IoT Reverse Supply Chain
IoT Reverse Supply Chain
IoT Reverse Supply Chain
Computers in Industry
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Article history: The recent increase in the number of products returned from customers to retailers, supported by the
Received 15 March 2019 adoption of environment-friendly policies, has led to a growing need to manage backward materials and
Received in revised form 7 June 2019 information flows in the supply chain (SC) domain. Although numerous authors are contributing towards
Accepted 11 September 2019
circular economy (CE) with end-of-life (EoL) approaches minimizing the negative impact of Waste Electric
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), the information infrastructure behind SC calls for novel approaches
based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In fact, this is one of the major challenges
Reverse Supply Chain Management
for the so-called Industry 4.0, where wireless technologies governed by the Internet of Things (IoT)
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
are expected to transform the industry as currently conceived. The present work proposes an end-to-
(WEEE) end solution for Reverse Supply Chain Management (R-SCM) based on cooperation between different
IoT IoT communication standards, enabling cloud-based inventory monitoring of WEEE through embedded
Industry 4.0 sensors. A case study was deployed using IoT devices and sensors, carrying out a set of experimental tests
BLE focused on wireless communications to evaluate its performance. The network configuration adopted
LoRaWAN overcomes the near real-time challenge and provides sufficient coverage to interconnect industrial areas
such as warehouses or shop floors. The results point to different communication bottlenecks that need
to be addressed in order to enhance the reliability of large-scale Industrial IoT (IIoT) networks.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Reverse logistics (RL) has become a key competence of both the
supply chain (SC) and reverse supply chain (RSC) [4,5], in which
The circular economy (CE) is motivated by an increasing need products flow from customers to manufacturers. Reverse Supply
to minimize the economic and environmental impact of end-of-life Chain Management (R-SCM) emerges as a new challenge, given the
(EoL) products [1]. This industrial strategy refers to the long-lasting necessity of managing every single stage where products should
design, refurbishment, remanufacture, repair, recycling or reuse be handled and distributed towards manufacturers, with multiple
of products in order to achieve the maximum benefit and avoid recovery options increasing the uncertainties faced by companies
negative impacts, with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment [6].
(WEEE) being a growing concern [2]. According to the United The introduction of Information and Communication Tech-
Nations University (UNU), 44.7 million metric tonnes of e-waste nologies (ICT) in SC and, especially, the Internet of Things (IoT)
was generated in 2016, with future estimations being even larger can significantly improve process-oriented performance, reduce
[3]. While posing significant risks for the environmental and human energy consumption and provide SC with a ubiquitous informa-
health, it contains recoverable raw materials with an estimated tion infrastructure [7]. By enabling the cooperation of wireless
value of 55 billion euros. technologies, IoT is an accelerator of the Fourth Industrial Revolu-
tion: Industry 4.0 [8,9]. This brand-new concept is transforming the
industrial paradigm, being Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), cloud and
fog computing essential pillars [10,11]. The impact of IoT on indus-
∗ Corresponding author. Address: Albacete Research Institute of Informatics at tries is such that the concept of Industrial IoT (IIoT) is becoming
Investigacion Street, 02071 Albacete, Spain. increasingly popular and has consequently been adopted in several
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Garrido-Hidalgo), industrial applications governed by IoT technologies [12].
[email protected] (T. Olivares), [email protected] (F.J. Ramirez),
[email protected] (L. Roda-Sanchez).
0166-3615/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127
2. Related works
This section provides a review of the most relevant works and
AWS Amazon Web Services applications of computer-based systems in the industrial sector,
BW Bandwidth highlighting the main contributions and gaps that encourage us to
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy propose and evaluate an end-to-end heterogeneous IoT framework
CE Circular economy for R-SCM purposes.
CR Coding rate
CPS Cyber Physical Systems 2.1. Circular economy
DR Data rate
DSC Digital supply chain The principles of CE were first outlined by Kneese et al. [16]
EoL End of life dealing with the management of residuals and the improvement
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute of environmental quality. Recently, its scope has been broadened
IIoT Industrial Internet of Things to not only involve the minimization of natural resources but also
ICT Information and Communication Technology the ability to reuse materials [17]. Currently, resources are mined,
IT Information Technology turned into products and finally discarded [18]. As a result, our soci-
IoT Internet of Things ety is generating scarcity, volatility, unaffordable manufacturing
JSON JavaScript Object Notation costs and, what is more worrying, an unprecedented absence of
LoRaWAN Long-range wide-area network natural resources [19]. According to Vella [20], a shift towards a cir-
LPWA Low-Power Wide-Area cular economy could bring savings of D 600bn for EU businesses, and
MQTT Message Queing Telemetry Transport reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2–4% every year, which highlights
RFID Radio-Frequency IDentification the necessity of adopting CE strategies.
RSSI Received signal strength indicator In this context, WEEE is receiving special attention, being one of
RL Reverse logistics the fastest-growing waste streams with a 33% increase in volume
RSC Reverse supply chain reported during the last five years [21]. The roots of this increase are
R-SCM Reverse Supply Chain Management connected with exponentially-growing consumer demand, tech-
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio nology uptake, and shorter replacement cycles. Moreover, the
SBC Single-board computer adoption of free-shipping policies on part of most companies has
SF Spreading factor accelerated electronic commerce, where the product-return ratio
STD Standard deviation has risen to 30%, more than three times that of brick and mortar
SC Supply chain sales [22].
SCM Supply chain management In the European Union, e-waste is regulated by the Directive
TTN The Things Network 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and Council [23]. Accord-
UNU United Nations University ing to a recent communication, in 2015 only four European Union
WEEE Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment Member States recycled over half of the electronic products put
on the market [24]. This is supported by Eurostat [25], which pub-
lished a report concluding that the lowest recycling rate of waste
streams corresponds to e-waste (32%) followed by plastics (40%). In
Despite the large body of literature addressing IoT applications fact, 44.7 million metric tonnes of e-waste was generated globally
in the supply chain management (SCM) domain, the RSC field in 2016, with an annual growth rate up to 5% on a weight basis [3].
specifically needs more integrated approaches based on IoT com- Apart from the need to mitigate environmental pollution, the eco-
munication standards to manage the RL of WEEE in real contexts. nomic value associated with raw materials present in such e-waste
To fill this gap in the literature, this paper presents a novel Industry is estimated at 55 billion euros [3].
4.0 end-to-end IoT framework as a solution for WEEE management. In pursuit of a reduction of waste streams through an
The following aspects of this work can be highlighted. First, the environment-friendly and cost-saving approach, remanufacturing
proposal of a heterogeneous IoT network enabling low-power and has become one of the most feasible EoL strategies to restore
low-cost SCM operations in the context of Industry 4.0. For this, we products to ‘like-new’ condition. If well-organized and planned,
propose the cooperation of three emerging IoT technologies for R- it can expand the life-cycle of products and increase profits of
SCM, presenting a case study based on the recovery of WEEE from manufacturing companies through reducing landfills [26]. Despite
computer-based components. Second, the implementation of an being under-recognized in the current industrial landscape, reman-
end-to-end system, addressing the deployment of sensor-nodes, ufacturing generated 29.8 billion euros in turnover and 192,000
the network infrastructure, and its integration with a cloud-based employment in the European Union in the year 2015, with expec-
inventory-management platform. In order to evaluate end-to-end tations of attaining an annual value of 100 billion euros in 2030
performance, a set of experimental tests are proposed, carried out [27].
and discussed. As part of the European Research Framework H2020, the Euro-
The three wireless technologies selected and addressed in this pean Remanufacturing Network has facilitated the development
work are RFID [13], Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) [14] and LoRaWAN of sustainable partnerships between organizations, similarly to
[15], which are tested under different communication schemes and the ResCoM (Resource Conservative Manufacturing) initiative and
physical-layer parameters. Our results illustrate the suitability of its successor ReCiPS (Resource-Efficient Circular Product-Service-
the proposed IoT standards for R-SCM purposes, underlining com- Systems).
munication optimizations for large-scale industrial deployments. In this context, information-sharing capabilities enable coop-
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we review the eration among suppliers, manufacturers and recyclers, being
literature; the IoT framework for R-SCM is presented in Section 3; necessary to take responsibility for the collection, disposal and
Section 4 presents a WEEE-focused case study; Section 5 addresses recovery of products at their EoL [28]. In the literature, Garcia-
the experiments, results and discussion; and finally, Section 6 pro- Muiña et al. [29] explore the transition stages towards circularity
vides conclusions and identifies future research lines. and propose a theoretical ICT-based framework where materi-
C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127 3
als are sourced to manufacturers following a CE model. A similar tries in terms of Industry 4.0 adoption, which is a potential barrier
approach is provided by Asif et al. [30], who design an ICT frame- to advancement [57]. Two major areas of research are highlighted
work for information-sharing in pursue of a product-as-a-service based on the gaps that our work aims to fill in the Industry 4.0 field:
model in the washing-machine industry. Finally, Gu et al. [31] pro- heterogeneous approaches based on wireless technologies collab-
vide a theoretical IoT framework for WEEE management but lacking oration and end-to-end applications oriented towards specific use
ICT details and practical implementations. cases.
None of these works focus on using IoT technologies to address As heterogeneous approaches, Gioia et al. [58] present an IoT
information flows being exchanged upwards the SC or evaluate the gateway integrating multiple sensors, buses and technologies,
performance of communications, which we believe is a necessary while Garrido-Hidlago et al. [59] describe the implementation of a
condition. Our work, additionally, focuses on WEEE and provides hybrid network to improve working conditions in industry through
a detailed framework describing the handling stages of products the use of industrial wearables [60]. Regarding end-to-end appli-
from their EoL stage to their reuse in a R-SCM context. cations, Tao and Qi [61] propose an IT-driven framework towards
smart manufacturing. In the domain of SCM, Abdel-Basset et al.
2.2. Digital supply chain [62] present a framework for IoT-enabled securely-efficient sys-
tems, Papert and Pflaum [63] define an ecosystem to encourage IoT
The SCM strategic objectives have been widely defined in the lit- services in the domain of SCM and Wakenshaw [64] presents an IoT
erature as cost, quality, speed, flexibility and dependability [32–34]. integration framework.
During recent years, sustainability has gained special interest, with Table 1 provides a comparison of the most representative works
insufficient communication capabilities being a major obstacle to in our literature review. Many of these studies address descriptive
its adoption [35]. In this context, a number of SC information- approaches or simulations, whereas others focus on the experi-
infrastructure requirements have emerged, namely: flexibility, cost, mental evaluation of a single IoT standard lacking of an end-to-end
time, quality, accuracy, reliability, visibility and availability [36,37]. perspective or industry-oriented deployment concerning a hetero-
The digital supply chain (DSC) is thus a growing area of research geneous IoT ecosystem. We fill this gap in the literature proposing
interest, calling for innovative approaches based on emergent and testing a real end-to-end IoT solution based on a heterogeneous
technologies to manage SC processes. Its major challenges were network proposal for R-SCM of WEEE.
recently defined by Büyüközkan and Göçer [38], converging in:
speed (ability to react quickly to demand), flexibility (agile reac-
3. IoT framework for R-SCM
tion), global connectivity (internet-enabled SC), real-time inventory
(continuous monitoring of stocks levels), intelligence (self-learning
This section describes an IoT R-SCM framework proposal to
smart products), cost-effectiveness (use of technology to increase
manage WEEE, aimed at providing manufacturers with a novel
organizational performance), transparency (adjusting networks to
ubiquitous information infrastructure behind SC for tracking of
changing scenarios), scalability (optimization and duplication of
parts to be recovered. For this, we first select the set of IoT standards
processes), innovation (in pursue of competitiveness and excel-
for the deployment (based on a communication-range criterion)
lence), proactivity (anticipating issues prior to occurrence) and
and, then, the main stages of the framework are described accord-
eco-friendly (environmental emphasis).
ing to their functionality and information flows.
Information and material flows need to be managed efficiently
Our proposed IoT-based WEEE management framework is sup-
in downstream and upstream directions [18,39,2]. The main differ-
ported by a twofold approach: on the one hand, the presentation
ences between forward and reverse SCs lie in distribution channels
of an industrial solution to contribute to filling a real gap of WEEE
(standardized vs. exception-driven), transparency (asset-tracking
management across SC and, on the other, the provision of an IoT
information available vs. poor asset visibility) and timing require-
network architecture to connect SC with a transparent inventory-
ments (time-critical vs. non-time-critical), among others [40].
management infrastructure in the context of Industry 4.0.
2.3. The role of IoT in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
3.1. Selection of IoT standards
IoT, a term first coined by Ashton [41] with regard to SCM, pro-
vides physical objects – or Things – with sensing and ubiquitous The proposed R-SCM framework distinguishes between three
communication capabilities. Despite being initially conceived for sets of IoT standards according to their communication range:
customer-oriented applications, the latest advances have enabled short-range, intermediate-range and long-range. MQTT [66] was
a broader scope for IoT, permitting the integration of sensors in selected for data transmission between physical devices (IoT net-
industrial facilities, equipment and resources towards the so-called work deployed in the facilities) and virtual data infrastructures
IIoT [42,43]. In this context, the Fourth Industrial Revolution – or (inventory cloud platform), while a unique standard was selected
Industry 4.0 [44] – emerged incorporating CPS into traditional fac- from each set to fulfill the framework requirements:
tories governed by IIoT, which promises great advances [45,46]. Short-range communication. We selected high-frequency RFID
Several authors provide IoT approaches to wireless com- [13] over NFC [67] for the identification of returned products in the
munications [47]. The BLE standard has been widely studied framework. Despite being popular for contactless payment, infor-
from energy-efficiency [48,49] and low-latency [50] perspectives. mation sharing and user-oriented applications, NFC is not suitable
Rondón et al. [51] provide an in-depth evaluation of BLE, supporting for industrial use. High and ultra-high frequency RFID offer robust-
its suitability for time-critical industrial applications. Likewise, the ness against metal interference and a greater communication range
performance of the LoRaWAN standard was studied by Sanchez- (typically in the order of tens of meters).
Iborra et al. [52]; important studies also exist on improving capacity Intermediate-range communication. BLE [14] was selected over
[53] and communication performance [54,55]. Wi-Fi [68] or ZigBee [69] for local data transmission and inventory
Hofmann and Rüsch [56] regard real-time information flows, end- management in the framework. Although operating in the same
to-end transparency and flexibility as three key objectives of Industry frequency bands, BLE is oriented toward IoT applications where
4.0, whereas Büyüközkan and Göçer [38] highlight the necessity the volume of information to be sent is small and low power is
of integrating sensor networks in heterogeneous environments encouraged, having become a disruptive standard for Industrial IoT
towards this goal. Nevertheless, there is great disparity across coun- applications.
C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127
Table 1
Comparison of the main contributions found in the literature.
Source Method Scope or domain area End-to-end ICT infrastructure Heterogeneous IoT network
Descriptive Theoretical Case study Simulation Implementation Experimental Industry 4.0 Internet of Circular Reverse WEEE Framework Perception Network Application Performance RFID- BLE- LoRaWAN- IP-based
Things economy logistics layer layer layer test based based based
√ √ √ √ √ √
Abdel-Basset et al.
√ √ √ √ √
Asif et al. [30]
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Cattani et al. [54]
√ √ √ √
Cho et al. [50]
√ √ √ √
Cuomo et al. [55]
√ √ √ √
Dementyev et al.
√ √ √ √ √ √
Garcia-Muiña et al.
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
et al. [59]
√ √ √
Genovese et al. [17]
√ √ √ √ √
Gioia et al. [58]
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Gu et al. [31]
√ √ √ √
Papert and Pflaum
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Roda-Sanchez et al.
√ √ √ √ √
Rondón et al. [51]
√ √ √
et al. [52]
√ √ √ √ √ √
Siekkinen et al. [48]
√ √ √ √
Tao et al. [65]
√ √ √ √
Wakenshaw [64]
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Yang et al. [28]
√ √ √ √
Zorbas et al. [53]
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Our work
C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127 5
Fig. 1. R-SCM IoT framework based on: Identification Stage (i), Classification Stage (ii), Smart Containers (iii), Hybrid Gateway (iv), LoRaWAN Gateway (v), TTN (vi), AWS
Fig. 3. Disassembly stages: Identification (i), Classification (ii) and Smart Containers
4. Case study
Fig. 2. Algorithm used for classification and communication.
Table 3
Specifications of WEEE parts used in the experiments.
Table 5
IoT-oriented tests to evaluate the prototype.
Table 6
Experiments setup: parameters and IoT standards specifications in the R-SCM solution.
ing time divided by the advertising interval. Eqs. (1) to (3) provide
the tendency lines and curves obtained from the experiment data:
TNSC (100ms) = 0.0129 × NSC + 0.0183 R2 = 0.9547
T̂NSC (100ms) = 1.0323 × NSC R2 = 0.9687
TNSC (250ms) = 0.0189 × NSC + 0.4669 R2 = 0.8551
T̂NSC (250ms) = 0.9663 × NSC R2 = 0.9206
TNSC (1000ms) = 0.0529 × NSC + 1.8576 R2 = 0.8326
T̂NSC (1000ms) = 0.9766 × NSC R2 = 0.9285
Fig. 6. Influence of LoRaWAN end-devices packet size (CR of 4/5, BW of 125 kHz and different SF) in TOA and NPCK for a 1% duty cycle.
5.2. Data size test significant probability of failed transmissions due to intra-SF colli-
sions (collisions occurring when two devices transmit at the same
This test focuses on the LoRaWAN network, since the per- time, using the same frequency band and SF). Additionally, inter-
formance of LPWA is significantly influenced by variable data collisions can also be noticed when the same frequency band is
payloads. In contrast to the data ingest test, where scalability shared but different SFs are set up, although this is less likely to
implied a scenario with increased traffic, this experiment aimed occur [53]. In view of the TOA results obtained, high SF configura-
to highlight the required Time-on-Air (TOA metric in Table 5) of tions and long payloads should be avoided, when possible, in order
LoRaWAN end-devices for different configurations and volumes of to reduce the probability of collisions caused by a long channel-
data. occupancy time.
Following the standard [15], the LoRa physical layer uses several The results are useful to determine the maximum number of
chips to encode each symbol, resulting in SF configurations ranging LoRa-based transmissions permitted for any end-device according
typically from SF7 (27 chips/symbol) to SF12 (212 chips/symbol). In to 1% duty cycle regulations (see ETSI [77] for further documenta-
order to calculate the Time-on-Air required when setting different tion). Fig. 6b provides a useful approximation, based on the results
SFs, the symbol duration (Tsym ) should be defined as shown in Eq. from Fig. 6a. Let us consider a 20-byte payload configured under
(4): SF10 as an example: in this case, ETSI would limit an end-device to
transmitting, at most, 2000 packets per day (more than sufficient
2SF for environmental monitoring in distributed warehouses). How-
Tsym = (4)
BW ever, TTN restrictions of 30 s of TOA per device and day [81] applied
Eq. (5) provides the formula to obtain the TOA metric (see [80] to Fig. 6a results would only permit 60 packets in the previous
design guide). The payloadSymbNb was computed considering the situation. For this reason, further research is required to use alter-
presence of a header. The preamble duration was obtained accord- native self-deployed network servers to enhance the framework
ing to Eq. (6) as a function of the symbol duration (Tsym ) and the flexibility.
number of preamble symbols (npreamble ) and, then, the packet dura-
tion was obtained according to Eq. (7) as a function of the symbol
duration (Tsym ) and the number of header and payload symbols 5.3. Network latency test
This test quantified stage-to-stage and end-to-end latencies of
TOA = Tpreamble + Theader+payload (5) the inventory-management functionality of the system for a given
configuration, since the local functionality (LoRaWAN-based) was
Tpreamble = Tsym × (4.25 + npreamble ) (6) tested in depth in Section 5.2. The metrics used to provide the
Theader+payload = Tsym × payloadSymbNb (7) results are T1 , T2 and T3 (see Table 5), which correspond to those
represented in the sequence diagram in Fig. 7. This experiment pro-
Fig. 6a shows the required TOA for 10-to-50-byte payloads for vides an overall latency approach based on the cooperation of RFID,
different SF configurations. The results range from approximately BLE and MQTT standards, with all BLE devices being programmed
70 ms to 2.8 s. Although, the number of LoRaWAN end-devices used with advertising intervals of 100 ms.
for the experiments was not sufficiently large to involve communi- In Fig. 7, T1 refers to the time elapsed from when a new product
cation bottlenecks in the R-SCM approach proposed, the results of is identified via RFID and metadata is sent via BLE to Classifica-
this test are useful to focus on a further industry-oriented scalability tion Stage, until the acknowledgement is received. T2 refers to
of the system. the time elapsed from when a new part is noticed in a Smart
For large-scale deployments, the coexistence of several LoRa Container until the BLE advertisement packet containing the inven-
devices transmitting under the same SF configuration involves tory update reaches the Hybrid Gateway. Finally, T3 is the time
10 C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127
Table 7 erwise, the minimum SNR threshold supported (−7.5 dB for SF7,
Results of the network latency test (in ms).
−10 dB for SF8, etc.) is considered to calculate a margin:
Metric Average Maximum Minimum STD Stages involved
Fig. 8. Coverage study scenario in the city of Albacete with urban and rural locations.
Table 8
Geographic spread test results showing RSSI (dBm) and SNR (dB) metrics of LoRaWAN technology in urban and rural scenarios (range in meters), with a coding rate (CR) of
4/5, bandwidth (BW) of 125 kHz.
tance as well as interposed buildings or vegetation areas impact to control information accessibility depending on established rela-
on the perceived signal quality. Finally, we experimentally show to tionships between manufacturers and R-SCM operators. As a result,
what extent higher SF allocations increase the coverage area and IoT can be conceived as a tool to facilitate information manage-
discuss its implications. ment in EoL product-recovery operations contributing to the shift
The deployment and evaluation of a network prototype serve towards the CE.
as a demonstrator of the potential of IoT adoption in R-SCM sce- As future work, we plan to assess the economic and environ-
narios, which carries important managerial insights. Stakeholders mental viability of the proposed approach for different types of
could benefit from this solution achieving better management products, considering factors such as their degree-of-deterioration,
of resources based on real-time inventory information through their added-value according to condition, or the required remanu-
a low-cost and low-power infrastructure. Additionally, seamless facturing operations. Furthermore, based on the results obtained in
monitoring of facilities is achieved through a self-monitored con- this work, the IoT communications network proposed will be used
text information network able to report shop-floor incidences. With as a testbed to develop algorithms oriented to test and improve the
data-sharing being one of the barriers towards IT adoption, the energy efficiency and reliability of communications, while improv-
proposed approach enables the use of data-encryption algorithms ing the network capacity of LoRaWAN and BLE technologies in
12 C. Garrido-Hidalgo, T. Olivares, F.J. Ramirez et al. / Computers in Industry 112 (2019) 103127
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