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SW and Relationships

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The Importance of

Relationships in Social

Jim Kennedy

Special Report
March 2019
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: CareKnowledge

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1. Introduction
This Special Report has been pulled together to mark this year’s World Social Work
Day on the 19th of March, which focuses on promoting the importance of human
relationships. The Report draws attention to some of the key content to which we
provide access, that has something important to say on the subject of relationships.
Although some of the publications in the report are applicable specifically to England,
the bulk of the issues discussed, and the material available, have relevance across
the UK – and, in some cases – internationally.
Social work is arguably, to a much greater extent than many other professions,
founded on a belief in the value of human relationships. It is also a profession which
is highly dependent, for its impact, on the establishment and maintenance of
effective relationships – with the children and adults whom it supports, with their
families and communities, and with fellow professionals and the agencies for whom
they work. If those relationships are not well-established, or sustained, or if they fail,
the consequences can be serious, and, at the extreme, fatal, for some of the most
vulnerable people in society.
Of course, individual social workers are not solely responsible for the maintenance of
that full web of relationships, and managers, employers and the agencies with whom
social workers are engaged must play a full part in creating the conditions in which
positive relationships can flourish. But there remains a core responsibility, on
individual practitioners, to maximise the opportunities that are available to support
effective relationships; and to seek wider solutions if those are less available than
they should be, or, are absent.
With that introduction in mind, it is perhaps slightly disappointing that the centrality of
relationships to the practice of social work has not been given quite the prominence
in recent years as may have been the case in the past. Although a wide range of
publications – some of which are highlighted later in this report – are available,
through CareKnowledge, that, in part, address the subject, there are fewer that can
be said to centre wholeheartedly or, in full detail, on relationships.
We were also a little surprised to note that the definition of social work – promulgated
by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), the main sponsors of
World Social Work Day – has been changed fairly recently. The previous definition is
still referred to by a number of organisations and features in several of the reports
highlighted below.
The original definition ran as follows:
“The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human
relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.
Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at
the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights
and social justice are fundamental to social work.”
The new definition – approved by the IFSW General Meeting and the International
Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) General Assembly in July 2014
drops the specific reference to relationships:
“Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that
promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment
and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective
responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by
theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge,
social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance
wellbeing. The above definition may be amplified at national and/or regional levels.”
There are good reasons for the change in definition, discussed on the IFSW website,
but the omission of reference to relationships jars a little with the chosen focus for
World Social Work Day.
The current BASW definition set out in this House of Commons Briefing also
makes no specific reference to the importance of relationships: “Social work is a
profession that is centred around people – from babies through to older people…
Social workers work with individuals and families to help improve outcomes in their
lives. This may be helping to protect vulnerable people from harm or abuse or
supporting people to live independently. Social workers support people, act as
advocates and direct people to the services they may require. Social workers often
work in multi-disciplinary teams alongside health and education professionals.”
Whilst all of the above may confirm something of an absence of an ‘on-the-label’
focus on the importance of relationships in social work, there are a significant
number of publications, available, through CareKnowledge that do address the issue
in their more detailed material. In what follows, we’ve selected a number of those
publications and, in some cases, highlighted content that speaks to the importance
of relationships with people who use services and their families and communities;
with colleagues including supervisors and managers; and with and between
2. Standards
2.1 BASW’s refreshed Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work in
England includes these key expectations for qualified social workers. They must:
• Acknowledge the centrality of relationships for people and the key concepts of
attachment, separation, loss, change and resilience
• Demonstrate the ability to engage with people, and build, manage, sustain
and conclude compassionate and effective relationships
• Identify and understand the impact of the power invested in the SW role on
relationships and interventions, and have the ability to adapt practice
• Build and use effective relationships with a wide range of people, networks,
communities and professionals to improve outcomes, showing an ability to
use appropriate assessment frameworks, applying information gathering skills
to make and contribute to assessments, whilst continuing to build
relationships and offer support
• Work effectively as a member of a team, demonstrating the ability to develop
and maintain appropriate professional and inter-professional relationships,
managing challenge and conflict, with support
• Promote a culture which supports empathetic compassionate relationships
with other professionals, people who use services, and those who care for
• Promote positive working relationships in and across teams, using strategies
for collaboration and contribute to a supportive organisational culture
• Develop strategic engagement, influence and relationships with a range of
stakeholder groups
2.2 The Knowledge and Skills Statements for Child and Family Social Workers
The Statements, now with titles establishing them as post-qualifying standards under
Section 42 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017, cover child and family
practitioners, their supervisors and practice leaders. Published by the Department for
Education (DfE) and applicable in England they say that social workers must:
• Build effective relationships with children, young people and families, which
form the bedrock of all support and child protection responses. Be both
authoritative and empathic and work in partnership with children, families and
professionals, enabling full participation in assessment, planning, review and
decision making
• Help children to separate from, and sustain, multiple relationships recognising
the impact of loss and change
• Observe and talk to children in their environment including at home, at school,
with parents, carers, friends and peers to help understand the physical and
emotional world in which the child lives, including the quality of child and
parent/carer interaction and other key relationships
• Reflect on the emotional experience of working relationships with parents,
carers and children, and consciously identify where personal triggers are
affecting the quality of 7 analysis or help. Identify strategies to build
professional resilience and management of self
• Maintain personal and professional credibility through effective working
relationships with peers, managers and leaders both within the profession,
throughout multi-agency partnerships and public bodies, including the family
Practice supervisors must:
• Demonstrate optimistic behaviour, and build positive relationships with
children and families and other professionals
• Apply a proportionate and ethical approach to the exercise of authority, which
develops and maintains relationships with families and professionals and
ensures the protection of children
• Recognise the patterns of relationships between professionals, identifying
where these are likely to compromise the welfare of families and the safety of
children, taking immediate and corrective action
• Build relevant relationships with children and families and professionals to test
current hypotheses and dominant perspectives
• Recognise how different relationships evoke different emotional responses,
which impact upon the effectiveness of social work practice and provide
responsive, high quality individual supervision
2.3 The Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services
The Statement, published by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC),
and, again, applicable in England, says that social workers:
• Need to apply a wide range of knowledge and skills to understand and build
relationships, and work directly with individuals, their families and carers to
enable and empower them to achieve best outcomes
• Should focus on the links between the individual, their health and wellbeing
and their need for relationships and connection with their families, community
and wider society
• Need to be able to work directly with individuals and their families through the
professional use of self, using interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
to create relationships based on openness, transparency and empathy. They
should know how to build purposeful, effective relationships underpinned by
• Will, for example, be able to complete assessments of need independently,
which start from a perspective of the service users' desired outcomes and
have become more effective in their interventions; deal with more complex
situations; develop respectful and situation-appropriate professional
relationships, thus building their own confidence; and earning the confidence
and respect of others

2.4 Post-Qualifying Standards for Social Work Practice Supervisors in Adult

Social Care

The Statement, published by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC),
and, again, applicable in England, says that practice supervisors should:

• Build positive relationships with adults and their carers and other
professionals through their professionalism and optimistic attitude, as
appropriate and model this approach to others
• Support social workers to develop influential and respectful working
relationships with partner agencies
• Develop a collaborative, supervisory partnership in which the relationships
with adults in need of care and support have a central position
• Recognise the impact that relationships with the [people with whom they are
working] may have on social workers, including [those who use services] and
their carers, as well as other professionals, and [consider how these can
influence practice effectiveness]
Practice supervisors should recognise the dynamics of relationships between
professionals, identifying where these are likely to compromise the well-being of
adults and take immediate and corrective action.
[Understand} that reflective supervision involves helping, through supervision
processes, to create an environment which enables such learning and reviewing to
take place. This means first and foremost that a reflective supervisor needs to model
a critically reflective ability in their own approach to relationships in the organisation
3. The relevant literature
Relationship-Based Practice: Emergent Themes in Social Work Literature
This report is part of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services’
(IRISS) ‘Insight series’. It sets out to review the literature on relationship-based
practice in social work and includes discussion on:
• The historical context
• The philosophical underpinnings for such practice
• Care ethics
• Relevant policy
• Professionalism
• Boundaries and barriers
• The use of self
• Transference and counter-transference
• And reflective practice
The report argues that:
• There are compelling philosophical, policy and practice reasons to put
relationships at the heart of social work
• The importance of relationships is increasingly recognised in ‘people work’ but
especially in social work and social care, across all domains of practice
• Effective relationships are central to successful outcomes
• Current policy directions in Scotland are rooted in the need for effective
personal/ professional relationships
• Relationships are complex, requiring an awareness of ‘self’ and the
negotiation of inter-personal boundaries
• Current practice cultures can make it difficult to practice in properly relational
ways and would require a radical shift for issues of power, agency and status
to be addressed
4. Practice and supervision
4.1 Signs of Safety
In this Special Report for CareKnowledge, Wendy Hill described the key elements of
the Signs of Safety approach and set out this core underlying principle which might
stand as suitably brief summary for much else that is said across the publications in
this current report:
Constructive working relationships between professionals and family members, and
between professionals themselves, is at the heart and soul of effective practice.
Compassionate relationships, working ‘with’ not ‘doing to’ are the bedrock of human
change and growth.
4.2 Empathy, Tenacity and Compassion
In October 2015 Brighton & Hove implemented relationship-based practice as a
whole system change across Children’s Social Work Services. The new model of
practice, the Team Around the Relationship, involved a move to small social work
teams, or pods, which support children from the assessment stage through the
whole of their journey across social work services.
The Team Around the Relationship is premised on the idea that, if social workers
feel safe and contained, they can build relationships with families and use these
relationships to affect change. The model of practice, therefore, incorporates group
supervision, reflective practice groups and a new model of relationship-based
assessment and recording, One Story, as key processes to support whole system
change. The practice system is supported by a cultural transformation towards
becoming a relationship-based organisation, which inspires trust and confidence in
its practitioners.
To measure the impact of the Team Around the Relationship the Council is
undertaking an ongoing evaluation based on a targeted consultation to test its theory
of change. The evaluation focuses on the context, mechanisms and outcomes of the
model of practice. This paper outlines the findings of the evaluation so far and sets
out the key messages from the first 20 months.
The evaluation has found that, in general:
• Families have a better experience of social work
• Social workers feel more supported and more able to make a difference for
• Relationship-based practice seems to be supporting safe and stable family
lives for children
• The model of practice appears to have decreased demand for social work (a
5.4% decrease in the number of open families) and high-level interventions (a
10% decrease in both children with child protection plans and in care) during
a time of increasing national demand
4.3 Culturally Competent Practice
This CareKnowledge briefing pulls together a number of the references that are
available on culturally sensitive practice or on closely associated subjects.
Establishing and sustaining relationships with people with a wide range of cultural –
and sometimes very different – cultural backgrounds is an increasingly important part
of effective social work.
As well as an introduction to the topic and a short review of relevant available web-
based material, the briefing sets out discussions and links in relation to:
• Values and cultural issues in social work
• A cultural competency toolkit for health and social care
• Standards and indicators for cultural competence in social work practice
• Ethnic sensitive social work practice
• Safeguarding children in black and minority ethnic communities
• Black and minority ethnic parents with mental health problems and their
4.4 Relationships and Sexuality in Adult Social Care Services
This guidance is for CQC inspection staff and registered providers. It is about
people’s relationships and sexuality in social care services for adults receiving
personal care and support. It focuses on caring for people who need support to
express their sexuality and to have their needs met. The guidance includes
information on:
• When providers should assess a person’s sexuality needs
• How providers can help people develop their understanding of sexuality and
• Whether a best interests assessment can be made in relation to a person’s
consent to sex
• How providers can support people living with a physical disability
• How providers can support people with accessing dating services
• Sexual disinhibition and how providers should support people who exhibit
such behaviour
• Situations where someone lacks capacity to consent to sexual relations
• How someone’s capacity to consent to sexual relations can be assessed
4.5 Helping Vulnerable Children and Adolescents to Stay Safe: Creative Ideas
and Activities for Building Protective Behaviours
The whole thrust of this Special Report written for CareKnowledge by Katie Wrench
is to describe how effective practice can lead to the establishment of trusting
relationships between professionals and vulnerable children and can help those
children develop the protective behaviours that will enhance their chances of
remaining safe in the full range of other relationships of which they will be part, or
which they will develop.
Katie herself has a wide experience of maintaining relationships through her work as
a HCPC registered social worker and art psychotherapist, and SW Team Manager.
Katie has worked for over twenty years with children in care and children who have
been adopted from care and continues to provide consultation and training to
frontline social care practitioners, adoptive parents and foster carers.
4.6 Strengths-based Approaches to Working With Adults: Ensuring a Person-
centred and Outcomes-focused Approach
The entire concept of strengths-based work relies on the establishment of the right
kind relationships with those who use services and with a whole network of
professionals and agencies to ensure that people can build on a potential multitude
of strengths in themselves, and in their families and communities, to secure better
outcomes for their futures. Those are the themes that Jon Skone discusses in this
Special Report for CareKnowledge.
4.7 Stability for Children in Care
The establishment of fully supportive relationships is absolutely central to the
wellbeing of children in care. Those relationships cannot be sustained if there is
otherwise a lack of stability for the children concerned. The Children’s Commissioner
published the second in her new series of reports on stability for children in care.
This CareKnowledge briefing provides an update on what had changed since the
Commissioner’s 2017 report, and includes a link to the original briefing we prepared
at that time.
4.8 Building Trusted Relationships for Vulnerable Children and Young People
with Public Services
Unusually, this evidence review was commissioned by the Home Office. It says that
previous reviews of the child protection system have suggested that children who
experience abuse lack a designated adult outside of the family system who is able to
provide consistent support – or a ‘trusted relationship’. The focus of the review is on
early intervention with children and young people who are vulnerable to either child
sexual exploitation (CSE) or child sexual abuse (CSA). The work included a rapid
review of the published evidence-base and new, small-scale qualitative research
with practitioners in this field.
The core findings of the review are that:
• There is a strong logic for thinking that trusted relationships between a
practitioner and a child can protect vulnerable young people from CSE or
CSA, but as yet there is no evidence to support this
• There is some evidence that supportive practitioner–child relationships in
other circumstances can improve child outcomes in and of themselves
• There is a lack of high-quality research evidence on the risk and protective
factors for becoming a victim of CSE or CSA
• The ability of public services to build trusted relationships with vulnerable
children and young people appears to be influenced by the characteristics of
the child or young person, the practitioner and the organisational context
• There is good evidence for the effectiveness of high-quality mentoring
• There is broad consensus between research and practice on the features
which allow trusted practitioner–child relationships to develop
On that last point, the review concludes that the identified factors for successful
relationships are already embedded in professional advice and guidance and goes
on to quote Ofsted’s Time to Listen report:
• Practitioners need to be sensitive and understanding to develop a trusting
relationship with a child
• In the context of CSE, inappropriate language (such as ‘promiscuous’,
‘consensual’, or ‘small age gap’) is a key barrier to developing trusted
• Children want to feel they are in control of their situation. Effective
practitioners carefully plan their work together with the child and are persistent
and skilled in engaging children in the process
• While children value having a trusting relationship with one adult, having too
many professionals involved in direct contact with the child can be unhelpful
and overwhelming
4.9 Supervision - Practice Essentials
In this Special Report for CareKnowledge, Jane Wonnacott takes a detailed look at
those elements of supervision practice that are essential, whatever the environment
or practice methodology being employed in a social work/social care team. Jane’s
report contains the following section on developing and reviewing the supervisory
relationship, Here, she says:
“Although causal links cannot be proven, it is not unreasonable to assume that
where supervisors are able to build good relationships with supervisees, practitioners
will in turn be more likely to develop positive relationships with service users. Time
and time again, we hear that what is important to service users is the capacity of the
practitioner to be “real” and “genuine” showing that they “really care” yet practitioners
may be expected to show this behaviour without a similar experience themselves
within their organisations.
There are perhaps more challenges in relationship-development between supervisor
and supervisee in group settings and there is the additional issue of creating safe
relationships across the group. However, as with supervision delivered one to one,
practitioners need to feel contained and safe if they are to share uncertainties and
anxieties, as well as successes and the group leader has a responsibility to develop
group relationships where this can happen.
Key features in any setting will be:
• An authentic supervisor who is genuine and acts in a way consistent with their
stated beliefs and values
• A supervisor who is interested in their supervisees for who they are, where
they have come from and their practice aspirations
• The capacity to create of a safe, contained space where boundaries are clear
and maintained
• Re- evaluation of the supervisory relationship built into the process”

4.10 The Current Context for Supervision in Social Work and Social Care
In her earlier report for CareKnowedge, Jane looked at some of the challenges and
potential barriers to the provision of effective supervision, and included the following
section on the importance of relationships in finding a way forward:
“Alongside this rather gloomy picture there are committed, enthusiastic, skilled
practitioners and managers and organisations where effective supervision flourishes.
Although the overall context for supervision is challenging, in some areas (both in
terms of geography and type of service) supervision thrives. A legitimate question is
what enables this to happen?
One obvious answer may lie in the skills of individual supervisors and the amount
and quality of training that they have received. A study of what happened in child and
family social work supervision (Wilkins et al, 2017) found that 10 out of eleven
managers had received no training in supervision and said they were modelling their
approach on the supervision that they had received.
In the current climate, there may be a drive to minimise the amount of time and
money spent on traditional training activities along with an assumption that an
experienced practitioner can move smoothly into a supervisory role. The problem
with this assumption is that it underestimates the complexity of the task and any new
supervisor who has not experienced good supervision themselves will have little to
draw on, when starting out as a supervisor. Bad practice can be modelled as well as
Developing into a skilled supervisor takes time, including the opportunity through
training to understand what good supervision looks like, as well as practice,
feedback from supervisees and ongoing support from practice leaders. One short
training event is unlikely to create sustained change, and organisations where
supervision flourishes are likely to be those where there is recognition that
supporting and sustaining supervisors over time, and in a variety of ways, is crucial.
Perhaps one area for exploration is the degree to which the organisation promotes
the importance of relationships as a vehicle for change. One notable difference
between the children’s practice supervisors’ framework and that proposed for adults
is the emphasis on the supervisory relationship. There is no explicit reference to the
relationship as an important aspect of supervision for children’s social workers, yet a
relationship based approach to supervision appears to be central within the
framework proposed in adult services.
Given that there is good evidence that the quality of the worker/service user
relationship is critical in promoting good outcomes (Molloy, et al 2017) it is not
unreasonable to argue for an approach to supervision that has, at its heart, a positive
supervisory relationship. It is within this context that constructive challenge, and
support for excellent practice is likely to flourish. Positive supervisory relationships
will enable staff to reflect openly and safely on their practice, identify strengths, admit
mistakes and grow and develop as workers.
It is possible that the relationship is not always given explicit focus as it is assumed
that experienced supervisors will automatically understand that successful
supervision must take place within a safe, contained relationship. This is a mistake.
Relationships need time, work and attention and this has to be legitimised and
mirrored throughout the organisation.”
5. Organisational relationships
5.1 How to Survive in an Integrated Health & Social Care Organisation: a Guide
for Social Workers and Health and Social Care Integration – A Director’s Story
A key focus over the last few decades has been the need to develop more integrated
working, particularly between health and social care. At root, all successful
integration is built on the development and maintenance of relationships between
professionals and between the agencies for which they work. John Skone’s Special
Reports look at how those relationships can be best secured at both the practitioner
and senior manager levels.
5.2 Cooperative Working in Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of
This Special Report, written for CareKnowledge by Colin Green, considers the
elements of good practice in working cooperatively to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children who are looked after. If there is any situation in which there is a
need for effective relationships between organisations and the people working in
them, it is the field of ensuring best outcomes for children in care. Colin’s report
takes a wide-ranging look at many of the relationships that need to be built and
sustained if cooperative working is to be successful. It includes discussion on:
• The challenges to building effective relationships
• The role of leadership
• The influence of structures
• The role of guidance
• The role of training and development
• Organisational issues that can affect relationships and cooperation
6. Communities
6.1 What Works in Community Led Support?
This summary draws together the headline findings and lessons from an evaluation
of the Community Led Support (CLS) Programme hosted by the National
Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi).
Between June 2016 and November 2017, NDTi supported seven local authorities
and their partners to plan, design, implement and evaluate a new model of delivering
community based care and support (community led support) – using approaches
intended to ensure each local model is continually evolving, learning and developing.
The CLS programme is based on the following principles, most of which have direct
implications for relationship-building:
• Co-production brings people and organisations together around a shared
• There is a focus on communities and a recognition that each will be different
• People can get support and advice when they need it so that crises are
• The culture becomes based on trust and empowerment
• People are treated as equals and their strengths and gifts are built upon
• Bureaucracy is kept to the minimum necessary
• The system is responsive, proportionate and delivers good outcomes
6.2 The Place of Kindness
This report from Carnegie UK looks at ways of combating loneliness and building
stronger communities, and the barriers to those objectives.
The report argues that kindness is at the very heart of people's wellbeing. With the
support of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Carnegie UK has been working with
seven organisations to test what, if anything, could be done to encourage kinder
communities, exploring ideas around the importance of places and opportunities to
connect, and the intrinsic values underpinning people's interactions and
This report sets out what has been learned, highlighting examples of where kindness
and everyday relationships can affect change and support the wellbeing of
individuals and communities.
The report also highlights some of the major factors that get in the way of engaging
and encouraging kindness both in individuals and organisations, including real and
imagined rules relating to risk; funders and policy makers valuing the formal and
organisational over the informal and individual; and modern definitions of
professionalism and good leadership crowding out everyday kindness and intuitive
human interactions.
7. Final comment
This report presents just a selection of the publications we hold, or to which we
provide links, that have something important to say about the central role of
relationships in social work. One issue not much covered in the selection we have
made is the need to recognise that the development of relationships can have a
downside if professionals do not recognise the appropriate boundaries and power
imbalances inherent in the roles that social workers can carry. Here the words of
Scotland’s Codes of Practice for health and social care staff are worth repeating:
“[As a member of staff] I will not form inappropriate relationships with people who
use services or carers.”
And, on another, more positive note, you may want to read this short blog from last
year which neatly encapsulates what we know about the importance of human
relationships and their implications for social work.
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