Detecting Complexity Abnormalities in Dyslexia Measuring Approximate Entropy of Electroencephalographic Signals
Detecting Complexity Abnormalities in Dyslexia Measuring Approximate Entropy of Electroencephalographic Signals
Detecting Complexity Abnormalities in Dyslexia Measuring Approximate Entropy of Electroencephalographic Signals
Abstract— Dyslexia constitutes a specific reading disability, a generators which begin to act together in a coherent way
condition characterized by severe difficulty in the mastery of producing the event-related potentials (ERP). This can be
reading despite normal intelligence or adequate education. thought as the transition of a system from a general disorder
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal may be able to play an to a state of increased order.
important role in the diagnosis of dyslexia. The Approximate
In addition, neuronal systems have been shown to exhibit
Entropy (ApEn) is a recently formulated statistical parameter
used to quantify the regularity of a time series data of some kind of nonlinear or chaotic behavior, which makes it
physiological signals. In this paper, we initially estimated the reasonable to apply methods from the theory of non-linear
ApEn values in signals recorded from controls subjects and dynamics, such as the entropy [5], to the EEG signal.
dyslectic children. These values were firstly used for the Entropy has been applied in many fields of science like
statistical analysis of the two groups and secondly as feature information theory, signal analysis and computer science.
input in a classification scheme. We also used the cross-ApEn
High entropy values indicate high level of disorder of a
methodology to get a measure of the asynchrony of the signals
recorded from different electrodes. This preliminary study system, whereas low values describe a more ordered system
provides promising results towards correct identification of capable to produce some work.
dyslexic cases, analyzing the corresponding EEG signals. Approximate entropy is a statistical parameter proposed
by Pincus to quantify the regularity of a time series data of
I. INTRODUCTION physiological signals [6]. It has already been used in many
d [ x (i ), y ( j )] ≤ r (7) Finally, accuracy is a related measure that quantifies the
number of subjects (dyslectics and control subjects)
accurately classified. The results are presented in Table 2.
We compute then the parameters Cim defined as We observe that a satisfactory value of sensitivity is
N i (r ) achieved, which is encouraging as it indicates that dyslexia
Ci ( r ) ( v || u ) = (8)
∑ ln C i
(r) ( v || u )
(r) ( v || u ) =
φ m i =1
N − m +1
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Fp1 and at a complete framework for the diagnosis and
F3 0.9 identification of dyslexia, based on the EEG signal’s
C5 analysis.
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