Magnetic 2
Magnetic 2
Magnetic 2
❑ The ionization is most intense on the day side of the Earth, where
extra layers develop.
❑ The motions of the charged particles through the Earth’s magnetic Source: Lowrie, W. (2013)
field produce an electrical field, according to Lorentz’s law, which
drives electrical currents in the ionosphere. These currents cause a
magnetic field at the Earth’s surface.
❑If we assume N to be present north pole, P the paleomagnetic north pole, and X the location of the
rock sample.
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝐼 = = 2𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 = 2tanλ
❑After 𝜆𝑝 has bee calculated, as per the sine formula for the spherical triangle
❑A gradiometer measures the difference in the total magnetic field strength between two
identical magnetometers separated by a small distance. In ground instruments, a separation of
0.5m to 1.5 m is common.
❑The magnetic field gradient is expressed in units of nT/m and taken to apply at the mid-point
between the sensors.
❑A major advantage of gradiometers is that because they take differential measurements, no
correction for diurnal variation is necessary as both sensors will be equally affected.
❑As gradiometers measure the vertical magnetic gradient, noise effects from long-wavelength
features are suppressed and anomalies from shallow sources are emphasized. For detailed
high-resolution surveys exploring for mineral targets, magnetic gradiometry is the preferred
Magnetic Surveying
❑Magnetic surveying consists of (1) measuring the terrestrial magnetic field at
predetermined points, (2) correcting the measurements for known changes, and
(3) comparing the resultant value of the field with the expected value at each
measurement station.
❑The expected value of the field at any place is taken to be that of the
International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF).
❑The difference between the observed and expected values is a magnetic
Measurement Methods
❑ The surveying of magnetic anomalies can be carried out on land, at sea and in the
❑In a simple land survey an operator might use a portable magnetometer to measure
the field at the surface of the Earth at selected points that form a grid over a suspected
geological structure. This method is slow but it yields a detailed pattern of the magnetic
field anomaly over the structure, because the measurements are made close to the
source of the anomaly.
❑In practice, the surveying of magnetic anomalies is most efficiently carried out from
an aircraft. The magnetometer must be removed as far as possible from the magnetic
environment of the aircraft.
❑Airborne magnetometers generally have higher sensitivity (0.01 nT) than those used in
ground-based surveying (sensitivity 1 nT). This compensates for the loss in resolution
due to the increased distance between the magnetometer and the source of the
anomaly. Airborne magnetic surveying is an economical way to reconnoitre a large
territory in a short time. It has become a routine part of the initial phases of the
geophysical exploration of an uncharted territory.
❑The magnetic field over the oceans may also be surveyed from the air. However, most
of the marine magnetic record has been obtained by shipborne surveying.
Source: Lowrie, W. (2013)
The Survey Pattern
❑In a systematic regional airborne (or marine) magnetic survey the
measurements are usually made according to a predetermined
pattern. In surveys made with fixed-wing aircraft the survey is usually
flown at a constant flight elevation above sea-level.
❑The survey focuses on the depth to the magnetic basement, which
often underlies less magnetic sedimentary surface rocks at
considerable depth. In regions that are flat or that do not have
dramatic topography, it may be possible to fly a survey at low
altitude, as close as possible to the magnetic sources.
❑The usual method is to survey a region along parallel flight-lines (Fig.
5.45c), which may be spaced anywhere from 100 m to a few
kilometers apart, depending on the flight elevation used, the
intensity of coverage, and the quality of detail desired.
❑The orientation of the flightlines is selected to be more or less
normal to the trend of suspected or known subsurface features.
𝜇0 𝑚 1+3𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃
𝐵𝑡 = 𝐵𝑟2 + 𝐵𝜃2 =
4𝜋 𝑟3
❑The altitude correction is given by the vertical gradient of the magnetic field:
𝜕𝐵𝑡 𝜇0 𝑚 1+3𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃 𝐵𝑡
= −3 = −3
𝜕𝑟 4𝜋 𝑟4 𝑟
❑It clearly depends on the latitude of the measurement site. At the magnetic equator
(𝐵𝑡 ≈30,000 nT) the altitude correction is about 0.015 nT/m; near the magnetic poles (𝐵𝑡 ≈
60,000 nT) it is about 0.030 nT/m. The correction is so small that it is often ignored.
❑In regional studies the corrections for latitude and longitude are inherent in the reference field
that is subtracted. In a survey of a small region, the latitude correction is given by the north–
south horizontal gradient of the magnetic field, obtained by differentiating 𝐵𝑡 with respect to
polar angle, 𝜃.
1 𝜕𝐵𝑡 𝜇0 𝑚 1 𝜕 3𝐵𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
− = 1+ 3𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃 =
𝑟 𝜕𝜃 4𝜋 𝑟 4 𝜕𝜃 𝑟(1+3𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃)
❑The latitude correction is zero at the magnetic pole (00) and magnetic equator (900) and
reaches a maximum value of about 5 nT per kilometer (0.005 nT/m) at intermediate latitudes. It
is insignificant in small-scale surveys.
❑In some land-based surveys of highly magnetic terrains (e.g., over lava flows or mineralized
intrusions), the disturbing effect of the magnetized topography may be serious enough to
require additional topographic corrections.
Magnetic Anomalies
❑The gravity anomaly of a body is caused by the density contrast (∆𝜌) between the body and its
surroundings. The shape of the anomaly is determined by the shape of the body and its depth of burial.
❑Similarly, a magnetic anomaly originates in the magnetization contrast (∆𝑀) between rocks with different
magnetic properties. However, the shape of the anomaly depends not only on the shape and depth of the
source object but also on its orientation to the profile and to the inducing magnetic field, which itself
varies in intensity and direction with geographical location.
❑In oceanic magnetic surveying the magnetization contrast results from differences in the remanent
magnetizations of crustal rocks, for which the Königsberger ratio is much greater than unity (i.e., 𝑄𝑛 ≫ 1).
Commercial geophysical prospecting is carried out largely in continental crustal rocks, for which the
Königsberger ratio is much less than unity (i.e., 𝑄𝑛 ≪ 1) and the magnetization may be assumed to be
induced by the present geomagnetic field.
❑The magnetization contrast is then due to susceptibility contrast in the crustal rocks. If k represents the
susceptibility of an orebody, k0 the susceptibility of the host rocks and F the strength of the inducing
magnetic field, then the magnetization contrast:
∆𝑀 = (𝑘 − 𝑘0 )F
Source: Lillie, R. J. (1999)
Interpretation of Induced
Magnetic Field
❑In the absence of remanent magnetization, the total magnetic field
observed in the vicinity of a magnetic body is the sum of Earth's ambient
field at that location and the field induced within the magnetic body
Curie Depth:
Deeper than the Curie depth,
rocks lose their strong
magnetization as they heat ∆
up beyond the Curie
temperature( ≈ 600°C for
most rocks). Areas with high
geothermal gradient thus
have a shallow bottom to
magnetic basement,
compared to colder areas.