Industrial Internet of Things - Challenges 2018
Industrial Internet of Things - Challenges 2018
Industrial Internet of Things - Challenges 2018
its own IIoT gateway. On the contrary, low-power wide-area the initial doubts for BLE was due to its range limitations since it
network (LPWAN) solutions are gaining momentum in recent only supports star network and limited number of devices [43].
years for occupying the lower two levels of the protocol stack, To overcome those limitations, BLE mesh networking standard
with multiple competing technologies being offered or under was recently released and initially considered for home automa-
development [28]. tion. The main challenge with BLE mesh networking targeting
LPWANs allow to communicate over long distances (several real-time communication is that the connection establishment
kilometers) at very low transmission power. SigFox [29] and procedure introduces a long delay (e.g., several hundred ms).
LoRaWAN [30] are two of the most interesting proposals To overcome this problem, many upper layer protocols, such as
[31]–[33]. However, SigFox, based on ultra narrowband mesh and beacon, try to leverage on the connectionless scheme
technology (i.e., communication channels with a bandwidth since there is no need to establish connections before sending
on the order of 100 Hz), is mainly intended for smart city data. However, this does not ensure reliable communication due
applications, e.g., smart metering, since a device can send at to lack of a good medium access control. Besides, the through-
most 140 messages per day, each one typically having 3 s air put is much lower than 1 Mb/s since there is a limitation of
time. Thus, it is not suitable for many industrial applications that sending packet in this bearer, i.e., at least 20 ms interval is re-
require real-time performance or frequent sampling. LoRaWAN quired in order to reduce intra-interference and avoid collisions.
(maintained by the LoRa alliance) leverages on proprietary Recently, there has been some interesting work about using BLE
LoRa radios and offers 125 kHz or 250 kHz wide channels and mesh networking for real-time communication targeting low la-
low data rate (from about 10 kb/s down to less than 400 b/s). tency applications in industrial automation. In [44], the authors
It has been demonstrated that by mimicking the time-slotted presented a real-time protocol aimed to overcome the problem
channel hopping of typical wireless industrial communications, with range limitations of mesh technology and support bounded
thousands of communication opportunities per second are real-time traffic. Their protocol exploits time division multiple
affordable [34]. As a final remark, it has to be highlighted that access with an optimized transmission allocation to provide data
LPWANs generally operate in the sub-GHz region, that ensures packets with real-time support. It works on standard BLE de-
good coverage, but is often limited by duty-cycled transmission vices. In [45], the authors presented a bandwidth reservation
of 1% or 0.1%, or “Listen Before Talk” (LBT) medium access mechanism for partitioning the radio transceiver between two
strategy. Also, both SigFox and LoRaWAN are primarily uplink protocols, namely the BLE and a real-time custom protocol.
only. LoRaWAN can enable bidirectional communication, but 2) Stack Upper Layers: The aim of upper layers of the IIoT
it has to rely on time-synchronized beacons and schedules, stack is to facilitate/ensure so called syntactic interoperability,
which is an overhead. The recently developed Sensor Network i.e., the capability to use a common data structure and set of
Over White space (SNOW) [35]–[38] is an LPWAN that rules for information exchanges [46], [47]. It is the actual ap-
enables concurrent bidirectional communications, thus making plication that finally provides the semantic interoperability, i.e.,
it suitable for control applications. However, SNOW operates the capability to interpret exchanged data unambiguously [26].
over the TV white spaces and thus its performance depends on In light of this requirement, the Industrial Internet Consortium
the availability of white spaces. proposed to separate upper layer protocols into just two levels;
The use of unlicensed spectrum has raised certain reliabil- the lower is occupied by the transport layer, that is in charge
ity issues, since there is no guarantee of service availability, of exchanging variable length messages among the involved
in addition to the aforementioned duty cycle and LBT regula- applications; the upper constitutes the framework layer, which
tions. For this reason, fifth generation cellular access (5G) is manages the transfer of structured data having higher abstraction
often envisioned as a viable IIoT solution, in addition to reg- (e.g., state, events, streams, etc.). According to this classifica-
ular telecommunication applications using the cellular infras- tion, the transport layer is loosely related to the transport layer of
tructure. Currently there is no finalized standard for 5G (which OSI (and Internet) model; indeed UDP and TCP are foundations
actually is an umbrella for many specifications). However, the for other transport protocols. However, some functionalities of
cost of technical solutions to be applied at the physical layer the session, presentation, and application layers are included as
to satisfy industrial needs can be an important issue. Only a well.
sound business model and a strong argument for using licensed A well accepted and widely used solution for implementing
frequency bands (both missing today) could bring market ac- horizontal integration relies on messaging protocols (often im-
ceptance within industrial automation for 5G [4]. Narrowband plemented by message-oriented middleware). These protocols
LPWAN technology standard to operate on cellular infrastruc- support the publisher/subscriber paradigm, where both sides of
ture and bands as NB-IoT received attention recently, but despite the actual data exchange are, in general, not directly connected.
its potential, there are some issues regarding scalability and The application that wants to publish a message connects to a
network resource slicing between IoT applications and other so-called message queue broker for placing it in a queue; subse-
broadband services that need further studies [39]. In licensed quently, subscribers automatically receive the message as a push
cellular spectrum, EC-GSM-IoT [40] and LTE Cat M1 (LTE- notification. The delivering modality is said to be persistent if it
Advanced Pro) [41] are also under development. A key require- survives a broker failure. Messaging solutions ensure scalability
ment of all these technological solutions is that they need cellular since the applications do not have to know each other. Today,
infrastructure. a prevailing messaging protocol is Message Queue Telemetry
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) [42] is another interesting alter- Transport, standardized by the Advancing Open Standards for
native for IIoT since it offers ultra-low power consumption, but the Information Society (OASIS) alliance. A different approach
relies on request/response data delivery, and synchronous or in URLLC is to provide a reliable transmission time interval
asynchronous data exchanges are permitted. In the synchronous operation.
data exchanges, the requestor waits for replies before issuing Considering that a relevant part of IIoT communications will
the next request. In an asynchronous case, the reply is returned probably be implemented as wireless links, coexistence issues
at some unknown later time to the requestor. A well-known ex- arise as well. The IEC62657 provides a sort of glossary of in-
ample of request/response protocol is Constrained Application dustrial automation requirements for harmonizing concepts and
Protocol defined by the the IETF Constrained RESTful Envi- terms of the telecommunication world and defines coexistence
ronments working group [47]. parameters (in the form of templates) and guidelines for ensuring
The framework layer provides services to the above applica- wireless coexistence within industrial automation applications
tion and manages the life cycle of any piece of data from the along the whole life cycle of the plant.
creation to the deletion. Protocols at this level offer the ability
to discover and identify data objects and can understand the
transported data meaning (i.e., are not opaque). This aware- IV. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES
ness is exploited for optimally delivering the information at the A key reason for adopting IIoT by manufacturers, utility
destination. The open platform communications-unified archi- companies, agriculture producers, and healthcare providers is to
tecture (a multipart document set managed by the OPC founda- increase productivity and efficiency through smart and remote
tion, formally known as the IEC62541) is an example of such management. As an example, Thames Water [48], the largest
a framework. It describes a service-oriented architecture based provider of drinking and waste water services in the U.K.,
on client/server architecture in which the server models data, in- is using sensors, and real-time data acquisition and analytics
formation, processes, and systems as objects that are presented to anticipate equipment failures and provide fast response to
to clients together with services that the client can use. critical situations, such as leaks or adverse weather events. The
utility firm has already installed more than 100 000 smart meters
in London, and it aims to cover all customers with smart meters
by 2030. With more than 4200 leaks detected on customer pipes
C. Standardization of IIoT
so far, this program has already saved an estimated 930 000 L of
Standardization is an important step for a technology to be water per day across London. As another example, the deploy-
widely supported and well accepted. Interesting to note, most ment of 800 HART devices for real-time process management at
of the past standardization activities focused on very specific Mitsubishi chemical plant in Kashima, Japan, has been increas-
domains, thus resulting in disjoint and somewhat redundant ing the production performance by saving US$20–30 000 per
development. The standardization process has to face several day that also averted a $3-million shutdown [49].
challenges; currently, there is a plethora of competing standard- Precision agriculture powered by IIoT can help farmers to
ization bodies and consortia initiatives at every layer of the IIoT better measure agricultural variables, such as soil nutrients,
stack referring to a variety of fragmented, often inconsistent, fertilizer used, seeds planted, soil water, and temperature of
and opponent requirements. Obviously, such an approach is stored produce, allowing to monitor down to the square foot
detrimental to IIoT, whose fundamental aim is to bring together through a dense sensor deployment, thereby almost doubling
and share information coming from very heterogeneous things. the productivity [50]–[52]. Companies like Microsoft (Farm-
The actual fragmentation is effectively highlighted by the ETSI Beats project [53], [54]), Climate Corp [55], AT&T [56], and
technical report ETSI TR 103375, whose aim is to provide the Monsanto [57] are promoting agricultural IoT. IIoT can also
roadmaps of the IoT standards. Generally speaking, the ongoing significantly impact the healthcare field. In hospitals, human or
standardization activities include horizontal standards, aiming technological errors caused by false alarms, slow response, and
at ensuring interoperability; vertical standards, aiming at iden- inaccurate information are still a major reason of preventable
tifying requirements of individual applications and use cases; death and patient suffering. By connecting distributed medi-
and promotional activities, supported by industrial consortia and cal devices using IIoT technologies, hospitals can significantly
government groups. overcome such limitations, thereby improving patient safety and
Focusing on industrial applications, the most significant and experiences, and more efficiently using the resources.
important efforts are those carried out by the International Elec- IIoT also provides opportunities to enhance efficiency, safety,
trotechnical Commission (IEC), which created many different and working conditions for workers. For example, using un-
study groups and technical committees on the subject and pub- manned aerial vehicles allows inspecting oil pipelines, moni-
lished a couple of white papers about IIoT and the smart factory toring food safety using sensors, and minimizing workers’ ex-
with the aim of assessing potential global needs, benefits, con- posure to noise and hazardous gases or chemicals in industrial
cepts, and preconditions for the factory of the future. It is worth environments. Schlumberger [58], for example, is now monitor-
noting that, regarding the connectivity issues, the aforemen- ing subsea conditions using unmanned marine vehicles, which
tioned IEC62541 is the only standard originated in the industrial can travel across oceans collecting data for up to a year without
vertical context. fuel or crew, moving under power generated from wave en-
Standardization activities for 5G targeting IIoT and critical ergy. Through remote monitoring and sensing powered by IIoT,
communication is ongoing in 3GPP and falls under the umbrella mining industries can dramatically decrease safety-related inci-
of Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) with dents, while making mining in harsh locations more economical
the aim of providing 1 ms latency. One way to reduce the latency and productive. For example, Rio Tinto, a leading mining com-
pany, intends its automated operations in Australia to preview a how well it satisfies the end-to-end (e2e) deadlines of the real-
more efficient future for all of its mines to reduce the need for time sensing and control tasks executed in the system [62], [63].
human miners[59]. Time-slotted packet scheduling in IIoT plays a critical role in
Despite the great promise, there are many challenges in re- achieving the desired QoS. For example, many industrial wire-
alizing the opportunities offered by IIoT, which should be ad- less networks perform network resource management via static
dressed in the future research. The key challenges stem from data link layer scheduling [64]–[71] to achieve deterministic
the requirements in energy-efficient operation, real-time perfor- e2e real-time communication. Such approaches typically take a
mance in dynamic environments, the need for coexistence and periodic approach to gather the network health status, and then
interoperability, and maintaining the security of the applications recompute and distribute the updated network schedule infor-
and users’ privacy as described below. mation. This process however is slow, not scalable, and incurs
considerable network overhead. The explosive growth of IIoT
applications, especially in terms of their scale and complexity,
A. Energy Efficiency has dramatically increased the level of difficulty in ensuring the
Many IIoT applications need to run for years on batteries. desired real-time performance. The fact that most IIoT must deal
This calls for the design of low-power sensors, which do not with unexpected disturbances further aggravate the problem.
need battery replacement over their lifetimes. This creates a Unexpected disturbances can be classified into external dis-
demand for energy-efficient designs. To complement such de- turbances from the environment being monitored and controlled
signs, upper layer approaches can play important roles through (e.g., detection of an emergency, sudden pressure, or temper-
energy-efficient operation. Many energy-efficient schemes for ature changes), and internal disturbances within the network
wireless sensor network (WSN) have been proposed in recent infrastructure (e.g., link failure due to multiuser interference
years [60], but those approaches are not immediately applicable or weather related changes in channel signal-to-noise ratio).
to IIoT. IIoT applications typically need a dense deployment of In response to various internal disturbances, many centralized
numerous devices. Sensed data can be sent in queried form or in scheduling approaches [72]–[77] have been proposed. There are
a continuous form, which in a dense deployment, can consume a also a few works on adapting to external disturbances in crit-
significant amount of energy. Green networking is thus crucial in ical control systems. For example, rate-adaptive and rhythmic
IIoT to reduce power consumption and operational costs. It will task models are introduced in [78] and [79], respectively, which
lessen pollution and emissions, and make the most of surveil- allow tasks to change periods and relative deadlines in some
lance and environmental conservation. LPWAN IoT technolo- control systems, such as automotive systems.
gies achieve low-power operation using several energy-efficient Given the requirement of meeting e2e deadlines, the afore-
design approaches. First, they usually form a star topology, mentioned approaches for handling unexpected disturbances are
which eliminates the energy consumed through packet routing almost all built on a centralized architecture. Hence, most of
in multihop networks. Second, they keep the node design simple them have limited scalability [80]. The concept of distributed
by offloading the complexities to the gateway. Third, they use resource management is not new. In fact, distributed approaches
narrowband channels, thereby decreasing the noise level and have been investigated fairly well in the wireless network com-
extending the transmission range [35], [61]. munity (e.g., [81]–[85]). However, these studies typically are
Although there are numerous methods to achieve energy ef- not concerned with real-time e2e constraints. A few, which con-
ficiency, such as using lightweight communication protocols sider real-time constraints, mainly focus on soft real-time re-
or adopting low-power radio transceivers, as described above, quirements and do not consider external disturbances that IIoT
the recent technology trend in energy harvesting provides an- must have to deal with. Only recently, we have started to see
other fundamental method to prolong battery life. Thus, en- some hybrid and fully distributed resource management ap-
ergy harvesting is a promising approach for the emerging proaches for IIoT [86], [87]. However, how to ensure bounded
IIoT. Practically, energy can be harvested from environmental response time to handle concurrent disturbances is still an open
sources, namely, thermal, solar, vibration, and wireless radio- problem.
frequency (RF) energy sources. Harvesting from such environ-
mental sources is dependent on the presence of the correspond-
ing energy source. However, RF energy harvesting may provide C. Coexistence and Interoperability
benefits in terms of being wireless, readily available in the form With the rapid growth of IIoT connectivity, there will be
of transmitted energy (TV/radio broadcasters, mobile base sta- many coexisting devices deployed in close proximity in the
tions, and hand-held radios), low cost, and in terms of small limited spectrum. This brings forth the imminent challenge
form factor of devices. of coexistence in the crowded Industrial, Scientific and Med-
ical (ISM) bands. Thus, interference between devices must
be handled to keep them operational. Existing and near-future
B. Real-Time Performance
IIoT devices will most likely have limited memory and intelli-
IIoT devices are typically deployed in noisy environments gence to combat interference or keep it to a minimum. While
for supporting mission- and safety-critical applications, and there exists much work on wireless coexistence considering
have stringent timing and reliability requirements on timely WiFi, IEEE802.15.4 networks, and Bluetooth (see surveys [88]–
collection of environmental data and proper delivery of control [91]), they will not work well for IIoT. Due to their dense
decisions. The QoS offered by IIoT is thus often measured by and large-scale deployments, these devices can be subject to
an unprecedented number of interferers. Technology-specific communication among lightweight devices regarding CPU,
features of each IIoT technology may introduce additional memory, and energy consumption [102]. For this reason, tra-
challenges. ditional protection mechanisms are not sufficient to secure
To ensure good coexistence, it will become important that fu- the complex IIoT systems, such as secure protocols [103],
ture IIoT devices can detect, classify, and mitigate external inter- lightweight cryptography [104] and privacy assurance [105]. To
ference. Recently, some work regarding classifying interference secure the IIoT infrastructure, existing encryption techniques
via spectrum sensing [92] on IIoT devices has been presented but from industrial WSNs may be reviewed before they are applied
most of the existing work fails since a very long sampling win- to build IIoT secure protocols. For instance, scarce computing
dow is needed and the proposed spectrum sensing methods need and memory resources prevent the use of resource-demanding
much more memory than what is available in existing commer- crypto primitives, e.g., public-key cryptography (PKC). This
cial IIoT devices. Hence, in [93], a promising method was pre- challenge is more critical in the applications of massive data
sented and implemented in Crossbow’s TelosB mote CA2400, exchanged with real-time requirements. To address privacy and
which is equipped with Texas Instrument CC2420 transceiver. security threats in IIoT, one can argue for a holistic approach
That method manages to classify external interference by using as pointed out in [106]. This means that aspects, such as plat-
support vector machines with a sensing duration below 300 ms. form security, secure engineering, security management, iden-
Moreover, existing devices based on IEEE802.15.4 standards do tity management, and industrial rights management, must be
not have any forward error correcting (FEC) capabilities to im- taken into account, throughout the whole life cycle of the sys-
prove the reliability of the data packet. There exists some work tems and products.
that investigated error control codes for industrial WSNs and There exist several security properties to consider when de-
the results clearly show that FEC will improve reliability and signing secure IIoT infrastructure [107].
the coexistence [94]–[96]. However, most of the available FEC 1) IIoT devices need to be tamper resistant against potential
methods are optimized for long packets. Given that IIoT com- physical attacks, such as unauthorized re-programming
munication will mainly consist of short packets (50–70 bytes) and passive secret stealing, while allowing the authorized
and many applications are time critical, more research is needed users to update the security firmware on the device.
to find good error correcting codes for IIoT communication [97]. 2) The storage of IIoT device should be protected against
If the research of error correcting codes for IIoT devices should adversary by keeping the data encrypted to keep the con-
be successful, it is also important that more emphasis be given on fidentiality.
investigating and understanding the complex radio environment 3) The communication network among the IIoT devices
where many of these IIoT devices will be deployed [98], [99]. should be secured to keep confidentiality and integrity.
The rapid growth of IIoT technologies also brings forth the 4) The IIoT infrastructure needs efficient identification and
requirements of interoperability. Namely, in the future, a fully authorization mechanisms, so that only authorized enti-
functional digital ecosystem will require seamless data sharing ties can access the IIoT resource.
between machines and other physical systems from different 5) The system should be available within normal operation,
manufacturers. The lack of interoperability among IIoT devices even with the physical damage to the devices by malicious
will significantly increase the complexity and cost of IIoT de- users. This guarantees the robustness of IIoT.
ployment and integration. The drive towards seamless interoper- Typically, symmetric-key cryptography can provide a
ability will be further complicated by the long life span of typical lightweight solution for IIoT devices. However, both the key
industrial equipment, which would require costly retrofitting or storage and the key management are big issues if using
replacement to work with the latest technologies. symmetric-key encryption, especially when considering low-
The challenges of device diversity in IIoT can be addressed capacity devices.
along three dimensions: multimode radios, software flexibility, Additionally, if one device in IIoT is compromised, it may
and cross-technology communication [100]. Multimode radios leak all other keys. PKC generally provides more secure fea-
allow diverse IIoT devices to talk to each other. Software flexibil- tures, and low storage requirements, but suffers from high com-
ity enables support for multiple protocols, connectivity frame- putational overhead due to complex encryption. Thus, reducing
works and cloud services. Recently, cross-technology commu- the overhead of complex security protocols for public-key cryp-
nication [101], without the assistance of additional hardware, tosystems remains a major challenge for IIoT security. In PKC,
has been studied for communication across WiFi, ZigBee, and elliptic-curve cryptography provides a lightweight solution re-
Bluetooth devices. Such approaches are specific to technologies, garding computational resources. It provides a smaller key size,
and thus, future research is needed to enable cross-technology reducing storage, and transmission requirements.
communication in IIoT devices. In IIoT systems, it is important to provide the identification to
get the legal access. The secure IIoT infrastructure must ensure
the object identification regarding the integrity of records used
D. Security and Privacy in the naming systems, such as domain name system (DNS). The
Besides the requirements of energy efficiency and real-time DNS can provide name translation services to the Internet user,
performance, security is another critical concern in IIoT. In however, it is in an insecure way which remains vulnerable to
general, IIoT is a resource-constrained communication net- various attacks by deliberated adversary [108]. This challenge
work which largely relies on low-bandwidth channels for stays valid even for a bounded and closed environment. Thus,
without the integrity protection of the identification, the whole managed information. Furthermore, typical IIoT applications
naming system is still insecure. Security extensions to DNS, like, have to deal with constrained resources (both power and
Domain Name Service Security Extension (DNSSEC) increases computing) and must be operative for extended periods of time,
security and is documented in IETF RFC4033 [109]. However, ensuring availability and reliability. We have described the
due to its high computation and communication overhead, it is state-of-the-art research and standardization efforts, and future
challenging to directly apply DNSSEC to the IIoT infrastructure. research directions to address IIoT challenges.
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