: Medicine +5, Religion +3
Senses: passive Perception 11 Senses: passive Perception 13
Languages: Tribal Languages: Tribal
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
Special Equipment: The tribal sub-chief wears bone Special Equipment: The tribal witchdoctor wears
annor (see appendix C), and carries a +I spear and a bone annor (see appendix C) and wields a dinosaur
shield. He has one nonmagical spear for throwing. bone greatclub.
Spellcasting: The tribal witchdoctor is a 5th-level
ACTIONS spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell
Multiattack: The tribal sub-chief makes two attacks save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
with his + 1 spear. follow ing cleric and wizard spells prepared (an aster-
isked spell is from appendix C):
+J Spear: Melee Weapon Attack. + 5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 ( l d6 + 3) piercing damage, or 7 ( 1d8 • Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray, presti-
+ 3) piercing damage if used with two hands (but he digitation, sacredflame
needs to drop hi s shield). • 1st leve l (4 slots): bane,fog cloud, inflict wounds,
Spear: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 witch bolt
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage. • 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, snake charm*
This tribal warrior wears bleached bone armor and • 3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, sticks to snakes*
leans on spear with a smooth black wooden shaft and
a jagged metal head. His darkened skin bears numer-
ous black tattoos, and his nose is pierced with a curved Bone Greatclub: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
animal tusk. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ( l d8) bludgeoning dam-
This tribal human is covered with ritualistic paint and
bears numerous body piercings. He wears bone armor
and carries a massive bone club.
Hit Points: 27 (6d8)
Speed: 20 ft.
6 (-2) 5 (-3) 11 (+O) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
Saving Throws: Int +4, Wis +5
Skills: Medicine +5, Religion +4
Senses: passive Perception 13
Languages: Tribal
C hallenge: 112 (I 00 XP)
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good
AC: 10
Hit Points: 3 (I d8 - 1)
Speed: 30 ft.
8 (- 1) 11 (+O) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+ I)
Saving Throws: Int +4, Wis +4
Skills: Insight +4, Nature +4
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, Drujdic, Tribal
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Special Equipment: J'kal wears a medallion of
Spellcasting: J'kal is a 1st-level spellcaster. Her spell-
casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit
with spell attacks). She has the fo ll owing druid spells
• Cantrips (at will): druidcrafl, mending
• I st level (2 slots): goodbeny, purify food and drink,
speak with animals
AC: 11
Hit Points: 5 (1 d8 + 1)
Speed: 30 ft.
12(+ 1) 12 (+1) 12(+1) 6(-2) 7 (-2) 15 (+2)
Skills: Persuasion +4
Senses: passive Perception 8
Languages: Common, Tribal
C hallenge: 0 (0 XP)
C lub: Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
target. Hit: 3 (I d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Kuna is a middle-aged, somewhat overweight native
tribeswoman with short black halt: She has a wide
pudgy face andfreckles. She wears several trinkets and
minor pieces ofjewelry such as a necklace of animal
teeth, several earrings, and rings on her fingers. She
has a motherly countenance.
AC: 11
Hit Points: 13 (3d8)
Speed: 30 ft.
9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+O) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 17 (+3)
Club: Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 (ld4 - 1) bludgeoning damage.
Knife: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., or ranged 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 {I d4 +
l) piercing damage.
A younger tribal woman, Sanar has long black hair
and several tattoos on her face and her arms. A !ways
quick with a smile, she smells offlowers and wears
simple clothes.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral
Macana: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 ( 1d6 + 2) slashing damage, or 6 ( 1d8
+ 2) slashing damage if used with two hands.
This tribal warrior has long black hair, but it is braid-
ed with small bones, and animal teeth. He wears gray
hide armor, wields a macana set with serrated triangu-
lar teeth, and a leather thong ofshark teeth is around
his neck.