Cognitive load on the brain is induced by employing cognitive tasks of varying degrees. The load is measured by
using the recorded EEG signal while performing the cognitive task. The EEG signals are processed to determine the
complexity of the task. The current study looks at different Machine learning Classification techniques to classify 2
tasks. Signal from 6 pairs of EEG electrodes in 10-20 system are used for this work. The pairs are located in
different lobes namely pre-frontal, frontal, parietal, temporal, central, occipital. The signal is decomposed using
biorthogonal wavelet basis. Four features like band power, mean, energy and relative energy are computed and
applied as an input to classifier for classification of 2 tasks i.e., resting state and mental arithmetic tasks in individual
brain lobe areas and pair-wise electrode combination. The result shows that, in each individual brain lobe area
frontal and parietal areas have achieved highest classification accuracy of 73.5% while in pair-wise electrode
combination, 3-pair combination (average of all the classifier) i.e., prefrontal, frontal, central have achieved good
classification accuracy of 66%. In EEG band ratios indices, band power as a feature is used to extract different EEG
band ratios for pre-frontal and frontal electrodes in L/R (left/right hemisphere), R/L (right/left hemisphere) and (L-
R)/(L+R) ratios. The energy in different frequency bands is used to quantify the cognitive load. We conclude from
this study that band power ratios of right lobe to left lobe perform better in assessing the cognitive load.
Keywords: Electroencephalogram; Cognitive load; Classification; Prefrontal; Frontal; Parietal; Band power;
EEG data is used in a wide range of applications. Acquisition of EEG data requires a good environment to improve
the signal to noise ratio, which helps in analyzing the acquired data. The usual practice is using scalp electrodes to
collect the EEG data. This is a non-invasive method to capture the electrical signals from the brain. Each electrode
collects the data from millions of neurons as a weighted sum of the spatial locations on scalp [1]. Neurons are
activated and deactivated based on the cognitive process involved in the brain. The neural activities generated in the
cognitive process are reflected in captured EEG signal [2]. Generally, brain activity produces the range of waves per
second at different levels, this activity is known as neurological activity. For example, the brain emits low and high
frequencies during sleep and awake conditions [3]. During cognitive tasks, temporal and spectral variations in EEG
The human brain responds to the external stimulus in a consistent manner for most people. The processing of signals
is specific for every individual when performing the task with different load (i.e., complex and simple) based on
their skills and aptitude [4]. Cognitive process involves mental effort to perform particular task. With the concept of
Sweller’s [5] “theory of cognitive load focuses on working memory”, whereas Mayer’s [6] explains “theory of
multimedia learning”. “National Information Processing System” is an information processing paradigm, used to
improve cognitive sciences in multimedia environments. Working memory involves carrying out the processing of
information and shows different response patterns when individuals perform the task repeatedly. Participants mental
activity in performing the critical tasks depends on the mental schemes previously stored in long term memory
The electrodes on the scalp are categorized in four major areas depending on the place in the brain from where
signals emanate i.e., frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital. EEG signals are analyzed by various techniques
namely Event related potential (ERP), Event related desynchronization (ERD), Event related synchronization (ERS),
Theta and alpha ratio (TAR), Intermediate alpha frequency (IAF), Individual band powers, Implementing machine
To detect the changes in cognitive load, ERD techniques are analyzed, Klismech found “spectral power in theta
band increases while the spectral power in alpha band decreases” [8]. Recent literature has explored the use of ERP,
ERS and ERD techniques to measure cognitive load. Trammell et. al have estimated the cognitive load and age by
TAR technique which is the ratio of “spectral power of theta band in middle frontal area (Fz) to spectral power of
alpha band in central parietal area (Pz)”. Cognitive load is used to identify the mental cost of performing the task.
This performance can be easily measured with EEG tool which would help in obtaining a good match between the
systems performance and users ability [9][10]. High temporal resolutions and spectral powers of EEG signals are
analyzed at physiological level for recognizing cognitive processes [11][12]. In cortical networks neurons are
activated based on the difficulty of the task performed by the brain [13].
Five frequency bands used to process the EEG signals are: delta (0.5 to 4Hz), theta (4 to 8Hz), alpha (8 to 12Hz),
beta (12 to 30Hz) and gamma (30 to 60Hz). Delta band power increases with an increase in mental workload.
Mostly delta band is observed during the attention states maintained internally by the user while processing the
information during the task. Alpha and theta bands are increased when new information is encoded into the brain.
Higher working memory in frontal midline regions was reported to have increment in theta and decrement in beta
powers. Beta and alpha frequency bands are used to measure the cognitive load activities in fronto-central, frontal
and temporal regions of the cerebellum cortex. Increase in beta and alpha band power shows increase in mental
workload [14][15][16][17][18]. Increase in alpha band power in parietal with electrodes P7 and P8, frontal with
electrodes AF3, AF4, F3 and F4, temporal with electrodes T7 and T8 are used as an indicator to measure mental
workload [8][16]. Similarly same with beta band power, increase in cognitive load in fronto-central with electrodes
Fz and Oz, temporal with electrodes T7 and T8, occipital with electrodes O1 and O2 regions are represented [19].
Temporal region T7 and T8 electrodes are used to measure the delta activity which is more prominent in attention
visual of the task. PSD in each frequency band is analyzed by obtaining the features in frequency domain.
Drowsiness indicated with increase in alpha and theta band [20][21]. Wakefulness and alertness are a sign of
increase in beta band. “θ/α and β/α” ratios are proposed by Eoh [22]. “(θ + α)/β, θ/β and (θ + α)/ (α + β)” ratios
are proposed by Jap [23]. “γ/δ and (γ + β)/ (δ + α)” ratios are proposed by da Silveira [24]. All these frequency
band ratios are collected and analyzed from a single brain region.
Working memory and attention abilities are associated with alpha and theta bands. Activation of default mode
network (DMN) over posterior electrodes shows greater synchronization of alpha band [25]. Desynchronization of
alpha band are observed as a natural resource of engagement. Theta frequency band analyzed over frontal cortex
with frequency range 4 to 8 Hz are related to working memory for greater synchronization with arrangement of
neural resources. Better performances in theta frequency bands are observed during a working memory task [26].
Synchronization of theta band is mainly observed in working memory tasks but can also be linked to other functions
like complex non-verbal problem solving and arithmetic strategy [27][28]. Bands over frontal electrodes show
increment in theta and decrement in alpha over posterior and frontal electrode site which would be expected if
We mostly use supervised machine learning to classify outputs that are restricted to a limited set of values. Brain
lobe areas classification are not yet studied. Features like band power, mean, energy, relative wavelet energy are
extracted from individual electrodes (12 electrodes) from all brain lobe areas (6 i.e., prefrontal, frontal, central,
parietal, temporal and occipital) when subjects performed two individual tasks (i.e., resting task and mental
arithmetic task). From each brain lobe area, one electrode from left and one electrode from right are picked and
formed a pair combination. Each pair wise combination (ex: F3 and F4) are labelled in a fashion that resting task is
labelled as ‘0’ and mental arithmetic task is labelled as ‘1’ (ex: F3 and F4 of resting task are labelled as ‘0’ and F3
and F4 of mental arithmetic task are labelled as ‘1’) then finally labelled pair wise combinations are applied as input
In the literature, the effect of cognitive load while performing the various arithmetic tasks and the variations in brain
lobes are explored by applying different load levels, as the load increases variations in different brain lobes increases
are studied. Performance enhancement, arousal index, neural activity, engagement, load index, alertness and
cognitive workload index are all EEG band ratio indices used to measure the cognitive load in pre and post
meditation are studied in [43]. Measuring EEG activity indices to see the effect of cognitive load at prefrontal and
frontal brain lobe areas when subjects performed different tasks are not yet studied. So, we consider analyzing the
prefrontal (Fp1, Fp2) and frontal (F3, F4) brain lobe area in L/R(Left/Right), R/L(Right/Left) and L-R/L+R ratios
and assessed EEG band ratio indices to observe the variations in cognitive load when subjects performed two
The main contribution of the proposed research work are:(a) to observe the classification accuracy results for
individual brain lobe areas (i.e., prefrontal, frontal, central, parietal, temporal and occipital).(b)to observe the
classifiers performance when all brain lobe areas(6 pair electrodes) are combined and then excluding one by one
brain lobes(pair electrodes).(c)to measure cognitive load when subjects performing two individual task(i.e., resting
task and mental arithmetic task) can be analyzed by EEG band ratio indices at prefrontal and frontal brain lobe areas
in L/R(Left/Right),R/L(Right/Left) and L-R/L+R ratios. The paper consists of six sections. Section 2 includes
Materials, Section 3 includes Methodology, Section 4 includes Results, Section 5 includes Discussion and Section 6
includes Conclusion.
2. Material
The EEG signals were recorded from Neurocom Monopolar EEG 23-channel system (Ukraine, XAI-MEDICA). All
23 electrodes are mounted on the head of the subject according to the International 10-20 scheme. The electrodes
mounted on the head record the signals from different parts of the brain, where it is divided into different lobes like
frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital. The electrodes used for measuring frontal area, temporal area, parietal area,
occipital area and central area of the brain are shown below Figure.1. The interconnected ear reference electrodes
are used to reference all electrodes. The electrode impedance was kept lower than 5kΩ, and the sampling rate is
500Hz. A 0.5Hz cut-off frequency HPF, a 45Hz cut-off frequency LPF, and a 50Hz power line notch filter is used.
Recording of each EEG signals includes artifacts-free EEG segments of 180 sec (resting state) and 60 sec (mental
counting). Out of 66 participants 30 were removed from the database due to imprudent artifacts present with eyes
and muscle. So overall we found 36 subjects best. The task includes both Female and Male marked as ‘F’, ‘M’. 27
female and 9 male subjects with age 17-26 with no physical and mental disorders.
Recording of the EEG signal is shown in below Figure.2 , subjects were asked to sit in a dark insulated chamber
with reclined chair, subjects asked to relax during the resting state or before the task and briefly explained about
arithmetic task, this relaxation state recorded for 3 mins duration. After relaxation, subjects performed the arithmetic
task for 4 min duration but for analyzing the changes occur in the load, the dataset considers 1 min arithmetic task
and remaining 3 mins are excluded. Based on count of subtractions done by the subject’s they were divided into 2
groups: “Bad” and “Good”. A total of 26 subjects performance was under “Good” and 10 subjects performance was
under “Bad”. The subjects participation in the protocol includes series of subtraction or Number of subtractions. It
includes the process of first taking the difference between the four-digit number and the result of subtracting,
Fig. 2 EEG data recording during the experiment protocol. Rounding boxes represent the two EEG
3. Methodology
3.1 Wavelet
Time and frequency domain signals are analyzed simultaneously by Wavelet transform. Wavelets are time-limited
waveforms that exist only for a specific time. Mostly time and frequency domain signals are aperiodic and noisy and
are examined by wavelets. The word “wavelet” means a “small wave”. Based on application requirement wavelets
are categorized into various types. Wavelet transform is a technique where a signal can be decomposed by
considering short duration of interval on which a short wavelet is superimposed. Translating the decomposed signal
to original signal is called inverse wavelet transform. Wavelets are manipulated in two ways:1. translation and 2.
Dilation. Entire signal is converted to wavelets in the next interval of time, which can be known as translation.
Dilation is a method where mother wavelet is enlarged or reduced depending on the frequency of the signal [30].
3.1.1 CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform)
A wavelet family with mother wavelet 𝜓 (t) consists of functions 𝜓a,b(t) of the form are taken from[31].
1 𝑡−𝑏
𝜓𝑎,𝑏 (𝑡) = 𝜓( ) (1)
√𝑎 𝑎
where a (defines the scale) and b (defines the shift) are positive and real numbers. When |a|>1 then 𝜓a,b(t) has a
longer time width than 𝜓 (t) and relates to decrease in frequency, whereas |a|<1 gives the wavelet obtained from
CWT (a, b) = ∫−∞ 𝑥(𝑡) 𝜓𝑎,𝑏 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (2)
By breaking down the signal into a rough estimation and finer details, the DWT analyses the signal at various
frequency bands with various resolutions. Scaling functions and wavelet functions, which are related to low pass and
high pass filters, respectively, these are two sets of functions used by DWT. The time domain signal is simply
subjected to consecutive lowpass and high pass filtering to obtain the signal's decomposition into various frequency
bands. First, a half band HPF (g[n]) and a LPF (h[n]) are applied to the input original signal x[n]. Therefore, the
signal can be subsampled by two by simply removing every other sample. This is a single decomposition level and
where Yhigh[k] highpass filter output and Ylow[k] lowpass filter output.
Below Figure.3 shows Discrete Wavelet Decomposition, where x[n] original input signal to be decomposed, h[n]
LPF and g[n] HPF.Biorthogonal and orthogonal are compactly supported by DWT and characterized by the high and
low pass filters for synthesis. Few wavelet families are available they are: Meyer, Biorthogonal, Daubechies, Haar,
Coiflets, Symlets, Morlet and Mexicanhat[34]. Morlet, Meyer and Mexicanhat are symmetric wavelets in shape,
while Symelts, Coiflets, Haar and Daubechies are orthogonal supported wavelet.
The family of orthogonal wavelets is expanded by biorthogonal wavelets. Biorthogonal wavelets with periodic
nature of signals are analyzed by products of vector matrices and structured matrices [35][36]. FIR filters are used
for reconstruction and decomposition when signal is regular. To avoid this difficulty, wavelet with dual scaling will
1. Calculation algorithms maintained are simple and Outside of a segment, they are zero.
3. Calculation functions are simpler to create than those used in Daubechies wavelets.
For reconstruction and decomposition two wavelets are used, biorthogonal wavelets exhibit the property for signal
and image reconstruction of linear phase. Artifacts at the borders of wavelet sub bands are caused by asymmetric
We choose the biorthogonal 4.4 wavelet for this study. The orthogonal wavelet transform has the advantage of being
orthogonal because the associated wavelet transform is orthogonal, and thus the inverse wavelet transform is the
adjoint of the wavelet transform. When compared with orthogonal wavelet more degree of freedom is allowed by
BWT (biorthogonal wavelet transform) [38]. Functions and filter for decomposition are shown in Figure 4. and
There are two scaling functions in biorthogonal they are: 𝜙 ,𝜙̃ which may result in two distinct multiresolution
analyses and as a result, two distinct wavelet functions 𝜓, 𝜓̃. As a result, the coefficient numbers M and N in the
scaling sequences 𝑎, 𝑎̃ may differ. Biorthogonality condition must satisfy the scaling sequence [39].
Fig. 4 Bior4.4 Filter : (a) LPF ; (b)HPF. Fig. 5. Bior4.4 functions: (a) scaling function;
(b) wavelet function
The prominent frequency components from EEG which are important for the analysis, named as delta, theta, alpha,
beta, and gamma are found and the features are extracted.
We have considered two tasks; the first task involves resting state (i.e., eyes closing) and the other task involves
performing mental arithmetic task (i.e., series of subtraction task). Statistical parameters like band power, energy,
mean and relative wavelet energy are calculated for individual electrodes like Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, P3, P4, C3, C4, T3,
Band Power consider the energy present in frequency bands and is defined as a sum of squares of data points [40]
BP = ∑𝑁
𝑛=1 |𝑥𝑛 |² (8)
3.2.2 Energy
𝐸𝑥 = ∑∞
𝑛=−∞ |𝑥[𝑛]|
3.2.3 Mean
Mean = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑎𝑖 (10)
Relative wavelet gives information regarding the energy present in the frequency bands which is used to detect the
similarities between segments of an EEG signal. In this we have determined the RWE(Relative Wavelet Energy) for
all in a resting state task and mental arithmetic task. Usually, we considered 6 pairs of electrodes from 6 lobe areas
and determined RWE. The energy at each decomposition level is given by:
𝐸 total = ∑𝑁+1
𝑗=1 𝐸 j (13)
𝜌j = j = 1,….,N+1 (14)
Fig.6 Basic Block diagram for classification of resting state and mental arithmetic task.
4. Results
In this section, extracted 4 features are applied in two methods (Individual Brain Lobe Areas Classification
and Pair Wise Electrode Combination Classification output) and 1 feature in one method (EEG Band Ratios).
4.1 Individual Brain Lobe Areas Classification
We consider pair of electrodes from each lobe. Electrodes placed on the scalp are arranged in a manner
such that it collects the data from 4 main lobes of the brain. For our convenience we divided the 4 brain lobe areas
into 6 brain lobe areas (i.e., prefrontal, frontal, central, temporal, parietal and occipital). From each area we consider
one channel from the left hemisphere and another from the right hemisphere. So, finally we obtained 6 pairs of
electrodes from 6 areas of the brain. We have four features i.e., band power, energy, mean and relative energy are
applied to the classifier with standard scalar for classification. Machine learning classification algorithms use input
training data to expect the output data to fall in which category. We implemented different classifiers like Support
Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes
(NB), Decision Tree (DT) on each brain lobe areas for classification of two task (i.e., resting state task and mental
arithmetic task). Resting task labelled as ‘0’ and Mental Arithmetic task is labelled as ‘1’. Individual brain lobe
areas performance in classification can be seen from accuracy table and percentage graphs shown below.
From below Figure.7, Fp1& Fp2 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Random Forest with 82% and low
accuracy in Logistic Regression with 62%. While precision and recall show the same results (i.e., Random Forest).
(a) (b)
Fig.7 Classification of Prefrontal brain lobe area (Fp1& Fp2 electrode pair) (a)Accuracy Table, (b)Percentage
From below Figure.8, F3& F4 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Random Forest with 86% and low
accuracy in Decision Tree with 65%. While precision has predicted the output with specific category in Decision
Tree and Random Forests, recall represents the how many times the model able to detect a certain category can be
Fig.8 Classification of Frontal brain lobe area (F3 & F4 electrode pair) (c)Accuracy Table, (d)Percentage
From below Figure.9, C3 & C4 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Random Forest with 82% and low
accuracy in Naive Bayes with 41%. While precision predicted highest in Naive Bayes and lowest in Decision Tree
and KNN, whereas in recall highest in Random Forests and lowest in Naive Bayes.
(e) (f)
Fig.9 Classification of Central brain lobe area (C3 & C4 electrode pair) (e)Accuracy Table, (f)Percentage
From below Figure.10, P3 & P4 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Random Forest with 82% and low
accuracy in Support Vector Machine with 58%. While precision predicted highest in Random Forests and Naive
Bayes and lowest in Support Vector Machine whereas in recall highest in Random Forests and lowest in Support
Vector Machine.
(g) (h)
Fig.10 Classification of Parietal brain lobe area (P3 & P4 electrode pair) (g)Accuracy Table, (h)Percentage
From below Figure.11, T3 & T4 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Logistics Regression with 86% and low
accuracy in Naive Bayes with 44%. While precision predicted highest in Naive Bayes and lowest in Decision Tree
and KNN, whereas in recall highest in Logistics Regression and lowest in Naive Bayes.
(i) (j)
Fig.11 Classification of Temporal brain lobe area (T3 & T4 electrode pair) (i)Accuracy Table, (j)Percentage
From below Figure.12, O1 & O2 electrodes have produced high accuracy in Random Forests with 83% and low
accuracy in Decision Tree with 55%. While precision predicted highest in Naive Bayes and lowest in Logistics
Regression, Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree, whereas in recall highest in Random Forests and lowest in
Naive Bayes.
(k) (l)
Fig.12 Classification of Occipital brain lobe area (O1 & O2 electrode pair) (k)Accuracy Table, (l)Percentage
From all brain lobe areas, frontal (F3 & F4 pair) and parietal (P3 & P4 pair) obtained the high classification
accuracy with 73.5% and low classification accuracy with 61.6% seen in central lobe area (C3 & C4 pair).
Extracted features are utilized for obtaining classification for 6 pair wise electrode combination and excluding one
by one pair to observe the changes in classification output with different classifiers. Below Table 1 shows the
representation of different classifiers performance in pair wise combinations.1st column represents all 6 pair
combinations of electrodes (i.e., prefrontal (Pf), frontal(F), central(C), temporal(T), parietal(P), occipital(O)), these 6
pair combinations are applied as a input to different classifier and observed classification output. Highest accuracy
found in Random Forest with 72% and lowest accuracy seen in Naive Bayes with 50%. 2nd column we consider 5
pair combinations (i.e., prefrontal (Pf), frontal(F), central(C), temporal(T), parietal(P)) and repeated same process
(for all pair combinations) by applying the input and observing the output of different classifier. High accuracy was
found in Random Forest with 75% and lowest accuracy in Naive Bayes with 43%. 3 rd column we consider 4 pair
combinations (i.e., prefrontal (Pf), frontal(F), central(C), temporal(T)) and observed high accuracy in Random
Forest with 76% and lowest accuracy in Naive Bayes with 45%. 4 th column we consider 3 pair combinations (i.e.,
prefrontal (Pf), frontal(F), central(C)) and observed high accuracy in Decision Tree with 73% and lowest accuracy
in SVM with 56%. Finally, in the 5th column we consider 2 pair combinations (i.e., prefrontal (Pf), frontal(F)) and
observed high accuracy in Random Forest with 72% and lowest accuracy in SVM with 53%.
4 pair 3 pair 2 pair
We observe that from above Table 1, we averaged each pair combinations with different classifiers and found that 3
pair combination (i.e., prefrontal, frontal, central) has obtained 66%, while least accuracy with 59.6% observed in 5
pair combination. We also observed that from all classifiers Random Forests classifier has performed better and
EEG band ratios are assessed by using band power which is used to represents the different cognitive indices [41].
The theta, alpha and beta band can be associated with attention, focused executive processing and working memory
retention [42].
Analysis done based on considering the prefrontal and frontal electrodes. Prefrontal electrodes play a vital role in
solving problems, cognitive control functions and reasoning. Frontal electrode functions are memory formation,
attention, planning and self-control. Fp1, Fp2 are prefrontal electrodes and F3, F4 are frontal electrodes considered
for obtaining EEG band ratios. Different EEG band ratios are analyzed to see the performances of prefrontal and
frontal electrodes in resting task and mental arithmetic task. Calculating different EEG band ratios for pre-frontal
and frontal electrodes in L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios. We summed the band power of Fp1 and Fp2 and
calculated EEG band ratios, then after we found difference for Fp1 and Fp2 with same band power and calculated
EEG band ratios. The sum and difference results are taken ratios and obtained results are shown in below Table 2.
Left (Fp1, F3) and right (Fp2, F4) hemisphere of prefrontal and frontal electrodes and represented in ratio form: (L-
Performance Enhancement: the ratio of alpha by theta is known as performance enhancement. Subjects
enrichment in performing the task is evaluated by this ratio. When alpha increases and theta decreases, indicates the
state of relaxation and awareness about the task. If alpha decreases and theta increases, indicates subjects are quite
Arousal Index: the ratio of beta by alpha is known as arousal index. Subjects tiredness and variations in tolerance
of sleep disorders in the task are evaluated by this ratio. When alpha increases and beta decreases, subjects show
relaxed state of mind and awareness about the task. If alpha decreases and beta increases, indicates the state of
Neural Activity: it is defined as ratio of beta by theta. Subjects state of conscious and sub-conscious are evaluated
by this activity. Subjects brain activity producing the range of waves per second at different levels is known as
neural activity. When beta increases and theta decrease, indicates anxiety and obsessive in performing the task. If
theta increases and beta decreases, indicates creative and intuitive thoughts in processing the task.
Engagement: it is defined as ratio of beta by alpha plus theta. Subjects involvement in performing the task can be
assessed by this ratio. Increase in beta and decrease in alpha indicate awareness states or slower frequencies. If beta
decreases and theta band increases indicates drowsiness and low attention.
Load Index: it is defined as ratio of theta by alpha. When difficulty levels of the task increase, the load on subjects
brain increases. Increase in alpha and decrease in theta indicates the states of relaxation and full awareness of the
task. If increase in theta and decrease in alpha indicates the states of attention and alertness.
Alertness: it is defined as a ratio of alpha plus theta by beta. Subjects paying attention and ready to respond to
stimulus can be evaluated by alertness. An increase in theta and decrease in beta indicates the state of attention and
alertness. If increase in beta and decrease in theta indicates the states of anxious, stress (if levels increases) and
Cognitive Workload Index (CWI): it is the ratio of beta plus gamma bands to alpha plus theta bands. Cognitive
load variations can be easily assessed with this parameter. Increase in beta and gamma shows the presence of
cognitive load based on the level of task. If the level of task increases cognitive load increases. Beta and gamma
Comparison of Cognitive Indices in Resting Task and Mental Arithmetic Task using mean ± Std.
The increase of frontal theta band power shows meditative state and concentration. Increase in alpha and beta
indicates increase in performance enhancement, arousal index, neural activity and engagement.
EEG Band Ratios of Fp1& Fp2 electrode in (L-R)/(L+R) ratio for resting task and mental arithmetic task:
From Table 2. In arousal index ⁄𝛼, decrease in beta and increase in alpha shows subjects felt difficult in focusing
and too relaxed in resting task, whereas it showed vice versa in mental arithmetic task in which subjects were active
and anxious in performing the task. In neural activity ⁄𝜃, decrease in beta and increase in theta shows subjects
showed meditative states in resting task, whereas increment in 𝛽 states that subjects were alert and concentrated in
mental arithmetic task. In engagement ⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃) , decrease in beta and increase in theta plus alpha indicates that
subjects were not focused and alert in resting task, whereas increment in 𝛽 states that subjects were focused and
(𝛼 + 𝜃)
attentional in performing the mental arithmetic task. In alertness ⁄𝛽 , increase in alpha plus theta and
decrease in beta seen in resting task which indicates subjects were in lite awake, relaxed, whereas increment in 𝛽
states that subjects were concentrated and anxious in performing the mental arithmetic task. In cognitive workload
(𝛽 + 𝛾)
index ⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃), decrease in beta plus gamma band and increase in theta plus alpha band indicates subjects
were awake, relaxed and less concentrated in resting task, whereas increase in beta plus gamma band indicates
subjects were focused, alert and concentrated in performing the mental arithmetic task. In performance enhancement
𝛼⁄ , increase in theta and decrease in alpha indicates meditative states of the subjects in resting task, whereas
increase in alpha and decrease in theta shows subjects are awake in performing the mental arithmetic task. In load
index 𝜃⁄𝛼, increase in theta and decrease in alpha indicates subjects were focused and concentrated in mental
arithmetic task, while decrease in theta indicates subjects were awake and showed meditative states in resting task.
Ratio (Hz)
𝛽 0.177±1.172 1.284±1.275
⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃) Engagement
(𝛼 + 𝜃) 12.512±0.852 7.849±0.783
⁄𝛽 Alertness
(𝛽 + 𝛾) 0.051±1.177 1.264±1.265
(𝛼 + 𝜃)
Table 2. Representation of different EEG Band Ratios performances of Fp1& Fp2 electrode in (L-R)/(L+R)
EEG Band Ratios of F3& F4 electrode in (L-R)/(L+R) ratio for resting task and mental arithmetic task:
From Table 3. in performance enhancement 𝛼⁄𝜃, increase in theta and decrease in alpha indicates subjects f showed
meditative states in resting task, whereas increase in alpha and decrease in theta indicates subjects were awake and
relaxed in performing the mental arithmetic task. In arousal index ⁄𝛼, increase in beta and decrease in alpha
indicates subjects found difficulty in concentration. Beta showed decrement in resting task and increment in mental
arithmetic task. Subjects felt anxiety and obsessiveness in mental arithmetic task, whereas decrement in resting task
indicates subjects were normal and anxious. In neural activity ⁄𝜃 increase in beta and decrease in theta indicates
active thinking and paying attention towards the task in mental arithmetic task whereas it observed to be decrease in
resting task. Engagement ⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃) of the subjects decreased in resting task which indicates reduce in alert and
focus, whereas it showed increased in mental arithmetic task which indicates that subjects were concentrated and
found difficulty in performing the task. In load index 𝜃⁄𝛼, decrease in theta and increase in alpha seen in resting task
which indicates that subjects were found to be meditative, whereas it showed increment in mental arithmetic task
which indicates that subjects were awake, observed to have load on brain in performing the task. Alertness
(𝛼 + 𝜃)
⁄𝛽 found to decrease in resting task when compared with mental arithmetic task, beta increased in mental
arithmetic task where subjects found difficulty in problem-solving and are alert in performing the task, whereas it
decreased in resting task which states subjects were normal awake and less concentrated. In CWI
(𝛽 + 𝛾)
⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃)increase in beta plus gamma band and decrease in alpha plus theta band indicates subjects were
highly concentrated, visually attentional and alertness in performing the mental arithmetic, whereas it decreased in
resting task indicates that subjects were less concentrated and attention.
electrode EEG
𝛽 0.159±1.061 0.613±1.291
⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃) Engagement
(𝛼 + 𝜃) 0.862±0.942 1.629±0.774
⁄𝛽 Alertness
(𝛽 + 𝛾) 1.180±1.064 1.610±1.253
(𝛼 + 𝜃)
Table 3. Representation of different EEG Band Ratios performances of F3 & F4 electrode in (L-R)/(L+R) for
We have analyzed the cognitive load by (L-R)/(L+R) ratio for prefrontal and frontal electrodes of resting task and
mental arithmetic task. The implementation has been extended by considering L/R (left/right hemisphere) and R/L
(right/left hemisphere) ratio for prefrontal and frontal electrodes and executed EEG band ratio output to assess
cognitive load. Below Table 4, Table 5 represents the EEG Band Ratios performances in L/R and R/L ratios of Fp1,
EEG Band Ratios in L/R, R/L ratio of Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4 electrodes for resting task and mental arithmetic
Performance Enhancement 𝛼⁄𝜃: from Table 4. in L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, decrease in alpha and
increase in theta indicates subjects were awake and awareness about performing the mental arithmetic task, whereas
it showed vice versa in resting task indicates that subjects felt sleepy. Increase in theta and decrease in alpha in L/R
ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes were also observed same in L/R ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes from resting task to
mental arithmetic task indicates that subjects performance enhanced from resting task to mental arithmetic task.
From Table 5. R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, decrease in alpha and increase in theta observed to have
improved from resting task to mental arithmetic task. The same decrease in alpha and increase in theta observed in
R/L ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes from resting task to mental arithmetic task which indicates subjects were awake,
Arousal Index ⁄𝛼: from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in alpha
indicates subjects were concentrated and awaked in mental arithmetic task, whereas decrease in beta and increase in
alpha showed that subjects are less awake and relaxed in resting task. The same increase in beta and decrease in
alpha observed in L/R ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes, subjects were concentrated, being in alert and problem-solve
involvement showed increment from resting task to mental arithmetic task. From Table 5. R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2
electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in alpha observed to have improved from resting task to mental arithmetic
task which indicates subjects felt anxious, concentrated while performing the mental arithmetic task, whereas
subjects in resting task did not observe the change. The same increase in beta and decrease in alpha observed in R/L
ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes from resting task to mental arithmetic task indicates subjects observed to be anxious,
Neural Activity ⁄𝜃: from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in theta
indicates subjects were concentrated, alert and focused on mental arithmetic task, decrease in beta found in resting
task when compared to mental arithmetic task. The same increase in beta and decrease in theta observed in L/R ratio
for F3 and F4 electrodes, subjects were concentrated and attention in mental arithmetic task, while decrease in beta
and increase in theta indicates that subjects felt focused and meditative in performing resting task. From Table 5.
R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in theta observed to have improved from resting
task to mental arithmetic task which indicates subjects felt anxious, concentrated while performing the mental
arithmetic task, whereas subjects in resting task did not concentrate. The same increase in beta and decrease in theta
observed for R/L ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes in resting task to mental arithmetic task, which indicates subjects
were highly concentrated and anxious in performing the mental arithmetic task, whereas subjects did not feel to have
Engagement ⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃): from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in theta
plus alpha indicates subjects were concentrated, less sleepy, low in relax in mental arithmetic task, decrease in beta
found in resting task. The L/R ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes, increase in beta and decrease in theta plus alpha states
that subjects concentration has shown the improvement in performing the task from resting task to mental arithmetic
task. From Table 5. R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes and R/L ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes, have same increase
in beta and decrease in theta plus alpha can be seen in resting task to mental arithmetic task.
Load Index 𝜃⁄𝛼: from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in theta and decrease in alpha
indicates subjects were quite focused in performing mental arithmetic task, while it decreases in theta and increase
in alpha indicates subjects were relax and did not find any difficulty in performing resting task. L/R ratio of F3 and
F4 electrodes increase in theta and decrease in alpha observed to have improved from resting task to mental
arithmetic task which indicates subjects are attention and quite focused in performing mental arithmetic task when
compared to resting task. From Table 5. R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in theta and decrease in
alpha indicates subjects were quite focused and alertness in performing mental arithmetic task, while it decreases in
theta and increase in alpha indicates subjects were relax and did not find any difficulty in performing resting task.
The same conditions of R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes are observed in R/L ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes in
(𝛼 + 𝜃)
Alertness ⁄𝛽 : from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, decrease in beta and increase in alpha
plus theta which indicates subjects were less anxious, less concentrated, less focused and awake in resting task,
while increase in beta and decrease in alpha plus theta indicates subjects were concentrated and anxious in
performing mental arithmetic task. L/R ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes, decrease in beta and increase in alpha plus
theta can be seen in resting task which indicates subjects were relaxed and quite relaxed in resting task, whereas
decrease in alpha plus theta and increase in beta indicates subjects were more concentrated and found difficulty in
performing mental arithmetic task. From Table 5. R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, increase in alpha plus theta
can be seen in resting task which indicates subjects were relaxed and attentional, decrease in alpha plus theta and
increase in beta can be seen in mental arithmetic task which indicates subjects were more concentrated, alert and
stressed. R/L ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes, increase in alpha plus theta and decrease in beta seen in resting task
indicates subjects were relaxed and attentional in performing the task, increase in beta and decrease in alpha plus
theta in mental arithmetic task indicates subjects were concentrated, alert and consciousness.
(𝛽 + 𝛾)
Cognitive Workload Index (CWI) ⁄(𝛼 + 𝜃): from Table 4. L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes,
increment from resting task to mental arithmetic task indicates that increase in beta plus gamma and decrease in
alpha plus theta indicates that subjects were high concentrated, consciousness, visual stimulated, less focused and
relaxed. The same situation of L/R ratio of Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes are observed in L/R ratio of F3 and F4 electrodes
in resting task and mental arithmetic task. From Table 5. The same increase in beta plus gamma and decrease in
alpha plus theta found in R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes of resting task, the same can be observed in R/L ratio
of F3 and F4 electrodes. The assessment of cognitive load is measured from prefrontal and frontal electrodes. Higher
level cognitive functioning is associated with prefrontal electrodes. The frontal lobe is responsible for executive
functions like problem-solving, reasoning, planning, attention, controlling our behavior, decision-making, emotions,
consciousness, memory. Usually, cognitive load is observed when a critical task is given to a subject. Series of
subtraction is the activity involved to assess the subjects cognitive load in mental arithmetic task, eye’s closing
In our study, cognitive load has shown improvement from resting task to mental arithmetic task in (L-R)/(L+R),
L/R and R/L ratio. The ratios L/R and R/L have shown the variations from resting task to mental arithmetic task. We
found that R/L ratio has shown increase in cognitive load when compared with other ratios, as L/R ratio has also
shown increment but not as much as R/L. The ratio (L-R)/(L+R) increased from rest to mental arithmetic task, but
not as much as L/R and R/L. We found that when difficulty in task increases the cognitive load increases and this
has been assessed by L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios with different EEG band ratios.
EEG Band Activity Index L/R ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes L/R ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes
Ratio (Hz) Resting Task Mental Arithmetic Resting Task Mental Arithmetic
Task Task
Table 4. Representation of different EEG Band Ratios performances in L/R ratio of Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4
EEG Band Activity Index R/L ratio for Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes R/L ratio for F3 and F4 electrodes
Ratio (Hz)
Resting Task Mental Arithmetic Resting Task Mental Arithmetic
Task Task
Table 5. Representation of different EEG Band Ratios performances in R/L ratio of Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4
5. Discussion
It is known that bior4.4 decomposition technique used to extract the EEG frequency bands. By analyzing these
bands, we can predict the subjects performance by considering individual electrodes from left and right hemisphere
and obtained 6 pair of electrodes from 6 lobe areas. Here, we considered Fp1-Fp2 as pre-frontal electrodes, F3-F4 as
frontal electrodes, C3-C4 as central electrodes, P3-P4 as parietal electrodes, T3-T4 as temporal electrodes and O1-
O2 as occipital electrodes. The electrodes with odd numbering of electrodes present towards left hemisphere
whereas even numbering of electrodes present towards right hemisphere. In the first method, decomposed signal
used to extract four features from 6 pairs of electrodes and applied to different classifier for classifying resting state
and mental arithmetic state. Prefrontal area of left and right hemisphere are measured with Fp1 and Fp2 and their
features are applied to different classifier, highest accuracy obtained in Random Forests with 82% and lowest
obtained in Logistic Regression with 62%.In frontal area, we obtained highest accuracy obtained in Random Forests
with 86% and lowest obtained in Decision Tree with 65%.In central area, highest accuracy obtained in Random
Forests with 82% and lowest obtained in Naive Bayes with 41%.In parietal area, highest accuracy obtained in
Random Forests with 82% and lowest obtained in Support Vector Machine with 58%.In temporal area, highest
accuracy obtained in Logistic Regression with 86% and lowest obtained in Naive Bayes with 44%. In occipital area,
highest accuracy obtained in Random Forests with 83% and lowest obtained in Decision Tree with 55%. In all brain
lobe areas frontal (F3 & F4 pair) and parietal (P3 & P4 pair) lobe areas have obtained the high classification
accuracy with 73.5% and low classification accuracy seen in central (C3 & C4 pair) with 61.6%. In the second
method, from Table 1. we combined all features of 6 pair of electrodes from 6 brain area and applied as an input to
different classifier for classification, from 6 pair combination we excluded the occipital pair electrodes and again
features are applied as an input to classifier for classification, this process repeated by excluding parietal, temporal
and central electrodes and remained with only 2 pair electrodes i.e., prefrontal and frontal electrodes. Prefrontal and
Frontal lobe areas are used to assess the cognitive control functions. 3 pair combination has obtained better accuracy
results with 66% while least accuracy 59.6% in 5 pair combinations. In all pair wise combinations, Random Forest
classifier has performed good and obtained better accuracy results while Naive Bayes classifier has performed bad
and obtained least accuracy results. In the third method, EEG band ratios are analyzed by considering the left and
right hemisphere of prefrontal and frontal electrodes. The ratios L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) are implemented to
observe the variations in the bands ratios which are used to assess different functionalities changes occur in the left
and right hemisphere. This is one of the methods to assess the cognitive load measurement when subjects perform
resting task and mental arithmetic task. In Table 2, Table 3 shows EEG Band Ratios performances of prefrontal and
frontal electrode in (L-R)/(L+R) for resting task and mental arithmetic task. Beta band showed decrease in resting
task whereas it found to be increase in mental arithmetic task which can be seen from Table 2, Table 3. When
considering the CWI (Cognitive Workload Index) of Fp1 and Fp2 electrodes, subjects felt difficulty in performing
the mental arithmetic task which is observed by increase in beta and gamma band. In F3 and F4 the same consistent
results were obtained i.e., beta band showed its increase in mental arithmetic task but not in resting task. In Table 4
and Table 5 EEG Band Ratios performances in L/R and R/L ratio of Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4 electrodes for resting task and
mental arithmetic task. In both tables increase in beta and theta, decrease in alpha bands shows the effect of
cognitive load on the subjects while performing the mental arithmetic task, where in resting task it doesn’t show that
effect. Finally, we conclude that EEG Band Ratios in L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios are one form of techniques
6. Conclusion
Our framework differs from other approaches described in the literature by being the first to use this type of
implementation to handle EEG signals. This paper analyzes the cognitive load from different EEG band ratios using
“bior4.4” decomposition method, 6-pair of electrodes from 6 brain lobe areas and L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios
of pre-frontal and frontal electrode analysis with EEG band ratios are the first time discussed in this paper.
Classification and EEE band ratios used to assess the variations in lobes (i.e., pre-frontal, frontal, parietal, central,
temporal and occipital) and variations in band frequencies which shows the effect of load on the subjects
performance in both task (i.e., resting task and mental arithmetic task). By applying 4 features (band power, energy,
mean and relative energy) to the classifier, in individual brain lobe areas it is observed that frontal and parietal brain
lobe areas have achieved high accuracy in classifying, whereas central brain lobe areas have achieved low accuracy
in classifying. Pair-wise combinations are implemented to observe the changes in classification results. We observe
that the 3-pair combination has shown a better performance, while 5-pair combination showed less performance. In
[43] EEG band ratios are analyzed for frontal lobe area by considering average band power as feature, subjects
performance is evaluated for pre and post meditation and observed that effect of meditation on cognitive load. Better
improvement observed from pre to post meditation. In our study, EEG band ratios were analyzed by considering the
left and right hemisphere of prefrontal and frontal electrodes with L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios for assessing the
cognitive load on the brain. Increase in beta observed to be directly proportional to increase in difficulty of the task
and increase in cognitive load. From EEG band ratios we predicted that, prefrontal lobe area in R/L ratio has shown
increase in cognitive load when compared with other ratios, as L/R ratio has also shown the increment but not that
much as R/L. Whereas the ratio (L-R)/(L+R) has not shown that much improvement because of taking the difference
of left and right hemisphere in numerator and summing in denominator. In all L/R, R/L and (L-R)/(L+R) ratios,
increase in beta and decrease in alpha which indicates the cognitive load on the subjects when performing mental
arithmetic task.
This research work was supported by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India under Quality
Improvement Program scheme implemented by AICTE. We would like to thanks to Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Ukraine (Educational and Scientific Centre “Institute of Biology and Medicine” and Faculty of
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