Hydroxyl Radical Generation
Hydroxyl Radical Generation
Hydroxyl Radical Generation
Invited paper
Article history:
Received 10 January 2017 We propose a simple, efficient and selective hydroxyl radical generation system based on the photolysis
Received in revised form 22 February 2017 of submicromolar concentrations of nitrite using a high-power ultraviolet light emitting diode (UV-LED).
Accepted 23 February 2017 Hydroxyl radical formation by the 6.75-W UV-LED was at least 10 times greater than that by a 300-W Xe
Available online 28 February 2017 lamp. In the UV-LED system, the hydroxyl radical formation rate from nitrite was about four orders of
magnitude larger than that from nitrate and two orders of magnitude larger than that from hydrogen
Keywords: peroxide. Such efficient and selective hydroxyl radical formation can be attributed to the overlap of the
Hydroxyl radical emission spectrum of the UV-LED and absorption of nitrite. The system was used to determine the
Reaction rate constant
reaction rate constants between hydroxyl radicals and chemicals based on the competition method with
Ultraviolet light emitting diode
terephthalate as the hydroxyl radical probe. The reaction rate constants between hydroxyl radicals and
Terephthalate some low-molecular-weight organic compounds and inorganic halide salts with various reaction rate
constants were determined. The values obtained ranged from 105 to 1010 M1 s1, and agreed well with
previously reported values. The potential of the developed method to determine the reaction rate
constants of hydroxyl radicals is discussed.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1010-6030/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Takeda et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 340 (2017) 8–14 9
in vitro is of considerable interest in life sciences and medicine. 2. Material and methods
Evaluation of the reaction rate constants of hydroxyl radicals and
chemical species in biological media is thus an important task. 2.1. Reagents
Numerous attempts have been made to determine the reaction
rate constants between hydroxyl radicals and chemicals as the TP and HTP were obtained from Tokyo Chemical Industry Co.
antioxidant activities of biomolecules [15–18]. The transient Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Other chemicals and solvents were of reagent
method using gamma ray pulse radiolysis has provided a huge or HPLC grade, and used without further purification. All solutions
number of data sets to examine the reactions of hydroxyl radicals. were made using ultrapure water obtained from a Milli-Q Elix UV-
Some of them can be conveniently referred to on the website of the 5 and Milli-Q Advantage (Millipore, Tokyo, Japan).
Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory (NDRL) of the University of Notre
Dame, USA, in collaboration with the National Institute of 2.2. UV-LED light source
Standards and Technology (NIST), USA [19].
Steady-state methods based on competitive kinetics are The UV-LED was purchased from Nitride Semiconductors Co.
commonly used to determine reaction rate constants. In such Ltd (NS365L-6SMG, Naruto, Japan). According to the specification
steady-state methods, hydroxyl radicals competitively react with a sheet of the UV-LED, its typical peak wavelength is 360–370 nm,
probe compound (or reference substance) and target compound, full width at half-maximum is 9 nm, and typical optical output
resulting in the formation of a stable product from the reaction power is 2750 mW at a DC forward current of 1.0 A. The UV-LED
between the hydroxyl radicals and probe compound. Many probe was installed on an aluminum heat sink with a cooling fan driven
compounds to detect hydroxyl radicals have been reported, by a custom-made constant-current power supply at a DC forward
including highly sensitive fluorescent probes, such as terephthal- current of 0.9 A and forward voltage of 7.4–7.6 V.
ate (TP) [15,17,20–22], coumarin [16], 3-hydroxycoumarin [23],
benzoate [24,25] and benzene [3,11]. These probes react with 2.3. Batch photochemical experiments
hydroxyl radicals with high reaction rate constants (>109 M1 s1),
and generate stable fluorescent products. A hydroxyl radical Photochemical experiments with a quartz photochemical
generation system is also an essential element for the competitive reaction cell were conducted by the batch method to characterize
method. The Fenton reaction, photolysis, and radiolysis have been hydroxyl radical formation using the UV-LED and compared with
used to generate hydroxyl radicals. Louit et al. developed a that by a solar simulator equipped with a Xe lamp. The quartz
fluorometric assay to determine hydroxyl radical reaction rate photochemical reaction cell, which was custom-made at our
constants using a 137Cs gamma-ray source with coumarin [16]. university, was 80 mm in diameter and 12 mm thick (optical path).
They used a multi-well microplate for radiolysis to realize a simple, The UV-LED was placed 10–15 mm above the top surface of the
rapid, high-throughput screening method of antioxidants, al- reaction cell. All of the experiments were conducted in air-
though a gamma-ray source with N2O gas was essential. The saturated condition at room temperature.
Fenton system using hydrogen peroxide and Fe(II) or Fe(II)– A solar simulator (81160-1000, Oriel, USA) equipped with a
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelate has been frequent- 300-W ozone-free Xe lamp was also used as the light source. The
ly used to evaluate hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity [15,17,18]. light intensity of the solar simulator was estimated using chemical
However, the reaction mixtures contain submillimolar-order actinometry based on the photochemical degradation of 2-
ferrous compound and hydrogen peroxide, which can scavenge nitrobenzaldehyde (2-NB). The degradation rate of 2-NB by the
the hydroxyl radicals and cause unexpected reactions. The simple solar simulator was estimated to be 0.0042 s1. The degradation
method to assess the relative reactivities of hydroxyl radicals rate of 2-NB by sunlight on October 7, 2002 at Higashi-Hiroshima
scavenging were also developed, and were applied to the biological (at noon under clear sky conditions) was 0.0093 s1, suggesting
and medical fields [26,27]. that the light intensity of the solar simulator was about 45% of
The 2014 Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to three Japanese natural sunlight at noon under a clear sky.
scientists, Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura,
who invented an efficient blue light emitting diode (LED). Their 2.4. Determination of the rate constants of the reaction between
achievements have been used to develop short-wavelength LEDs hydroxyl radicals and target compounds based on the competition
that emit in the ultraviolet (UV) region. Recently, high-power, low- method
cost, long-lived UV-LED elements have become available on the
market. In this study, we propose a simple photolysis system to In a sample mixture including the target compound (X) and TP
generate hydroxyl radicals using a UV-LED. This system is used to as a probe compound (Supplementary content), the fraction of
determine the reaction rate constant between hydroxyl radicals hydroxyl radicals that reacted with TP in the competition with the
and chemicals. The high-power 365-nm UV-LED used here target compound was,
generates hydroxyl radicals by photolysis of submicromolar nitrite
aqueous solutions with an absorption maximum located at around f OH ¼ X ; ð1Þ
355 nm [28,29]. kTP;OH ½TP þ kX;OH ½X þ kScavi;OH ½Scav i
NO2 + H2O + hv ! OH + NO + OH where kTP,OH and [TP] are the reaction rate constant and
concentration of TP, respectively, and kX,OH and [X] are the reaction
We use TP as the hydroxyl radical probe, which is readily soluble rate constant and concentration of the target compound,
in water at neutral pH, stable, and not fluorescent and has low respectively. kScav-i,OH and [Scav-i] are the reaction rate constant
toxicity. TP reacts with hydroxyl radicals with a reaction rate and concentration of hydroxyl radical scavengers other than TP and
constant of 3.3–4.4 109 M1 s1 to quantitatively form a strongly the target compound, respectively. The third term of the
fluorescent product, 2-hydroxyterephthalate (HTP) [20–22]. We P
denominator, kScav-i [Scav-i], is the subtotal of the scavenging
examine the features of hydroxyl radical generation by the UV-LED, rate by all of the scavengers in the reaction mixture except TP and
and the potential of the method to determine the reaction rate the target compound, which include the hydroxyl radical source
constants of hydroxyl radicals. (nitrite), components of the buffer solution (when used) and other
unknown scavengers in the reaction mixture. After generation of
10 K. Takeda et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 340 (2017) 8–14
F0 ¼ fY f ROH X ; ð4Þ
kTP;OH ½TP þ kScavi;OH ½Scav i
F0 kX;OH ½X
¼1þ X : ð5Þ
F kTP;OH ½TP þ kScavi;OH ½Scav i
Eq. (6) indicates that a plot of F0/F against [X] at constant [TP]
Fluorescence signal was obtained from peak area as the mean of
should be a straight line with a y-intercept of 1 and a slope of kX,OH/
three independent injections of different mixtures at each
(kTP,OH [TP]). The reaction rate constant of the target compound
concentration of the target compound. All of the experiments
with hydroxyl radicals kX,OH can then be simply calculated from the
were conducted in air-saturated condition at room temperature.
slope of this plot, kTP,OH and [TP]. We chose a kTP,OH of 4.0 109
M1 s1 [21] to calculate the rate constants of target compounds.
2.6. Other analyses
Table 1
Formation rates of 2-hydroxyterephthalate from nitrite, nitrate and hydrogen peroxide induced by the UV-LED and a solar simulator equipped with a 300-W Xe lamp.
Concentration ranges were 0–4 mM for nitrite, 0–400 mM for nitrate and 0–400 mM for hydrogen peroxide.
Light source
NO2 8.6 105 M s1 M(NO2)1 (1.00)a 5.0 106 M s1 M(NO2)1
H2O2 1.1 106 M s1 M(H2O2)1 (0.013)a –
NO3 4.2 109 M s1 M(NO3)1 (0.00005)a –
Ratios with formation rate of nitrite.
nitrite. The UV–vis absorption spectra of nitrite, nitrate, and Therefore, the photochemical degradation of HTP was negligible in
hydrogen peroxide along with the emission spectrum of the UV- our system.
LED are shown in Fig. 2(a). The absorption spectrum of nitrite
overlapped well with the emission spectrum of the UV-LED. It is 3.2. Methodology development with a UV-LED fluorescence flow
well known that the spectrum of natural sunlight is a continuum measurement system
spectrum above 300 nm. Therefore, the specific formation of
hydroxyl radicals by the UV-LED can be attributed to the spectral In the fluorescence flow measurement system with the UV-LED,
features (emission wavelength) of the UV-LED used in this study. the signal intensities of 2.0 mM TP solution after 3.0 min of
The photolysis of nitrite by the UV-LED can be used as an efficient irradiation without a target compound were linearly proportional
and selective hydroxyl radical source in aqueous media. to the nitrite concentration in 0.05–5 mM nitrite. The signal
The absorption spectra of TP and HTP dissolved in Milli-Q water intensities of 0.05 mM TP solution with 0.1 mM nitrite were linearly
are depicted in Fig. 2(b). Their absorption bands did not overlap proportional to the irradiation time up to 10 min. The relative
with the emission of the UV-LED. Page et al. determined the standard deviation of signal intensity for five measurements of
hydroxyl radicals generated photochemically using a Hg lamp with 0.1 mM nitrite was 1.5%. This result demonstrates that 0.1 mM
a 320-nm cutoff filter [22]. They found that HTP generated from TP nitrite with 3 min of irradiation provided strong enough signals to
and hydroxyl radicals photochemically decomposed during detect the photochemically formed hydroxyl radicals. Therefore,
irradiation, and concluded that TP is an unsuitable probe for the concentration of nitrite used as the hydroxyl radical source was
studying photochemical systems under UV irradiation with 0.1 mM with 3 min of irradiation.
wavelengths shorter than 360 nm. However, the light emission The competition method can be realized if the concentrations of
of the UV-LED used in this study should be spectroscopically inert both the probe compound (TP) and target compound can be
to HTP because of their spectral features, as shown in Fig. 2(b). We considered as constants during irradiation. The formation of HTP
carried out photochemical degradation experiments of 0.1 mM HTP generated from 0.05 mM TP, 0.1 mM nitrite, and irradiation for
in Milli-Q water at neutral pH with UV-LED irradiation for 3 min. 3 min in the absence of target compound was 9.4 nM, which is
The results indicated that there was no statistical difference in about 0.02% of the initial TP. This indicates that the concentration
fluorescence signal between irradiated and non–irradiated HTP. of TP during the irradiation could be considered as constant at TP
concentrations exceeding 0.05 mM.
Eq. (6) was used to determine the reaction rate constant
between the target compound and hydroxyl radicals, when the
scavenging rate of the scavengers other than TP and the target
compound is sufficiently smaller than those of TP. In this study, the
scavenging by nitrite as a photochemical hydroxyl radical source
and components of phosphate buffer solution (when used) should
be considered. It is well known that nitrite is an effective scavenger
of hydroxyl radicals with reaction rate constants of 0.6–1.4 1010
M1 s1 [30,31] while it is also a photochemical source of hydroxyl
radicals. As shown in Table 2, the calculated scavenging rate of
0.1 mM nitrite was 0.6–1.4 103 s1, which is negligible compared
with that by TP under the conditions employed. We sometimes
used phosphate buffer (pH 6–8) to stabilize the pH of reaction
mixtures. In Table 2, the rate constants and calculated scavenging
rates by components in the phosphate buffer solution are
summarized. Because the pKa values of phosphoric acid are
Table 2
Estimated scavenging rates of hydroxyl radicals by chemical components in the
reaction mixture.
pKa1 = 2.1, pKa2 = 7.2 and pKa3 = 12.3, the scavenging rate of 10 mM 2.7 107 M1 s1 by using a photochemical steady-state method
phosphate buffer at pH 6–8 was roughly predicted to be less than [42], which was two orders of magnitude smaller than the previous
<1.5 103 s1. Thus, the hydroxyl radical scavenging by phosphate values. In our system, fluorescence signals were clearly detected,
buffer was also negligible. These results demonstrate that almost and the plot against [Cl] ([Cl] = 0–0.9 M, [NO2] = 0.1 mM and
all of the hydroxyl radicals generated reacted with TP or the target [TP] = 0.05 mM) was a straight line passing through the y-intercept
compound rather than nitrite or components of the buffer solution, at 1. The rate constants obtained for KCl and NaCl were two orders
suggesting that the reaction rate constant can be reliably of magnitude lower than those of Arakaki et al., and four orders of
calculated by Eq. (6). magnitude lower than those measured by pulse radiolysis. Because
high concentrations of NaCl and KCl were used in our experiments,
3.3. Determination of the reaction rate constant between the target the reaction rate constants obtained may include some unexpected
compound and hydroxyl radicals effects. However, the huge difference in the rate constants of
chloride ions may be explained by their fast back reaction as well as
The reaction rate constant between methanol and hydroxyl forward reaction [42,43]. The results indicate that the apparent
radicals was determined. Fig. 3 plots F0/F against methanol reaction rate constant between chloride ions and hydroxyl radicals
concentration. The plot was a straight line passing through a y- could be quite low. At least, the results suggest that chloride ions
intercept of 1. The reaction rate constants estimated from the slope are inert in hydroxylation of TP by hydroxyl radicals, which
of the plot and concentration of TP were 0.85 109 M1 s1 for probably involves hydroxylation of the aromatic ring. The rate
0.05 mM TP, 0.84 109 M1 s1 for 0.5 mM TP and 0.88 109 M1 constant determined for KBr was about one order of magnitude
s1 for 1.0 mM TP, respectively. The reaction rate constants lower than the values on the NDRL/NIST website. This discrepancy
obtained in 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH = 7.0) with 0.05 mM TP is also associated with the fast back reaction between bromide ions
was 0.83 109 M1 s1. These values were independent of the and hydroxyl radicals. Zehavi and Rabani estimated that the
concentration of TP in the range 0.05–1.0 mM and the presence of apparent rate constant for the reaction OH + Br ! OH + Br was
buffer. The reported values summarized on the NDRL/NIST website 1.0–1.9 109 M1 s1 when [Br] < 10 mM [44], which is consistent
were 0.78–1.2 109 M1 s1 [19,35–38], indicating that the results with our result. The results obtained here for chloride ions and
obtained using the proposed method agreed well with the values bromide ions provide important information to discuss hydroxyl
reported previously. radical quenching in seawater.
We determined the reaction rate constants between hydroxyl
radicals and target compounds using the developed system. Some 4. Discussion
low-molecular-weight organic compounds and inorganic halide
salts with various reaction rate constants were chosen. The results The reaction rate constants of hydroxyl radicals were deter-
are summarized in Table 3. The obtained values were compared mined successfully using the method developed in this study. The
with the literature values quoted by the NDRL/NIST Solution important feature of the presented method is the hydroxyl radical
Kinetics Database Resources [19] and those by Louit et al. [16]. The generation system using nitrite and a UV-LED. Because the
obtained reaction rate constants ranged from 105 to 1010 M1 s1, emission spectrum of the UV-LED employed overlapped well with
and were in good agreement with the previously reported values, the absorption spectrum of nitrite, efficient and selective genera-
except for chloride ions, bromide ions, cysteine, and nicotinamide. tion of hydroxyl radicals could be achieved with 0.1 mM nitrite. In
The reaction rate constants for cysteine were more than 3 times the Fenton system, which is commonly used to generate hydroxyl
lower than the reported value. In aqueous solution, cysteine is radicals, Fe(II) ion or its complex compounds scavenge hydroxyl
oxidized by air to cystine with a reaction rate constant of radicals in the reaction mixture. For example, 0.03–1 mM Fe2+ with
2.1 109 M1 s1 [41]. This is one of the reasons for the lower an equivalent concentration of EDTA was used in previous studies
rate constants for cysteine than previously reported. For nicotin- [15,17]. Because the reaction rate constants of [Fe(EDTA)]2 are
amide, it is unknown why a lower rate constant was obtained in 0.5–1.1 1010 M1 s1 [39,40], the scavenging rate by [Fe
this study than elsewhere. (EDTA)]2was estimated to be 0.15–11 106 s1. In the Fenton
The reported reaction rate constants for chloride ions measured system without EDTA [18], the scavenging rate by 1 mM Fe(II) (kFe2
by a pulse radiolysis method are 3.0–4.3 109 M1 s1 [19]. 8
+,OH = 2.3–4.3 10 M
1 1
s [19]) was estimated to be 0.23–
6 1
However, Arakaki et al. determined that the experimental net 0.43 10 s . In these systems, hydroxyl radical scavenging by
reaction rate constant of chloride ions and hydroxyl radicals was the hydroxyl radical source may not be negligible. To avoid
hydroxyl radical quenching by components in the reaction mixture
other than the probe and target compounds, a probe compound
with a high reaction rate should be used (see Eq. (5)). However,
under such conditions, it is difficult to determine the rate constant
of compounds with a low rate constant and/or low solubility. As
shown in Table 2, hydroxyl radical scavenging by nitrite was
negligible in our system. When the lowest limit of estimation for a
reaction rate constant is defined as F0/F = 1.10, in which 10% of
hydroxyl radicals are quenched by the target compound with
0.05 mM TP, it is estimated that kX,OH = 2 104 M1 s1 at
[X] = 1.0 M, kX,OH = 2 105 M1 s1 at [X] = 0.1 M and kX,OH = 2 106
M1 s1 at [X] = 0.01 M. Furthermore, the system with nitrite and a
UV-LED can avoid unexpected reactions of ferrous ions in the
reaction mixture, such as reduction and complex formation.
Radiolysis is the simplest method to generate hydroxyl radicals
Fig. 3. Plots of F0/F against methanol concentration in the different concentration of without additional reagents, and it avoids unexpected reactions
TP 0.05 mM (blue), 0.5 mM (green) and 1.0 mM (red). The concentration of nitrite
was 0.1 mM with 3 min of irradiation. Data plot and error bar in figure show the
and quenching of hydroxyl radicals. However, a gamma-ray
means and standard deviation of three independent measurements of different radiation source is not a common instrument, and N2O gas is
mixtures. essential to eliminate the reactions of hydrated electrons
K. Takeda et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 340 (2017) 8–14 13
Table 3
Reaction rate constants of hydroxyl radicals determined in this study with literature values for comparison. All of the results were obtained under air-saturated condition and
at room temperature.
In Milli-Q water In phosphate buffer (pH)b NDRL/NIST [19] Louit et al. [16]
Potassium thiocyanate 10.2 1.4 (pH = 5.8) (n = 3) 10.3 0.5 (pH = 6.8) (n = 4) 9.6–13 10
Thiourea 7.5 (pH = 5.6) (n = 1) 3.9–9.8 10.1
Cysteine 7.5, 6.4 (pH = 5.3) (n = 2) 6.9, 4.9 (pH = 6.9) (n = 2) 19–47 23.3
Thymine 4.9 0.6 (pH = 5.3) (n = 3) 5.3 0.4 (pH = 7.0) (n = 4) 4.6–8.7 7.2
Sodium formate 3.0 (pH = 5.9) (n = 1) 2.1–5.1
Acetophenone 3.7 (pH = 6.2) (n=1) 3.3 (pH = 6.8) (n = 1) 5.4–6.5
Glucose 2.0, 1.8 (pH = 6.0) (n = 2) 1.6, 1.8 (pH = 6.9) (n = 2) 1.0–2.3
Ethanol 2.1 0.4 (pH = 6.1) (n=4) 1.4 0.1 (pH = 6.5) (n = 4) 1.6–2.8 2.5
2-Propanol 2.0 0.2 (pH = 5.5) (n = 3) 1.8 0.3 (pH = 6.9) (n = 5) 1.6–2.3 2.2
Glycerine 1.5 0.4 (pH = 5.9) (n = 3) 1.5–2.1
Ethylene glycol 1.5, 1.4 (pH = 6.0) (n = 2) 1.4–2.4
Nicotinamide 0.32, 0.30 (pH = 6.2) (n = 2) 0.35, 0.43 (pH = 6.9) (n = 2) 1.4–1.5
Methanol 0.84 0.01 (pH = 5.8) (n = 3) 0.83 0.02 (pH = 7.0) (n = 3) 0.78–1.2 1.2
Acetone 0.12 0.01 (pH = 5.8) (n = 4) 0.099 0.004 (pH = 7.0) (n = 3) 0.083–0.14
Sodium acetate 0.073, 0.070 (pH = 6.6) (n = 2) 0.078, 0.075 (pH = 7.1) (n = 2) 0.074–0.1
Alanine 0.070 0.009 (pH = 5.8) (n = 3) 0.072 0.010 (pH = 7.0) (n = 3) 0.065–0.43
Acetonitrile 0.0095 0.0004 (pH = 6.5) (n = 3) 0.022
generated by radiolysis of water. Our system is easy to assemble In conclusion, we have developed a simple method to
anywhere at low cost. determine the hydroxyl radical reaction rate constants using the
In our system, the photolysis of nitrite was utilized. The high-power UV-LED. In our method, reaction rate constants ranged
photolysis of nitrite involves the formation of nitric oxide, complex from 105 to 1010 M1 s1 were obtained without gamma ray and the
chemistry of nitrite ions and the photonitration or photonitrosa- Fenton reagent. Results obtained agreed well with the previous
tion of organic compounds, as well as the photochemical reported. Because rate constants determined in here are apparent
generation of hydroxyl radical [7–9,45,46]. In these reactions, reaction rate constants based on steady–state method, the
nitric oxide is primary component during nitrite photolysis. difference of chloride ion between our method and gamma pulse
Reaction rate constant between hydroxyl radical and nitric oxide radiolysis should be attributed the fast back reaction.
is 1 1010 M1 s1 [45], which is relatively high. However, the
lifetime of nitric oxide in environmental water was 0.05–1.3 s, Acknowledgments
indicating that the reactivity of nitric oxide were relatively low
comparing with the reactions between hydroxyl radical and We thank the technical staffs of the Glass Blowing Factory in the
chemical species in natural water. The steady state concentration Innovation Plaza of Hiroshima University. This work was supported
of nitric oxide was reported to be around 1011 M [9]. The by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16K00516.
scavenging rate of hydroxyl radical by nitric oxide can be estimated
to be only 101 s1, which is quite low comparing with the results Appendix A. Supplementary data
shown in Table 2. The quantitative effects of nitrogen species
involved from nitrite photolysis in our system would be negligible. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
In this study, experiments were conducted under constant the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
intensity of UV-LED. The light intensity of the UV-LED would be jphotochem.2017.02.020.
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