Community Hire Fees
Community Hire Fees
Community Hire Fees
Other Fees
Additional Technicians & Front of House staff per hour $45.00
Fire Warden (if required) – per 4 hours $180 ($260 Sun)
Fire Warden overrun fee – per hour (after initial 4hrs) $50 ($65 Sun)
Cleaning overrun fee – per hour (after initial 3hrs) $55
Grand Piano / Data Projector / Hazer $70 each/per day
Season Hiring: Per day fee if days omitted at hirers request. $500
1 House Manager
2 Theatre Attendants
3. Duty Technician
Up to a total of 6 hours for the bump in, set up, Performance and bump out in a single
day between 8.00am and 11.00pm.
4. Standard Lighting Rig, as detailed in the Technical Facilities form provided, with the
condition that it is operated by, or under the supervision of, Trust production staff.
Please note that any variation to the standard lighting rig will need to be coloured and
focused as part of the Hirer’s set up.
5. Sound Equipment, as detailed in the Technical Facilities form provided, with the
condition that it is operated by, or under the supervision of, Trust production staff.
6. Standard Rig, theatre drapes, legs, borders, cyclorama as detailed in the Technical
Facilities form provided.
7. Use of all equipment listed in the Technical Facilities form excluding the Grand Piano
and Data Projector which is charged at an additional rate.
10. Use of foyers, if available, for displays provided access is not impeded.
11. Cleaning (note an additional cleaning fee may be incurred after 3 hours)
a) All production staff necessary to set up, run and bump out the event (including
adequate stage management) in addition to the Duty Technicians time nominated
in the Third Schedule. The Trust reserves the right to determine required staffing
levels based on the information provided by the hirer.
b) Front of House staff required in addition to the number and hours nominated in
the Third Schedule.
Additional casual Staff will be charged to the Hirer at the rate of $40 per hour plus
any penalty rates incurred for overtime.
A minimum call of 3 hours duration applies to all Trust staff. The Hirer will be
charged for the minimum call when the work performed is less than 3 hours.
Provided the Hirer gives sufficient notice of staff requirements, every effort will be
made to minimise staff penalty rates.
2. Electricity and gas consumed with a surcharge to cover replacement costs of lamps
3. Colour media, dry ice, smoke fluid and other consumable stage materials.
4. Hire of technical equipment over and above the designated standard rig, when
requested by the Hirer.
7. Television, newspaper, radio advertising, poster distribution, mailout charges and any
other marketing. As requested by the Hirer.