Lesson1 MMW
Lesson1 MMW
Lesson1 MMW
MODULE 1 – THE NATURE OF of the forest. The pattern of the stripes also
MATHEMATICS helps to break up the outline of the tiger,
making it harder for predators to track it.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Hyena's spots: Like tiger stripes, the spots on
a hyena's coat help to camouflage it in the
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in savannah environment. The irregular
the world; pattern of the spots also helps to break up the
2. Articulate the importance of mathematics in outline of the hyena and make it harder for
one’s life; predators to see.
3. Argue about the nature of mathematics,
what it is, how it is expressed, represented Other examples of patterns in nature include the
and used; spiral pattern of seashells, the branching
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as pattern of trees, and the fractal patterns
human endeavor. found in clouds, coastlines, and mountain
These patterns are often the result of natural
LESSON 1 - PATTERNS AND NUMBERS IN processes such as growth, erosion, or the
OUR WORLD movement of air and water, and they can be
both beautiful and functional. Scientists have
Patterns are repeating or recurring
even used patterns found in nature as
configurations of shapes, colors, or textures.
inspiration for new technologies, such as the
These patterns are found all around us,
design of solar cells based on the structure of
including in the natural world. Some common
butterfly wings.
examples of patterns found in nature include:
Snowflakes: Snowflakes are formed when
water vapor in the air freezes into ice crystals.
Each snowflake has a unique and intricate
pattern of six-sided symmetry, created by
the way the water molecules bond together as
they freeze.
Honeycomb: Honeycomb structures are made
by bees to store their honey. The hexagonal
shape of the honeycomb cells maximizes
the storage space while using the least
amount of wax. This pattern can also be found
in other structures created by animals, such as
the cells of a turtle's shell.
Tiger's stripes: The stripes on a tiger's coat
are used for camouflage, making it difficult
for prey to detect the tiger in the dappled light
LESSON 2 – THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE The presence of the Fibonacci sequence and the
Golden Ratio in natural phenomena is thought
The Fibonacci sequence and the Golden
to be related to the efficiency and
Ratio are two mathematical concepts that are
effectiveness of natural processes. These
found in many natural phenomena. The
patterns allow for the optimal distribution of
Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in
resources, the most effective use of space,
which each number is the sum of the two
and the most efficient use of energy. As a
preceding numbers, starting with 0 and 1.
result, these mathematical concepts are often
So the sequence goes: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,
seen as evidence of the inherent order and
and so on.
beauty of the natural world.
The Golden Ratio, also known as Phi, is a
mathematical constant that is approximately
1.61803398875. It is often represented by
the Greek letter phi (Φ). The Golden Ratio is the
ratio of two quantities in which the smaller
quantity is to the larger quantity as the larger
quantity is to the sum of the two.
Both the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden
Ratio are found in many natural patterns, such
as the growth patterns of plants, the
spirals of shells, and the arrangements of
leaves on a stem.
For example, the number of petals on many
flowers follows the Fibonacci sequence.
Daisies, for instance, typically have 34, 55, or
89 petals, which are all numbers in the
sequence. The spiral patterns found in
pinecones, pineapples, and sunflowers are
also based on the Fibonacci sequence, with the
spirals following a pattern of two consecutive
numbers in the sequence.
In addition, many natural shapes and
structures, such as seashells and the human
body, exhibit proportions that are close to
the Golden Ratio. For example, the ratio of the
length of your forearm to your hand, or the
length of your fingers, is very close to the
Golden Ratio. The spiral patterns of seashells
and the spiral patterns of galaxies also follow
the Golden Ratio.
Types of cars (sedan, SUV, truck) Difference: The difference of two sets A and
B, denoted by A \ B, is a set that contains all the
Cardinal numbers are used to denote the elements that are in A but not in B. In other
quantity or size of a set, ordinal numbers are words, the difference of two sets removes the
used to denote the position of an element in a elements of one set that are also in the other
sequence or order, and nominal numbers are set.
used to identify or categorize objects or events.
Example: Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 3, 4}.
Then, A \ B = {1}.
Complement: The complement of a set A,
denoted by A', is the set of all elements that are
not in A. In other words, the complement of a
set contains all the elements that are in the
universal set but not in A.
Example: Let A = {1, 2, 3} and the universal set
U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Then, A' = {4, 5}.