English 4 Q3 W1

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WEEKLY LESSON Teacher: MAE M. BASTES Learning Area: English

PLAN Teaching Dates and
February 5-9, 2024 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ *Identify and use the adjective -Differentiate the degrees of one -Differentiate the degrees of *Note significant details in a poem
Objectives that best describes a person, syllable adjectives in a sentence long adjectives in a sentence listened to (EN4RC-IIIa-1)
*Show love for reading by listening
animal, place, thing or event -use comparative and superlative -use comparative and attentively to a poem (EN4A-IIIa-1)
(EN4G-IIIa-1) forms of adjectives in sentences superlative forms of adjectives *Admire the selflessness and bravery of
*Write sentences describing a *show interest in the uniqueness in sentences the character in the poem
person, animal, place, thing or and differences *show interest in the
event (EN4WC-IIIa-1) *Observe respect of others’ uniqueness and differences
*show interest in the opinion *Observe respect of others’
uniqueness and differences opinion
*Observe respect of others’
I. CONTENT Poem: Kabang, A True Hero
by Lilibeth A. Magtang
( Subject Matter) Adjectives Degrees of Adjectives Degrees of Adjectives Synonyms and Antonyms
Value Focus: Selflessness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources https://in.pinterest.com/pin/
A. Introductory Activity  Spelling  Review on Adjectives  Review on the degree of
 Review on nouns comparison
What are adjectives? Give
 Play a game examples of adjectives by Ask three pupils to line up
“WHAT/WHO AM I? describing a thing in your bag. infront and let the pupils
describe them
(Pupils pick the real object  What are the degrees of Tell the story of Kabang
from the magic box and tell adjectives? In February in Zamboanga City,
the name of the object) Philippines, a dog threw herself in
front of a speeding motorcycle that
Describe the things you’ve
was bearing down on two little girls —
picked from the box. (the cousins Dina Bunggal and Princess
teacher will write all the Diansing, ages 11 and 3 respectively.
possible answers from the The girls were shaken but unhurt. The
pupils) motorcycle driver was also unhurt. But
the dog, the hero of the day, didn’t get
off so easily. Brave, valiant Kabang did
stop the motorcycle, but in doing so
her snout became caught in the
spokes. It was ripped off.
Kabang’s owner, Rudy Bunggal, a
father to one of the girls, freed Kabang
from the wreckage, and Kabang fled
— for two weeks, according
to Inquirer News.
We can only imagine the pain the dog
was in, but when she returned home
and Bunggal took her to the vet, he
was asked whether he wanted to
euthanize her. He refused.
“It does not matter if she’s ugly now.
What is important to us is she saved
our children and we cannot thank her
enough for that,” Bunggal said.
After being treated for the wounds
given and antibiotics, Kabang has been
getting along as well as she can. She
got pregnant and had puppies. She
became a local (and international)
legend, with people visiting her at her
owner’s shop at all hours. Here’s an
account from one eyewitness from the
World Behind My Wall Blog:
We stayed at the vulcanizing shop for
about an hour and was surprised to
see a lot of people coming over to visit
her. It’s touching to see a lot of them
bringing food and giving donations for
the dog owner and his family but
what’s surprising is that Mang Rudy
only gives the food to his canine
heroine and they never consumed any
of it. He says the dog deserves all the
treatment and the rewards since it
was her that saved him and his family.
The risk of infection from Kabang’s
wounds, however, means that a full
recovery will not happen without
complex surgery. And complex surgery
of this sort cannot happen in the
“The more time that goes by, the
more Kabang is at risk of infection,”
Karen Kenngott, the U.S. coordinator
for Animal Welfare Coalition, told Dog
Heirs. “Fungal infections can be
especially difficult to eradicate, and
any infection in the bone can be a
lengthy process to treat at best. Her
chances are better the sooner she can
get those wounds closed.”
Fortunately, this story seems to be
headed toward a happy ending.
Veterinarians, animal lovers, and
humanitarian groups, including Animal
Welfare Coalition, have been raising
the money to bring Kabang and her
family to the U.S. for the surgery.
Kenngott said Kabang is expected to
be treated at the Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital of the University of
California Davis, under a team of
Some words build pictures in Each group is given pictures for Present a picture and let the Read the poem to the pupils,
your mind. They help you see them to analyze and let them pupils describe. observing proper phrasing and
B. Activity expression about the dog Kabang
things more clearly. write sentences to describe the
picture. Kabang a True Hero
Read the paragraph and study
the underlined words. By the roadside,Kabang lay.
It was a warm and sunny day. Counting men,one... two...three...
Mon and I set out to work in Counting wheels, oh too many
our big yard. First, we pulled Catching sight of you and me.
out the thick weeds. Then we
removed the big and small "Aw,aw" she barked to two little
stones. Mon shoveled the hard girls
Passing her by, both smiled
soil to make it soft. I made
small holes with my finger and
planted tiny seedlings. Mon
watered the small seedlings When out of nowhere came
carefully. After that we covered screeching
them with big leaves. When A speeding vehicle was
our work was finished, we approaching.
rested under the shade of a tall
Fearless Kabang flew just as fast
tree. Mon and I ate a filling Bumped the motorcycle in just a
snack of cold juice and snap
delicious sandwiches. Answer Caught in the spokes she lost her
the questions. snout
1. Who set out to work in the And a wrecked face that's what
big yard? _____________ she got
2. Why did Mon shovel the
hard soil? ______________ 3. Badly hurt Kabang hid for days
leaving us awed,daunted, and
What did Mon and I plant?
A hero she is, standing in oir midst
4. Why is it good to plant some A true hero,so valiant,bold,and
vegetables in our yard? brave.
What is your dog’s name?
What does your dog love to do?
Where does it love to stay?
2. We are about to read a poem about
a dog named Kabang. As I read the
poem, find out:
• What did Kabang love to do?
• Where did she love to stay?
Read the underlined words Discuss the concept of the
used in the paragraph. warm degrees of long adjectives. * Think of an incident when
C. Analysis
sunny big thick small hard soft you thought of others first
tiny, tall cold delicious What do before thinking of yourself. If
we call these words? These you were Kabang would you do
words are called adjectives. the same thing? Why and why
They describe a noun or a not?
pronoun. They tell how things
look, feel, taste, sound and

Read and study the sentences

below. Present the picture to the class and
1. The red flag is up. let them read the sentences that
2. The cat has a long tail. describe the persons and let them
3. Mother has a happy face. analyze the picture.
The encircled words are Guide Questions.
adjectives. They described the Who is fast?
underlined words which are Who is faster than the son?
nouns. In these sentences, the Who is the fastest of all?
adjectives come before the nouns.
Also, read and study the following Discuss the degree of comparison of
sentences. adjectives with one syllable and how
1. The boy is tall. are they written.
2. The leaves are green.
3. I am sad.
Look at the adjectives. They come Present another picture and let the
after the be-verbs am, is and are. learners write a sentence about the
Adjectives may come before the persons.
noun that it describes or after the
be–verbs am, is and are.
What are the degrees of comparison? How do you write the How were you able to read the poem
How are they written? comparative degreed with long correctly/ expressively?
What are objectives?
adjectives? The superlative?

D. Abstraction

Give the comparative and superlative Group the class into four and assign
degree of the following adjectives. each a stanza to read.

What is your favorite food? Adjectives Comparati Superlati

Describe your favorite food by ve ve
filling out the concept map. 1. hard
2. cold
E. Application 3. soft
My favorite
4. tall
is 5. rich
6. high
7. young
8. nice
A. Encircle the adjectives. Write a sentence using the Divide the pupils into 4 group.
1. The kite is big. following adjectives. Give each group a task to
2. I bought sweet mangoes. 1`. easier- perform.
3. The puppy has thick hair. 2. richest- 1. Draw the scene in the first
4. Father drinks black coffee. 3. harder- stanza, showing the things
5. His voice is loud. 4. oldest- which Kabang saw around.
B. Write 2 sentences using an 2. Read stanza 2. Dramatize the
adjective and encircle them. scene where Kabang greeted
thetwo girls, who both smiled
F. Assessment
at her sweetly in return.
3.Draw Kabang after the
accident. Write a sentence or
two under your drawing.
4. Pretend that you were one of
those saved by Kabang. Write a
Thank You letter to her or
dramatize what you will tell
Cut out a picture and describe
them. Paste them in your
G. Assignment notebook and write sentences
using adjectives.

H. Concluding Activity

A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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