Ecobrick Is Reviewed As The Source of Learning, Creativity, and Environmental Care Attitude

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Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning,

Creativity, and Environmental Care Attitude

Deden Ibnu Aqil1(B) , Askardiva Mirza Gayatri2 , and Ani Interdiana Candra Sari2
1 Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]
2 Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of ecobrick as a
source of learning science, creativity and environmental care for students. Waste
piles in Indonesia are increasing and it is projected that they will continue to
increase as the population increases. Garbage is the residue of human activity
that is no longer used but can be used. By learning how to process waste into
ecobricks, you can reduce plastic waste and reduce environmental pollution. This
research method uses an experimental method, namely by collecting pre-test and
post-test data on creativity and environmental care attitudes before and after using
ecobricks as a learning resource. The results of this study indicate that learning
with ecobricks can increase creativity from the previous 67.45 to 89.64. Ecobricks
can also increase the attitude of caring for the environment from 67.04 to 73.52.

Keywords: Creativity · Ecobrick · Environmental Care Attitude · Source of


1 Introduction
The heaps of garbage in Indonesia increase day by day. The amount of waste accumu-
lated in Indonesia reached 65.200.000 tons per year with a population of 261.115.456
people. Indonesia’s population projection shows that the population keeps on growing
and will definitely increase the heaps of garbage. The increasing number of residents
every year becomes the reason for the increasing amount of wastes with both industrial
and household waste. Waste as one of the factors the occurrence of puddles and floods
in some areas that affect towards the degradation of environment condition.
The national economic survey report in CBS stated that only 1.2% of households
carried out waste recycling activities. In addition to that, the number of households that
burned waste reached 66.8%, whereas burning waste is the source of pollution that can
cause respiratory diseases. The Government through Presidential Decree 97 of 2017
targets the reduction of household waste and waste that is similar to household waste
by 30% and the handling of it by 70%, but there hasn’t been any much change so far.
The heaps of garbage are still piling up and they even increase in height. The volume
of waste will keep on increasing every day if it is not managed properly. According to
Jambeck, et al. [1] if there isn’t any improvement in waste management, the cumulative

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Iswandi et al. (Eds.): ACEC 2022, ASSEHR 768, pp. 79–91, 2023.
80 D. I. Aqil et al.

amount of plastic waste is expected to increase by the biggest order in 2025. This is also
in line with the one stated by Poulain [2] which estimates that microplastic waste will
keep on accumulating into the ocean mass that causes pollution to the ocean.
Garbage is the rest of human activities that are not used anymore, but can be utilized.
The waste utilization, especially plastic, by using creativity can create products that are
made up of wastes such as crafts in the form of bags, wallets, and other accessories. In
fact, the activities in creating those products from plastic do not seem very effective,
because they only use certain plastics, such as making plastic bags that are made up
of coffee wrap so that not every plastic can be utilized. Today, from the information in
online media and articles, it turns out that plastic can be processed into ecobrick, which
is a kind of selecting dry plastic wastes and put into a bottle to be used as a seat, garden
decoration, or house wall. Those wastes are changed into small pieces (bricks) and are
put into a plastic bottle afterwards.
Plastic waste can be used as the student’s source of learning at school. Plastic wastes
are cut down into small pieces and put into the bottle and are made into many kinds
of creativity. According to the research by Afifah & Rafiah [3], learning resources and
media in form of utilizing plastic bottle waste recycling modules are very fun, that is
seen from the participants’ enthusiasm in learning because they are involved directly in
the process of utilizing/recycling plastic bottle wastes.
Yunanto [4] in his book states that many learning sources are still not optimally
utilized by most of the teachers in teaching and learning activities. B. J. Zimmerman
and A. R. Moylan [5]. The right source of learning will make it easier for students to
understand and apply their learning experiences well. According to Abdullah teaching
staff and students at schools/educational institutions have a view that there are still
limits of the availability in learning resources at schools/educational institutions, so that
efforts are needed to add more of both quality and quantity. Zimmerman and A. R.
Moylan, Learning resources must be able to stimulate creativity. Creativity is one of the
characteristics learned in the 4.0 era and one of the skills that is needed in the 21st century
aside from critical thinking, collaboration, and communication that are still being strived
to pursue [6]. According to Sambada [7] the higher the creativity, the higher the ability
to solve problems in physics lessons.)
Munandar [8] in his book states that creativity is the ability to make new combi-
nations, based on the existing data, information, or some other elements. Fauzi, et [9]
Creativity becomes one of the most important things to be implemented because cre-
ativity is considered as a solution to problem-solving, can provide satisfaction and is
able to level up the quality of human life. Based on the activities results of Fauzi, et al.
[9] that people are already able to make seats from eco bricks. Hapsari & Wahyuni [10]
Students are able to make ecobrick and turn them into fascinating decorations in the
school environment. Students can use eco bricks to be used as the school garden fences.
Student’s creativity in utilizing waste can become the solution to reduce environ-
mental pollution that comes from waste. That is supported by Andriastuti’s research [11]
that the potential value of eco bricks in reducing the household’s plastic wastes in West
Pontianak District which is 77% plastic wastes can be processed into eco bricks and 33%
can not be processed into eco bricks. The potential of eco bricks that can be produced in
1 year is 2.481.940 pieces for the 600ml volume bottles or 1.119.177 pieces for 1500 ml
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 81

volume bottles. Nurhafizah, [12] that did the ecobrick research through the green pol-
lution module said that the concept of ecobrick had a huge potential to be applied in
environmental pollution lessons and ecobrick still not very popular among the wider
community. Research [13] that to make students aware that plastic waste is hazardous
for the environment and the right solution is to lock it inside the bottle (ecobricks).
The result activities from Trisniawati, [14] also said that through ecobrick could
have insights about waste sorting and waste management. Suminto [15] Ecobrick is
one of the creative efforts to encounter plastic wastes. The use is not to destroy plastic
wastes, but instead is to extend the age of those plastics and process them into something
useful that can be used for humanity in general. Palupi, [16] also stated that there was
an increase in teachers’ knowledge and skills in utilizing plastic wastes by using eco
bricks as educational props. Teachers can share their experiences that have been obtained
towards their children and parents.
The activities the residents of Tulung village, especially in 2nd hamlet, can practice
making paving block and eco bricks that are made up of plastics. Rahmawati, [17]
conducted a simulation on learning activities, namely in the cycle I the percentage
obtained was included as less category, in the cycle II there was an increasing so that
the percentage that was obtained was included as sufficient category. Then, in cycle
III, there experienced a significant increase included as a good category. Therefore, this
model-based learning model is feasible for students. Raut, [18] said that constructing
plastic bottle based houses will be more effective compared to some other conventional
building materials such as bricks, concrete, and ceramic blocks. The plastic bottles can
be used in some parts of building construction such as walls, roof and etc. Reusing
the plastic bottles as the building materials can have substantial effects on saving the
building embodied energy by using them instead of bricks in walls and reducing the
CO2 emission in manufacturing the cement by reducing the percentage of cement used.
It is counted as one of the foundation’s green project and has caught the attention of
the architecture and construction industry. Generally the bottle houses are bioclimatic
in design, which means that when it is cold outside is warm inside and vice versa [19].
Based on the description presented above, the author designed a learning model of
environmental pollution with eco bricks. Ecobricks are one of the alternative activities
that has a potential to reduce plastic waste at the level of educational institutions and
community, namely learning activities that involve students altogether to reduce plastic
wastes by cutting down unused plastics into small pieces and then put them into bottles
until solid, then make them into creations such as tables, chairs or decorations made
up of plastic bottles that have been filled with plastic. Until now, the application of eco
bricks in schools is still minimal.

2 Methodology of Research
This research is an experimental research using a one group pretest-posttest design on
creativity and caring for the environment before and after using ecobricks as a learning
resource. The population in this study was class VII SMP Nusa Bhakti Depok which con-
sisted of two classes, namely class VII A and class VII B. The steps used in determining
the percentage descriptive results are as follows:
82 D. I. Aqil et al.

1. Calculate the value of each indicator and recap its value.

2. Calculate the frequency for each category of answers that exist in each indicator
3. Calculate the percentage with the formula

NP = × 100%
NP = Value in percent
R = Raw score achieved
SM = Ideal maximum score

3 Results of Research

In this section, the results of the research and wider discussion. The results can be
presented in the form of graphic images and tables that make it easier for readers to
understand. Discussion about ecobricks as a source of learning, creativity and increasing
caring attitudes towards the environment (Figs. 1 and 2).

Table 1. Table of creativity.

No. Indicator Before After

1 observe situation and problem that has 67.16 90.27
never been noticed before
2 Connect ideas with experiences that has 67.65 90.27
ever been gained from variety of
different sources
3 Tend to show some alternatives towards 72.30 92.36
certain subjects
4 Do not directly take things that 64.71 84.72
previously happened and related to
5 Take advantage from his own potential, 56.62 90.10
by exploring emotional power and
mental as well as the hidden
6 Good at appreciating time and utilize it 76.29 90.10
as best as possible to create, make idea,
or to formulate down problems that are
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 83

Table 2. Table environmental care attitude.

No Indicator Before After

1 Burning garbage causes air pollution 58.98 70.83
2 Planting plants, air becomes fresh 79.69 82.29
3 The increase of carbon dioxide in 72.66 77.08
atmosphere causes the temperature rises
on Earth
4 Let the water flow when it is not being 64.06 76.04
used potentially causes water wastage
5 Households need to provide water 33.59 31.25
6 Saving electricity means saving fuel 75.39 89.58

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 1. Graph of creativity percentage



40.00 Aer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 2. Graph of the attitude of caring for the environment

84 D. I. Aqil et al.

4 Discussion

4.1 Ecobricks from Plastic Waste

Ecobrick comes from two words in English, namely “ecology” and “brick”. Ecol-
ogy according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is defined as the science of
the reciprocal relationship between living things and the surrounding natural (condi-
tions) (environment). The brick means brick, stone, red stone/wall, and can also mean a
good person or a wall. These two words when combined into “ecobrick” which means
environmentally friendly brick [20].
Ecobrick is a plastic waste management technique made from used plastic bottles
in which various plastic wastes have been filled to the brim and then compacted until
it becomes hard. After the bottles are full and hard, the bottles can be assembled with
glue and assembled into tables, simple chairs, wall building materials, towers, small
stages, and even has the potential to be assembled into fences and foundations for simple
playgrounds and even Ecobrick History houses [20].
Historically, according to Maier, [21] Yogyakarta became the first city in the world to
formally adopt ecobricking as a government strategy to overcome the problem of plastic
waste in the city. This is as stated by one of the main leaders of the world’s ecobrick
movement, Russel Maier. Russel, who is a regenerative designer from Canada, has been
developing ecobrick technology since 2012 in the Philippines and Bali. His expertise is
in triggering ecobricking into a community, city and country movement. Ecobrick is a
system for managing and reusing plastic waste. The ecobrick program as a sustainable
waste management system, in a simple way and with affordable materials, is expected
to increase public participation in sustainable waste management.
How to Make Ecobricks Making ecobricks is quite easy. But it has to start right. It is
a way of life and long term habit. Simple instructions for making the perfect ecobrick:
a. Collect, separate, clean, prepare all kinds of plastic to make ecobricks [21].
b. Choose the same brand and bottle size. What bottles have the most in your community
c. Having ecobricks in the same bottle makes it easy and beautifies the results.
d. Use a wooden stick to compact.
e. Avoid metal, glass, which will damage the bottle. Avoid paper and food residue that
will decompose.
f. Insert colored soft plastic for the bottom of the bottle to make the ecobrick building
construction colorful.
g. It is very important to ensure the quality of the ecobricks. Weigh your ecobricks.
Reject bad or non-standard ecobricks. Suggested minimal ecobrick weights 1500 ml
= 500 g, 600 ml = 200 g. Minimum weight = bottle volume x 0.33 g/ml is the
minimum density of a good ecobrick.
h. Be sure to put a label on each ecobrick: name, date, weight, serial number.
When plastics are disposed of, burned or landfilled, they poison the earth, air and
water. When we store, sort, and pack in bottles, we can make reusable ecobricks. Together
we can build green areas that will enrich the environment and society. If you already
have enough ecobricks, we are ready to build. Ecobricks can be arranged into mod-
ules/modular, for garden buildings, or also for several building constructions. Ecobrick
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 85

according to Cusido, aims to optimize some of these properties and thereby achieve
important environmental benefits.

4.2 Ecobricks as a Science Learning Resource

Teaching and learning activities for science lessons in schools are carried out as usual,
but as a simulation in learning environmental pollution it is a bit different, it looks
like the science teacher is carrying several empty bottles, some unused plastic, scissors
and wooden sticks. Some students before the lesson began to ask the object that the
teacher brought. The learning begins with providing motivation and counseling on the
importance of protecting and preserving the environment, followed by the provision of
environmental pollution material and this learning is added with a demonstration method
to demonstrate how to make ecobricks from materials brought to class. Students were
also given the task of bringing as many materials as possible to make as exemplified by
the teacher for making ecobricks the next day.
The efforts to manage waste using the ecobricks method can be a solution to reduce
plastic waste by utilizing it into furniture (chairs, tables), planting space, walls, and
even a whole building. Thus, this ecobricks method can reduce plastic pollution in
the surrounding environment. Ecobricks can empower individuals to be responsible for
their own waste owners from the source. The technique is simple and very easy, so it
can spread quickly through social networks (communities, villages, schools, etc.) The
results of the activities of Trisniawati [14], said that through ecobricks, you can have
insight into waste sorting and waste management. Suminto [15] Ecobricks are one of
the creative endeavors for handling plastic waste. Its function is not to destroy plastic
waste, but to extend the life of these plastics and process them into something useful,
which can be used for the benefit of humans in general.
Nurhafizah [12] who conducted research on ecobricks through the green pollution
module explained that the concept of ecobricks has the potential to be applied in envi-
ronmental pollution studies. Making ecobricks is still not very popular among the wider
community. Most of the community. Still treating used plastics as household plastic
waste, polluting the environment, rivers and polluting daily life without self-awareness.
For this reason, more intensive socialization regarding the creative processing of plastic
waste is needed.
Starting from household plastic waste. With a little effort, one important issue will
be unraveled little by little. In science learning in the environmental pollution chapter,
students are invited to make ecobricks from plastic waste according to Adinugraha [22]
Biology learning media can be made from used goods (garbage). Used goods used
are used paper, used cardboard, used iron/zinc objects, used wood and used electronic
equipment. Biology learning media made from used goods such as plastic are suitable
for use as learning media. In fact, some learning media are worthy of being produced for
sale which are made of plastic. Motivation and learning outcomes of students who use
tapioca waste learning resources are higher than students who use conventional learning
resources [23]. Teachers who apply learning in schools based on ecology, especially cou-
pled with entrepreneurial principles, will have a positive impact on students. Aryanto &
Syaodih [24] the application of ecoprenuership-based learning will make you never give
up, be able to turn challenges into opportunities, be independent, responsible, and behave
86 D. I. Aqil et al.

in an ecological manner that can manage, utilize, and maintain the surrounding natural
environment. In this case, students processing plastic waste into Ecobricks will certainly
reduce the scattered plastic waste. so the environment is clean.
Learning with ecobricks can be a source of learning because it is a product. The
resulting product comes from plastic waste that is no longer used. This is supported
by Asnawi & Usman that the topics chosen to function the environment as a learning
resource or medium should meet the following requirements:
1. Must be in accordance with learning objectives
2. Can attract students’ attention
3. Living and developing in the midst of society
4. Can develop children’s skills to interact with the environment
5. Close relationship with the student environment
6. Can develop students’ experience and knowledge
Plastics that are collected and made ecobricks into creative products will encourage
students to collect a lot of discarded plastic because it can be arranged into other products
that are more attractive and in accordance with the learning objectives, namely students
can find out the problem of pollution sources and efforts to overcome them.

4.3 Creativity in Learning Through Ecobricks

Creativity is a novelty in something that is shown to be different from others that have
more functional benefits. According to Munandar [8] creativity is the ability to create
something new, as the ability to provide new ideas that can be applied in problem solving
or as the ability to see new relationships between pre-existing elements. Learning envi-
ronmental pollution through ecobricks can stimulate creativity because with ecobricks
teachers can encourage students to be creative in making products or goods that can be
used more than just plastic and can also reduce environmental pollution that comes from
The implementation of ecobricks activities at SMP Nusa Bhakti has been running
but is still in the stage of collecting filled bottles. Only a few bottles were filled so that
it could not be used into a functional form. While forming a functional item requires
a lot of ecobric bottles. Based on Table 1 of several indicators of creativity obtained,
namely Observing situation and problem that has never been noticed before67.16% and
after 90.27%, Connect ideas with experiences that has ever been gained from variety of
different sources before 67.65% and 90.27%, Tend to show some alternatives towards
certain subjects before 72.30% and after 92.36%, Do not directly take things that previ-
ously happened and related to habits before 64.71% and after 84.72%, Take advantage
from his own potential, by exploring emotional power and mental as well as the hidden
subconscious before 56.62% and after 90.10%, Good at appreciating time and utilize it as
best as possible to create, make idea, or to formulate down problems that are challenging
before 76.29% and after 90.10%.
Ecobricks are one way of handling plastic waste by packing clean and dry plastic
into plastic bottles. Ecobricks processing plastic waste into something useful in the long
term is one of the keys to the success of the plastic waste recycling program. Based
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 87

Fig. 3. The activity of making ecobricks (source by: Aqil, 2022)

Fig. 4. The simple ecobric chair products (source by: Aqil, 2022)

on the results of the activities, that the community has been able to make seats from
ecobricks (Figs. 3 and 4).

4.4 Environmental Care Attitude

Based on Table 2 of several indicators of environmental care attitude obtained, namely

Burning garbage causes air pollutionBefore58.98% After70.83%, Planting plants, air
becomes fresh before 79.69% and after 82.29%, The increase of carbon dioxide in
atmosphere causes the temperature rises on Earthbefore 72.66% and after77.08%, Let
the water flow when it is not being used potentially causes water wastagebefore 64.06%
and after 76.04%, Households need to provide water infiltration before 33.59 and after
31.25 and Saving electricity means saving fuelbefore 75.39% and after 89.58%.
Masruroh [25] Environmental education must be provided by all components of
society. Environmental education needs to be taught from an early age in order to form
awareness of caring for the environment. The results of research by Nurlaili, [26] showed
that learning using waste recycling media resulted in students being more concerned
about the surrounding environment and easier to understand the learning process in class.
If students are involved in processing waste, their participation is quite active. That the
level of student participation in school waste management is quite active. Similarly, the
88 D. I. Aqil et al.

level of knowledge of students in managing waste is in the sufficient category with scores
of 15.6 (SMAN 12) and 14.8 (SMAN 13).
Rahmawati [17], in their research conducted experiments on students by using eco-
bricks through problem-based learning to increase ecoliteracy or awareness of the envi-
ronment. According to Andriastuti [11] the potential value of ecobricks in reducing
household plastican waste in West Pontianak District is 77% of plastic waste can be
processed into ecobricks and 33% cannot be processed into ecobricks. The potential for
ecobricks that can be produced in 1 year is 2,481,940 pieces for bottles with a volume
of 600 ml or 1,119,177 pieces for bottles with a volume of 1500 ml.
Masruroh [25] environmental education is obliged to be provided by all components
of society. Environmental education needs to be taught from an early age in order to form
an awareness of caring for the environment. The research result by Nurlaili [26], showed
that learning using waste recycling media resulted in students being more concerned
towards the surrounding environment and easier to understand the learning process in
class. If students are involved in processing waste, their participation is quite active like
the research done by Widiyaningrum that the level of students participation in school
waste management is quite active. Similarly, the students’ knowledge level in managing
waste is in sufficient category with scores of 15.6 (SMAN 12) and 14.8 (SMAN 13))
Rahmawati [17], in their research that conducted experiments on students by using
eco bricks through problem-based learning can increase ecoliteracy or awareness of
the environment. According to Andriastuti [11] The potential value of eco bricks in
reducing households plastic wastes in West Pontianak District is 77% of plastic waste
can be processed into eco bricks and 33% cannot be processed into ecobricks. The
potential for eco bricks that can be produced in 1 year is 2.481.940 pieces for 600ml
volume bottles or 1.119.177 pieces for 1500ml volume bottles.
The results of the wastes weight from each waste composition are then converted
to the waste economic value that is determined by Rosella Waste Bank, Pontianak City
and the organic wastes that are processed into compost are based on the value of the
compost price on Sei Landak Timur Perumnas 4 Street, Pontianak city. The total heaps
of residential waste in Pontianak City is 126895.82 kg/day or 126.89 tons/day. The
composition of Pontianak City residential waste which has the highest percentage of
waste is organic waste with the other types of organic waste in a percentage of 63.44%
and the highest inorganic waste with the other types of inorganic waste in a percentage of
20.43%. Percentage of organic waste with cardboard type is 1.21%, 0.54% newspaper,
0.81% white paper, and 3.12% leather paper. The percentage of inorganic waste with
bottled types is 3.37%, 1.41% plastic cups, 1.11% cans, 2.25% bottles and colored
plastics. The percentage of B3 is 2.31%. The potential economic value of Pontianak
City residential waste is IDR 163.632.081/day. The potential economic value of waste
in 2016 is IDR 59.725.709.457/year.
Jaya [27] did a research on the content of ecobrick innovation broadcasted on televi-
sion, which stated that the program was able to increase the environmental care attitude
up to 12 times from the beginning, because ecobrick innovation has an incentive value
to motivate people in caring towards the environment.Concluded that eco bricks are the
best way to utilize plastic wastes so that they will not harm biota and humans. Jaya
[27] stated that eco bricks manufacture has got positive influence towards the students’
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 89

environmental care level in STIE-TN Dumai. That is reinforced by Khoirunnisa, et al.

[35] research results at Pena Prima TPA Semarang, showing that environmental care
characters can be grown in children aged 3–4 years through ecobrick. The environmen-
tal care characters, which are disposing garbage in its place, separating organic and
inorganic wastes, using sufficient water, washing hands with soap, and washing hands
after playing.

5 Conclusions

Based on this research shows that learning with ecobricks can increase creativity from
previously 67.45 to 89.64. Ecobricks can also increase the attitude of caring for the
environment from 67.04 to 73.52.

Acknowledgements. Thank you to all postgraduate lecturers at the Jakarta State University and
the support from the Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta University for all forms of moral and material
support so that I can complete this article.

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Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity 91

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